

姓名 潘如明 性别 潘如明
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 能源科学与工程学院
学位 潘如明 学历 潘如明
职称 副教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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基本信息 招生信息 研究方向 论文期刊 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 潘如明,哈尔滨工业大学副教授,工学博士,1994年生人。2023.02开始在哈工大能源学院任职,所在学科是动力工程及工程热物理,研究方向为太阳能光热化学转换,发表SCI、EI论文30余篇。现担任SCI期刊《Rare Metals》(IF:8.8)青年编委,《Molecules》(IF:4.6)专刊客座编辑,欧洲科技合作组织(COST)项目Secondary Proposer,法国机械学会(AFM)会员。获法国图卢兹综合理工学院Prix Léopold Escande奖(优秀博士学位论文),法国图卢兹科学院Prix de l’Académie 2023提名奖。 Ruming PAN, Associate Professor of Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Ph.D., has been working in the School of Energy Science and Engineering of HIT since 2023.02. His discipline is Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, and his research interests are solar-driven thermochemical conversion and waste valorization. He has published more than 30 peer-reviewed papers. Currently, he is a young editorial board member of Rare Metals (IF: 8.8), GE of Molecules (IF: 4.6), a secondary proposer of COST, and a member of the French Society of Mechanics (AFM). He was awarded the Prix Léopold Escande by the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse in 2023. 所在团队 链接名称 帅永 教授 链接地址 http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/shuaiyong?lang=zh 简单介绍 工作经历 标题 工作单位 哈尔滨工业大学(Harbin Institute of Technology) 职位/职称 副教授(Associate Professor) 起讫时间 2023.02 - 至今(2023.02 - Present) 简单介绍 能源科学与工程学院(School of Energy Science and Engineering) 标题 工作单位 法国图卢兹国立综合理工学院(Toulouse INP) 职位/职称 讲师(ATER) 起讫时间 2022.09 - 2023.02 简单介绍 授课内容:多孔介质中的流体流动;层流数值模拟;湍流数值模拟;机器学习简介(Courses Taught: Fluid Flow in Porous Media; Numerical Simulation of Laminar Flow; Numerical Simulation of Turbulence; Introduction to Machine Learning) 教育经历 标题 起讫时间 2019.09 - 2022.07 所学专业 Surfaces et interfaces continentales, Hydrologie 学习机构 法国图卢兹国立综合理工学院(Toulouse INP, France) 学历 博士(Ph.D.) 简单介绍 导师:Gérald Debenest教授;图卢兹流体力学研究所(IMFT)(Supervisor: Prof. Gérald Debenest; Institut de Mécanique des Fluides Toulouse (IMFT), France) 标题 起讫时间 2017.09 - 2019.07 所学专业 动力工程(Power Engineering) 学习机构 哈尔滨工业大学(Harbin Institute of Technology) 学历 硕士(M.E.) 简单介绍 导师:帅永教授 (Supervisor: Prof. Yong SHUAI) 标题 起讫时间 2013.09 - 2017.06 所学专业 油气储运工程(Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering) 学习机构 中国石油大学(华东)(China University of Petroleum (East China)) 学历 学士(B.E.) 简单介绍 标题 起讫时间 2016.10 - 2017.05 所学专业 石油工程(Petroleum Engineering) 学习机构 俄罗斯乌法国立石油科技大学(Ufa State University of Petroleum Science and Technology, Russia) 学历 公派留学生(Government-sponsored international student) 简单介绍 招生信息 名称 硕士招生:(每年1~2名),能积极主动学习,具有一定的创新思维。 1. 太阳能高效利用 2. 生物质资源化利用 3. 多孔介质热质传递 4. 辐射传输 对本人、本课题组研究方向感兴趣的同学,请将简历发送至:ruming.pan@hit.edu.cn 太阳能高效利用 名称 多孔介质热质传递 名称 生物质资源化利用 名称 法国INP Toulouse大学G. Debenest教授共同指导博士生Y. Liu研究课题。 部分研究成果 名称 Process Safety and Environmental Protection(影响因子:7.8)封面论文 发表论文(Peer-reviewed papers) 名称 2024 31. Guene Lougou, B., Geng, B.X., Pan, R., Wang, W., Yan, T.T., Li, F.H., Zhang, H., Djandja, O.S., Shuai, Y., Tabatabaei, M. and Sabi Takou, D., 2024. Solar-driven photothermal catalytic CO2 conversion: a review. Rare Metals, pp.1-27. 30. Zhang, W., Shuai, Y., Gao, P., Pan, R., Sun, Y. and Dong, S., 2024. Shortwave infrared polarization characteristics simulation of solid rocket plume with self-emission and external incident radiation. Infrared Physics & Technology, p.105312. 29. Liu, Y., Pan, R.*, Ansart, R. and Debenest, G., 2024. Numerical simulation of solar-driven biomass gasification by using ceramic foam. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 184, pp.300-313. 28. Yang, Y., Pan, R.* and Shuai, Y., 2024. Investigation of the effect of alumina porous media on the polyethylene waste pyrolysis with continuous feed. Fuel, 361, p.130734. 27. Pan, R., Wu, Y., Lougou, B.G., Shuai, Y. and Debenest, G., 2024. Numerical study on waste polyethylene pyrolysis driven by self-sustaining smoldering. Science China Technological Sciences, 67, pp.627-638. 26. Mustafa, A., Lougou, B.G., Shuai, Y., Wang, Z., Haseeb-ur-Rehman, Razzaq, S., Wang, W., Pan, R. and Zhao, J., 2024. Self-supported copper-based gas diffusion electrodes improve the local CO2 concentration for efficient electrochemical CO2 reduction. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 18, p.29. 2023 25. Wang, S., Wang, Y., Shi, Z., Sun, K., Wen, Y., Niedzwiecki, L., Pan, R., Xu, Y., Zaini, I.N., Jagodzińska, K. and Aragon-Briceno, C., 2023. Van Krevelen diagrams based on machine learning visualize feedstock-product relationships in thermal conversion processes. Communications Chemistry, 6(1), p.273. 24. Ma, D., Yan, T., Zhang, S., Lougou, B.G., Zhang, H., Pan, R. and Shuai, Y., 2023. CH4/H2O/H2-Assisted Thermocatalytic CO2 Conversion Mechanisms: A Review. Energy Environmental Protection, 37(6), pp.23-35. 23. Mustafa, A., Lougou, B.G., Shuai, Y., Wang, Z., Razzaq, S., Wang, W., Pan, R., Li, F. and Han, L., 2023. Analyzing the Electrochemical Reduction of CO and CO2 as Reactants to C1 and C2 Products on Copper-based Flow-through Gas Diffusion Electrodes. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11(6), p.111528. 22. Mustafa, A., Lougou, B.G., Shuai, Y., Wang, Z., Razzaq, S., Wang, W., Pan, R., Li, F. and Han, L., 2023. Study of CuSb bimetallic flow-through gas diffusion electrodes for efficient electrochemical CO2 reduction to CO. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 657, pp.363-372. 21. Pan, R., Bittencourt, F.L.F., Martins, M.F. and Debenest, G., 2023. Production of diesel-range oil through pyrolysis of polyolefins recovered from municipal solid waste. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(40), pp.93155-93164. 20. Pan, R., Lougou, B.G., Shuai, Y. and Debenest, G., 2023. A multidimensional numeric study on smoldering-driven pyrolysis of waste polypropylene. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 172, pp.305-316. 2022 19. Pan, R., Martins, M.F. and Debenest, G., 2023. Interactions of operating parameters on the production of waste polypropylene pyrolysis oil: neural fuzzy model and genetic algorithm optimization. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 25(1), pp.198-210. 18. Pan, R., Debenest, G. and Zanoni, M.A., 2022. Numerical study of plastic waste pyrolysis driven by char smoldering. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 165, pp.46-56. 17. Pan, R.* and Debenest, G., 2022. A robust model of smoldering-driven pyrolysis reactor–Part 1: Thermal performance evaluation. Fuel, 320, p.123935. 16. Pan, R., Debenest, G. and Zanoni, M.A., 2022. A robust two-dimensional model for the pyrolysis of plastic waste driven by self-sustaining smoldering. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 162, pp.610-619. 15. Pan, R.*, Zan, Y. and Debenest, G., 2022. Oil production from waste polyethylene and polystyrene co-pyrolysis: Interactions of temperature and carrier gas flow rate. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10(3), p.107555. 14. Pan, R.* and Debenest, G., 2022. Numerical investigation of a novel smoldering-driven reactor for plastic waste pyrolysis. Energy Conversion and Management, 257, p.115439. 13. Pan, R., Martins, M.F. and Debenest, G., 2022. Optimization of oil production through ex-situ catalytic pyrolysis of waste polyethylene with activated carbon. Energy, 248, p.123514. 12. Pan, R., Duque, J.V.F. and Debenest, G., 2022. Waste plastic thermal pyrolysis analysis by a neural fuzzy model coupled with a genetic algorithm. Waste and Biomass Valorization, pp.1-14. 2021 11. Pan, R., Duque, J.V.F. and Debenest, G., 2021. Investigating waste plastic pyrolysis kinetic parameters by genetic algorithm coupled with thermogravimetric analysis. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 12, pp.2623-2637. 10. Pan, R., Martins, M.F. and Debenest, G., 2021. Pyrolysis of waste polyethylene in a semi-batch reactor to produce liquid fuel: Optimization of operating conditions. Energy Conversion and Management, 237, p.114114. 2020 and before 9. Pan, R., Duque, J.V.F., Martins, M.F. and Debenest, G., 2020. Application of a neural fuzzy model combined with simulated annealing algorithm to predict optimal conditions for polyethylene waste non-isothermal pyrolysis. Heliyon, 6(11), p.e05598. 8. Zhang, H., Shuai, Y., Pang, S., Pan, R., Lougou, B.G. and Huang, X., 2019. Numerical investigation of carbon deposition behavior in Ni/Al2O3-based catalyst porous-filled solar thermochemical reactor for the dry reforming of methane process. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58(34), pp.15701-15711. 7. Guene Lougou, B., Shuai, Y., Chaffa, G., Ahouannou, C., Pan, R., Zhang, H. and Tan, H., 2019. Analysis of Two‐Step Solar Thermochemical Looping Reforming of Fe3O4 Redox Cycles for Synthesis Gas Production. Energy Technology, 7(3), p.1800588. 6. Lougou, B.G., Shuai, Y., Pan, R., Chaffa, G. and Tan, H., 2018. Heat transfer and fluid flow analysis of porous medium solar thermochemical reactor with quartz glass cover. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 127, pp.61-74. 5. Pan, R., Lougou, B.G., Shuai, Y., Zhang, G. and Zhang, H., 2019. Heat transfer modeling of a high-temperature porous-medium filled solar thermochemical reactor for hydrogen and synthesis gas production. Journal of Heat Transfer, 141(2), p.022601. 4. Zhang, H., Lougou, B.G., Pan, R., Shuai, Y., Wang, F., Cheng, Z. and Tan, H., 2018. Analysis of thermal transport and fluid flow in high-temperature porous media solar thermochemical reactor. Solar Energy, 173, pp.814-824. 3. Pan, Q., Zhang, G., Pan, R., Zhang, J., Shuai, Y. and Tan, H., 2018. Tunable absorption as multi-wavelength at infrared on graphene/hBN/Al grating structure. Optics Express, 26(14), pp.18230-18237. 2. Guene Lougou, B., Shuai, Y., Pan, R., Chaffa, G., Ahouannou, C., Zhang, H. and Tan, H., 2018. Radiative heat transfer and thermal characteristics of Fe-based oxides coated SiC and Alumina RPC structures as integrated solar thermochemical reactor. Science China Technological Sciences, 61, pp.1788-1801. 1. Pan, Q., Pan, R., Zhang, G., Shuai, Y. and Tan, H., 2018. Surface Enhancement Absorption by Phonon-Plasmon Polaritons in Graphene/HBN/Grating Structure. In International Heat Transfer Conference Digital Library. Begel House Inc.
