姓名 | 刘正君 | 性别 | 刘正君 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 物理学院 |
学位 | 刘正君 | 学历 | 刘正君 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 | 人气 | |
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简介 教学 科研 论著 资讯 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 刘正君,男,汉族,1979年生,黑龙江省双城市人。教授/博士生导师,哈尔滨工业大学物理学院。主持国家自然科学基金、留学回国人员科研启动基金、高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金、中国博士后科学基金、中国博士后科学基金特别资助、黑龙江省博士后科研启动资助金、哈尔滨工业大学科研创新基金、哈尔滨工业大学优秀青年教师培养计划项目和重点实验室开放基金等项目。 工作经历 名称 2016.01-今; 哈尔滨工业大学;教授 2014.04-今;哈尔滨工业大学;博士生导师 2012.04-2013.05;法国里昂国立应用科学学院(Creatis, INSA-LYON, France); 博士后 2011.04-今;哈尔滨工业大学;硕士生导师 2010.09-2015.12;哈尔滨工业大学;副教授 2007.12-2010.05;哈尔滨工业大学;博士后 2007.08-2010.09;哈尔滨工业大学;讲师 教育经历 名称 2002.09-2007.07;哈尔滨工业大学;物理系/光学;理学硕士&博士(硕博连读) 1998.09-2002.07;哈尔滨工业大学;物理系/应用物理学;理学学士 1995.09-1998.07;双城市兆麟中学; 高中 任职 名称 中国仪器仪表学会显微仪器分会理事 美国光学学会Senior Member IEEE会员 中国光学工程学会会员 中国光学学会高级会员 黑龙江省光学学会第九届理事 期刊Science Letters Journal的Fourier optics and signal processing栏目副主编 期刊Optics Express编委 期刊Advances in Robotics & Automation编委 期刊Electronics Science Technology and Application编委 期刊《激光与光电子学进展》编委 期刊《应用光学》编委 期刊《红外与激光工程》青年编委 期刊《光学技术》青年编委 期刊Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering的Guest Editor 期刊Optics Communications的Guest Editor 期刊Applied Sciences的Guest Editor Associate Editor of Journal of Modern Medical Imaging Section Board Member of Journal of Applied Sciences 荣誉称号 名称 2023 爱思唯尔中国高被引学者 2022 爱思唯尔中国高被引学者 2022 《液晶与显示》优秀审稿人 2021 爱思唯尔中国高被引学者 2021 《光学精密工程》优秀审稿人 2021 《中国光学》优秀审稿专家 2015 哈尔滨工业大学青年拔尖人才计划 2014 哈尔滨工业大学基础研究杰出人才培育计划Ⅲ 2014 金国藩青年学子奖 2012 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 2009 全国优秀博士论文提名 2008 第十届校优秀博士论文 2007 黑龙江省普通高等学校优秀毕业生 友情链接 链接名称 哈尔滨工业大学 链接地址 http://www.hit.edu.cn/ 简单介绍 学校主页 链接名称 哈工大-物理学院 链接地址 http://physics.hit.edu.cn/ 简单介绍 学院主页 讲授课程 名称 图像隐藏技术及编程实现(本科生创新研修课,20学时/1学分,课程代码:PH41011) 计算光学(本科生素质选修课,16学时/1学分,课程代码:PH22105) 计算光学成像 (研究生选修课,32学时/2学分,课程代码:PH64054) 计算光学成像原理与技术 (本科选修课,32学时/2学分,课程代码:PH33424) 现代光学基础与前沿(本科素质选修课,32学时/2学分,课程代码:22PH41103) 招生信息 名称 欢迎对计算光学成像和图像处理感兴趣的同学来我们团队学习和从事研究工作! 硕士招生:一级学科:物理学二级学科:光学 博士招生: 一级学科:物理学二级学科:光学 招生信息参见: http://yzb.hit.edu.cn/ 关于哈尔滨工业大学博士研究生招生优秀生源快响行动的通知 http://yzb.hit.edu.cn/2023/0609/c8824a313710/page.htm 科研项目 项目名称 利用分数阶变换域相位滤波制备中空光束 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2012-01-01 结束时间 2014-12-01 项目经费 25 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 基于gyrator变换的光学高密度信息安全技术研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2011-01-01 结束时间 2011-12-01 项目经费 4 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 基于多路光学变换的精确测量与超分辨成像技术 项目来源 中国博士后科学基金特别资助 开始时间 2015-07-01 结束时间 2015-07-01 项目经费 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 基于含参数光学变换的超分辨成像技术研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2016-01-01 结束时间 2019-12-01 项目经费 64 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 基于薄柱透镜旋转扫描的超分辨计算成像技术研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2020.1 结束时间 2023.12 项目经费 59万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 奖项成果 奖项名称 红外热波成像检测技术基础研究 获奖时间 2014 完成人 刘俊岩、刘正君、杨立军、张昱、王扬 所获奖项 黑龙江省科学技术奖(自然类)二等奖 简单介绍 奖项名称 微纳光学理论基础及加工方法 获奖时间 2014 完成人 金鹏、林杰、丁卫强、高育龙、刘正君 所获奖项 黑龙江省科学技术奖(自然类)二等奖 简单介绍 研究领域 名称 计算光学成像:编码成像,叠层成像,衍射成像,结构光照明成像,散射成像 光学变换:傅里叶光学,分数傅里叶变换,随机变换,分数阶变换,相位恢复 形貌测量:数字图像相关,形貌形变测量,光束整形,波前编码,自动聚焦 信息安全:加密,水印,分存,隐藏,伪装 图像处理:运动评估,光流,目标识别,图像融合,计算视觉,模糊图测速,目标跟踪 图像分析:缺陷分析,病变分析 团队成员 名称 助理研究员: 李语童 博士生: 2019级: 纪宇(协助指导), 研究方向: 动态成像与图像处理技术 2020级: 张正佳(协助指导), 研究方向: 散射成像方法 2021级: 王怡然(协助指导),研究方向: 超分辨计算光学成像方法 2022级: 李子杨,研究方向: 计算光学成像 2022级: 刘香茹,研究方向: 计算光学成像 2022级: 黄冠程,研究方向: 计算光学成像 2023级: 乔子凌,研究方向: 计算光学成像 2023级: 张宇,研究方向: 计算光学成像 2023级: 李琦(协助指导),研究方向: 计算光学成像 2024级: 付龙辉,研究方向:模糊图像复原 2024级: 高思达,研究方向:计算光学成像 硕士生: 2022级: 赵澎涛(协助指导),研究方向: 编码成像 2022级: 吴政燠(协助指导),研究方向: 计算光学成像 2022级: 杨淑睿,研究方向: 相位编码技术 2022级: 刘钢山,研究方向: 医学成像与图像分析 2023级: 马硕,研究方向: 傅里叶叠层扫描成像 2023级: 张玮,研究方向: 编码成像 2023级: 王哲,研究方向: 小目标跟踪技术 2023级: 江礼福,研究方向: 计算光学成像 毕业学生 博士: 2023届: 周旭阳,学位论文:相干衍射成像系统的快速自动聚焦方法研究 2023届: 李语童,学位论文:基于Kramers-Kronig关系的快速显微光场成像技术 2023届: 温秀,学位论文:基于扫描调制的快速计算光学成像方法 2022届: 金鑫(协助指导),学位论文:基于镜像频谱拓展的结构光倾斜照明显微成像方法研究 2021届: 耿勇(协助指导),学位论文:基于旋转相干调制的计算显微成像方法研究 2021届: 郭澄,学位论文:基于多距离相位恢复的无透镜计算显微成像技术研究 硕士: 2021届:左琴,学位论文:基于数字散斑相关的三维形变测量 2021届:汪嘉鑫,学位论文:复杂红外场景中运动小目标快速跟踪技术 2021届:卢泳安,学位论文:新冠病毒核酸快速检测平台软件系统 2020届:翟玉兰,学位论文:无透镜相干衍射成像系统的降噪技术研究 2020届:张飞龙,学位论文:相干衍射成像系统的自动准焦算法研究 2018届:沈成,学位论文:基于多图像迭代相位恢复技术的计算成像特性研究[优]2017届:尉策,学位论文:基于重叠关联迭代引擎的高分辨成像研究2017届:陈卡娜,学位论文:基于朗奇光栅的结构光照明成像技术2016届:郭澄,学位论文:基于多强度图像相位恢复的光场重构理论研究2013届:代维凯,学位论文:面源黑体发射率传递系统研究 本科: 2024届:吴子欣,毕业论文:基于虚拟颜色的超分辨计算光学成像方法 2024届:黄琨,毕业论文:基于Kramers-Kronig关系的小型傅里叶叠层显微系统 2024届:宋金林,毕业论文:基于傅里叶域稀疏采样的计算成像方法 2024届:刘宇欣(协助指导),毕业论文:基于物理驱动轻量级网络的肿瘤细胞识别方法 2024届:崔兴哲(协助指导),毕业论文:基于TiO2超构表面的消色差偏振成像系统优化研究 2024届:纪家清(协助指导),毕业论文:基于多波长/轴距的薄膜折射率分布测定方法 2023届:马硕,毕业论文:基于单次曝光的傅里叶叠层扫描成像技术[优] 2023届:张玮,毕业论文:基于数字微镜调制的编码成像技术 2023届:王哲,毕业论文:基于傅里叶和Radon变换的图像测速技术 2022届:唐爱国,毕业论文:基于啁啾相位调制的超分辨计算成像方法[优] 2022届:邹哲皓,毕业论文:基于相位恢复的多图像隐藏方法 2021届:于婷洋,毕业论文:红外小目标的快速识别方法设计 2021届:吴聪杰,毕业论文:基于光栅条纹的相机畸变校正方法 2021届:褚瑞,毕业论文:基于爬山法的快速自动聚焦系统 2020届:孙铭,毕业论文:用于傅里叶叠层成像的等效球面光源设计 2020届:黄冠程,毕业论文:点光源照明条件下的傅里叶叠层成像系统 2019届:卢泳安,毕业论文:一维傅里叶变换的光学实现 2019届:欧阳兆珊,毕业论文:共焦系统软件的三维数据显示与量化表征 2019届:左琴,毕业论文:基于特征匹配的柱透镜位姿估计方法 2018届:朱焌文,毕业论文:共焦显微图像的几何特征量表征方法设计2017届:刘骏鹏,毕业论文:基于MATLAB和LabView的共焦图像三维显示2017届,戴仕杰,毕业论文:变换域共焦彩色图像增强方法研究2016届:陈本金, 毕业论文:基于ePIE的超分辨率成像技术2016届:王力, 毕业论文:基于强度传输方程的成像方法研究2016届:沈成, 毕业论文:基于位置多路方案的光场精确测量[优]2015届:尉策,毕业论文:基于重叠关联迭代引擎的超分辨成像方法研究2015届:陈鹏,毕业论文:基于菲涅尔域多强度图像的光场精确重构方法2015届:陆书琛,毕业论文:基于超像素光流法的目标跟踪和位移评估研究2015届:陈卡娜,毕业论文:基于虚拟艾里斑的结构探测技术2014届:甘世奇,毕业论文:光束在生物薄膜中传输过程研究2014届:龙程,毕业论文:基于VSD的扫描显微镜超分辨技术研究2013届:尤佳楠,毕业论文:水下激光成像预处理算法设计2013届:张海峰,毕业论文:Hartley变换域彩色图像隐藏算法研究2012届:龚旻,毕业论文:基于混沌映射的图像加密算法研究2012届:窦永康,毕业论文:基于傅里叶变换的图像伪装技术研究2011届:刘博,毕业论文:复宗量厄米-拉盖尔-高斯光束传输性质研究2011届:刘霆,毕业论文:快速离散gyrator变换算法研究2011届:陈杭,毕业论文:基于阿诺德变换和DCT的彩色图像加密设计2010届:刘鑫光,毕业论文:基于质量图模型的相位展开算法研究2009届:程大林,毕业论文:基于局域特征提取的图像配准算法研究2008届:刘立国,毕业论文:基于光学变换的图像加密算法研究2008届:李红斌,毕业论文:变换域上的数字图像水印算法研究 专利:一种血糖无创检测装置及检测方法 名称 专利名称:一种血糖无创检测装置及检测方法【申请号】 CN201310572036.2【公开号】 CN103536298A【申请人】 哈尔滨工业大学【发明人】 张昱;刘正君 专利:一种辐射测温装置及其温控方法 名称 专利名称:一种辐射测温装置及其温控方法【申请号】 CN201310298202.4【公开号】 CN103344341A 【申请人】 哈尔滨工业大学 【发明人】 张昱;刘正君 教材、专著和章节 出版物名称 MATLAB科学计算和可视化仿真 作者 刘正君 出版时间 2009-04-01 出版社 电子工业出版社 简单介绍 出版物名称 MATLAB科学计算 作者 刘正君 出版时间 2012-05-01 出版社 电子工业出版社 简单介绍 http://product.dangdang.com/main/product.aspx?product_id=22783887 出版物名称 分数阶变换与光学图像加密 作者 刘正君、张岩、刘树田 出版时间 2017年5月 出版社 科学出版社 简单介绍 http://product.dangdang.com/25074365.html 出版物名称 Book Chapter: Ch6: Information security using fractional transforms 作者 Zhengjun Liu, Hang Chen, Camel Tanougast, Shutian Liu 出版时间 2018年4月 出版社 IOP Publishing, Bristol, UK 简单介绍 出版物名称 Book chapter: Ch3: Optical Cryptosystem Using Chaotic/Hyperchaotic System 作者 Hang Chen, Zhengjun Liu, Feifei Liu, Camel Tanougast, Walter Blondel 出版时间 2020年 出版社 Springer Nature Switzerland 简单介绍 出版物名称 Recent Advanced Image Security Technologies-Intelligent Image, Signal, and Video Processing 作者 Hang Chen, Zhengjun Liu 出版时间 2023年 出版社 Springer Publishing, Switzerland 简单介绍 出版物名称 Book Chapter: Encryption/decryption with optical transform 作者 Zhengjun Liu, Yu Ji, Shurui Yang, Shutian Liu, Bin Gao, Hang Chen 出版时间 2023 出版社 Springer Publishing, Switzerland 简单介绍 出版物名称 Computational Optical Imaging: Principle and Technology 作者 Zhengjun Liu, Xuyang Zhou, Shutian Liu 出版时间 20240423 出版社 Springer 简单介绍 https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-97-1455-1 学术论文列表 名称 Journal paper Zhengjun Liu, Haifa Zhao, Jianlong Liu, Jie Lin, Muhammad Ashfaq Ahmad, Shutian Liu, Generation of hollow Gaussian beams by spatial filtering, Optics Letters, 32(15), 2076-2078, (08/2007). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Jingmin Dai, Xiaogang Sun, Shutian Liu, Generation of hollow Gaussian beam by phase-only filtering, Optics Express, 16(24), 19926-19933, (11/2008). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Random fractional Fourier transform, Optics Letters, 32(15), 2088-2090, (08/2007). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Randomization of the Fourier transform, Optics Letters, 32(5), 478-480, (03/2007). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Haifa Zhao and Shutian Liu, A discrete fractional random transform, Optics Communications, 255(4), 357-365, (11/2005). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Qing Guo, Shutian Liu, The discrete fractional random cosine and sine transforms, Optics Communications, 265(1), 100-105, (09/2006). [doi]. Jun Guo, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Watermarking based on discrete fractional random transform, Optics Communications, 272(2), 344-348, (04/2007). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Double image encryption based on iterative fractional Fourier transform, Optics Communications, 275(2), 324-329, (07/2007). [doi]. Yan Qian, Aiqun Ma, Zhimin Ma, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Properties of the phase evolution of two coupled atoms Raman interacting with squeezed vacuum field, Acta Physica Sinica, 56(8), 4571-4577, (08/2007). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Muhammad Ashfaq Ahmad, Shutian Liu, Image encryption scheme based on the commutation and anti-commutation rules, Optics Communications, 279(2), 285-290, (11/2007). [doi]. Dongpeng Kang, Min Ren, Aiqun Ma, Yan Qian, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Entropy squeezing of the optical field in k-photon Jaynes-Cummings model, Acta Physica Sinica, 57(2), 873-879, (02/2008). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Muhammad Ashfaq Ahmad, Shutian Liu, A discrete fractional angular transform, Optics Communications, 281(6), 1424-1429, (03/2008). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Muhammad Ashfaq Ahmad, Shutian Liu, Image sharing scheme based on combination theory, Optics Communications, 281(21), 5322-5325, (11/2008). [doi]. Qing Guo, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Robustness analysis of image watermarking based on discrete fractional random transform, Optical Engineering, 47(5), 057003, (05/2008). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Jingmin Dai, Xiaogang Sun, Shutian Liu, Triple image encryption scheme in fractional Fourier transform domains, Optics Communications, 282(4), 518-522, (02/2009). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Muhammad Ashfaq Ahmad, Image sharing scheme based on discrete fractional random transform, Optik, 121(6), 495-499, (03/2010). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Muhammad Ashfaq Ahmad, Shutian Liu, Image encryption based on double random amplitude coding in random Hartley transform domain, Optik, 121(10), 959-964, (06/2010). [doi]. 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Zhongyi Guo, Haifeng Wang, Zhengjun Liu, Shiliang Qu, Jingmin Dai, Shutian Liu, Realization of holographic storage on metal film by femtosecond laser pulses micromachining, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, 18(4), 617-623, (12/2009). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Hang Chen, Ting Liu, Pengfei Li, Jingmin Dai, Xiaogang Sun, Shutian Liu, Double-image encryption based on the affine transform and the gyrator transform, Journal of Optics, 12(3), 035407, (03/2010). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Jingmin Dai, Xiaogang Sun, Shutian Liu, Color image encryption by using the rotation of color vector in Hartley transform domains, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 48(7-8), 800-805, (07/2010). [doi]. Jinpeng Ma, Zhengjun Liu, Zhongyi Guo, Shutian Liu, Double-image sharing encryption based on associated fractional Fourier transform and gyrator transform, Chinese Optics Letters, 8(3), 290-292, (03/2010). [doi]. 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Zhengjun Liu, Dezhi Chen, Jinpeng Ma, Shuyi Wei, Yanli Zhang, Jingmin Dai, Shutian Liu, Fast algorithm of discrete gyrator transform based on convolution operation, Optik, 122(10), 864-867, (05/2011). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Yan Zhang, Haifa Zhao, Muhammad Ashfaq Ahmad, Shutian Liu, Optical multi-image encryption based on frequency shift, Optik, 122(11), 1010- 1013, (06/2011). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Lie Xu, Qing Guo, Chuang Lin, Shutian Liu, Image watermarking by using phase retrieval algorithm in gyrator transform domain, Optics Communications, 283(24), 4923-4927, (12/2010). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Lie Xu, Ting Liu, Hang Chen, Pengfei Li, Chuang Lin, Shutian Liu, Color image encryption by using Arnold transform and color-blend operation in discrete cosine transform domains, Optics Communications, 284(1), 123-128, (01/2011). [doi]. Yueyuan Wang, Qinghong Liao, Zhengjun Liu, Jicheng Wang, Shutian Liu, Nonclassical properties of odd and even elliptical states, Optics Communications, 284(1), 282-288, (01/2011). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Lie Xu, Chuang Lin, Jingmin Dai, Shutian Liu, Image encryption scheme by using iterative random phase encoding in gyrator transform domains, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 49(4), 542-546, (04/2011). [doi]. Yueyuan Wang, Zhengjun Liu, Qinghong Liao, Jicheng Wang, Shutian Liu, Decoherence of elliptical states in phase space, Chinese Physics B, 20(5), 054201, (05/2011). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Hang Chen, Ting Liu, Pengfei Li, Lie Xu, Jingmin Dai, Shutian Liu, Image encryption by using gyrator transform and Arnold transform, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 20(1), 013020, (01/2011). [doi]. Qiongge Sun, Keya Zhou, Guangyu Fang, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Generation of spiraling high-order Bessel beams, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 104(1), 215-221, (07/2011). [doi]. Qing Guo, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Image watermarking algorithm based on fractional Fourier transform and random phase encoding, Optics Communications, 284(16-17), 3918-3923, (08/2011). [doi]. Qiongge Sun, Keya Zhou, Guangyu Fang, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Generalization and propagation of spiraling Bessel beams with a helical axicon, Chinese Physics B, 21(1), 014208, (01/2012). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Lie Xu, Jingmin Dai, Shutian Liu, Image encryption by using local random phase encoding in fractional Fourier transform domains, Optik, 123(5), 428-432, (03/2012). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Min Gong, Yongkang Dou, Feng Liu, Shen Lin, Muhammad Ashfaq Ahmad, Jingmin Dai, Shutian Liu, Double image encryption by using Arnold transform and discrete fractional angular transform, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 50(2), 248-255, (02/2012). [doi]. Qing Guo, Jun Guo, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, An adaptive watermarking using fractal dimension based on random fractional Fourier transform, Optics and Laser Technology, 44(1), 124-129, (02/2012). [doi]. Qiongge Sun, Keya Zhou, Guangyu Fang, Guoqiang Zhang, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Hollow sinh-Gaussian beams and their paraxial properties, Optics Express, 20(9), 9682-9691, (04/2012). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Meng Yang, Wei Liu, She Li, Min Gong, Wanyu Liu, Shutian Liu, Image encryption algorithm based on the random local phase encoding in gyrator transform domains, Optics Communications, 285(19), 3921-3925, (09/2012). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, She Li, Meng Yang, Wanyu Liu, Shutian Liu, Image encryption based on the random rotation operation in the fractional Fourier transform domains, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 50(10), 1352-1358, (10/2012). [doi]. Qiongge Sun, Ailan Li, Keya Zhou, Zhengjun Liu, Guangyu Fang, Shutian Liu, Virtual source for rotational symmetric Lorentz-Gaussian beam, Chinese Optics Letters, 10(6), 062601, (10/2012). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, She Li, Wei Liu, Wanyu Liu, Shutian Liu, Image hiding scheme by use of rotating squared sub-image in the gyrator transform domains, Optics and Laser Technology, 45(1), 198-203, (02/2013). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, She Li, Wei Liu, Yanhua Wang, Shutian Liu, Image encryption algorithm by using fractional Fourier transform and scrambling operation based on double random phase encoding, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 51(1), 8-14, (01/2013). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Yu Zhang, She Li, Wei Liu, Wanyu Liu, Yanhua Wang, Shutian Liu, Double image encryption scheme by using random phase encoding and pixel exchanging in gyrator transform domains, Optics and Laser Technology, 47(1) 152-158, (04/2013). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, She Li, Wei Liu, Shutian Liu, Opto-digital image encryption by using Baker mapping and 1-D fractional Fourier transform, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 51(3), 224-229, (03/2013). [doi]. Hang Chen, Xiaoping Du, Zhengjun Liu, Chengwei Yang, Color image encryption based on the affine transform and gyrator transform, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 51(6), 768-775, (06/2013). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Yu Zhang, Wei Liu, Fanyi Meng, Qun Wu, Shutian Liu, Optical color image hiding scheme based on chaotic mapping and Hartley transform, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 51(8), 967-972, (08/2013). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Qun Wu, Shutian Liu, Dual-image encryption by using an affine transform and fractional Fourier transform, Asian Journal of Physics, 22(2), 127-133, (02/2013). [doi]. Xiaoping Du, Hang Chen, Zhengjun Liu, Xiaojie Dou, Lurui Xia, Xiangzhen Cheng, Congmiao Shan, Hyperspectral and high-resolution image fusion based on second generation Bandelet transform, Optical Engineering, 52(6), 067001, (06/2013). [doi]. Wei Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Asymmetric cryptosystem using random binary phase modulation based on mixture retrieval type of Yang-Gu algorithm, Optics Letters, 38(10), 1651-1653, (05/2013). [doi]. Wei Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Jingjing Wu, Shutian Liu, Asymmetric cryptosystem by using modular arithmetic operation based on double random phase encoding, Optics Communications, 301-302, 56-60, (08/2013). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Yu Zhang, Wei Liu, Fanyi Meng, Qun Wu, Shutian Liu, A mixed scrambling operation for hiding image, Optik, 124(22), 5391-5396, (11/2013). [doi]. Yu Zhang, Zhengjun Liu, Application of lock-in photocarrier radiometry in solar cells, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 33(10), 2791-2794, (10/2013). [doi]. Jun-xin Chen, Zhi-liang Zhu, Zhengjun Liu, Chong Fu, Li-bo Zhang, Hai Yu, A novel double-image encryption scheme based on cross-image pixel scrambling in gyrator domains, Optics Express, 22(6), 7349-7361, (03/2014). [doi]. Xiaoping Du, Hang Chen, Zhengjun Liu, Xiangzheng Cheng, Modeling and simulation of the optical properties of low-speed target in near space, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 479 844-848, (03/2014). [doi]. Hang Chen, Xiaoping Du, Zhengjun Liu, Xiangzheng Cheng, Yunting Zhou, Bin Zhou, Target recognition algorithm for fused hyperspectral image by using combined spectra, Spectroscopy Letters, 479, 844-848, (03/2014). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Cheng Guo, Jiubin Tan, Qun Wu, Liqiang Pan, Shutian Liu, A diffraction model of direction multiplexing method for hiding multiple images, Journal of Modern Optics, 61(14), 1127-1132, (07/2014). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Cheng Guo, Jiubin Tan, Wei Liu, Jingjing Wu, Qun Wu, Liqiang Pan, Shutian Liu, Securing color image by using phase-only encoding in Fresnel domains, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 68, 87-92, (05/2015). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Cheng Guo, Jiubin Tan, Qun Wu, Liqiang Pan, Shutian Liu, Iterative phase-amplitude retrieval with multiple intensity images at output plane of gyrator transforms, Journal of Optics, 17(2), 025701, (02/2015). [doi]. Wei Liu, Yan Zhang, Zhenwei Xie, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Secure optical verification using dual phase-only correlation, Journal of Optics, 17(2), 025703, (02/2015). [doi]. Hang Chen, Xiaoping Du, Zhengjun Liu, Chengwei Yang, Optical color image hiding scheme by using Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm in fractional Fourier domain, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 66(3), 144-151, (03/2015). [doi]. Wei Liu, Zhenwei Xie, Zhengjun Liu, Yan Zhang, Shutian Liu, Multiple-image encryption based on optical asymmetric key cryptosystem, Optics Communications, 335(1), 205-211, (01/2015). [doi]. Hang Chen, Jiguang Zhao, Zhengjun Liu, Xiaoping Du, Opto-digital spectrum encryption by using Baker mapping and gyrator transform, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 66(3), 285-293, (03/2015). [doi]. Jingjing Wu, Wei Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Correlated-imaging-based chosen plaintext attack on general cryptosystems composed of linear canonical transforms and phase encodings, Optics Communications, 338(1), 164-167, (03/2015). [doi]. Wei Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Optical security validation using Michelson interferometer, Applied Optics, 54(7), 1802-1807, (03/2015). [doi]. Cheng Guo, Jiubin Tan, Zhengjun Liu, Precision influence of phase retrieval algorithm in fractional Fourier domains from position measurement error, Applied Optics, 54(22), 6940-6947, (08/2015). [doi]. 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Zhenzhen Song, Zhengjun Liu, Keya Zhou, Qiongge Sun, Shutian Liu, Propagation characteristics of a non-uniformly Hermite-Gaussian correlated beam, Journal of Optics, 18(1), 015606, (01/2016). [doi]. Hang Chen, Xiaoping Du, Zhengjun Liu, Optical hyperspectral data encryption in spectrum domain by using 3D Arnold and gyrator transforms, Spectroscopy Letters, 49(2), 103-107, (02/2016). [doi]. Zhenzhen Song, Zhengjun Liu, Keya Zhou, Qiongge Sun, Shutian Liu, Propagation factors of multi-sinc Schell-model beams in non-Kolmogorov turbulence, Optics Express, 24(2), 1804-1813, (01/2016). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Cheng Shen, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, A recovery method of double random phase encoding system with a parallel phase retrieval, IEEE Photonics Journal, 8(1), 7801807, (02/2016). [doi]. Hang Chen, Xiaoping Du, Zhengjun Liu, Optical spectrum encryption in associated fractional Fourier transform and gyrator transform domain, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 48(1), 12, (01/2016). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, An image compression encryption algorithm by using Fourier symmetry and phase retrieval, Asian Journal of Physics, 25(1), 65-70, (01/2016). [doi]. Jiayin Dou, Qi He, Yu Peng, Qiongge Sun, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, A convolution-based fractional transform, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 48(8), 407, (08/2016). [doi]. Xiaoping Du, Hang Chen, Zhengjun Liu, Chao Wang, Semi-active control of space manipulator soft contacting based on magnetorheological rotational damper, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C-Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 230(14), 2390-2398, (08/2016). [doi]. Cheng Guo, Ce Wei, Jiubin Tan, Kana Chen, Shutian Liu, Qun Wu, Zhengjun Liu, A review of iterative phase retrieval for measurement and encryption, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 89(1), 2-12, (02/2017). [doi]. Cheng Shen, Jiubin Tan, Ce Wei, Zhengjun Liu, Coherent diffraction imaging by moving a lens, Optics Express, 24(15), 16520-16529, (07/2016). [doi]. HangChen, Camel Tanougast, Zhengjun Liu, Boya Hao, Securing color image byusing hyperchaotic system in gyrator transform domains, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 48(8), 396, (08/2016). [doi]. Zhenzhen Song, Zhengjun Liu, Keya Zhou, Qiongge Sun, Shutian Liu, Propagation properties of Gaussian Schell-model array beams in non-Kolmogorov turbulence, Journal of Optics, 18(10), 105601, (10/2016). [doi]. Fucheng Yin, Qi He, Zhengjun Liu, A known-plaintext attack on iterative random phase encoding in fractional Fourier domains, Optica Applicata, 47(1), 131-139, (03/2017). [doi]. Shenjiang Wu, Hang Chen, Xiaoping Du, Zhengjun Liu, Effect of deposition power and pressure on rate deposition and resistivity of titanium thin films grown by DC magnetron sputtering, Spectroscopy Letters, 49(8), 514-519, (08/2016). [doi]. Bin Gao, Wanyu Liu, Liang Wang, Zhengjun Liu, Pierre Croisille, Philippe Delachartre, Patrick Clarysse, Estimation of cardiac motion incine-MRI sequences by correlation transform optical flow of monogenic featuresdistance, Physics in Medicine andBiology, 61(24), 8640-8663, (11/2016). [doi]. Hang Chen, Camel Tanougast, Zhengjun Liu, Loic Sieler, Asymmetric optical cryptosystem for color image based on equal modulus decomposition in gyrator transform domains, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 93(1), 1-8, (06/2017). [doi]. Zhenzhen Song, Zhengjun Liu, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu, Propagation factor of electromagnetic concentric rings Schell-model beams in non-Kolmogorov turbulence, Chinese Physics B, 26(2), 024201, (02/2017). [doi]. Hang Chen, Camel Tanougast, Zhengjun Liu, Loic Sieler, Harry Ramenah, Optical image asymmetric cryptosystem using fingerprint based on iterative fraction Fourier transform, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 49(4), 157, (04/2017). [doi]. Jingjing Wu, Buyinggaridi Haobogedewude, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Optical secure image verification system based on ghost imaging, Optics Communications, 399(1), 98-103, (09/2017). [doi]. Cheng Shen, Xuejing Bao, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Two noise-robust axial scanning multi-image phase retrieval algorithms based on Pauta criterion and smoothness constraint, Optics Express, 25(14), 16235-16249, (07/2017). [doi]. Cheng Guo, Qiang Li, Ce Wei, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Axial multi-image phase retrieval under tilt illumination, Scientific Reports, 7, 7562, (08/2017). [doi]. Cheng Guo, Cheng Shen, Jiubin Tan, Xuejing Bao, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, A robust multi-image phase retrieval, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 101(1), 16-22, (02/2018). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Hang Chen, Walter Blondel, Zhenmin Shen, Shutian Liu, Image security based on iterative random phase encoding in expanded fractional Fourier transform domains, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 105(1), 1-5, (06/2018). [doi]. Xiaoping Du, Hang Chen, Zhengjun Liu, Chengwei Yang, A novel unsupervised bands selection algorithm for Hyperspectral image, Optik, 158(1), 985-996, (04/2018). [doi]. Cheng Shen, Cheng Guo, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Complex amplitude reconstruction by iterative amplitude-phase retrieval algorithm with reference, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 105(1), 54-59, (06/2018). [doi]. Xin Jin, Xuemei Ding, Jiubin Tan, Cheng Shen, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Wavefront reconstruction of a non-coaxial diffraction model in a lens system, Applied Optics, 57(5), 1127-1133, (02/2018). [doi]. Cheng Guo, Qiang Li, Xiaoqian Zhang, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Enhancing imaging contrast via weighted feedback for iterative multi-image phase retrieval, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 23(1), 016015, (01/2018). [doi]. Yong Geng, Jiubin Tan, Yongyin Cao, Yixuan Zhao, Zhengjun Liu, Weiqiang Ding, Giant and tunable optical torque for micro-motors by increased force arm and resonantly enhanced force, Scientific Reports, 8, 2819, (02/2018). [doi]. Cheng Guo, Qiang Li, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, A method of solving tilt illumination for multiple distance phase retrieval, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 106(1), 17-23, (07/2018). [doi]. Hang Chen, Zhengjun Liu, Qi Chen, Walter Blondel, Pierre Varis, Color image cryptosystem using Fresnel diffraction and phase modulation in expanded fractional Fourier transform domain, Laser Physics, 28(5), 055402, (05/2018). [doi]. Hang Chen, Camel Tanougast, Zhengjun Liu, Walter Blondel, Boya Hao, Optical hyperspectral image encryption based on improved Chirikov mapping and gyrator transform, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 107(1), 62-70, (08/2018). [doi]. Cheng Guo, Cheng Shen, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Xinchi Kan, Zhengjun Liu, A fast-converging iterative method for multiple distance phase retrieval, Scientific Reports, 8, 6436, (04/2018). [doi]. Zhenzhen Song, Zhengjun Liu, Jingfei Ye, Qiongge Sun, Shutian Liu, Random sources generating far fields with ring-shaped array profiles, Optik, 168(1), 590-597, (09/2018). [doi]. Cheng Guo, Yixuan Zhao, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Adaptive lens-free computational coherent imaging using autofocusing quantification with speckle illumination, Optics Express, 26(11), 14407-14420, (05/2018). [doi]. Yong Geng, Jiubin Tan, Cheng Guo, Cheng Shen, Weiqiang Ding, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Computational coherent imaging by rotating a cylindrical lens, Optics Express, 26(17), 22110-22122, (08/2018). [doi]. Cheng Shen, Cheng Guo, Yong Geng, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Noise-robust pixel-super-resolved multi-image phase retrieval with coherent illumination, Journal of Optics, 20(11), 115703, (11/2018). [doi]. Hang Chen, Zhengjun Liu, Li Zhu, Camel Tanougast, Walter Blondel, Asymmetric color cryptosystem using chaotic Ushiki map and equal modulus decomposition in fractional Fourier transform domains, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 112, 7-15, (01/2019). [doi]. Cheng Guo, Yixuan Zhao, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Multi-distance phase retrieval with a weighted shrink-wrap constraint, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 113, 1-5, (02/2019). [doi]. Xin Jin, Xuemei Ding, Jiubin Tan, Xincheng Yao, Cheng Shen, Xuyang Zhou, Cuimei Tan, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Structured illumination imaging without grating rotation based on mirror operation on 1D Fourier spectrum, Optics Express, 27(3), 2016-2028, (02/2019). [doi]. Hang Chen, Zhengjun Liu, Camel Tanougast, Jie Ding, Optical hyperspectral image cryptosystem based on affine transform and fractional Fourier transform, Applied Sciences-Basel, 9(2), 330, (02/2019). [doi]. Liang Wang, Patrick Clarysse, Zhengjun Liu, Bin Gao, Wanyu Liu, Pierre Croisille, Philippe Delachartre, A gradient-based optical-flow cardiac motion estimation method for cine and tagged MR images, Medical Image Analysis, 57, 136-148, (10/2019). [doi]. Zhenzhen Song, Zhiyuan Han, Jingfei Ye, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Bo Liu, Propagation properties of radially polarized multi-Gaussian Schell-model beams in oceanic turbulence, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 36(10), 1719-1726, (10/2019). [doi]. Hang Chen, Zhengjun Liu, Camel Tanougast, Feifei Liu, Walter Blondel, Dual paths cryptosystem based on tilt Fresnel diffraction using non-spherical mirror and phase modulation in expanded fractional Fourier transform domain, Scientific Reports, 9, 15071, (10/2019). [doi]. Yong Geng, Cheng Guo, Xuyang Zhou, Cheng Shen, Weiqiang Ding, Zhi Zhang, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Enhanced multi-rotation computational coherent imaging based on pre-illumination and simulated annealing compensation, Journal of Optics, 21(11), 115701, (11/2019). [doi]. Cheng Guo, Xianming Liu, Xingchi Kan, Feilong Zhang, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Lensfree on-chip microscopy based on dual-plane phase retrieval, Optics Express, 27(24), 35216-35229, (11/2019). [doi]. Cheng Guo, Xianming Liu, Xingchi Kan, Feilong Zhang, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Cuimei Tan, Zhengjun Liu, Artifactless, lens-free coherent microscopy with quasi-3D scanning, Measurement Science and Technology, 31(4), 045402, (04/2020). [doi]. Qin Zuo, Yong Geng, Cheng Shen, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Accurate angle estimation based on moment for multirotation computation imaging, Applied Optics, 59(2), 492-499, (01/2020). [doi]. Zhukuan Hu, Cuimei Tan, Zhengjun Liu, A coherent diffraction imaging by using an iterative phase retrieval with multiple patterns at several directions, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 52(1), 29, (01/2020). [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Hang Chen, Walter Blondel, Jiubin Tan, Zhenzhen Song, Zhukuan Hu, Cuimei Tan, Shutian Liu, Generation of hollow beams by using phase filtering with multi-distance phase retrieval, Optics Communications, 456, 124611, (02/2020). [doi]. Yulan Zhai, Cheng Guo, Feilong Zhang, Jiubin Tan, Cheng Shen, Walter Blondel, Shutian Liu, Cuimei Tan, Zhengjun Liu, Adjustable frequency filtering and weighted feedback for iterative phase retrieval under noisy conditions, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 124, 105808, (01/2020). [doi]. Hang Chen, Zhu Li, Zhengjun Liu, Camel Tanougast, Feifei Liu, Walter Blondel, Optical single-channel color image asymmetric cryptosystem based on hyperchaotic system and random modulus decomposition in Gyrator domains, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 124, 105809, (01/2020). [doi]. Cheng Guo, Feilong Zhang, Xiaoqing Zhang, Xingchi Kan, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Lensfree super-resolved imaging based on adaptive Wiener filter and guided phase retrieval algorithm, Journal of Optics, 22(5), 055703, (05/2020). [doi]. Xiu Wen, Yong Geng, Cheng Guo, Xuyang Zhou, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Cuimei Tan, Zhengjun Liu, A parallel ptychographic iterative engine with a co-start region, Journal of Optics, 22(7), 075701, (07/2020). [doi]. Feilong Zhang, Cheng Guo, Yulan Zhai, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Cuimei Tan, Hang Chen, Zhengjun Liu, A noise-robust multi-intensity phase retrieval method based on structural patch decomposition, Journal of Optics, 22(7), 075706, (07/2020). [doi]. Xiu Wen, Yong Geng, Xuyang Zhou, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Cuimei Tan, Zhengjun Liu, Ptychography imaging by 1-D scanning with diffuser, Optics Express, 28(15), 22658-22668, (07/2020). [doi]. Zhenzhen Song, Daiyue Zhao, Zhiyuan Han, Jingfei Ye, Junfeng Wang, Tingting Sun, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Bo Liu, Multi-hyperbolic sine-correlated beams andtheir statistical properties in turbulent atmosphere, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 37(10), 1595-1602, (10/2020). [doi]. Jingjing Wu, Zhengjun Liu, Jicheng Wang, Lifa Hu, Shutian Liu, A compact image encryption system based on Arnold transformation, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 80(2), 2647-2661, (01/2021). [doi]. Hang Chen, Zhengjun Liu, Camel Tanougast, Feifei Liu, Walter Blondel, Optical cryptosystem scheme for hyperspectral image based on random spiral transform in gyrator domains, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 137, 106375, (02/2021). [doi]. Cheng Guo, Feilong Zhang, Yong Geng, Xingchi Kan, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, High-quality multi-wavelength lensfree microscopy based on nonlinear optimization, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 137, 106402. (02/2021). [doi]. Hang Chen, Zhengjun Liu, Camel Tanougast, Feifei Liu, Walter Blondel, A novel chaos based optical cryptosystem for multiple images using DNA-blend and gyrator transform, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 138, 106448, (03/2021). [doi]. Yong Geng, Xiu Wen, Xuyang Zhou, Yutong Li, Jiubin Tan, Weiqiang Ding, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Multi-rotation coherent imaging by a phase mask, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 139, 106511, (04/2021). [doi]. Jiaxin Wang, Yong Geng, Qin Zuo, Xiu Wen, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Bin Gao, Zhengjun Liu, Computational imaging in multirotation cylinder lens based on precise angle estimation with principal component analysis, Applied Physics B, 127(7), 102 (06/2021). [doi]. Xin Jin, Xuemei Ding, Jiubin Tan, Cheng Shen, Xuyang Zhou, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Tilt illumination for structured illumination imaging, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 53(9), 516, (09/2021). [doi]. Hang Chen, Zhengjun Liu, Camel Tanougast, Walter Blondel, Asymmetric optical cryptosystem for multiple images based on devil's spiral Fresnel lens phase and random spiral transform in gyrator domain, Scientific Reports, 11(1), 20846, (10/2021). [doi]. Ming Sun, Yutong Li, Guancheng Huang, Jiaxin Wang, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Bin Gao, Zhengjun Liu, Self-adapting search algorithm for Fourier ptychographic microscopy, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 53(12), 704, (12/2021). [doi]. Yutong Li, Cheng Shen, Jiubin Tan, Xiu Wen, Ming Sun, Guancheng Huang, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Fast quantitative phase imaging based on Kramers-Kronig relations in space domain, Optics Express, 29(25), 41067-41080, (12/2021). [doi]. Xuyang Zhou, Xiu Wen, Yu Ji, Yutong Li, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Image reconstruction using auto-focusing in single-lens system, Applied Sciences, 12(3), 1378, (01/2022). [doi]. Zhonglin Yang, Yanhua Cao, Yu Ji, Zhengjun Liu, Hang Chen, Securing color image by using bit-level modified integer nonlinear coupled chaos model in Fresnel diffraction domains, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 152, 106969, (05/2022). [doi]. Jianwei Zhang, Xiaoping Du, Jiguang Zhao, Yongsheng Duan, Zhengjun Liu, Hang Chen, Discrete electro-optic effect induced by multiscale nanoresonators, Optical Materials, 127(17), 112271, (05/2022). [doi]. Cheng Guo, Xianming Liu, Feilong Zhang, Yongbin Du, Shenghao Zheng, Zehua Wang, Xiaoqing Zhang, Xingchi Kan, Zhengjun Liu, Weibo Wang, Lensfree on-chip microscopy based on single plane phase retrieval, Optics Express, 30(11), 19855-19870, (05/2022). [doi]. Yutong Li, Xiu Wen, Xuyang Zhou, Yu Ji, Ming Sun, Guancheng Huang, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Spectrum sampling optimization for quantitative phase imaging based on Kramers-Kronig relations, Optics Letters, 47(11), 2786-2789, (06/2022). [doi]. Yong Geng, Xiu Wen, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Noise-robust phase retrieval by optics path modulation with adaptive feedback, Optics Communications, 515, 128199, (07/2022). [doi]. Xiu Wen, Xuyang Zhou, Yutong Li, Yu Ji, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu, Dong Jia, Wei Liu, Dazhao Chi, Zhengjun Liu, High-performance lensless diffraction imaging from diverse holograms by three-dimensional scanning, Optics Letters, 47(14), 3423-3426, (07/2022). [doi]. Zhonglin Yang, Yanhua Cao, Shutian Liu, Camel Tanougast, Walter Blondel, Zhengjun Liu, Hang Chen, A novel signature and authentication cryptosystem for hyperspectral image by using triangular association encryption algorithm in gyrator domains, Applied Sciences, 12, 7649, (07/2022). [doi]. Yu Ji, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Random motion blur for optical image encryption, Optics Express, 30(14), 24310-24323, (07/2022). [doi]. Jianwei Zhang, Xiaoping Du, Jiguang Zhao, Xuping Wang, Bing Liu, Yishuo Song, Zhengjun Liu, Hang Chen, Enormous electro-optic effect in paraelectric nanodisordered KTa1-xNbxO3 crystal, Optics Letters, 47(14), 3467-3470, (07/2022). [doi]. (Editors' Pick). Xuyang Zhou, Xiu Wen, Yu Ji, Yong Geng, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Fast automatic multiple positioning for lensless coherent diffraction imaging, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 155, 107055, (08/2022). [doi]. Xuyang Zhou, Pengbo Xiong, Dazhao Chi, Xiu Wen, Yu Ji, Yutong Li, Shutian Liu, Dong Jia, Zhengjun Liu, Fast autofocusing based on pixel difference with Tanimoto coefficient between images, Optics Letters, 47(15), 3752-3755, (08/2022). [doi]. Jianwei Zhang, Xiaoping Du, Jiguang Zhao, Yongsheng Duan, Xuping Wang, Zhengjun Liu, Hang Chen, The novel mechanism for field-enhanced effect of the dielectric response in relaxor KTN crystal, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 54, 727, (09/2022). [doi]. Cheng Guo, Feilong Zhang, Xianming Liu, Qiang Li, Shenghao Zheng, Jiubin Tan, Zhengjun Liu, Weibo Wang, Lensfree auto-focusing imaging using nuclear norm of gradient, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 156, 107076, (09/2022). [doi]. Zhenzhen Song, Jingfei Ye, Lin Wang, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Bo Liu, Radially polarized cosine non-uniformly correlated beams and their propagation properties, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 39(10), 1766-1773, (10/2022). [doi]. Yang Li, Haitao Yang, Jinyu Wang, Changgong Zhang, Zhengjun Liu, Hang Chen, An image fusion method based on special residual network and efficient channel attention, Electronics, 11(19), 3140, (10/2022). [doi]. Zhengjia Zhang, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Expanding the memory effect in scattering imaging by manipulating photon distributions, Physical Review A, 106(4), 043508, (10/2022). [doi]. Xiu Wen, Yutong Li, Xuyang Zhou, Yu Ji, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu, Dazhao Chi, Dong Jia, Zhengjun Liu, Phase retrieval with dynamic linear combination in multiple intensity measurements, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 159, 107200, (12/2022). [doi]. Ziling Qiao, Xiu Wen, Xuyang Zhou, Feng Qin, Shutian Liu, Bin Gao, Wei Liu, Dazhao Chi, Zhengjun Liu, Adaptive iterative guided filtering for suppressing background noise in ptychographical imaging, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 160, 107233, (01/2023). [doi]. Zhangkai Luo, Zhongmin Pei, Chengwei Yang, Zhengjun Liu, Hang Chen, Secure image signal transmission scheme using poly-polarization filtering and orthogonal matrix, Applied Sciences, 13(4), 2513, (02/2023). [doi]. Yang Wang, Xiaoping Du, Ruixin Gou, Zhengjun Liu, Hang Chen, A secondary particle filter photometric data inversion method of space object characteristics, Electronics, 12(9), 2044, (04/2023). [doi]. Miao Tian, Gege Sun, Wenbo Song, Zhengjun Liu, Hang Chen, Image cryptosystem in optical gyrator transform domain using audio keys, Electronics, 12(13), 2816, (06/2023). [doi]. Fan Wu, Bin Gao, Xiaoou Pan, Zelong Su, Yu Ji, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, FACapsnet: a fusion capsule network with congruent attention for cyberbullying detection, Neurocomputing, 542, 126253, (07/2023). [doi]. Yu Ji, Xiu Wen, Xuyang Zhou, Yutong Li, Yiran Wang, Longhui Fu, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, 3D-motion phase modulation for protecting image information, Applied Physics Letters, 123(2), 021109, (07/2023). [doi]. (Featured Article). Yutong Li, Guancheng Huang, Shuo Ma, Yiran Wang, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Single-frame two-color illumination computational imaging based on Kramers-Kronig relations, Applied Physics Letters, 123(14), 141107, (10/2023). [doi]. (Editor's Pick). Zhihui Li, Bin Gao, Xiaoou Pan, Chenxuan Wang, Weizhuo Zuo, Yu Ji, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, High-security image encryption scheme by multiplexing phase encoding in domains of dual optical transforms, Optica Applicata, 53(3), 447-466, (10/2023). [doi]. Feng He, Jiubin Tan, Weibo Wang, Shutian Liu, Yuemin Zhu, Zhengjun Liu, EFFNet: Element-wise feature fusion network for defect detection of display panels, Signal Processing: Image Communication, 119, 117043, (11/2023). [doi]. Hao Shen, Xiangru Liu, Qi Cui, Yunxu Sun, Bing Yang, Fenfang Li, Xiaochuan Xu, Zhengjun Liu, Wei Liu, Limited view correction in low-optical-NA photoacoustic microscopy, Optics Letters, 48(21), 5627-5630, (11/2023). [doi]. Xuyang Zhou, Yu Ji, Xiu Wen, Ziling Qiao, Yutong Li, Dazhao Chi, Shutian Liu, Xiaomei Li, Zhengjun Liu, Fast autofocusing of recorded planes by salient feature region for coherent diffraction imaging, Journal of Biophotonics, 17(1), e202300278, (01/2024). [doi]. Gege Sun, Wenbo Song, Miao Tian, Camel Tanougast, Zhengjun Liu, Hang Chen, A novel optical video cryptosystem based on improved 3D arnold transform in gyrator domains, Optics and Laser Technology, 168, 109891, (01/2024). [doi]. Yiran Wang, Yu Ji, Xuyang Zhou, Xiu Wen, Yutong Li, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, A non-iterative frame-reduced structured illumination microscopy using checkerboard modulation, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 174, 107938, (03/2024). [doi]. Guancheng Huang, Yong Shuai, Yu Ji, Xuyang Zhou, Qi Li, Wei Liu, Bin Gao, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Yutong Li, Compressed Hermite-Gaussian differential single-pixel imaging, Applied Physics Letters, 124(11), 111108, (03/2024). [doi]. Chenxuan Wang, Bin Gao, Xiaoou Pan, Zhihui Li, Yu Ji, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, A dual-color watermarking algorithm based on elliptical monogenic wavelet transform and singular value decomposition, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83(11), 33051–33069, (03/2024). [doi]. Ziyang Li, Xuyang Zhou, Yiran Wang, Guancheng Huang, Shutian Liu, Bin Gao, Zhengjun Liu, Flexible and universal autofocus based on amplitude difference of fractional Fourier transform, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 175, 107991, (04/2024). [doi]. Ruifeng Zhang, Huayu Li, Yunxu Sun, Liang Fei, Xiangru Liu, Chengqing Ning, Xiaochuan Xu, Zhengjun Liu, Wei Liu, Low-cost single-shot complex optical field imaging with a simplified aperture, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 175, 108028, (04/2024). [doi]. Yun Lu, Yunxu Sun, Zhousheng Shen, Xiaochuan Xu, Ting Ma, Chang Peng, Fenfang Li, Chengqing Ning, Jiawei Wang, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Lingji Xu, Wei Liu, Thermal-tagging photoacoustic remote sensing flowmetry, Optics Letters, 49(7), 1725-1728, (04/2024). [doi]. Ruifeng Zhang, Liang Fei, Xiangru Liu, Yunxu Sun, Xiaochuan Xu, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Lingji Xu, Wei Liu, Widefield functional speckle-correlation optical scattering mesoscope towards hemodynamic imaging, Optics Letters, 49(7), 1741-1744, (04/2024). [doi]. Fan Wu, Bin Gao, Xiaoou Pan, Linlin Li, Yujiao Ma, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Fuser: an enhanced multimodal fusion framework with congruent reinforced perceptron for hateful memes detection, Information Processing and Management, 61(x), 103772, (0x/2024). [doi]. Conference paper Zhengjun Liu, Xiuying Wang, Shutian Liu, Image encryption based on double folding operation in fractional Fourier transform domain, Proceedings of SPIE, 7512, 751202, (11/2009). [doi]. Liang Wang, Zhengjun Liu, Patrick R. Girard, Patrick Clarysse, Philippe Delachartre, Extension of analytic signal conception on dynamic image sequences, IC 2012-23rd French-Speaking Conference on Knowledge Engineering, 25-29 Jun. 2012, Paris, France. Xiaoping Du, Hang Chen, Zhengjun Liu, Ming Liu, Xiangzhen Cheng, Dimension reduction for hyperspectral image based on the second generation bandelet transform, 5th International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging, (ISPDI), 25-27 Jun. 2013, Beijing, China. [doi]. Liang Wang, Zhengjun Liu, Patrick Clarysse, Pierre Croisille, Patrick R. Girard, Wanyu Liu, Philippe Delachartre, Myocardial motion estimation using optical flow with multiple constraint equations, IEEE the 12th International conference on Signal Processing (ICSP), 19-23 Oct. 2014, Hangzhou, China. [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Cheng Guo, Junning Cui, Qun Wu, Super-resolution imaging based on virtual Airy spot, SPIE 9446. 9th International Symposium on Precision Engineering Measurements and Instrumentation (ISPEMI), 8-12 Aug. 2014, Changsha, China. [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Phase retrieval in fractional transform domains for encryption and measurement, International Symposium on 3D Imaging, Metrology, and Data Security, 26-29 Sep. 2015, Shenzhen, China. [URL]. Zhengjun Liu, Phase retrieval in imaging and measurement, The 9th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP), 17-20 Jul. 2017, Harbin, China. [URL]. Zhengjun Liu, Diffraction imaging using phase retrieval, The Second International Forum on Surface and Microscopy, (IFSM), 7-9, Aug. 2017, Harbin, China. [URL]. Zhengjun Liu, Diffraction imaging by using multi-intensity-pattern phase retrieval, The International Nanophotonics and NanoEnergy Conference (INPEC), 21-25, Aug. 2017, Harbin, China. [URL]. Cheng Shen, Jiubin Tan, Zhengjun Liu, Light field measurement based on the single-lens coherent diffraction imaging, The International Conference on Optical Instrument and Technology (OIT), 28-30, Oct. 2017, Beijing, China. [URL]. [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, The application of multi-image phase retrieval in diffraction imaging, International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN), 8-11, May 2018, Shanghai, China. [URL]. Zhengjun Liu, Multi-image phase retrieval in diffraction imaging, The International Nanophotonics and Nanoenergy Conference (INPEC), 26-29, Aug. 2018, Seoul, Korea. Zhengjun Liu, Computational optical imaging by using phase retrieval with several intensity patterns, International Workshop on Holography and Related Technologies (IWH), 30 Nov.-2. Dec. 2018, Suzhou, China. Zhengjun Liu, Mirror structured illumination imaging technique, The International Nanophotonics and Nanoenergy Conference (INPEC), 18-22, Aug. 2019, Taiyuan, China. Xiu Wen, Jiubin Tan, Zhengjun Liu, Biological tissue imaging by ptychography with lateraly 1D scaning, the 15th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2020), Dec. 8-9, 2020, Beijing, China. [doi]. Zhengjun Liu, Computational coherent imaging by phase encoding, The 12th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2021), July 23-26, 2021, Xi'an, China. Zhengjun Liu, Yutong Li, Ming Sun, Computational imaging by using changed optics path, IEEE The 9th International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks (ICICN 2021), November 25-28, 2021, Xi'an, China. Zhengjun Liu, Xiu Wen, Yutong Li, Xuyang Zhou, Ziling Qiao, Computational imaging: scanning mode optimization and automatic positioning, Computational Imaging Conference, Oct. 10-12, 2022, Shanghai, China. Zhengjun Liu, Xuyang Zhou, Jiaxin Wang, Konghui Fu, Zhe Wang, Fast tracking technology of moving dim and small targets under complex infrared background, International Symposium on 3D Visual Perception and Applications 2023 (IS3DVPA2023), June 16-18, 2023, Tianjin, China. See also https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zhengjun_Liu https://publons.com/researcher/1413725/zhengjun-liu/ https://sciprofiles.com/profile/1647071 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2886-8496 博士博后信息 新闻标题 深度学习方面的法国博士位置(截止日期2020/10/31) 发布时间 The website is open to chinese applications. Our subject is #66. http://www-csc.utt.fr/propositions2021.htm The deadline for applications is october the 31th. Please Zhengjun, do not hesitate to advertise and recommend me a student with good deep learning skills. 新闻标题 A postdoc via CSC 发布时间 20210209 the b3oa laboratory seeks highly motivated post-doctoral candidates to developfunding proposals for submission to the china scholarship council post-doctoralprogram in the field of osteo-articular imaging.the university of paris has signed a specific partnership agreement to welcome chinesecandidates for a period of 24 months to complete a post-doctoral fellowship at the universityof paris. in this context, the b3oa laboratory from the university of paris seeks highlymotivated post-doctoral candidates to develop funding proposals in osteo-articular imagingfor submission to the china scholarship council post-doctoral program.About B3OA laboratoryThe B3OA laboratory is situated in historical central Paris. It comprises orthopedic surgeons,dentists, veterinarians, biologists, biochemists, radiologists, and engineers who havepublished leading articles in international scientific journals. The B3OA team is affiliatedwith the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), the Institut National de laSanté et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), the University of Paris, and the écoleNationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort (ENVA). The B3OA is fully equipped with state-of-the-artequipment and research techniques for molecular and cell biology and X-ray Imaging and hasaccess to the University of Paris's central facilities. Detailed information on our researchinterests can be found at our website : https://www.b3oa.cnrs.fr/en/about-us/.qualifications of the post-doctoral fellow:education, knowledge, skills and abilities required:? a ph.d in medical imaging and signal processing? a python or matlab experience is necessary? the candidate is also expected to be self-motivated, creative and capable ofcontributing productively in a team environment.? excellent communication skills in written and oral english/or french are essential.education, knowledge, skills and abilities preferred:? specific knowledge in computed tomography, x-rays and synchrotron imagingto apply : if you are interested in developing funding proposals for submission to the chinascholarship council post-doctoral program, please submit a cover letter, cv, the reprint ofrepresentative papers in which you are the first author, and the names/emails for threereferences to :christine chappard (christine.chappard@cnrs.fr).please email all materials as one single pdf file. review of applications will beginimmediately and will continue until march 1st, 2021.the deadline for applications for csc scholarships generally falls around march 10th eachyear.Project title : Analysis of Clinical Spectral Photon-Counting Computed TomographyImages To characterize Crystal ArthritisImaging modalities which contribute to a better understanding of the physiopathologyosteoarthritis (OA) knowledge are radiographt, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), X-raycomputed tomography (CT), ultrasound imaging, dual energy absorptiometry and positronemission tomography. Among these modalities, the most popular three dimensionaltechniques are MRI and CT. MRI is classically used in clinical routine to visualize cartilage,joint effusion, ligaments, tendons, meniscus, osteophytes, and bone marrow lesions. Inresearch field, cartilage mapping based on MRI sequences such as dGEMRIC with contrastagent, T2, T2*, and T1 ρ relaxation times can give additional information about cartilagedegeneration.1 CT is known to enable a good visualization of bone and calcified tissue andhas been proposed to evaluate calcium deposits.2 Dual energy CT (DECT) provides gooddiagnostic accuracy for detection of monosodium urate crystals,3 but requires furtherinvestigation in case of calcium pyrophosphate deposition diseases.4The new generation of spectral photon-counting (SP-CT) scanners includes energy-resolvingphoton-counting detectors (PCD) that simultaneously count photons and resolve their energy.5SP-CT extends the dual CT approach by a multispectral approach.6 In living patients, SP-CThas been already used to characterize kidney stones,7 coronary artery plaques,8 lung cancers,9and brain.10One of the main application is the K-edge imaging, the principle is that the linear attenuationcoefficient of contrast agents such as iodine, gadolinium, gold or bismuth presentsdiscontinuity when crossing their K-ray energy.11 Moreover, PCDs are ideal for materialdecomposition, the attenuation being dependent of the energy for each material, it becomespossible to obtain biochemical information visualized as color overlay images.5 Based on thismethod, in an in vitro study , it was suggested to differenciate calcium pyrophosphate crystaldeposition (CPPD) to basic calcium phosphate such as hydroxyapatite deposits.12Calcium pyrophosphate calcifications are related to rapid destructive OA. Thesecalcifications modify biomechanical properties of cartilage and ultimately trigger crystalinducedstress, leading to proinflammatory cytokine and metalloproteinase production, andchondrocyte apoptosis.13It is consequently important to characterize crystals and to differentiate them from basiccalcium phosphate. At this time there is no clinical tool able to differentiate differents intraarticularcalcifications.The B30A lab, University of Paris, has recently been working in the context of a french ANRproject SALTO, in collaboration with the CREATIS lab, Universiy of Lyon, to investigate theimaging of the knee joint from SP-CT. We now have at our disposal 23 knee specimens withvarious OA grades from normal to severe OA imaged on a SP-CT prototype PhilipsHealthcare which is a clinical scanner with PCD detectors and 17 knee specimens imaged atthe synchrotron ESRF Grenoble ID17 beamline at various energies.The aim of the work will be to identify the capability of multi-energy spectral photo-countingcomputed tomography to detect and differentiate intra-articular calcium crystals deposits suchas calcium pyrophosphate and hydroxypatite crystals based on multi energy images.In a first step, the spectral photon counting scans from the Philips prototype will bereconstructed at various energies. Then the intra-articular calcium crystals deposits will beidentified in order to study their energy profiles. This assessment will be compared toregistered synchrotron CT images on the same knees, used a reference tool. This analysiscould be complemented by new experiments at the synchrotron SOLEIL to characterizelocally on a map the calcifications biochemistry (Infrared Spectroscopy, RAMAN).In a second step, we will investigate deep learning approaches to segment and identify theintra-articular calcium crystals deposits from the spectral CT images. For this purpose, ourstrength is to have quite a unique training data sets thanks to the spectral CT photon countingand synchrotron CT images acquired within the project.The final aim is to know the biochemical signature of calcifications with SP-CT which is aclinical tool soon available for clinical applications in humans. It would help for a betterunderstanding of OA and for early identification of CCPD calcifications before the onset ofcartilage degeneration.We would like a post-doctoral fellow for 2 years to perform decomposition of materials ofintra-articular calcifications. 新闻标题 法国读博机会:PhD Grants from the China Scholarship Council: PhD proposals for 2023 发布时间 http://www-csc.utt.fr/propositions2023.htm 新闻标题 发布时间 A Ph. D Position in INSA-Lyon 名称 Title: Deep learning segmentation of premature neonate cerebral structures in 3D ultrasound imaging Research Unit: CREATIS PhD thesis supervisor: Pr Philippe Delachartre, Email: philippe.delachartre@insa-lyon.fr Job location: INSA Lyon, France Time: September 2021 Abstract This PhD thesis proposes to contribute to the development of a diagnostic brain imaging tool applicable to the entire population of prematurely born children. It concerns 2 aspects: 1) Instrumentation for the reconstruction of ultrasound volumes of the brain; 2) deep learning segmentation for the calculation of volumes of different brain structures or anomalies and comparison with measured volumes from MRI. Context The clinical practice in the field of preterm newborn follow-up is based on visual inspection of 2D ultrasound brain imaging (cranial ultrasound – cUS). It is the first line of testing. It takes place at the patient's bedside, is repeatable for medical follow-up (3 to 5 ultrasound exams per premature infant) and not expensive. It can be used for all preterm newborns. In case where abnormality is suspected, a 3D MRI examination is done. This concerns 10 % of the preterm newborn population but, the Epipage study (Ghada et al 2010) showed that some infants were not selected for MRI and will have brain abnormalities (irreversible motor disorder due to brain lesions or abnormal development of brain structures). To automatically quantify brain structures, cUS must be extended to 3D and diagnosis tools have to be developed for the entire population of prematurely born children (Martin et al., 2018). Key words: medical imaging, instrumentation, reconstruction, detection, segmentation, machine learning, deep learning with weak supervision Aim of the thesis The goal of this PhD project is to develop methods and tools (i) to acquire 2D cUS dynamic sequence with motion sensors and to reconstruct them in 3D, (ii) to segment specific brain structures (biomarkers of cerebral development) such as thalami, basal ganglia, cerebellum and main tracts, (iii) to quantify the structures in volume and to compare them to the volumes measured with MR images of our database. Scientific challenges 3D brain ultrasound imaging remains a key element for performing quantitative examinations. One of the ways to obtain resolution volumes compatible with brain structure segmentation is to manually scan the fontanel. We will have little annotated data, which means that we will have to develop and combine supervised and unsupervised methods. This remains crucial in medical imaging, the problem of acquiring a large amount of data and the corresponding annotations made by physicians is difficult. On the other hand, the acquisition of the images, the low contrast between structures, the speckle noise characteristic of these images lead to uncertainty about the annotations. For all these reasons, it is important to develop an automated solution whose design choices respect the constraints and conditions of use in the hospital environment. Expected original contributions This project will contribute to the development of quantitative brain imaging in ultrasound. We are mainly expecting: -the development of an instrumented probe holder whose use does not disturb the doctor's usual gesture, -development of an automatic method for volume reconstruction, -enrichment of a pre-existing 3D ultrasound database, -segmentation of brain structures and measurement of their volume, comparison with MRI. These results will be obtained by methodological contributions on most recent acquisition tools (Morgan et al, 2018) and advanced deep learning tools (Dubost et al., 2019) adapted to the characteristics of brain ultrasound data, i.e.: low contrast noisy images with uncertainty on annotations (Wang et al., 2019). Research Program This thesis proposal is structured around three different axes which are data reconstruction, and segmentation for clinical application. - Data reconstruction On the reconstruction part. After a state of the art, the critical part of the existing reconstruction method (Martin et al., 2018) will be taken over for optimization and automation with the aim of transferring this part into a software tool for physicians. Two approaches have recently been published: the first is based on a learning solution (Prevost et al., 2018). The second consists in instrumenting the probe with an accelerometer and a gyrometer in order to obtain accurate reconstructions (Morgan et al., 2018). It also avoids the constraints of optical (clear field of view) and electromagnetic (limited magnetic field range and sensitivity to metallic objects/electronic devices) sensor solutions. From a methodological point of view, a study and analysis of the medical procedure during ultrasound examinations will be carried out. The aim of this step is to determine the amplitudes of the movements and the efforts applied on the patient's skull by the doctor during these examinations in order to define the working space and to dimension a robot probe holder. Once instrumented, the automated piloting of the latter will allow the images of the probe to be synchronized with the positioning and orientation sensors envisaged. - Data segmentation After a state of the art on segmentation methods by statistical learning, several supervised architectures will be implemented and compared on the simplest and most numerous annotated data (e.g. thalamis). This repository will be used to test advanced architectures taking into account the low number of data and the uncertainties on the annotations (case of tracts). The software bricks developed will be available on the VIP platform of the CREATIS laboratory (https://www.creatis.insalyon.fr/vip/) to allow access to our medical partners. - Clinical application The developed algorithms will be applied to the 3D ultrasound images of 30 premature neonates. For each child, three serial ultrasound volumes are planned and one of them is synchronized with a MRI exam with segmentation to be compared with the ultrasound segmentation. The three ultrasound images will be used to assess the automatic volumetric segmentation as a biomarker of the cerebral development and, the detection of fiber failure of the corticospinal tract, as a marker for a prognostic model. Scientific supervision The PhD student will be supervised by Philippe Delachartre (Prof, INSA Lyon). The PhD student will benefit from the expertise of: -Philippe DELACHARTRE in segmentation of ultrasound imaging, -Yuemin ZHU in reconstruction and segmentation, MR imaging, -Minh Tu PHAM and Richard MOREAU (Ampere lab INSA Lyon) have skills in the design and control of mechatronic systems, complementary to those of the CREATIS supervisors. They are essential for the realization of the mechatronic part of the system, -Dr Philippe QUETIN, pediatrician at the Avignon hospital center for data acquisition and analysis. Use of research results The results of this project will be presented at top machine learning and medical imaging venues as well as at the dedicated workshops concerning their intersections. The extended experimental evaluations will be submitted to top peer machine learning and medical imaging journals. On the other hand, the developed algorithms will be implemented and made available on dedicated software to be developed allowing users to perform their own clinical research using the algorithms on the collected data sets or on their own database. We expect these new methods to have a strong impact on the work of the scientists involved from the medical imaging community to analyze different kinds of ultrasound data they routinely acquire and that is clearly in demand for quantitative results of cerebral development and prognostic of all preterm newborns. Pre-requisite qualifications of the applicant The candidate should ideally have good instrumentation skills and a solid knowledge of deep learning methods. Good programming skills are also required (python and deep learning library) as well as a taste for experimentation on mechatronic prototypes. We are looking for an enthusiastic and autonomous student, highly motivated and interested in multidisciplinary research. Skills developed by the successful candidate during the PhD project The multidisciplinary aspects of the project will allow the PhD student to develop his or her capacity for openness and synthesis. Skills in deep learning for medical imaging but also in the design and control of mechatronic prototypes will be developed. Due to the theoretical and practical aspects of this proposal, the successful PhD student will be able to join research departments in both industry and academia. References B. Ghada, et al. Predictors of Cerebral Palsy in Very Preterm Infants: The EPIPAGE Prospective Population-Based Cohort Study. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 52(6): 119-125, 2010. Dubost, F., Adams, H., Bortsova, G., Ikram, M.A., Niessen, W., Vernooij, M., de Bruijne, M., 2019. 3D regression neural network for the quantification of enlarged perivascular spaces in brain MRI. Med. Image Anal. 51, 89–100. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.media.2018.10.008 Martin, M., Sciolla, B., Sdika, M., Wang, X., Quetin, P., Delachartre, P., 2018. Automatic Segmentation of the Cerebral Ventricle in Neonates Using Deep Learning with 3D Reconstructed Freehand Ultrasound Imaging, in: 2018 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). pp. 1–4. https://doi.org/10.1109/ULTSYM.2018.8580214 Morgan, M. R., Broder, J. S., Dahl, J. J., Herickhoff, C. D., 2018. Versatile low-cost volumetric 3-d ultrasound platformfor existing clinical 2-d systems. IEEE transactions on medical imaging 37 (10), 2248–2256. 35, 113, 193 Naudin, I., Pham, M.T., Moreau, R., Lelevé, A. 2019. A Robotic Platform for Endovascular Aneurysm Repair IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), IEEE, Jul 2019, Hong Kong, China Prevost, R., Salehi, M., Jagoda, S., Kumar, N., Sprung, J., Ladikos, A., Bauer, R., Zettinig, O., Wein, W., 2018. 3D freehand ultrasound without external tracking using deep learning. Med. Image Anal. 48, 187–202. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.media.2018.06.003