

姓名 董为 性别 董为
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 机电工程学院
学位 董为 学历 董为
职称 教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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基本信息 科学研究 教育教学 论文发表 English Version 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 董为,男,工学博士,长聘教授,博士生导师,卓越青年科学基金获得者(2023年)。 现任职于哈尔滨工业大学机器人研究所,机器人技术与系统全国重点实验室。 研究方向:机器人技术与智能机电系统。 招收博士/硕士研究生(长期有效) 名称 欢迎优秀免试推荐生源加入到课题组,请将个人简历发送至我的邮箱dongwei@hit.edu.cn。 工作与教育经历 名称 2017.12- 哈尔滨工业大学 教授 2015.05- 哈尔滨工业大学 博士生导师 2011.04- 哈尔滨工业大学 硕士生导师 2011-2017 哈尔滨工业大学 副教授 2009-2010 法国CNRS/FEMTO-ST研究所 博士后 2007-2009 美国康涅狄格大学 机械工程系 博士后 2003-2007 哈尔滨工业大学 博士学位 2001-2003 哈尔滨工业大学 硕士学位 1997-2001 哈尔滨工业大学 学士学位 消息更新 名称 2021年7月,我实验室硕士研究生林玮琪,获金牌牌优秀毕业生称号(<5%)。 2020年7月,董为教授,受聘《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》青年编委。 2020年2月,董为教授,受聘国际期刊《IET Cyber-Systems and Robotics》副编辑。 2019年12月,董为教授,受聘国际期刊《Precision Engineering》(影响因子2.685)副编辑。 2019年10月,祝贺我实验室博士生陈方鑫获得国家奖学金。 2019年7月,董为教授,受聘为中国工程院院刊《信息与电子工程前沿-Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》(影响因子1.033)通讯专家,聘期至2022年。 2019年7月,我实验室硕士研究生黄海,获得银牌优秀毕业生称号(<10%)。 2017年8月,我实验室博士研究生张博、陈方鑫撰写论文获得IEEE/3M-Nano2017最佳应用论文奖。 2017年7月,我实验室硕士研究生邱耀,获得金牌优秀毕业生称号(<5%)。 2016年12月,董为副教授,被推选为IEEE Senior Member,感谢推荐人香港中文大学刘云辉教授、法国巴黎第六大学Veronique Perdereau教授、加拿大约克大学张丹教授。 2016年12月,祝贺我实验室博士生杨淼获得国家奖学金。 2016年8月,我实验室硕士研究生张帆获得IEEE/ICMA2016最佳学生论文奖。 2016年7月,我实验室硕士研究生林俊贤获得IEEE/3M-Nano2016最佳学生论文提名奖。 2016年7月,我实验室硕士研究生林俊贤、张帆,获得银牌优秀毕业生称号(<10%)。 2015年11月,祝贺我实验室硕士生林俊贤获得国家奖学金。 2015年9月,我实验室博士生高永卓、硕士生张帆将赴德国汉堡,参加IEEE/IROS2015国际会议。 2014年12月,我实验室硕士生李海洋作为我校唯一获奖人,获得2014年GE基金会科技创新大赛二等奖(奖项设置为一等奖1人、二等奖3人、三等奖15人)。 2014年3月,我实验室博士生苏衍宇将赴香港,参加IEEE/ICRA2014国际会议。 2013年11月,我实验室博士生苏衍宇、杨文龙将赴日本东京,参加IEEE/IROS2013国际会议。 2013年7月,我实验室硕士研究生史若冲,获得金牌优秀毕业生称号(<5%),在硕士研究生学习阶段发表4篇学术论文,其中3篇SCI期刊论文。 荣誉称号 名称 2010年,哈尔滨工业大学海外引进人才计划 Large Visitor Globe 研究领域 名称 主要研究方向: 1、智能有人/无人系统:地面移动机器人、飞行机器人等 2、医疗机器人:外科手术机器人、柔性针穿刺手术机器人等 3、穿戴式机电系统:穿戴式外骨骼助力系统、穿戴式康复机电系统等 4、并联机器人技术与应用:精密并联机器人、并联运动模拟机构、并联机器人应用等 5、机器人学基础:机器人设计与优化、机器人振动控制、机器人运动规划等 科研项目 名称 在研项目(负责人) 6、国家部委项目 | ×××××技术(2023年-) 5、××××重大方向 | 短距××××技术(2022年-) 4、国家自然科学基金 | 基于轻量化驱动的外骨骼机器人设计与控制方法研究(2022年-) 3、国家部委项目 | ××××运动意图识别与协调控制技术(2021年-) 2、国家部委项目 | ××××××系统(2021年-) 1、国际合作项目 | 基于纳米芯片与手持式穿刺机器人的早期前列腺癌诊断技术研究(2020年-) 完成项目(负责人) 17、国家部委项目 | 基于仿生肌腱的×××××研究 16、智能机器人专项 | 具有器械-组织操控功能的穿刺机器人研制 15、04专项 | 贮箱零部件焊接预处理柔性磨削系统研究 14、横向课题 | ××××拼接调整机构 13、国家部委项目 | ××××××××系统关键技术 12、国家部委项目 | ××××机动技术 11、黑龙江省自然科学基金 | 大行程柔顺并联机构综合与控制方法研究 10、国家自然科学基金 | 大行程柔顺并联机构的系统创成与控制方法研究 9、国家高技术研究发展计划 | 易爆危险品自动装填与检测的机器人工艺装备及数字化生产线 8、国家自然科学基金 | 面向机器人辅助穿刺手术的新型柔性针驱动/传感系统创成与针-组织复合操控方法研究 7、教育部归国留学人员启动基金 | 机器人辅助靶向穿刺手术系统的研究 6、哈尔滨工业大学引进人才科研启动项目 | 柔性针靶向穿刺的建模与实验研究 5、国家重点实验室自主课题 | 软体机器人的制备创成与行为控制关键技术研究 4、国家重点实验室自主课题 | 斜角柔性针/人体组织界面的摩擦作用机理及进针路径规划研究 3、横向课题 | 高精度空间指向平台 2、哈尔滨工业大学科研创新基金 | 基于功能材料的大行程柔顺机器人及控制方法研究 1、哈尔滨工业大学颠覆性技术培育项目 | 面向航天应用的超大行程精密柔性关节 完成项目(主要参与人) 4、技术推广项目 | 装配机器人在××××××过程的推广应用 3、环境保护公益性行业科研专项 | 失控放射源探测与处置智能机器人技术研究 2、国家自然科学基金 | 复杂地面物理参数在线辨识及移动机器人机动性自监督机制研究 1、横向课题 | 6自由度高精度空间平台 奖项成果 奖项名称 XXXXXX技术 获奖时间 2021年 完成人 董为(第三完成人) 所获奖项 国防科技进步二等奖 简单介绍 奖项名称 柔性机器人设计与控制关键技术研究 获奖时间 2016年 完成人 董为(第一完成人) 所获奖项 黑龙江省科学技术奖二等奖(自然类) 简单介绍 奖项名称 移动操作机器人系统关键技术与应用 获奖时间 2016年 完成人 董为(第五完成人) 所获奖项 黑龙江省科学技术奖一等奖(发明类) 简单介绍 奖项名称 数字化机器人辅助骨科手术系统 获奖时间 2012年 完成人 董为(第六完成人) 所获奖项 黑龙江省科学技术奖二等奖(发明类) 简单介绍 讲授课程 名称 《机器人技术》 简介:研究生学位课,共32学时(承担20学时),每年选课人数364人(2021年度)。 《并联机器人技术(双语)》 简介:本科生选修课,共16学时,2018年开课。 招生信息 名称 博士招生: 机械电子工程、机械工程、精密仪器工程、电气工程、飞行器控制等相关专业。 硕士招生:机械电子工程、机械工程、精密仪器工程、电气工程等相关专业。 本科毕业设计: 欢迎保送生、实验学院毕业生进入实验室开展毕业设计,专业同“硕士招生”。 本科生创新设计: 欢迎本科生进入实验室开展创新设计等活动,专业同“硕士招生”。 研究成员(博士研究生) 名称 张宇昕 | 医疗机器人,2023级 迟余田 | 有人系统,2023级 范坤鹏 | 无人系统,2023级 孟思源 | 微纳系统,2022级(共同导师:吴冬梅教授) 丛沫岳 | 能量收集,2022级(共同导师:王伟东教授) 王新蕊 | 穿戴式系统,2022级 程德新 | 医疗机器人,2022级 柏昆朋 | 飞行机器人,2022级 林玮琪 | 外骨骼系统,2022级 张前军 | 多自由度精密定位系统,2021级 陈 磊 | 飞行机器人系统,2021级(共同导师:吴冬梅教授) 刘 政 | 手术机器人系统,2021级 吴佩璋 | 特种机器人的智能装配,2020级(共同导师:孙立宁教授) 降文鹤 | 手持式穿刺手术系统,2020级(共同导师:吴冬梅教授) 刘华健 | 大型智能地面移动系统,2020级 石永军 | 穿戴式机电系统,2019级 王 超 | 智能地面移动系统,2019级 王嘉琪 | 穿戴式机电系统,2018级,中兴公司 高 特 | 音圈电机宏微双重驱动系统,2017级,欧畅公司 蔡静楠 | 多模式压电精密定位系统,2017级,博士后 李明洋 | 工业机器人特种应用,2016级(共同导师:杜志江教授),航天5院 陈方鑫 | 镜面精密位姿调整系统,2020年毕业,季华实验室 陈朝峰 | 穿戴式外骨骼机器人系统,2020年毕业(共同导师:杜志江教授),航天2院 杨 淼 | 大行程柔顺并联机构系统创成,2018年毕业(共同导师:杜志江教授),东北大学 高永卓 | 工业机器人技术,2019年毕业(共同导师:杜志江教授),哈尔滨工业大学 张 博 | 斜角柔性针穿刺手术系统,2017年毕业(共同导师:杜志江教授),航天5院 龙 亿 | 穿戴式外骨骼机器人系统,2016年毕业(共同导师:杜志江教授),东北大学 杨文龙 | 单孔微创手术机器人系统,2016年毕业(共同导师:杜志江教授),康多机器人 苏衍宇 | 机器人系统的智能控制,2015年毕业(共同导师:杜志江教授),博众机器人 马如奇 | 微创手术机器人系统,2013年毕业(共同导师:杜志江教授),航天5院 肖永强 | 工业机器人关键技术,2012年毕业(共同导师:杜志江教授),埃夫特机器人 研究成员(硕士研究生) 名称 硕士研究生 2023级 赵祥贤 | 哈尔滨工业大学统招 王宇昂 | 天津大学统招 颜宏宇 | 哈尔滨工业大学保送 2022级 吕轶群 | 哈尔滨工业大学保送,飞行机器人 孙家瑞 | 吉林大学保送,四足机器人 毛首人 | 东北林业大学保送,移动机器人 2021级 范坤鹏 | 哈尔滨工业大学保送,移动机器人 2020级 于新凯 | 哈尔滨工业大学保送,移动机器人 丁家俊 | 哈尔滨工业大学保送,穿刺手术机器人 李仁杰 | 哈尔滨工业大学保送,移动机器人 2019级 张 震 | 哈尔滨工业大学保送,移动机器人 柏昆鹏 | 哈尔滨工业大学保送,工业机器人 林玮琪 | 哈尔滨工业大学保送,外骨骼机器人系统 张前军 | 哈尔滨工业大学保送, 精密定位系统 刘小民 | 哈尔滨工程大学保送,穿刺手术机器人 2018级 周展锋 | 哈尔滨工业大学保送,穿刺手术机器人 张 许 | 哈尔滨工程大学保送,穿刺手术机器人 2017级 黄 海 | 哈尔滨工业大学保送,刚性外骨骼系统 孙 鑫 | 哈尔滨工业大学保送,柔性外骨骼系统 2016级 李政阳 | 哈尔滨工业大学保送,外骨骼机器人系统 韩 鹰 | 大连理工大学保送,工业机器人应用研究 陈 依 | 哈尔滨工业大学保送,共同导师,吴冬梅教授,弹性机器人系统研究 2015级 苗 雨 | 哈尔滨工业大学保送,软体机器人 陈方鑫 | 吉林大学统招,精密定位机器人系统 丛 林 | 哈尔滨工业大学统招,共同导师,吴冬梅教授,外骨骼机器人 2014级 李海洋 | 哈尔滨工业大学实验学院保送,微型压电电机创新设计 林俊贤 | 浙江大学保送,大行程柔性铰链设计与优化 张志明 | 成都电子科大统招,共同导师,杜志江教授,外骨骼机器人 2013级 王永锋 | 哈尔滨工业大学实验学院保送,骨科手术机器人系统 衣振洲 | 大连理工大学保送,柔性针穿刺手术机器人系统 权艳娜 | 哈尔滨工业大学威海分校保送,共同导师,杜志江教授,脚限位器设计 2012级 张际超 | 哈尔滨工业大学威海分校保送,柔性针穿刺手术机器人系统 孙熠旋 | 哈尔滨工业大学威海分校保送,共同导师:杜志江教授,康复机器人 高永卓 | 哈尔滨工业大学保送,共同导师:杜志江教授,工业机器人技术 2011级 史若冲 | 大连理工大学保送,共同导师:杜志江教授,高精度并联机器人系统 王力鋆 | 哈尔滨工业大学保送,共同导师:杜志江教授,柔性针穿刺手术机器人 2010级 刘子文 | 哈尔滨工业大学保送,共同导师:杜志江教授,主从控制技术 韩大为 | 哈尔滨工业大学威海分校统招,共同导师:杜志江教授,微创手术系统 韩慧敏 | 河南大学统招,共同导师:杜志江教授,柔性针穿刺手术机器人 2009级 陈晓光 | 大连理工大学保送,共同导师:杜志江教授,并联机器人技术 国际期刊论文 名称 90. Cong Moyue, Gao Yongzhuo, Wang Weidong, He Long, Mao Xiwang, Long Yi, Dong Wei, “A broadband hybrid energy harvester with displacement amplification decoupling structure for ultra-low vibration energy harvesting”, Energy, Accepted (SCI, IF=9.0) 89. Jiang Wenhe, Gao Yongzhuo, Wen Mingwei, Ye Zhichao, Liang Huageng, Wu Dongmei, Dong Wei, “Preliminary evaluation for ultrasound-guided targeted prostate biopsy using a portable surgical robot: Ex vivo results”, International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, Accepted (SCI, IF=2.5) 88. Cong Moyue, Gao Yongzhuo, Wang Weidong, He Long, Mao Xiwang, Long Yi, Dong Wei, “Asymmetry stagger array structure ultra-wideband vibration harvester integrating magnetically coupled nonlinear effects”, Applied Energy, Accepted (SCI, IF=11.2) 87. Cai Jingnan, Dong Wei, Gao Yongzhuo, Nagamune Ryozo, “Control strategy of a piezoelectric stage based on the parameter-dependent Bouce-Wen model under condition variations”, Precision Engineering, Accepted (SCI, IF=3.6) 86. Liu Huajian, Dong Wei, Zhang Zhen, Wang Chao, Li Renjie, Gao Yongzhuo, "Optimization-based local planner for a nonholonomic autonomous mobile robot in semi-structured environments", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Accepted (SCI, IF=4.3) 85. Jiang Wenhe, Wu Dongmei, Dong Wei, Ding Jiajun, Ye Zhichao, Zeng Pei, Gao Yongzhuo, "Design and validation of a nonparasitic 2R1T parallel hand-held prostate biopsy robot with remote center of motion", ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2024, v.16, n.5, 051009 (SCI, IF=2.6) 84. Dong Wei, Zhang Qianjun, Zhu Dongfang, Chen Tao, Gao Yongzhuo, "Design and analysis of a piezo-actuated 2-DOF high-precision pointing mechanism capable of carrying a heavy load", Precision Engineering, 2023, v.81, pp.50-59 (SCI, IF=3.315) 83. B.J. Goteea, Zhang Qianjun, Dong Wei*, "Enhancing the long-range nanopositioning of a Lorentz force actuator, electronically", Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2023, v.24, n.7, pp.1080-1092 (SCI, IF=2.526) 82. Kexin Xing, Yegui Lin, Defeng He, Dong Wei, "Visual servoing control of omnidirectional mobile robots based on disturbance observer", Measurement and Control, 2023, v56, n.5, pp.1016-1025 (SCI, IF=1.704) 81. B.J. Goteea, Zhang Qianjun, Dong Wei*, "A compact electromagnetic dual actuation positioning system with a 10 mm range and nanometer resolution", Actuators, 2023, v.12, n.3, 12030132 (SCI, IF=2.6) 80. Gu Yu, Han Yi, Liu Xiangzhi, Zhang Ning, Zhang Xiufeng, Pan Min, Wang Shuoyu, Dong Wei, Liu Tao, "A flexible sensor and MIMU-based multisensor wearable system for human motion analysis", IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023, v.23, n.4, pp.4107-4117 (SCI, IF=4.325) 79. Cai Jingnan, Dong Wei and Ryozo Nagamune, "A survey of Bouc-Wen hysteretic models applied to piezo-actuated mechanical systems: modeling, identification and control", Jourlal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2023, 231157361 (SCI, IF=2.774) 78. Wang Jiaqi, Gaoyongzhuo, Wu Dongmei, Dong Wei*, "ProMP-based Motion Learning for a Lower Limb Exoskeleton with Black-box Optimization", Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2023, v24, n.1, pp.104-116 (SCI, IF=2.526) 77. Li Mingyang, Du Zhijiang, Dong Wei, Gao Kui, Gao Yongzhuo, Wu Dongmei, "Modeling, planning, and control of robotic grinding on free-form surface using a force-controlled belt grinding tool", Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2022, v.236, n.4, pp.2009-2028 (SCI, IF=1.386) 76. Wang Jiaqi, Wu Dongmei, Gao Yongzhuo, Dong Wei, "Interaction learning control with movement primitives for lower limb exoskeleton", Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2022, v.16, 1086578 (SCI, IF=2.650) 75. Wang Jiaqi, Wu Dongmei, Gao Yongzhuo, Wang Xinrui, Li Xiaoqi, Xu Guoqiang and Dong Wei, "Integral real-time locomation mode recognition based on GA-CNN for lower limb exoskeleton", Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2022, v.19, n.5, pp.1359-1373 (SCI, IF=2.682) 74. Chen Lei, Chen Dongling, Dong Wei, "Effects of spinal structure on quadruped bounding gait", Robotica, 2022, v.40, n.11, pp.3911-3927 (SCI, IF=2.406) 73. Shi Yongjun, Dong Wei, Lin Weiqi, Gao Yongzhuo, "Soft wearable robots: development status and technical challenges", Sensors, 2022, v.22, n.9, 7584 (SCI, IF=3.847) 72. Chen Fangxin, Zhang Qianjun, Sun Lining, Dong Wei*, "Design and test of a compact large-stroke dual-drive linear-motion system", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, v.180, 109438 (SCI, IF=6.823) 71. Kexin Xing, Xingsheng Zhang, Yegui Lin, Wenqi Ci, Dong Wei, "Simultaneous localisation and mapping algorithm based on the asynchronous fusion of laser and vision sensors", Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2022, v.16, 866294 (SCI, IF=2.650) 70. Wang Tao, Zhang Bin, Liu Chenhao, Liu Tao, Han Yi, Wang Shuoyu, Ferreira Joao, Dong Wei, Zhang Xiufeng, "A review on the rehabilitation exoskeletons for the lower limbs of the elderly and the disabled", Electronics, 2022, v.11, n.3, 11030388 (SCI, IF=2.397) 69. Shi Yongjun, Dong Wei, Lin Weiqi, He Long, Wang Xinrui, Li Pengjie, Gao Yongzhuo, "Human joint torque estimation based on mechanomyography for upper extremity exosuit", Electronics, 2022, 11091335 (SCI, IF=2.397) 68. Gao Yongzhuo, Liu Xiaomin, Zhang Xu, Zhou Zhanfeng, Jiang Wenhe, Chen Lei, Liu Zheng, Wu Dongmei, Dong Wei*, "A dual-armed robotic puncture system: design, implementation and preliminary tests", Electronics, 2022, v.11, n.5, 11050740 (SCI, IF=2.397) 67. Chen Fangxin, Zhang Qianjun, Gao Yongzhuo, and Dong Wei*, "Design and analysis of a compact piezo-actuated microgripper with a large amplification ratio", ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2022, 054503, (SCI, IF=3.251) 66. Liu Shihao, Xing Kexin, Lin Yegui and Dong Wei, "Design of fault-tolerant oberver for brushless DC motor under rotor eccentricity fault", International Journal of Modelling Indentification and Control, 2021, v.39, n.1, pp.11-18 (SCI, IF=0.7) 65. Chen Fangxin, Gao Yongzhuo, Dong Wei and Du Zhijiang, "Design and control of a passive compliant piezo-actuated micro-gripper with hybrid flexure hinges", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021, v.68, n.11, pp.11168-11177 (SCI, IF=7.515) 64. Chen Chaofeng, Du Zhijiang, He Long, Shi Yongjun, Wang Jiaqi and Dong Wei*, "A novel gait pattern recognition method based on LSTM-CNN for lower limb exoskeleton", Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2021, v.18, n.5, pp.1059-1072 (SCI, IF=2.682) 63. Cai Jingnan, Chen Fangxin, Gao Yongzhuo and Dong Wei*, “Hybrid controller of a linear piezoelectric walking stage relying on stack/shear piezoelectric actuators”, Precision Engineering, 2021, v.72, pp.272-281 (IF=3.108) 62. Li Mingyang, Du Zhijiang, Ma Xiaoxing, Dong Wei and Gao Yongzhuo, "A robot hand-eye calibration method of line laser sensor based on 3D reconstruction", Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2021, v.71, 102136 (IF=5.057) 61. Li Mingyang, Du Zhijiang, Ma Xiaoxing, Dong Wei, Wang Yongzhi, Gao Yongzhuo, Chen Wei, "A robot chamfering system for special-shaped and thin-walled workpieces", Assembly Automation, 2021, v.41, n.1, pp.116-130 (IF=1.582) 60. Cai Jingnan, Chen Fangxin, Sun Lining and Dong Wei, "Design of a linear walking stage based on two types of piezoelectric actuators", Sensors & Actuators A, Physics, 2021, v.332, n.2, 112067 (SCI, IF=2.739) 59. Gao Yongzhuo, Gao Haibo, Bai Kunpeng, Li Mingyang, Dong Wei*, "A robotic milling system based on 3D point cloud", Machines, 2021, v.9, n.12, 9120355 (SCI, IF=2.428) 58. Gao Yongzhuo, Du Zhijiang, Li Mingyang, Gao Kui and Dong Wei*, "A practical implementation of robtic riveting cell for wedge parts of airframe", Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2021, v.235, n.7, pp.1177-1192 (SCI, IF=1.359) 57. Li Mingyang, Du Zhijiang, Ma Xiaoxing, Gao Kui, Dong Wei and Gao Yongzhuo, "System design and monitoring method of robot griding for friction stir welding seam", Applied Sciences, 2020, v.10, n.8, 2903 (SCI, IF=2.217) 56. Zhou Zhanfeng, Gao Yong Zhuo, Sun Lining, Dong Wei* and Du Zhijiang, "A bistable mechanism with linear negative stiffness and large in-plane lateral stiffness: design, modeling and case studies", Mechanical Sciences, 2020,v.11, n.1, pp.75-89 (SCI, IF=1.052) 55. Chen Fangxin, Zhang Qianjun, Gao Yongzhuo, and Dong Wei, "A review on the flexure-based displacement amplification mechanisms", IEEE Access, 2020, v.8, pp.205919-205937 (SCI, IF=3.745) 54. Chen Fangxin, Dong Wei, Yang Miao, Sun Lining and Du Zhijiang, "A PZT actuated 6-DOF positioning system for space optics alignment", IEEE & ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2019, v.24, n.6, pp.2827-2838 (SCI, IF=4.943) 53. Chen Chaofeng, Du Zhijiang, He Long, Shi Yongjun, Wang Jiaqi, Xu Guoqiang, Zhang Yu, Wu Dongmei and Dong Wei*, "Development and hybrid control of an electrically actuated lower limb exoskeleton for motion assistance", IEEE Access, 2019, v.7, pp.169107-169122 (SCI, IF=4.098) 52. Gao Yongzhuo, Du Zhijiang, Li Mingyang and Dong Wei*, "An automated approach for machining allowance evaluation of casting parts", International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2019, v.32, n.11, pp.1043-1052 (SCI, IF=2.090) 51. Chen Chaofeng, Du Zhijiang, He Long, Wang Jiaqi, Wu Dongmei, Wang Xinrui, Li Xiaoqi, Xu Guoqiang and Dong Wei*, "Active disturbance rejection with fast terminal sliding mode control for a lower limb exoskeleton in swing phase", IEEE Access, 2019, v.7, pp.72343-72357 (SCI, IF=4.098) 50. Yang Miao, Du Zhijiang, Dong Wei*, "Optimal design, modelling and control of a long stroke 3-PRR compliant parallel manipulator with variable thickness flexure pivots",Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2019, v60, pp.23-33 (SCI, IF=4.392) 49. Yang Miao, Du Zhijiang, Sun Lining, Dong Wei*,"Optimal design and tracking control of a superelastic flexure hinge based 3-PRR compliant parallel manipulator", IEEE Access, 2019, v.7, pp.174236-174247 (SCI, IF=4.098) 48. Gao Yongzhuo, Du Zhijiang, Xu Wei, Li Mingyang, Dong Wei*, " HEALPix-IA: A global registration algorithm for initial alignment ", Sensors, 2019, 427 (SCI, IF=2.677) 47. Wang Likun, Chen Chaofeng, Dong Wei, Du Zhijiang, Shen Yi*, Zhao Guangyu, "Locomotion stability analysis of lower extremity augmentation device", Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2019, v.16, n.1, pp.99-114 (SCI, IF=2.388) 46. Yang Miao, Du Zhijiang, Sun Lining, Dong Wei*, "Deformation modeling and analysis of variable thickness flexure pivots", ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2019, vol.11, n.1, 014502 (SCI, IF=2.371) 45. Wang Likun, Du Zhijiang, Dong Wei*, Shen Yi, Zhao Guangyu, "Hierarchical human machine interaction learning for a lower extremity augmentation device", International Journal of Social Robotics, 2019, v.11, n.1, pp.123-139 (SCI, IF=2.559) 44. Zhang Bo, Chen Fangxin, Yang Miao, Huang Linxiang, Du Zhijiang, Sun Lining, Dong Wei*, "Real-time curvature detection of a flexible needle with a bevel tip", Sensors, 2018, v.18, n.7, 2057 (SCI, IF=2.677) 43. Wang Likun, Zhijiang Du, Chen Chaofeng, Li Zhengyang, Shen Yi, Zhao Guangyu, Dong Wei*, "High precision data-driven force control of compact elastic module for a lower extremity augmentation device", Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2018, v.15, n.5, pp.805-819 (SCI, IF=2.388) 42. Zhang Bo, Chen Fangxin, Li Haiyang, Du Zhijiang, Sun Lining, Dong Wei*, "A friction-inertial-based rotary motor: design, modelling and experiments", Materials, 2018, v.11, n.6, 11060918 (SCI, IF=2.654) 41. Yu Hongjian, Yang Wenlong, Yang Zhengxin, Dong Wei, Du Zhijiang, Yan Zhiyuan*, "Hysteresis analysis of a notched continuum manipulator driven by tendon", Mechanical Sciences, 2018, v.9, n.1, pp.211-219 (SCI, IF=1.211) 40. Wang Likun, Du Zhijiang*, Dong Wei, Shen Yi, Zhao Guangyu, "Probabilistic sensitivity amplification control for lower extremity exoskeleton", Applied Sciences, 2018, v.8, n.4, 8000525 (SCI, IF=1.679) 39. Wang Likun, Du Zhijiang, Dong Wei*, Shen Yi, Zhao Guangyu, "Intrinsic sensing and evolving internal model control of compact elastic module for a lower extremity exoskeleton", Sensors, 2018, v.18, n.3, 909 (SCI, IF=2.677) 38. Dong Wei, Fangxin Chen, Futian Gao, Miao Yang, Du Zhijiang*, Lining Sun, Jiong Tang, Dan Zhang, "Development and analysis of a bridge-lever-type displacement amplifier based on hybrid flexure hinges", Precision Engineering, 2018, v.54, pp.171-181 (SCI, IF=2.237) 37. Gao Yongzhuo, Du Zhijiang, Gao Xueshan, Su Yanyu, Mu Yu, Sun Lining, Dong Wei*, "Implementation of open-architecture kinematic controller for articulated robots under ROS”, Industrial Robot –An International Journal, 2018, v.45, n.2, pp.244-254 (SCI, IF=0.690) 36. Long Yi, Du Zhijiang, Weidong Wang, Dong Wei*, “Human motion intent learning based motion assistance control for a wearable exoskeleton”, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2018, v.49, pp.317-327 (SCI, IF=2.846) 35. Long Yi, Du Zhijiang, Chen Chaofeng, Weidong Wang, He Long, Mao Xiwang, Xu Guoqiang, Zhao Guangyu, Dong Wei*, "Hybrid control scheme of a hydraulically actuated lower extremity exoskeleton for load-carrying",Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2018, v.91, pp.493-500 (SCI, IF=1.512) 34. Chen Fangxin, Du Zhijiang, Yang Miao, Gao Futian, Dong Wei*, Zhang Dan, “Design and analysis of a three-dimensional bridge-type mechanism based on the stiffness distribution”, Precision Engineering, 2018, v.51, n.1, pp.48-58 (SCI, IF=2.237) 33. Long Yi, Du Zhijiang, Wang Weidong, He Long, Mao Xiwang, Dong Wei*,“Physical human-robot interaction estimation-based control scheme for a hydraulically actuated exoskeleton designed for power amplification”, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2018, vol.19, n.9, pp.1076-1085 (SCI, IF=0.770) 32. Dong Wei, Chen Fangxin, Yang Miao, Du Zhijiang*, Tang Jiong, Zhang Dan, “Development of a highly efficient bridge-type mechanism based on negative stiffness”, Smart Materials and Structures, 2017, v.26, n.9, 095053 (SCI, IF=2.909) 31. Long Yi, Du Zhijiang, Chen Chaofeng, Wang Weidong, Dong Wei*, “Development of a lower extremity wearable exoskeleton with double compact elastic module: preliminary experiment”, Mechanical Sciences, 2017, v.8, pp.249-258 (SCI, IF=1.211) 30. Du Zhijaing, Wang Wei, Wang Weidong, Dong Wei*, "Preoperative planning for a multi-arm robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery system", Simulation, 2017, v.93, n.10, pp.853-867 (SCI, IF=0.713) 29. Du Zhijiang, Wang Wei, Yan Zhiyuan, Dong Wei, Wang Weidong*, "Variable admittance control based on fuzzy reinforcement learning for the minimally invasive surgery manipulator", Sensors, 2017, v.17, 844 (SCI, IF=2.677) 28. Dong Wei, Chen Fangxin, Li Haiyang, Yang Miao, Du Zhijiang*, "A two-dimensional nano-positioner: design, modelling and experiments", Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2017, v.48, pp.167-173 (SCI, IF=2.846) 27. Long Yi, Du Zhijiang, Chen Chaofeng, Wang Weidong, He Long, Mao Xiwang, Xu Guoqiang, Zhao Guangyu, Li Xiaoqi, Dong Wei*, "Development and analysis of an electrically acutated lower extremity exoskeleton for robotic assistance", Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2017, v.14, n.2, pp.272-283 (SCI, IF=2.388) 26. Long Yi, Du Zhijiang, Cong Lin, Wang Weidong, Zhang Zhiming, Dong Wei*, "Active disturbance rejection control based human gait tracking for lower extremity rehabilitation Exoskeleton", ISA Transactions, 2017, v.67, pp.389-397 (SCI, IF=3.394) 25. Yang Miao, Du Zhijiang, Chen Fangxin, Dong Wei*, Zhang Dan, "Kinetostatic modelling of a 3-PRR planar compliant parallel manipulator with flexure pivots", Precision Engineering, 2017, v.48, pp.323-330 (SCI, IF=2.237) 24. Long Yi., Du Zhijiang, Wang Weidong, Zhao Guangyu, Xu Guoqiang, He Long, Mao Xiwang, Dong Wei*, "PSO-SVM based online locomotion mode identification for rehabilitation robotic exoskeleton", Sensors, 2016, v.16, n.9, 1408 (SCI, IF=2.033) 23. Duan Qingjuan, Du Zhijiang*, Yu Hongjian, Wang Yongfeng, Dong Wei, "The error analysis and experimental study of a bi-planar parallel mechanism in the pedicle screw robot system", Sensors, 2016, v.16, n.12, 2022 (SCI, IF=2.033) 22. Du Zhijiang, Yang Miao, Dong Wei*, Zhang Dan, "Static deformation modeling and analysis of flexure hinges made of shape memory alloy", Smart Materials and Structures, 2016, v.25, n.11, 115029 (SCI, IF=2.909) 21. Dong Wei, Li Haiyang, Du Zhijiang*, "A planar nano-positioner driven by shear piezoelectric actuators", AIP Advances, 2016, n.6, 085104 (SCI, IF=1.568) 20. Long Yi., Du Zhijiang, Wang Weidong, Dong Wei*, "Development of a wearable exoskeleton rehabilitation system based on hybrid control mode", International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2016, v.13, pp.1-10 (SCI, IF=0.987) 19. Du Zhijiang, Yang Miao, Dong Wei*, "Multi-objective optimization of a type of ellipse-parabola shaped superelastic flexure hinges", Mechanical Sciences, 2016,v.7, n.1, pp.127-134 (SCI, IF=1.211) 18. Yang Miao, Du Zhijiang, Dong Wei*, "Modeling and analysis of planar symmetric superelastic flexure hinges", Precision Engineering, 2016, v.46, pp.177-184 (SCI, IF=2.237) 17. Long Yi, Du Zhijiang, Wang Weidong, Dong Wei*, "Robust sliding mode control based on GA optimization and CMAC compensation for lower limb exoskeleton", Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 2016, 5017381 (SCI, IF=0.943) 16. Yang Wenlong, Du Zhijiang, Dong Wei*, "Kinematics modeling and performance optimization of a kinematic-mechanics coupled continuum manipulator", Mechatronics, 2015, v.31, n.9 (SCI, IF=2.496) 15. Wang Wei, Wang Weidong, Dong Wei, Yu Hongjian, Yan Zhiyuan, Du Zhijiang*, "Dimensional optimization of a minimally invasive surgical robot system based on NSGA-II algorithm", Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2015, v.7, n.2 (SCI, IF=0.827) 14. Du Zhijiang, Yang Wenlong, Dong Wei*, "Kinematics modeling of a notched continuum manipulator", ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2015, v.7, n.4, 041017 (SCI, IF=2.371) 13. Du Zhijiang, Su Yanyu, Yang Wenlong, Dong Wei*, "A piezo tip/tilt platform: structure, kinematics and experiments", Review of Scientific Instruments, 2014, v.85, n.4, 046102 (SCI, IF=1.515) 12. Wang Weidong, Dong Wei, Su Yanyu, Wu Dongmei, Du Zhijiang*, “Development of search and rescue robots for underground coal mine applications”, Journal of Field Robotics, 2014, v.31, n.3, pp.386-407 (SCI, IF=4.882) 11. Du Zhijiang, Shi Ruochong, Dong Wei*, “A piezo-actuated high-precision flexible parallel pointing mechanism: conceptual design, development and experiments”,IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2014, v.30, n.1, pp.131-137 (SCI, IF=4.036) 10. Shi Ruochong, Dong Wei, Du Zhijiang*, “Design methodology and performance analysis of application-oriented flexure hinges”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2013, v.84, n.7, 075005 (SCI, IF=1.515) 9. Du Zhijiang, Xiao Yongqiang, Dong Wei*, “Method for optimizing manipulator’s geometrical parameters and selecting reducers”, Journal of Central South University, 2013, v.20, n.5, pp.1235-1244 (SCI, IF=0.601) 8. Dong Wei*, Du Zhijiang, Xiao Yongqiang, Chen Xiaoguang, “Development of a parallel kinematic motion simulator platform”, Mechatronics, 2013, v.23, n.1, pp.154-161 (SCI, IF=2.496) 7. Dong Wei*, M. Gauthier, C. Lenders, P.Lambert, “A gas bubble-based parallel micro manipulator: conceptual design and kinematics model”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2012, v.22, n.5, 057001 (SCI, IF=1.794) 6. Du Zhijiang, Shi Ruochong, Dong Wei*, “Kinematics modeling of a 6-PSS parallel mechanism with wide-range flexure hinges”, Journal of Central South University, 2012, v.19, n.9, pp.2482-2487 (SCI, IF=0.601) 5. Xiao Yongqiang, Du Zhijiang, Dong Wei*, “Smooth and near time-optimal trajectory planning of industrial robots for online applications”, Industrial Robot –An International Journal, 2012, v.39, n.2, pp.169-177 (SCI, IF=0.863) 4. Dong Wei*, David Rostoucher, Michael Gauthier, “A novel integrated microforce measurement system for plane-plane contact research”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2010, v.81, n.11, 116101 (SCI, IF=1.515) 3. Dong Wei*, Jiong Tang, Yasser ElDeeb, “Design of linear-motion dual-stage actuation system for precision control”, Smart Materials and Structures, 2009, v.18, n.9, 095035 (SCI, IF=2.909) 2. Dong Wei*, Sun Lining, Du Zhijiang, “Stiffness research on a high-precision, large-workspace parallel mechanism with compliant joints”, Precision Engineering, v.32, 2008, pp.222-231 (SCI, IF=2.237) 1. Dong Wei*, Sun Lining, Du Zhijiang, “Design of a precision compliant parallel positioner driven by dual piezoelectric actuators”, Sensors & Actuators A, Physics, v.135, 2007, pp.250-256 (SCI, IF=2.499) 国际会议论文 名称 Y. Su, Dong Wei, Y. Wu, Y. Demiris, Z. Du, “Increasing the Accuracy and Repeatability of Positioning Control for Micromanipulations using Heteroscedastic Gaussian Processes”, IEEE/ICRA 2014, pp. 4692-4698 Yang Wenlong, Dong Wei, and Du Zhijiang, “Mechanics-based kinematic modeling of a continuum manipulator”, IEEE/IROS 2013, pp. 5052-5058 Dong Wei, D. Rostoucher, M. Gauthier, “Kinematics parameters estimation for an AFM/Robot integrated micro-force measurement system”, IEEE/IROS 2010, pp. 6143-6148 Dong Wei, Sun Lining, and Du Zhijiang, “Stiffness influence atlases of a novel flexure hinge-based parallel mechanism with large workspace”, IEEE/IROS 2005, pp.796-801 Dong Wei, Sun Lining, and Du Zhijiang, “Conceptional design and kinematics modeling of a wide-range flexure hinge-based parallel manipulator”, IEEE/ICRA 2005, pp.4042-4047 Research | Activities 名称 In my research group, we aim at the development of novel methods for robotic systems and mechatronics devices. The group is directed by Dr. Wei Dong, a full professor of Robotics Institute, State Key Laboratory of Robotics and System. Our research interests include: Parallel robotics and applications: precision parallel systems, parallel motion simulators, and parallel robotic applications. Robotics fundamental : optimization and synthesis, vibration control of robot systems, motion planning of robot systems. Medical robotics: minimally invasive surgery robot systems and flexible needle insertion systems. Research | Projects 名称 Projects On-going (PI) National Natural Science Foundation of China | Research on the creative generation and the control methodology of parallel mechanisms based on wide range flexure hinges National Natural Science Foundation of China | Flexible needle actuation/sensing creation and needle/tissue combined operation Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars | Targeted flexible needle insertion system HIT Overseas Talents Introduction Program | Modeling and validation of targeted flexible needle insertion system Self-planned Task of State Key Laboratory of Robotics and System (HIT) | Friction and path planning of flexible needle insertion system Chinese Academy of Space Technology Project | High precision pointing platform Scientific Innovation Foundation (HIT) | Wide-range compliant mechanism based on smart materials Disruptive Technologies Program (HIT) | Ultra-wide-range high precision compliant joints Projects On-going (Co-PI) EU Frame 7 Program | ECRobot National Natural Science Foundation of China | Physical parameters identification and self-supervising of mobile robot system Chinese Academy of Space Technology Project | 6-DOF high precision platform People | Faculty 名称 Dr. Wei Dong Professor of Mechatronics Engineering State Key Laboratory of Robotics and System, Robotics Institute, Harbin Institute of Technology Phone: (86) 451-86418441 ext 18 Fax: (86) 451-86403613 Email: dongwei at hit.edu.cn Dr. Wei Dong works with State Key Laboratory of Robotics and System, Harbin Institute of Technology. His research expertise is in the general areas of robotics and mechatronics. He has extensive experience in a series of inter-related research subjects including innovative design of robot/mechatronics systems, robotic system modeling and optimization, and smart material and structure integration and application etc. Prior to joining HIT, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at CNRS FEMTO-ST, France (2009.09-2010.08) and University of Connecticut, US (2007.11-2009.07), respectively. He received the Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Mechatronics Engineering and B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from HIT in 2007, 2003 and 2001, respectively. People | Current Members and Alumni 名称 Current Members Yang Miao (Ph.D. candidate, 2014) | Flexible needle insertion system (Co-supervised by Prof. Du) Gao Yongzhuo (Ph.D. candidate, 2014) | Industrial robotic system (Co-supervised by Prof. Du) Zhang Bo (Ph.D. candidate, 2012) | Flexible needle insertion system (Co-supervised by Prof. Du) Yang Wenlong (Ph.D. candidate, 2011 ) | SPAS robotic system (Co-supervised by Prof. Du) Su Yanyu (Ph.D. candidate, 2009) | Intelligent control of robotic system (Co-supervised by Prof. Du) Wang Yongfeng (M.S. candidate, 2013 ) | Orthopaedics surgery robotic system Yi Zhenzhou (M.S. candidate, 2013 ) | Flexible needle insertion system Quan Yanna (M.S. candidate, 2013 ) | Feet restrict system (Co-supervised by Prof. Du) Li Haiyang (M.S. candidate, 2014 ) | Miniature motor based on piezo actuation Lin Junxian (M.S. candidate, 2014 ) | Wide-range flexure hinge modeling and optimization Alumni Ma Ruqi (Ph.D., 2013 ) | MIS robotic system (Co-supervised by Prof. Du) Xiao Yongqiang (Ph.D., 2012 ) | Industrial robotic system (Co-supervised by Prof. Du) Zhang Jichao (M.S., 2014 ) | Flexible needle insertion system Sun Yixuan (M.S., 2014 ) | Rehabilitation robotic system (Co-supervised by Prof. Du) Gao Yongzhuo (M.S., 2014 ) | Industrial robotic system (Co-supervised by Prof. Du) Shi Ruochong (M.S., 2013 ) | High precision parallel robotic system (Co-supervised by Prof. Du) Wang Lijun (M.S., 2013) | Flexible needle insertion system (Co-supervised by Prof. Du) Liu Ziwen (M.S., 2012) | Master-slave control (Co-supervised by Prof. Du) Han Dawei (M.S., 2012) | MIS robotic system (Co-supervised by Prof. Du) Chen Xiaoguang (M.S., 2011) | Parallel kinematic system (Co-supervised by Prof. Du) Publications 名称 Journal Paper 36. Long Yi, Du Zhijiang, Weidong Wang, Dong Wei*, “Human motion intent learning based motion assistance control for a wearable exoskeleton”, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, v.49, pp.317-327 (SCI, IF=2.846) 35. Long Yi, Du Zhijiang, Chen Chaofeng, Weidong Wang, He Long, Mao Xiwang, Xu Guoqiang, Zhao Guangyu, Dong Wei*, "Hybrid control scheme of a hydraulically actuated lower extremity exoskeleton for load-carrying", Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, In press (SCI, IF=1.512) 34. Chen Fangxin, Du Zhijiang, Yang Miao, Gao Futian, Dong Wei*, Zhang Dan, “Design and analysis of a three-dimensional bridge-type mechanism based on the stiffness distribution”, Precision Engineering, Online, (SCI, IF=2.237) 33. Long Yi, Du Zhijiang, Wang Weidong, He Long, Mao Xiwang, Dong Wei*,“Physical human-robot interaction estimation-based control scheme for a hydraulically actuated exoskeleton designed for power amplification”, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, Online, (SCI, IF=0.770) 32. Dong Wei, Chen Fangxin, Yang Miao, Du Zhijiang*, Tang Jiong, Zhang Dan, “Development of a highly efficient bridge-type mechanism based onnegative stiffness”, Smart Materials and Structures, v.26, n.9, 095053 (SCI, IF=2.909) 31. Long Yi, Du Zhijiang, Chen Chaofeng, Wang Weidong, Dong Wei*, “Development of a lower extremity wearable exoskeleton with double compact elastic module: preliminary experiment”, Mechanical Sciences, v.8, pp.249-258, (SCI, IF=1.211) 30. Du Zhijaing, Wang Wei, Wang Weidong, Dong Wei*, "Preoperative planning for a multi-arm robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery system", Simulation, Online, (SCI, IF=0.713) 29. Du Zhijiang, Wang Wei, Yan Zhiyuan, Dong Wei, Wang Weidong*, "Variable admittance control based on fuzzy reinforcement learning for the minimally invasive surgery manipulator", Sensors, 2017, v.17, 844, (SCI, IF=2.677) 28. Dong Wei, Chen Fangxin, Li Haiyang, Yang Miao, Du Zhijiang*, "A two-dimensional nano-positioner: design, modelling and experiments", Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2017, v.48, pp.167-173 (SCI, IF=2.846) 27. Long Yi, Du Zhijiang, Chen Chaofeng, Wang Weidong, He Long, Mao Xiwang, Xu Guoqiang, Zhao Guangyu, Li Xiaoqi, Dong Wei*, "Development and analysis of an electrically acutated lower extremity exoskeleton for robotic assistance", Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2017, v.14, n.2, pp.272-283 (SCI, IF=2.388) 26. Long Yi, Du Zhijiang, Cong Lin, Wang Weidong, Zhang Zhiming, Dong Wei*, "Active Disturbance Rejection Control Based Human Gait Tracking for Lower Extremity Rehabilitation Exoskeleton", ISA Transactions, 2017, v.67, pp.389-397 (SCI, IF=3.394) 25. Yang Miao, Du Zhijiang, Chen Fangxin, Dong Wei*, Zhang Dan, "Kinetostatic Modelling of a 3-PRR Planar Compliant Parallel Manipulator with Flexure Pivots", Precision Engineering, 2017, v.48, pp.323-330, (SCI, IF=2.237) 24. Long Yi., Du Zhijiang, Wang Weidong, Zhao Guangyu, Xu Guoqiang, He Long, Mao Xiwang, Dong Wei*, "PSO-SVM Based Online Locomotion Mode Identification for Rehabilitation Robotic Exoskeleton", Sensors, 2016, v.16, n.9, 1408 (SCI, IF=2.033) 23. Duan Qingjuan, Du Zhijiang*, Yu Hongjian, Wang Yongfeng, Dong Wei, "The error analysis and experimental study of a bi-planar parallel mechanism in the pedicle screw robot system", Sensors, 2016, v.16, n.12, 2022 (SCI, IF=2.033) 22. Du Zhijiang, Yang Miao, Dong Wei*, Zhang Dan, "Static deformation modeling and analysis of flexure hinges made of shape memory alloy", Smart Materials and Structures, 2016, v.25, n.11, 115029 (SCI, IF=2.769) 21. Dong Wei, Li Haiyang, Du Zhijiang*, "A Planar Nano-positioner Driven by Shear Piezoelectric Actuators", AIP Advances, 2016, n.6, 085104 (SCI, IF=1.444) 20. Long Yi., Du Zhijiang, Wang Weidong, Dong Wei*, "Development of a Wearable Exoskeleton Rehabilitation System Based on Hybrid Control Mode", International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2016, v.13, pp.1-10 (SCI, IF=0.615) 19. Du Zhijiang, Yang Miao, Dong Wei*, "Multi-objective Optimization of a Type of Ellipse-Parabola Shaped Superelastic Flexure Hinges", Mechanical Sciences, 2016,v.7, n.1, pp.127-134 (SCI, IF=1.200) 18. Yang Miao, Du Zhijiang, Dong Wei*, "Modeling and Analysis of Planar Symmetric Superelastic Flexure Hinges", Precision Engineering, 2016, v.46, pp.177-184 (SCI, IF=1.914, 1 Citations) 17. Long Yi, Du Zhijiang, Wang Weidong, Dong Wei*, "Robust Sliding Mode Control Based on GA Optimization and CMAC Compensation for Lower Limb Exoskeleton", Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 2016, 5017381 (SCI, IF=0.703, 1 Citations) 16. Yang Wenlong, Du Zhijiang, Dong Wei*, "Kinematics Modeling and Performance Optimization of a Kinematic-Mechanics Coupled Continuum Manipulator", Mechatronics, 2015, v.31, n.9, (SCI, IF=1.726) 15. Wang Wei, Wang Weidong, Dong Wei, Yu Hongjian, Yan Zhiyuan, Du Zhijiang*, "Dimensional optimization of a minimally invasive surgical robot system based on NSGA-II algorithm", Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2015, v.7, n.2, (SCI, IF=0.500, 1 Citation) 14. Du Zhijiang, Yang Wenlong, Dong Wei*, "Kinematics Modeling of a Notched Continuum Manipulator", ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2015, v.7, n.4, 041017 (SCI, IF=1.042, 1 Citations) 13. Du Zhijiang, Su Yanyu, Yang Wenlong, Dong Wei*, "A Piezo Tip/Tilt Platform: Structure, Kinematics and Experiments", Review of Scientific Instruments, 2014, v.85, n.4, 046102 (SCI, IF=1.602, 1 Citations) 12. Wang Weidong, Dong Wei, Su Yanyu, Wu Dongmei, Du Zhijiang*, “Development of search and rescue robots for underground coal mine applications”, Journal of Field Robotics, 2014, v.31, n.3, pp.386-407 (SCI, IF=2.152, 4 Citations) 11. Du Zhijiang, Shi Ruochong, Dong Wei*, “A piezo-actuated high-precision flexible parallel pointing mechanism: conceptual design, development and experiments”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2014, v.30, n.1, pp.131-137 (SCI, IF=2.571, 13 Citations) 10. Shi Ruochong, Dong Wei, Du Zhijiang*, “Design methodology and performance analysis of application-oriented flexure hinges”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2013, v.84, n.7, 075005 (SCI, IF=1.602, 5 Citation) 9. Du Zhijiang, Xiao Yongqiang, Dong Wei*, “Method for optimizing manipulator’s geometrical parameters and selecting reducers”, Journal of Central South University, 2013, v.20, n.5, pp.1235-1244 (SCI, IF=0.434, 1 Citation) 8. Dong Wei*, Du Zhijiang, Xiao Yongqiang, Chen Xiaoguang, “Development of a parallel kinematic motion simulator platform”, Mechatronics, 2013, v.23, n.1, pp.154-161 (SCI, IF=1.300, 13 Citations) 7. Dong Wei*, M. Gauthier, C. Lenders, P.Lambert, “A gas bubble-based parallel micro manipulator: conceptual design and kinematics model”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2012, v.22, n.5, 057001 (SCI, IF=2.105, 4 Citations) 6. Du Zhijiang, Shi Ruochong, Dong Wei*, “Kinematics modeling of a 6-PSS parallel mechanism with wide-range flexure hinges”, Journal of Central South University, 2012, v.19, n.9, pp.2482-2487 (SCI, IF=0.434, 5 Citations) 5. Xiao Yongqiang, Du Zhijiang, Dong Wei*, “Smooth and near time-optimal trajectory planning of industrial robots for online applications”, Industrial Robot –An International Journal, 2012, v.39, n.2, pp.169-177 (SCI, IF=0.690, 14 Citations) 4. Dong Wei*, David Rostoucher, Michael Gauthier, “A novel integrated microforce measurement system for plane-plane contact research”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2010, v.81, n.11, 116101 (SCI, IF=1.602, 1 Citation) 3. Dong Wei*, Jiong Tang, Yasser ElDeeb, “Design of linear-motion dual-stage actuation system for precision control”, Smart Materials and Structures, 2009, v.18, n.9, 095035 (SCI, IF=2.024, 29 Citations) 2. Dong Wei*, Sun Lining, Du Zhijiang, “Stiffness research on a high-precision, large-workspace parallel mechanism with compliant joints”, Precision Engineering, v.32, 2008, pp.222-231 (SCI, IF=1.393, 26 Citations) 1. Dong Wei*, Sun Lining, Du Zhijiang, “Design of a precision compliant parallel positioner driven by dual piezoelectric actuators”, Sensors & Actuators A, Physics, v.135, 2007, pp.250-256 (SCI, IF=1.841, 69 Citations) Conference Paper Y. Su, Dong Wei, Y. Wu, Y. Demiris, Z. Du, “Increasing the Accuracy and Repeatability of Positioning Control for Micromanipulations using Heteroscedastic Gaussian Processes”, IEEE/ICRA 2014, pp. 4692-4698 Yang Wenlong, Dong Wei, and Du Zhijiang, “Mechanics-based kinematic modeling of a continuum manipulator”, IEEE/IROS 2013, pp. 5052-5058 Dong Wei, D. Rostoucher, M. Gauthier, “Kinematics parameters estimation for an AFM/Robot integrated micro-force measurement system”, IEEE/IROS 2010, pp. 6143-6148 Dong Wei, Sun Lining, and Du Zhijiang, “Stiffness influence atlases of a novel flexure hinge-based parallel mechanism with large workspace”, IEEE/IROS 2005, pp.796-801 Dong Wei, Sun Lining, and Du Zhijiang, “Conceptional design and kinematics modeling of a wide-range flexure hinge-based parallel manipulator”, IEEE/ICRA 2005, pp.4042-4047 Positions 名称 We constantly have openings for graduate assistantships. Currently, we invite applications for M.S. study with strong background in robotics and mechatronics. We are particularly interested in candidates with expertise in robotic and mechatronics system design, smart material actuation, and control implementation. For further information, please contact Dr. Wei Dong via dongwei@hit.edu.cn with your resume, a brief summary of your background, and relevant publications (if any). News and Events 名称 Dec. 16, 2014. Mr. Li Haiyang won the second place award in 2014 GE Foundation TECH Award. Mar. 17, 2014. Mr. Su Yanyu will participate in the conference IEEE/ICRA 2014, which will be held in Hongkang, China. Nov. 2, 2013. Mr. Su Yanyu and Mr. Yang Wenlong will participate in the conference IEEE/IROS 2013, which will be held in Tokyo, Japan. Jul. 1, 2013. Mr. Shi Ruochong received the honor of Gold Medal Graduate (top 5%). During purchasing his M.S. degree, Mr. Shi published 4 research papers.
