姓名 | SAM ZHANG | 性别 | SAM ZHANG |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 航天学院 |
学位 | SAM ZHANG | 学历 | SAM ZHANG |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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最新动态 学术文章 学术著作 科学研究 招生信息 基本信息 ... 基本信息 新建主栏目 论文期刊 名称 发表学术论文390余篇,其中SCI/SSCI检索论文380余篇,近5年论文如下: lEnhancement of hardness and corrosion resistance of Al-Si-N multilayer color coating via SiN/AlSiN/AIN compositional gradient interlayer. Xunwang Shi, Sam Zhang*, Jingchuan Li, Yuhang You, Xiuhan Yu, Deen Sun, Yong Shao. Hongji Du, Dawen Wang. Minghua Zhao, Moshu Zhu, and Fengji Li*. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A. 42(2024),013102 . lDevelopment of Ti/Ti-DLC multilayers on magnesium alloys. Part 1: Microstructure and mechanical properties. Wenling Xie, Cuixia Guo, Yiman Zhao, Lin Chen*, Bin Liao, Sam Zhang*. Surface & Coatings Technology. 447 (2024) 130328. lMulti-strategy coordination enables WSe2 to achieve high-performance real-world detection of NO2. Yu Duan, Deen Sun*, Sam Zhang*, Shengyi Wang, Jiajia Qiu, Shuanglong Feng. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, (2023): 135183. lThe output improvement of droplet-based nanogenerators throughenhanced coupling displacement and conducting currents. Tao Zhong, Ping Liu, Shijing Yang, Gaobo Xu, Wenfei Mao, Hongyu Zhou, Jun Dong, Cunyun Xu, Sam Zhang, Qunliang Song*. Nano Energy (2023): 109191. lExcellent anti-corrosion and conductivity of NbN coated on Ti bipolar plate by controlling N2 flow rates[J]. Junyi Chen, Sam Zhang*, Jia Zheng, Yifan Dong, Cunxiu Zhang, Jingchuan Li, Zilin Chen, Jian Zhang, Deen Sun*. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Volume 976, 5 March 2024, 173033. l Progress in infrared transparencies under opto electro thermo and mechanical environments. Liangge Xu , Shuai Guo, Victor Ralchenko, Gang Gao, Sam Zhang*, Jiaqi Zhu. Surface Science and Technology 1.1 (2023) 1-30. l (AlCrMoTiNi) 1-xNx high entropy ceramic with high hardness and toughness prepared by co-filtered cathodic vacuum arc deposition. Jingchuan Li, Yiman Zhao, Xunwang Shi, Jia Zheng, Yifan Dong, Junyi Chen, Yujie Chen, Deen Sun, Sam Zhang*, Shu Wang. Ceramics International, 2023. l Facile microwave plasma driven 3D-WSe2 2H-1T phase modulation for improving NO2 gas sensing performancee. Yu Duan, Sam Zhang*, Yinye Yu, Jiajia Qiu, Shuanglong Feng*.Volme 387, 15 July 2023, 133822. l A Ternary C omposite with Medium Adsorption Confirma Good Reversibility of Li-Se Batteries. Yi Li, Zhao Li, Liang Yue, Yi Zhang, Shuang Liu, Yubin Niu, Sam Zhang*, Maowen Xu*. Advance Science Early View 2206962 l G-C3N5 nanotube as a promising candidate for adsorption and inactivation of aflatoxin B1_ A first-principles study.Xinghong Cai, Qiang Yang, Yao Tong, Sam Zhang*, Min Wang*. Surfaces and interfaces 38 (2023)102868. l Recent Advances and Strategies for High-Performance Coatings.Y.X. Ou, H.Q. Wang, X. Ouyang, Y.Y. Zhao, Q.Zhou, C.W. Luo, Q.S. Hua, X.P.Ouyang, S.Zhang. Progress in Materials Science 136 (2023) 101125. l The mechanism of carcinogenic heavy meatal adsorption on a new monolayer AlP5.Min wang*, Xinghong Cai,Qiang Yang, Yao Tong, Sam Zhang*. Applied Surface Science 623 (2023) 157025. l Influence of N concentration on structure and properties of (AlCrMoTiV)Nx fims by co-filter cathodic vacuum arc deposition. Yiman Zhao, WeiQing Yan, Yujie Chen, Wenling Xie, Shunian Chen, Shuai Wu, Shu Wang, Jun Luo, Sam Zhang*, Bin Liao*. Surface & Coatings Technology 459 (2023) 129366. l Enhancing color tunability, corrosion resistance,and hardness of ALN and Al coatings on magnesium alloys via sputtering a Si interlayer. Xunwang Shi, Sam Zhang*, Yuhang You, Deen Sun, Xiuhan Yu, Jinbiao Wang, Hongji Du, Fengji Li*; Vacuum 209 (2023) 111772. l Suppression of pesting failure in MoSi2 film by doping of Si. Xiuhan Yu, Fengji Li*, Xunwang Shi, Deen Sun, Jinbiao Wang, Sam Zhang*; Surface & Coatings Technology 442 (2022) 128016. l High sensitivity, fast response and anti-interference crack-based reduced grphene oxide strain sensor for pig acoustic recognition. Jing Li,Ziqi Liao, Tao Liang, Sam Zhang, Bo Tang, Xinglan FU, Guanglin Li*, Yuehua Huang*; Computers & Electronics in Agriculture 200 (2022) 107267. l The regulation of resistivity for SiHfBCN thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering method. Xinggang Luan*, Shaomin Gu, Qiqi Zhang, Sam Zhang*, Laifei Cheng; Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical 346 (2022) 113865. l Phase control of quasi-2 perovskite thin films by adding MAPbI3 in the precursor solution. Meng Wang, Jiayu You, Cunyun Xu, Jun Dong, Chuanyao Luo, Qunliang Song*, and Sam Zhang*; The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022. l Multi-functional Strategy Ammonium Citrate-Modified SnO2 ETL for Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells.Wenqi Zeng, Xiaofeng He, Hongyu Bian, Pengju Guo, Meng Wang, Cunyun Xu, Gaobo Xu, Yuanxin Zhong, Dengcheng Lu, Zdenek Sofer, Qunliang Song*, and Sam Zhang*; ACS Appl. Mater. Interface. (2022). l Super-hard (MoSiTiVZr)Nx high-entropy nitride coatings. Jingchuan Li, Yujie Chen, Yiman Zhao, Xunwang Shi,Shu wang*, Sam Zhang*. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 926 (2022) 166807. l Metal-modified s-C3N6 as a potential superior sensing medium for effective capture of toxic waste gases CO,H2S and SO2 in the iron and steel industry based on first-principles investigations .Xinghong Cai, Qiang Yang, Yao Tong, Min Wang*,Sam Zhang*.Applied Surface Science 606 (2022) 154947. l Effect of Mo addition on structures and properties of FeCoNiCrMn high Entropy alloy film by direct current magnetron sputtering; Yiman Zhao, Xiaomin Zhang, Hui Quan, Yujie Chen, Shu Wang, Sam Zhang*; Journal of Alloys and Compounds 895 (2022)162709. l Super-hard and anti-corrosion (AlCrMoSiTi)Nx high entropy nitride coatings by multi-arc cathodic vacuum magnetic filtration deposition; Yiman Zhao, Shunian Chen, Shuai Wu, Wenling Xie, Weiqing Yan, Shu Wang, Bin Liao*, Sam Zhang*; Vacuum, 195 (2022) 110685. l Improvement in the Figure of Merit of ITO-Metal-ITO Sandwiched Films on Poly Substrate by High-Power Impulse Megnetron Sputtering; Hui Li, Ying-Jie Gao, Shuo-Huang Yuan, Dong-Sing Wuu, Wan-Yu Wu, and Sam Zhang*; Coatings 2021, 11, 144. l BNSiBCN light-leakage-proof coatings of silicaoptical fiber for long term sensors at hightemperatures; Xin gang LUAN*, Xinming Xu, Rong Yu, Qiqi Zhang, Sam Zhang, Laifei Cheng; Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, (2021), 34(5): 93–102. l Controlled growth of nanocrystalline aluminum nitride films for full colar range; Xunwang Shi, Xiuhan Yu, Caiwen Nie, Fengji Li *, Sam Zhang **; Ceramics International 47 (2021) 21546–21553. l Mechanical size effect of eutectic high entropy alloy Effect of lamellar orientation; Yujie Chen, Xianghai An* , Sam Zhang*, Feng Fang, Wenyi Huo, Paul Munroe, Zonghan Xie; Journal of Materials Science & Technology 82 (2021) 10–20. l Mesoporous WO3-TiO2 heterojunction for a hydrogen gas sensor.pdf; Hui Li, Chun-Han Wu, Yi-Cheng Liu, Shuo-Huang Yuan, Zong-Xian Chiang, Sam Zhang*, Ren-Jang Wu*; Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 341 (2021) 130035. l Real-Time Acid Rain Sensor Based on a Triboelectric Nanogenerator Made of a PTFE?PDMS Composite Film; Haiwei Liu, Jun Dong, Hongyu Zhou, Xiude Yang, Cunyun Xu, Yanqing Yao, Guangdong Zhou, Sam Zhang* and Qunliang Song*; ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2021, 3, 9, 4162–4171. l Unraveling dual phase transformations in a CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy; Yujie Chen, Dengke Chen, Xianghai An*, Yin Zhang, Zhifeng Zhou, Song Lu, Paul Munroe, Sam Zhang , Xiaozhou Liao*, Ting Zhu*, Zonghan Xie; Acta Materialia 215 (2021) 117112. l Remarkable toughness of a nanostructured medium-entropy nitride compound; Yujie Chen*, Xianghai An, Zhifeng Zhou, Jisheng Ma, Paul Munroe, Sam Zhang*, Zonghan Xie; Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 15074–15084. l Size-dependent deformation behavior of dual-phase, nanostructured CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy; Yujie Chen, Xianghai An*, Zhifeng Zhou, Paul Munroe, Sam Zhang*, Xiaozhou Liao, Zonghan Xie; Science China Materials 64 (2021) 209-222. l BN-SiBCN light-leakage-proof coatings of silica optical fiber for long term sensors at high temperatures; Xin’gang Luan*, Xinming Xu, Rong Yu, Qiqi Zhang , Sam Zhang, Laifei Cheng; Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, (2021), 34(5): 93–102. l Calcifiers can Adjust Shell Building at the Nanoscale to Resist Ocean Acidification; Jonathan Y. S. Leung, Yujie Chen, Ivan Nagelkerken, Sam Zhang*, Zonghan Xie*, and Sean D. Connell*; Volume16, Issue37 September 17, 2020 2003186. l Critical review Growth mechanisms of the self-assembling of silicon wires; Fengji Li, Yuehua Huang, Shu Wang, and Sam Zhang; J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 38, 010802 (2020). l Enhanced dielectric and multiferroic properties in BaTiO3 doped Bi0.85Nd0.15Fe0.98Mn0.02O3 ceramics; Haoting Zhao, Ruxia Yang,Yang Li, Gang Liu, Yuming Lu, Jianfeng Tang, SamZhang, Guannan Li*; Volume 494, 15 January 2020, 165779. l Hard yet tough CrN-Si3N4 multilayer coatings deposited by the combined deep oscillation magnetron sputtering and pulsed dc magnetron sputtering; Y.X. Ou, X.P. Ouyang, B. Liao,X. Zhang, S. Zhang*; Applied Surface Science 502 (2020) 144168. l Impact of thermal-induced sapphire substrate erosion on material and photodetector characteristics of sputtered Ga2O3 films; Hui Li, Shuo-Huang Yuan,Tsun-Min Huang, Hsuan-Jen Chen, Fu-Hsing Lu, Sam Zhang, Dong-Sing Wuu*; Journal of Alloys and Compounds 823 (2020) 153755. l Passivation of defects in inverted perovskite solar cells using an imidazolium-based ionic liquid; Chuanyao Luo, Guannan Li, Lijia Chen, Jun Dong, Miao Yu, Cunyun Xu, Yanqing Yao, Meng Wang, Qunliang Song ** and Sam Zhang *; Sustainable Energy & Fuels, Issue 8, 2020. l Structure-sensitive principle in silicon nanowire growth; Li Fengji*, Huang Yuehua, Wang Shu, Zhang Sam*; Thin Solid Films 697 (2020) 137814. l The role of laser ablated backside contact pattern in efficiency improvement of mono crystalline silicon PERC solar cells; Chengjie Xiang, Xiaoli Zhao,Liwang Tan, Jiaye Ye, Sujuan Wu, Sam Zhang, Lidong Sun*; Solar Energy 196 (2020) 462–467. l A solar tube Efficiently converting sunlight into electricity and heat; Chengjie Xiang, Xiaoli Zhao,Liwang Tan, Jiaye Ye, SujuanWu, Sam Zhang, Lidong Sun*; Nano Energy 55 (2019) 269–276. l Boron nitride coating of sapphire optical fiber for high temperature sensing applications; Xin'gang Luan?, Rong Yu, QiqiZhang, Sam Zhang?, Laifei Cheng; Surface & Coatings Technology 363 (2019) 203–209. l Corrosion inhibition behaviors of ZrNx thin films with varied N vacancy concentration; Chenrui Pei, Lijun Deng, Hongjin Liu, Zhen He, Chengjie Xiang, Sam Zhang*, Deen Sun*; Vacuum 162 (2019) 28–38. l Effect of bias on structure mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of TiNx films prepared by ion source assisted magnetron sputtering; Zhen He, Sam Zhang, Deen Sun*; Thin Solid Films 676 (2019) 60–67. l Effect of Al Content on Microstructure and Mechanical Property of Nanocomposite TiAlSiN Thin Films; Deen Sun*, Hongjin Liu, Xianguang Zeng, Sam Zhang, and Jiamu Huang; J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2019, Vol. 19, No. 1. l Effect of substrate bias on biocompatibility of amorphous carbon coatings deposited on Ti6Al4V by PECVD; Yun-Shao Cho, Li-Kai Liao,Chia-Hsun Hsu, Yu-HsuanHsu, Wan-Yu Wu, Shu-Chuan Liao,Kun-Hui Chen, Ping-Wing Lui, Sam Zhang, Shui-Yang Lien?; Surface & Coatings Technology 357 (2019) 212–217. l Effect of temperature and bias voltage on electrical and electrochemical properties of diamond-like carbon films deposited with HiPIMS; Hongming Dong, Zhen He, Sam Zhang, Deen Suna*; Surface & Coatings Technology 358 (2019) 987–993. l Effect of the varied nitrogen vacancy concentration on mechanical and electrical properties of ZrNx thin films; Chenrui Pei, Lijun Deng, Chengjie Xiang, Sam Zhang, Deen Sun*; Thin Solid Films 683 (2019) 57–66. l Enhanced Si Passivation and PERC Solar Cell Efficiency by Atomic Layer Deposited Aluminum Oxide with Two-step Post Annealing; Chia-Hsun Hsu, Yun-ShaoCho, Wan-Yu Wu, Shui-Yang Lien* , Xiao-Ying Zhang, Wen Zhang Zhu, Sam Zhang and Song-Yan Chen; Nanoscale Research Letters (2019) 14:139 . l Growth and Photocatalytic Properties of Gallium Oxide Films Using Chemical Bath Deposition; Che-Yuan Yeh , Yi-Man Zhao ,Hui Li, Fei-Peng Yu, Sam Zhang* and Dong-Sing Wuu*; Crystals 2019, 9, 564. l Low Reflection and Low Surface Recombination Rate Nano-Needle Texture Formed by Two-Step Etching for Solar Cells; Chia-Hsun Hsu, Shih-Mao Liu , Shui-Yang Lien *, Xiao-Ying Zhang , Yun-Shao Cho,Yan-Hua Huang , Sam Zhang ,Song-Yan Chen and Wen-Zhang Zhu; Nanomaterials 2019, 9, 1392. l Mechanism of dense silicon dioxide films deposited under 100?°C via inductively coupled plasma chemical vapor deposition; Yun-Shao Cho, Chia-Hsun Hsu, Kuo-Yao Shen, Sam Zhang, Wan-Yu Wu, Shui-Yang Lien*; Surface & Coatings Technology 359 (2019) 247–251. l Novel dye-sensitized solar cell architecture using TiO2-coated Ag nanowires array as photoanode; Ming Wang, Sam Zhang, Zhao-Fu Du*,Li-Dong Sun, Dong-Liang Zhao; Rare Met. (2019) 38(4):316–320. l Optical coatings of durability based on transition metal nitrides; Chaoquan Hu*, Kaiyu Guo,Yuankai Li, Zhiqing Gu, Jingkai Quan, Sam Zhang, Weitao Zheng; Thin Solid Films 688 (2019) 137339. l Temperature-Dependent HfO2-Si Interface Structural Evolution and its Mechanism; Xiao-Ying Zhang, Chia-Hsun Hsu, Shui-Yang Lien* , Wan-Yu Wu, Sin-Liang Ou, Song-Yan Chen,Wei Huang, Wen-Zhang Zhu, Fei-Bing Xiong and Sam Zhang; Nanoscale Research Letters (2019) 14:83. l Reprint of “Effect of substrate bias on biocompatibility of amorphous carbon coatings deposited on Ti6Al4V by PECVD"; Yun-Shao Cho, Li-Kai Liao,Chia-Hsun Hsu, Yu-HsuanHsu,Wan-Yu Wu, Shu-Chuan Liao,Kun-Hui Chen, Ping-Wing Lui, Sam Zhang, Shui-Yang Lien*; Surface & Coatings Technology 376 (2019) 90–95. 最新动态 名称 2024年4月12日,受邀在日本Vacuum and Surface Science杂志上以国际薄膜协会会长身份发表介绍:Introduction to the Thin Films Society (TFS)(国际薄膜协会)。 Sam Zhang教授入选2022、2023年度World's Top 2% Scientists 2023,榜单共分为“终身科学影响力榜单”--关注整个学术生涯迄今的影响力和“年度科学影响力”--聚焦本当年的学术成就。2023年度科学影响力榜单全球共计210198名学者入选,Sam Zhang教授位列31590位,其中中国学者入选23484人,Sam Zhang教授位列2134;终身科学影响力榜单全球共计204643名学者入选,Sam Zhang教授位列20644位,其中中国学者入选9013人,Sam Zhang教授位列381位,物理类科学家中国学者有618人入选,Sam Zhang教授位列第49位。网址链接:https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/6 爬山虎学者和工程师协会对Sam Zhang教授进行了“作品推荐”,网址链接:http://www.pasanhu.com/SquareDetailCn.aspx?id=23100101 2023年12月16日,2023中部六省新材料发展论坛 / Thin Film Workshop & Thin Films 2024 Preparatory Meeting,河南郑州 2023年12月1日,2023战略资源与新能源科技创新发展大会,四川成都 2023年11月14日,International Thin Films Conference, 台湾 2023年11月1日,Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science 2023,Nagoya. 2023年9月1日,全球制造业峰会新·材料产业技术应用高峰论坛,辽宁沈阳 2023年7月25日,哈尔滨工业大学第八届国际青年学者神舟论坛,河南郑州 2023年6月16日,2023 International Conference on Surface Science Technology and Application,Chongqing, China 2023年6月10日,Thin Films Society AGM 2023, Singapore 2023年4月28日,2023第三届全国太阳能电池材料与器件大会,广西桂林 著作 名称 撰写书籍25本(Sam's Books: ( Click to find Sam in Amazon.com)),近25年出版书籍如下(Amazon.com: Sam Zhang: books, biography, latest update): l《Handbook of Perovskite Solar Cells Volume 1:Fundamentals and Absorber Layer Optimization for Efficiency and Stability》Edited By Jiangzhao Chen and Sam Zhang, ISBN 9781032509655, Published August 22, 2024 by CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Pages: 488. l《Handbook of Perovskite Solar Cells Volume 2:Functional Layer Optimization and Diverse Device Types for Efficiency and Stability》Edited By Jiangzhao Chen and Sam Zhang, ISBN 9781003400493, Published August 22, 2024 by CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Pages: 424. l《Handbook of Perovskite Solar Cells Volume 3: Critical Challenges and Opportunities in Commercialization Advances in Materials Science and Engineering Series》Edited By Jiangzhao Chen and Sam Zhang, ISBN 9781032509808, Published August 22, 2024 by CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Pages: 200. l 《Materials for Device》Edited By Sam Zhang, ISBN 9780367679309, Published September 30, 2022 by CRC Press 358 Pages 173 B/W Illustrations. l 《Materials in Advanced Manufacturing》 Edited By Yinquan Yu, Sam Zhang, ISBN 9781032021577, Published December 21, 2022 by CRC Press 414 Pages 197 B/W Illustrations. l 《Function Thin Films Technology》Edited By Sam Zhang, Jyh-Ming Ting, Wan-Yu Wu, ISBN 9780367541774, Published August 9, 2021 by CRC Press 336 Pages 296 B/W Illustrations. l 《Protective Thin Coatings Technology》 Edited By Sam Zhang, Jyh-Ming Ting, Wan-Yu Wu, ISBN 9780367542504, Published August 9, 2021 by CRC Press 374 Pages 261 B/W Illustrations. l 《Materials for Energy》Edited by Sam Zhang , ISBN 978-0367545277, Published October 5, 2020 by CRC Press. l 《Advances in Magnetic Materials: Processing, Properties and Performances》Edited by Sam Zhang and Dongliang Zhao, ISBN-13: 978-1498706711 ISBN-10: 1498706711, Published 24 Feb 2017 by CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 747pp. l 《Thin Films and Coatings: Toughening and Toughness Characterization》Edited by Sam Zhang, ISBN 9781482222906, Published 29 July 2015 by CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 608pp. l 《Hydroxyapatite Coatings for Biomedical Applications》Edited by Sam Zhang, ISBN 9781439886939, Published 15 April 2013 by CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. l 《Aerospace Materials Handbook》Edited by Sam Zhang& Dongliang Zhao, ISBN 9781439873298, Published 9 Nov 2012 by CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 784 Pages. l 《Biological and Biomedical Coatings Handbook: Applications》Edited by Sam Zhang, ISBN 9781439849965, Published 9 May 2011 by CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. l 《Nanostructured Films and Coatings : Mechanical Properties》Edited by Sam Zhang, ISBN 97814200940222; ISBN10: 1420094025;, Published June 18, 2010 by CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Pages: 550. l 《Organic Nanostructured Thin Film Devices and Coatings for Clean Energy》Edited by Sam Zhang, ISBN 9781420093933, Published June 18, 2010 by CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Pages: 254. l 《Nanostructured Films and Coatings : Functional Properties》Edited by Sam Zhang, ISBN 9781420093957, Published June 18, 2010 by CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Pages: 422. l 《Materials Characterization Techniques》Edited by Sam Zhang, Lin Li, Ashok Kumar, ISBN 9781420042948, Published December 22, 2008 by CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 344pp. 团队研究方向 名称 l 红外透明导电薄膜的设计、生长及其光电协同机理 l 光热管理智能材料设计 l 热辐射机理及高强低辐射薄膜的设计与生长 科研项目 名称 l Principal Investigator, Singapore Ministry of Education Tier 2 project, MOE2016-T2-2-012 Multidimensional Perovskites as Semi-Transparent Light Harvesting Materials. Duration: 1 Jun 2017 to 31 May 2020. Quantum of fund: S$493,500. l Principal Investigator, Singapore Ministry of Education Tier 1 project RG187/14 (2014-T1-002-048), Project number: M4011.419.050, Self-Rechargeable Lithium Battery Built on Organic Solar Cells Nanomaterials and Nanotechnoly for Precision Applications, Start and end date: 01-03-2015 to 31-08-2017, Quantum of fund: S$100K. l Principal Investigator, CISRI-NTU collaboration project, Project number: M4061367.050, Nanomaterials and Nanotechnoly for Precision Applications, Start and end date: Jan 2014-Dec 2016, Quantum of fund: S$270K. l Co- Principal Investigator, Funding agency: National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC) , Project number:50975137, Project title:水润滑部件表面碳基纳米复合薄膜的韧化及其摩擦学特性研; Start and end date: 2010.1~2012.12; Quantum of fund: 38万元. l Team Member, CSIR Task Force on Nanostructured Advanced Materials – Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, Development of sputter deposited nanostructured supertough coatings, April 1, 2009 to 31 March 2012, INR 7400,000 (~USD 150,000). l Principal Investigator, Acedemic Research Fund (AcRF) Tier 2 Project, Awarded by Ministry of Education, Singapore, T208A1218, M45050025, Carbon nanotube toughened hard nanocomposite coatings, Duration: 22nd May 2008 ~ 22nd May 2011, Project size: $625,020. l Principal Investigator, Industrial Project, Project Number: M48050127 East Bridge, Nanotube-based high efficiency solar cells, Duration: 1st March 2008 ~ 28th February 2011, Project size: $300,000. l Principal Investigator, Industrial Project, M48050049 SHIMADZU, Exploring nanostructure and nanocomposite thin films, Duration: 1st March 2006 ~ 28th Febuary 2008, Project size: $28,626. l Co-Principal Investigator, China Zhejiang Province Key Engineering Project, 2006C24009, Research and Development of Highly Bioactive and Bioadaptable, Long-Term Effective Coatings on Artificial Hips, Duration: Jan 2006 ~ Dec 2008, Project size: RMB350,000. l Co-Principal Investigator, Industrial Project with Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences Limited, Distributed Syngas Production rom Natural Gas, 13 October 2005~12 October 2007, S$768,266. l Co-Principal Investigator, A*Star TSRP Project, 0421140042, Carbon nanotube via interconnects for nanoelectronics and integrated NEMS, 13 Aug 2004~12 Aug 2007, S$638,950. l Principal Investigator, A*Star Project, 032 101 0005 /M47050028, Sol-gel synthesis of ultra-high adhesion strength fluoridated calcium phosphate films, 22 Oct 2003~21 Oct 2006, S$299,990. l Principal Investigator, Industrial Partial Funding, Magnetron sputtering of SBT thin films for nonvolatile memory application, 1 Nov 2003~ 31 Oct. 2006, $18,000. l Principal Investigator, SIMTech collaborative project, Sol gel deposition of hydroxyapatate coatings, 08 December 2003 - 07 December 2006, Value of the SIMTech support: $20,000. l Principal Investigator, RG12/02, High Strength Nanocomposite Films, 23 Oct 2002 ~ 22 Oct 2005, $29,671.00. l Principal Investigator, Industrial collaborative project, Nanocomposite Thin Films, 07 September 2001 - 06 September 2004, Value of the industrial support: $750,000. l Principal Investigator, Nanyang Technological University, Thin Films Lab development, 2000~2001, Project value: $1,224,000. l Principal Investigator, Thin Films Lab development, Nanyang Technological University, 2001~2002, Project Value: $600,000. l Principal Investigator, Seed Project, SDS17/2000, High Adhesion Hydroxyapatite Coating via Sputtering and Sol-Gel Processes, 1 April 2000 - 31 March 2001, S$17,990. l Project Leader, Gintic In House Project, C99-PT-057A, Development of Antisticking Coating and Antisticking Testing Rig For Mold-Release Applications, 15 March 99 - 15 March 2000. l Principal Investigator: Upstream Project, U96-P-059, Development of Superhard and Antisticking Coatings for Precision Engineering Applications, Date of NSTB Approval: 22 March 1996. 1 May 1996 - 30 April 1999. Project Size: S$2.186 million. l Principal Investigator, In-House Project, C96-P-061, Improvement of the Nano-Hardness of Diamond-Like Carbon Coatings. 1 June 1996 - 31 March 1997. l Principal Investigator, Industrial Project, I96-P-058, Coating on Core Inserts, 20 May 1996- 20 May 1997. l Principal Investigator, Industrial Project, I94-P-053, Development of Wear Resistant Coating for Cutter Punch, 1 January 1995-29 June 1995. l Principal Investigator, Industrial Project: I94-P-009, Study of TiN Coating on Cutter Punches, 1 April 1994 - 11 October 1994. l Principal Investigator, Industrial Project: I94-P-001, Development of Quality Assurance Specifications for Cannula Cutters, January 1994. l Principal Investigator, Gintic Lab Development Fund, Development of Physical Vapor Deposition Capabilities, 1993~94, S$1,000,000. l Principal Investigator, Applied Research Project, ARP66/91, Development of High Toughness Cermets for Application in Tools and Aerospace Industries, 1991~1993, S$40,000. 会议报告 名称 l Mechanical behaviors of nanostructured, dual phase CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy,西北工业大学,2020.12.16.,Xi'an,China. l How to get your papers published?,西北工业大学,2020.12.16,Xi'an,China. l 高熵合金涂层,重庆材料大会,“能源材料分会”主席,2020.11,Chongqing,China. l New design for highly durable infrared-reflective coatings, Chaoquan Hu (Jilin Univ, China) & Sam Zhang May 19-22, 2019, 环太激光损伤暨薄膜物理与应用国际会议 (SPIE-PLD/TFPA 2019)Qingdao, China. l Current Status of High-Entropy Films and Coatings, 2019年第十五届海峡两岸薄膜科学兴技术研讨会, 25-30 Aug 2019, Yilan, Taiwan. l Hard-yet-Tough High Entropy Films and Coatings, 第三届国际前沿科技创新大会,7月15-18,Chongqing, China. l Current Status of High-Entropy Films and Coatings, 2019 International Forum on Innovation and Emerging Industries Development (IEID 2019), Sep17-18, 2019, Shanghai, China. l Intrinsic and Environmental Stability Issues of the Perovskite Photovoltaics, 2019 重庆材料大会, 18-20 October 2019 Yongchuan, Chongqing. l Intrinsic and Environmental Stability Issues of the Perovskite Photovoltaics,第十届国际(中国)功能材料及其应用学术会议、第六届国际多功能材料与结构学术大会、首届国际新材料前沿发展大会, 2019年11月22-25日,重庆. l Keynote Speaker: Current status of Functional Thin Films & Coatings, 7th Asia-Oceania Ceramic Federation Conference cum Thin Films Workshop 2018, 12-14 March 2018, Katahira Sakura Hall, Tohoku University, Japan. l Keynote Speaker: Additive selection strategy for high performance perovskite photovoltaics, IMSNT2018, 29 March -1 April, Chengdu, China. l Keynote speaker: Towards Hard yet Tough Ceramic Coatings, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Design, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering (ATDMAE 2018), 1-3 July, Dalian, China. l Keynote Speaker: Environmental stability issues of perovskite photovoltaics, AEM2018: 10-12 September 2018, University of Surrey, Guildford, England. l Keynote Speaker: TiO2 nanotubes at the inner surface of high-aspect-ratio Ti tubes and Solar-tube application, The 3rd International Conference on New Material and Chemical Industry, 17-19 November, 2018 Sanya China. l 特邀大会报告:Towards Hard yet Tough Ceramic Coatings, 第17届全国荷电粒子束学术会议,2018年11月2-6日,广东 珠海北京师范大学珠海分校,中国电工技术学会主办。 l Invited speaker:Additive selection strategy for high performance perovskite photovoltaics, 2018 海峡两岸先进功能材料及应用峰会,厦门,18-19 Aug 2018,中国仪器仪表学会仪表功能材料分会,台湾材料科学学会,国际薄膜学会,等主办。 l Invited Speaker: Functional thin films and coatings, 25th International Federation for heat treatment and surface Engineering Congress, 11-14 September 2018, Organized by Chinese Heat Treatment Society, Xi’an China. l Invited Speaker: TiO2 nanotubes at the inner surface of high-aspect-ratio Ti tubes and Solar-tube application, 第12届全国表面工程大会暨第14届海峡两岸薄膜科技研讨会:2018年11月9-15日,云南昆明。 招生信息 名称 【招生计划】 招生对象为硕士研究生、博士研究生及博士后研究人员。欢迎材料科学与工程、材料物理、材料化学等专业的学生和博士毕业生联系。 研究生具体考核方法详见哈尔滨工业大学研招办网站(http://yzb.hit.edu.cn/) 博士后研究人员详见:哈尔滨工业大学-[人才招聘] 【联系人】 徐同学(邮箱:xuliangge@aliyun.com) 基本信息 名称 SAM ZHANG 张善勇, 哈尔滨工业大学教授、博士生导师,海外高层次人才(2010)、Thin Films Society会长、创始人,英国材料学会会士(2007)、英国皇家化学学会会士(2018)、国际薄膜学会会士(2018)。 教育经历 名称 l 1986. 09-1991. 07 美国威斯康星大学 材料学 博士 l 1982. 09-1984. 07 北京钢铁研究总院 材料学 硕士 l 1977. 09-1982. 07 东北大学 高温合金 学士 工作经历 名称 l 2023-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 教授 l 2018-2023 西南大学 教授 l 2006-2018 南洋理工大学 终身正教授 l 2000-2006 南洋理工大学 副教授 l 1993-2000 新加坡制造技术研究院 研究员、高级研究员 l 1991-1993 南洋理工大学 研究员 获得荣誉 名称 l Outstanding Alumni:, Special Report, Northeastern University Alumni Magazine, pp59-62, 2010 Issue No. 1,2010. l Featured in 27th (2010) edition of Who's Who in the World, 2010. l Distinguished Professor, Central Iron and Steel Research Institute, Beijing, China, Since November 2009. l Guest Professor, Liaoning Industrial University, China, Since 7 November 2009. l 《Low Temperature Processed Inorganic Gate Dielectrics for Plastic Substrate based Organic Field Effect Transistors》 has been selected to receive the Prestigious George E. Smith Award 2008. I'm glad to be one of the co-authors: H. S. Tan, T. Cahyadi, Z. B. Wang, A. Lohani, Z. Tsakadze, Sam Zhang, F. R. Zhu, S. G. Mhaisalkar, 2008. l Featured in 26th (2009) edition of Who's Who in the World, published November 12, 2008. l Consultant of The Shenyang City Government, China, 26 May 2002 - 25 May 2007. l Featured in the first-ever "Who's Who in Engineering Singapore" (published October 2007). l Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining: FIMMM, Since October 2007. l Guest Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, Since 13 September 2007. l Winner of the Research Output Award and Recognition (ROAR), Nanyang Technological University, 2006/2007. l Guest Professor, Zhejiang University, Since 16 November 2006 l Winner of the Research Output Award and Recognition (ROAR), Nanyang Technological University, 2005/2006. l "Singapore Conference Ambassador" Title Awarded by Singapore Tourism Board, Since 7 December 2006. l Member of the Expert Committee, Applied Research Council, Ministry of Education, Republic of Singapore, Since November 2005. l Member of the Expert Committee for China Natural Science Award, Since April 2004. l Honorary Professor, Institute of Solid State Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, since 1st November 2004. l Guest Professor, Shenyang University, China since 29th May 2002.