

姓名 齐宏 性别 齐宏
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 能源科学与工程学院
学位 齐宏 学历 齐宏
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基本信息 科学研究 教育教学 English Profile 研究团队 论文专著 活动足迹 ... 论文专著 活动足迹 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 齐宏,男,汉族,1980年生。教授、博导,能源学院副院长,“空天热物理”工信部重点实验室副主任,青年龙江学者,“头雁”计划团队核心成员,哈尔滨工业大学“青年科学家工作室”负责人,青年拔尖人才选聘计划(教授)。主要研究方向:热辐射传输与耦合换热、高温弥散颗粒辐射物性及温度测量、辐射传输逆问题及智能优化算法、新能源利用、微尺度辐射等。作为负责人获得以下基金资助:国家自然科学面上基金、国家自然科学青年基金、中国民航重点实验室基金、西安航天动力试验技术研究所合作项目、国家自然科学基金重大仪器专项子课题等,发表期刊文章202篇,其中,SCI论文180篇,ESI高被引论文2篇,封面论文5篇,SCI引用3515次;申报发明专利49项,授权45项;获软件著作权24项;撰写中文专著2部、特邀英文专著4章。 2015年获国防技术发明二等奖,2015年获哈工大教学成果一等奖,2017年获省高等教育教学成果二等奖。 学术主页 名称 荣誉奖项 名称 2007年 获“国防科工委委属高校优秀毕业生”称号 2008年 获“中国工程热物理学会优秀论文”二等奖 2008年 获“哈工大优秀青年教师”称号 2014年 入选 “哈尔滨市科技创新青年后备人才计划” 2014年 荣获能源学院2014年度“十佳科研创新团队”称号 2014年 获“黑龙江省大型科学仪器设备共享服务先进个人(技术类)” 2014年 入选“哈尔滨工业大学青年拔尖人才(教授)”支持计划 2015年 获能源学院2015年度“安全工作贡献奖” 2015年 获国防技术发明二等奖(排名第4) 2016年 获首届哈工大“优秀班主任” 2017年 获能源学院2017年度“教学管理奖” 2018年 获定量光谱学与辐射传输期刊(JQSRT)“The Most Valued Reviewer” 2018年 获黑龙江省 “青年龙江学者” 称号 2018年 获哈工大能源学院2018年度“国际交流使者奖” 2019年 获哈工大能源学院第三届教学节“教学贡献奖” 2020年 获哈工大能源学院2020年度“教学管理贡献奖” 2021年 获第8届中英颗粒论坛青年优秀报告奖 2021年 获哈工大第五批“青年科学家工作室” 工作经历 名称 2006.10-2009.12,哈尔滨工业大学 工程热物理学科 讲师 2009.05-2013.03,哈尔滨工业大学 工程热物理学科 硕导 2009.04-2011.12,哈尔滨工业大学 仪器科学与技术流动站 博士后 2009.12-2014.12,哈尔滨工业大学 工程热物理学科 副教授 2013.04-至今, 哈尔滨工业大学 工程热物理学科 博导 2014.12-至今, 哈尔滨工业大学 工程热物理学科 教授 2015.01-至今, 哈尔滨工业大学 制冷热控技术方向 系主任 2019.03-至今, 哈尔滨工业大学 新能源科学与工程专业 系主任 2017.04-2022.04,哈尔滨工业大学 能源学院 院长专项助理 2017.09-2018.09,哈尔滨工业大学 人事处处长助理(挂职) 2018.04-至今, 空天热物理工信部重点实验室 副主任 2022.03-至今, 哈尔滨工业大学 能源学院副院长 教育经历 名称 1997年-2001年,哈尔滨工业大学能源学院,热能与动力工程专业,学士 2001年-2003年,哈尔滨工业大学能源学院,工程热物理专业,硕士 2003年-2008年,哈尔滨工业大学能源学院,工程热物理专业,博士 2011年-2012年,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校UCLA,机械及航天工程系,访问学者 2019.10-2019.11, 美国明尼苏达大学University of Minnesota Twin Cities, 访问学者 主要任职 名称 中国宇航学会光电技术专业委员会 委员 中国光学工程学会 专家委员 中国计量测试学会多相流测试专业委员会 委员 中国能源学会专家委员会 委员 浙江大学煤炭分级转化清洁发电协同创新中心研究员 核能系统仿真国际联合研究中心(NSSIJRC)专家委员会 委员 中国电力教育协会能源动力工程学科教学委员会(2019-2023年度) 委员 中国机械工业教育协会制冷与低温工程专业委员会(第四届 2022-2027年度) 委员 2019年黑龙江省头雁团队“清洁能源与热科学技术创新研究团队”核心成员 Academic Exchange Information Centre (AEIC)专家(No. AEICCN0835E) Member of the Scientific Council of ICHMT, 2017-Present 国际传热传质联合会(中心)科学理事会,中国委员; American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers, ASTFE Member 10371 哈尔滨工业大学教学督导专家(第六届和第七届):工科I组(研究生)专家 哈工大能源科学与工程学院教学委员会委员 黑龙江省机电行业专家 河北省热科学与能源清洁利用技术重点实验室学术委员会委员 第三届黑龙江省青年科技工作者协会理事会成员 Contributing Editor:Energy Research Journal,Science Publications,2014-Present Editorial Board Member: Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Diagnostic Imaging, 2016-present Editorial Board Member: Fluid Dynamics & Material Processing, 2019-present 爱思唯尔杰出审稿人:Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing Applied Thermal Engineering (2016), International Journal of Thermal Sciences (2017), Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer (2017), Powder Technology (2017), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2018), Applied Mathematical Modelling (2018), Infrared Physics and Technology (2018), Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2018) 2014 International Heat Transfer Symposium Session Host Chair 2015 第六届中国能源科学家论坛暨第四届DNL洁净能源会议分论坛主席 2015 The 3rd International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control Section Chair 2016 The International Heat Transfer Symposium and Heat Powered Cycles Conference Session Chair 2016 Session Keynote speaker in the International Heat Transfer Symposium and Heat Powered Cycles Conference 2017 Plenary Talk in the Third International Symposium on Hydrogen Energy, Renewable Energy and Materials, HEREM 2017 Session Chair in the 10th International Symposium on Measurement Technologies for Multiphase Flow 2018 Associate Editor: 16th International Heat Transfer Conference in Beijing 2018 中国工程热物理学会传热传质分会分会场执行主席 2019 7th International Symposium on Micro and Nano Technology (ISMNT7) Keynote Speaker 2019 International Organizing Committee: The 11th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase flow 2019 高等学校工程热物理第二十五届全国学术会议分会场执行主席 2020 ICEMSEE Committee Member: 2020 International Congference on Energy, Material Science and Environment Engineering 2020 ICAEER Committee Member: The 2020 5th International Conference on Advances in Energy and Environment Research (ICAEER 2020) 2020 Topic Board Member of Materials 2021 NEMD Conference Chair & Keynote Speaker : 2021 International Conference on Energy Engineering, New Energy Materials and Devices (NEMD 2021) 2021 《中国科学:技术科学》优秀审稿人 2021 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》优秀审稿人 2021 第十二届中国多相流测试学术会议分会场执行主席——特邀报告 2021 第二届多相流测试技术发展高端论坛——大会特邀报告 2021 第八届中英颗粒论坛——分会场主席 2021 第二届光谱测量技术及应用大会暨第六届燃烧诊断研讨会——分会场特邀报告 2021 清洁低碳发电专业委员会暨电力低碳研讨会——大会特邀报告 2022 NEMD Conference Chair: 2022 International Conference on Energy Engineering, New Energy Materials and Devices (NEMD 2022) 2022 Associate Editor of Frontiers in Thermal Engineeriing 2022 Special Issue Editor of Materials on 'Thermal Radiation' 2023 7th International Conference on Hydrodynamics, Energy and Electric Power System(HEEPS 2023)Conference Chair 国际期刊审稿人:Scientific Reports, Fuel, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A, Applied Thermal Engineering, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Recent Patents on Computer Science, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Chinese Physics B, Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China, Scientia Iranica, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Energy Research Journal, Canadian Journal of Physics, Thermal Science, British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, Journal of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, Applied Mathematic and Computation, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Journal of King Saud University-Science, International Journal of Biological Instrumentation, BioMedical Engineering Online, Powder Technology, Heat Transfer Research, American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal, Journal of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, Advances in Electronic and Electric Engineering, International Journal of Biological Instrument, Reent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Optics Express, IEEE Access, IEEE Sensors Journal, Knowledge-based Systems, IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, Applied Soft Computing, Optics Communications, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Journal of Taibah University for Science, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control (TELKOMNIKA), Applied Mathematial Modelling, Journal of Applided Biotechnology & Bioengineering, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engineering, Journal of Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Measurement and Control, Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, International Journal of Applied Power Engineering, Bioresource Technology, International Journal of Nanomaterials Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine, Infrared Physics and Technology, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, Scientific Literature, Journal of Applied Biotechnology & Bioengineering, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engineering, Journal of Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviewers, Jouranl of Civil Engineering and Evironmental Sciences, Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, AIAA Journal of Thermophysicas and Heat Transfer, Scientia Sinica Technologica, Results in Physics, Applied Energy, International Journal of Nanomedicine, IET Renewable Power Generation, Pattern Recognition, Cancers, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Fluid Dynamics and Material Processing, Journal of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, NDT & E International, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, AIMS Electronic Engineering, Evironmental Pollution, Journal of Functional Biomaterials, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, ACS Nano,Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering, Science China Technological Sciences, Bioresources and Bioprocessing, Journal of Spectroscopy, Engineering Research Express, European Physical Journal Applied Physics, Materials, Engineering Computations, Reviews on Advanced Materials Sciences, Frontiers in Energy, Nanoscale, Measurement Science and Technology, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Langmuir, Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Sensors, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Measurement, Heliyon, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Case studies in Thermal Engineering, Journal of Environmental Management, Innovation and Research in BioMedical Engineering, World Journal of Surgical Oncology, Journal of Physics Communications, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Mathematics, Wave in Random and Complex media, Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronaustics and Astronaustics, Chemistry Africa, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering, Combustion and Flame, Modern Physics Letters B, Artificial Intelligence Review, IEEE Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology, Optics letters, International Journal of Computational Methods, JOSA B, Energies, International Journal of Energy Research, RCS Advances, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,Artificial Intelligence Review, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Combustion Science and Technology, Physics Letters A, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, etc. 国际会议审稿人:Eurotherm Seminar No.83: Computational Thermal Radiation in Participaring Media III,Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition,ASME 2009 2nd Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer Int. Conference,etc. 国内期刊审稿人:工程热物理学报、航空动力学报、中国科学、中国电机工程学报、科学通报、中国科学E、光学学报、光子学报、发光学报、光谱学与光谱分析、红外与激光工程、航空学报、西安交大学报、浙大学报工学版、北航学报、中南大学学报(自然科学版)、湖南大学学报、北京航空航天大学学报(自然科学版)、西北工业大学学报、力学季刊、南京理工大学学报、上海理工大学学报、江苏大学学报自然科学版、红外技术、节能技术、光学精密工程、物理学报、中国计量大学学报、发电技术、激光与光电子学进展、湖南大学学报(自然科学版)等。清华大学、北京大学、上海交大、重庆大学、华中科技大学、东南大学、华东理工大学、吉林大学、上海电力大学、南京航空航天大学、北京化工大学等学位论文评阅人,中国工程热物理年会会议论文评审专家。 研究方向 名称 科研项目 名称 哈工大医工理交叉基金“基于纳米颗粒光/热/声效应的肿瘤精准诊疗一体化机制研究” 国家自然科学基金项目“基于主被动光学层析融合探测的火焰瞬时多物理场协同重建研究” 国家自然科学基金项目“时频光热多源信息融合的非均匀弥散介质多宗量场反演研究” 国家重大科研仪器设备研制专项子课题“基于光场成像理论的高温发光火焰三维流场温度场在线监测系统研制” 中央高校基本科研业务项目“激光激励下生物组织光热诊疗一体化技术研究” 国家自然科学基金青年基金“基于瞬态辐射传输理论的时域信号模拟及信息重建方法研究” 黑龙江省自然科学基金面上项目“基于风光变流技术的最大功率输出与控制方法的研究” ABB中国有限公司“ABB中压气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备散热条件分析” 国家科技重大专项“大型先进压水堆与高温气冷堆核电站核动力厂安全分析用计算机软件评估基准题及共享平台开发” 国家重点研发计划 ”耦合污染物减排与余热回收的层燃锅炉及煤粉工业锅炉能效评价“ 国家自然科学基金面上项目 ”微藻类生物能源利用中的能质转化及调控机制研究“ 国家科技支撑计划:大尺寸高纯合成石英玻璃沉积数值模拟 国家自然科学基金面上项目 ”超短脉冲激光辐照下参与性材料多态耦合热效应研究“ 国家自然科学基金面上项目 ”非规则粒子及聚集粒子团簇辐射特性的反问题研究“ 中兴通讯股份有限公司”通讯设备PCB板级热分析和器件建模技术“ 科研合作 名称 国际合作: 教学成果 名称 2009年 获“能源学院第三届青年教师课堂教学竞赛”一等奖 2009年 获“黑龙江省教育学会优秀教育科研论文”一等奖 2010年 获哈工大首届“祖光杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛“优秀指导教师”称号 2010年 哈工大2010年度“大学生创新性实验计划项目”三等奖指导教师 2013年 “力诺瑞特”杯第六届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛三等奖指导教师 2014年 哈工大2014年度“大学生创新性实验计划项目”二等奖指导教师 2015年 获“哈尔滨工业大学2015年校级本科教学成果”一等奖 2015年 第八届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛三等奖指导教师 2017年 黑龙江省教学成果二等奖 2018年 全国高校能源动力类专业课程教学研修班主讲教师(昆明):《传热学》课程建设经验交流 教改项目 2010年 教育部卓越工程师教育培养计划项目“能源动力类创新实验台建设”,子项目负责人 2015年 哈工大《传热学》SPOC课程建设 2015年 哈工大能源学院虚拟仿真实验平台建设,子项目负责人 2021年 第九批课程思政教育教学改革(研究生课程),负责人 2021年 第十批在线开放课程立项(研究生课程),负责人 2021年 省高等教育教学改革研究项目(本科生项目),负责人 2022年 哈工大高水平研究生教材教学立项,负责人 教改论文 曾令艳,王海明,宋彦萍,帅永,黄怡珉,张昊春,齐宏,高继慧,核动力装置及设备课程思政育人模式教学改革探索与实践,高等工程教育研究,2019,增刊I,87-89 张昊春,王洪杰,宋彦萍,齐宏,刘全忠,《工程热力学》教学中的知识传授与能力培养,高等工程教育研究,已录用 讲授课程 名称 本科生必修课 《传热学(双语)》(国家精品课、资源共享课) 《传热学虚拟仿真实验》 《供热工程》 《辐射测量与防护》 《能源动力类专业导论》 《核电厂辐射防护》 (中广核联培班课程) 本科生创新研修课 《半透明材料热特性理论》IR02001600 本科生新生研讨课 《光热诊疗一体化》 研究生选修课 《热辐射测量技术》 《计算热辐射学》 《热辐射传递》 《Heat and Mass Transfer》(机电学院留学生课程) 《应用型硕士研究生实验课》 《传热与辐射换热反演基础》 团队信息 名称 本科毕业生 2007届 刘太平 毕业去向:辽宁红沿河核电公司 2008届 戴翔鹏 毕业去向:中广核 2009届 李 俊 毕业去向:读研 现就职于NVIDIA公司 2010届 刘华源 毕业去向:读研 现就职于中国商用飞机有限责任公司(上海) 2011届 陈永浩 毕业去向:保送至兰州大学读研 2013届 满都呼 毕业去向:保送至西交大读研(内蒙古工业大学 讲师) 2013届 郑智文 毕业去向:哈尔滨汽轮机厂 2014届 李纯元 毕业去向:杭州锅炉厂 2014届 贾 腾 毕业去向:读研 2014届 张瀚文 毕业去向:读研 2015届 李延广 毕业去向:中广核 2015届 王晓峰 毕业去向:神皖集团 2016届 文 翔 毕业去向:读研 2017届 王雨柔 毕业去向:读研(哈工大优秀毕业生) 2017届 李浩然 毕业去向:海南核电站 2017届 田耀鹏 毕业去向:青岛荏原环境设备有限公司 2017届 冀禹昆 毕业去向:读研(哈工大优秀毕业生) 2018届 魏仕达 毕业去向:中广核 2018届 杨 力 毕业去向:读研 2018届 曾育峰 毕业去向:读研 2018届 董嘉同 毕业去向:读研 硕士研究生 2010级 刘晓阳 毕业去向:研究所 2011级 及运达 毕业去向:中国商用飞机有限责任公司(上海) 2012级 孙 星 毕业去向:研究所 2013级 姚禹辰 毕业去向:上海汽轮机厂 2013级 王雨晴 毕业去向:研究所 2014级 黄 兴 毕业去向:直攻博 2014级 吕中原 毕业去向:中国商用飞机有限责任公司(上海) 2015级 文 爽 毕业去向:直攻博 2015级 魏琳扬 毕业去向:直攻博 2015级 赵方舟 毕业去向:攻博(获2015年度哈工大优秀毕业生) 2015级 何明键 毕业去向:攻博 2016级 史景文 毕业去向:硕博连读 2016级 孙建平 毕业去向:攻博 2017级 于晓滢 毕业去向:上海飞机设计研究院 2017级 张晓罗 毕业去向:NVIDIA公司 2017级 王申领 毕业去向:浪潮集团有限公司 2017级 安向阳 毕业去向:NVIDIA公司 2017级 张文文 毕业去向:攻博(获2018年度国家奖学金,获2019年度哈工大优秀毕业生,获2019年黑龙江省三好学生) 2018级 牛志田 毕业去向:攻博 2018级 王一飞 毕业去向:研究所 2018级 李 杨 毕业去向:歌尔股份有限公司 2019级 刘少斌 毕业去向:华为公司HUAWEI(获2020-2021年度“学生五四奖章”) 2019级 尹艳梅 毕业去向:川南火工技术有限公司(获2020年度国家奖学金, 获哈工大动力工程及工程热物理学科2021届优秀硕士学位论文) 2019级 苏彦雄 毕业去向:黑龙江省生态环境厅 2019级 姚 港 毕业去向:研究所 2019级 孙安泰 毕业去向:研究所 2020级 余智强 毕业去向:NVIDIA公司 (获2020-2021年度“学生五四奖章”) 2020级 朱泽宇 毕业去向:直攻博 2020级 江栋航 毕业去向:华为公司HUAWEI 2020级 赵 颖 毕业去向:硕博连读 (获2021年度国家奖学金,能源学院2022届优秀毕业生) 2021级 冀禹昆 毕业去向:硕博连读 (获2021年度国家奖学金) 2021级 魏 凯 毕业去向:华为公司HUAWEI 2021级 刘梓煊 毕业去向:四川眉山选调生 2021级 吴建泽 毕业去向:硕博连读 博士研究生 2009级(秋) 王大林(获2012年度国家奖学金) 2010级(秋) 张 彪(获2013年度国家奖学金) 2012级(春) 贺振宗(获2015年度国家奖学金) 2013级(秋) 牛春洋(获2013年度哈工大学生创业创新大赛校级重点创新项目资助) 2014级(春) 乔要宾(获2016年度国家奖学金) 2014级(秋) 任亚涛(获2015年国家留学基金委公派研究生项目资助赴 美国明尼苏达大学交流访问1年,获2016宝钢教育奖优秀学生奖) 2015级(秋) 孙双成(获14年度国家奖学金和宝钢优秀学生奖,15年度哈工大优秀毕业生) 2015级(秋) 黄 兴 航天院所 2016级(秋) 文 爽(获2019年度国家奖学金) 2016级(秋) 魏琳扬(获2018年度国家奖学金) 2016级(秋) 陈 琴(获2015年度国家奖学金, 黑龙江省优秀三好学生) 2016级(秋) 张俊友(获2019年国家留学基金委公派研究生项目资助赴 加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学交流访问1年,获2016年度国家奖学金) 2017级(秋) 赵方舟(获2020年国家留学基金委公派研究生项目资助赴 意大利米兰理工大学交流访问1年)(获2021年度哈工大优秀毕业生, 黑龙江省优秀三好学生) 2017级(秋) 何明键(获2020年度国家奖学金) 2017级(秋) 史景文 航天院所 2017级(秋) 高包海 (入选2021年度哈工大春雁英才计划) 2018级(秋) 孙建平 2018级(秋) 张居奇 航天院所 2019级(秋) 张文文 (获2021年国家留学基金委公派研究生项目资助赴 韩国高等科学技术研究院KAIST交流访问1年) 2020级(秋) 牛志田 2020级(秋) 李华欣 2021级(春) 司马瑞衡 2021级(秋) 朱泽宇 留学生 Arafat Islam Sadaf,孟加拉国,2016级博士,毕业去向:PostDoctor Dessie Yabibal Getahun,埃塞俄比亚,2018级博士,毕业去向:埃塞俄比亚国会议员 Chime Chinedu Enoch Mmaduabuchi,尼日利亚,2020级博士 Irabor Silas Jesurobo,尼日利亚,2020级硕士 Waheed Abdul, 巴基斯坦,2021级硕士 招生信息 名称 硕士招生: 2~4 人/年 研究方向:辐射传输模拟、辐射特性测量、近红外光学成像与气动光学、大气辐射、辐射传输逆问题及优化算法; 博士招生: 2~3 人/年 研究方向:辐射传输及辐射特性、弥散介质辐射物性测量、辐射传输逆问题、高温发光火焰三维温度场检测、推进剂热力学计算等。 My Profile 名称 Name: Qi Hong Date of Birth: 5 Jan, 1980 Place of Birth: Tieli, Hei Longjiang, China Work Place: Room 644, Dongli Building, School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China 150001 Home Phone: %2B86-45186419675 Office Phone: %2B86-45186412638 E-mail: qihong@hit.edu.cn Website: Education Sep.2003- Jan. 2009 Ph. D. Candidate in Engineering Thermophysics Ph. D. for engineering science is awarded on Jan, 2009 Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China Dissertation title: Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Inverse Radiation Problem of Disperse Particles Sep.2001- Jul. 2003 Graduate in Engineering Thermophysics Master degree for engineering science is awarded on July, 2003 Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China Thesis title: Study on Simulating Multi-dimensional Radiative Transfer in Participating Media by Using Finite Element method Sep.1997 - Jul. 2001 Undergraduate in Thermal and Power engineering B.S. for engineering science is awarded on July, 2001 Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China Project title: Design of a 35t/h Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Employment 12/2014 – Present: Professor, School of Energy Science and Engineering, HIT 04/2014 – Present: Deputy Director of Institute of Aerospace and Aeronautics Thermalphysics 04/2013 – Present: Supervisor of PhD Candidates, School of Energy Science and Engineering, HIT 01/2010 – 12/2014: Associate Professor, School of Energy Science and Engineering, HIT 10/2006 – 12/2009: Lecturer, Assistant Professor, School of Energy Science and Engineering, HIT Publications Journal article 01. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Liu Lin-Hua.Study on the imaginary temperature of open boundary wall in cylindrical medium by partition allocation method.ASME J. of Heat Transfer,2005,127(7):791-793 02. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Zhang Hao-Chun,Wang Yan-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Inverse radiation analysis in a one-dimensional participating slab by the Stochastic Particle Swarm Optimizer Algorithm.International Journal of Thermal Sciences,2007,46(7):649-661 03. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Shi Meng,An Wei,Tan He-Ping.Application of Multi-Phase Particle Swarm Optimization technique to inverse radiation problem.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2008,109(3):476-493 04. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Wang Sheng-Gang,Shi Meng,Zhao Hui.Application of Multi-Phase Particle Swarm Optimization technique to retrieve the particle size distribution.Chinese Optics Letters,2008,6(5):346-349 05. Qi Hong,Wang Da-Lin,Wang Sheng-Gang,Ruan Li-Ming.Inverse transient radiation analysis in one-dimensional non-homogeneous participating slabs using Particle Swarm Optimizer Algorithms.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2011,112:2507-2519 06. Qi Hong,Zhang Biao,Ren Ya-Tao,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-ping.Retrieval of spherical particle size distribution using Ant Colony Optimization algorithm.Chinese Optics Letters,2013,11(11):112901 07. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan Jian-Yu.Development of a finite element radiation model applied for two-dimensional participating media.Heat Transfer-Asian Research,2005,34(6):386-395 08. Qi Hong,Niu Chun-Yang,Gong Shuai,Ruan Li-Ming.Application of the hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithms for simultaneous estimation of multi-parameters in a transient conduction-radiation problem.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2015,83:428-440 09. Qi Hong,He Zhen-Zong,Gong Shuai,Ruan Li-Ming.Inversion of particle size distribution by spectral extinction technique using the attractive and repulsive particle swarm optimization algorithm.Thermal Science,2015,19(5):2151-2160 10. Qi Hong,Zhang Biao,Gong Shuai,Ruan Li-Ming.Simultaneous retrieval of multi-parameters in a frequency domain radiative transfer problem using an improved PDF-based ACO algorithm,Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications,2016, 69(7): 727-747 11. Qi Hong,Niu Chun-Yang,Jia Teng,Wang Da-Lin,Ruan Li-Ming.Multi-parameter estimation in nonhomogeneous participating slab by using self-organizing migrating algorithms,Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2015,157:153-169 12. Qi Hong,Qiao Yao-Bin,Shuang-Cheng Sun,Yu-Chen Yao,Ruan Li-Ming.Image reconstruction of two-dimensional highly scattering inhomogeneous medium using MAP-based estimation,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2014,Article ID. 412315 13. He Zhen-Zong,Qi Hong*,Yao Yu-Chen, Ruan Li-Ming.Inverse estimation of the particle size distribution using the Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm.Applied Thermal Engineering,2015,88:306-314 14. He Zhen-Zong,Qi Hong*,Yao Yu-Chen,Ruan Li-Ming.An effective inversion algorithm for retrieving bimodal aerosol particle size distribution from spectral extinction data,Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2014,149:117-127 15. Ruan Li-Ming,Qi Hong,Liu Lin-Hua,Tan He-Ping.The radiative transfer in cylindrical medium and partition allocation method by overlap regions.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2004,86(4):343-352 16. Ruan Li-Ming,Qi Hong,An Wei,Tan He-Ping.Inverse radiation problem for determination of optical constant of fly-ash particles.International Journal of Thermophysics,2007,28(4):1322-1341 17. Wang Da-Lin,Qi Hong*,Ruan Li-Ming.Retrieve properties of participating media by different spans of radiative signals using the SPSO Algorithm.Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering,2013,21(5):888-915 18. Zhang Biao,Qi Hong*,Ren Ya-Tao,Sun Shuang-Cheng,Ruan Li-Ming.Application of homogenous continuous Ant Colony Optimization algorithm to inverse problem of one-dimensional coupled radiation and conduction heat transfer,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2013,66(4):507-516 19. Zhang Biao,Qi Hong*,Ren Ya-Tao,Sun Shuang-Cheng,Ruan Li-Ming.Inverse transient radiation analysis in one-dimensional participating slab using improved Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms,Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2014,133:351-363 20. Wang Xi-Ying,Qi Hong,Wang Sheng-Gang,Ruan Li-Ming.The combined radiative integral equations and finite element method for radiation in anisotropic scattering media.Numerical heat transfer Part B-Fundamentals,2012,61:387-411 21. Wang Xi-Ying,Qi Hong,Niu Chen-Ji,Ruan Li-Ming.Study on optical constants inversion and infrared transmission characteristics of aerosol particles,Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series),2011,18(6):1-6 22. Zhang Biao,Qi Hong*,Sun Shuang-Cheng,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Solving inverse problems of radiative heat transfer and phase change in laser heating semitransparent medium using Improved Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2015,85: 300-310 23. Zhang Biao,Qi Hong*,Sun Shuang-Cheng,Ruan Li-Ming.A novel hybrid ant colony optimization and particle swarm optimization algorithm for inverse problems of coupled radiative and conductive heat transfer.Thermal Science,2016, 20(2): 461-472 24. He Zhen-Zong,Qi Hong*,Wang Yu-Qing,Ruan Li-Ming.Inverse estimation of the spheroidal particle size distribution using Ant Colony Optimization algorithms in multispectral extinction technique,Optics Communications,2014,328:8-22 25. An Wei,Ruan Li-Ming,Qi Hong,Liu Lin-Hua.Finite element method for radiative heat transfer in absorbing and anisotropic scattering media.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2005,96(3-4):409-422 26. Ruan Li-Ming,Xie Ming,Qi Hong,An Wei,Tan He-Ping.Development of a finite element model for coupled radiative with conductive heat transfer in participating media.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2006,102(2):190-202 27. An Wei,Ruan Li-Ming,Qi Hong.Inverse radiation problem in one-dimensional slab by time-resolved reflected and transmitted signals.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2007,107(1):47-60 28. Ruan Li-Ming,Wang Sheng-Gang,Qi Hong,Wang Da-Lin.Analysis of the characteristics of time-resolved signals for transient radiative transfer in scattering participating media.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2010,111:2405-2414 29. 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Graphene-mediated near field thermostat based on three-body photon tunneling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019,137:12-19 95. Lin-Yang Wei, Hong Qi*, Zhi-Tian Niu, Ya-Tao Ren, Li-Ming Ruan. Reverse Monte Carlo coupled with Runge-Kutta ray tracing method for radiative heat transfer in graded-index media, Infrared Physics and Technology, 2019, 99: 5-13 96. Hong Qi, Shuang Wen, Yi-Fei Wang, Ya-Tao Ren, Lin-Yang Wei, Li-Ming Ruan*. Real-time reconstruction of the time-dependent heat flux and temperature distribution in participating media by using the Kalman filtering technique, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 157: 113667 97. Yang Li, Ya-Tao Ren*, Hong Qi*, Li-Ming Ruan. Manipulation of microscale fluid using laser irradiated nanoparticle arrays, Plasmonics, 2019, 14: 1555–1563 98. Ming-Jian He, Hong Qi*, Ya-Tao Ren, Wei-Hua Cai, Li-Ming Ruan. 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An inverse simultaneous identification of randomly oriented arbitrarily shaped particle size distribution and its degree of non-sphericity from spectral transmittance measurement, Measurement Science and Technology, 2021, 32: 075205 137. Ju-Qi Zhang, Hong Qi*, Dong-Hang Jiang, Ming-Jian He, Ya-Tao Ren, Ming-Xu Sun, Xiao-Shu Cai, Acoustic tomography of two dimensional velocity field by using meshless radial basis function and modified Tikhonov regularization method, Measurement, 2021, 175: 109107 138. Jun-You Zhang, Hong Qi*, Bao-Hao Gao, Ya-Tao Ren, Lei Zhou*. A proof-of-concept study on characterization of primary particle size distribution and thermal accommodation coefficient of soot aggregate by using conduction-dominated laser-induced incandescence, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2021, 141: 106572 139. Bao-Hai Gao, Hong Qi*, Zhi-Qiang Yu, Jian-Ping Sun, Ya-Tao Ren, Ming-Jian He. Semi-analytical equation-solving RDFIEM method for radiative transfer in a plane-parallel anisotropic scattering medium, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021,166: 106946 140. Yabibal Getahun Dessie, Hong Qi*, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Ju-Qi Zhang, Bo-Shu Jiang, Junaid Anees, Eyale Bayable Tegegne. Thermochemical energy storage performance analysis of (Fe,Co,Mn)Ox mixed metal oxides, Catalysts, 2021, 11: 362 141. Lin-Yang Wei, Hong Qi*, Guo-Jun Li*, Shi-Ting Ruan, Hong-Ru Li. Tomographic reconstruction of refractive index fields based on laser beam delfection measurement, Optics Communications, 2021, 492: 126951 142. Yan-Yan Xu, Yan-Qin Xue, Hong Qi, Wei-Hua Cai*. An updated review on working fluids, operation mechanisms, and applications of pulsating heat pipes, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021, 144: 110995 143. Bao-Hai Gao, Hong Qi*, Ying Zhao, Ya-Tao Ren, Ming-Jian He. An efficient equation-solving method for calculating radiative transfer in isotropic scattering medium, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 174: 121298 144. Ya-Tao Ren, Qin Chen, Ming-Jian He, Xiangzhi Zhang, Hong Qi, Yu-Ying Yan. Plasmonic optical tweezers for particle manipulation: principles, methods, and applications, ACS Nano, 2021, 15: 6105-6128 146. Wen-Wen Zhang, Hong Qi*, Zhi-Qiang Yu, Ming-Jian He, Ya-Tao Ren, Yang Li. Optimization configuration of selective solar absorber using multi-island genetic algorithm, Solar Energy, 2021, 224: 947-955 147. Fang-Zhou Zhao, Hong Qi*, Ying Zhao, Ming-Jian He, Ya-Tao Ren. Modified accelerate iteration for optical property reconstruction based on time-domain radiative transfer equation, Laser Physics, 2021, 31: 095601 148. Bao-Hai Gao, Hong Qi*, Dong-Hang Jiang, Ya-Tao Ren, Ming-Jian He. Efficient equation-solving integral equation method based on the radiation distribution factor for calculating radiative transfer in 3D anisotropic scattering medium, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2021, 275: 107886 (15 pages) 149. Rui-Heng Sima, Xiang-Ming Sun, Xiao-Peng Hao, Hua Pei, Hong Qi, Zhi-Tian Niu. A novel fast and accurate thermal design method for detector arrays, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2021, 28: 101469 (12 pages) 150. Ju-Qi Zhang, Hong Qi*, Yu-Kun Ji, Ya-Tao Ren, Ming-Jian He, Ming-Xu Su, Xiao-Shu Cai. Nonlinear acoustic tomography for measuring the temperature and velocity fields by using the covariance matrix adaption evolution strategy algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 2022, 71: 4500214 (14 pages) 151. Wen-wen Zhang, Hong Qi*, Yu-Kun Ji, Ming-Jian He, Ya-Tao Ren, Yang Li. Boosting photoelectric performance of thin film GaAs solar cell based on multi-objective optimization for solar energy utilization, Solar Energy, 2021, 230: 1122-1132 152. Zhi-Tian Niu, Hong Qi*, Ze-Yu Zhu, Ke-Fu Li, Ya-Tao Ren, Ming-Jian He. A novel parametric level set method coupled with Tikhonov regularization for tomographic laser absorption reconstruction, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 201: 117819 153. Jian-Ping Sun, Ya-Tao Ren*, Dong-Hang Jiang, Ming-Jian He, Bao-Hai Gao, Hong Qi*. Photoacoustic response optimization of gold nanorods in the near-infrared region: An in silico investigation, Results in Physics, 2022, 34: 105209 154. Fang-Zhou Zhao, Pietro Levoni, Lorenzo Frabasile, Hong Qi, Michele Lacerenza, Pranav Lanka, Alessandro Torricelli, Antonio Pifferi, Rinaldo Cubeddu, Lorenzo Spinelli. Reproducibility of identical solid phantoms, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2022, 27(7): 074713 155. Ju-Qi Zhang, Hong Qi*, Ya-Tao Ren, Ming-Xu Su, Xiao-Shu Cai. Acoustic tomography of temperature and velocity fields by using the radial basis function and alternating direction method of multipliers, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 188: 122660 156. Fei Wang, Zhuoyan Yue, Junyan Liu, Hong Qi, Wenjun Sun, Mingjun Chen, Yang Wang, Honghao Yue, Quantitative imaging of printed circuit board (PCB) delamination defects using laser-induced ultrasound scanning imaging, Journal of Applied Physics, 2022, 131: 053101 157. Lin-Yang Wei, Guo-Jun Li*, Shi-Ting Ruan, Hong Qi*, Dynamic coupled heat transfer and energy conservation performance of multilayer glazing window filled with phase change material in summer day, Journal of Energy Storage, 2022, 49: 104183 158. Jian-Ping Sun, Ya-Tao Ren*, Zi-Xun Liu, Ming-Jian He, Bao-Hai Gao, Hong Qi*, Dependence of the nonlinear photoacoustic response of gold nanoparticles on the heat-transfer process, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2022, Accepted (Front Cover) 159. Jun-You Zhang, Si-Yuan Li, Hong Qi, A robust trivariate approach for characterizing the primary particle size distribution of soot aggregates using time-resolved laser-induced incandescence, Powder Technology, 2022, 400: 117236 160. Zhi-Tian Niu, Hong Qi*, Yu-Kun Ji, Shuang Wen, Ya-Tao Ren, Ming-Jian He, Real-time reconstruction of thermal boundary condition of porous media via temperature sequence, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2022, 177: 107570 161. Bao-Hai Gao, Hong Qi*, Jing-Wen Shi, Ju-Qi Zhang, Ya-Tao Ren, Ming-Jian He, An efficient equation-solving RDFIEM for high-resolution radiation intensity in one-dimensional participating medium with diffuse boundaries, Results in Physics, 2022, 36: 105418 Invited Book Chapters 01. Qi Hong,Ren Ya-Tao,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Application of Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms to Inverse Radiation Problems,In:Advances in Engineering Research Vol. 9,Nova Science Publishers,Editors: Victoria M. Petrova,2015,Chapter 5,97-130,Invited Chapter 02. Hong Qi,Ya-Tao Ren,Jun-You Zhang,Li-Ming Ruan,He-Ping Tan.Retrieval of optical constant and particle size distribution of particulate media using the PSO-based Neural Network algorithm,Artificial Intelligence in Power Electronics,ISBN 978-953-51-4649-0,InTech Publishers,Invited Chapter,2016 03. Hong Qi,Shuang-Cheng Sun,Zhen-Zong He,Shi-Ting Ruan,Li-Ming Ruan,He-Ping Tan.Inverse geometry design of radiative enclosures using Particle Swarm optimization algorithms,Optimization Algorithms,ISBN 978-953-51-4687-2,InTech Publishers,Invited Chapter,2016 04. Hong Qi, Ya-Tao Ren, Biao Zhang, Li-Ming Ruan. Accurate identification of the spectral complex refractive index and particle size distribution in participating media using ant colony algorithm, Focus on Swarm Intelligence Research and Applications, Invited Chapter 1, 2017. 10. 12, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, 2017 Conference article 01. Qi Hong,Li Jia-Yu,Yi Hong-Liang,Tan He-Ping.Radiative properties of high temperature particles in their phase transitions and inverse radiation problem of particles.Proceedings of 2009 US-EU-China Thermophysics Conference-Renewable Energy,Beijing,May 28-30,2009(Invited Paper) 02. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Wang Sheng-Gang,Zhao Hui.A modified Finite Volume Method for simulating the radiative intensity in any specified direction.7th Int. Symposium on Heat Transfer,Beijing,China,October 26-29,2008 03. Qi Hong,He Zhen-Zong,Jia Teng,Zhang Biao,Ruan Li-Ming.Retrieval of geometric structure of internal defect in two-dimensional semi-transparent media under laser irradiation using the RDS-PSO.The 15th Int. Heat Transfer Conference,August 10-15th,2014,Kyoto,Japan 04. Qi Hong,Niu Chun-Yang,Yao Yu-Chen,Ruan Li-Ming.Inverse transient radiation analysis in multi-layer non-homogeneous participating slabs using improved self-organizing migrating algorithm.The 2nd Int. Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation: Energy, Manufacturing, Materials and Sensing,June 6-9th,2014,Shanghai,China 05. Wang Dalin,Qi Hong*,Zhang Biao,Sun Xing,Ruan Li-Ming.Sensitivity analysis and retrieval of inclusion properties in participating media based on the short pulse laser incidence.Proceedings of RAD-13,7th Int. Symposium on Radiative Transfer,2-8 June 2013,Kusadasi,Turkey 06. Zhang Biao,Qi Hong*,Ren Ya-Tao,Sun Shuang-Cheng,Ruan Li-Ming.Application of Improved Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm to inverse problem of coupled radiation and conduction heat transfer.Proceedings of IWHT2013,the 2nd Int. Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control,October 18-21,2013,Xi’an,China 07. He Zhen-Zong,Qi Hong*,Ren Ya-Tao, Ruan Li-Ming.Effect of fractal-like aggregation on radiative properties and specific production rate of Chlorella.The 15th Int. Heat Transfer Conference,August 10-15th,2014, Kyoto,Japan 08. Wang Sheng-Gang,Ruan Li-Ming,Qi Hong,Wang Xi-Ying,Li Bing-Xi.Investigation of transient signals in nonuniform media based on diffusion approximation.Proceedings of MNHMT2009 ASME 2009 2nd Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer Int. Conference,Shanghai,China,December 18-21,2009,2:349-354 09. Wang Xi-Ying,Niu Chen-Ji,Qi Hong, Ruan Li-Ming.Effect of cloud water on the atmospheric extinction.The 2nd Int. Conference on Challenges in Environmental Science and Computer Engineering (CESCE),Shenzhen,China,January 27-28,2011,Procedia Environmental Sciences,2011,11:1493-1498 10. Ren Ya-Tao,Qi Hong*,Lew Zhong-Yuan Ruan Li-Ming.Parametric investigation of the transient radiative transfer in participating media and rapid estimation of the radiative parameters.Proceedings of CHT-15,ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer,May 25-29,2015,Rutgers University,Piscataway,USA,No. CHT-15-177 11. Qiao Yao-Bin,Qi Hong*,Jia Teng,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Multi-start conjugate gradient method for retrieving the optical parameters in 2d participating media with frequency-domain equation of radiative transfer.The Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow ASCHT 2015,June 21-24,2015,Busan,Korea,No. 891202 12. Niu Chun-Yang,Qi Hong*,Lew Zhong-Yuan,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Simultaneous reconstruction of the three-dimensional temperature distribution and radiative properties in absorbing, emitting, and scattering media using the hybrid LSQR-SPSO algorithm.Proceedings of IWHT2015,3nd International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control,October 16-19,2015,Taipei,Taiwan 13. Chun-Yang Niu,Hong Qi*,Xing Huang,Liming Ruan,Tan Heping.Simultaneous reconstruction of 3D flame temperature distribution and radiative properties,International Heat Transfer Symposium and Heat Powered Cycles 2016,Nottingham,UK,26-29 June 2016,No. IHTS-HPC1211 14. Jun Sun, Chuan-Long Xu, Biao Zhang, Shi-Min Wang, Md. Moinul Hossain, Hong Qi, He-Ping Tan. Geometric calibration of focused light field camera for 3-D flame temperature measurement, I2MTC 2016 - 2016 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference: Measuring the Pulse of Industries, Nature and Humans, Proceedings, May 23-26, 2016, Taipei, Taiwan, EI 收录 15. Xing Huang, Hong Qi*, Chun-Yang Niu, Li-Ming Ruan, He-Ping Tan, Jun Sun, Chuan-Long Xu. Simultaneous reconstruction of optical and thermal properties in heterogeneous absorbing media by using the light field imaging technique, Proceedings of IWHT2017, 4th International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control, April 2-5, 2017, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, No. TFEC-IWHT2017-18359 16. Jun-You Zhang, Hong Qi*, Ya-Tao Ren, Li-Ming Ruan, Lei Zhou. Determination of optical properties of soot aggregates from triple-wavelength scattering-transmittance. The 10th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flow, Hong Kong SAR, China, December 3-7, 2017 17. Ming-Jian He, Hong Qi*, Ya-Tao Ren, Li-Ming Ruan. A Lie-group shooting method to estimate nonhomogeneous thermal conductivity and absorption coefficient. The 3rd Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, 4-7 March, 2018 18. Xing Huang, Hong Qi*, Wen-Wen Zhang, Li-Ming Ruan. The Split Bregman algorithm for temperature reconstruction based on the light-field imaging technique. The 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, August 10-15, Beijing, China, No. IHTC16-23551 19. Xing Huang, Hong Qi*, Xiang-Yang An, Li-Ming Ruan. Application of KL-RSLE method for reconstructing the time-varying heat flux in Rosseland approximation model. The 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, August 10-15, Beijing, China, No. IHTC16-23557 20. Ya-Tao Ren, Hong Qi*, Arafat Islam Sadaf, Qin Chen, Li-Ming Ruan. Frequency-domain reconstruction of spetral refractive index and particles size distribution, The 20th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 24-29, 2018, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, No. 3841 21. Xing Huang, Hong Qi*, Xiang-Yang An, Li-Ming Ruan. Total variation regularization for temperature field reconstruction based on the light-field imaging technique, International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, David L. Lawrence Convention Center Pittsburgh, PA, USA, November 9-15, 2018, No. IMECE 2018-88786 Chinese article 01. Qi Hong,Li-Ming Ruan,He-Ping Tan.Study on the Radiative Heat Transfer by Partition Allocation Method.[Chinese] J. of Engineering Thermophysics,2005,26(4):650-652 02. Qi Hong,Li-Ming Ruan,Shi-Kui Dong,He-Ping Tan.The Influence of Discrete Schemes on Accuracy of Radiative Heat Transfer by Finite Volume Method.[Chinese] J. of Harbin Institute of Technology,2005,37(12):1621-1624 03. Qi Hong,Da-Lin Wang,Xi-Zhen Huang,Li-Ming Ruan,Hui Zhao.Development of a General Multi-Flux Method for Simulating the Radiative Intensity in Arbitrary Direction.[Chinese] J. of Engineering Thermophysics,2009,30(7):1204-1206 04. Qi Hong,Li-Ming Ruan,Xi-Ying Wang,Meng Shi,Ying-Ming Lew.Radiative Properties of Aggregate Particles Composed of Two Spheres.[Chinese] J. of Engineering Thermophysics,2009,30(2):273-275 05. Li-Ming Ruan,Qi Hong,Sheng-Gang Wang.Study on the Radiative Properties of Non-spherical Particles Based on Discrete Dipole Approximation.[Chinese] J. of Harbin Institute of Technology,2008,40(3):413-418 06. Li-Ming Ruan,Qi Hong,Xi-Ying Wang,Bao-Cheng Li.Study on the Radiative Properties of Aggregated Particles Based on GMM Method.[Chinese] J. of Harbin Institute of Technology,2009,41(3):71-76 07. Li-Ming Ruan,Qi Hong,Sheng-Gang Wang,Hui Zhao,Bao-Cheng Li.Simulation of Arbitrary Directional Radiative Intensity by Using Source Six Flux Method with Cylindrical Coordinate.[Chinese] Chinese Journal of Computational Physics,2009,26(3):437-443 08. Xi-Ying Wang,Li-Ming Ruan,Qi Hong,Sheng-Gang Wang.Scattering Properties of Nonspherical Particles.[Chinese] J. of Engineering Thermophysics,2009,30(8):1368-1370 09. Sheng-Gang Wang,Li-Ming Ruan,Qi Hong,Biao Zhang.Diffusion Model for Simulating the Interaction of Short Pulse Laser with Nonuniform Media.[Chinese] J. of Engineering Thermophysics,2009,30(9):1531-1533 Research Interests ( not limited to ) Numerical methods for radiative heat transfer Transient Ratiative Transfer Inverse Radiation Problem Optical Tomography Heat transfer and fluid flow from macro-scale to micro-scale Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analyzing and testing techniques in thermal and fluid science Atmospheric radiation and environmental protection Sustainable energy (especially new energy thermal utilization) Research Experience Time-domain signal simulation based on transient radiative transfer and information reconstruction study in participating media Jan. 2009-present Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 50806016) Total amount RMB 210,000.00, project principal Information reconstruction of non-uniform media irradiated by ultra-short pulse laser Jan. 2009-present Supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project (No. 20090460893) Total amount RMB 30,000.00, project principal Study on thermal radiation properties and microscale effects on radiative transfer Jan. 2003- Dec. 2005 Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 50276014) Total amount RMB 280,000.00, personally RMB 140,000.00 is allocated, key technical personnel Inverse study on the radiative properties of irregular particle and agglomerated particles Jan. 2006- Dec. 2008 Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 50576019) Total amount RMB 310,000.00, personally RMB 150,000.00 is allocated, key technical personnel Design of a 35t/h Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Sep. 1997-Jul. 2001 Integer structure design, Thermal calculation with assistance of numerical simulation, Hydrodynamic calculation of the tube bundle and drum, Calculation of resistance to smoke and wind, strength, stress and strain calculation of the pressure component, Technical economics analysis Teaching Experience Heat Transfer (Spring 2009, 2010, 2012) Undergraduates majoring in mechatronics engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology Thermal Radiation Measuring Technology (Spring 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013) Postgraduates, Harbin Institute of Technology Heat and Mass Transfer (Fall 2013) Postgraduates of Overseas students, Harbin Institute of Technology Heating Engineering (Fall 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013) Undergraduates majoring in Air-conditioning Engineering, Harbin Inst. of Tech. Directing design project for undergraduates Skills Good at listening, speaking, reading and writing in English Solid background of theory modeling and numerical simulation for general thermal fluid problems by CFD-NHT technique, proficient in FORTRAN Modeling and solving thermal and fluid problem by FLUENT and ANSYS Design industrial products by AUTOCAD, and by Pro/E Thermodynamic analysis and simulation for energy & power system and progress Proficiency in Microsoft Office, Tecplot and Origin Utilization of Internet and multimedia design software Awards and Honors Selected in 2014 @#%Harbin Institute of Technology Youth Talent@#% support plan Second-class excellent paper prize for youth researchers, 2008 Awarded by: Chinese Academy of Engineering Thermophysics Title: Determination of the Optical Constants of Non-spherical Particles The outstanding young teachers in Harbin Institute of Technology (No. HITQNJS.2008.021), June 2007 The on-going excellent Ph.D. dissertation of Harbin Institute of Technology, July 2006 Outstanding Student-Researcher Scholarships: GuangHua Scholarship (2004, 2005, PhD Student) 2003’s Outstanding graduate (Master’s degree) Awarded by: Graduate school, Harbin Institute of Technology Awarded Thesis: Study on Simulating Multi-dimensional Radiative Transfer in Participating Media by Using Finite Element method Oversea Experiences Nov. 2011-Nov. 2012,Researching Scholar in University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Oct. 2019-Nov. 2019, Teaching exchange and training in University of Minnesota, Twin Cities 团队新闻 名称 01. 热烈祝贺本课题组贺振宗博士顺利通过南航招聘面试! 02. 哈工大能源学院2016年阮老师新年寄语及2015年度课题组成绩回顾 03. 热烈祝贺任亚涛博士获2016年度宝钢教育奖优秀学生奖 04. 热烈祝贺孙双成博士顺利通过重庆大学招聘面试! 05. 能源学院2018年美国加州名校优秀博士生国际交流访问顺利进行! 06. 2018年海峡两岸热流科学与技术研讨会顺利进行! 07. 热烈祝贺本课题组文爽博士通过中南大学招聘面试! 08. 热烈祝贺本课题组魏琳扬博士通过东北大学招聘面试! 09. 热烈祝贺本课题组任亚涛副教授获欧盟“玛丽居里学者计划”基金资助! 10. 热烈祝贺第四届哈工大一校三区能源论坛顺利召开! 11. 热烈祝贺何明键博士入选第三届优秀博士研究生预留师资博士后! 12. 热烈祝贺孙建平博士获得王补宣-过增元青年优秀论文二等奖! 13. 哈尔滨工业大学齐宏教授在西安交通大学开展学术讲座交流! 14. 哈尔滨工业大学齐宏教授在东北电力大学能源与动力学院开展学术讲座! 15. 哈尔滨工业大学齐宏教授访问山东大学(青岛)光热辐射研究中心! 16. 热烈祝贺本课题组张俊友博士通过北京科技大学招聘面试! 17. 热烈庆祝团队成员高包海博士入选2021年度哈工大春雁英才计划! 18. 热烈祝贺吴建泽和牛志田分获第13届中国多相流测试学术论文优秀论文! 团队成员 名称 研究生导师/RESEARCH SUPERVISORS     齐宏 教授      任亚涛 准聘副教授    何明键 助理教授   高包海 助理教授   Prof. Hong Qi     Prof. Yatao Ren     Dr. Mingjian He    Dr. Baohai Gao  qihong@hit.edu.cn   renyt@hit.edu.cn  hemingjian@hit.edu.cn gaobaohai@hit.edu.cn 博士研究生/Ph.D STUDENTS   孙建平-18级博士    张居奇-18级博士     张文文-19级博士    牛志田-20级博士   李华欣-20级博士    朱泽宇-21级博士   司马瑞衡-21级博士    贾蓉蓉-21级博士    赵颖-22级博士     吴建泽-22级博士    李智豪-22级博士 硕士研究生/MASTER STUDENTS   冀禹昆-21级硕士    刘梓煊-21级硕士     魏凯-21级硕士     王雨柔-22级硕士    杨力-22级硕士     肖舰-22级硕士     李嘉璐-22级硕士    王博文-22级硕士 留学生/FOREIGN STUDENTS   Chime-20级博士     Silas-20级硕士     Abdul-21级硕士 已毕业学生 / FORMER STUDENTS   王大林-13届博士     张彪-14届博士     牛春洋-16届博士    贺振宗-16届博士     乔要宾-17届博士     任亚涛-17届博士     孙双成-18届博士     黄兴-19届博士   文爽-20届博士     魏琳扬-20届博士     陈琴-20届博士      Arafat-21届博士   何明键-21届博士     张俊友-21届博士    史景文-21届博士    Yabibal-21届博士   赵方舟-22届博士    高包海-22届博士    孙兴-14届硕士     王雨晴-15届硕士     宫帅-15届硕士     姚禹辰-15届硕士   吕中原-16届硕士     贾腾-16届硕士     张晓罗-19届硕士    于晓滢-19届硕士   王申领-19届硕士    安向阳-19届硕士     李杨-20届硕士     王一飞-20届硕士   刘少斌-21届硕士     尹艳梅-21届硕士    孙安泰-21届硕士    苏彦雄-21届硕士    姚港-21届硕士     余智强-19级硕士    江栋航-20级硕士 团队合影 名称 论文期刊 名称 国际期刊 · 01. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Liu Lin-Hua.Study on the imaginary temperature of open boundary wall in cylindrical medium by partition allocation method.ASME Journal of Heat Transfer,2005,127(7):791-793 · 02. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Zhang Hao-Chun,Wang Yan-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Inverse radiation analysis of a one-dimensional participating slab by the Stochastic Particle Swarm Optimizer Algorithm.International Journal of Thermal Sciences,2007,46(7):649-661 · 03. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Shi Meng,An Wei,Tan He-Ping.Application of Multi-Phase Particle Swarm Optimization technique to inverse radiation problem.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2008,109(3):476-493 · 04. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Wang Sheng-Gang,Shi Meng,Zhao Hui.Application of Multi-Phase Particle Swarm Optimization technique to retrieve the particle size distribution.Chinese Optics Letters,2008,6(5):346-349 · 05. Qi Hong,Wang Da-Lin,Wang Sheng-Gang,Ruan Li-Ming.Inverse transient radiation analysis in one-dimensional non-homogeneous participating slabs using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2011,112:2507-2519 · 06. Qi Hong,Zhang Biao,Ren Ya-Tao,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-ping.Retrieval of spherical particle size distribution using Ant Colony Optimization algorithm.Chinese Optics Letters,2013,11(11):112901 · 07. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan Jian-Yu.Development of a finite element radiation model applied for two-dimensional participating media.Heat Transfer-Asian Research,2005,34(6):386-395 · 08. Qi Hong,Niu Chun-Yang,Gong Shuai,Ruan Li-Ming.Application of the hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithms for simultaneous estimation of multi-parameters in a transient conduction-radiation problem.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2015,83:428-440 · 09. Qi Hong,He Zhen-Zong,Gong Shuai,Ruan Li-Ming.Inversion of particle size distribution by spectral extinction technique using the attractive and repulsive particle swarm optimization algorithm.Thermal Science,2015,19(5):2151-2160 · 10. Qi Hong,Zhang Biao,Gong Shuai,Ruan Li-Ming.Simultaneous retrieval of multi-parameters in a frequency domain radiative transfer problem using an improved PDF-based ACO algorithm,Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications,2016,69(7):727-74 · 11. Qi Hong,Niu Chun-Yang,Jia Teng,Wang Da-Lin,Ruan Li-Ming.Multiparameter estimation in nonhomogeneous participating slab by using self-organizing migrating algorithms,Journal of Quantitative Spectrascopy and Radiative Transfer,2015,157:153-169 · 12. Qi Hong,Qiao Yao-Bin,Sun Shuang-Cheng,Yao Yu-Chen,Ruan Li-Ming.Image reconstruction of two-dimensional highly scattering inhomogeneous medium using MAP-based estimation,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2015,Article ID. 412315 · 13. He Zhen-Zong,Qi Hong*,Yao Yu-Chen, Ruan Li-Ming.Inverse estimation of the particle size distribution using the Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm.Applied Thermal Engineering,2015,88:306-314 · 14. He Zhen-Zong,Qi Hong*,Yao Yu-Chen,Ruan Li-Ming.An effective inversion algorithm for retrieving bimodal aerosol particle size distribution from spectral extinction data,Journal of Quantitative Spectrascopy and Radiative Transfer,2014,149:117-127 · 15. Ruan Li-Ming,Qi Hong,Liu Lin-Hua,Tan He-Ping.The radiative transfer in cylindrical medium and partition allocation method by overlap regions.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2004,86(4):343-352 · 16. Ruan Li-Ming,Qi Hong,An Wei,Tan He-Ping.Inverse radiation problem for determination of optical constants of fly-ash particles.International Journal of Thermophysics,2007,28(4):1322-1341 · 17. 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Shuang-Cheng Sun, Hong Qi*, Ya-Tao Ren, Xiao-Ying Yu, Li-Ming Ruan. Improved social spider optimization algorithms for solving inverse radiation and coupled radiation-conduction heat transfer problems, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 87: 132-146 · 67. Shuang-Cheng Sun, Hong Qi*, Jian-Ping Sun, Ya-Tao Ren, Li-Ming Ruan. Estimation of thermophysical properties of phase change material by the hybrid SSO algorithms, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2017, 120: 121-135 · 68. Jun-You Zhang, Hong Qi*, Zhen-Zong He, Xiao-Ying Yu, Li-Ming Ruan. Investigation of light transfer procedure and photobiological hydrogen production of microalgae in photobioreactors at different locations of China, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42: 19709-19722 · 69. Qin Chen, Hong Qi*, Ya-Tao Ren, Jian-Ping Sun, Li-Ming Ruan. Optical properties of truncated Au nanocages with different size and shape, AIP Advances, 2017, 7: 065115 · 70. Lin-Yang Wei, Hong Qi*, Ya-Tao Ren, Shuang Wen, Li-Ming Ruan. Application of hybrid SPSO-SQP algorithm for simultaneous estimation of space-dependent absorption coefficient and scattering coefficient fields in participating media, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2018, 124: 424-432 · 71. Shuang Wen, Hong Qi*, Yan-Tao Ren, Xiao-Ying Yu, Li-Ming Ruan. Application of KF-RLSE algorithm for on-line estimating the time-dependent melting thickness and input heat flux in participating media, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2018, 125: 1-10 · 72. Ren Ya-Tao, Chen Qin, Qi Hong*, Ruan Li-Ming. Experimental comparison of photothermal conversion efficiency of gold nanotriangle and nanorod in laser induced thermal therapy, Nanomaterials, 2017, 416(7): 1-14 · 73. Ren Ya-Tao, Qi Hong*, Chen Qin, Sun Jian-Ping, Ruan Li-Ming*. 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Influence of PEG coating on optical and thermal response of gold nanoshperes and nanorods, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2018, 212: 1-9 · 78. Shen-Ling Wang, Hong Qi*,Ya-Tao Ren, Qin Chen, Li-Ming Ruan. Optimal temperature control of tissue embedded with gold nanoparticles for enhanced thermal therapy based on two-energy equation model, Journal of Thermal Biology, 2018, 74: 264-274 · 79. Shuang-Cheng Sun, Hong Qi*, Shen-Ling Wang, Ya-Tao Ren, Li-Ming Ruan. A two-stage optimization technology for simultaneous reconstruction of infrared optical and thermophysical parameters in semitransparent media, Infrared Physics and Technology, 2018, 92: 219-233 · 80. Shuang-Cheng Sun, Hong Qi*, Wen-Wen Zhang, Ya-Tao Ren, Li-Ming Ruan. Combined lock-in thermography and SQP algorithm for non-intrusive reconstruction of optical and thermal properties in semitransparent medium. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2018, 132: 446-456 · 81. Ya-Tao Ren, Qin Chen, Hong Qi*, Li-Ming Ruan, Jingmin Dai. Phase Transition induced by localized surface plasmon resonance of nanoparticle assemblies. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 127: 244-252 · 82. Lin-Yang Wei, Hong Qi*, Arafat Islam Sadaf, Shuang Wen, Li-Ming Ruan. Simultaneous measurement of space-dependent refractive index and absorption coefficient based on laser irradiation technique, Measurement Science and Technology, 2018, 29: 104006 · 83. Shuang-Cheng Sun, Hong Qi*, Xiao-Ying Yu, Ya-Tao Ren, Li-Ming Ruan. Inverse identification of temperature-dependent thermal properties using improved Krill Herd algorithm. International Journal of Theromphysics, 2018, 39: 121 · 84. Ming-Jian He, Hong Qi*, Wen-Wen Zhang, Md Arafat Islam, Ya-Tao Ren, Li-Ming Ruan. Estimation of space-dependent thermophysical properties in participating media by using a Lie-group shooting method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 127: 1064-1075 · 85. Hong Qi, Fang-Zhou Zhao, Ya-Tao Ren, Yao-Bin Qiao, Lin-Yang Wei, Arafat Islam Sadaf, Li-Ming Ruan*. Experimental research on noninvasive reconstruction of optical parameter fields based on transient radiative transfer equation for diagnosis applications, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2019, 222-223: 1-11 · 86. Shuang Wen, Hong Qi*, Zhi-Tian Niu, Ya-Tao Ren, Lin-Yang Wei, Li-Ming Ruan. Real-time retrieval of transient heat flux on the surface of participating medium by using the EKF-RLSE technique, Infrared Physics and Technology, 2019, 95: 113-121 · 87. Lin-Yang Wei, Hong Qi*, Xiao-Luo Zhang, Shuang Wen, Islam Md Arafat, Li-Ming Ruan. Reconstruction of Radiative Properties Fields in Participating Media by Using the Sequential Quadratic Programing Combined With Regularization Technique, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 2019, 141:022702 · 88. Shuang Wen, Hong Qi*, Xiao-Ying Yu, Ya-Tao Ren, Lin-Yang Wei, Li-Ming Ruan*. 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Ya-Tao Ren, Qin Chen, Hong Qi*, Li-Ming Ruan*, Hot spot effect of optical nanosphere antenna to enhance localized photothermal conversion, ES Energy and Environment, 2019,3: 74-79 (Best paper award) · 93. Y. M. Guo, S. J. Pang, Z. J. Luo, Y. Shuai*, H. P. Tan, H. Qi. Measurement of directional spectral emissivity at high temperatures, International Journal of Thermophysics, 2019, 40(10): 1-12 · 94. Ming-Jian He, Hong Qi*, Yang Li, Ya-Tao Ren, Wei-Hua Cai, Li-Ming Ruan*. Graphene-mediated near field thermostat based on three-body photon tunneling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019,137:12-19 · 95. Lin-Yang Wei, Hong Qi*, Zhi-Tian Niu, Ya-Tao Ren, Li-Ming Ruan. Reverse Monte Carlo coupled with Runge-Kutta ray tracing method for radiative heat transfer in graded-index media, Infrared Physics and Technology, 2019, 99: 5-13 · 96. Hong Qi, Shuang Wen, Yi-Fei Wang, Ya-Tao Ren, Lin-Yang Wei, Li-Ming Ruan*. Real-time reconstruction of the time-dependent heat flux and temperature distribution in participating media by using the Kalman filtering technique, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 157: 113667 · 97. Yang Li, Ya-Tao Ren*, Hong Qi*, Li-Ming Ruan. Manipulation of microscale fluid using laser irradiated nanoparticle arrays, Plasmonics, 2019, 14: 1555–1563 · 98. Ming-Jian He, Hong Qi*, Yi-Fei Wang, Ya-Tao Ren, Wei-Hua Cai, Li-Ming Ruan. Near-field radiative heat transfer in multilayered graphene system considering equilibrium temperature distribution, Optics Express, 2019, 27(16): 953-966 · 99. Shuang Wen, Hong Qi*, Zhi-Tian Niu, Ya-Tao Ren, Li-Ming Ruan. Fast non-intrusive estimation of liquid-phase interface and boundary heat flux in participating media by the Kalman filtering methods, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 142: 118418 · 100. Bao-Hai Gao, Hong Qi*, Yan-Mei Yin, Li-Yang Wei, Ya-Tao Ren. Fast reconstructing two-dimentional temperature distribution in participating media with different surfaces conditions, Infrared Physics and Technology, 2019, 103: 103080 · 101. Ming-Jian He, Hong Qi*,Ya-Tao Ren, Yi-Jun Zhao Antezza Mauro*. Graphene-based thermal repeater, Applied Physics Letters, 2019, 115: 263101 · 102. Shuang Wen, Hong Qi*, Zhi-Tian Niu, Lin-Yang Wei, Ya-Tao Ren. Efficient and robust prediction of internal temperature distribution and boundary heat flux in participating media by using the Kalman smoothing technique, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 147: 118851 · 103. Md Arafat Islam, Hong Qi*, Ya-Tao Ren, Jun-You Zhang, Li-Ming Ruan. An Inverse Numerical Simulation for Simultaneous Measurement of Non Spherical Particle Size and Optical Constant by Forward Elastic Light Scattering and Transmittance, Optics and Spectroscopy, 2019, 127(6): 1133-1140 · 104. Shuang Wen, Hong Qi*, Yi-Fei Wang, Ya-Tao Ren, Lin-Yang Wei, Li-Ming Ruan. Prediction of the coupled heat radiation and conduction parameters and boundary condition using the unscented Kalman filter, Science China Technological Sciences, 2020, 63(3): 422-433 · 105. Jing-Wen Shi, Hong Qi*, Jun-You Zhang, Ya-Tao Ren, Li-Ming Ruan, Yong Zhang. Simultaneous measurement of flame temperature and species concentration distribution from nonlinear tomographic absorption spectroscopy, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2020, 241: 106693 · 106. Fang-Zhou Zhao, Hong Qi*, Gang Yao, Ya-Tao Ren. Efficient optical parameter mapping based on time-domain radiative transfer equation combined with parallel programming, Optics Express, 2020, 28(1): 270-287 · 107. Shuang Wen, Hong Qi*, Yang Li, Ya-Tao Ren, Li-Ming Ruan. An on-line extended Kalman filtering technique for reconstructing the transient heat flux and temperature field in two-dimensional participating media, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2020, 148: 106069 · 108. Ming-Jian He, Hong Qi*, Ya-Tao Ren, Yi-Jun Zhao, Mauro Antezza*. Magnetoplasmonic manipulation of nanoscale thermal radiation using twisted graphene gratings, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 150: 119305, ESI 高被引 · 109. Shuang Wen, Hong Qi*, Shao-Bin Liu, Ya-Tao Ren, Jing-Wen Shi, Xing Huang. A hybrid LSQP algorithm for simultaneous reconstruction of the temperature and absorption coefficient field from the light-field image, Infrared Physics and Technology, 2020, 105: 103196 · 110. Ju-Qi Zhang, Qi Hong*, Shao-Bin Liu, Zhi-Tian Niu, Xiao-Ying Yu, Ya-Tao Ren. Research on modulated thermal wave radar imaging technique for photothermal properties of semi-transparent materials.International Journal of Thermophysics,2020, 41: 63 · 111. Zhi-Tian Niu, Qi Hong*, Jing-Wen Shi, Ju-Qi Zhang, Ya-Tao Ren. Temperature field reconstruction of 3D luminous flames based on light field tomography theory, Science China Technological Sciences, 2020, 63: 1-14 · 112. Md Arafat Islam, Qi Hong*, Ya-Tao Ren, Jun-You Zhang. Non-spherical particle size retrieval by angular resolved elastic light scattering using the T-matrix method, Laser Physics Letters, 2020, 17: 065701 · 113. Ming-Jian He, Hong Qi*, Ya-Tao Ren, Yi-Jun Zhao, Mauro Antezza*. Active control of near-field radiative heat transfer by a graphene-gratings coating-twisting method, Optics Letters, 2020, 10(45): 2914-2917 · 114. Bao-Hai Gao, Hong Qi*, An-Tai Sun, Jing-Wen Shi, Ya-Tao Ren. Effective solution of three-dimensional inverse radiation problem in participating medium based on RDFIEM, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2020, I56: 106462 · 115. Jing-Wen Shi, Hong Qi*, Yan-Mei Yin, Bao-Hai Gao, Ya-Tao Ren. Reconstruction of 3D flame temperature and absorption coefficient field by the hybrid light-field imaging and laser extinction technique, Infrared Physics and Technology, 2020, 109: 103404 · 116. Yabibal Getahun Dessie, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Hong Qi*, Heping Tan, Juqi Zhang, Baohai Gao, Md Arafat Islam. Reactor design and thermal performance analysis for solar thermal energy storage application, Energies, 2020, 13: 3186 · 117. Wen-Wen Zhang, Hong Qi*, An-Tai Sun, Ya-Tao Ren, Jing-Wen Shi, Periodic trapezoidal VO2-Ge multilayer absorber for daytime dynamic radiative cooling, Optics Express, 2020, 28(14): 20609-20632 · 118. Yabibal Getahun Dessie, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Hong Qi*, Heping Tan, Juqi Zhang, Baohai Gao, Md Arafat Islam. Thermal performance analysis of a solar reactor designed for syngas production, Energies, 2020, 13: 3405 · 119. Yan-Mei Yin, Ya-Tao Ren*, Hua-Xin Li, Hong Qi*. Characteristic analysis of light and heat transfer in photothermal therapy using multiple-light-source heating strategy, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2020, 158: 106533 · 120. Lin-Yang Wei, Hong Qi*, Zhi-Tian Niu, Shuang Wen, Ya-Tao Ren. Inverse heat transfer analysis to determine the temperature or phase change-dependent refractive index of semitransparent materials, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 2021, 29(4): 586-608 · 121. Ming-Jian He, Hong Qi*, Ya-Tao Ren, Yi-Jun Zhao, Yong Zhang, Jia-Dong Shen, Mauro Antezza. Radiative thermal switch driven by anisotropic black phosphorus plasmons, Optics Express, 2020, 28(18): 26922-26934 · 122. Shuang Wen, Hong Qi*, Yan-Xiong Su, Ju-Qi Zhang, Ya-Tao Ren. Simultaneous estimation of internal temperature field and boundary time-dependent heat flux in absorbing and scattering media using the unscented Kalman smoothing technique, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2020, 255: 107262 · 123. Ming-Jian He, Hong Qi*, Ya-Tao Ren, Yi-Jun Zhao, Mauro Antezza. Magnetoplasmon-surface phonon polaritons' coupling effects in radiative heat transfer, Optics Letters, 2020, 45(18): 5148-5151 · 124. Fang-Zhou Zhao, Hong Qi*, Shao-Bin Liu, Ya-Tao Ren. Improved optical tomography based on hybrid frequency-domain and time-domain radiative transfer model, Infrared Physics and Technology, 2020, 111: 103484 · 125. Ming-Jian He, Hong Qi*,Yan-Xiong Su, Ya-Tao Ren, Yi-Jun Zhao, Antezza Mauro*. Giant thermal magnetoresistance driven by graphene magnetoplasmon, Applied Physics Letters, 2020, 117: 113104 · 126. Jun-You Zhang, Hong Qi*, Jing-Wen Shi, Bao-Hai Gao, Ya-Tao Ren. Simultaneous determination of primary particle size distribution and thermal accommodation coefficient of soot aggregates using low-fluence LII, Optics Express, 2020, 28(25): 37249-37264 · 127. Wen-Wen Zhang, Hong Qi*, Yan-Mei Yin, Ya-Tao Ren. Tailoring radiative properties of a complex trapezoidal grating solar absorber by coupling between SPP and multi-order MP for solar energy harvesting, Optics Communications, 2021, 479: 126416 · 128. Rui-Heng Sima, Xiao-Peng Hao, Jian Song, Hong Qi, Zun-Dong Yuan. Accurate numerical model for characteristic temperature acquisition of miniature fixed-point blackbodies, Measurement, 2021, 168: 108462 · 129. Rui-Heng Sima, Xiao-Peng Hao, Jian Song, Hong Qi, Zun-Dong Yuan, Lei Ding, Yu-Ning Duan. Research on the temperature transfer relationship between miniature fixed-point and blackbody for on-orbit infrared remote sensor calibration, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2021, 59(7): 6266-6276 · 130. Hong Qi*, Jing-Wen Shi, Yan-Xiong Su, Bao-Hai Gao, Ya-Tao Ren. Soot temperature measurement within 3D flame by light-field imaging based on wave optics theory, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2021,138: 106419 · 131. Lin-Yang Wei, Hong Qi*, Guo-Jun Li*, Wei-Jun Zhang. Improved teaching-learning-based optimization for estimation of temperature-dependent radiative properties of semitransparent media, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021, 161: 106694 · 132. Ya-Tao Ren, Qin Chen, Hua-Xin Li, Hong Qi*, Yu-Ying Yan. Passive control of temperature distribution in cancerous tissue during photothermal therapy using optical phase change nanomaterials, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021, 161: 106754 (Featured and highlighted by Advances in Engineering. https://advanceseng.com/optical-phase-change-nanomaterial-promising-candidate-photothermal-therapy/) · 133. Ju-Qi Zhang, Ya-Tao Ren*, Yan-Mei Yin, Hong Qi*, A Parametric Investigation of Corneal Laser Surgery Based on the Multilayer Dynamic Photothermal Model, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 2021, 143: 041003 · 134. Jing-Wen Shi, Hong Qi, Zhi-Qiang Yu, Xiang-Yang An, Ya-Tao Ren, He-Ping Tan, Three-dimensional temperature reconstruction of diffusion flame from the light-field convolution imaging by the focused plenoptic camera, Scince China Technological Sciences, 2021, Accepted · 135. Qin Chen, Ya-Tao Ren*, Yan-Mei Yin, Hong Qi*. Anisotropic scattering characteristics of nanoparticles in different morphologies: improving the temperature uniformity of tumors during thermal therapy using forward scattering, Biomedical Optics Express, 2021, 12(2): 893-906 · 136. Md Arafat Islam, Hong Qi*, Ya-Tao Ren, Jun-You Zhang. An inverse simulation for simultaneous identification of randomly oriented arbitrarily shaped particle size distribution and its degree of non-sphericity from spectral transmittance measurement, Measurement Science and Technology, 2021, 32: 075205 · 137. Ju-Qi Zhang, Hong Qi*, Dong-Hang Jiang, Ming-Jian He, Ya-Tao Ren, Ming-Xu Su, Xiao-Shu Cai, Acoustic tomography of two dimensional velocity field by using meshless radial basis function and modified Tikhonov regularization method, Measurement, 2021, 175: 109107 · 138. Jun-You Zhang, Hong Qi*, Bao-Hao Gao, Ya-Tao Ren, Lei Zhou*. A proof-of-concept study on characterization of primary particle size distribution and thermal accommodation coefficient of soot aggregate by using conduction-dominated laser-induced incandescence, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2021, 141: 106572 · 139. Bao-Hai Gao, Hong Qi*, Zhi-Qiang Yu, Jian-Ping Sun, Ya-Tao Ren, Ming-Jian He. Semi-analytical equation-solving RDFIEM method for radiative transfer in a plane-parallel anisotropic scattering medium, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021,166: 106946 · 140. Yabibal Getahun Dessie, Hong Qi*, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Ju-Qi Zhang, Bo-Shu Jiang, Junaid Anees, Eyale Bayable Tegegne. Thermochemical energy storage performance analysis of (Fe,Co,Mn)Ox mixed metal oxides, Catalysts, 2021, 11: 362 · 141. Lin-Yang Wei, Hong Qi*, Guo-Jun Li*, Shi-Ting Ruan, Hong-Ru Li. Tomographic reconstruction of refractive index fields based on laser beam deflection measurement, Optics Communications, 2021, 492: 126951 · 142. Yan-Yan Xu, Yan-Qin Xue, Hong Qi, Wei-Hua Cai*. An updated review on working fluids, operation mechanisms, and applications of pulsating heat pipes, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021, 144: 110995 · 143. Bao-Hai Gao, Hong Qi*, Ying Zhao, Ya-Tao Ren, Ming-Jian He. An efficient equation-solving method for calculating radiative transfer in isotropic scattering medium, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 174: 121298 · 144. Ya-Tao Ren, Qin Chen, Ming-Jian He, Xiangzhi Zhang, Hong Qi, Yu-Ying Yan. Plasmonic optical tweezers for particle manipulation: principles, methods, and applications, ACS Nano, 2021, 15: 6105-6128 · 145. Li-Yang Wei, Hong Qi*, Guojun Li*, Weijun Zhang. Generalized source term multiflux method coupled with Runge-Kutta ray tracing technique for arbitrary radiative intensity of graded-index media, Physical Review E, 2021, 103: 063301 · 146. Wen-Wen Zhang, Hong Qi*, Zhi-Qiang Yu, Ming-Jian He, Ya-Tao Ren, Yang Li. Optimization configuration of selective solar absorber using multi-island genetic algorithm, Solar Energy, 2021, 224: 947-955 · 147. Fang-Zhou Zhao, Hong Qi*, Ying Zhao, Ming-Jian He, Ya-Tao Ren. Modified accelerate iteration for optical property reconstruction based on time-domain radiative transfer equation, Laser Physics, 2021, 31: 095601 · 148. Bao-Hai Gao, Hong Qi*, Dong-Hang Jiang, Ya-Tao Ren, Ming-Jian He. Efficient equation-solving integral equation method based on the radiation distribution factor for calculating radiative transfer in 3D anisotropic scattering medium, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2021, 275: 107886 (15 pages) · 149. Rui-Heng Sima, Xiang-Ming Sun, Xiao-Peng Hao, Hua Pei, Hong Qi, Zhi-Tian Niu. A novel fast and accurate thermal design method for detector arrays, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2021, 28: 101469 (12 pages) · 150. Ju-Qi Zhang, Hong Qi*, Yu-Kun Ji, Ya-Tao Ren, Ming-Jian He, Ming-Xu Su, Xiao-Shu Cai. Nonlinear acoustic tomography for measuring the temperature and velocity fields by using the covariance matrix adaption evolution strategy algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 2022, 71: 4500214 (14 pages) · 151. Wen-Wen Zhang, Hong Qi*, Yu-Kun Ji, Ming-Jian He, Ya-Tao Ren, Yang Li. Boosting photoelectric performance of thin film GaAs solar cell based on multi-objective optimization for solar energy utilization, Solar Energy, 2021, 230: 1122-1132 · 152. Zhi-Tian Niu, Hong Qi*, Ze-Yu Zhu, Ke-Fu Li, Ya-Tao Ren, Ming-Jian He. A novel parametric level set method coupled with Tikhonov regularization for tomographic laser absorption reconstruction, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 201: 117819 · 153. Jian-Ping Sun, Ya-Tao Ren*, Dong-Hang Jiang, Ming-Jian He, Bao-Hai Gao, Hong Qi*. Photoacoustic response optimization of gold nanorods in the near-infrared region: An in silico investigation, Results in Physics, 2022, 34: 105209 · 154. Fang-Zhou Zhao, Pietro Levoni, Lorenzo Frabasile, Hong Qi, Michele Lacerenza, Pranav Lanka, Alessandro Torricelli, Antonio Pifferi, Rinaldo Cubeddu, Lorenzo Spinelli. Reproducibility of identical solid phantoms, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2022, 27(7): 074713 · 155. Ju-Qi Zhang, Hong Qi*, Ya-Tao Ren, Ming-Xu Su, Xiao-Shu Cai. Acoustic tomography of temperature and velocity fields by using the radial basis function and alternating direction method of multipliers, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 188: 122660 · 156. Fei Wang, Zhuoyan Yue, Junyan Liu, Hong Qi, Wenjun Sun, Mingjun Chen, Yang Wang, Honghao Yue, Quantitative imaging of printed circuit board (PCB) delamination defects using laser-induced ultrasound scanning imaging, Journal of Applied Physics, 2022, , 131: 053101 · 157. Lin-Yang Wei, Guo-Jun Li*, Shi-Ting Ruan, Hong Qi*, Dynamic coupled heat transfer and energy conservation performance of multilayer glazing window filled with phase change material in summer day, Journal of Energy Storage, 2022, 49: 104183 · 158. Jian-Ping Sun, Ya-Tao Ren*, Zi-Xun Liu, Ming-Jian He, Bao-Hai Gao, Hong Qi*, Dependence of the nonlinear photoacoustic response of gold nanoparticles on the heat-transfer process, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2022, Accepted (Front Cover 封面文章) · 159. Jun-You Zhang, Shi-Yuan Li, Hong Qi, A robust trivariate approach for characterizing the primary particle size distribution of soot aggregates using time-resolved laser-induced incandescence, Powder Technology, 2022, 400: 117236 · 160. Zhi-Tian Niu, Hong Qi*, Yu-Kun Ji, Shuang Wen, Ya-Tao Ren, Ming-Jian He, Real-time reconstruction of thermal boundary condition of porous media via temperature sequence, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2022, 177: 107570 · 161. Bao-Hai Gao, Hong Qi*, Jing-Wen Shi, Ju-Qi Zhang, Ya-Tao Ren, Ming-Jian He, An efficient equation-solving RDFIEM for high-resolution radiation intensity in one-dimensional participating medium with diffuse boundaries, Results in Physics, 2022, 36: 105418 · 162. Yan-Yan Xu, Wei-Hua Cai*, Yan-Qin Xue, Hong Qi, Qian Li. Experimental study on thermal performances of flat-plate pulsating heat pipes under static and swing conditions, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 212: 118616 · 163. Hong-Peng Jiang, Xiaoliang Wang, Xinru Li, Jie Xu*, Hong Qi*, Debin Shan, Bin Guo. Enhanced evaporation performance on a novel microstructured surface with vertical dimension gradient, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 199: 123478 · 164. Huaxin Li, Yatao Ren*, Yang Li, Mingjian He, Baohai Gao, Hong Qi. Nanoparticle manipulation using plasmonic optical tweezers based on particle sizes and refractive indices, Optics Express, 2022, 30(19): 34092 · 165. Qin Chen, Yatao Ren*, Hong Qi, Yuying Yan. Nanoparticle hybrids as efficient theranostic nanoagents with enhanced near-infrared optical absorption and scattering, AIP Advances, 2022, 12(8): 085105 · 166. Yatao Ren*, Yuying Yan, Hong Qi. Photothermal conversion and transfer in photothermal therapy: From macroscale to nanoscale, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 308: 102753 · 167. Zhitian Niu, Hong Qi*, Jingwen Shi, Yatao Ren, Mingjian He, Wu Zhou. Three-dimensional rapid visualization of flame temperature field via compression and noise reduction of light field imaging, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 137: 106270 · 168. Juqi Zhang, Hong Qi*, Donghang Jiang, Baohai Gao, Mingjian He, Tatao Ren, Kefu Li*. Integrated infrared radiation characteristics of aircraft skin and the exhaust plume, Materials, 2022,15(21): 7726 · 169. Jianping Sun, Yatao Ren, Renxi Gao, Baohai Gao, Mingjian He, Hong Qi. Influence of temperature-dependent dielectric constant on the photoacoustic effect of gold, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2022, Accepted · 170. Juqi Zhang, Hong Qi*, Baohai Gao, Mingjian He, Tatao Ren, Mingxu Su, Xiaoshu Cai. Optimization of transducer array for crosssectional velocity field reconstruction in ascoustic tomography, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023, Accepted · 171. Yan-Yan Xu, Yan-Qin Xue Wei-Hua Cai*, Hong Qi, Qian Li. Experimental study on performances of flat-plate pulsating heat pipes coupled with thermoelectric generators for power generation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 23: 123784 · 172. Ming-Jian He, Lei Qiu, Ya-Tao Ren*, Hong Qi*, Mauro Antezza, He-Ping Tan. Multiple magnetoplasmon polaritons of magneto-optical graphene in near-field radiative heat transfer, Materials Today Physics, 2023, 37: 101207 · 173. Ming-Jian He, Xue Guo, Hong Qi*, Zhi-Heng Zheng, Mauro Antezza, He-Ping Tan. Performance improvement of three-body radiative diodes driven by graphene surface plasmon polaritons, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2023, 25: 20782(Front Cover 封面文章) · 174. Zhi-Tian Niu, Hong Qi*, Bao-Hai Gao, Lin-Yang Wei, Ya-Tao Ren, Ming-jian He, Fei Wang. Three-dimensional inhomogeneous temperature tomography of confined-space flame coupled with wall radiation effect by instantaneous light field, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 211: 124282 · 175. Zhi-Tian Niu, Hong Qi*, An-Tai Sun, Ya-Tao Ren, Ming-jian He, Bao-Hai Gao. Efficient and robust CNN-LSTM prediction of flame temperature aided light field online tomography, Science China Technological Sciences, 2023, Accepted · 175. Ming-Jian He, Xue Guo, Hong Qi*, Ivan Latella*, He-Ping Tan. Splitting of temperature distributions due to dual-channel photon heat exchange in many-body systems, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 216: 124626 · 176. Ze-Yu Zhu, Hong Qi*, Zhi-Tian Niu, Jing-Wen Shi, Bao-Hai Gao, Ya-Tao Ren. Accurate estimation of the optical properties of nanofluids for solar energy harvesting using the null-collision forward Monte Carlo method, Renewable Energy, 2023, 211(3): 140-154 · 177. Wen-Wen Zhang, Mingjian He*, Yan-Ming Guo, Bao-Hai Gao*, Ya-Tao Ren, Hong Qi. A method for 24-hour electricity generation based on PV/TR-TE system, Solar Energy, 2023, 263: 111988 · 178. Chang Ding, Hecong Wang, Lu Zhang, Mukhtiar Ali, Hong Qi, Fei Wang, Guanming Wang, Wenjun Sun*. Ultrafast nonlinear absorption properties of SnO2/Ag/SnO2 composite films based on Z-scan measurement, Optical Engineering, 2023, 62(9): 097104 · 179. Zhi-Tian Niu, Hong Qi*, Zeyu Zhang, Yatao Ren, Mingjian He, Baohai Gao. Nonlinear multispectral tomographic absorption deflection spectroscopy based on Bayesian estimation for spatially resolved multiparameter measurement in methane flame exhaust, Fuel, 2024, 357: 129981 · 180. Ming-Jian He, Xue Guo, Hong Qi*, Lu Lu, He-Ping Tan. Photoic thermal switch via metamaterials made of vanadium dioxide-coated nanparticles, Optics Letters, 2023, Accepted · 181. Zhi-Tian Niu, Hong Qi*, Si Zheng, Ya-Tao Ren*, Ming-Jian He, Fei Wang, Wen-Jun Sun. Nonlinear deflection tomography of inhomogeneous flame temperature and concentration based on topology evolution with prior smooth, Combutstion and Flame, 2024, 263: 113398 · 182. Baohai Gao, Zhi-Tian Niu*, Jing-Wen Shi, Ya-Tao Ten, Jun-Yan Liu, Hong Qi*. Lp-Norm relaxtion appraoch for 3D measurement via instantaneous light field of ethylene premixed flames, Measurement, 2024, 232: 114714 国际会议 · 01. Qi Hong,Li Jia-Yu,Yi Hong-Liang,Tan He-Ping.Radiative properties of high temperature particles in their phase transitions and inverse radiation problem of particles.Proceedings of 2009 US-EU-China Thermophysics Conference-Renewable Energy,Beijing,May 28-30,2009(Invited Paper),EI 收录 · 02. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Wang Sheng-Gang,Zhao Hui.A modified Finite Volume Method for simulating the radiative intensity in any specified direction.7th Int. Symposium on Heat Transfer,Beijing,China,October 26-29,2008 · 03. Qi Hong,He Zhen-Zong,Jia Teng,Zhang Biao,Ruan Li-Ming.Retrieval of geometric structure of internal defect in two-dimensional semi-transparent media under laser irradiation using the RDS-PSO.The 15th Int. Heat Transfer Conference,August 10-15th,2014,Kyoto,Japan · 04. Qi Hong,Niu Chun-Yang,Yao Yu-Chen,Ruan Li-Ming.Inverse transient radiation analysis in multi-layer non-homogeneous participating slabs using improved self-organizing migrating algorithm.The 2nd Int. Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation: Energy, Manufacturing, Materials and Sensing,June 6-9th,2014,Shanghai,China · 05. Wang Dalin,Qi Hong*,Zhang Biao,Sun Xing,Ruan Li-Ming.Sensitivity analysis and retrieval of inclusion properties in participating media based on the short pulse laser incidence. Proceedings of RAD-13,7th Int. Symposium on Radiative Transfer ,2-8 June 2013,Kusadasi,Turkey · 06. Zhang Biao,Qi Hong*,Ren Ya-Tao,Sun Shuang-Cheng,Ruan Li-Ming.Application of Improved Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm to inverse problem of coupled radiation and conduction heat transfer.Proceedings of IWHT2013,the 2nd Int. Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control,October 18-21,2013,Xi’an,China · 07. He Zhen-Zong,Qi Hong*,Ren Ya-Tao,Ruan Li-Ming.Effect of fractal-like aggregation on radiative properties and specific production rate of Chlorella.The 15th Int. Heat Transfer Conference,August 10-15th,2014,Kyoto,Japan · 08. Wang Sheng-Gang,Ruan Li-Ming,Qi Hong,Wang Xi-Ying,Li Bing-Xi.Investigation of transient signals in nonuniform media based on diffusion approximation.Proceedings of MNHMT2009 ASME 2009 2nd Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer Int. Conference,Shanghai,China,December 18-21,2009,2:349-354, EI、ISTP 收录 · 09. Wang Xi-Ying,Niu Chen-Ji,Qi Hong, Ruan Li-Ming.Effect of cloud water on the atmospheric extinction.The 2nd Int. Conference on Challenges in Environmental Science and Computer Engineering (CESCE),Shenzhen,China,January 27-28,2011,Procedia Environmental Sciences,2011,11:1493-1498,EI 收录 · 10. Ren Ya-Tao,Qi Hong*,Lew Zhong-Yuan,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Parametric investigation of the transient radiative transfer in participating media and rapid estimation of the radiative parameters.Proceedings of CHT-15,ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer,May 25-29,2015,Rutgers University,Piscataway,USA,No. CHT-15-177 · 11. Qiao Yao-Bin,Qi Hong*,Jia Teng,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping. Multi-start conjugate gradient method for retrieving the optical parameters in 2D participating media with frequency-domain equation of radiative transfer.The Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow ASCHT 2015,June 21-24,2015,Busan,Korea,No. 891202 · 12. Niu Chun-Yang,Qi Hong*,Lew Zhong-Yuan,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Simultaneous reconstruction of the three-dimensional temperature distribution and radiative properties in absorbing, emitting, and scattering media using the hybrid LSQR-SPSO algorithm.Proceedings of IWHT2015,3nd International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control,October 16-19,2015,Taipei,Taiwan · 13. Chun-Yang Niu,Hong Qi*,Xing Huang,Liming Ruan,Tan Heping.Simultaneous reconstruction of 3D flame temperature distribution and radiative properties,International Heat Transfer Symposium and Heat Powered Cycles 2016,Nottingham,UK,26-29 June 2016,No. IHTS-HPC1211 · 14. Jun Sun, Chuan-Long Xu, Biao Zhang, Shi-Min Wang, Md. Moinul Hossain, Hong Qi, He-Ping Tan. Geometric calibration of focused light field camera for 3-D flame temperature measurement, I2MTC 2016 - 2016 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference: Measuring the Pulse of Industries, Nature and Humans, Proceedings, May 23-26, 2016, Taipei, Taiwan, EI 收录 · 15. Xing Huang, Hong Qi*, Chun-Yang Niu, Li-Ming Ruan, He-Ping Tan, Jun Sun, Chuan-Long Xu. Simultaneous reconstruction of optical and thermal properties in heterogeneous absorbing media by using the light field imaging technique, Proceedings of IWHT2017, 4th International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control, April 2-5, 2017, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, No. TFEC-IWHT2017-18359 · 16. Jun-You Zhang, Hong Qi*, Ya-Tao Ren, Li-Ming Ruan, Lei Zhou. Determination of optical properties of soot aggregates from triple-wavelength scattering-transmittance. The 10th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flow, Hong Kong SAR, China, December 3-7, 2017 · 17. Ming-Jian He, Hong Qi*, Ya-Tao Ren, Li-Ming Ruan. A Lie-group shooting method to estimate nonhomogeneous thermal conductivity and absorption coefficient. The 3rd Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, 4-7 March, 2018 · 18. Xing Huang, Hong Qi*, Wen-Wen Zhang, Li-Ming Ruan. The Split Bregman algorithm for temperature reconstruction based on the light-field imaging technique. The 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, August 10-15, Beijing, China, No. IHTC16-23551 · 19. Xing Huang, Hong Qi*, Xiang-Yang An, Li-Ming Ruan. Application of KL-RSLE method for reconstructing the time-varying heat flux in Rosseland approximation model. The 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, August 10-15, Beijing, China, No. IHTC16-23557 · 20. Ya-Tao Ren, Hong Qi*, Arafat Islam Sadaf, Qin Chen, Li-Ming Ruan. Frequency-domain reconstruction of spetral refractive index and particles size distribution, The 20th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 24-29, 2018, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, No. 3841 · 21. Xing Huang, Hong Qi*, Xiang-Yang An, Li-Ming Ruan. Total variation regularization for temperature field reconstruction based on the light-field imaging technique, International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, David L. Lawrence Convention Center Pittsburgh, PA, USA, November 9-15, 2018, No. IMECE 2018-88786 · 22. Md Arafat Islam, Hong Qi*, Jun-You Zhang, Li-Ming Ruan, Non-spherical particle size retrieval by multi angels multi wavelengths forward light scattering and collimated transmittance, Asian Communications and Photonics Conference, ACP2018, Oct. 26-29, 2018, Hangzhou, China, No. 574 · 23. Wen-Wen Zhang, Yang Li, Hong Qi*, Ming-Jian He, Ya-Tao Ren, Li-Ming Ruan. Optimization design of broadband absorber with composite structure for harvesting solar energy, The 6th ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference, July 8–10, 2019, Dalian, China, No. MNHMT2019-4168 · 24. Ming-Jian He, Hong Qi*, Ya-Tao Ren, Li-Ming Ruan. Near field non-contact temperature control using graphene in a three-body system, 7th International Symposium on Micro and Nano Technology ISMNT7, April 27-28, 2019, Qingdao, China · 25. Yang Li,Ya-Tao Ren*, Hong Qi*, Li-Ming Ruan. Parametric investigation of plasmonic assisted optofluidic, 7th International Symposium on Micro and Nano Technology ISMNT7, April 27-28, 2019, Qingdao, China · 26. Wen Shuang, Hong Qi*, Zhi-Tian Niu, Ya-Tao Ren, Gao-Liang Peng, Li-Ming Ruan. On-line estimation of boundary heat flux of participating media by an extended Kalman filtering technique, The 9th International Symposium on Radiative Transfer RAD-19, June 3-7, Athens, Greece · 27. Jing-Wen Shi, Hong Qi*, Xiang-Yang An, Li-Ming Ruan, He-Ping Tan. Noncontact measurement of three dimensional flame temperature by focused light-field imaging with wave optics theory, The 11th International Symposium on Measurement Technology for Multiphase flow, Nov. 3-7, 2019, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu province, China (Execellent Paper Award) · 28. Hong Qi*, Jian-Ping Sun, Jing-Wen Shi. Integrated technology of biological photothermal precise diagnosis and treatment based on multifunctional nanoparticles, 2021 International Conference on Energy Engineering, New Energy Materials and Devices (NEMD 2021), Keynote, Jan. 16, 2021, Shenzhen, China, Online · 29. Jun-You Zhang, Hong Qi*. 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Qi Hong,Ren Ya-Tao,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Application of Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms to Inverse Radiation Problems,In:Advances in Engineering Research Vol. 9,Nova Science Publishers,Editors: Victoria M. Petrova,2015,Chapter 5,97-130,Invited Chapter 04. Hong Qi,Ya-Tao Ren,Jun-You Zhang,Li-Ming Ruan,He-Ping Tan.Retrieval of optical constant and particle size distribution of particulate media using the PSO-based Neural Network algorithm,Artificial Intelligence in Power Electronics,ISBN 978-953-51-4649-0,InTech Publishers,Invited Chapter,2016 05. Hong Qi,Shuang-Cheng Sun,Zhen-Zong He,Shi-Ting Ruan,Li-Ming Ruan,He-Ping Tan.Inverse geometry design of radiative enclosures using Particle Swarm Optimization algorithms,Optimization Algorithms,ISBN 978-953-51-4687-2,InTech Publishers,Invited Chapter,2016 06. Hong Qi, Ya-Tao Ren, Biao Zhang, Li-Ming Ruan.Accurate identification of the spectral complex refractive index and particle size distribution in participating media using ant colony algorithm, Focus on Swarm IntelligenceResearch and Applications, ISBN 978-153-61-2453-8, InTech Publishers, Invited Chapter, 2017 发明专利 名称 01. 齐宏,张彪,阮立明,谈和平.半透明介质环境下非接触测温的校正方法,专利号:ZL 201110304148.0,授权公告日:2013年7月31日 02. 戴景民,齐宏,刘晓东,谈和平.采用维恩定律进行光谱测温的方法,专利号:ZL 200710071635.0,授权公告日:2010年7月14日 03. 谈和平,董士奎,王俊,马宇,阮立明,齐宏,徐根兴.一种*****方法,国防发明专利 04. 王大林,齐宏,阮立明,牛春洋,谈和平.一种基于能量法的半透明材料高温辐射率测量装置及扣除背景辐射的修正方法,专利号:ZL201110448155.8,2011 05. 牛春洋,齐宏,王大林,阮立明,姜宝成.基于红外测温仪的材料发射率测量方法.专利号:ZL 201310047855.5 06. 齐宏,任亚涛,张彪,孙双成,阮立明.基于多频调制激光辐照的半透明介质辐射特性测量方法,专利号:ZL 201310412799.0 07. 齐宏,牛春洋,任亚涛,阮立明.基于脉冲激光辐照的半透明介质辐射特性测量方法,专利号:ZL 201310455615.9 08. 齐宏,牛春洋,阮立明,张伟.基于积分球反射及透射的半透明材料光谱法向发射率测量方法,专利号:ZL 201310460565.3 09. 齐宏,任亚涛,陈琴,张彪,阮立明.基于短脉冲激光反射信号峰值反演的生物组织光学特性参数快速测量方法,专利号:ZL 201410043662.7 10. 张彪,齐宏,任亚涛,孙双成,阮立明.一种基于脉冲激光的半透明介质衰减系数和散射反照率的快速测量方法,专利号:ZL 201310331875.5 11. 齐宏,贺振宗,任亚涛,孙双成,阮立明,谈和平.一种利用连续激光辐照技术测量球形颗粒光谱复折射率的方法,专利号:ZL 201310467760.9 12. 齐宏,牛春洋,任亚涛,孙双成,阮立明.采用多频调制激光加热与光热信息重建技术的半透明材料辐射特性测量方法,受理号:ZL 201310533552.4 13. 齐宏,牛春洋,任亚涛,孙双成,阮立明.利用脉冲激光加热产生的瞬态光热信号测量半透明材料热物性参数的方法,专利号:ZL 201310533554.3 14. 齐宏,牛春洋,孙双成,阮立明,姜宝成,郑献之.高温半透明材料光谱方向表观发射率逆推测量技术,专利号:ZL 201310721986.7 15. 齐宏,任亚涛,张彪,孙双成,阮立明.基于单频激光辐照的双层参与性介质光谱辐射特性参数测量方法,专利号:ZL 201310412796.7 16. 齐宏,任亚涛,张彪,孙双成,阮立明.一种基于短脉冲激光辐照及多信息逆问题求解技术的参与性介质辐射特性测量方法,专利号:ZL 201310369795.9 17. 齐宏,贺振宗,任亚涛,孙双成,阮立明,谈和平.一种利用单频调制激光辐照技术测量球形颗粒光谱复折射率的方法,专利号:ZL 201310467043.6 18. 贺振宗,齐宏,任亚涛,孙双成,阮立明.一种基于短脉冲激光透反射信号的球形颗粒光谱复折射率测量方法,专利号:ZL 201310467042.1 19. 牛春洋,齐宏,孙星,阮立明,姜宝成,陈琴.用于测量半透明试样发射率的抗背景噪声的试样加热系统,专利号:ZL 201310716967.5 20. 牛春洋,王大林,齐宏,阮立明.基于傅立叶变换红外光谱分析仪的半透明材料吸收系数测量方法,专利号:ZL 201310271945.2 21. 张彪,齐宏,贾腾,阮立明,谈和平.基于时间相关单光子计数技术的半透明材料辐射物性测量方法,专利号:ZL 201410418533.1 22. 任亚涛,齐宏,黄兴,阮立明,谈和平.一种基于连续激光技术的球形颗粒光谱复折射率与颗粒系粒径分布同时反演方法,专利号:ZL201510104613.4 23. 齐宏,牛春洋,张丽琴,姚睿,阮立明,谈和平.高温半透明材料折射率及吸收系数反演测量装置及方法.受理号:201510607276.0,申请日2015年09月23日 24. 任亚涛,齐宏,史要涛,于创利,于翠萍,阮立明,谈和平.基于前向散射多角度测量的球形颗粒光学常数与颗粒系粒径分布的同时重构方法,受理号:201510603970.5,申请日2015年09月22日 25. 任亚涛,齐宏,牛春洋,阮立明,谈和平,陈澄,肖昊苏.同时获取半透明材料温变导热系数及吸收系数的测量方法.申请号:201510907097.9 26. 黄兴,齐宏,阮世庭,阮立明,谈和平,许传龙,蔡小舒.基于微透镜阵列与调制激光的火焰温度泛尺度光场探测技术.申请号:201510889296.1 27. 齐宏,黄兴,吕中原,阮世庭,阮立明,谈和平,许传龙,蔡小舒.基于微透镜阵列与连续激光的火焰温度泛尺度光场探测技术.申请号:201510889096.6 28. 黄兴,齐宏,吕中原,阮世庭,乔要宾,阮立明,谈和平,许传龙,蔡小舒.基于微透镜阵列与脉冲激光的火焰温度泛尺度光场探测技术.申请号:201510889073.5 29. 谈和平,袁远,齐宏,易红亮,刘彬,帅永,李赛,董士奎.一种基于微透镜阵列的火焰光场探测泛尺度分析技术.申请号:201510194407.7 30. 任亚涛,齐宏,何明键,阮立明,张丽琴,姚睿.基于本征光热信息同时测量高温半透明介质热导率及吸收系数的方法.2016 31.乔要宾, 齐宏, 阮世庭, 阮立明, 谈和平, 许传龙, 张彪. 基于微透镜阵列与脉冲激光的弥散介质光学参数场重建装置及其重建方法, 专利号: ZL 201610348998.3, 申请日: 2016年5月24日, 授权公告日: 2019年1月8日,授权公告号:CN 106023082 B, 证书号: 第3207924号 32.谈和平,袁远,帅永,周洪贺,齐宏,董士奎,武春风,史要涛.一种****方法.国防发明专利 33. 齐宏, 乔要宾, 阮世庭, 阮立明, 谈和平, 周鹜, 蔡小舒. 基于光场相机与调频激光的弥散介质光学参数分布的重建探测装置及重建方法, 专利号: ZL 201610330924.7, 申请日: 2016年5月18日,授权公告日:2018年12月11日,授权公告号:CN 106018286B 34. 张俊友, 齐宏, 任亚涛, 史景文, 阮立明. 基于多角度光散射—透射测量的球形颗粒光学常数与粒径分布同时测量方法, 专利号: ZL 201610907546.4, 申请日: 2016年10月17日, 公告日:2017年2月8日 35. 齐宏, 李本钶, 鲁思源, 何忠缘. 一种利用土壤冷源针对通信基站制冷设备的节能方法及系统, 专利号: ZL 201710374786.7, 申请日: 2017年5月24日 36.任亚涛, 齐宏, 张俊友, 孙建平, 阮立明. 基于超短脉冲激光辐照同时获取球形颗粒光学常数与粒径分布的测量方法, 专利号: ZL 201610907548.3, 申请日: 2016年10月17日 37. 齐宏, 白祁秦冀, 金亮, 任亚涛. 一种降温发光多功能复合墙体涂层的制备方法, 专利号: ZL 201710212108.0, 申请日: 2017年4月1日,已授权 38. 齐宏, 王申领, 于晓滢, 孙双成, 任亚涛, 阮立明, 赵春晖. 基于锁相热波与光学层析相结合的半透明材料光热特性分布测量方法, 专利号: ZL 201810143017.0, 申请日: 2018年2月11日,授权日:2020年6月9日 39.任亚涛, 齐宏, 陈琴, 李杨, 阮立明. 一种基于等离激元纳米结构的微流控芯片流量光控制方法, 授权号: ZL 201810776829.9, 申请日: 2018年7月16日,授权日:2020年10月2日 40. 齐宏, 赵方舟, 任亚涛, 阮立明, 赵春晖. 基于时频光信息融合的弥散介质光学参数场测量装置及方法, 专利号: ZL 201910075887.3, 申请日: 2019年1月26日,授权日:2021年5月4日 41. 齐宏, 赵方舟, 任亚涛, 阮立明. 基于图像分割与时频信息融合的乳腺光学成像装置及方法, 申请号: ZL 201910439080.3, 申请日: 2019年5月24日,授权日:2021年10月1日 42.齐宏, 于晓滢, 任亚涛, 阮立明. 基于Chirp调频激光辐照的半透明材料光热特性参数检测方法, 授权号: ZL 201910441867.3, 申请日: 2019年5月24日, 授权日: 2021年11月19日 43.齐宏, 赵方舟, 任亚涛, 阮立明. 基于多角度测量的弥散介质光学参数场探测装置及方法, 授权号: ZL 201910446648.4, 申请日: 2019年5月27日,授权日:2021年11月19日 44.齐宏, 赵方舟, 任亚涛, 阮立明. 基于多源脉冲激光信息融合的弥散介质多宗量场重建装置及方法, 专利号: ZL 201910447569.5, 授权日: 2021年9月10日 45.齐宏,史景文,任亚涛,高包海,牛志田. 基于主被动光学层析融合探测的火焰多参数场协同测量方法,专利号:ZL202010526598.3,授权日:2021年9月10日 46.齐宏,余智强,何明键,任亚涛,于喜奎,郎振. 一种适用于微小通道板式换热器的侧入式封头结构,申请号:202111115247.4,申请日:2021年9月23日,受理 47.齐宏,牛志田,任亚涛,何明键,高包海. 基于参数水平集与调频激光的火焰多参数瞬态测量装置及方法,申请号:202210042027.1,申请日:2021年1月14日,受理 48.齐宏,张文文,任亚涛,何明键,高包海. 一种无需储存的24小时光伏-热电耦合发电系统,申请日:2022年3月22日,受理 49.任亚涛,齐宏,陈琴,姚港,李华欣.一种基于光学相变纳米颗粒的生物组织温度场被动调控方法,专利号:ZL 202010735202.6,授权日:2022年3月1日 软件著作权 名称 01. 齐宏,阮立明,王圣刚,谈和平.参与性介质内辐射传输的有限元法计算软件.登记号:2010SR005880,2010年2月1日 02. 齐宏,牛春洋,阮立明.基于骨干微粒群智能优化算法的一维参与性介质导热辐射耦合反问题计算软件.登记号:2014SR026337,2013年7月28日 03. 齐宏,牛春洋,阮立明.基于单纯形-骨干微粒群混合优化算法的半透明介质热物性参数反演计算软件.登记号:2014SR026334,2013年8月10日 04. 齐宏,牛春洋,阮立明.基于单纯形-微粒群混合优化算法的一维导热辐射耦合换热反问题计算软件.登记号:2014SR026331,2013年8月22日 05. 齐宏,张彪,阮立明.基于源项多流法的求解三维半透明介质内任意方向辐射强度计算软件V1.0,登记号:2014SR062060,2013年12月24日 06. 阮立明,齐宏,王希影,谈和平.复杂几何形体太阳入射投影面积及辐射传递系数计算软件.登记号:2010SR005875,2010年2月1日 07. 阮立明,齐宏,安巍,谈和平.等效透射比反演高温均一粒子系复折射率计算软件.登记号:2007SR14435,2007年09月18日 08. 张彪,齐宏,阮立明.基于概率密度分布蚁群算法的一维导热辐射耦合换热反问题计算软件.登记号:2014SR023584,2013年6月19日 09. 张彪,齐宏,阮立明.基于网格划分连续域蚁群算法的一维瞬态辐射反问题计算软件.登记号:2014SR023597,2013年5月5日 10. 张彪,齐宏,阮立明.基于智能微粒群算法反演一维相变辐射耦合换热反问题计算软件.登记号:2013SR120764,2013年07月11日 11. 张彪,齐宏,阮立明.基于源项多流法的两层半透明介质镜反射界面的有限体积法计算软件V1.0,登记号:2014SR062061,2014年01月19日 12. 张彪,阮立明, 齐宏.基于量子微粒群算法的一维频域辐射反问题计算软件V1.0,登记号:2014SR062057,2013年12月09日 13. 阮立明,谈和平,王俊,齐宏,董士奎.喷焰红外辐射传输计算软件.登记号:2007SR18429,2007年11月22日 14. 谈和平,易红亮,王平阳,董士奎,齐宏.半透明各向异性散射介质内辐射-导热耦合换热计算软件.登记号:2007SR06259,2007年5月18日 15. 魏琳扬,齐宏,高包海,董士奎,阮立明.基于辐射传递因子的积分方程法求解参与性介质方向辐射强度计算软件.登记号:2018SR724286,2018年6月14日 16. 魏琳扬, 齐宏, 高包海, 董士奎, 阮立明, 赵春晖. 基于辐射传递因子积分方程算法的梯度折射率介质定向辐射强度计算软件V1.0 [简称: RDFIEM-GRI] V1.0, 软件著作权, 证书号: 软著登字第3453519号, 流水号: 2018R11L1161247, 登记号 2019SR0032762, 2019年1月10日 17. 史景文,齐宏,何明键,任亚涛.基于波动光学理论下的聚焦型光场相机火焰光场图像的温度场重建计算软件.登记号:2020SR0238562,2020年3月11日 18. 史景文,齐宏,何明键,任亚涛.基于波动光学理论的聚焦型光场相机火焰光场成像计算软件.登记号:2020SR0238556,2020年3月11日 19. 高包海,齐宏,王希影.基于方程解法求解各向异性散射介质辐射分配因子计算软件.登记号:2021SR0762956,2021年3月27日 20. 高包海,齐宏,王希影.基于方程解法求解各向同性散射介质辐射分配因子计算软件.登记号:2021SR0711028,2021年3月27日 21. 高包海,齐宏,王希影.基于ES-RDFIEM与RMC求解非均匀各向异性散射介质辐射分配因子计算软件.登记号:2021SR1299694,2021年9月1日 22. 高包海,齐宏,王希影.基于ES-RDFIEM与RMC求解一维漫灰壁面各向同性散射介质辐射分配因子计算软件.登记号:2021SR1293152,2021年8月31日 23. 张居奇,齐宏,任亚涛,何明键.基于协方差矩阵自适应进化策略的非线性声学层析成像反问题计算软件.登记号:2021SR1373391,2021年9月14日 24. 张居奇,齐宏,任亚涛,何明键.基于径向基函数和交替方向乘子法的线性声学层析成像反问题计算软件.登记号:2021SR1373379,2021年9月14日 会议工作 名称 实验室活动 名称 个人轨迹 名称
