姓名 | 晁攸闯 | 性别 | 晁攸闯 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 能源科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 晁攸闯 | 学历 | 晁攸闯 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 | 人气 | |
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Chao Group 个人信息 科学研究 Publications 研究团队 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 晁攸闯,教授/博士生导师,德国洪堡学者,国家级青年人才。主要研究方向:界面流动与表界面现象,包括微纳尺度流体、气液两相流、高速流体、临界现象、相分离等实验、理论与数值模拟研究;主要应用背景:能源动力、航空航天等重大工程领域。在 PNAS、Physical Review Letters/E/Fluids、Chemical Society Reviews (IF = 46.2) 等国际知名期刊上共发表学术论文30余篇,其中封面/封底论文6篇、ESI高被引1篇;研究成果曾被 Phys.org、Advanced Science News、Max Planck News 等多个权威学术平台报道。 工作经历 名称 2023年7月至今 哈尔滨工业大学 能源科学与工程学院 教授/博导 2020年8月—2023年6月 德国马普动力与自组织研究所 博士后/洪堡学者(主要合作导师:Stefan Karpitschka) 教育经历 名称 2015年9月—2019年12月 香港大学 哲学博士 (导师:Anderson Shum) 2018年9月—2019年2月 普林斯顿大学 交换生(合作导师:Howard Stone) 2012年9月—2015年6月 西安交通大学 工学硕士 (导师:李兴文) 2008年9月—2012年7月 西安交通大学 理学学士 荣誉称号 名称 2022年 国家级海外青年人才项目 2021年 德国洪堡学者Humboldt计划 2015年 香港政府奖学金HKPF计划 2015年 西安交通大学优秀毕业生 近期代表作 名称 1. Y. Chao*, O. Ramirez-Soto, C. Bahr, S. Karpitschka*. How liquid-liquid phase separation induces active spreading. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 119, e2203510119 (2022). (被科技类媒体 Phys.org、Max Planck News、idw 等报道) 2. H. Jeon, Y. Chao*, S. Karpitschka. Moving wetting ridges on ultrasoft gels. Physical Review E, 108, 024611 (2023). 2. Y. Chao*, L. Zhu*, H. Yuan. Rayleigh-Taylor instability of viscous liquid films under a temperature-controlled inclined substrate. Physical Review Fluids, 6, 064001 (2021). 3. Y. Chao, H. C. Shum*. Emerging aqueous two-phase systems: from fundamentals of interfaces to biomedical applications. Chemical Society Reviews, 49, 114-142 (2020). (IF2022 = 46.2, ESI 高被引) 5. Y. Chao, Z. Ding*. Thermocapillary thin-film flows on a compliant substrate. Physical Review E, 99, 043101 (2019). 期刊论文 名称 32. H. Jeon, Y. Chao*, S. Karpitschka. Moving wetting ridges on ultrasoft gels. Physical Review E, 108, 024611 (2023). 31. Y. Chao*, O. Ramirez-Soto, C. Bahr, S. Karpitschka*. How liquid-liquid phase separation induces active spreading. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. (PNAS), 119, e2203510119 (2022). 30. S. Zhu, G. Xie, H. Cui, Q. Li, J. Forth, S. Yuan, J. Tian, Y. Pan, W. Guo, Y. Chai, Y. Zhang, Z. Yang, R. Yu, Y. Yu, S. Liu, Y. Chao, Y. Shen, S. Zhao, T. Russell*, H.C. Shum*. Aquabots. ACS Nano, 16, 13761-13770 (2022). (封底文章) 29. Y. Zhang, C. Yang, S. Yuan, X. Yao, Y. Chao, Y. Cao, Q. Song, A. Sauret, B. P. Binks, H. C. Shum*. Effects of particle size on the electrocoalescence dynamics and arrested morphology of liquid marbles. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 608, 1094-1104 (2022). 28. Y. Chao*, L. Zhu*, H. Yuan. Rayleigh-Taylor instability of viscous liquid films under a temperature-controlled inclined substrate. Physical Review Fluids, 6, 064001 (2021). 27. H. Yuan, J. Tian, Y. Chao, R. Luo, J. Guo, S. Li, S. J. Chou, H. C. Shum*, C. F. Chen*. Hand-powered microfluidics for parallel droplet digital loop-mediated isothermal amplification (ddLAMP) assays. ACS Sensors, 6(8), 2868–2874(2021). (封底文章) 26. Q. Song, Y. Chao, Y. Zhang, H.C. Shum*. Controlled formation of all-aqueous Janus droplets by liquid-liquid phase separation of an aqueous three-phase system. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 125(2), 562–570 (2021). 25. Y. Chao, H. C. Shum*. Emerging aqueous two-phase systems: from fundamentals of interfaces to biomedical applications. Chemical Society Reviews, 49, 114-142 (2020). 24. Y. Chao*, Y. Lu, H. Yuan. On reactive thin liquid films falling down a vertical cylinder. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 147, 118942 (2020). 23. Y. Chao, L. T. Hung, J. Feng, H. Yuan, Y. Pan, W. Guo, Y. Zhang, H. C. Shum*. Flower-like droplets obtained by self-emulsification of a phase-separating (SEPS) aqueous film. Soft Matter, 16, 6050-6055 (2020). (封面文章) 22. P. Li, Y. Chao*. Marangoni instability of self-rewetting films modulated by chemical reactions flowing down a vertical fibre. Chemical Engineering Science, 227, 115936 (2020). 21. H. Yuan, Y. Chao, H. C. Shum*. Droplet and microchamber-based digital loop-mediated isothermal amplification (dLAMP). Small, 16(9), 1904469 (2020). 20. S. Zhu, J. Forth, G. Xie, Y. Chao, J. Tian, T. P. Russell*, H. C. Shum*. Rapid multi-level compartmentalization of stable all-aqueous blastosomes by interfacial aqueous phase separation. ACS Nano, 14(9), 11215–11224 (2020). (封底文章) 19. Y. Chao, Z. Ding*. Thermocapillary thin-film flows on a compliant substrate. Physical Review E, 99, 043101 (2019). 18. H. Y. Lo, Y. Liu, S. Y. Mak, Z. Xu, Y. Chao, J. Li, H. C. Shum*, L. Xu*. Diffusion-dominated pinch-off of ultralow surface tension fluids. Physical Review Letters, 123, 134501 (2019). 17. Y. K. Chan, W. H. Yan, L. T. Hung, Y. Chao, J. Wu, H. C. Shum*. All-aqueous thin-film-flow induced assembly of cell monolayer. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11(15), 22869-22877 (2019). (封底文章) 16. H. Yuan, Y. Pan, J. Tian, Y. Chao, J. Li, H. C. Shum*. Electricity-free picoinjection assisted droplet microfluidics. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 298, 126766 (2019). 15. Y. Lu, Y. K. Chan*, L. H. Lau, Y. Chao, L. H. Lau, K. C. Shih, S. M. Lai, D. Wong, H. C. Shum*. Adhesion of silicone oil and emulsification: An in vitro assessment using a microfluidic device and ”Eye-on-a-Chip”. Acta Ophthalmologica, 97, 313-318 (2019). 14. Y. Chao, S. Y. Mak, S. Rahman, S. Zhu, H. C. Shum*. Generation of high-order all-aqueous emulsion drops by osmosis-driven phase separation. Small, 14, 1802107 (2018). (封面文章,被Advanced Science News 专题报道) 13. Y. Chao, S. Y. Mak, Q. Ma, J. Wu, Z. Ding, L. Xu, H. C. Shum*. Emergence of droplets at the non-equilibrium all-aqueous interface in a vertical Hele-Shaw cell. Langmuir, 34 (9), 3030-3036 (2018). 12. Y. Chao, Z. Ding*, R. Liu. Dynamics of thin liquid films flowing down the uniformly heated/cooled cylinders with wall slippage. Chemical Engineering Science, 175, 354-364 (2018). 11. H. Yuan, Y. Chao, S. Li, M. YH Tang, Y. Huang, Y. Che, Alice S.T. Wong, T. Zhang, H. C. Shum, Picoinjection-enabled multi-target loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) for detection of foodborne pathogens. Analytical Chemistry, 90, 13173-13177 (2018). 10. S. Y. Mak, Y. Chao, S. Rahman, H. C. Shum*. Droplet formation by rupture of vibration-induced interfacial fingers. Langmuir, 34 (3), 926-932 (2018). 9. X. Yao, Z. Liu*, M. Ma, Y. Chao, Y. Gao, T. Kong*. Control of particle adsorption for stability of Pickering emulsions in microfluidics. Small, 1802902 (2018). 8. Q. Ma, H. Yuan, Y. Song, Y. Chao, S. Y. Mak, H. C. Shum*. Partitioning-dependent conversion of polyelectrolyte assemblies in aqueous two-phase systems. Soft Matter, 14, 1552-1558 (2018). 7. Y. Deng, B. Gong, Y. Chao, T. Dong, W. Yang*, M. Hong, X. Shi, G. Wang, Z. Chen*. Sustainable utilization of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash for ceramic bricks with eco-friendly biosafety. Materials Today Sustainability, 1, 32-38 (2018). 6. S. Y. Mak, Y. Chao, H. C. Shum*. The dripping-to-jetting transition in a co-axial flow of aqueous two-phase systems with low interfacial tension. RSC Advances, 7, 3287-3292 (2017). 5. Y. Chao, S. Y. Mak, H. C. Shum*. The transformation dynamics towards equilibrium in non-equilibrium w/w/o double emulsions. Applied Physics Letters, 109, 181601 (2016). 4. X. Li*, Y. Chao, J. Wu, R. Han, H. Zhou, A. Qiu. Study of shock waves characteristics generated by underwater electrical wire explosion. Journal of Applied Physics, 118, 023301 (2015). 3. J. Wu, X. Li*, Z. Yang, K. Wang, Y. Chao, Z. Shi, S. Jia, A. Qiu. Influences of load voltage on voltage breakdown modes of the electrical exploding aluminum wire in air. Physics of Plasmas, 22, 062719 (2015). 2. R. Han, W. Ding*, J. Wu, H. Zhou, Y. Jing, Q. Liu, Y. Chao, A. Qiu. A Novel design of rogowski coil for measurement of nanosecond-risetime high-level pulsed current. Review of Scientific Instruments, 86, 035114 (2015). 1. R. Han, H. Zhou, Q. Liu, J. Wu, Y. Jing, Y. Chao, Y. Zhang, A. Qiu*. Generation of electrohydraulic shock waves by plasma-ignited energetic materials: I. Fundamental mechanisms and processes. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 99, 3999-4008 (2015). 研究团队 名称 博士研究生 - 覃永康(2024年3月-) 本科毕业于中国海洋大学;硕士毕业于西安交通大学 研究方向:超临界流体理论与数值模拟研究 硕士研究生 - 钟文远(2023年9月-,合作指导) 本科毕业于华北电力大学 研究方向:非牛顿液滴理论与实验研究 正在招生中...... 欢迎具有能源、力学、物理化学或相关背景,且对气-液两相流、微纳尺度流动、表界面现象等领域感兴趣的同学加入,本课题组依托哈工大先进动力研究所、研究经费充足,每年招收博士生2~3名、硕士生2~3名、博士后1名;也欢迎对科学研究感兴趣的本科生加入!此外,课题组与德国马普所、康斯坦茨大学、美国普林斯顿大学、新加坡国立大学、香港大学、清华大学、北京大学等有长期合作关系,团队成员将有机会去国内外知名课题组进行交流学习。 硕/博招生要求详见:推免/统考硕士招生公告与申请-考核博士招生公告。欢迎报考优秀生源快速响应博士,可以随时申请!HIT特色政策详见:https://yzb.hit.edu.cn/2023/0609/c8824a313710/page.htm。欢迎对本课题组感兴趣、符合以上招生要求的同学们联系我:ychao@hit.edu.cn 成果展示 名称 研究方向 名称 研究领域:界面流动与表界面现象研究 1. 微尺度流动与微纳界面效应 应用背景:微流控芯片技术。 主要关注的科学问题:(i) 超低张力界面的动力学特性; (ii) 微纳尺度表界面现象与空间限域效应。 参见: Chao & Shum, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2020; Chao & Mak et al., Small, 2018; Advanced Science News. 2. 复杂流动与液滴动力学 应用背景:航空航天领域。 主要关注的科学问题:(i) 固-液-气三相界面的跨尺度动力学特征; (ii) 复杂流体润湿与毛细效应、临界/超临界相变机制与临界结冰现象。 参见:Jeon & Chao* et al., PRE, 2023; Chao et al, PNAS, 2022; Phys. org; MPI-DS News. 3. 液膜传热传质与流动稳定性 应用背景:能源动力系统。 主要关注的科学问题:(i) 液体薄膜的界面失稳与传热传质特性; (ii) 液体薄膜与基底的流-固耦合机制。 参见:Chao et al., PRFluids, 2021; Chao & Ding, PRE, 2019; Soft Matter Cover. 学术兼职 名称 担任 Nature Communications, Chemical Engineering Science, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Communications Materials, Colloids and Surfaces, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 等10余个国际期刊独立审稿人。 担任 United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation 国际联合基金独立评审人。 Chao Group: Interfacial Flows and Phenomena 名称 Welcome to the homepage of Interfacial Flows and Phenomena Group lead by Prof. Youchuang Chao. We are a diverse group of people with backgrounds ranging from engineering, physics to applied mathematics. Within our research, we are working on a wide array of topics, including micro/nano-flows, multiphase flows, interfacial instabilities, and critical phenomena. We use experiments, modeling and/or simulations to quantitatively delve into the underlying dynamics, and to reveal the fundamental principles. Apart from doing fundamental research, we are actively collaborating with industry, and some of our research are motivated by industrial applications. Our group is aiming at paving the way for innovative applications across scientific and technological areas. We have published over 30 papers, including several prestigious journals, such as PNAS, Physical Review Letters and Chemical Society Reviews, and our work had also been highlighted by various renowned presses, such as Advanced Science News, Phys.org, and MPI-DS News. As a group leader, Prof. Chao is currently serving as a referee for over ten journals, including Nature Communications, Chemical Engineering Science, and ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, as well as a proposal reviewer for such as United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation. We enjoy new challenges and collaborations, and we are currently recruiting Master, PhD students as well as Postdocs. Welcome to visit/contact us, either in person or by email: ychao@hit.edu.cn. Experience 名称 l Full Professor, School of Energy Science and Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology, China, July 2023 - present l Humboldt Research Fellow, Department of Complex Fluids Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Germany, August 2020 - June 2023 Advisor: Prof. Stefan Karpitschka Education 名称 l Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering University of Hong Kong, China, December 2019 Advisor: Prof. Ho Cheung Shum l Visiting student, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Princeton University, USA, September 2018 - February 2019 Co-advisor: Prof. Howard A. Stone l M.S. in Electrical Engineering Xi'an Jiaotong University, China, June 2015 Advisor: Prof. Xingwen Li l B.S. in Earth Science Xi'an Jiaotong University, China, July 2012 Awards 名称 l National Young Talent Program, National Natural Science Foundation, China (2022) l Humboldt Research Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany (2021) l Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPF), Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, China (2015) l Graduation with Honor, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China (2015)