

姓名 杨华 性别 杨华
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 土木工程学院
学位 杨华 学历 杨华
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中文版 English Version 新闻快讯 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 杨华 博士 教授 博士生导师 电子邮箱:yanghua@hit.edu.cn 通讯地址:哈尔滨工业大学二校区土木工程学院土木科研楼305室 邮编:150090 个人简介 名称 博士毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,长期从事钢-混凝土组合结构、结构抗火及抗冲击等极端性能领域研究,现为哈尔滨工业大学长聘教授、哈尔滨工业大学金属与组合结构研究中心副主任、黑龙江省杰出青年基金获得者。担任英国结构工程师学会IstructE学术期刊《Structures》(中科院二区)副主编,并先后担任TWS、ES、CBM三部中科院一区TOP期刊客座主编。为英国土木工程师学会会士(ICE Fellow)、中国钢结构协会防火与防腐分会副理事长、ISO国际标准化组织TC71/WG1、TC71/WG2、TC71/AHG1工作组委员。主持制定中国工程建设标准化协会标准《钢管约束混凝土结构抗火技术标准》,参加制定《Design for concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) hybrid structures》ISO/DIS 16521等ISO国际标准3部、《钢管混凝土混合结构技术标准》GB/T 51446-2021(中、英文版)等国家标准3部、以及行业/团体标准7部。研究成果获国家自然科学奖二等奖(排3)等奖励,2023年获中国钢结构协会“钢结构杰出人才”奖。 研究方向 名称 一、钢-混凝土组合结构 二、结构抗火性能 三、结构抗冲击性能 四、结构抗震性能 金属与组合结构研究中心简介 名称 哈尔滨工业大学金属与组合结构研究中心,由我国著名钢-混凝土组合结构专家钟善桐先生创建,是国际钢-混凝土组合结构协会 (ASCCS) 的主要发起单位和主席单位、中国钢结构协会钢-混凝土组合结构分会理事长单位。研究中心开展钢-混凝土组合结构研究已有四十余年,在组合结构静动力性能、极端性能、长期性能、建造与运维等方面具有深厚的研究基础,形成了以钢-混凝土组合结构为特长的研究队伍: 张素梅 博士、教授、博导、中心名誉主任 王玉银 博士、教授、博导、中心主任 杨 华 博士、教授、博导、中心副主任 郭兰慧 博士、教授、博导、中心副主任 耿 悦 博士、教授、博导 刘昌永 博士、教授、博导 苏安第 博士、教授、博导 刘发起 博士、副教授、博导 高 山 博士、副教授、博导 张 欢 博士、副教授、硕导 贾 晨 博士、副教授、硕导 胡 清 博士、博士后、助理研究员 方 勇 博士、春雁英才计划博士后、助理教授 工作经历 名称 2012年12月 - 至今,哈尔滨工业大学土木工程学院,教授、博士生导师 2015年08月 - 2016年08月,美国普渡大学Purdue University,访问学者 2007年07月 - 2008年07月,英国帝国理工学院 Imperial College London,访问学者 2006年09月 - 2012年12月,哈尔滨工业大学,副教授、硕士生导师、博士生导师 2004年03月 - 2006年08月,哈尔滨工业大学力学博士后流动站,博士后 2003年10月 - 2006年09月,哈尔滨工业大学,讲师 奖项成果 名称 2019年,国家自然科学奖二等奖 基于全寿命周期的钢管混凝土结构损伤机理与分析理论,完成人:韩林海、杨有福、杨华、李威 2023年,钢结构杰出人才奖,中国钢结构协会 学术任职 名称 英国结构工程师学会IstructE会刊Structures (中科院二区) 副主编 (Associate Editor) 英国土木工程师学会ICE 会士(Fellow) 中国钢结构协会防火与防腐分会 副理事长 中科院一区Top期刊 Thin-Walled Structures 客座主编 (Guest Editor:Extreme Conditions, 2022-2023) 中科院一区Top期刊 Engineering Structures 客座主编 (Guest Editor:Modularized Structures, 2023-2024) 中科院一区Top期刊 Construction and Building Materials 客座主编 (Guest Editor:Fire performance, 2024-2025) ISO国际标准化组织TC71/WG1、TC71/WG2、TC71/AHG1 工作组委员 技术标准 名称 中国工程建设标准化协会标准《钢管约束混凝土结构抗火技术标准》(征求意见稿阶段) 主编 ISO标准 Design standard for concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) hybrid structures, ISO/DIS 16521 编委 ISO标准 Life cycle management of concrete structures- Part 2: Structural planning and design stage, ISO 22040-2 编委 ISO标准 Life cycle management of concrete structures-Part 3: Execution Stage, ISO/CD 22040-3 编委 国家标准《钢管混凝土混合结构技术标准》GB/T 51446-2021 (中、英文版) 编委 国家标准《建筑构件耐火试验方法 第10部分:结构体系的特殊要求》(报批阶段) 编委 国家标准《建筑钢筋混凝土结构防火技术标准》(征求意见阶段) 编委 国家行业标准《钢管约束混凝土结构技术标准》JGJ/T471-2019 编委 纵向科研项目(主持) 名称 国家自然科学基金 2024.01-2027.12,方形高强钢管高强混凝土柱及其框架结构抗火性能研究与一体化设计 黑龙江省杰出青年基金 2021.07-2024.06,压-弯-扭复杂荷载作用下波纹钢管混凝土构件滞回性能研究 广西科技重大专项铝合金/铝钢-混凝土组合结构全寿命安全设计与理论-课题二 2023.11-2026.12 国家自然科学基金 2021.01-2024.12,方、矩形高强钢管混凝土抗撞击性能与剩余力学性能研究 国家自然科学基金 2019.01-2022.12,圆钢管约束型钢混凝土柱火灾下与火灾后力学性能与设计 国家自然科学基金 2017.01-2020.12,高强钢管高强混凝土柱抗冲击性能与设计 国家自然科学基金 2013.01-2016.12, 钢管约束钢筋混凝土柱抗火性能及基于火灾全过程的灾后力学性能 国家自然科学基金 2008.01-2010.12, 非均匀火灾作用下钢管混凝土柱抗火性能与设计 哈尔滨工业大学首批青年拔尖人才选聘计划资助项目 2013.01-2015.12, 椭圆形钢管混凝土柱基本静力性能 招生信息 名称 招生情况 每年招收博士生2-3人、硕士生3-4人 科研方向为组合结构、结构抗火、结构抗冲击、结构抗震 培养情况 培养毕业硕士、博士39人,其中21人次获奖励或资助:2人获黑龙江省优秀毕业生称号;8人次获全国高校土建类学科(专业)优秀博士论文一等奖、哈尔滨工业大学优秀硕士/博士学位论文奖、“精工杯”青年优秀论文奖特等奖/一等奖;5人次获国家奖学金;6人获国家留学基金委全额奖学金与帝国理工学院等联合培养博士生 代表性论文 名称 1. Yong Fang, Hua Yang*, Tak-Ming Chan, Yuyin Wang. Experimental investigation on seismic behaviour of concrete-filled corrugated steel tubes under cyclic torsional loads. Engineering Structures. 2024, 308: 118062. 2. Andi Su, Hua Yang*, Yuyin Wang, Yajin Wang. Experimental and numerical investigations of S960 hot-rolled ultra-high strength steel seamless circular hollow section beam-columns. Thin-Walled Structures. 2024, 200: 111909 3. Mingxu Shang, Hua Yang*, Jihui Xing, Jun Wang. A unified hardening and damage characterization of Q960 steel under reverse loading. Journal of Constructional Research. 2024, 217: 108659 4. Yajin Wang, Andi Su*, Hua Yang, Jian Zhao, Yuyin Wang. S890 hot-rolled ultra-high steel (UHSS) seamless circular hollow section beam-columns: Testing, modelling and design. Thin-Walled Structures. 2024, 197: 111583 5. Fengqin Wang, Faqi Liu*, Kanghai Tan, Hua Yang, Kang Peng. Post-fire performance of circular steel tube confined steel-reinforced concrete slender columns: Testing, simulation and design. Engineering Structures. 2024, 298: 117084 6. Susu Yang, Yong Zhu*, Ruizhi Zhang, Yang Zhao, Hua Yang. Rate-dependent behaviour of high-strength bolts. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2024, 215: 108560 7. Yong Fang, Hua Yang*, Bo Lu, Yuyin Wang, Jucan Dong. Experimental investigation on shear-bending performances of concrete-filled thin-walled corrugated steel tubes. Engineering Structures. 2023, 274, 115147 8. Jun Wan, Hua Yang*, Yong Zhu, Mingxu Shang. Experimental and analytical study on the dynamic response of rectangular concrete-filled steel tube under transverse impact loading. Thin-Walled Structures. 2023, 190: 110925 9. Mingxu Shang, Hua Yang*, Andi Su, Yuyin Wang. Strain-rate and stress-state dependent ductile fracture model of S690 high-strength steel. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2023, 204, 107552 10. Andi Su, Hua Yang, Yajin Wang, Ou Zhao*. Experimental and numerical investigations of S960 ultra-high strength steel welded I-section beams with in-plane flexural failure. Thin-Walled Structures. 2023, 190, 110969. 11. Yajin Wang, Hua Yang, Yuyin Wang, Andi Su*. Testing, numerical modelling and design of S890 and S960 ultra-high strength steel circular hollow sections under combined loading. Thin-Walled Structures. 2023, 192, 111102. 12. Yong Fang, Weiming Gai, Hua Yang*, Bo Lu. Modelling and lock-seam effects on compressive behaviour of concrete-filled helical corrugated steel tubes. Structures. 2023, 58: 105321. 13. Yong Zhu, Leroy Gardner*, Hua Yang. Experimental investigation into the transverse impact performance of high-strength circular CFST members. Thin-Walled Structures. 2023, 189: 110923. 14 Fengqin Wang, Faqi Liu*, Kanghai Tan, Hua Yang, Kang Peng. Post-fire performance of circular steel tube confined steel-reinforced concrete slender columns: Testing, simulation and design. Engineering Structures. 2024, 298: 117084 15. Fengqin Wang, Faqi Liu*, Hua Yang, Honghe Sheng. Axial Compressive performances of thin-walled steel tube confined steel-reinforced concrete columns after fire exposure. Thin-Walled Structures. 2023, 190: 110919 16. Dongdong Yang, Faqi Liu*, Hua Yang, Fengqin Wang, Kang Peng, Xizhen Wang. Axial Compression behaviour and design of square tubed steel reinforced-concrete stub columns after fire exposure. Thin-Walled Structures. 2023, 192, 111200 17. Hui Zhao, Faqi Liu*, Hua Yang, Shaoran Wang. A unified calculation method for temperatures of recycled aggregate concrete members exposed to fire: tests and numerical study. Structures. 2023, 57: 105212. 18. Huan Zhang, Hui Zhao, Faqi Liu*, Hua Yang, Yue Geng, Kainan Pan. Models for uniaxial stress-strain relationship and thermal properties of fine recycled aggregate concrete exposed to elevated temperatures. Journal of Building Engineering. 2023, 66: 1058698. 19. Yong Fang, Yuyin Wang*, Tony Yang, Hua Yang. Seismic behaviour and modelling of reinforced of reinforced concrete-filled galvanized corrugated steel tubes. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2023, 202, 107785 20. Xiaoqiang Yang, Hua Yang*, Zhiqi Zhang, Yong Zhu, Zhichao Lai. Impact resistance and simplified evaluation for CFST members subjected to transverse impact. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2022, 198, 107522 21. Xiaoqiang Yang, Hua Yang*, Leroy Gardner, Yuyin Wang. A continuous dynamic constitutive model for normal- and high-strengthstructural steels. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2022, 192, 107254 22. Yong Zhu, Hua Yang*, Leroy Gardner, Jun Wan. Performance of reinforced concrete-filled steel tubular (RCFST) members subjected to transverse impact loading. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2022, 188, 107018 23. Yong Fang, Yuyin Wang*, Hua Yang, Xiaoqi Lin. Experimental behavior of concrete-filled thin-walled corrugated steel tubes with large helical angles under monotonic and cyclic axial compression. Thin-Walled Structures, 2022, 173: 109043 24. Dongdong Yang, Shanshan Huang, Faqi Liu*, Hua Yang. Structural fire design of square tubed-reinforced-concrete columns with connection to RC beams in composite frames. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022, 57: 104900 25. Faqi Liu, Hua Yang*, Wei Wang. Behaviours of concentrically and eccentrically loaded square tube confined reinforced concrete slender columns after fire exposure. Thin-Walled Structures. 2021, 158: 107155 26. Ahmed Tanvir, Elchalakani Mohamed, Karrech Ali, Dong Minhao, Mohamed Ali, Yang Hua*. ECO-UHPC with High-Volume Class-F Fly Ash: New Insight into Mechanical and Durability Properties. Journal of Material Engineering and Performance. 2021, 33(7): 04021174 27. Fengqin Wang, Jingfeng Wang*, Hua Yang, Qihan Shen. Axial compressive behaviour of RC columns strengthened with rectangular steel tube and cementitious grout jackets. Structures. 2021, 31: 484-499 28. Yong Fang, Yuyin Wang*, Mohamed Elchalakani, Hua Yang. Experimental investigation on concrete-filled corrugated steel tubular column under constant axial load and cyclic load. Engineering Structures. 2021, 248: 113245 29. Dongdong Yang, Faqi Liu*, Shan-Shan Huang, Hua Yang. Structural behaviour and design of end-restrained square tubed-reinforced-concrete columns exposed to fire. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2021, 182: 106675 30. Dongdong Yang, Faqi Liu*, Shan-Shan Huang, Hua Yang. Fire performance of eccentrically-loaded square and rectangular tubed-reinforced-concrete columns. Structures, 2021, 33: 1053-1076 31. Dongdong Yang, Faqi Liu*, Shan-Shan Huang, Hua Yang. Structural fire safety design of square and rectangular tubed-reinforced-concrete columns. Structures, 2021, 29: 1286-1321 32. Xiaoqiang Yang, Hua Yang*, Sumei Zhang. Transverse impact behavior of high-strength concrete filled normal- / high- strength square steel tube columns. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2020, 139(5): 103512 33. Xiaoqiang Yang, Hua Yang*, Zhichao Lai, Sumei Zhang. Dynamic tensile behavior of S690 high-strength structural steel at intermediate strain rates. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2020, 168(5): 105961 34. Yong Zhu, Hua Yang*, Xiaoqiang Yang, Feixu Sun. Behavior of concrete-filled steel tubes subjected to axial impact loading. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2020, 173: 106245 35. Yong Zhu, Hua Yang*, Sumei Zhang. Dynamic mechanical behavior and constitutive models of S890 high-strength steel at intermediate and high strain rates. Journal of Material Engineering and Performance. 2020, 29(10): 6727-6739 36. Hui Zhao, Faqi Liu, Hua Yang*. Residual compressive response of concrete produced with both coarse and fine recycled concrete aggregates after thermal exposure. Construction and Building Materials. 2020, 244(5): 118397 37. Yong Fang, Changyong Liu*, Hua Yang, Ligui Yang. Axial behaviour of concrete-filled corrugated steel tubular column embedded with structural steel. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2020, 170: 106064 38. Lin-hai Han*, You-fu Yang, Hua Yang, Wei Li. Life-cycle based analytical theory of concrete-filled steel tubular structures and its applications. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2020, 65 (28-29): 3173-3184 39. Dongdong Yang, Faqi Liu*, Shanshan Huang, Hua Yang. ISO 834 standard fire test and mechanism analysis of square tube-reinforced-conrete columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2020, 175: 106316 40. Faqi Liu, Hua Yang*, Rui Yan, Wei Wang. Experimental and numerical study on behaviour of square steel tube confined reinforced concrete stub columns after fire exposure. Thin-walled Structures. 2019, 139(6): 105-125 41. Hua Yang, Hui Zhao, Faqi Liu*. Compressive stress-strain relationship of concrete containing coarse recycled concrete aggregate at elevated temperatures. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE). 2019, 31: 04019194 42. Xiaoqiang Yang, Hua Yang*, Sumei Zhang. Rate-dependent constitutive models of S690 high-strength structural steel. Construction and Building Materials. 2019, 198(2): 597-607 43. Hua Yang*, Xiaoqiang Yang, Amit H Varma, Yong Zhu. Strain-Rate Effect and Constitutive Models for Q550 High-Strength Structural Steel. Journal of Material Engineering and Performance. 2019, 28(11): 6626-6637 44. Yue Geng, Muzi Zhao, Hua Yang*, Yuyin Wang. Creep model of concrete with recycled coarse and fine aggregates that accounts for creep development trend difference between recycled and natural aggregate concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites. 2019, 103(10): 303-317 45. Yuyin Wang, Ligui Yang, Hua Yang*, Changyong Liu. Behaviour of concrete-filled corrugated steel tubes under axial compression. Engineering Structures. 2019, 183: 475-495 46. Hua Yang, Hui Zhao, Faqi Liu*. Residual cube strength of coarse RCA concrete after exposure to elevated temperatures. Fire and materials. 2018, 42(4): 424-435 47. Hui Zhao, Faqi Liu, Hua Yang*. Thermal properties of coarse RCA concrete at elevated temperatures. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018, 140: 180-189 48. Hua Yang, Faqi Liu*, Tak-ming Chan, Wei Wang. Behaviours of concrete-filled cold-formed elliptical hollow section beam-columns with varying aspect ratios. Thin-Walled Structures. 2017, 120:9-28 49. Faqi Liu, Hua Yang*, Leroy Gardner. Post-fire behaviour of eccentrically loaded reinforced concrete columns confined by circular steel tubes. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2016, 122: 495-510 50. Hua Yang, Faqi Liu, Leroy Gardner*. Post-fire behaviour of slender reinforced concrete columns confined by circular steel tubes. Thin-Walled Structures, 2015, 87: 12–29 51. Faqi Liu, Leroy Gardner, Hua Yang*. Post-fire behavior of reinforced concrete stub columns confined by circular steel tubes. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2014, 102: 82-103 52. Hua Yang*, Faqi Liu, Leroy Gardner. Performance of concrete-filled RHS columns exposed to fire on 3 sides. Engineering Structures. 2013, 56: 1986-2004 53. Hua Yang*, Faqi Liu, Sumei Zhang, Xuetao Lv. Experimental investigation of concrete-filled square hollow section columns subjected to non-uniform exposure. Engineering Structures. 2013, 48: 292-312 54. Hua Yang*, Changyong Liu, Yin Sun, Sumei Zhang. Wind suction effect on long-span stiffened steel truss bridges during erection. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2012 (71): 38-51 55. Yang H, Dennis L, Gardner L*. Testing and analysis of concrete-filled elliptical hollow sections. Engineering Structures. 2008, 30(12): 3771-3781 56. Yang H, Han L H*, Wang Y C. Effects of heating and loading histories on post-fire cooling behaviour of concrete-filled steel tubular columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2008, 64(5): 556-570 57. Yuanlong Yang, Hua Yang*, Sumei Zhang. Compressive Behavior of T-shaped Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Columns. International Journal of Steel Structures. 2010, 10 (4): 419-430 58. Lin-Hai Han*, You-Fu Yang, Hua Yang, Jing-Si Huo. Residual strength of concrete-filled RHS columns after exposure to the ISO-834 standard fire. Thin-Walled Structures. 2002, 40: 991-1012 59. Lin-Hai Han*, Yang Hua, Chen Shu-Liang. Residual Strength of Concrete Filled RHS Stub Columns after High Temperatures. Advances in Structural Engineering. 2002, 5: 123-133 Professor Hua Yang 名称 OVERVIEW Professor Hua Yang is a Tenured Professor in Structural Engineering at the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), a member university of both the China C9 League and the 985 Project. She is the Vice Director of the HIT Research Centre of Metal and Composite Structures, overseeing a team of 12 academic staff and 85 PhD/Master's students. Furthermore, Professor Yang serves as the Vice Director of the National Defence of Anti-Explosion and Protection Engineering Laboratory at HIT. Professor Yang is the Associate Editor of Structures (an IStructE journal) and the Guest Editor of three other international journals, i.e., ES, TWS and CBM. She is a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers (FICE), and also co-chairs the Sub-Association for Fire Protection and Corrosion Prevention for Steel Structures, of the China Steel Construction Society (CSCS). Her expertise primarily lies in the field of steel and composite structures. As a principal investigator, Professor Yang has received 21 research grants, including six grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the grant from the Heilongjiang Provincial Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars. She has co-authored over 100 journal papers, and is currently presiding two technical standards of the China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization (CECS) and has been appointed as a committee member of three ISO standards, three national standards in China, and seven industry/institutional standards. Professor Yang has received the State Natural Science Award of China, one of the highest scientific honours in the nation (she ranks the third in the team), for her contribution to structural engineering particularly in the field of concrete-filled steel tubular structures. She has also been honoured with the Heilongjiang Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award and the CSCS China Steel Structure Outstanding Talent Prize. APPOINTMENTS Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2012-now Associate Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2006-2012 Lecturer, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2003-2006 Visiting Scholar, Purdue University, 2015-2016 Visiting Scholar, Imperial College London, 2007-2008 MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL BODIES Fellow, the Institution of Civil Engineers Vice-Chair, Sub-association for Corrosion, Fire Protection of Steel Structures, CSCS Committee Member, ISO/TC 71/WG1, ISO/TC 71/WG2, and TC 71/AHG1 Board Member, Sub-association for Steel Building Structures, CSCS Board Member, Sub-association of Fire Protection Engineering, China Civil Engineering Society TECHNICAL COMMITTEES OF STANDARDS Chair, CECS standard, Standard for Fire Safety of Steel Tube Confined Concrete Structures (undergoing) Co-Chair, CECS standard, Technical Specification for Corrugated Steel-Concrete Composite Structures (undergoing) Member, ISO/DIS 16521, ISO 22040-2, and ISO/CD 22040-3 Member, GB/T 51446-2021 Member, JGJ/T 471-2019 Member, a number of CECS standards, including T/CECS 625-2019, T/CECS 252-2019, T/CECS 663-2020, T/CCES 7-2020, T/CECS 785-2020, and T/CECS 952-2021 PRIZES State Natural Science Award (Second Prize), Ministry of Science of Technology of China China Steel Structure Outstanding Talent Prize, CSCS Heilongjiang Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award (First Prize), Department of Science of Technology of Heilongjiang Province CSCS Science and Technology Progress Award (First Prize), CSCS SELECTED RESEARCH GRANTS NSFC (No.: 52378502): Investigation on fire behaviour and unified design method for square high-strength CFST columns and frame structures, 2024-2027, PI HLJ (No.: JQ2021E003): Hysteretic behaviour of concrete-filled corrugated steel tubular members under combined compression-bending-torsion loads, 2022-2024, PI NSFC (No.: 52078166): Study on impact resistance and residual mechanical performance of square and rectangular high-strength CFST members, 2021-2024, PI NSFC (No.: 51878220): Fire and post-fire performances and designs of circular steel tube confined steel reinforced concrete columns, 2019-2022, PI NSFC (No.: 51678194): Behaviour and design of high-strength concrete filled high-strength steel tubular columns subjected to impact loading, 2017-2020, PI NSFC (No.: 51278153): Fire resistance behaviour and residual mechanical performance considering the entire stage of fire exposure, 2013-2016, PI NSFC (No.:50708028): Fire resistance behaviour and design of concrete filled rectangular steel tubes under non-uniform fire, 2008-2010, PI TEACHING Professor Yang has been committed in teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level in the field of structural engineering for more than 20 years. A total of 55 doctoral or master's students are/were supervised or co-supervised by her, among which 39 postgraduate students have successfully graduated and 21 students receives various awards and scholarship. JOURNAL EDITORS Associate Editor, Structures, 2021-now Member of Editorial Boards, Structures, 2018-2021 Guest Editor, Thin-Walled Structures (VSI: Extreme Conditions), 2022-2023 Guest Editor, Engineering Structures (VSI: Modularized Structures), 2023-now Guest Editor, Construction and Building Materials (VSI: Fire performance), 2024-now SELECTED PUBLICATIONS [1] Yong Fang, Hua Yang*, Tak-Ming Chan, Yuyin Wang. Experimental investigation on seismic behaviour of concrete-filled corrugated steel tubes under cyclic torsional loads. Engineering Structures. 2024, 308: 118062. [2] Andi Su, Hua Yang*, Yuyin Wang, Yajin Wang. Experimental and numerical investigations of S960 hot-rolled ultra-high strength steel seamless circular hollow section beam-columns. Thin-Walled Structures. 2024, 200: 111909 [3] Mingxu Shang, Hua Yang*, Jihui Xing, Jun Wang. A unified hardening and damage characterization of Q960 steel under reverse loading. Journal of Constructional Research. 2024, 217: 108659 [4] Yajin Wang, Andi Su*, Hua Yang, Jian Zhao, Yuyin Wang. S890 hot-rolled ultra-high steel (UHSS) seamless circular hollow section beam-columns: Testing, modelling and design. Thin-Walled Structures. 2024, 197: 111583 [5] Fengqin Wang, Faqi Liu*, Kanghai Tan, Hua Yang, Kang Peng. Post-fire performance of circular steel tube confined steel-reinforced concrete slender columns: Testing, simulation and design. Engineering Structures. 2024, 298: 117084 [6] Susu Yang, Yong Zhu*, Ruizhi Zhang, Yang Zhao, Hua Yang. Rate-dependent behaviour of high-strength bolts. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2024, 215: 108560 [7] Yong Fang, Hua Yang*, Bo Lu, Yuyin Wang, Jucan Dong. Experimental investigation on shear-bending performances of concrete-filled thin-walled corrugated steel tubes. Engineering Structures. 2023, 274, 115147 [8] Jun Wan, Hua Yang*, Yong Zhu, Mingxu Shang. Experimental and analytical study on the dynamic response of rectangular concrete-filled steel tube under transverse impact loading. Thin-Walled Structures. 2023, 190: 110925 [9] Mingxu Shang, Hua Yang*, Andi Su, Yuyin Wang. Strain-rate and stress-state dependent ductile fracture model of S690 high-strength steel. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2023, 204, 107552 [10] Andi Su, Hua Yang, Yajin Wang, Ou Zhao*. Experimental and numerical investigations of S960 ultra-high strength steel welded I-section beams with in-plane flexural failure. Thin-Walled Structures. 2023, 190, 110969. [11] Yajin Wang, Hua Yang, Yuyin Wang, Andi Su*. Testing, numerical modelling and design of S890 and S960 ultra-high strength steel circular hollow sections under combined loading. Thin-Walled Structures. 2023, 192, 111102. [12] Yong Fang, Weiming Gai, Hua Yang*, Bo Lu. Modelling and lock-seam effects on compressive behaviour of concrete-filled helical corrugated steel tubes. Structures. 2023, 58: 105321. [13] Yong Zhu, Leroy Gardner*, Hua Yang. Experimental investigation into the transverse impact performance of high-strength circular CFST members. Thin-Walled Structures. 2023, 189: 110923. [14] Fengqin Wang, Faqi Liu*, Kanghai Tan, Hua Yang, Kang Peng. Post-fire performance of circular steel tube confined steel-reinforced concrete slender columns: Testing, simulation and design. Engineering Structures. 2024, 298: 117084 [15] Fengqin Wang, Faqi Liu*, Hua Yang, Honghe Sheng. Axial Compressive performances of thin-walled steel tube confined steel-reinforced concrete columns after fire exposure. Thin-Walled Structures. 2023, 190: 110919 [16] Dongdong Yang, Faqi Liu*, Hua Yang, Fengqin Wang, Kang Peng, Xizhen Wang. Axial Compression behaviour and design of square tubed steel reinforced-concrete stub columns after fire exposure. Thin-Walled Structures. 2023, 192, 111200 [17] Hui Zhao, Faqi Liu*, Hua Yang, Shaoran Wang. A unified calculation method for temperatures of recycled aggregate concrete members exposed to fire: tests and numerical study. Structures. 2023, 57: 105212. [18] Huan Zhang, Hui Zhao, Faqi Liu*, Hua Yang, Yue Geng, Kainan Pan. Models for uniaxial stress-strain relationship and thermal properties of fine recycled aggregate concrete exposed to elevated temperatures. Journal of Building Engineering. 2023, 66: 1058698. [19] Yong Fang, Yuyin Wang*, Tony Yang, Hua Yang. Seismic behaviour and modelling of reinforced of reinforced concrete-filled galvanized corrugated steel tubes. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2023, 202, 107785 [20] Xiaoqiang Yang, Hua Yang*, Zhiqi Zhang, Yong Zhu, Zhichao Lai. Impact resistance and simplified evaluation for CFST members subjected to transverse impact. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2022, 198, 107522 [21] Xiaoqiang Yang, Hua Yang*, Leroy Gardner, Yuyin Wang. A continuous dynamic constitutive model for normal- and high-strengthstructural steels. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2022, 192, 107254 [22] Yong Zhu, Hua Yang*, Leroy Gardner, Jun Wan. Performance of reinforced concrete-filled steel tubular (RCFST) members subjected to transverse impact loading. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2022, 188, 107018 [23] Yong Fang, Yuyin Wang*, Hua Yang, Xiaoqi Lin. Experimental behavior of concrete-filled thin-walled corrugated steel tubes with large helical angles under monotonic and cyclic axial compression. Thin-Walled Structures, 2022, 173: 109043 [24] Dongdong Yang, Shanshan Huang, Faqi Liu*, Hua Yang. Structural fire design of square tubed-reinforced-concrete columns with connection to RC beams in composite frames. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022, 57: 104900 [25] Faqi Liu, Hua Yang*, Wei Wang. Behaviours of concentrically and eccentrically loaded square tube confined reinforced concrete slender columns after fire exposure. Thin-Walled Structures. 2021, 158: 107155 [26] Ahmed Tanvir, Elchalakani Mohamed, Karrech Ali, Dong Minhao, Mohamed Ali, Yang Hua*. ECO-UHPC with High-Volume Class-F Fly Ash: New Insight into Mechanical and Durability Properties. Journal of Material Engineering and Performance. 2021, 33(7): 04021174 [27] Fengqin Wang, Jingfeng Wang*, Hua Yang, Qihan Shen. Axial compressive behaviour of RC columns strengthened with rectangular steel tube and cementitious grout jackets. Structures. 2021, 31: 484-499 [28] Yong Fang, Yuyin Wang*, Mohamed Elchalakani, Hua Yang. Experimental investigation on concrete-filled corrugated steel tubular column under constant axial load and cyclic load. Engineering Structures. 2021, 248: 113245 [29] Dongdong Yang, Faqi Liu*, Shan-Shan Huang, Hua Yang. Structural behaviour and design of end-restrained square tubed-reinforced-concrete columns exposed to fire. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2021, 182: 106675 [30] Dongdong Yang, Faqi Liu*, Shan-Shan Huang, Hua Yang. Fire performance of eccentrically-loaded square and rectangular tubed-reinforced-concrete columns. Structures, 2021, 33: 1053-1076 [31] Dongdong Yang, Faqi Liu*, Shan-Shan Huang, Hua Yang. Structural fire safety design of square and rectangular tubed-reinforced-concrete columns. Structures, 2021, 29: 1286–1321 [32] Xiaoqiang Yang, Hua Yang*, Sumei Zhang. Transverse impact behavior of high-strength concrete filled normal- / high- strength square steel tube columns. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2020, 139(5): 103512 [33] Xiaoqiang Yang, Hua Yang*, Zhichao Lai, Sumei Zhang. Dynamic tensile behavior of S690 high-strength structural steel at intermediate strain rates. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2020, 168(5): 105961 [34] Yong Zhu, Hua Yang*, Xiaoqiang Yang, Feixu Sun. Behavior of concrete-filled steel tubes subjected to axial impact loading. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2020, 173: 106245 [35] Yong Zhu, Hua Yang*, Sumei Zhang. Dynamic mechanical behavior and constitutive models of S890 high-strength steel at intermediate and high strain rates. Journal of Material Engineering and Performance. 2020, 29(10): 6727-6739 [36] Hui Zhao, Faqi Liu, Hua Yang*. Residual compressive response of concrete produced with both coarse and fine recycled concrete aggregates after thermal exposure. Construction and Building Materials. 2020, 244(5): 118397 [37] Yong Fang, Changyong Liu*, Hua Yang, Ligui Yang. Axial behaviour of concrete-filled corrugated steel tubular column embedded with structural steel. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2020, 170: 106064 [38] Lin-hai Han*, You-fu Yang, Hua Yang, Wei Li. Life-cycle based analytical theory of concrete-filled steel tubular structures and its applications. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2020, 65 (28-29): 3173-3184 [39] Dongdong Yang, Faqi Liu*, Shanshan Huang, Hua Yang. ISO 834 standard fire test and mechanism analysis of square tube-reinforced-conrete columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2020, 175: 106316 [40] Faqi Liu, Hua Yang*, Rui Yan, Wei Wang. Experimental and numerical study on behaviour of square steel tube confined reinforced concrete stub columns after fire exposure. Thin-Walled Structures. 2019, 139(6): 105-125 [41] Hua Yang, Hui Zhao, Faqi Liu*. Compressive stress-strain relationship of concrete containing coarse recycled concrete aggregate at elevated temperatures. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE). 2019, 31: 04019194 [42] Xiaoqiang Yang, Hua Yang*, Sumei Zhang. Rate-dependent constitutive models of S690 high-strength structural steel. Construction and Building Materials. 2019, 198(2): 597-607 [43] Hua Yang*, Xiaoqiang Yang, Amit H Varma, Yong Zhu. Strain-Rate Effect and Constitutive Models for Q550 High-Strength Structural Steel. Journal of Material Engineering and Performance. 2019, 28(11): 6626-6637 [44] Yue Geng, Muzi Zhao, Hua Yang*, Yuyin Wang. Creep model of concrete with recycled coarse and fine aggregates that accounts for creep development trend difference between recycled and natural aggregate concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites. 2019, 103(10): 303-317 [45] Yuyin Wang, Ligui Yang, Hua Yang*, Changyong Liu. Behaviour of concrete-filled corrugated steel tubes under axial compression. Engineering Structures. 2019, 183: 475-495 [46] Hua Yang, Hui Zhao, Faqi Liu*. Residual cube strength of coarse RCA concrete after exposure to elevated temperatures. Fire and materials. 2018, 42(4): 424-435 [47] Hui Zhao, Faqi Liu, Hua Yang*. Thermal properties of coarse RCA concrete at elevated temperatures. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018, 140: 180-189 [48] Hua Yang, Faqi Liu*, Tak-ming Chan, Wei Wang. Behaviours of concrete-filled cold-formed elliptical hollow section beam-columns with varying aspect ratios. Thin-Walled Structures. 2017, 120:9-28 [49] Faqi Liu, Hua Yang*, Leroy Gardner. Post-fire behaviour of eccentrically loaded reinforced concrete columns confined by circular steel tubes. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2016, 122: 495-510 [50] Hua Yang, Faqi Liu, Leroy Gardner*. Post-fire behaviour of slender reinforced concrete columns confined by circular steel tubes. Thin-Walled Structures, 2015, 87: 12–29 [51] Faqi Liu, Leroy Gardner, Hua Yang*. Post-fire behavior of reinforced concrete stub columns confined by circular steel tubes. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2014, 102: 82-103 [52] Hua Yang*, Faqi Liu, Leroy Gardner. Performance of concrete-filled RHS columns exposed to fire on 3 sides. Engineering Structures. 2013, 56: 1986-2004 [53] Hua Yang*, Faqi Liu, Sumei Zhang, Xuetao Lv. Experimental investigation of concrete-filled square hollow section columns subjected to non-uniform exposure. Engineering Structures. 2013, 48: 292-312 [54] Hua Yang*, Changyong Liu, Yin Sun, Sumei Zhang. Wind suction effect on long-span stiffened steel truss bridges during erection. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2012 (71): 38-51 [55] Yang H, Dennis L, Gardner L*. Testing and analysis of concrete-filled elliptical hollow sections. Engineering Structures. 2008, 30(12): 3771-3781 [56] Yang H, Han L H*, Wang Y C. Effects of heating and loading histories on post-fire cooling behaviour of concrete-filled steel tubular columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2008, 64(5): 556-570 [57] Yuanlong Yang, Hua Yang*, Sumei Zhang. Compressive Behavior of T-shaped Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Columns. International Journal of Steel Structures. 2010, 10 (4): 419-430 [58] Lin-Hai Han*, You-Fu Yang, Hua Yang, Jing-Si Huo. Residual strength of concrete-filled RHS columns after exposure to the ISO-834 standard fire. Thin-Walled Structures. 2002, 40: 991-1012 [59] Lin-Hai Han*, Yang Hua, Chen Shu-Liang. Residual Strength of Concrete Filled RHS Stub Columns after High Temperatures. Advances in Structural Engineering. 2002, 5: 123-133 CBM特刊 (VSI: Fire Performance) 将于2024年10月开放 名称 经《Construction and Building Materials》期刊批准,由澳大利亚西悉尼大学Zhong Tao教授、新加坡南洋理工大学Kang Hai Tan教授、哈尔滨工业大学杨华教授(本人)、加拿大约克大学John Gales副教授、澳大利亚新南威尔士大学Wengui Li副教授共同作为Guest Editor,在该期刊组织了特刊Fire behavior and resistance of construction materials (VSI: Fire performance),详细信息如下(信息源自:Call for papers - Construction and Building Materials | ScienceDirect.com by Elsevier),敬请关注。 Special Issue: Fire behavior and resistance of construction materials Submission portal will open by 1-October-2024 Submission deadline: 31-March-2025 Acceptance deadline: 30-June-2025 This Special Issue relates to The International Conference on Fire Safety Engineering Research and Practice (iCFSERP-2024) (https://icfserp.org/). This conference (24-27 November 2024) will bring international and national experts in fire safety engineering and structural fire engineering research and practice to Sydney, Australia to present and share their latest research and practice. The iCFSERP-2024 will feature 11 keynote addresses by world leaders in fire safety engineering. The Special Issue will not only publish selected papers from iCFSERP-2024 conference but also be open to submissions from other researchers. Authors are welcome to submit their papers through the Editorial Manager System (https://www.editorialmanager.com/conbuildmat/default2.aspx) and select the article type of "VSI: Fire performance". All submissions deemed suitable to be sent for peer review will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. Once your manuscript is accepted, it will go into production, and will be simultaneously published in the current regular issue and pulled into the online Special Issue. Articles from this Special Issue will appear in different regular issues of the journal, though they will be clearly marked and branded as Special Issue articles. Keywords: Sustainable construction materials; Fire performance; Fire resistance; Fire safety; Thermal properties; Mechanical properties; Fire resilient building materials; Fire protection materials; Design models. ES特刊 (VSI: Modularized Structures) 将于2024年9月15日截止收稿 名称 经《Engineering Structures》期刊批准,由香港理工大学Tak-Ming Chan教授、美国普渡大学Amit H Varma教授、新加坡国立大学Richard Liew教授、哈尔滨工业大学杨华教授(本人)共同作为Guest Editor,在该期刊组织了特刊Modularized and Prefabricated Building Structures (VSI: Modularized Structures),详细信息如下(信息源自:Call for papers - Engineering Structures | ScienceDirect.com by Elsevier),敬请关注。 Special Issue: Modularized and Prefabricated Building Structures The submission is open on November 15, 2023. The deadline for submission of manuscripts is September 15, 2024. Engineering Structures is publishing special issues in the new format where special issue articles are published in regular issues as soon as they are available, and simultaneously being grouped online under a specific special issue link, which is easily accessible and navigable on ScienceDirect. Please note that papers solicited through this call will undergo standard journal peer review process and will be indexed for citations like other regular journal papers. All interested authors can submit papers to the special issue through the online journal submission system at EM system: https://www.editorialmanager.com/engstruct When submitting your manuscript please choose the special issue "VSI: Modularized Structures" from the choice of submission types. The manuscript should comply with the limit of no more than 30 pages for a research paper and 40 pages for a review paper (Standard page, double line spacing, font size 12) including all sections except references. Please visit the journal website for additional notes for the authors. Keywords: (modularized construction) OR (prefabricated construction) OR (Industrialized construction) AND (steel structures) OR (steel-concrete composite structures) 研究中心2023年度工作 名称 哈尔滨工业大学金属与组合结构研究中心始建于上世纪80年代,历经40余年的传承与发展,形成了一支以钢-混凝土组合结构教学、科研、应用为主的紧密型团队。值此即将迈入2024年之际,研究中心全体师生衷心感谢大家长期的关注与支持,并送上诚挚的新年祝福,预祝大家新年新气象,新年新成功。2023年,研究中心在如下方面开展了系列工作,更多图文信息请访问研究中心公众号:2023年研究中心年终总结。 一、夯实研究中心人才队伍建设:2023年,研究中心人才队伍建设取得新成绩。王玉银入选国家级高层次人才,苏安第入选国家级青年人才;杨华获中国钢结构协会“钢结构杰出人才”奖,耿悦、刘发起获“钢结构创新人才”奖;高山获批黑龙江省优青;郭兰慧、苏安第获聘长聘教授,方勇入选校春雁英才计划。目前,研究中心教师队伍包括张素梅教授、王玉银教授、杨华教授、郭兰慧教授、耿悦教授、刘昌永教授、苏安第教授、刘发起副教授、高山副教授、张欢副教授、贾晨助理研究员、胡清助理研究员、方勇助理教授共计13人,其中国家级人才3人、省级人才4人。研究中心现有在站博士后6人、博士生42人、硕士生41人。 二、深耕并拓展组合结构研究领域:研究中心多年来深耕于组合结构领域科学研究,2023年获批纵向课题20项,其中主持国家自然基金项目共6项。此外,研究中心7名博士毕业生获批国家自然科学基金青年项目。研究领域逐步从建筑向交通、能源等行业拓展。2023年主持中建研发项目3项(王玉银、刘昌永、刘发起)、中铁建、中交、中核等央企技术服务项目15项(王玉银、郭兰慧、刘昌永、张欢等)。部分成果正在形成应用转化:王玉银、耿悦、王庆贺、张欢提出的钢-再生混凝土组合楼盖设计方法,应用于武汉交投实业总部(197米),是国内最高的再生混凝土组合楼盖试点工程;郭兰慧提出的装配式防屈曲钢板剪力墙设计方法,应用于某寒区钢结构装配式超低能耗高层建筑,建造效率提升30%;刘昌永牵头完成的寒区深基坑变形主动控制技术成果,应用于哈尔滨地铁三号线中华巴洛克街区站工程,助力了寒区城市更新中的历史建筑保护。本年度,王玉银、郭兰慧连任中国钢结构协会钢-混凝土组合结构分会理事长和秘书长,杨华当选中国钢结构协会防火与防腐分会副理事长。 三、共同助力组合结构领域成果标准化:研究中心教师与领域专家共同助力组合结构领域研究成果的标准化工作,本年度研究中心主编团体标准5部(主编为王玉银、杨华、郭兰慧、耿悦、刘昌永、刘发起)。目前,上述标准处于报批、征求意见、编制等不同阶段。2023年,杨华、耿悦参编3部ISO国际标准,杨华、刘发起参编国家标准2部,郭兰慧、刘昌永等参编团体标准4部。此外,波纹钢-混凝土组合结构、再生混凝土组合结构、组合钢板剪力墙设计方法等成果被相关国内外标准采纳。 四、多维服务国内外学术期刊:2023年,杨华连任英国IstructE学会期刊《Structures》(中科院二区)副主编,同时担任中科院一区Top期刊《Thin-Walled Structures》、《Engineering Structures》特刊客座编辑;郭兰慧受邀担任国际期刊《International Journal of Steel Structures》副主编;王玉银继续担任《土木工程学报》、《建筑结构学报》等5本期刊编委;耿悦受邀担任JCR二区期刊《International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials》编委;高山担任EI检索期刊《铁道科学与工程学报》青年编委。本年度,研究中心在组合结构静力、长期、抗震、抗火、抗撞击、耐腐蚀、智能建造等领域发表SCI检索论文72篇。张素梅、王玉银、郭兰慧、高山4位教师入选美国斯坦福大学和Elsevier联合发布的“2022年度全球前2%影响力顶尖科学家”。 五、多方位开展国内外学术交流合作:2023年,耿悦、苏安第、高山获批主持国家级国际交流合作项目3项,邀请新西兰University of Canterbury、澳大利亚The University of Western Australia等6名高校学者做学术报告。耿悦主持“优秀博士生国际交流计划”带队赴意大利Polytechnic University of Milan等高校开展学术交流活动,高山受CSC资助赴日本The University of Tokyo开展短期合作;11名博士生赴新加坡国立大学等高校开展长、短期交流。本年度,研究中心参加ISTS 18、PSSC 2022、ICASS 2023等国际会议18人次,张素梅受邀主持PSSC 2022特邀报告及闭幕式,王玉银、杨华、郭兰慧分别担任ICTWS 2023等5个国际会议学术委员会委员。王玉银、杨华、郭兰慧受邀在第十一届全国地震工程学术会议等国内会议上做大会报告10次,多位教师做分会场邀请报告30余次。 六、推进组合结构课程体系数字化建设:研究中心较早完善了组合结构课程培养方案,形成了较完备的本研一体化、国内外学生一体化培养的“组合结构”课程群授课与培养体系。2023年,研究中心重点推进课程群的数字化建设,主持教育部产学合作协同育人项目等教学改革项目5项,王玉银建成了全国工程硕士专业学位研究生教育在线课程《组合结构设计》,耿悦将教育部来华留学英语授课品牌课程《Advanced Composite Structures》拓展为在线课程;王玉银、耿悦、刘发起将国产软件SAUSAGE与“桥梁博士”引入教育部双语教学示范课程《组合结构》与毕业设计,高山指导本科生获第一届全国高校土建类学科(专业)优秀毕业设计一等奖。本年度,研究中心主编住建部十四五规划教材《高层建筑混凝土结构设计》、全国高等教育自学考试指定教材《钢结构》;参编新世纪土木工程系列教材《钢结构设计(第2版)》。王玉银参与获得高等教育(本科)国家级教学成果二等奖。 七、致力研究中心高质量学生培养:2023年研究中心毕业硕士与博士12人,近4年共毕业47人,就职于高校、科研院所、政府机关,以及建筑、新能源等领域大型国企央企。本年度,方勇等5人次获中国建筑金属结构协会全国高校土建类学科(专业)优秀博士学位论文一等奖、哈尔滨工业大学优秀博士/硕士论文奖及提名奖,王雅瑾等3人获黑龙江省优秀毕业生奖。李建伟等7名在籍博士生参加国际会议,孙佳琦等4人赴西澳大学等国外高校联合培养(2017年起18名博士生出国联合培养,占比82%)。谭莎莎等获黑龙江省“三好学生”、中国钢结构协会高等学校钢结构创新竞赛一等奖等奖励5项。
