

姓名 褚选选 性别 褚选选
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 海洋工程学院(威海)
学位 褚选选 学历 褚选选
职称 副教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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个人简介 教育教学 科学研究 论文专著 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 褚选选 博士,副教授,硕士生导师 王复明院士团队成员,主要从事非饱和土力学、路基工程、交通岩土工程、海洋岩土工程、桩土相互作用等。已累计发表SCI检索论文33篇(其中,中科院一区&二区顶刊12篇),H-index为9 (ResearchGate)。 教育经历 名称 2010.09-2014.06 工学学士 郑州大学 2014.09-2017.06 工学硕士 郑州大学 2017.09-2023.03 工学博士 诺丁汉大学 (University of Nottingham) 工作经历 名称 2023年-至今 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)海洋工程学院 副教授 学术兼职 名称 中国土木工程学会,会员; 《建筑科学与工程学报》,青年编委; 《长安大学学报(自然科学版)》,青年编委。 荣誉/奖励 名称 2011.07 第二届全国水利创新设计大赛二等奖 2013.05 全国大学生英语竞赛三等奖 2013.11 第五届全国大学生数学竞赛(非数学类)预赛一等奖 2017.10-2020.09 国家留学基金委(CSC)与诺丁汉大学联合奖学金(全额奖学金) 科研项目 名称 2024-2026 山东省科技人才项目 负责 进行中 2024-2026 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)青年教师发展基金 负责 进行中 2023-2026 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)“双一流”学科建设基金项目 参与 进行中 专利 名称 发明专利 [1] 一种海上风力发电机组桩基冲刷与腐蚀的监测系统及方法, CN202311821457.4, 排序1/4. 实用新型专利 [1] 车压式涵洞排水装置, ZL201220154681.3, 排序2/3. 软件著作权 [1] Word Optimization文字处理软件, 2016SR208394, 排序1/1. 招生信息 名称 指导本科生学习:科创立项、学科竞赛、毕业设计等。 指导硕士/博士研究生学习:每年招收硕士研究生1~2名。 欢迎对交通岩土工程、海洋岩土工程感兴趣的同学与我联系。国内、国际合作广泛,可提供丰富的学习交流平台与机会。 讲授课程 名称 研究生课程 结构动力学A,48学时。 代表性论文著作(*通讯作者) 名称 1. Chu, X.*, Dawson, A., Thom, N., Chen, L. & Qin, L., 2024. Permanent deformation characteristics of unsaturated subgrade soils under cyclic loading. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 20, e03099. 2. Pei, L., Guo, C., Liu, G., Qin, L., Chu, X., Yan, W., Wu, D. & Wang, G., 2024. Effects of temperature on the dynamic response of airfield runway subgrade in cold regions. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2024. 3. Wang, H., Guo, C., Wang, S., Chu, X., Zhang, J., Wang, C., Yue, L. & Wang, F., 2024. Insights into the thermal insulation capability of a new polyurethane polymer subgrade material: An in-situ field test on the Qinghai–Tibet highway. Transportation Geotechnics 46, 101240. 4. Qin, L., Wang, H., Zhao, C., Chu, X., Shi, F., Guo, C., & Wang, F., 2023. Study on the interface damage of CRTS II track slab under high-and low-temperature cycles based on acoustic emission. Construction and Building Materials, 400, 132742. 5. Ma, X., Wang, F., Guo, C., Zhang, J., Chu, X. & Yang, M., 2023. Dynamic centrifuge test of shield tunnels with non-water reacting two-component polymer buffer layer. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 139, 105116. 6. Lin, Z., Guo., C, Wang, F., Kravchenko, E. & Chu, X., 2023. Atypical brittle failure and compression characteristics of polymer based on acoustic emission. Construction and Building Materials, 392, 131749. 7. Guo, C., Pei, L., Guan, H., Chu, X., Wang, H., Shi, H., An, Z. & Qin, L., 2023. Experimental study on interfacial damage mechanisms of polymer-concrete composite structure. Journal of Building Engineering, 75(3), 106968. 8. Chu, X.*, Thom, N., Dawson, A., Qin, L. & Chen, H., 2023. Drainage effects on shear behaviour and stiffness of subgrade soils and pavement drainage implications. Construction and Building Materials, 389, 131697. 9. Chu, X.*, Dawson, A., Zhang, J., Thom, N., Guo, C. & Qin, L., 2023. Sensitivity analysis of pavement response to subgrade moisture variations. Journal of Building Engineering, 69, 106285. 10. Chen, H., Shen, Z., Wang, L., Tian, Y. & Chu, X., 2023, Undrained capacity of skirted circular foundations under fully three-dimensional loading. Computers and Geotechnics, 156, 105261. 11. Chu, X.*, Campos-Guereta, I., Dawson, A. & Thom, N., 2023. Sustainable pavement drainage systems: subgrade moisture, subsurface drainage methods and drainage effectiveness. Construction and Building Materials, 364, 129950. 12. Qin, L., Guo, C., Sun, W., Zhang, M., Chu, X. & Wang, F., 2022. Experimental study on interfacial damage characteristics of CRTS II slab track and CA Mortar with AE and DIC techniques. Engineering Failure Analysis, 142, 106777. 13. Qin, L., Guo, C., Sun, W., Chu, X., Guan, H. & Wang, F., 2022. Identification of damage mechanisms of polymer-concrete in direct shear tests by acoustic emission. Construction and Building Materials, 351, 128813. 14. Zhang, J., Chu, X.*, Wei, C & Ju, W., 2022. Review on the application of low-field nuclear magnetic resonance technology in coalbed methane production simulation. ACS Omega, 7(30), 26298–26307. 15. Sun, B., Guo, C., Chen, Y., Chu, X.* & Ma, X., 2022. Study on spraying construction method of polymer damping layer in the tunnel. Materials, 15(12), 4138. 16. Guo, C., Shi, K. & Chu, X.*, 2022. Cross-correlation analysis of multiple fibre optic hydrophones for water pipeline leakage detection. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 19, 197-208. 17. Chu, X.*, Dawson, A. & Thom, N., 2021. Prediction of resilient modulus with consistency index for fine-grained soils. Transportation Geotechnics, 31, 100650. 18. Chu, X.*, 2020. A review on the resilient response of unsaturated subgrade soils. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2020, Article ID 7367484. 19. Guo, C., Shi, K. & Chu, X.*, 2019. Experimental study on leakage monitoring of pressurized water Pipeline Based on Fiber Optic Hydrophone. Water Supply, 19(8), 2347-2358. 20. Guo, C., Chu, X.* & Wang, F., 2018. The feasibility of non-water reaction polymer grouting technology application in seepage prevention for tailings reservoirs. Water Supply, 18(1), 203-213.
