姓名 | 朴学峰 | 性别 | 朴学峰 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 计算机科学与技术学院(威海) |
学位 | 朴学峰 | 学历 | 朴学峰 |
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基本信息 本科教学 科学研究 招生信息 新建主栏目 教育经历 名称 1994.09 - 1998.07,延边大学 法学院,法学学士 2000.03 - 2002.02,韩国湖西大学 计算机科学与技术学院,工学学士 2002.03 - 2004.02,韩国湖西大学 计算机科学与技术学院,工学硕士 2004.03 - 2011.02,韩国首尔大学 计算机科学与技术学院,工学博士 工作经历 名称 1998.09 - 2000.02,吉林省 延边朝鲜族自治州人民检察院 刑侦二处,书记员 2011.03 - 2012.02,韩国国立首尔大学 计算机研究所,客座研究员 2011.04 - 2022.12,哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 计算机科学与技术学院,讲师 2023.01 - 至今,哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 计算机科学与技术学院,特聘副教授 操作系统 名称 云计算概论 名称 研究领域 名称 1. 实时系统 实时系统是指在给定的截止时间内保证任务完成的系统。主要应用于武器装备、工业控制、医疗设备等领域。在该方向的研究工作主要关注如何通过对任务的有效调度和资源的合理分配,保证任务完成的同时,提高系统性能和可靠性的问题。 2. 区块链技术 在区块链方向的研究工作主要关注,面向智能电网领域,如何通过改进和优化区块链的智能合约、共识机制、背书策略等方面,服务于我国电网的创新发展。 3. AI 实时系统 + AI,区块链 + AI 期刊论文 名称 1. Xuefeng Piao, Hao Ding, Huihui Song, Meng Liu, Song Gao, "A Blockchian-Enabled Trading Framework for Distributed Phgotovoltaic Power Using Federated Learning," International Journal of Energy Research, Jan. 2024. 2. Xuefeng Piao, Hao Ding, Huihui Song, "Performance Analysis of Endorsement in Hyperledger Fabric Concerning Endorsment Policies," Electronics, vol.12, no.20, Oct. 2023. 3. 刘林跟,宋蕙慧,朴学峰,王仕韬,曲延滨,"基于区块链的分布式经济调度数据保护研究," 电力信息与通信技术,20(06):44-52, 2022. 4. Quanling Meng, Heyan Zhu, Weigang Zhang, Xuefeng Piao, Aijie Zhang, "Action Recognition Using Form and Motion Modalities," ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing. Communications, and Applications, vol.16, no. pp.1-16. 2020. SCI 5. Junqi Geng, Xuefeng Piao, Yanbin Qu, Huihui Song, Kangxing Zheng, "Method for Finding the Important Nodes of an Electrical Power System based on Weighted‐SALSA Algorithm," IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol.13, no.21, pp.4933-4941, 2019. SCI 6. Huijin Jeong, Xuefeng Piao, Junho Choi, Juhyun Shin, Pankoo Kim, "Efficient Integration Method of Large-Scale Heterogeneous Security Logs using NoSQL in Cloud Computing Environment," Journal of Internet Technology, vol.17, no.2, pp.267-275, 2016. SCI 7. Xuefeng Piao, Moonju Park, "On-line Dynamic Voltage Scaling for EDZL Scheduling on Symmetric Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems," International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, vol.10, no.7, pp.171-182, July. 2015. EI 8. Moonju Park, Xuefeng Piao, "Enhanced Utilization Bound of Rate-Monotonic Scheduling in Controller Area Networks,"Information Processing Letters, vol.114, no.11, pp.603-606, Oct.2014. SCI 9. Sangchul Han, Minkyu Park, Xuefeng Piao, Moonju Park, "A Dual Speed Scheme for Dynamic Voltage Scaling on Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems," The Journal of Supercomputing, vol.71, no.2, pp.574-590, Oct.2014. SCI 10. Dongjin Choi, Jeongin Kim, Xuefeng Piao, Pankoo Kim, "Text Analysis for Monitoring Personal Information Leakage on Twitter," Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol.19, no.16, pp.2472-2485, 2013. SCI 11. Xuefeng Piao, Junheng Huang, "The Cost-aware Dynamic Voltage Scaling Approach for Networked Control Systems," Journal of Computational Information Systems, vol.8, no.7, pp.3059-3069, 2012. EI 12. Xuefeng Piao, Heeheon Kim, Yookun Cho, Sangchul Han, Moonju Park, Minkyu Park, "Low-Power Algorithms for EDZL scheduling on Multicore Real-Time Systems," INFORMATION-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, in publication, 2011, vol.14 no.1, pp1613-1628. SCI 13. Heeheon Kim, Xuefeng Piao, Sangchul Han, Moonju Park, Minkyu Park, Seongje Cho, Yookun Cho, "Improving Responsiveness of Soft Aperodic Tasks using Proportional Slack Time," Computers & Electrical Engineering, vol 36, no 5, 2010. SCI 14. Boncheol Gu, Xuefeng Piao, Junyoung Heo, Gwangil Jeon, Yookun Cho, "Power-Management for Software Radio Systems," Journal of the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, vol.16 no.11, pp.1051-1055, 2009. 15. Heeheon Kim, Xuefeng Piao,Sangchul Han, Moonju Park, Minkyu Park, Seongje Cho, Yookun Cho, "Efficient Scheduling of Soft Aperodic Tasks using Surplus Slack Time," Journal of the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, vol.36 no.1, pp.9-20, 2009. SCI 16. Sangchul Han, Heeheon Kim, Xuefeng Piao, Minkyu Park, Seongje Cho, Yookun Cho, "Finish Time Predictability of Earliest Deadline Zero Laxity Algorithm for Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol. E89-D no. 12 pp.2981-2984, Dec. 2006. SCI 17. Xuefeng Piao, Samkwon Oh, "An XML-based Message Definition System for Massively Multi-player Online Games," Journal of Korea Information Processing Society, vol.11-D no.04 pp.0901-0906, Aug. 2004. 会议论文 名称 1. Jingmin Yao, Fanchao Meng, Xuefeng Piao, Xuequan Zhou, "Research on Cascading Failure of Complex Networks Based on Edge Weight and Capacity Allocation Strategy,Proceeding of Internatinoal Conference on Service Science, May.2023." 2. Xuefeng Piao, Mingxin Li, Fanchao Meng, Huihui Song, "Latency Analysis for Raft Consensus on Hyperledger Fabric," Blockchian and Trustworthy Systems, vol.1679, pp.165-167, Aug. 2022. 3. Zi Ye, Xuefeng Piao, Fanchao Meng, Bo Cao, Dianhui Chu, "A Non-standardized Chinese Express Delivery Address Identification Model Based on Enhanced Representation," Proceeding of Internatinoal Conference on Service Science, May.2022. 4. Inkyu Lim, Xuefeng Piao, Yue Qin, Zhenzhou Ji, "Research on Traffic accident classification oriented to emergency call system," Proceeding of International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Robotics, May.2018. 5. Yang Liu, Yukun Zeng, Xuefeng Piao, "High-Responsive Scheduling with MapReduce Performance Prediction on Hadoop YARN," IEEE International Conference on Embedded & Real-time Computing Systems & Applications, Aug.2016. 6. Chang Choi, Xuefeng Piao, Junho Choi, Mungyu Kim, Pankoo Kim, "Malicious Behavior Pattern Mining using Control Flow Graph," Proceeding of the Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems. Oct.2015. 7. Xuefeng Piao, Yang Liu, "A Survey on Vendor Lock-In Problem in PaaS Cloud Computing," International Conference on Smart Media Applications, Oct.2013. 8. Xuefeng Piao, Zhang Qingqing, "Energy-Aware UMOA-MAC Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks," International Conference on Smart Media Applications, Oct.2013. 9. Xuefeng Piao, Yi Liu, "An Energy-Efficient Flat Routing Protocol in a Cluster for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks," International Conference on Smart Media Applications, Oct.2013. 10. Xuefeng Piao, Heeheon Kim, Yookun Cho, Sangchul Han, Minkyu Park, Moonju Park, Seongje Cho, "Power-Aware EDZL Scheduling Upon Identical Multiprocessor Platforms," In Proceeding of Reliable and Autonomous Computational Science, pp61-80, Oct.2010. 11. Boncheol Gu, Xuefeng Piao, Junyoung Heo, Gwangil Jeon, Yookun Cho, "Power-Management for Software Radio Systems," In Proceeding of Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, vol.37 no.1(A), pp.281-282, 2010. 12. Xuefeng Piao, Heeheon Kim, Yookun Cho, Moonju Park, Sangchul Han, Minkyu Park, Seongje Cho, "Energy Consumption Optimization of Real-Time Embedded Systems," In Proceeding of the 2009 International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems, pp.281-287, 2009. 13. Xuefeng Piao, Sangchul Han, Heeheon Kim, Minkyu Park, Yookun Cho, Seongje Cho, "Mutually Exclusive Resource Access in Pre-Scheduling," In Proceeding of Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, vol.33 no.02 pp.0162-0166, Oct.2006. 14. Xuefeng Piao, Sangchul Han, Heeheon Kim, Minkyu Park, Yookun Cho, Seongje Cho, "Predictability of Earliest Deadline Zero Laxity Algorithm for Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems," In Proceeding of the 2006 International Symposium on Object/component/ service-oriented Real-time distributed Computing, pp.359-364, 2006. 15. Geunyoung Park, Boncheol Gu, Junyoung Heo, Sangho Yi, Jungkyu Han, Jaemin Park, Hong Min, Xuefeng Piao, Yookun Cho, Chang-Won Park, Ha Joong Chung, Bongkyu Lee, Sangjun Lee. "Adaptive Load Balancing Mechanism for Server Cluster," The Proceeding of the 2006 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Application, pp.549-557, 2006. 16. Junyoung Heo, Xuefeng Piao, Sangho Yi, Geunyoung Park, Minkyu Park, Jiman Hong, Yookun Cho. "Impact on the Writing Granularity for Incremental Checkpointing," In Proceeding of International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, pp.1154-1157, 2005. 17. Xuefeng Piao, Jiwon Shin, Samkwon Oh, "The XML-based Client-Server Message Definition System for Massively Multi-player Online Games," In Proceeding of Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, vol.30 no.22 pp.0322-0324, Oct.2003. 18. Jinseong Choi, Xuefeng Piao, Samkwon Oh, "A Comparative Analysis of Socket I/O Models for Massively Multi-player Online Network Game Server," In Proceeding of Korea Information Processing Society, vol.09 no. 02, Oct.2002. 招生信息 名称 O 招收硕士研究生 对实时系统、面向智能电网的区块链技术、AI 研究感兴趣的学生,可以发邮件咨询。 Enrollment for Master's Degree: - Research Area: Real-Time Systems, Blockchain Technology for Smart Grid, AI - Email: hbpark@hit.edu.cn, hbpark76@126.com O 招收本科生 对互联网开发、嵌入式系统开发、实时系统、区块链技术研究方向感兴趣的学生,可以发邮件咨询。