姓名 | 刘晓胜 | 性别 | 刘晓胜 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 电气工程及自动化学院 |
学位 | 刘晓胜 | 学历 | 刘晓胜 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 | 人气 | |
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基本信息 科学研究(Research Interests) 专利获得(Authorized Patents) 学生(Students) 论文专著(Academic Papers) 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 刘晓胜(Prof. Xiaosheng LIU) 博士 教授,博士生导师 教育部高校电气类专业教学指导委员会委员 中国电力教育协会电气工程学科教学委员会 委员 教育经历 名称 教育背景: 1984~1988 哈尔滨工业大学 电气工程系 学士学位 1990~1993 哈尔滨工业大学 电气工程系 硕士学位 1996~1999 哈尔滨工业大学 机械工程系 博士学位 1999~2001 东南大学 无线电工程系 博士后 工作经历 名称 工作经历: 1988~1990: 哈尔滨工业大学电机实验室 1993~1996: 哈尔滨工业大学实验学院 2001~2011 哈尔滨工业大学电气工程系 副教授 2006~至今 哈尔滨工业大学电气工程系 教授、博导 科研项目 名称 1、2020年工业互联网创新发展工程项目:面向工业机器人开发及应用安全测试验证平台 2、国家自然科学基金项目:面向电力能源互联网的电力线载波通信核心网络理论研究(Kernel network theory Study on Power Energy Internet-Oriented Power line communication ) 3、国家自然科学基金项目:面向智能电网的蛛网动态多径链路路由机理研究(Smart Grid-Oriented Mechanism Study on Dynamic Allocation and their Routings of Redundancy of Communication Links Base on Cobweb) 4、国家自然科学基金项目:分层动态路由提高电力线载波通信网络可生存性研究(Study on improving the survivability of power line communication with hierarchical dynamic routing ) 5、黑龙江省自然科学基金重点项目:电力能源路由器一体化关键理论与技术研究(Key theory and technology of integrated power energy router) 6、横向课题:PLC 选主、组网、路由项目,华为技术有限公司 7、横向课题:杭州充换电服务网络运行提升管理研究,杭州科技公司 8、横向课题:新型塔机控制系统开发及塔机动态建模仿真,哈尔滨制造有限公司 主要任职 名称 社会兼职与荣誉: 教育部高等学校电气类专业教学指导委员会 委员 中国电源学会照明电子委员会 委员 全国石油和化学工业电气技术委员会 委员 高等学校机电类学科教学委员会委员电气自动化学科教学委员会-建筑电气与智能化分委员会 委员 高等学校机电类学科教学委员会委员电气自动化学科教学委员会--电力电子与电力传动分委员会 委员, 电力行业卓越工程师培养校企联盟委员 黑龙江省建设厅建设信息技术与计算机应用委员会 委员 黑龙江省建筑行业协会智能建筑分会专家工作委员会 副主任委员 黑龙江省建筑业协会建筑信息专业委员会 专家 担任: 《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics》 《IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery》 《Journal of Power Electronics》(韩国) 《中国电机工程学报》 《电工技术学报》 《电力系统自动化》 《电力设备自动化》 《电子学报》 《华南理工大学学报》 等杂志审稿人 讲授课程 名称 本科生课程: 《信号与系统》—— 课程负责人:国家首批线下一流课程 《智能家居、电气与通信》——新生研讨课 研究生课程: 《大功率驱动与控制技术》——硕士研究生选修课 招生信息 名称 本、硕、博招生方向: 1. 电力线载波通信技术 2. 工业互联网安全 3. 电能变换与电力线通信一体化传输技术 研究领域 名称 主要兴趣领域: (1) 电力线通信理论与技术 (2) 智能电网通信 (3) 无线能量传输与能源互联网 发明专利 名称 序号 专利名称 授权专利号 专利申请日 专利授权日 专利权人 专利发明人 专利类型 1 基于GPRS技术的DSP远程无线升级方法 ZL 2012 1 0583497.5 2012/12/28 2015/4/22 哈尔滨工业大学 刘晓胜,郑检,朱宏林,王艳敏 发明 2 基于双DSP的热冗余CAN总线高容错性控制终端及容错控制方法 ZL2013 1 0060128.2 2013/2/26 2015/2/11 哈尔滨工业大学 刘晓胜,海天祥,张鹏宇朱宏林,庞继伟,徐殿国 发明 3 低压配电网电力线载波通信网络中局部路由重构方法 ZL2011 1 0230696.3 2011/8/12 2014/3/19 哈尔滨工业大学 刘晓胜,张良,徐殿国 发明 4 低压配电网电力线通信系统数据包的路由转发方法 ZL2011 1 0231066.8 2011/8/12 2013/11/6 哈尔滨工业大学 刘晓胜,张良,徐殿国 发明 5 农业大棚生产环境的监控终端 ZL 2005 1 0010129.1 2005/6/29 2010/8/11 哈尔滨工业大学 刘晓胜;徐殿国;李琰;戚佳金 发明 6 多功率电感镇流器的载波智能化检测控制装置 ZL 2005 1 0010137.6 2005/6/30 2009/3/4 哈尔滨工业大学(已转让东建) 徐殿国, 刘晓胜, 张胜友, 戚佳金 发明 7 单功率电感镇流器的载波智能化检测装置及检测方法 ZL 2005 1 0010128.7 2005/6/29 2008/2/20 哈尔滨工业大学 刘晓胜;徐殿国;牟英峰;孔伟;李琰;戚佳金 发明 8 基于DSP的变频施工升降装置的控制装置及采用该控制装置实现升降装置自动平层的方法 ZL 2013 1 0364405.9 2013/8/20 2015/7/8 哈尔滨东建机械制造有限公司 刘晓胜, 庞继伟, 黄春元, 海天翔, 吴海涛 发明 9 一种塔式起重机无线声光报警系统及报警控制方法 ZL 2013 1 0356100.3 2013/8/15 2015/6/24 哈尔滨东建机械制造有限公司 刘晓胜, 郑检, 朱宏林, 黄春元, 胡玥 发明 10 可视化塔式起重机摆动监测仪 ZL 2014 2 0397087.6 2014/7/18 2014/11/5 哈尔滨东建机械制造有限公司 刘晓胜, 朱宏林,庞纪伟,李延祥,王娟 实用新型 11 塔式起重机的基座与塔身组合机构 ZL 2011 2 0344322.X 2011/9/14 2012/5/2 哈尔滨东建机械制造有限公司 刘晓胜;王伟琦;樊滨;黄春元;张良 实用新型 12 单绳三段式水平吊臂翻折缓冲自锁装置 ZL 2011 2 0344253.2 2011/9/14 2012/5/9 哈尔滨东建机械制造有限公司 刘晓胜;王伟琦;樊滨;黄春元 实用新型 13 单绳双吊点水平吊臂收放与折叠机构 ZL 2011 2 0344050.3 2011/9/14 2012/5/9 哈尔滨东建机械制造有限公司 刘晓胜;王伟琦;樊滨;黄春元;林建伟 实用新型 14 塔式起重机下落视频传输辅助系统 ZL 2011 2 0061445.2 2011/3/10 2011/10/19 哈尔滨东建机械制造有限公司 刘晓胜; 王伟琦 实用新型 15 单相照明数字节能器 ZL 2007 2 0115364。X 2007/1/15 2008/1/2 哈尔滨工业大学 刘晓胜;周岩 实用新型 16 窄带电力线通信通用透传装置 ZL 2007 2 0115641.7 2007/2/16 2008/2/6 哈尔滨工业大学 刘晓胜;周岩;徐殿国 实用新型 已毕业博士研究生1 名称 序号 姓名 博士论文题目 入学时间 毕业时间 毕业去向 备注 1 牟英峰 基于重构算法和码距反馈的电力线通信网络可靠性研究 2003.3 2007.3 国家电网 副导师 2 戚佳金 低压配电网电力线载波通信动态组网方法研究 2006.3 2009.6 国家电网 副导师 3 张良 低压电力线通信人工蛛网动态路由方法研究 2010.9 2015.3 高校 导师 4 刘博 基于模糊逻辑的电能质量暂态扰动分类研究 2011.3 2016.6 高校 导师 5 庞继伟 基于蛛网拓扑的智能变电站通信可靠性和实时性研究 2012.3 2016.6 博士后 导师 6 张树 单级复合开关LED驱动电源拓扑及其控制技术研究 2014.9 2019.1 高校 导师 7 姚友素 电磁感应式变耦合无线能量传输系统关键技术研究 2015.9 2019.3 高校 青拔 8 聂洪岩 过电压下干式空心电抗器匝间绝缘失效机理研究 2012.3 2019.6 高校 在职 9 崔莹 低压电力线通信组网方法及信道接入优化研究 2014.9 2019.6 南方电网 导师 已毕业硕士研究生 名称 序号 姓名 毕业 时间 毕业论文题目 毕业去向 备注 45 曹健 2019 基于HomePlug AV标准的车载电力线通信MAC协议改进研究 国建电网 保研生 44 王凯旋 2019 混合储能系统双向直流变换器及控制策略研究 读博 保研生 43 崔源伯 2018 面向非对称信道的电力线载波通信路由冗余机制与网络自愈方法研究 江苏金智科技股份 考研生 42 邹德琴 2018 电力线载波通信信道动态分配方法及改进 大全集团 保研生 41 孙贺 2018 基于信道认知的电力线载波通信自适应频谱分配 招商银行总行 保研生 40 王作君 2018 基于感知与学习的电力线载波通信局域网技术研究 金交恒通 保研生 39 顾轩溥 2017 无线电能传输系统信号能源同步传输技术 华为技术有限公司 考研生 38 刘佳生 2017 基于OFDM的电力线通信系统同步算法与信道估计算法研究 深圳市汇川技术公司 考研生 38 刘浩 2017 电力线载波通信多信道访问机制与混合通信机理研究 上海恩艾仪器有限公司 保研生 37 张芮 2016 低压电力线载波通信Mesh网络组网技术研究 上海航天 校优秀毕业生 36 朱宏林 2015 智能化塔式起重机欠驱动控制算法研究与系统设计 美国国家仪器(NI)有限公司 保研生 35 王娟 2015 低压电力线载波通信多用户资源分配算法研究 南京南瑞集团公司 保研生 34 李延祥 2015 低压电力线通信改进组网路由算法与通信协议研究 苏州汇川技术有限公司 保研生 33 吴海涛 2014 建筑升降机智能自动平层控制系统设计 哈工大建筑设计研究院 考研生 32 李莹雪 2014 时间触发AFDX端系统的虚拟链路层调度研究 北京无线电计量测试研究所 保研生 31 海天翔 2014 基于MPLS的智能电网通信抗毁性与实时性研究 国网北京市电力公司 保研生 30 郑 检 2014 面向智能变电站的新型实时GOOSE通信网络研究 国网江西省电力公司经济技术研究院 保研生 29 任会芬 2013 基于G3-PLC标准的低压电力线窄带通信系统研究 上海 保研生 28 张鹏宇 2013 基于ARINC825的数字化飞机驾舱容错控制系统 西安部队 保研生 27 赵振峰 2013 面向智能电网的新型电力通信网动态多径路由研究 北京冀北电网 26 王玉强 2012 伺服电机及驱动的网络化集成测试技术研究 北京 保研生 25 刘建平 2012 AFDX 端系统协议栈虚拟链路层的应用研究 南瑞 保研生 24 王伟琦 2012 分层混合蛛网电力线载波通信路由模型研究 山东大学读博 保研生 23 王新库 2011 微网电能质量录波监测系统设计及压缩算法研究 国家电网(山东) 22 林建伟 2011 面向智能电网的人工蛛网路由算法研究 深圳华为 21 何 晔 2011 AFDX航空通信网络协议研究及FPGA实现 广州 保研生 20 周 进 2010 塔吊安全监控保护系统及关键算法研究 南京南瑞集团 保研生 19 孙 健 2010 智能电网高性能数字录波器设计及压缩算法 北京航天科工集团706 18 吴 瑾 2010 基于ARINC429通信的混合飞机驾舱实验系统 南昌 保研生 17 张 良 2010 新型电力线载波通信组网模型的研究 哈工大读博 16 刘 韧 2009 一种新型基于Z源的智能调光控制器 艾默生网络能源有限公司 15 王 勤 2009 混合驾驶舱面板控制器的设计 哈尔滨电机厂 14 冯 尹 2009 电能质量数字录波检测系统设计 罗克韦尔自动化中国有限公司(上海) 13 熊四军 2008 基于混沌跳频的宽带电力线载波通信技术研究 上海航天局805所 保研生 12 吴 迪 2008 基于ST7538的窄带电力线通信系统研究 航卫通用电气医疗系统有限公司 11 刘芳德 2008 基于嵌入式技术的低成本控制网络 英国帝国理工大学博士后 保研生 10 宋其涛 2007 基于蚁群算法的电力线载波通信组网研究 上海华为技术有限公司 9 张 迪 2007 基于交流斩波器结构的高压钠灯调光控制器设计 艾默生网络能源有限公司 8 李贵娇 2007 基于FPGA的电力线跳频通信技术研究 中国兵器工业第214所(苏州) 保研生 7 胡永军 2006 基于ARM平台的照明区域控制器设计 OPLINK武汉研发中心 6 张胜友 2006 基于跳频技术的低压电力线通信方法研究 中兴南京研究所 保研生 5 孔伟 2005 高压钠灯照明单元故障检测技术研究与实现 施耐德电气上海设计中心 4 王建民 2005 基于嵌入式USB主机的图像监控系统应用研究 哈尔滨理工大学 07博 3 魏晓霞 2004 电力线载波通信信道特性与应用研究 国网北京经济技术研究院 2 戚佳金 2004 网络化路灯监控系统控制器的设计与实现 国家电网杭州市电力局 1 魏廷库 2003 基于USB接口的电子巡更系统应用研究 中/英文期刊论文(Chinese/Engish Journal Papers): 名称 LIU Xiaosheng, ZHANG Rui, ZHU Honglin, WANG Juan. Modeling method for battery distribution path optimization of EV charging and swapping service. Electric Power Automation Equipment. 2015(6),Vol.39,No.13, 10~16 LIU Xiaosheng, ZHENG Jian, HAI Tianxiang, ZHU Honglin, XU Dianguo. Reliability and Real-time Study of GOOSE Network Based on EtherCAT. Automation of Electric Power Systems. 2015(7), Vol.39,No.13,109~115 Liang Zhang, Xiaosheng Liu, Jiajin Qi, Yan Zhou, Dianguo Xu. Study of improved hierarchical ant colony routing algorithm for low-voltage power line communication. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society. 2014,Vol.29,No.2 318-324 Bo Liu, Xiaosheng Liu, Dianguo Xu. Power Quality Measuring Data Compression Based on New Distance Measurement. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society. 2013,Vol.28,No.9 129-136 Liu, xiaosheng, Pang, Jiwei; Xu, Dianguo; Zhang, Pengyu; Zhao, Zhenfeng. Research on the reliability and real-time of process layer GOOSE network scheme in smart substation based on spider web topology structure .Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society. v 28, n SUPPL.1, p 245-250, May 2013 Huang Nantian,Xu Dianguo,Liu Xiaosheng. Identification of power quality disturbances based on adaptive generalized S-transform and probabilistic neural networks. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society.2013(3), v28, n SUPPL.1, p209-216, Liu Xiaosheng, Pang Jiwei, Zhang Liang, Xu Dianguo. A High Reliability and Determinacy Architecture of Smart Substation Process Level Network Based on Cobweb Topology. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 2013(9), Vol.29, no.2,p 842-850, SCI:1.519(2013) Liu Xiaosheng, LIU Jianping, LIU Bo. Realization Method of AFDX Virtual Links Layer Based on FPGA. Computer Engineering. 2012(10), Vol.38, No.19, 233-238 Zhang Liang, Liu Xiaosheng, Zhou Yan, Xu Dianguo. A Novel Routing Algorithm for Power-Line Communication over a Low Voltage Distribution Network in a Smart Grid. Energies. 2013(6),Vol. 6, No. 3, p 1421-1438, SCI:1.844 Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Liang, Zhou Yan. Performance Analysis of Novel Power Line Communication Mode. TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY. 2012(11), Vol.27, No.11, 271-277. Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Liang, Xu Dianguo. Networking algorithm and communication protocol of novel power line communication based on cobweb. Power System Protection and Control. 2012(8), Vol.40, No.16, 27-33, 41 Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Liang, Zhou Yan, Lin Jianwei, Xu Dianguo. Reliability Analysis of Artificial Cobweb Structure for Power-line Communication of Low-Voltage Distribution Networks. Proceedings of the CSEE. 2012, Vol.32, No.28, 142-151 Huang Nantian, Liu Xiaosheng, Xu Dianguo, Lin Lin. Power Quality Disturbances Recognition Based on Hyperbolic S-Transform and Rule-Based Decision Tree. International ReView of Electrical Engineering(I. R. E. E. ).2011(11-12). Vol.6, No.7 Huang Nan, Xu Dianguo, Liu Xiaosheng. Identification of Power Quality Complex Disturbances Based on S-Transform and SVM. TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY. 2011(10), Vol.26, No.10, 23-30 Huang Nantian, Xu Dianguo, Liu Xiaosheng. Power Quality Data Compression Based on Pattern Similarity Measurement. TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY. 2011(10), Vol.26, No.10, 39-46,61 Liu Xiaosheng, Wu Jin, He Ye, Zhang Jie, End System Design of Aircraft Data Network Based on AFDX. Measurement & Control Technology. 2011(12), Vol.30, No.2, 78-82 Nantian Huang, Xiaosheng Liu, Dianguo Xu. Review of Channel Characterization for Power Line Communications. Advanced Materials Research. 2010, Vols.108-111, 771-776 Nantian Huang, Xiaosheng Liu, Dianguo Xu and Jian Sun. Design of A Novel High Performance Digital Fault Recorder. Advanced Materials Research. 2010, Vols.108-111,470-475 Liu Xiaosheng, Zhou Jin. Key Control Algorithms for Tower Crane Running. Science Technology and Engineering. 2010(8), Vol.10, No.24, 5889-5894,5928 Qi Jiajin, Chen Xueping, Liu Xiaosheng. AdVanced of Research on Low-Voltage Power Line Carrier Communication Technology. Power System Technology. 2010(5). Vol.34. No.5, 161-172 Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Liang. A power-line carrier communications relay algorithm for low-Voltage distribution. Power system protection and control. 2010(7), Vol.38, No.14, 73-78 Liu Xiaosheng, Zhou Jin, Sun Jian, Zhang Liang. Monitor and security system of tower crane and its key technology. Construction Machinery, 2010(10), 93-96 Huang Nantian, Xu Dianguo, Liu Xiaosheng. Electric power quality disturbance classification based on modified multilayer feedforward neural network. ournal of Electronic Measurement and Instrument. 2009(10). Vol.23, No.10, 62-67 Liu Xiaosheng, Li Guijiao, Qi Jiajin. Frequency- hopping communication system over power line based on FPGA Frequency- hopping communication system over power line based on FPGA. Electric Power Automation Equipment. 2009(3), Vol.29 No.3, 110-114 Qi Jiajin, Xu Dianguo, Zhou Yan, Liu Xiaosheng. Characteristics Model and Routing Algorithmof Power Line Communications oVer Low Voltage Distributions. Proceedings of the CSEE. 2009(6), Vol.29, No.16, 56-62 Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Xu Dianguo, Li Yan, Mou Yingfeng. Simulation study on cluster-based routing algorithm and reconstruction method of power line communication over lower-Voltage distribution. Proceedings of the CSEE. 2008(2). Vol.28. No.4, 65-71 Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Wu Di, Yu Yan, Xu Dianguo. Study on Power Line Communication Routing Method For Low-Voltage Distribution. Chinese Journal of Electron Devices. 2008(6). Vol.31, No.3, 1033-1038 Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Li Guijiao, Xu Dianguo. Channel coding methods of narrow-band LV power line communication. Electric Power Automation Equipment. 2008, Vol.28, No.3. 78-81 Liu Xiaosheng, Xiong Sijun, Qi Jiajin. InterleaVer Technique for Power Line Communication Based on Chaotic Frequency Hopping. Automation of Electric Power Systems,. 2008(7), Vol.32, No.14, 55-58,72 Liu Xiaosheng, Qi Jiajin, Song Qitao, Li Yan, Xu Dianguo. Method of constructing power line communication networks oVer low-Voltage distribution networks based on ant colony optimization. Proceedings of the CSEE. 2008(1), Vol.28, No.1, 71-76 Xu Dianguo, Wang Yifeng, Zhang Xiangjun, Liu Xiaosheng. Development Status of Lighting Electronics Technology. China Illuminating Engineering Journal. 2007(12). Vol. 18, No.4, 60-70 Xu Dianguo, Zhang Xiangjun, Liu Xiaosheng, Wang Yifeng. DeVelopment Status and Future of Lighting Electronics Technology. Power Electronics. 2007(10), Vol.41, No.10, 2-9 Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Yu Yan, Xu Dianguo. Study on Network Construction Clustering Method of Power Line Communication over Low-Voltage Networks Based on ST7540. Electron Device. 2007(8). Vol.30, No.4, 1510-1514 Liu Xiaosheng, Song Qitao, Qi Jiajin, Li Yan, Xu Dianguo Ant colony optimization arithmetic of constructing power line communication networks based load balance. TTransactions of China Electrotechnical Society. 2007(12). Vol.1, No.7, 111-115 Liu Xiaosheng, Wu Di, Li Guijiao, Xu Dianguo. Design of Power Line Communication Module for Lighting System. Power Electronics. 2007(10).Vol.41, No.10, 22-24 Liu Xiaosheng, Liu Fangde, Qi Jiajin, Xu Dianguo. The Distributed Architectural Design of Street Lamp Controlling System. Power Electronics. 2007(10). Vol.41, No.10, 18-21 Liu Xiaosheng, Qi Jiajin, Xu Dianguo. Simulation Study on Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Communication over Power Lines. Chinese Journal of Electron DeVice. 2007(8). Vol.30, No.4, 1472-1476 Liu Xiaosheng, Li Guijiao, Qi Jiajin. Design of Multi-Frequency Power Line Communication System Based on ST7538. Chinese Journal of Electron Devices. 2007(2). Vol.30, No.1, 278-282 Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Di, SONG Qiao, Xu Dianguo. An AC Chopper for Alterable Inductive Load. Power Electronics. 2007. Vol.41, No.10, 120-122 Liu Xiaosheng, Zhou Yan, Qi Jiajin. Method study of automatic routing for power line communication. Proceedings of the CSEE. 2006(11), Vol.26, No.21, 76-81 Mou Yingfeng, Xu Dianguo, Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Li Yan. Reconfiguration of power line communication networks based on initialization algorithms in MAC layer. Proceedings of the CSEE. 2006(12), Vol.26, No.25, P65-70 Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Yu Yan, Li Yan, Xu Dianguo. Design of remote power-metering monitoring system based on power line communication. Chinese Journal of Electron Devices. 2006(12), Vol.29, No.4, 1118-1122 Qi Jiajin, Liu Xiaosheng, Li Yan, Zhang Di. Xu Dianguo Research on monitoring lighting system for tunnel based on dynamic dimming strategy. Electric Application. 2006(12), Vol.25, No.12, 123-127 Liu Xiaosheng, Li Yan, Xu Dianguo. Monitoring&Management Information System for Remote Digital Street Lighting Based GIs. Electric Drive. 2004(10),Vol.34, 242-245 Liu Xiaosheng, Mu Yingfeng, Qi Jiajin. Design and Realization of Cluster Controller in Road Lighting System. China Illuminating Engineering Journal. 2004(6), Vol.15, No.2, 38-41 Liu Xiaosheng, Qi Jiajin, Mou Yingfeng, Xu Dianguo. The Total Frame Design of Real- time Networking Accurately Monitoring System for Road Lamp. Electric Drive.2004(12),Vol.34, No.182, 3-6 Liu Xiaosheng, Qi Jiajin, Xu Dianguo. Design of Supervising System and Cluster Controller for Digital Networking Lighting. Electric Drive. 2004(10). Vol.34, 246-250 Xu Dianguo, Mou Yingfeng, Liu Xiaosheng, Guan Xiurong. The DeVelopment of Home Networks and the Applications of Corresponding Technology. Electric Drive. 2003(10). Vol. 33, No.5, 4-1 Zhou Yan, Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Xiankui, Yang Lemin. Study on the tangent cracksof quartz with laser beam cutting. Laser Journal. 2003(8). Vol.24, No.4, 73-75 Zhou Yan, Liu Xiaosheng. Investigation on Wear Mechanism of Plasma- sprayed Ceramic under Water-lubricated Condition. China Mechanical Engineering. 2003(3). Vol.14, No.6, 519-522 Zhou Yan, Liu Xiaosheng, Yang Lemin. Study on the surface appearance of laser beam cutting fused quartz crystals. Laser Journal. 2003(6). Vol.24, No.3, 70-72 中/英文会议论文(Chinese/Engish Conference Papers): 名称 R. Zhang; L.J. Shan; J.J. Qi; H.L. Zhu; X.S. Liu.The Choice of Optimal Path for Power Battery Distribution Based on the Improved Ant Colony Optimization.in Proc. International Conference on Computer Science and Technology, Yunnan, China,2014, Aug. 16-17 Liu Xiaosheng; Li Yanxiang; Wang Juan; Zhu Honglin; Xu Dianguo. Multipath blind routing algorithm for low-voltage power line communication based on improved clustering. The 4th International Conference on Instrumentation & Measurement Computer Communication and Control. Harbin, China. 2014, Sep. 18-20 Xiaosheng Liu; Juan Wang; Yanxiang Li; Haitao Wu; Rui Zhang; Honglin Zhu. Design of Narrow-Band High Speed Power-Line Communications System Based on G3-PLC in Smart Grid. World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. Shenyang, China. 2014, Jun. 29-Jul. 4,O98-6 Liu Xiaosheng; Zhu Honglin; Zhang rui; Xu Dianguo. Design a Novel Controller with Remote Upgrading Based on GPRS of Tower Crane. World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. Shenyang, China. 2014, Jun. 29-Jul. 4, ,P39-2 Liang Zhang, Xiaosheng Liu, Xu Dianguo. Design of Mine Safety Monitoring System Based on Dynamic Networking Technology of Power Line Communication. 8th Academic Annual Meeting on Power Electronics and Power Transmission. 2014, April 12-13, 8th Academic Annual Meeting on Power Electronics and Power Transmission, China Xiaosheng Liu, Honglin Zhu,Dianguo Xu. The Research on Reliability and Real-time of the Scheme of Process Layer GOOSE Network in Smart Substation Based on Artificial Cobweb Topology Structure. INTERNATIONAL POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE -ECCE ASIA (IPEC-Hiroshima 2014). May 18-21, 2014, p3002-3006. Hiroshima, Japan Y Li, J W Pang, X S Liu, W Wang. High Reliable and Deterministic Substation Automation System Network Based on Cobweb Architecture .The 7th IET international conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives(PEMD2014). 8-10,April 2014. Manchester, UK Liu Xiaosheng, Hai Tianxiang, Zheng Jian. Analysis on In Vulnerability and Real-Time Performance for Smart Grid Network International Conference on Computer. Networksand Communication Engineering. 2013(5), Beijing, 726-729 Liu Xiaosheng, Zheng Jian, Hai Tianxiang. Research on Intelligent Substation Redundant Communication Network Based on AFDX. International Conference on Computer.Networksand Communication Engineering 2013(5), Beijing, 730-733 Liu Xiaosheng, Ren Huifen, Zhao Zhenfeng, Zhang Pengyu. EtherCAT Technology for the Network of Smart Substation. 2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia. 2012(6), Harbin, China. 2300-2304 Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Pengyu, Zhao Zhenfeng, Ren. Study on Reliability of a Novel Electric Power Data Network for Smart Grid. 2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia. 2012(6), Harbin, China. 2305-2310 Liu Xiaosheng, Wang Yuqiang, Huang Nantian, Hu Yue. The Networked Virtual Test System for Servo Motor and Drive Based on LabVIEW. 2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia. 2012(6), Harbin, China. 2357-2361 Liu Xiaosheng, Weiqi Wang, Jian Zheng, Tianxiang Hai, Liang Zhang and Bo Liu. Tangential Connection Clustering Routing Algorithm for L-PLC Based AMR Systems.2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia. 2012(5), Harbin, China. 2932-2936 Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Peng-yu, Ren Hui-fen, Zhao Zhenfeng. Applying AFDX to ImproVe the Real-time Performance of Substation Communication Network. 2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia. 2012(6), Harbin, China. 2962-2967. Liu Xiaosheng, Wang Xinku, Huang Nantian, Xu Dianguo. Power Quality Data Compression Based on Pattern Similar Measurement and LZW Compressed Encoding. Electric Power Automation Equipment. 2012, Vol.32, No.3, 53-57 Zhang Liang, Liu Xiaosheng, Zhou Yan, Xu Dianguo. Artificial Cobweb Intelligent Routing Algorithm for Low-Voltage Power Line Communication. The second International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment (ICSEE’2012). 2012(9), Shanghai, Vol.0355 Zhang Pengyu, Zhou Yan, Liu Xiaosheng, Pang Jiwei. A Novel Fast and Deterministic Substation Communication Network Architecture Based on AFDX. Proceedings of IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society and 2012 6th IEEE International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics (ICELIE).2012(10), Montreal, Canada, 109-114 Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Liang Zhou Yan, Xu Dianguo. Performance Analysis of Power Line Communication Network Model Based on Spider Web. ICPE 2011-ECCE Asia. 2011(6), Shilla Jeju, Korea N. T. Huang, Y. J. Zhang, D. G. Xu, Liu Xiaosheng, and J. J. Qi. Power Quality Disturbances Classification by Ensemble and Hybrid Neural Networks. 2010 InternationalConference on Power System Technology. Hangzhou,2011(10), 24-28 Liu Xiaosheng, Liang Zhang, Jianwei Lin. Communication Network-oriented Analysis of Transmission Mechanism of Nature Orb-web. 2010 First International Conference on PerVasiVe Computing, Signal Processing and Applications (PCSPA2010). 2010(9), Harbin, China, 224-229 Nantian Huang, Dianguo Xu, Liu Xiaosheng and Lin Lin. Power Quality Disturbances Classification based on S-transform and Probabilistic Neural Network. 2010 International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation&2010 International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy. 2010(9), Wuxi, China, Vol.97, 207-212. Huang Nantian, Xu Dianguo, Liu Xiaosheng. Power quality disturbances recognition based on HS-transform. 1st International Conference on PerVasiVe Computing, Signal Processing and Applications, PCSPA 2010, Harbin, China, 2010(9) Huang Nantian, Xu Dianguo, Liu Xiaosheng. Power quality disturbance recognition sing stransforms and FCM-based decision tree. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems, ICIS 2009(11). 32-236 Huang Nantian, Xu Dianguo1, Liu Xiaosheng, Qi Jiajin. Power quality disturbance recognition based on S-transform and SOM neural network. 12009 2nd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP'09. 2009(10), Tianjin, China Liu Xiaosheng, Mou yingfeng, Xu Dianguo Instrument-Oriented Power Line Communication Networks Technologies. ISIST'2004, Xian, China. 2004(8), Vol.3, 1117-1121 Mou Yingfeng, Liu Xiaosheng, Xu Dianguo. Novel Data Acquisition and Control Network for Digital HID Ballast Based on Dynamic Reconfiguration Power Line Communication. ISIST2004. 2004(8), Vol.3, 1106-1111 Xu Dianguo, Mou Yingfeng, Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang Weiqiang. Performance of Reliable Intelligent Power Line Communication Network for Digital HPS Ballast Remote Monitor and Control. IECON2003. 1268-1271 Xu Dianguo Mou Yingfeng, Liu Xiaosheng, Zhang weiqiang. Reliable Distributed Power Line Communication Networks for New Public Lighting Managment System. INDIN2003 (Proceeding of the 2003 IEEE ). Banff, lberta, Canada, 2003(8) Dianguo Xu, Yingfeng Mou, Xiaosheng Liu. A NoVel Intelligent Control Method in MAC Protocol for the Robustness of Power Line Communication Networks. Proceeding of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control. Houston, Texas, 2003(8), 586-591