姓名 | 邵路 | 性别 | 邵路 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 化工与化学学院 |
学位 | 邵路 | 学历 | 邵路 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 发表论文(Publications) 新闻 (NEWs) Brief CV Ph.D and postdoc positions 招生及博士后信息新页签 ... 招生及博士后信息新页签 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 邵路入选国家级高层次人才(特聘教授)、英国皇家化学会会士(FRSC)、国家重点研发计划国合项目负责人。担任国家自然科学基金委化学部会议评审专家、科技部重点专项会评专家;任国家重大人才工程项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、科技部重点国际合作项目、美国石油基金(ACS-PRF)、美国-以色列双边基金(BSF)、新加坡-麻省理工研究技术基金(SMART)等项目同行评审专家。 邵路教授现任水处理领域权威期刊NPJ Clean Water ( Nature 合作期刊)副主编、膜分离领域权威期刊Journal of Membrane Science编委、ACS ES&T Engineering顾问编委等职,担任中国化工学会分子辨识分离工程分委会委员。2011年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才;2005年获国家优秀留学生奖(2004年度,新加坡首批共三人获得该奖,中国“国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”在新加坡首颁_新闻中心_新浪网 (sina.com.cn))。入选 “全球前2%科学家”榜单(2020至今,最新2022年度化学工程国内排名第11位)和“中国高被引学者”(2022至今 化学工程与技术)。 邵路教授结合自身学术特长和国家重大需求,扎根东北、独立带领团队在孔径逐级演化的低碳分离功能膜构筑方向上开展了深入系统的研究工作。作为第一/通讯作者在: Science (独立通讯)、Sci. Adv.(2篇)、Matter(2篇)、Nat. Commun.(3篇)、Engineering(3篇)、Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.(PNAS)、Advanced Materials、Angew. Chem.、《科学通报》Science Bulletin、Advanced Energy Mater.、J. Membr. Sci.、Chem. Eng. Sci.、AIChE J等高水平期刊发表论文180余篇,其中含40篇ESI高被引论文、11篇ESI热点论文和1篇中国百篇最具影响力国际论文。论文SCI引用1.2万余次,高因子(H-index)=71;Google Scholar引用1.4万余次,作为第一发明人获授权国家发明专利33项,研究成果获黑龙江省科技奖一等奖3项、二等奖2项和黑龙江省高校科学技术成果奖1项(2021,一等奖,排名第1)。 https://publons.com/researcher/1307969/lu-shao/publications/ Scopus author ID: 9244956400 【工作经历】 2018.01至今:哈尔滨工业大学, (长聘岗)教授 2011.12至今: 哈尔滨工业大学, 教授 2018.09-2019.04 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室,公派访问学者 2015.09-2016.08 美国加州大学河滨分校, 公派访问学者 2010.04至今: 哈尔滨工业大学, 博士生指导教师 2006.06-2011.11:哈尔滨工业大学化工学院 副教授(引进人才); 2005.04--2006.05:新加坡C-PAK Pte Ltd公司材料研发部, 助理项目经理 【学习经历】 2002.01--2005.11:新加坡国立大学化学(Chemistry)、化工(Chemical Engineering)、新加坡国家材料研究院(IMRE),获博士学位; 1999.09--2001.07:哈尔滨工业大学 高分子材料与工程专业,获硕士学位; 1995.09--1999.07:哈尔滨工业大学 高分子材料与工程专业,获学士学位。 Associate Editor, npj Clean Water https://www.nature.com/npjcleanwater/editor Editorial Board, Journal of Membrane Science Lu Shao, PhD - Editorial Board - Journal of Membrane Science - Journal - Elsevier Editorial Board, Advanced Membranes Editorial Board | KeAi Publishing Editorial Board, Scientific Reports Editors | Scientific Reports (nature.com) Editorial Advisory Board, ACS ES&T Engineering (ES&TE) ACS ES&T Engineering : 近五年10篇代表性论文 (Representative Publications) 名称 1. Yanqiu Zhang, Hao Wang, Jing Guo, Xiquan Cheng, Gang Han, Cher Hon Lau, Haiqing Lin, Shaomin Liu, Jun Ma, Lu Shao*, Ice-confined synthesis of highly ionized 3D-quasilayered polyamide nanofiltration membranes, Science 382 (2023) 202-206 https://www.science.org/stoken/author-tokens/ST-1478/full (free access link) 2. Bin Zhu, Yan Yang, Lei Guo, Kaifang Wang, Yanqiu Lu, Xuezhong He, Sui Zhang,, Lu Shao*, Ultrapermeable Gel Membranes Enabling Superior Carbon Capture, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 63 (2023) e202315607 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/anie.202315607 3. Yuanyuan Zhao, Xiaobin Yang, Zhongjun Cheng, Cher Hon Lau, Jun Ma, Lu Shao*, Surface Manipulation for Prevention of Migratory Viscous Crude Oil Fouling in Superhydrophilic Membranes, Nature Communications 14 (2023) 2679. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-38419-3.pdf 4. B in Zhu, Shanshan He,Yan Yang, Songwei Li, Cherhon Lau, Shaomin Liu, Lu Shao*, Boosting membrane carbon capture via multifaceted polyphenol-mediated soldering. Nature Communications 14 (2023) 1697 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-37479-9.pdf 5. Xiquan Cheng*, Tongyu Li, Linlin Yan, Yang Jiao, Yingjie Zhang, Kai Wang, Zhongjun Cheng, Jun Ma*, Lu Shao*, Biodegradable electrospinning superhydrophilic nanofiber membranes for ultrafast oil-water separation, Science Advances 9 (2023) adh8195. https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/sciadv.adh8195 6. Jing Guo Yanqiu Zhang, Fan Yang, Bhekie B. Mamba, Jun Ma, Lu Shao* and Shaomin Liu, Ultra-Permeable Dual-Mechanism-Driven Graphene Oxide Framework Membranes for Precision Ion Separations, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (2023) e202302931 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.202302931 7. Xiaobin Yang, Yajie Wen, Yangxue Li, Linlin Yan, Chuyang Y. Tang, Jun Ma, Seth B. Darling,* and Lu Shao*, Engineering in-situ self-cleaning membrane via prebiotic-chemistry-inspired mineralization, Advanced Materials (2023) Accepted https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202306626 8. Shanshan He, Bin Zhu, Xu Jiang, Gang Han, Songwei Li, Cher Hon Lau, Yadong Wu, Yanqiu Zhang, Lu Shao*, Symbiosis-inspired de novo synthesis of ultrahigh MOF growth mixed matrix membranes for sustainable carbon capture, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 19 (2022) e2114964119 Symbiosis-inspired de novo synthesis of ultrahigh MOF growth mixed matrix membranes for sustainable carbon capture | PNAS 9. Yanqiu Zhang, Jing Guo, Gang Han, Yongping Bai, Qingchun Ge, Jun Ma, Cher Hon Lau, Lu Shao*, Molecularly soldered covalent organic frameworks for ultrafast precision sieving, Science Advances 7 (2021) eabe8706. (ESI Highly Cited Paper) https://www.science.org/doi/epdf/10.1126/sciadv.abe8706 10. Yanqiu Zhang, Xiquan Cheng, Xu Jiang, Jeffrey J Urban, Cher Hon Lau*, Shaoqin Liu, Lu Shao*, Robust natural nanocomposites realizing unprecedented ultrafast precise molecular separations, Materials Today 36 (2020) 40-47. (Cover Image, ESI Hot、highly cited paper) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1369702120300389?via%3Dihub 封面文章 名称 所有文章专利列表 (Full Publications) 名称 The full publications list of Prof. Dr. Lu SHAO https://publons.com/researcher/1307969/lu-shao/publications /https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=tzBP3KYAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4161-3861 ? Journal Publications: 1. Yanqiu Zhang, Xiquan Cheng, Xu Jiang, Jeffrey J Urban, Cher Hon Lau*, Shaoqin Liu, Lu Shao*, Robust natural nanocomposites realizing unprecedented ultrafast precise molecular separations, Materials Today, (2020) Accepted. 2. Xiaobin Yang, Huiru Zhang, Zijing Xia, Ruben Z. Waldman, Jeffery W. Elam, Lu Shao*, Seth B. Darling*, Polyphenol-sensitized atomic layer deposition (ALD) for membrane interface hydrophilization, Advanced Functional Materials, (2020) Accepted 3. Yuanyuan Zhao, Jianping Wen, Hongguang Sun, Duo Pan, Yifeng Huang, Yongping Bai, Lu Shao*, Thermo-responsive separation membrane with smart anti-fouling and self-cleaning properties, Chemical Engineering Research & Design, (2020) Accepted. 4. Feitian Ran, Tianlin Wang, Siyu Chen, Yuyan Liu, Lu Shao, Ion Transport Channels Constructed in Flexible MXene Film for Pseudocapacitive Energy Storage, Applied Surface Science, (2020) Accepted 5. Feitian Ran, Xueqing Xu, Duo Pan, Yuyan Liu, Yongping Bai, Lu Shao*, Ultrathin 2D Metal Organic Framework Nanosheets In-situ Interpenetrated by Functional Carbon Nanotubes for High-performance Hybrid Energy Storage Device, Nano Micro Letters (2020) Accepted 6. Yanqiu Zhang, Jun Ma, Lu Shao*, Ultra-thin trinity coating enabled by competitive reactions for unparalleled molecular separations, Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2020) DOI: 10.1039/C9TA12670H (Front Cover) 7. Linlin Yan, Xiaobin Yang, Jun Long, Xiquan Cheng, Duo Pan, Yifeng Huang, Lu Shao*, Universal unilateral electro-spinning/spraying strategy to construct water-unidirectional Janus membranes with well-tuned hierarchical micro/nanostructures, Chemical Communications 56 (2020) 478-481. 8. Xiaobin Yang, Linlin Yan, Feitian Ran, Yifeng Huang, Duo Pan, Yongping Bai, Lu Shao*, Mussel-/diatom-inspired silicified membrane for high-efficiency water remediation, Journal of Membrane Science 597 (2020) 117753. 9. Xu Jiang, Shanshan He, Songwei Li, Yongping Bai, Lu Shao*, Penetrating chains mimicking plant root branching to build mechanically robust, ultra-stable CO2-philic membranes for superior carbon capture, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (2019) 16704-16711.(Back Cover) 10. Xu Jiang, Songwei Li, Yongping Bai, Lu Shao*, Ultra-facile aqueous synthesis of nanoporous zeolitic imidazolate framework membranes for hydrogen purification and olefin/paraffin separation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7 (2019) 10898-10904. (Front Cover) 11. Zhenxing Wang, Haocheng Yang, Fang He, Shaoqin Peng, Yuexiang Li*, Lu Shao*, Seth Darling*, Mussel-Inspired Surface Engineering for Water-Remediation Materials, MATTER 1 (2019) 115-155. 12. Xiaobin Yang, Linlin Yan, Jun Ma, Yongping Bai, Lu Shao*, Bioadhesion-inspired surface engineering constructing robust, hydrophilic membranes for highly-efficient wastewater remediation, Journal of Membrane Science, 591 (2019) 117353. 13. Xiaobin Yang, Linlin Yan, Yadong Wu, Yuyan Liu, Lu Shao*, Biomimetic hydrophilization engineering on membrane surface for highly-efficient water purification, Journal of Membrane Science, 589 (2019) 117223. 14. Sun, H. G., Y. Q. Zhang, S. W. Li, Y. P. Bai, J. Ma and L. Shao*. Multifunctional Core-Shell Zwitterionic Nanoparticles to Build Robust, Stable Antifouling Membranes Via Magnetic-Controlled Surface Segregation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 38 (2019): 35501-35508. 15. Xu, X. Q., F. T. Ran, H. Lai, Z. J. Cheng, T. Lv, L. Shao and Y. Y. Liu. In Situ Confined Bimetallic Metal-Organic Framework Derived Nanostructure within 3D Interconnected Bamboo-Like Carbon Nanotube Networks for Boosting Electromagnetic Wave Absorbing Performances. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 39 (2019): 35999-36009. 16. Songwei Li, Xu Jiang, Hongguang Sun, Shanshan He, Liling Zhang, Lu Shao*, Mesoporous dendritic fibrous nanosilica (DFNS) stimulating mix matrix membranes towards superior CO2 capture, Journal of Membrane Science, 586 (2019) 185-191. 17. Yanqiu Zhang, Hongguang Sun, Hussain Sadam, Yuyan Liu, Lu Shao*, Supramolecular chemistry assisted construction of ultra-stable solvent-resistant membranes for angstrom-sized molecular separation, Chemical Engineering Journal 371 (2019) 535-543. 18. Hongguang Sun, Yanqiu Zhang, Hussain Sadam, Jun Ma, Yongping Bai, Xi Shen, Jang-Kyo Kim, Lu Shao*, Novel mussel-inspired zwitterionic hydrophilic polymer to boost membrane water-treatment performance, Journal of Membrane Science 582 (2019) 1-8. 19. Xueqing Xu, Feitian Ran, Zhimin Fan, Hua Lai, Zhongjun Cheng, Tong Lv, Lu Shao, and Yuyan Liu*, Cactus-inspired bimetallic metal–organic framework-derived 1D–2D hierarchical Co/N-Decorated carbon architecture toward enhanced electromagnetic wave absorbing performance, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11 (2019)13564-13573. 20. F.T. Ran, X.B. Yang, X.Q. Xu, Y.P. Bai, L. Shao*, Boosting the charge storage of layered double hydroxides derived from carbon nanotube-tailored metal organic frameworks, Electrochimica Acta, 301 (2019) 117-125. 21. X. B. Yang, L.L. Yan, F.T. Ran, A. Pal, J. Long, L. Shao*, Interface-confined surface engineering constructing water-unidirectional Janus membrane, Journal of Membrane Science, 576 (2019) 9-16. 22. S.W. Li, X. Jiang, X.B. Yang, Y.P. Bai, L. Shao*, Nanoporous framework “reservoir” maximizing low-molecular-weight enhancer impregnation into CO2-philic membranes for highly-efficient CO2 capture, Journal of Membrane Science, 570 (2019) 278-285. 23. X. Han, X.B. Yang, G.B. Liu, Z.H. Li, L. Shao*, Boosting visible light photocatalytic activity via impregnation-induced RhB-sensitized MIL-125(Ti), Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 143 (2019) 90-99. 24. F. T. Ran, X. B. Yang, L. Shao*, Recent progress in carbon-based nanoarchitectures for advanced supercapacitors, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 1 (2018) 32-55. 25. X.B. Yang, H.G. Sun, A. Pal, Y.P. Bai, L. Shao*, Biomimetic Silicification on Membrane Surface for Highly Efficient Treatments of Both Oil-in-Water Emulsion and Protein Wastewater, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10 (2018) 29982–29991. 26. Cheng, X. Q., Z. X. Wang, Y. Q. Zhang, Y. J. Zhang, J. Ma and L. Shao*. Bio-Inspired Loose Nanofiltration Membranes with Optimized Separation Performance for Antibiotics Removals. Journal of Membrane Science, 554 (2018): 385-394. 27. Hongbo Gu, Chuntai Liu, Jiahua Zhu, Junwei Gu, Evan K Wujcik, Lu Shao, Ning Wang, Huige Wei, Roberto Scaffaro, Jiaoxia Zhang, Zhanhu Guo. Introducing advanced composites and hybrid materials. Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 1 (2018):1-5. 28. X. Jiang, S.W. Li, S.S. He, Y.P. Bai, L. Shao*, Interface manipulation of CO2–philic composite membranes containing designed UiO-66 derivatives towards highly efficient CO2 capture, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6 (2018) 15064-15073 (Cover story) 29. H.G. Sun, X.B. Yang, Y.Q. Zhang, X.Q. Cheng, Y.C. Xu, Y.P. Bai, L. Shao*, Segregation-induced in situ hydrophilic modification of poly (vinylidene fluoride) ultrafiltration membranes via sticky poly (ethylene glycol) blending, Journal of Membrane Science, 563 (2018) 22-30. 30. X.B. Yang, H.P. Du, S.W. Li, Z.X. Wang, L. Shao*, Codepositing Mussel-Inspired Nanohybrids onto One-Dimensional Fibers under “Green” Conditions for Significantly Enhanced Surface/Interfacial Properties, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 6 (2018) 4412-4420 31. Z.X. Wang, G.F. Xu, G.J. Wang, Y.H. Feng, D.M. Su, B. Chen, H. Zhang, L. Shao*, H.Y. Chen*, Transformable Masks for Colloidal Nanosynthesis, Nature Communications, 9 (2018) 563. 32. X.Q. Cheng, Z.X. Wang, Jing Guo, Jun Ma, Lu Shao*, Designing Multi-functional Coatings for Cost-effectively Sustainable Water Remediation, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 6 (2018) 1881-1890. 33. X.B. Yang, Z.X. Wang, L. Shao*, Construction of oil-unidirectional membrane for integrated oil collection with lossless transportation and oil-in-water emulsion purification, Journal of Membrane Science, 549 (2018) 67-74. 34. X.Q. Cheng, Z.X. Wang, X. Jiang, C.H. Lau*, Z.H. Guo*, J. Ma*, L. Shao*, Towards Sustainable Ultrafast Molecular-Separation Membranes: from Conventional Polymers to Emerging Materials, Progress in Materials Science, 92 (2018) 258-283. 35. Z.X. Wang, X.B. Yang, Z.J. Cheng*, Y.Y. Liu, L. Shao*, L. Jiang, Simply Realizing “Water Diode” Janus Membranes for Multifunctional Smart Applications, Materials Horizons, 4 (2017) 701-708. 36. Y.C. Xu, F.J. You, H.G. Sun, L. Shao*, Realizing Mussel-inspired Polydopamine Selective Layer with Strong Solvent Resistance in Nanofiltration towards Sustainable Reclamation, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 5 (2017) 5520-5528. 37. X.Q Cheng, X Jiang, Y.Q. Zhang, C.H. Lau*, Z.L. Xie, D. Ng, S.J.D. Smith, M.R. Hill, and Lu Shao*, Building passageways in polyamide membranes with water-stable metal organic frameworks for recycling/removal of organic solutes, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9 (2017) 38877-38886. 38. B Gao, J Zhang, Z Hao, L Huo, R Zhang*, L Shao*, In-situ modification of carbon fibers with hyperbranched polyglycerol via anionic ring-opening polymerization for use in high-performance composites, Carbon 123 (2017) 548-557. 39. F.J. You, Y.C. Xu, X.B. Yang, Y.Q. Zhang, L. Shao*, Bio-inspired Ni2%2B-polyphenol Hydrophilic Network Achieving Unconventional High-flux Nanofiltration Membranes for Environmental Remediation, Chemical Communications, 53 (2017) 6128-6131. 40. X.Q. Cheng, S.G. Ding, J. Guo, C. Zhang, Z.H. Guo*, L. Shao*, In-situ interfacial formation of TiO2/polypyrrole selective layer for improving the separation efficiency towards molecular separation, Journal of Membrane Science, 536 (2017) 19-27. 41. Songwei Li, Xu Jiang, Qian Yang, Lu Shao*,Effects of amino functionalized polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes on cross-linked poly (ethylene oxide) membranes for highly-efficient CO2 separation, Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 122 (2017) 280-288. 42. Xi Quan Cheng, Kristina Konstas, Cara M. Doherty, Colin D. Wood, Xavier Mulet, Zongli Xie, Derrick Ng, Matthew R. Hill*, Lu Shao*, and Cher Hon Lau*,Hyper-cross-linked additives that impede aging and enhance permeability in thin polyacetylene films for organic solvent nanofiltration, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 9 (2017) 14401-14408. 43. Xi Quan Cheng, Kristina Konstas, Cara M. Doherty, Colin D. Wood, Xavier Mulet, Zongli Xie, Derrick Ng, Matthew R. Hill*, Cher Hon Lau*, and Lu Shao*, Organic microporous nanofillers with unique alcohol affinity for superior ethanol recovery toward sustainable biofuels, ChemSusChem, 10 (2017) 1887-1891. 44. X.B. Yang, X. Jiang, Y.D. Huang, Z.H. Guo*, L. Shao*, Building nanoporous metal-organic frameworks “armour” on fibers for high-performance composite materials, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 9 (2017) 5590–5599. 45. Y.C. Xu, Y.P. Tang, L.F. Liu, Z.H. Guo, L. Shao*, Nanocomposite organic solvent nanofiltration membranes by a highly-efficient mussel-inspired co-deposition strategy, Journal of Membrane Science, 526 (2017) 32-42. 46. S. Quan, S.W. Li, Y.C. Xiao, L. Shao*, CO2-selective mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) containinggraphene oxide (GO) for enhancing sustainable CO2 capture, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 56 (2017) 22–29. 47. Y.Q. Zhang, X.B. Yang, Z.X. Wang, J. Long, L. Shao*, Designing multifunctional 3D magnetic foam for effective insoluble oil separation and rapid selective dye removal for use in wastewater remediation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5 (2017) 7316-7325 (Cover Page Story) 48. X. Jiang, S.W. Li, L. Shao*, Pushing CO2-philic membrane performance to the limit by designing semi-interpenetrating networks for sustainable CO2 separations, Energy & Environmental Science, 10 (2017) 1339-1344. (Cover Page Story) 49. Y.Z. Wang, S.Q. Wu, X.R. Yan, T. Ma, L. Shao, Y.Y. Liu*, Z.H. Guo*, Alkyl bicarbamates supramolecular organogelators with effective selective gelation and high oil recovery from oil/water mixtures, Chemosphere, 167 (2017) 178-187. 50. Y.C. Xu, Z.X. Wang, X.Q. Cheng, Y.C. Xiao, L. Shao*, Positively charged nanofiltration membranes via economically mussel-substance-simulated co-deposition for textile wastewater treatment, Chemical Engineering Journal, 303 (2016) 555-564. 51. N. Li, F.L. Zeng, D.Z. Qu, J.J. Zhang, L. Shao, Y.P. Bai*, Synthesis and characterization of carborane-containing polyester with excellent thermal and ultrahigh char yield, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 133 (2016) 44202. 52. X.Q. Cheng, C. Zhang, Z.X. Wang, L. Shao*, Tailoring nanofiltration membrane performance for highly-efficient antibiotics removal by mussel-inspired modification, Journal of Membrane Science, 499 (2016) 326-334. 53. Y.C. Xu, X.Q. Cheng, J. Long, L. Shao*, A novel monoamine modification strategy toward High-performance organic solvent nanofiltration (OSN) membrane for sustainable molecular separations, Journal of Membrane Science, 497 (2016) 77-89. 54. Wang, Y. Z., Y. S. Wang, X. R. Yan, S. Q. Wu, L. Shao, Y. Y. Liu and Z. H. Guo. Toluene diisocyanate based phase-selective supramolecular oil gelator for effective removal of oil spills from polluted water. Chemosphere, 153 (2016): 485-493. 55. Wang, Y., J. Long, Y. P. Bai, L. Shao and S. C. Qi. Thermal Stability and Surface Properties of Acrylic Psas Modified by Hexafluorobutyl Acrylate. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 3 (2016): 300-312. 56. Zhang, L., Y. J. Cao, L. Wang, L. Shao and Y. P. Bai. Polyacrylate Emulsion Containing IBOMA for Removable Pressure Sensitive Adhesives. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 3 (2016). 57. Jiang, Z. X., M. Q. Wang, H. Cheng, H. B. Lv, Y. T. Yao, Y. P. Bai, L. Shao and Y. D. Huang. Miniature Boat Fabrication with Striking Loading Capacity in Seawater from Hydrophobic Steel Mesh. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 6 (2015): 762-766. 58. Wang, Y., J. Long, Y. P. Bai, C. Zhang, B. Q. Cheng, L. Shao and S. C. Qi. "Preparation and Characterization of Fluorinated Acrylic Pressure Sensitive Adhesives for Low Surface Energy Substrates." Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 180 (2015): 103-109. 59. Z.X. Wang, J. Guo, J. Ma, L. Shao*, Highly regenerable and alkali-resistant magnetic nanoparticles inspired by mussel for smartly selective dye removal toward high-efficiency environmental remediation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 19960-19968. 60. X.Q. Cheng, Y.Y. Liu, Z.H. Guo, L. Shao*, Nanofiltration Membrane Achieving Dual Resistance to Fouling and Chlorine for "Green" Separation of Antibiotics, Journal of Membrane Science, 493 (2015) 156-166. 61. S. Quan, S.W. Li, Z.X. Wang, Z.H. Guo*, L. Shao*, A bio-inspired CO2-philic network membrane for enhanced sustainable gas separation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 13758-13766. 62. Z.X. Wang, Y.C. Xu, Y.Y. Liu, L. Shao*, A Novel Mussel-Inspired Strategy toward Superhydrophobic Surface for Self-Driven Oil Spill Cleanup, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 12171-12178 (Inside Front Cover) 63. Z.X. Wang, X. Jiang, X.Q. Cheng, C.H. Lau*, L. Shao*, Mussel-Inspired Hybrid Coatings that Transform Membrane Hydrophobicity into High Hydrophilicity and Underwater Superoleophobicity for Oil-in-Water Emulsion Separation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7 (2015) 9534-9545. 64. Z.X. Jiang, M.Q. Wang, H. Cheng, J. Li, A. Husnu, H.B. Lv, Y.T. Yao, L. Shao, Y.D. Huang, M.D. Dong, Facile preparation of TiO2 nanoclustes on graphene templates for photodegradation of organic compounds, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 8 (2015) 840-844. 65. L. Zhang, Y.J. Cao, L. Wang, L. Shao, Y.P. Bai, A novel porous adhesion material with ink absorbency for digital inkjet printing, RSC Advances 5 (2015) 36288-36294 66. S. Quan, Y.P. Tang, Z.X. Wang, Z.X. Jiang, R.G. Wang, Y.Y. Liu, L. Shao*, PEG-imbedded PEO membrane developed by a novel highly efficient strategy toward superior gas transport performance, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 36 (2015) 490-495. 67. Z.X. Wang, C.H. Lau*, N.Q. Zhang, Y.P. Bai, L. Shao*, Mussel-inspired tailoring of membrane wettability for harsh water treatment, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 2650-2657. 68. S.G. Ding, X.Q. Cheng, Z.X. Jiang*, Y.P. Bai, L. Shao*, Pore morphology control and hydrophilicity of polyacrylonitrile ultrafiltration membranes, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 132 (2015) 41991. 69. X.Q. Cheng, L. Shao*, C.H. Lau*, High flux polyethylene glycol based nanofiltration membranes for water environmental remediation, Journal of Membrane Science, 476 (2015) 95-104. 70. H.G Wei, Y.R. Wang, j. Guo, N.Z. Shen, D.W. Jiang, X. Zhang, X.R. Yan, J.H. Zhu, Q. Wang, L. Shao, H.F. Lin, S.Y. Wei, Z.H. Guo*, Advanced micro/nanocapsules for self-healing smart anticorrosion coatings, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 469-480. 71. Wei, H. G., D. W. Ding, X. R. Yan, J. Guo, L. Shao, H. R. Chen, L. Y. Sun, H. A. Colorado, S. Y. Wei and Z. H. Guo. "Tungsten Trioxide/Zinc Tungstate Bilayers: Electrochromic Behaviors, Energy Storage and Electron Transfer." Electrochimica Acta, 132 (2014): 58-66. 72. Wei, H. G., D. W. Ding, H. A. Colorado, H. R. Chen, L. Y. Sun, L. Shao, S. Y. Wei and Z. H. Guo. "Multifunctional Tungsten Trioxide and Zinc Tungstate Bilayers for Methylene Blue Removal and Electron Transfer Study." Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 247 (2014). 73. Xiaojing Chang, Zhenxing Wang, Shuai Quan, Yanchao Xua,Zaixing Jiang, Lu Shao*, Exploring the synergetic effects of graphene oxide (GO) andpolyvinylpyrrodione (PVP) on poly(vinylylidenefluoride) (PVDF)ultrafiltration membrane performance, Applied Surface Science, 316 (2014) 537-548. 74. X.Q. Cheng, Y.L. Zhang, Z.X. Wang, Z.H. Guo, Y.P. Bai, L. Shao*, Recent advances in polymeric solvent resistant nanofiltration membranes, Advances in Polymer Technology, 33 S1 (2014) 21455. 75. Z.X. Jiang, D.J. Zhang, Y. Li, H. Cheng, M.Q. Wang, X.Q. Wang, Y.P. Bai, H.B. Lv, Y.T. Yao, L. Shao*, Y.D. Huang*, One-step, simple, and green synthesis of tin dioxie/graphene nanocomposites and their application to lithium-ion battey anodes, Applied Surface Science, 317 (2014) 486-489. 76. L. Shao*, Z.X. Wang, Y.L. Zhang, Z.X. Jiang, Y.Y. Liu, A facile stategy to enhance PVDF ultrafiltration membrane performance via self-polymerized polydopamine followed by hydrolysis of ammonium fluotitanate, Journal of Membrane Science, 461 (2014) 10-21 77. L. Shao*, Y.H. Yao, S. Quan, H.G. Wei, R.G. Wang, Z.H. Guo, One-pot in situ synthesized TiO2/layered double hydroxides (LDHs) composites toward environmental remediation, Materials Letters, 114 (2014) 111-114. 78. L.P. Ding, L.P. Wang, L. Shao, J.Y. Cao, Y.P. Bai, The water-dependent decay mechanism of biaxially-oriented corona-treated polyethylene terephthalate films, RSC Advances, 4 (2014) 54805-54809. 79. L. Zhang, Y.J. Cao, L. Wang, L. Shao, Y.P. Bai, Synthesis and properties of soap-free P(2-EHA-BA) emulsion for removable pressure sensitive adhesives, RSC Advances, 4 (2014) 47708-47713. 80. L. Shao*, X.Q. Cheng, Z.X. Wang, J. Ma, Z.H. Guo, Tuning the performance of polypyrrole-based solvent-resistant composite nanofiltration membranes by optimizing polymerization conditions and incorporating graphene oxide, Journal of Membrane Science, 452 (2014) 82-89. 81. L.P. Ding, L. Shao, Y.P. Bai*, Deciphering the mechanism of corona discharge treatment of BOPET film, RSC Advances, 4 (2014) 21782-21787. 82. H.B. Gu, J. Guo, H.G. Wei, X. Zhang, J.H. Zhu, L. Shao, Y.D. Huang*, N. Haldolaarachchige, D.P. You, S.Y. Wei*, Z.H. Guo*, Magnetoresistive conductive polymer-tungsten trioxide nanocomposites with ultrahigh sensitivity at low magnetic field, Polymer 55 (2014) 944-950. 83. J.H. Zhu, M.J. Chen, Q.L. He, L. Shao, S.Y. Wei, Z.H. Guo*, An overview of the engineered graphene nanostructures and nanocomposites, RSC Advances, 3 (2013) 22790-22824. 84. L. Zhang, Y.J. Cao, S. Wang, Z. Czech, L. Shao, Y.P. Bai*, Synthesis of poly (n-butyl acrylates) by a novel microemulsion polymerization for PSAs applications, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 47 (2013) 69-72. 85. L. Shao*, S. Quan, Y. Liu, Z.H. Guo, Z.X. Wang, A novel "gel-sol" strategy to synthesize TiO2 nanorod combining reduced graphene oxide composites, Materials Letters, 107 (2013) 307-310. 86. L. Shao*, S. Quan, X.Q. Cheng, X.J. Chang, H.G. Sun, R.G. Wang, Developing cross-linked poly(ethylene oxide) membrane by the novel reaction system for H2 purification, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (2013) 5122-5132. 87. L. Shao*, X.Q. Cheng, Y. Liu, S. Quan, J. Ma, S.Z. Zhao, K.Y. Wang, Newly developed nanofiltration (NF) composite membranes by interfacial polymerization for Safranin O and Aniline blue removal, Journal of Membrane Science, 430 (2013) 96-105. 88. L. Shao*, X.J. Chang, Y.L. Zhang, Y.F. Huang, Y.H. Yao, Z.H. Guo, Graphene oxide cross-linked chitosan nanocomposite membrane, Applied Surface Science, 280 (2013) 989-992. 89. S.L. Liu, L. Shao*, M.L. Chua, C.H. Lau, H. Wang, S. Quan, Recent progress in the design of advanced PEO-containing membranes for CO2 removal, Progress in Polymer Science, 38 (2013) 1089-1120. 90. Z. Czech, K. Wilpiszewska, B. Tyliszczak, X. Jiang, Y.P. Bai, L. Shao*, Biodegradable self-adhesive tapes with starch carrier, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 44 (2013) 195-199. 91. Z. Czech, L. Shao*, A. Kowalczyk, J. Kabatc, X.Q. Cheng, J. Swiderska, Photocrosslinking of solvent-based acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSA) by the use of selected photoinitiators type I, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 27 (2013) 2398-2410. 92. Z. Czech, A. Kowalczyk, L. Shao*, X.Q. Cheng, S. Quan, Y.P. Bai, Novel acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) containing silver particles, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 27 (2013) 1446-1454. 93. Z. Czech, A. Kowalczyk, J. Kabatc, L. Shao, Y. Bai, J. Swiderska, UV-initiated crosslinking of photoreactive acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives using excimer-laser, Polymer Bulletin, 70 (2013) 479-488. 94. E. Atabey, S.Y. Wei, X. Zhang, H.B. Gu, X.R. Yan, Y.D. Huang, L. Shao, Q.L. He, J.H. Zhu, L.Y. Sun, A.S. Kucknoor, A. Wang, Z.H. Guo, Fluorescent electrospun polyvinyl alcohol/CdSe@ZnS nanocomposite fibers, Journal of Composite Materials, 47 (2013) 3175-3186. 95. H.B. Gu, Y.D. Huang, X. Zhang, Q. Wang, J.H. Zhu, L. Shao, N. Haldolaarachchige, D.P. Young, S.Y. Wei, Z.H. Guo, Magnetoresistive polyaniline-magnetite nanocomposites with negative dielectrical properties, Polymer, 53 (2012) 801-809. 96. Z. Czech, A. Kowalczyk, R. Pelech, R.J. Wrobel, L. Shao, Y. Bai, J. Swiderska, Using of carbon nanotubes and nano carbon black for electrical conductivity adjustment of pressure-sensitive adhesives, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 36 (2012) 20-24. 97. Z. Czech, A. Kowalczyk, J. Kabatc, J. Aewiderska, J. Swiderska, L. Shao, Y.P. Bai, Influence of selected photoinitiators type II on tack, peel adhesion, and shear strength of UV-crosslinked solvent-borne acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives used for medical applications, Polymer Bulletin, 68 (2012) 441-452. 98. Z. Czech, A. Kowalczyk, K. Gorka, U. Gluch, L. Shao, J. Swiderska, Influence of the unsaturated photoinitiators kind on the properties of uv-crosslinkable acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives, Polish Journal of Chemical Technology, 14 (2012) 83-87. 99. L. Shao*, C.Z. Mu, Y.F. Huang, S.G. Ding, X. Li, Y.P. Bai, Y.D. Huang, Enhancement of Ink-receiving Properties of SiO2/PVA Composite Films by Using Rare Earth-modified SiO2 Particles, Iranian Polymer Journal, 20 (2011) 955-967. 100. L. Shao*, C.Z. Mu, H.P. Du, Z. Czech, H.C. Du, Y.P. Bai, Covalent marriage of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) and beta-cyclodextrin (beta-CD) by silicon coupling reagents, Applied Surface Science, 258 (2011) 1682-1688. 101. C.H. Lau, S.L. Liu, D.R. Paul, J.Z. Xia, Y.C. Jean, H.M. Chen, L. Shao*, T.S. Chung*, Silica Nanohybrid Membranes with High CO2 Affinity for Green Hydrogen Purification, Advanced Energy Materials, 1 (2011) 634-642. 102. M.L. Chua, L. Shao, B.T. Low, Y.C. Xiao, T.S. Chung*, Polyetheramine-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane organic-inorganic hybrid membranes for CO2/H2 and CO2/N2 separation, Journal of Membrane Science, 385 (2011) 40-48. 103. C.H. Lau, B.T. Low, L. Shao*, T.S. Chung, A vapor-phase surface modification method to enhance different types of hollow fiber membranes for industrial scale hydrogen separation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35 (2010) 8970-8982. 104. H.L. Fu, Y.Q. Li, L. Shao, S.X. Cheng, X.Z. Zhang, R.X. Zhuo, Gene expression mediated by dendrimer/DNA complexes encapsulated in biodegradable polymer microspheres, Journal of Microencapsulation, 27 (2010) 345-354. 105. Y.P. Bai*, L. Zhao, L. Shao*, Hybrid Emulsifiers Enhancing Polymerization Stabilities and Properties of Pressure Sensitive Adhesives, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 115 (2010) 1125-1130. 106. L. Shao*, B.T. Low, T.S. Chung*, A.R. Greenberg, Polymeric membranes for the hydrogen economy: Contemporary approaches and prospects for the future, Journal of Membrane Science, 327 (2009) 18-31. 107. L. Shao*, C.H. Lau, T.S. Chung*, A novel strategy for surface modification of polyimide membranes by vapor-phase ethylenediamine (EDA) for hydrogen purification, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34 (2009) 8716-8722. 108. L. Shao*, T.S. Chung*, In situ fabrication of cross-linked PEO/silica reverse-selective membranes for hydrogen purification, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34 (2009) 6492-6504. 109. L. Shao*, Y.P. Bai, X. Huang, L.H. Meng, J. Ma, Fabrication and Characterization of Solution Cast MWNTs/PEI Nanocomposites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 113 (2009) 1879-1886. 110. L. Shao*, Y.P. Bai, X. Huang, Z.F. Gao, L.H. Meng, Y.D. Huang, J. Ma, Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) functionalized with amino groups by reacting with supercritical ammonia fluids, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 116 (2009) 323-326. 111. X. Jin, Y.P. Bai*, L. Shao*, B.H. Yang, Y.P. Tang, Properties of solvent-borne acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives synthesized by a simple approach, Express Polymer Letters, 3 (2009) 814-820. 112. S.Q. Wei, Y.P. Bai*, L. Shao*, A novel approach to graft acrylates onto commercial silicones for release film fabrications by two-step emulsion synthesis, European Polymer Journal, 44 (2008) 2728-2736. 113. L. Shao*, L. Liu, S.X. Cheng, Y.D. Huang, J. Ma, Comparison of diamino cross-linking in different polyimide solutions and membranes by precipitation observation and gas transport, Journal of Membrane Science, 312 (2008) 174-185. 114. Z.W. Xu, Y.D. Huang, L. Liu, C.H. Zhang, J. Long, J.M. He, L. Shao, Surface characteristics of kidney and circular section carbon fibers and mechanical behavior of composites, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 106 (2007) 16-21. 115. T.S. Chung*, L. Shao*, P.S. Tin, Surface modification of polyimide membranes by diamines for H-2 and CO2 separation, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 27 (2006) 998-1003. 116. Y.C. Xiao, L. Shao, T.S. Chung, D.A. Schiraldi, Effects of thermal treatments and dendrimers chemical structures on the properties of highly surface cross-linked polyimide films, Industrial & Engineering of Chemistry Research, 44 (2005) 3059-3067. 117. L. Shao, T.S. Chung, K.P. Pramoda, The evolution of physicochemical and transport properties of 6FDA-durene toward carbon membranes; from polymer, intermediate to carbon, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 84 (2005) 59-68 118. L. Shao, T.S. Chung, S.H. Goh, K.P. Pramoda, Polyimide modification by a linear aliphatic diamine to enhance transport performance and plasticization resistance, Journal of Membrane Science, 256 (2005) 46-56. 119. L. Shao, T.S. Chung, S.H. Goh, K.P. Pramoda, The effects of 1,3-cyclohexanebis(methylamine) modification on gas transport and plasticization resistance of polyimide membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 267 (2005) 78-89. 120. L. Shao, T.S. Chung, G. Wensley, S.H. Goh, K.P. Pramoda, Casting solvent effects on morphologies, gas transport properties of a novel 6FDA/PMDA-TMMDA copolyimide membrane and its derived carbon membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 244 (2004) 77-87. 121. L. Shao, T.S. Chung, S.H. Goh, K.P. Pramoda, Transport properties of cross-linked polyimide membranes induced by different generations of diaminobutane (DAB) dendrimers, Journal of Membrane Science, 238 (2004) 153-163. 122. H.Y. Ma, Y.D. Huang, Z.Q. Zhang, L. Shao, Effect of Co-60 gamma ray irradiation for carbon fibre on interfacial properties in epoxy resin composites, Materials Science and Technology, 18 (2002) 1585-1588. 123. Y.D. Huang, L. Liu, J.H. Qiu, L. Shao, Influence of ultrasonic treatment on the characteristics of epoxy resin and the interfacial property of its carbon fiber composites, Composites Science and Technology, 62 (2002) 2153-2159. ? International Conference (Oral Presentations): 1. Shao Lu, Engineering the separation membrane surface for advanced environmental remediation, 16th Pacific Polymer Conference (2019), Singapore. (Invited Talk) 2. Shao Lu, Zhang Yanqiu, Nanofiltration (NF) Membrane Fabrication for Dye Removal, The 12th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (2019), Jizhou, Korea. 3. Shao Lu, Wang Zhenxing, Yang Xiaobin, Surface Functionalization and Peeling-off Manipulation Generating Diversified Janus Membranes toward Multifunctional Applications, 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA. (Invited Talk) 4. Shao Lu, Xu Yanchao, Cheng Xiquan, Organic Solvent Nanofiltration Membranes Developed by Mussel-Inspired Strategy, 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA. 5. Xu Yanchao, Cheng Xiquan, Shao Lu, A Monoamine Modification Strategy toward Organic Solvent Nanofiltration, 5th IWA Regional Conference on Membrane Technology (2016), Kunming, China. 6. Shao Lu, Cheng Xiquan, A Novel Hydrophilic Nanofiltration Membrane with Excellent Performance, 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. 7. Shao Lu, Wang Zhenxing, Mussel-Inspired Hybrid Coatings That Tailor Membrane Wettability for Hash Water Treatment, 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. 8. Shao Lu, Cheng Xiquan, Optimizing polypyrrole based solvent resistant nanofiltration membrane performance by incorporating of grapheme oxide, The 10th International Congress on Membranes and Membranes Progress (2014), SuZhou,China. 9. Shao Lu, Cheng Xiquan, Sun Hongguang, Nanocomposites of Multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)/Polyimide, 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. 10. Shao Lu, Huang Yi-Feng, Mu Chen-Zhong, Cross-linked Gas Separation Membranes for Energy and Environmental Applications, 2011 Joint China-Korea Workshop on Material Science & Chemical Engineering, Harbin, China. (Invited Talk) 11. Shao Lu, Chung Tai-Shung, Nano-Composite Membranes Achieved by in-Situ Approach for Hydrogen Economy, 2010 AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA. 12. Lau Cher Hon, Low Bee-Ting, Shao Lu, Chung Tai-Shung, A Vapor-Phase Surface Modification Method to Enhance Different Types of Hollow Fiber Membranes for Industrial Scale Hydrogen Separation, 2010 AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA. 13. Low Bee-Ting, Shao Lu, Chung Tai-Shung, Hydrogen purification by polymeric membranes: overview, case studies and future prospects, North American Membrane Society-2009 Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, USA.. 14. Shao Lu,Chung Tai-Shung., Low Bee-Ting, Xiao You-Chang, A comprehensive study on the diamino modification of polyimides, 2008 AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 15. Chung T.S., Shao Lu, Tin P.S., Xiao Y.C. and Jiang L.Y., Chemical modifications of polyimides to produce high permselectivity for H2 and CO2 separation and for natural gas separation, North American Membrane Society - 2007 Annual Meeting, Florida, USA. 16. Shao Lu, Chung T. S., A New Approach to Suppress CO2 Plasticization and Enhance Transport Properties in Polyimide Films, North American Membrane Society - 2005 Annual Meeting, Rhode Island, USA. ? Book Chapter: 1. Lu Shao, Xiaobin Yang, Zhenxing Wang, Libo Zhang. Mussel-Inspired Nanocomposites: Synthesis and Promising Applications in Environmental Fields. Multifunctional Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental Applications, 2 (2018):603-650. ? Patents: 1. Chung Tai-Shung, CHNG Mei Lin, SHAO Lu, Polyimide Membranes, US7169885 (2007) 2. Chuang Tai-Shung, SHAO Lu, Polyimide Membrane, PCT WO2006009520-A1 (2006) There are 25 granted Chinese patents which is not shown here. 个人新闻 (NEWs) 新闻标题 博士快速响应招生,随时申请,每月审核一批! 发布时间 欢迎优秀学子(本硕毕业于高水平大学)加入团队,哈工大快速响应博士(随时报名,每月招一批)。 具体要求见:http://yzb.hit.edu.cn/2023/0609/c8824a313710/page.htm 新闻标题 祝贺张艳秋博士Science论文在线刊出 发布时间 Science %2B1!哈工大团队提出“冰限域”界面聚合技术 助力缓解全球水资源短缺难题 (qq.com) https://www.science.org/stoken/author-tokens/ST-1478/full (free access link) 新闻标题 祝贺杨晓彬博士最新论文被Advanced Materials接收 发布时间 2023 新闻标题 邵路教授新任Nature合作期刊副主编 发布时间 邵路教授刚刚确认将任职Nature合作期刊NPJ Clean Water副主编,欢迎关注期刊并投稿高质量稿件。 About the Editors | npj Clean Water (nature.com) https://www.nature.com/npjcleanwater/?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=baidu&utm_content=banner&utm_term=null&utm_campaign=MPSR_41545_AWA1_CN_CNPL_HPAUT_OAX 新闻标题 邵路教授连续入选“高被引学者” (化学工程与技术领域) 发布时间 新闻标题 化工与化学学院邵路教授团队3项研究成果在中国工程院院刊《工程》上发表 发布时间 20220717 化工与化学学院邵路教授团队3项研究成果在中国工程院院刊《工程》上发表 (hit.edu.cn) 新闻标题 邵路教授入选“中国高被引学者”(化学工程与技术) 发布时间 2022-04-14 新闻标题 祝贺张艳秋博士获得2021年京博博士论文优秀奖 发布时间 新闻标题 指导的博士杨晓彬获得校研究生“十佳英才”视频展示 发布时间 视频展示链接:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/oIV45hNc9VOZ8aeeQIX7vg 新闻标题 祝贺新增黑龙江省科技奖自然科学二等奖1项和黑龙江省高校科技奖技术发明一等奖1项 (邵路,排序都为第一)!!! 发布时间 新闻标题 赫羴姗同学碳捕集分离膜的研究论文在美国国家科学院院刊发表! 发布时间 PNAS论文链接 Symbiosis-inspired de novo synthesis of ultrahigh MOF growth mixed matrix membranes for sustainable carbon capture | PNAS 新闻标题 我组新增国家自然科学基金面上项目一项! 发布时间 2021-08-25 我组新型纳滤膜构筑方法申请获批国家自然科学基金面上项目! 该项目为团队负责人邵路教授负责的第六项国家自然科学基金项目! 新闻标题 工信部"十四五“规划教材立项 发布时间 2021-08-08 课题组邵路教授作为主编的教材《膜科学与技术》获得工信部十四五规划教材立项! 具体信息参见:https://www.miit.gov.cn/jgsj/rjj/gzdt/art/2021/art_e1eff888b8634633bc2601e7434079b3.html 新闻标题 张艳秋博士在Science子刊发表研究论文! 发布时间 2021-03-27 邵路团队提出界面“分子焊接”高效纳滤膜合成新方法。相关论文“分子焊接共价有机骨架用于超快精密筛分”(Molecularly Soldered Covalent Organic Frameworks for Ultrafast Precision Sieving)发表在《科学》Science 子刊《科学进展》(Science Advances)。我校为该论文唯一通讯单位,邵路教授为唯一通讯作者,论文第一作者为化工与化学学院青年教师、土木工程博士后流动站博士后张艳秋。 原文链接: https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/7/13/eabe8706 新闻标题 邵路教授受邀加入ACS EST Engineering顾问编委 (Editorial Advisory Board) 发布时间 2021-01-13 详见网页: https://pubs.acs.org/page/aeecco/editors.html 新闻标题 邵路教授入选英国皇家化学会会士 (Prof. Dr. Lu Shao was elected as Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry) 发布时间 新闻标题 张艳秋同学在Materials Today(IF=24.372)上发表“绿色”分子/离子分离膜的研究成果并被国外媒体追踪报道! 发布时间 文章链接:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1369702120300389?via%3Dihub 国外媒体报道链接: https://www.materialstoday.com/polymers-soft-materials/news/naturally-inspired-green-membranes-clean-up/ 新闻标题 祝贺张艳秋同学仿生三元涂敷被JMCA封面报道 发布时间 原文链接:https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2020/TA/C9TA12670H 新闻标题 邵路教授受邀担任Nature合作期刊 NPJ Clean Water编委 发布时间 邵路教授受邀担任NPJ Clean Water编委 About the Editors | npj Clean Water (nature.com) 名称 Dr. Lu SHAO, is currently a tenured professor in School of Chemical Engineering and Technology at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) in China. He received his BSc (1999) and MSc (2001) from HIT, and his PhD (2005) from National University of Singapore. Before joining HIT in 2006, he had worked as the assistant project manager in C-PAK Company, Singapore for more than one year. He has conducted research at University of California Riverside during 2015-2016. His research interests are advanced separation membrane materials/processes and functional composite materials, with a particular focus on energy and environmental applications. Dr. SHAO has published >180 SCI-indexed papers in Science,Science Advances,Nature Communications, MATTER, PNAS, Advanced Materials,Angew Chem,Energy Environmental Science, Journal of Membrane Science,Chemical Engineering Science, Materials Today, Cell Reports Physical Science, Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Materials Horizons, AIChE Journal etc. with the SCI citations > 12,000 and h-indes=70 and google scholar citation>13,000 . He obtained the Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province for Distinguished Young Scholars (JQ2020B001)。He was awarded New Century Excellent Talents in University in 2011 and elected as Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) in 2020. Associate Editor, npj Clean Water https://www.nature.com/npjcleanwater/editor Editorial Board, Journal of Membrane Science Lu Shao, PhD - Editorial Board - Journal of Membrane Science - Journal - Elsevier Editorial Board, Advanced Membranes Editorial Board | KeAi Publishing Editorial Board, Scientific Reports Editors | Scientific Reports (nature.com) Editorial Advisory Board, ACS ES&T Engineering (ES&TE) ACS ES&T Engineering Tel::%2B86-451-86413711 (o); %2B86-13100870576 (m) Email: shaolu@hit.edu.cn https://publons.com/researcher/1307969/lu-shao/publications / https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=tzBP3KYAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4161-3861 Recent representive publications: 1. Xiquan Cheng*, Tongyu Li, Linlin Yan, Yang Jiao, Yingjie Zhang, Kai Wang, Zhongjun Cheng, Jun Ma*, Lu Shao*, Biodegradable electrospinning superhydrophilic nanofiber membranes for ultrafast oil-water separation, Science Advances, 9 (2023) adh8195. https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/sciadv.adh8195 2. Yuanyuan Zhao, Xiaobin Yang, Zhongjun Cheng, Cher Hon Lau, Jun Ma, Lu Shao*, Surface Manipulation for Prevention of Migratory Viscous Crude Oil Fouling in Superhydrophilic Membranes, Nature Communications 14 (2023) 2679. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-38419-3.pdf 3. Bin Zhu, Shanshan He,Yan Yang, Songwei Li, Cherhon Lau, Shaomin Liu, Lu Shao*, Boosting membrane carbon capture via multifaceted polyphenol-mediated soldering. Nature Communications, 14 (2023) 1697 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-37479-9.pdf 4. Jing Guo Yanqiu Zhang, Fan Yang, Bhekie B. Mamba, Jun Ma, Lu Shao* and Shaomin Liu, Ultra-Permeable Dual-Mechanism-Driven Graphene Oxide Framework Membranes for Precision Ion Separations, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (2023) e202302931 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.202302931 5. Fan Yang, Yanqiu Zhang*, Junhui Huang, Gang Gao, Jiaqi Zhu, Lu Shao*, Unprecedented acid-tolerant ultrathin membranes with finely tuned sub-nanopores for energetic-efficient molecular sieving, Science Bulletin 68 (2023) 29-33 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2095927322005990?via%3Dihub 6. Shanshan He, Bin Zhu, Xu Jiang, Gang Han, Songwei Li, Cher Hon Lau, Yadong Wu, Yanqiu Zhang, Lu Shao*, Symbiosis-inspired de novo synthesis of ultrahigh MOF growth mixed matrix membranes for sustainable carbon capture, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 19 (2022) e2114964119 Symbiosis-inspired de novo synthesis of ultrahigh MOF growth mixed matrix membranes for sustainable carbon capture | PNAS 7. Yanqiu Zhang, Jing Guo, Gang Han, Yongping Bai, Qingchun Ge, Jun Ma, Cher Hon Lau, Lu Shao*, Molecularly soldered covalent organic frameworks for ultrafast precision sieving, Science Advances 7 (2021) eabe8706. (ESI Highly Cited Paper) https://www.science.org/doi/epdf/10.1126/sciadv.abe8706 8. Yanqiu Zhang, Xiquan Cheng, Xu Jiang, Jeffrey J Urban, Cher Hon Lau*, Shaoqin Liu, Lu Shao*, Robust natural nanocomposites realizing unprecedented ultrafast precise molecular separations, Materials Today, 36 (2020) 40-47. (Cover Image, ESI Hot、highly cited paper) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1369702120300389?via%3Dihub 9. Xiaobin Yang, ABF Martinson, JW Elam, Lu Shao*, SB Darling*, Water treatment based on atomically engineered materials: Atomic layer deposition and beyond, Matter 4 (2021), 3515-3548 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590238521004501 10. X.Q. Cheng, Z.X. Wang, X. Jiang, C.H. Lau*, Z.H. Guo*, J. Ma*, L. Shao*, Towards Sustainable Ultrafast Molecular-Separation Membranes: from Conventional Polymers to Emerging Materials, Progress in Materials Science, 92 (2018) 258-283. (ESI Hot、highly cited Paper) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0079642517301305 Ph.D and postdoc positions 名称 1-2 Ph.D student from oversea (supported by CSC schollarship) 1-2 Postdoc researcher (flexible applying with the salary based on qualification) 2-3 Ph.D student (typical enrollment from China) every year Requirments: Major in Chemistry, Materials (polymeric materials), Chemical Engineering or related Fields. The experiences on membrane separations or synthesis will be with the high priority. Contact: Prof. Dr. Lu SHAO, FRSC (UK)School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology, China Tel::%2B86-451-86413711 (o); %2B86-13100870576 (m)Email: shaolu@hit.edu.cn https://publons.com/researcher/1307969/lu-shao/publications/ Associate Editor, npj Clean Water https://www.nature.com/npjcleanwater/editor Editorial Board, Journal of Membrane Science Lu Shao, PhD - Editorial Board - Journal of Membrane Science - Journal - Elsevier Editorial Board, Advanced Membranes Editorial Board | KeAi Publishing Editorial Board, Scientific Reports Editors | Scientific Reports (nature.com) Editorial Advisory Board, ACS ES&T Engineering (ES&TE) ACS ES&T Engineering : 通用模版 名称 硕士生 每年3-4名 博士生 每年6名 (含快速响应的优秀博士候选人,快速响应随时联系,随时报名,每月处理一批 ) 快速响应具体要求见:http://yzb.hit.edu.cn/2023/0609/c8824a313710/page.htm (师资)博士后或副教授、教授 视情况,常年招聘