

姓名 张雁祥 性别 张雁祥
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 材料科学与工程学院
学位 张雁祥 学历 张雁祥
职称 教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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基本信息 论文专著 团队新闻 新建主栏目 个人简介 名称 张雁祥,教授、博士生导师,从事热处理与表面改性理论与技术研究。担任中国热处理行业协会虚拟仿真技术委员会主任委员,中国热协副秘书长,中国机械工程学会热处理分会离子渗氮工作组委员,国家自然科学基金项目函评专家,教育部学位中心通讯评议专家,中国博士后科学基金评审专家,Results in Engineering等期刊副主编,Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering、Coatings期刊编委。主持部委预研项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目(3项)、科技部重点研发项目子课题、黑龙江省优青等20余项。获黑龙江省技术发明一等奖(序5)、中国机械工业科技进步特等奖(序7)、中国热处理行业技术进步一等奖(序2)、黑龙江省教学成果一等奖(序2)、哈工大青年教师教学基本功竞赛一等奖、哈工大青年教师教学竞赛一等奖(工科组第一名)、第七届黑龙江省青年教师教学竞赛一等奖(工科组第一名),2016-2023中国大学生材料热处理知识技能/创新创业大赛一/特等奖指导教师。在《npj Computational Materials》《Journal of Materials Chemistry A》《Applied Surface Science》《Carbon》等期刊上发表论文100多篇,被引用3300余次,H因子33,连续入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单,授权发明专利多项。 教育经历 名称 2004年-2008年, 哈尔滨工业大学, 材料科学与工程学院,材料学学士(导师:闫牧夫教授) 2008年-2013年, 中国科学技术大学, 材料科学与工程系,材料学博士(导师:夏长荣教授) 工作经历 名称 2019年12月:哈工大材料科学与工程学院,教授 2019年4月:哈工大材料科学与工程学科,博士生导师 2016-2019:哈工大材料科学与工程学院,副教授 2013-2015:哈工大材料科学与工程学院,讲师 2013-2014:美国南卡罗来纳大学博士后(合作导师:陈仿林教授) 2011-2012:香港理工大学Research Assistant(合作导师:倪萌教授) 课题组介绍 名称 团队名称:特种热处理与表面改性 团队负责人:闫牧夫教授 主要成员:张雁祥(哈工大),傅宇东(哈工程),盖登宇(哈工程),刘瑞良(哈工程),陈洪涛(哈理工),由园(齐大),张程崧(西南交大),等 主要论著 名称 详见ResearchGate主页: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yanxiang_Zhang2 或Publons主页: https://publons.com/researcher/2677339/yan-xiang-zhang/ Highlights: Publication List 名称 1. 周祝兵; 闫扶摇; 张雁祥; 赵军; 徐跃明; 闫牧夫, 合金钢强韧化热处理组织结构高通量高分辨率三维重建. 材料热处理学报 2020, 41 (10), 170-174. 2. Zhang, Y.; Yan, F.; Hu, B.; Xia, C.; Yan, M., Chemical relaxation in porous ionic–electronic conducting materials represented by the distribution of characteristic times. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8 (34), 17442-17448. 3. Yu, N.; Jiang, G.; Liu, T.; Chen, X.; Miao, M.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, Y., Understanding the A-site non-stoichiometry in perovskites: promotion of exsolution of metallic nanoparticles and the hydrogen oxidation reaction in solid oxide fuel cells. Sustainable Energy & Fuels 2020. 4. Xu, H.; Ma, J.; Tan, P.; Chen, B.; Wu, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, H.; Xuan, J.; Ni, M., Towards online optimisation of solid oxide fuel cell performance: Combining deep learning with multi-physics simulation. Energy and AI 2020, 1, 100003. 5. Xia, J.; Wang, C.; Wang, X.; Bi, L.; Zhang, Y., A perspective on DRT applications for the analysis of solid oxide cell electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 2020, 349, 136328. 6. Wang, T.; Li, T.; Wei, T.; Hu, X.; Ye, Z.; Wang, Z.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Buckley, C. E.; Dong, D., Optimization of Cathode Functional Layers of Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12 (36), 40917-40924. 7. Ren, C.; Zhang, Y.; Xu, Q.; Tian, T.; Chen, F., Effect of non-solvent from the phase inversion method on the morphology and performance of the anode supported microtubular solid oxide fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2020, 45 (11), 6926-6933. 8. Liu, T.; Zhao, Y.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, H.; Jiang, G.; Zhao, W.; Guo, J.; Chen, F.; Yan, M.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, Y., Robust redox-reversible perovskite type steam electrolyser electrode decorated with in situ exsolved metallic nanoparticles. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8 (2), 582-591. 9. Le, S.; Li, C.; Song, X.; Zhang, Y.; Feng, Y.; Mao, Y.; Zhu, X.; Zhang, N.; Yuan, Z., A novel Nb and Cu co-doped SrCoO3-δ cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2020, 45 (18), 10862-10870. 10. Chen, B.; Yan, F.; You, Y.; Yan, M. F.; Zhang, Y.; Xu, Y., Microstructural changes and mechanical properties of AerMet100 steel surface-treated by plasma nitriding. Surface and Coatings Technology 2020, 403, 126392. 11. Bu, Y.; Joo, S.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Meng, D.; Ge, X.; Kim, G., A highly efficient composite cathode for proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources 2020, 451, 227812. 12. Zhang, Y. X.; Yan, M. F.; Wan, Y. H.; Jiao, Z. J.; Chen, Y.; Chen, F. L.; Xia, C. R.; Ni, M., High-throughput 3D reconstruction of stochastic heterogeneous microstructures in energy storage materials. Npj Computational Materials 2019, 5. 13. Zhang, Y. X.; Yan, F. Y.; Yan, M. F.; Wan, Y. H.; Jiao, Z. J.; Xia, C. R.; Chen, F. L.; Ni, M., High-throughput, super-resolution 3D reconstruction of nano-structured solid oxide fuel cell electrodes and quantification of microstructure-property relationships. Journal of Power Sources 2019, 427, 112-119. 14. Zhang, Y. X.; Yan, F. Y.; Ma, J. B.; Yan, M. F.; Ni, M.; Xia, C. R., In operando monitoring of reaction-diffusion streamlines and uncovering of electrochemo-structural interactions in electrodes. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7 (17), 10256-10263. 15. Zhang, S. D.; Yan, M. F.; Yang, Y.; Zhang, Y. X.; Yan, F. Y.; Li, H. T., Excellent mechanical, tribological and anti-corrosive performance of novel Ti-DLC nanocomposite thin films prepared via magnetron sputtering method. Carbon 2019, 151, 136-147. 16. Zhang, S. D.; Yan, F. Y.; Yang, Y.; Yan, M. F.; Zhang, Y. X.; Guo, J. H.; Li, H. T., Effects of sputtering gas on microstructure and tribological properties of titanium nitride films. Applied Surface Science 2019, 488, 61-69. 17. Yao, J. W.; Yan, F. Y.; Yan, M. F.; Zhang, Y. X.; Huang, D. M.; Xu, Y. M., The mechanism of surface nanocrystallization during plasma nitriding. Applied Surface Science 2019, 488, 462-467. 18. Yang, Y.; Yan, M. F.; Zhang, Y. X., Tribological behavior of diamond-like carbon in-situ formed on Fe3C-containing carburized layer by plasma carburizing. Applied Surface Science 2019, 479, 482-488. 19. Wan, S. B.; Yan, M. F.; Zhang, Y. X., A numerical study of infiltrated solid oxide fuel cell electrode with dual-phase backbone. International Journal of Energy Research 2019, 43 (7), 2562-2570. 20. Liu, T.; Liu, H.; Zhang, X. Y.; Lei, L. B.; Zhang, Y. X.; Yuan, Z. H.; Chen, F. L.; Wang, Y., A robust solid oxide electrolyzer for highly efficient electrochemical reforming of methane and steam. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7 (22), 13550-13558. 21. Jiang, G.; Yan, F. Y.; Wan, S. B.; Zhang, Y. X.; Yan, M. F., Microstructure evolution and kinetics of B-site nanoparticle exsolution from an A-site-deficient perovskite surface: a phase-field modeling and simulation study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2019, 21 (21), 10902-10907. 22. Zhu, Y. D.; Yao, J. W.; Yan, M. F.; Zhang, Y. X.; Wang, Y. X.; Yang, Y.; Yang, L., High temperature plasma nitriding to modify Ti coated C17200 Cu surface: Microstructure and tribological properties. Vacuum 2018, 147, 163-171. 23. Zhu, Y. D.; Yan, M. F.; Zhang, Y. X.; Zhang, C. S., Surface Modification of C17200 Copper-Beryllium Alloy by Plasma Nitriding of Cu-Ti Gradient Film. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 2018, 27 (3), 961-969. 24. Zhang, F. Y.; Yan, M. F.; Yin, F. X.; Wang, Y. X.; Zhang, Y. X.; He, J. N., Influence of plasma nitriding temperature on microstructures and mechanical properties of Ti-N/Ti-Al multilayer coatings on the surface of 5083 Al alloys. Surface & Coatings Technology 2018, 335, 80-87. 25. Yang, Y.; Guo, J. H.; Yan, M. F.; Zhu, Y. D.; Zhang, Y. X.; Wang, Y. X., Improvement of wear resistance for carburised steel by Ti depositing and plasma nitriding. Surface Engineering 2018, 34 (2), 132-138. 26. Wang, Y.; Lei, X. L.; Zhang, Y. X.; Chen, F. L.; Liu, T., In-situ growth of metallic nanoparticles on perovskite parent as a hydrogen electrode for solid oxide cells. Journal of Power Sources 2018, 405, 114-123. 27. Ju, J. W.; Huan, D. M.; Zhang, Y. X.; Xia, C. R.; Cui, G. L., Ionic conductivity of infiltrated Ln (Ln = Gd, Sm, Y)-doped ceria. Rare Metals 2018, 37 (9), 734-742. 28. Hong, T.; Zhang, Y. X.; Brinkman, K., Enhanced Oxygen Electrocatalysis in Heterostructured Ceria Electrolytes for Intermediate-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. Acs Omega 2018, 3 (10), 13559-13566. 29. Chen, Y.; Yoo, S.; Pei, K.; Chen, D. C.; Zhang, L.; deGlee, B.; Murphy, R.; Zhao, B. T.; Zhang, Y. X.; Chen, Y.; Liu, M. L., An In Situ Formed, Dual-Phase Cathode with a Highly Active Catalyst Coating for Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells. Advanced Functional Materials 2018, 28 (5). 30. Chen, Y.; Yoo, S.; Choi, Y.; Kim, J. H.; Ding, Y.; Pei, K.; Murphy, R.; Zhang, Y. X.; Zhao, B. T.; Zhang, W. L.; Chen, H. J.; Chen, Y.; Yuan, W.; Yang, C. H.; Liu, M. L., A highly active, CO2-tolerant electrode for the oxygen reduction reaction. Energy & Environmental Science 2018, 11 (9), 2458-2466. 31. Chen, Y.; Choi, Y. M.; Yoo, S.; Ding, Y.; Yan, R. Q.; Pei, K.; Qu, C.; Zhang, L.; Chang, I.; Zhao, B. T.; Zhang, Y. X.; Chen, H. J.; Chen, Y.; Yang, C. H.; deGlee, B.; Murphy, R.; Liu, J.; Liu, M. L., A Highly Efficient Multi-phase Catalyst Dramatically Enhances the Rate of Oxygen Reduction. Joule 2018, 2 (5), 938-949. 32. Zhang, Y. X.; Chen, Y.; Yan, M. F., An open circuit voltage equation enabling separation of cathode and anode polarization resistances of ceria electrolyte based solid oxide fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources 2017, 357, 173-178. 33. Zhang, L.; Hong, T.; Li, Y. H.; Xia, C. R., CaO effect on the electrochemical performance of lanthanum strontium cobalt ferrite cathode for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2017, 42 (27), 17242-17250. 34. Yang, Y.; Yan, M. F.; Zhang, Y. X.; Li, D. Y.; Zhang, C. S.; Zhu, Y. D.; Wang, Y. X., Catalytic growth of diamond-like carbon on Fe3C-containing carburized layer through a single-step plasma-assisted carburizing process. Carbon 2017, 122, 1-8. 35. Yan, M. F.; Wang, X. A.; Liu, R. L.; Zhang, Y. X.; Yang, Y., Kinetics and wear behaviour of M50NiL steel plasma nitrided at low temperature. Materials Science and Technology 2017, 33 (3), 370-376. 36. Liu, T.; Ren, C.; Zhang, Y. X.; Wang, Y.; Lei, L. B.; Chen, F. L., Solvent effects on the morphology and performance of the anode substrates for solid oxide fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources 2017, 363, 304-310. 37. Li, M.; Zheng, M. H.; Hu, B. B.; Zhang, Y. X.; Xia, C. R., Improving electrochemical performance of lanthanum strontium ferrite by decorating instead of doping cobaltite. Electrochimica Acta 2017, 230, 196-203. 38. Li, M.; Sun, Z. T.; Yang, W. Q.; Hong, T.; Zhu, Z. S.; Zhang, Y. X.; Wu, X. J.; Xia, C. R., Mechanism for the enhanced oxygen reduction reaction of La(0.6)Sr(0.4)Co(0.2)Fe(0.8)O(3-delta)by strontium carbonate. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2017, 19 (1), 503-509. 39. Lei, L. B.; Chen, Y.; Zhang, Y. X.; Liu, T.; Wang, Y.; Chen, F. L., High Performance Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells with Hierarchically Porous Ni-YSZ Electrode. In Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 15, Singhal, S. C.; Kawada, T., Eds. 2017; Vol. 78, pp 3217-3228. 40. Chen, Y.; Bu, Y. F.; Zhang, Y. X.; Yan, R. Q.; Ding, D.; Zhao, B. T.; Yoo, S. Y.; Dang, D.; Hu, R. Z.; Yang, C. H.; Liu, M. L., A Highly Efficient and Robust Nanofiber Cathode for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. Advanced Energy Materials 2017, 7 (6). 41. 尹思琪; 万鑫浩; 罗攀; 张雁翔; 韩秀丽, 基于瞬态导热过程预报的激光淬火层设计. 热处理技术与装备 2016, 37 (01), 16-20. 42. 王玥; 张雁翔, 半无限大物体中温度场计算机仿真. 热处理技术与装备 2016, 37 (05), 50-53. 43. 李怀旭; 张雁翔, 固体氧化物燃料电池多孔电极内镀镍研究. 热处理技术与装备 2016, 37 (05), 9-12. 44. Zhu, Y. D.; Yan, M. F.; Zhang, Y. X.; Zhang, C. S., First-principles investigation of structural, mechanical and electronic properties for Cu-Ti intermetallics. Computational Materials Science 2016, 123, 70-78. 45. Zhu, Y. D.; Yan, M. F.; Zhang, Y. X.; Chen, H. T.; Yang, Y., Microstructure formation and evolution mechanism of Cu-Ti coating during dual-magnetron sputtering and thermo plasma nitriding. Vacuum 2016, 134, 25-28. 46. Zhang, Y. X.; Ma, J. B.; Yan, M. F., Is 2D stereological method good enough for quantification of solid oxide fuel cell electrode microstructure? Science Bulletin 2016, 61 (17), 1313-1316. 47. Zhang, Y. X.; Ma, J. B.; Li, M.; Chen, Y.; Yan, M. F.; Xia, C. R., Plasma Glow Discharge as a Tool for Surface Modification of Catalytic Solid Oxides: A Case Study of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-delta Perovskite. Energies 2016, 9 (10). 48. Zhang, Y. X.; Chen, Y.; Lin, Y.; Yan, M. F.; Harris, W. M.; Chiu, W. K. S.; Ni, M.; Chen, F. L., Electrochemical fields within 3D reconstructed microstructures of mixed ionic and electronic conducting devices. Journal of Power Sources 2016, 331, 167-179. 49. Zhang, Y. X.; Chen, Y.; Li, M.; Yan, M. F.; Ni, M.; Xia, C. R., A high-precision approach to reconstruct distribution of relaxation times from electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Journal of Power Sources 2016, 308, 1-6. 50. You, Y.; Yan, J. H.; Yan, M. F.; Zhang, C. S.; Chen, H. T.; Wang, Y. X.; Zhang, Y. X.; Wang, C. H., La interactions with C and N in bcc Fe from first principles. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016, 688, 261-269. 51. Yang, Y.; Yan, M. F.; Zhang, Y. X.; Zhang, C. S.; Wang, X. A., Self-lubricating and anti-corrosion amorphous carbon/Fe3C composite coating on M50NiL steel by low temperature plasma carburizing. Surface & Coatings Technology 2016, 304, 142-149. 52. Yang, Y.; Yan, M. F.; Zhang, S. D.; Zhang, Y. X.; Chen, H. T.; Wang, X. A., One-step plasma-assisted method for functionally graded Fe3O4/DLC coated carburized layer on steel. Diamond and Related Materials 2016, 70, 18-25. 53. Yan, M. F.; Zhu, Y. D.; Zhang, Y. X.; Zhang, M. L., Combining thermo-diffusing titanium and plasma nitriding to modify C61900 Cu-Al alloy. Vacuum 2016, 126, 41-44. 54. Wang, X. A.; Yan, M. F.; Liu, R. L.; Zhang, Y. X., Effect of rare earth addition on microstructure and corrosion behavior of plasma nitrocarburized M50NiL steel. Journal of Rare Earths 2016, 34 (11), 1148-1155. 55. Li, M.; Ren, Y. Y.; Zhu, Z. S.; Zhu, S. Y.; Chen, F. L.; Zhang, Y. X.; Xia, C. R., La0.4Bi0.4Sr0.2FeO3-delta as Cobalt-free Cathode for Intermediate-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell. Electrochimica Acta 2016, 191, 651-660. 56. Li, G.; Zhang, Y. X.; Ling, Y. H.; He, B. B.; Xu, J. M.; Zhao, L., Probing novel triple phase conducting composite cathode for high performance protonic ceramic fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2016, 41 (9), 5074-5083. 57. Ju, J. W.; Xie, Y.; Wang, Z. Y.; Zhang, Y. X.; Xia, C. R., Electrical Performance of Nano-Structured La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-delta Impregnated onto Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Backbone. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2016, 163 (5), F393-F400. 58. Ju, J. W.; Lin, J.; Wang, Y. S.; Zhang, Y. X.; Xia, C. R., Electrical performance of nanostructured strontium-doped lanthanum manganite impregnated onto yttria-stabilized zirconia backbone. Journal of Power Sources 2016, 302, 298-307. 59. Chen, Y.; Bu, Y. F.; Zhao, B. T.; Zhang, Y. X.; Ding, D.; Hu, R. Z.; Wei, T.; Rainwater, B.; Ding, Y.; Chen, F. L.; Yang, C. H.; Liu, J.; Liu, M. L., A durable, high-performance hollow-nanofiber cathode for intermediate-temperature fuel cells. Nano Energy 2016, 26, 90-99. 60. 吴道雄; 史鑫尧; 张雁祥, 真空热处理炉的隔热屏设计及传热学分析. 热处理技术与装备 2015, 36 (05), 73-76. 61. Zheng, K. Q.; Zhang, Y. X.; Li, L.; Ni, M., On the tortuosity factor of solid phase in solid oxide fuel cell electrodes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2015, 40 (1), 665-669. 62. Zhang, Y. X.; Ni, M.; Yan, M. F.; Chen, F. L., Thermal aging stability of infiltrated solid oxide fuel cell electrode microstructures: A three-dimensional kinetic Monte Carlo simulation. Journal of Power Sources 2015, 299, 578-586. 63. Zhang, Y. X.; Chen, Y.; Yan, M. F.; Chen, F. L., Reconstruction of relaxation time distribution from linear electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Journal of Power Sources 2015, 283, 464-477. 64. Zhang, Y. X.; Chen, Y.; Yan, M. F.; Chen, F. L., New formulas for the tortuosity factor of electrochemically conducting channels. Electrochemistry Communications 2015, 60, 52-55. 65. Zhang, Y. X.; Chen, Y.; Chen, F. L., In-situ quantification of solid oxide fuel cell electrode microstructure by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Journal of Power Sources 2015, 277, 277-285. 66. Yan, M. F.; Zhu, Y. D.; Zhang, C. S.; Zhang, Y. X.; Wang, Y. X.; Yang, L., Microstructure and mechanical properties of copper-titanium-nitrogen multiphase layers produced by a duplex treatment on C17200 copper-beryllium alloy. Materials & Design 2015, 84, 10-17. 67. Wang, Y. X.; Yan, M. F.; Li, B.; Guo, L. X.; Zhang, C. S.; Zhang, Y. X.; Bai, B.; Chen, L.; Long, Z.; Li, R. W., Surface properties of low alloy steel treated by plasma nitrocarburizing prior to laser quenching process. Optics and Laser Technology 2015, 67, 57-64. 68. Liu, T.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, Y. X.; Fang, S. M.; Lei, L. B.; Ren, C.; Chen, F. L., Steam electrolysis in a solid oxide electrolysis cell fabricated by the phase-inversion tape casting method. Electrochemistry Communications 2015, 61, 106-109. 69. He, B. B.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, Y. X.; Ding, D.; Xu, J. M.; Ling, Y. H.; Zhao, L., New insight into highly active cathode of proton conducting solid oxide fuel cells by oxygen ionic conductor modification. Journal of Power Sources 2015, 287, 170-176. 70. Chen, Y.; Zhang, Y. X.; Xiao, G. L.; Yang, Z. B.; Han, M. F.; Chen, F. L., Sulfur-Tolerant Hierarchically Porous Ceramic Anode-Supported Solid-Oxide Fuel Cells with Self-Precipitated Nanocatalyst. Chemelectrochem 2015, 2 (5), 672-678. 71. Zhang, Y. X.; Xia, C. R.; Chen, F. L., Tortuosity factor of three-dimensional infiltrate network. Journal of Power Sources 2014, 269, 189-193. 72. Zhang, Y. X.; Ni, M.; Xia, C. R.; Chen, F. L., A Sintering Kinetics Model for Ceramic Dual-Phase Composite. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2014, 97 (8), 2580-2589. 73. Xiao, G. L.; Wang, S. W.; Lin, Y.; Zhang, Y. X.; An, K.; Chen, F. L., Releasing Metal Catalysts via Phase Transition: (NiO)(0.05)-(SrTi0.8Nb0.2O3)(0.95) as a Redox Stable Anode Material for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2014, 6 (22), 19990-19996. 74. Wang, X. A.; Yan, M. F.; Zhang, C. S.; Zhang, Y. X.; Bai, B.; Chen, L.; Long, Z.; Li, R. W., Insights into plasma nitriding behaviour of M50NiL steel with different initial microstructures. Materials Science and Technology 2014, 30 (10), 1248-1253. 75. Wang, X. A.; Yan, M. F.; Zhang, C. S.; Zhang, Y. X., Microstructure and mechanical properties of surface layer of M50NiL steel plasma nitrided. Surface Engineering 2014, 30 (3), 218-223. 76. Su, F.; Zhang, Y. X.; Ni, M.; Xia, C. R., Sm0.5Sr0.5CoO3-Ce1.8Sm0.2O1.9 electrodes enhanced by Sm0.5Sr0.5CoO3 impregnation for proton conductor based solid oxide fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2014, 39 (6), 2685-2691. 77. Chen, Y.; Zhang, Y. X.; Lin, Y.; Yang, Z. B.; Su, D.; Han, M. F.; Chen, F. L., Direct-methane solid oxide fuel cells with hierarchically porous Ni-based anode deposited with nanocatalyst layer. Nano Energy 2014, 10, 1-9. 78. Chen, Y.; Zhang, Y. X.; Baker, J.; Majumdar, P.; Yang, Z. B.; Han, M. F.; Chen, F. L., Hierarchically Oriented Macroporous Anode-Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cell with Thin Ceria Electrolyte Film. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2014, 6 (7), 5130-5136. 79. Chen, Y.; Lin, Y.; Zhang, Y. X.; Wang, S. W.; Su, D.; Yang, Z. B.; Han, M. F.; Chen, F. L., Low temperature solid oxide fuel cells with hierarchically porous cathode nano-network. Nano Energy 2014, 8, 25-33. 80. Zhang, Y. X.; Sun, Q.; Xia, C. R.; Ni, M., Geometric Properties of Nanostructured Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrodes. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2013, 160 (3), F278-F289. 81. Zhang, Y. X.; Ni, M.; Xia, C. R., Microstructural Insights into Dual-Phase Infiltrated Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrodes. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2013, 160 (8), F834-F839. 82. Zhang, Y. X.; Xia, C. R.; Ni, M., Simulation of sintering kinetics and microstructure evolution of composite solid oxide fuel cells electrodes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2012, 37 (4), 3392-3402. 83. Zhang, Y. X.; Chen, K. F.; Xia, C. R.; Jiang, S. P.; Ni, M., A model for the delamination kinetics of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 oxygen electrodes of solid oxide electrolysis cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2012, 37 (19), 13914-13920. 84. Wang, Y. L.; Zhang, Y. X.; Xia, C. R., A novel method to determine the particle-particle fracture of yttria stabilized zirconia. Journal of Power Sources 2012, 211, 77-83. 85. Zhang, Y. X.; Xia, C. R., Film percolation for composite electrodes of solid oxide fuel cells. Electrochimica Acta 2011, 56 (13), 4763-4769. 86. Zhang, Y. X.; Wang, Y. L.; Wang, Y.; Chen, F. L.; Xia, C. R., Random-packing model for solid oxide fuel cell electrodes with particle size distributions. Journal of Power Sources 2011, 196 (4), 1983-1991. 87. Zhang, L.; Liu, Y. Q.; Zhang, Y. X.; Xiao, G. L.; Chen, F. L.; Xia, C. R., Enhancement in surface exchange coefficient and electrochemical performance of Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6 electrodes by Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 nanoparticles. Electrochemistry Communications 2011, 13 (7), 711-713. 88. Zhang, Y. X.; Xia, C. R., A particle-layer model for solid-oxide-full-cell cathodes with different structures. Journal of Power Sources 2010, 195 (13), 4206-4212. 89. Zhang, Y. X.; Xia, C. R., A durability model for solid oxide fuel cell electrodes in thermal cycle processes. 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