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Front page Lab updates Fruit fly Honeybee Publications Captain Crew Former members ...en Captain en Crew en Former members 新建主栏目 Admissions and Recruitment Information for Woo Jae Kim Research Group 名称 Welcome undergraduate internship rotation Undergraduate volunteers welcome 1. Introduction to the laboratory Neurobiologists have always wanted to understand how organisms regulate complex social behaviors through genes and neural circuits. Prof. Kim uses fruit flies and bees to try to solve this problem. As a neurobehavioral geneticist, one of Prof. Kim and his team’s ongoing research is "interval time", which is an animal’s ability to calculate the time interval from seconds to hours ( for example , you can estimate your reading This text is about 10 seconds, not 1 hour or 1 day), it allows us to predict the future and make decisions. The laboratory will use machine learning, machine vision, gene editing and other tools to analyze the complex social behavior of fruit flies and honeybees at the molecular and macro levels. We are also interested in using fruit flies to build human neuronal disease models such as ALS/FTD. The main research directions of this laboratory include: (1) Analysis of Drosophila Neurobehavior 1. Drosophila is one of the most in-depth studies of human organisms so far. This laboratory uses the stable and plastic behavior of mating time ( LMD and SMD ) of fruit flies to analyze how organisms calculate "interval time". 2. There are many powerful tools in Drosophila research. This laboratory will use these Drosophila genetic tools and laser confocal microscopes to analyze the neural circuits of Drosophila to calculate "interval time" . 3. This laboratory uses a camera system to record the mating activities of fruit flies and analyze them. In the future, we will use machine learning, machine vision and other tools to analyze the differences in mating time of different genotypes of fruit flies to clarify the neurological principles of various fruit flies. (B) Neurobehavioral analysis of bees 蜜蜂是一种与人类生活息息相关的昆虫,并且蜜蜂有着各种有趣的行为,我们将试图通过相关的基因工具及计算机工具分析蜜蜂的行为,以揭示这些行为背后的神经学原理,最终造福人类。 二、招生信息 (一)博士招生: 每年招收博士1-2名。我校采取“申请-考核”制度,欢迎感兴趣的硕士生申请。 (二)硕士招生: 每年招收硕士2-3名。欢迎对课题组感兴趣的学生申请。 常年欢迎优秀本科生加入实验室实习轮转! 三、招聘信息 因研究需要,招聘以下科研人员: 实验室技术员(一名) 1.本科或硕士毕业生 2.需要生物学的基本知识。不必须有果蝇遗传学知识。 3.辅助Woo Jae Kim教授实验室的技术人员。 4.进行果蝇繁殖,维护及基本实验。 5.有分子生物学知识的人优先,但没有也没关系。我们更喜欢努力工作的人。 工业设计师(一名) 1.具有工业设计或电气工程等相关专业的本科及以上学历。 2.擅长3d,cad,犀牛,熟练操作3d打印机。 3.熟练掌握工业设计软件,能通过与研究员沟通了解设计意图,并将其转化为 实用实验工具。 4.有丰富的想象力和创造力,有设计天赋。 5.能够英文或韩语交流。 四、岗位待遇 哈尔滨工业大学生命科学中心提供一流的科研环境以及与学历和经验匹配的有竞争力的待遇。 五、联系方式 地 址:哈尔滨市南岗区西大直街92号明德楼B508 邮 箱: wkim@hit.edu.cn 电 话:13904800872 微信号: xue774338488 邮 编:150006 请将一份英文简历及一份中文简历发送至wkim@hit.edu.cn 该招聘长期有效,招满为止。 Lab introduction 名称 Dr. Kim's major research interests are understanding how genes and neural circuits control complex social behaviours. He and his team use tiny fruit fly, Drsophila melanogasterto answer this question. One of the behaviours what Dr. Kim and his team dissected so far is'interval timing'. Interval timing is the ability of animal to calculate time intervals from seconds to hours and it enables us to predict future and make decisions Dr. Kim uses the powerful genetic tools to dissect complex behaviours in molecular level. His team can manipulate specific set of genes within certain population of neurons using these genetic tools only available in fruit fly. He is also interested in establishing human neuronal disease model using fly system such as ALS/FTD. Finally, he will extend his interest in complex social behaviours using eusocial insects such as honey bee by manipulating their neural circuits using cutting edge genetic tools such as CRISPR/Cas9. Dr. Kim的主要研究方向是了解基因和神经回路如何控制复杂的社会行为。他和他的团队利用果蝇来进行这项研究。到目前为止,他和他的团队所研究的行为之一是“间隔时间”。间隔时间是动物计算从秒到小时的时间间隔的能力,它使我们能够预测未来并做出决定。Dr. Kim可以使用强大的基因工具,在分子水平上分析复杂的行为。他的团队可以利用这些只在果蝇中使用的基因工具来操纵某些神经元群体中的特定基因簇。他也有兴趣利用果蝇建立如ALS/FTD之类的人类神经元疾病模型。最终,他将通过使用CRISPR/Cas9等尖端遗传工具操纵蜜蜂等完全社会性的昆虫的神经回路进行的研究来扩展他对复杂社会行为的兴趣。 Overview 名称 Research Area: Genetics of complex behaviours ?Research Introduction: ?Neural Circuits ?Fly Model of Human Neuronal Diseases (ALS/FTD, ADHD, Intellectual Disability, Autism, Depression) ?Genetics of Timing Behaviour ?Reverse-Engineering of Social Behavior using Bumble Bee Genetics Model ?Interdisciplinary Research Group Established (Engineers, Computer Scientists, and Non-biological science major students welcome): Designing and Building Novel Behavioural Platform and Automated It. ?Educational Entrepreneurship Collaborating Partner with Creatrix Design Group Overview of Research Interests We are seeking for the fundamental mechanisms how specific neural circuits lead to certain behaviors. We use tiny insect Drosophila melanogaster to answer this question. 1. Genetics: We are fruit fly behavioural geneticists. We manipulate the genetic components of fly genome to understand their effect on behavioural outcomes. The Drosophila adult is an excellent model system to study circuit mechanisms underlying complex behaviours. The adult Drosophila brain has 1000-fold fewer neurons than mouse brain (~135,000), and those neurons are in stereotyped positions in each animal. This relatively small size of nervous system allows fly geneticists to circuit mapping using powerful genetic tools that enable functional studies of a tiny number of identifiable neurons. The complete set of reagents to manipulate each of the ~14,000 genes in the fly genome for both loss-of-function and gain-of-function are available in the public stock centre with low price. Targeted manipulation of circuits with tight spatial and temporal control is feasible because there exist ~15,000 tissue-specific drivers, RNAi lines that cover ~98% of fly genes, CRISPR resources, and various markers which can visualize the expression pattern and subcellular localization of proteins without antibodies. Using these tools, we can explore the core mechanisms that governs any types of behaviours that are obscured in the more complicated vertebrate brain. 2. Behaviour: We study the behaviours of fruit fly. The first behaviour we are investigating is ‘interval timing’. Time is the fundamental dimension for animal’s survival. The animal brain is the result of evolution to orchestrate temporal information across a wide spectrum of time scales. Especially, interval timing is a pivotal function of the human brain to support our cognitive ability such as memory, attention, and decision-making. Interval timing refers to the discrimination of durations in the seconds-to-minutes ranges. The genetic aspects of interval timing have not been vigorously investigated because of the lack of a genetically-traceable model organism. We tackle this question with two novel behavioural paradigms of male Drosophila that fits the current ‘internal clock model’ of interval timing. 3. Disease: We are interested in establishing human neuronal disease model using fly system. We established glial-mediated ALS/FTD model and actively investigated the effects of human C9orf72 on fly behaviour and neuron-glia interaction. We are active member of ALS Canada. We are pursuing the effect of neuropeptide receptors on neuron-glia interactions, which are related to many neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease. My undergraduate students are seeking for the genes that are associated with human rare diseases and will establish the rare disease model in fruit fly. 4. Evolution: We will establish genetic model organisms beyond Drosophila. With the help of RNAi technology and CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing, many researchers started to create new genetic model organisms including ants, honey bees, and many other uninvestigated species. We are interested in eusocial insects to study the genetic basis of their highly organized social structure. We have strong collaborators who are working on eusocial insects in Ottawa region and try building genetic platform with eusocial insects that had never investigated with a genetic toolbox. 5. Entrepreneurship: We created a strong interdisciplinary collaboration network with many neuroscientists, clinicians, engineers, computer scientists, physicists, and industrial designers. We have several ideas to initiate startup company with our experiences building our original behavioural platforms. We have company partner (Creatrix Design Group) and Biotown (Ottawa Biohacker’s group). Students who want to study and create startup are strongly welcome to apply. We don’t care about your major. You don’t have to be a biologist. Genetics of interval timing 名称 Neural circuits of LMD behaviour 名称 Neural circuits of SMD behaviour 名称 Measuring the activity of neural circuits 名称 Analysis of behaviour using DIY made equipments 名称 Automation of behavioural analysis using machine learning technology 名称 Genetics of eusociality 名称 Education start-up & Manufacturing start-up 名称 We love to created interdisciplinary team to initiate start-ups using our research idea. Please contact us if you're interested in start-up company which will focus on high-end education package or biomedical lab-based manufacturing. Our former interdiciplinary team is as below; Using these team, we established interesting project called townlab. And created interesting DIY behavioural analysis platform called flyFAT. Please join us if you want to create new enterpreneurship opportunity through our experiences. Undergraduate volunteers welcome 名称 New member updates title New member updates title JOUNAL CLUB title LAB MEETING title JOUNAL CLUB title LAB MEETING title LAB MEETING title JOURNAL CLUB title LAB MEETING title LAB MEETING title Drosophila Conference title New member updates title New member updates title LAB MEETING title JOURNAL CLUB title LAB MEETING title LOURNAL CLUB title LAB MEETING title LAB MEETING title JOURNAL CLUB title JOURNAL CLUB title LAB MEETING title LAB MEETING title JOURNAL CLUB title LAB MEETING title LAB MEETING title LAB MEETING title JOURNAL CLUB title LAB MEETING title JOURNAL PUBLICATION title JOURNAL PUBLICATION title JOURNAL CLUB title LAB MEETING title LAB MEETING title JOURNAL CLUB title MUSCLE PROJECT – Professor Shin title JOURNAL CLUB title LAB MEETING title Nanjing Conference Report title LAB MEETING title The 7th China Drosophila Biology Conference (Nanjing) title LAB MEETING title Academic Report – Woo Jae Kim title JOURNAL CLUB title China Drosophila Conference – ABSC title LAB VISIT & EXCHANGE title LAB MEETING title JOURNAL CLUB title JOURNAL CLUB title LAB MEETING title JOURNAL CLUB title LAB MEETING title The beginning of the new semester title JOURNAL CLUB title LAB MEETING title JOURNAL CLUB title LAB MEETING title The 1st JK Drosophila Conference title JOURNAL CLUB title LAB MEETING title LAB MEETING title JOURNAL CLUB title China Drosophila Conference title International Conference title JOURNAL CLUB title LAB MEETING title JOURNAL CLUB title LAB MEETING title JOURNAL CLUB title LAB MEETING title LAB VISITS AND EXCHANGES title JOURNAL CLUB title LAB MEETING title LAB MEETING title JOURNAL CLUB title JOURNAL CLUB title JOURNAL CLUB title LAB MEEITING title Master’s graduation defense title Publication title New member joining——孙萌遥(Cherry Sun) title Kim lab & Wang lab joint journal club title issuing time: 2023-04-18 Design for Kim’s lab title issuing time: 2023-04-10 Kim lab & Wang lab joint journal club title issuing time:2023-02-22 Design for Kim’s lab title issuing time:2023-02-17 Kim课题组新年聚会 title issuing time:2023-01-17 Kim老师与大家一起迎接即将到来的兔年! Personal meeting title issuing time: 2023-01-06 每周五,Kim老师都会就研究课题, 为实验室成员们做小组或是单人指导 。 Kim课题组果蝇室的日常管理 title issuing time: 2022-12-05 Design for Kim’s lab title issuing time :2022-11-17 Kim课题组新引进分子实验仪器 title issuing time: 2022-11-04 Discussion and learning meeting title issuing time : 2022-10-14 Design for Kim’s lab - LMD Chamber title issuing time:2022-10-07 Dr. Yin from First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University Hospital visited Kim lab for collaboration. title issuing time: 2022- 09-15 We will work together for setting up electrophysiology equipment in Kim lab. Happy teacher's day to Professor Kim. title issuing time: 2022- 09 -10 Welcome Wenjie to join Kim's lab. title issuing time: 2022-09-09 欢迎贾文杰加入Kim课题组,担任蜜蜂技术研究员,负责蜜蜂养殖及常规实验。 KIM课题组吸引更多的优秀成员,我们的团队日益壮大。 title Issuing time:2022-08-30 Welcome Chenchen to join Kim's lab. title issuing time: 2022-08-19 欢迎陈晨加入Kim课题组,担任蜜蜂技术研究员,负责课题组蜜蜂养殖及分子实验。 HIT暑期线上讲义-- Woo Jae Kim教授 title issuing time: 2022-08-13 Woo Jae Kim 教授(哈尔滨工业大学生命科学中心) HIT 暑期课程线上讲义 title issuing time: 2022-08-11 KIM NC 教授(明尼苏达大学) Greg Suh 教授(韩国高级科学技术研究所) Chunghun Lim 教授(韩国国立蔚山科学技术院) HIT暑期课程线上讲义 title issuing time : 2022-08-05 Kim老师邀请的来自韩国汉阳大学的Anmo Kim教授,在为学生们进行线上讲义。 1 Drosophila vision — The Drosophila visual behaviors and underlying neural circuits 2 Visuomotor circuit for evasive flight turns in Drosophila — How flying flies detect visual features in their environment and combine multiple features to execute an evasive flight turn. Design for Kim’s lab - 2 Optogenetics projec title issuing time : 2022-07-29 Project display screen of Kim lab. title issuing time: 2022-07-15 Welcome Yanan to join Kim's lab title issuing time: 2022-07-14 欢迎魏娅楠同学加入Kim课题组,9月份即将进入哈尔滨工业大学生命科学中心就读硕士研究生。 Design for Kim’s lab - 1 LMD Chamber title issuing time: 2022-07-08 欢迎工业设计师 -- 杨雪娇加入我们Kim课题组 ! 名称 issuing time: 2022-06-08 生命学院40名大一学生参观Kim实验室,我课题组孙东宇同学在为大家讲解。 名称 issuing time: 2022-05-30 Welcome Wenjing to join Kim's lab 名称 issuing time: 2022-05-18 欢迎李文晶同学加入Kim课题组, 并将与本年度9月份成为哈工大生命科学中心 Kim老师 的硕士研究生。 Kim lab investigates the behavior and neural circuits of fly??and ??. Join us! 名称 issuing time: 2022-05-13 五一假期后,Kim课题组成员恢复研究工作和学习。 名称 issuing time: 2022-05-05 Kim课题组成员,在严峻的疫情防控环境下,住校工作期间,依然认真的进行科研工作。 名称 issuing time:2022-04-27 制作果蝇食物 名称 issuing time: 2022-03-14 每周五下午1点, 成员们轮流进行文献发表。 名称 issuing time: 2022-02-25 Journal club 我们用体视显微镜分辨果蝇的表型以及进行解剖实验 名称 issuing time: 2022-02-18 迎接2022! 名称 issuing time: 2022-01-27 We have our own lab logo! 名称 issuing time:2022-01-20 CCTV visited Kim lab and recorded our research! 名称 issuing time: 2022-01-07 The President of HIT Han Jiecai visited Kim lab, HCLS. 名称 issuing time: 2021-12-25 "Han Jiecai" visited Kim Lab flyroom December 23rd to encourage the biolmedical research of the HCLS and Kim lab. We thank for his visit! 在Kim老师的带领和所有成员们的共同努力建设下,新的实验室已经开始投入使用。 名称 issuing time: 2021-12-24 Welcome Yutong, Mingming and Ran to join Kim's lab 名称 issuing time:2021-11-25 Kim lab meeting on every Tuesday. Professor Kim is supervising his students. 名称 issuing time: 2021-11-18 新的实验室正在施工中 名称 issuing time: 2021-11-15 Kim lab is now constructing another room located in the second floor of Mingde Building. We will use this room for microscope for leg imaging, fly food cooking, and also for the study room for up to 7~8 people. We welcome any undergrad students from HIT and other universities to join our lab project. Welcome Zekun, Morty and Rick to join Kim's lab 名称 issuing time : 2021-11-05 Recruitment 新闻标题 发布时间 1. Introduction to the laboratory Dr. Kim's main research direction is to understand how genes and neural circuits control complex social behaviors. He and his team used fruit flies to conduct this research. One of the behaviors he and his team have studied so far is "gap time." Interval time is the ability of animals to calculate the time interval from seconds to hours, which allows us to predict the future and make decisions. Dr. Kim can use powerful genetic tools to analyze complex behaviors at the molecular level. His team can use these genetic tools, which are only used in fruit flies, to manipulate specific gene clusters in certain neuronal populations. He is also interested in using fruit flies to build human neuronal disease models such as ALS/FTD. Eventually, he will expand his interest in complex social behaviors by using cutting-edge genetic tools such as CRISPR/Cas9 to manipulate the neural circuits of fully social insects such as bees. 2. Job responsibilities and requirements Under the guidance of PI, design and use a 3D printer to manufacture the mechanical devices shown in the figure below that can carry out research on fruit flies. Due to work needs, the research team is now recruiting several staff members. (1) Industrial designers or engineers (several) 1. Bachelor degree or above in related majors such as industrial design or electrical engineering. 2. Have a team spirit and be able to complete tasks in a timely and efficient manner. 3. Be able to use 3D printer proficiently, master industrial design software, and be able to independently transform product design intent into digital model and rendering work. 4. Have rich imagination and creativity, and have design talent. 5. Able to communicate in English or Korean fluently. (2) Electrical engineers (several) 1. Bachelor degree or above in electrical engineering and automation related majors. 2. Be able to use PCB to build behavior analysis tools, and be able to work closely with industrial designers and computer software engineers. Familiar with the working methods of Arduino/Raspberry pie or Makerspace. Proficiency in using related software. 3. 有团队合作精神,能及时高效完成任务。 4. 有丰富的想象力和创造力,有设计天赋。 5. 能够流利的使用英语或韩语进行交流。 三、岗位待遇 本岗位提供行业内有竞争力的薪资。按“劳务派遣”相关规定办理五险一金。具体待遇面议。 四、联系方式 请申请者将一份CV发送至wkim@hit.edu.cn。该招聘长期有效,招满为止。 相关设计内容可参考如下文献及网站: Geissmann Q, Garcia Rodriguez L, Beckwith EJ, French AS, Jamasb AR, et al. (2017) Ethoscopes: An open platform for high-throughput ethomics. PLOS Biology 15(10): e2003026. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.2003026 Maia Chagas A, Prieto-Godino LL, Arrenberg AB, Baden T (2017) The €100 lab: A 3D-printable open-source platform for fluorescence microscopy, optogenetics, and accurate temperature control during behaviour of zebrafish, Drosophila, and Caenorhabditis elegans. PLOS Biology 15(7): e2002702. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.2002702 MAPLE (modular automated platform for large-scale experiments), a robot for integrated organism-handling and phenotyping. Alisch T, Crall J, Kao A, Zucker D, de Bivort B. eLife. 7, e37166, doi: 10.7554/eLife.37166, 2018. Itskov, P., Moreira, JM., Vinnik, E. et al. Automated monitoring and quantitative analysis of feeding behaviour in Drosophila. Nat Commun 5, 4560 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms5560 https://oeb.harvard.edu/people/benjamin-de-bivort https://iiif.elifesciences.org/lax:37166%2Felife-37166-fig1-v3.tif/full/,1500/0/default.jpg http://janelia.org/ 请应聘者仔细阅读以上文献及网站,以便参加面试。 Kim lab meeting every Tuesday 10:30 AM. Free discussion and teach each others! 名称 Lab equipment further improved 名称 Drosophila mating duration recording system. 发表时间 2021-05-18 Fly incubator. Personal news 新闻标题 发布时间 新闻标题 发布时间 Kim lab starts its long journey from Jan 1st in HCLS located in Harbin, China. Our projects will include the behavioural genetics of fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster and also the wonderful eusocial insect Honeybee Apis mellifera . Genetics of interval timing 名称 Time is the fundamental dimension for animal's survival. The animal brain is the result of evolution to orchestrate temporal information across a wide spectrum of time scales. For example, it takes several minutes for an animal to be satiated. Also, satiated states are maintained for several minutes to hours. This feature indicates that generic satiety circuits need to compute'interval timing' information for inducing and keeping satiety. Interval timing refers to the discrimination of durations in the seconds-to-minutes ranges. Interval timing is a pivotal function of the human brain to support our cognitive ability such as memory, attention, and decision-making. We have established three independent interval timing model in fruit fly. First, we previously identified two novel behavioural paradigms of male Drosophila that fits the current'internal clock model' of interval timing. Internal clock model (pacemaker-accumulator model, PAM) constitutes of a pacemaker, mode switch, accumulator, memory circuit, and a comparator circuit (Fig. 13A). We already identified all of PAM components exist in neural circuits regulating rival-induced prolonged mating behaviour. In this interval timing paradigm, clock genes period/timeless play crucial role as a pacemaker and neuropeptides PDF/NPF signaling function as an accumulator (Fig. 13B). Clock genes regulate interval timing although the precise molecular mechanisms are not well investigated. Second, we recently identified that circadian clock genes are specifically associated with sexual satiety circuit. We found that Drosophila males exhibit a shortened mating duration for guarding female when sexually satiated, called'Shorter-Mating-Duration (SMD)'. Interestingly, sexual satiety depends on the circadian clock genes clock/cycle, but not timeless/period. Third, many studies indicate that clock genes are involved with feeding behaviour of animals. In mammals, the central suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus function as a master pacemaker to drive rhythms in activity and rest, feeding, body temperature, and hormones. As described above, hypothalamus is a centre of satiety control as well as function as integration centre of central and peripheral clock. Many studies suggest that clock genes are integrated into metabolism and energetics and it is well known that satiety is closely related to homeostatic mechanisms of body control to maintain the appropriate metabolic states. In Drosophila, many studies indicate that clock genes play a central role to regulate feeding and metabolism. Thus, the study of satiety control can answer the question how the same clock genes regulate the different scale of timing behaviours (circadian rhythm/interval timing) in a circuit-dependent manner. Finally, we recently found that temperature affect the time perception of male flies. We are now screening various mutants to find the sensory circuits connecting it to central PAM circuit. Circuit principles of decision-making neurons 名称 Behavioral neuroscientists have long postulated the existence of'decision-making neurons', which are defined as individual or small groups of interneurons that play a critical role in switching between alternative behaviours. These neurons act by integrating a convergence of sensory inputs to direct downstream signalling towards motor pattern generating centres (Fig. 1). To experimentally define neural decision-making neurons, one must show that the neural activities of those cells are necessary and sufficient to trigger a complete behavioural outcome. Many studies have tried to identify decision-making neurons in a variety of model organisms. The current models of decision-making neurons have several limitations to a better understanding of the underlying circuit principles. First, most model organisms (for example, snails) used to date have limited genetic toolkits to dissect functional neural circuits at a cellular resolution. Second, most of the behavioural paradigms that have been used to identify decision-making neurons are simple reflexes rather than complex behaviours, which required a high degree of cognitive function observed during human decision-making. The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster has provided promising behavioural paradigms of decision-making processes. Cutting-edge genetic intersection methods have allowed the establishment of a functional map of the underlying neural circuitry. Although these studies have contributed to a greater understanding of decision-making neurons, the fundamental principles underlying switching between alternative behaviours are still poorly understood. Here we propose to utilize our recently established behavioural paradigms, and their neural circuits which we have identified, to determine the fundamental principles underlying the means by which decision-making neurons can switch between two alternative behaviours. To identify decision-making neurons, I established two alternative behavioural paradigms of male's mating decision. Longer-mating-duration (LMD) occurs when males prolong mating following persistent exposure to rivals, whereas shorter-mating-duration (SMD) occurs when males are sexually satiated (Fig. 2). This simple behavioural metric is reproducible, quantifiable, and is easily amenable to genetic manipulation, making this a powerful model system for studying decision-making neurons. While LMD and SMD each involve unique sensory modalities, they have shared requirements for specific interneurons and memory circuits, suggesting the same decision-making neurons regulate the interplay between the two behaviours. To identify neurons that control the LMD or SMD decision,we screened known neuropeptide signaling pathways in Drosophila and identified four neurons that express the particular neuropeptide, which is known to be associated with both behaviours. Our goal for the next 5 years is to identify and fully characterize the integrative circuits of the NP-expressing neurons that regulate LMD and SMD. These studies will reveal fundamental circuit principles of decision-making neurons in Drosophila. The work is not only relevant to proposed studies of fly behaviour but also to the genetics of decision-making behaviour in other organisms. Indeed, like Many other neural mechanisms initially dissected in Drosophila – eg learning and memory – the cellular and molecular basis of decision-making behaviour is likely to be conserved throughout evolution in the form of a molecular “toolkit”.This feature will help us begin to understand the neural basis of behaviour at the cellular and molecular level in organisms with more complex nervous systems. The unique behavioural paradigm coupled with study of identified neurons will provide trainees with unparalleled expertise in neuroscience, genetics, and molecular biology – all highly desirable skills for academic, government and private sector research. The students will be able to contribute to scientific knowledge and will have a solid platform to develop their interests in pursuing a career in research or other related fields (Fig. 4). Genetics of satiety control 名称 Appropriate regulation of feeding behaviours is essential for the survival of animals. Satiety cues a feeding animal to cease further ingestion of food; thus, it can protect animals from excessive intake. Defects in regulating satiety results in persistent food searching to satisfy thesea sustaineding drives, and leads to consequences symptoms that are implicitly dangerous to public health, e.g., including obesity and hypersexuality. Therefore, a detailed understanding of how neurons control satiety is a high-priority in many health and social fields. The proposed project focuses on discovering the fundamental principles that underlie how the neurons control satiety. Satiety mechanisms are central to all metazoans, and strong evidence has shown that the mechanisms are extremely well conserved even from flies to humans. Therefore, we can take advantage of the fruit fly to identify the core neural networks for model the satietyety program to solve this problem. The flyis model has tremendous advantages; we can leverage its fast and powerful genetic tools to delineate a high-resolution picture of circuit principles underlying satiety control (Fig. 1). We have three aims: 1) We will establish feeding assay platform for large scale genetic screening of satiety control (Fig. 2). We have created strong engineering team composed of professors and students from different academic backgrounds. 2) We will identify the neural substrates for satiety control of feeding. 3) We will uncover the circuit principles of sensory-specific satiety. This study will reveal principles underlying the generic satiety control, from the molecular to circuit levels, with two fundamental conserved drives, sex and food. Uncovering these mechanisms will provide the foundation (a starting point) that is absolutely required to develop novel approaches to difficult societal issues arising from a lack of satiety, such as hypersexuality and obesity. ALS and Glia 名称 Although ALS shows symptoms in motor neurons, the function of non-neuronal cells is also affected by and affecting to disease pathogenesis especially when ALS is genetically inherited. To quickly find the genetic components that are closely associated with onset or pathogenesis of ALS, a simple genetic model system is suitable for that task. However, there is few genetic model system that can be used to study the non-neuronal cell-mediated ALS. The powerful genetic tools available in the fly system can help to uncover molecular mechanisms underlying non-neuronal cell-mediated ALS. Those tools allow us to perform spatial and temporal genetic manipulation in ultrafine resolution to distinguish the role of C9ORF72 in specific subtype of glia from neuron. In this proposal, we will take advantage of using well-established C9ORF72 mutant strains available in the fly system. It is well-known that the mutation of the human gene, C9ORF72 explains the most of genetic causes for both ALS and FTD. We recently found that expression of C9ORF72 dipeptides in a small subset of glial cell population affect the interaction between glia and neuron. Those animals show developmental defect when the expression level of toxic dipeptide is high, however, show neurodegenerative phenotype comparable to human motor neuron symptom when expression is delayed until late adult stage. We have three objectives: 1) We will test the effect of glial cells on ALS/FTD pathogenesis. 2) We will establish the glia-mediated C9ORF72 disease pathogenesis model. 3) We will perform suppressor screening for C9ORF72-mediated glial toxicity. This study will uncover how C9ORF72 expression in a small subset of a glial cell population can affect the glia-neuron interaction then cause the ALS-like symptoms. It will help to understand the mechanisms of glial cell-mediated ALS symptoms and to find the genetic components that are involved in ALS pathogenesis. Establishment of honeybee genetics lab 名称 Honeybee is an unique eusocial insect which has been domesticated by human around 8,000 years ago. Although people consider ants, termites, wasps and hornets as pest rather than beneficial insect, hoenybee has been a true friend of human for a long time. They deliver pollen thus let flowers polinate each other to complete the reproduction. Without honeybee, many farmers cannot produce fruits and crops. Beyond this critical function in human agriculture, honeybee produce honey and it gives us the joy of sweetness. However, the study of honey bee in genetic perspectives has not been vigorously investigated. Here in HCLS, we will establish active honeybee genetics lab and will investigate the various topics including the neural circuits for eusocial beahviours, functional dissection of honeybee neural circuits, and the application of these knowledges to improve beekeeping methods. If you want to open a new field of science, please join us. China is the major country producing the 40% of honey in the world. Thus, honeybee is very improtant insect for the economic benefit of China. The use of genetic tools to understand the physiology of honeybee will benefit the economic growth of China through the improving the global capability of Chinese beekeeping methods. Publication title Surface glia for modeling ALS-FTD-associated mutant C9orf72 toxicity in the nervous system of Drosophila. author Yanan Wei, Brittany Anne Snow, Hongyu Miao, Ciara Crowley Stevenson, Jasdeep Kaur, Seung Gee Lee Nam Chul Kim and Woo Jae Kim. publication time Submitted, under review press PLOS Genetics introduction The GGGGCC repeat expansion in C9orf72 is the most common genetic cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and/or frontotemporal dementia (ALS-FTD or FTDALS). ALS and FTD are characterized by motor neuron and frontotemporal lobe degeneration, respectively. Due to the complexity of ALS and FTD, there has been no successful therapy for patients. While neurons have been the primary focus of ALS and FTD models in Drosophila, recent research has focused on the involvement of non-cell-autonomous pathogenic mechanisms such as glial cells, immune cells, and the blood-brain barrier in ALS and FTD. Therefore, we thoroughly analyzed which cell types in the nervous system of Drosophila are susceptible to mutant C9orf72 and produce strong abnormal phenotypes, particularly glial cell types that have not been studied before. Publication title Analyzing Gut Microbial Community in Varroa destructor-Infested Western Honeybee (Apis mellifera) author Minji Kim, Woo Jae Kim, and Soo-Je Park publication time July 17, 2023 press Food Microbiology and Biotechnology introduction The western honeybee Apis mellifera L., a vital crop pollinator and producer of honey and royal jelly, faces numerous threats including diseases, chemicals, and mite infestations, causing widespread concern. While extensive research has explored the link between gut microbiota and their hosts. However, the impact of Varroa destructor infestation remains understudied. In this study, we employed massive parallel amplicon sequencing assays to examine the diversity and structure of gut microbial communities in adult bee groups, comparing healthy (NG) and Varroa-infested (VG) samples. Additionally, we analyzed Varroa-infested hives to assess the whole body of larvae. Our results indicated a notable prevalence of the genus Bombella in larvae and the genera Gillamella, unidentified Lactobacillaceae, and Snodgrassella in adult bees. However, no statistically significant difference was observed between NG and VG. Furthermore, our PICRUSt analysis demonstrated distinct KEGG classification patterns between larval and adult bee groups, with larvae displaying a higher abundance of genes involved in cofactor and vitamin production. Notably, despite the complex nature of the honeybee bacterial community, methanogens were found to be present in low abundance in the honeybee microbiota. Publication title Glia-specific expression of neuropeptide receptor Lgr4 regulates development and adult physiology in Drosophila author Hongyu Miao, Yanan Wei, Seung Gee Lee, Zekun Wu, Jasdeep Kaur, Woo Jae Kim publication time 28 November 2023 press Journal of Neuroscience Research introduction Similar to the human brain, Drosophila glia may well be divided into several subtypes that each carries out specific functions. Glial GPCRs play key roles in crosstalk between neurons and glia. Drosophila Lgr4 (dLgr4) is a human relaxin receptor homolog involved in angiogenesis, cardiovascular regulation, collagen remodeling, and wound healing. A recent study suggests that ilp7 might be the ligand for Lgr4 and regulates escape behavior of Drosophila larvae. Here we demonstrate that Drosophila Lgr4 expression in glial cells, not neurons, is necessary for early development, adult behavior, and lifespan. Reducing the Lgr4 level in glial cells disrupts Drosophila development, while knocking down other LGR family members in glia has no impact. Adult-specific knockdown of Lgr4 in glia but not neurons reduce locomotion, male reproductive success, and animal longevity. The investigation of how glial expression of Lgr4 contributes to this behavioral alteration will increase our understanding of how insulin signaling via glia selectively modulates neuronal activity and behavior. Publication title A PDF/NPF Neuropeptide Signaling Circuitry of Male Drosophila melanogaster Controls Rival-Induced Prolonged Mating author Woo Jae Kim, Lily Yeh Jan, and Yuh Nung Jan publication time December 4, 2013 press Neuron introduction A primary function of males for many species involves mating with females for reproduction. Drosophila melanogaster males respond to the pres- ence of other males by prolonging mating duration to increase the chance of passing on their genes. To understand the basis of such complex behaviors, we examine the genetic network and neural circuits that regulate rival-induced Longer-Mating-Duration (LMD). Here, we identify a small subset of clock neurons in the male brain that regulate LMD via neu- ropeptide signaling. LMD requires the function of pigment-dispersing factor (PDF) in four s-LNv neu- rons and its receptor PDFR in two LNd neurons per hemisphere, as well as the function of neuropeptide F (NPF) in two neurons within the sexually dimorphic LNd region and its receptor NPFR1 in four s-LNv neurons per hemisphere. Moreover, rival exposure modifies the neuronal activities of a subset of clock neurons involved in neuropeptide signaling for LMD. Publication title Contribution of Visual and Circadian Neural Circuits to Memory for Prolonged Mating Induced by Rivals author Woo Jae Kim, Lily Yeh Jan, and Yuh Nung Jan publication time May, 2012 press Nature Neuroscience introduction Rival exposure causes Drosophila melanogaster males to prolong mating. Longer-Mating- Duration (LMD) may enhance reproductive success, but its underlying mechanism is currently unknown. Here we report that LMD is context-dependent and can be induced solely via visual stimuli. We further show that LMD involves neural circuits important for visual memory, including central neurons in the ellipsoid body but not the mushroom bodies or the fan-shaped bodies, and may rely on the rival exposure memory lasting several hours. LMD is affected by a subset of learning and memory mutants. LMD depends on the circadian clock genes timeless and period but not Clock or cycle, and persists in many arrhythmic conditions. Moreover, LMD critically depends on a subset of pigment dispersing factor (PDF) neurons rather than the entire circadian neural circuit. Our study thus delineates parts of the molecular and cellular basis for LMD – a plastic social behavior elicited by visual cues. Publication title Taste and pheromonal inputs govern the regulation of time investment for mating by sexual experience in male Drosophila melanogaster author Seung Gee Lee, Dongyu Sun, Hongyu Miao, Zekun Wu, Changku Kang, Baraa Saad, Khoi-Nguyen Ha Nguyen, Adrian Guerra-Phalen, Dorothy Bui, Al- Hassan Abbas, Brian Trinh, Ashvent Malik, Mahdi ZeghalID, Anne-Christine Auge, Md Ehteshamul Islam, Kyle Wong, Tiffany Stern, Elizabeth Lebedev, Thomas N. Sherratt, Woo Jae Kim publication time May 22, 2023 press PLOS GENETICS introduction Males have finite resources to spend on reproduction. Thus, males rely on a ‘time invest- ment strategy’ to maximize their reproductive success. For example, male Drosophila mela- nogaster extends their mating duration when surrounded by conditions enriched with rivals. Here we report a different form of behavioral plasticity whereby male fruit flies exhibit a shortened duration of mating when they are sexually experienced; we refer to this plasticity as ‘shorter-mating-duration (SMD)’. SMD is a plastic behavior and requires sexually dimor- phic taste neurons. We identified several neurons in the male foreleg and midleg that express specific sugar and pheromone receptors. Using a cost-benefit model and behav- ioral experiments, we further show that SMD behavior exhibits adaptive behavioral plasticity in male flies. Thus, our study delineates the molecular and cellular basis of the sensory inputs required for SMD; this represents a plastic interval timing behavior that could serve as a model system to study how multisensory inputs converge to modify interval timing behavior for improved adaptation. Publication 出版物名称 DJ-1 modulates the unfolded protein response and cell death via upregulation of ATF4 following ER stress. 作者 Yang J, Kim KS, Iyirhiaro GO, Marcogliese PC, Callaghan SM, Qu D, Kim WJ, Slack RS, Park DS. 出版时间 2019/2 出版社 Cell Death & Disease 简单介绍 The unfolded protein response (UPR) triggered by endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is a feature of many neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease and Parkinson's disease (PD). Although the vast majority of PD is sporadic, mutations in a number of genes including PARK7 which encodes the protein DJ-1 have been linked to early-onset, familial PD. In this regard, both PD of sporadic and genetic origins exhibit markers of ER stress-induced UPR. However, the relationship between pathogenic mutations in PARK7 and ER stress-induced UPR in PD pathogenesis remains unclear. In most contexts, DJ-1 has been shown to protect against neuronal injury. However, we find that DJ-1 deficiency ameliorates death in the context of acute ER stress in vitro and in vivo. DJ-1 loss decreases protein and transcript levels of ATF4, a transcription factor critical to the ER response and reduces the levels of CHOP and BiP, its downstream effectors. The converse is observed with DJ-1 over-expression. Importantly, we find that over-expression of wild-type and PD-associated mutant form of PARK7L166P, enhances ER stress-induced neuronal death by regulating ATF4 transcription and translation. Our results demonstrate a previously unreported role for wild-type and mutant DJ-1 in the regulation of UPR and provides a potential link to PD pathogenesis. Publication 出版物名称 The mechanistic insight of a specific interaction between 15d-Prostaglandin-J2 and eIF4A suggests an evolutionary conserved role across species 作者 Yun SJ, Kim H, Jung SH, Kim JH, Ryu JE, Singh NJ, Jeon J, Han JK, Kim CH, Kim S, Jang SK, Kim WJ. 出版时间 2018/11 出版社 Biology open 简单介绍 15-deoxy-delta 12,14-prostaglandin J2 (15d-PGJ2) is an anti-inflammatory/anti-neoplastic prostaglandin that functions through covalent binding to cysteine residues of various target proteins. We previously showed that 15d-PGJ2 mediated anti-inflammatory responses are dependent on the translational inhibition through its interaction with eIF4A (Kim et al., 2007). Binding of 15d-PGJ2 to eIF4A specifically blocks the interaction between eIF4G and eIF4A, which leads to the formation of stress granules (SGs), which then cluster mRNAs with inhibited translation. Here, we show that the binding between 15d-PGJ2 and eIF4A specifically blocks the interaction between the MIF4G domain of eIF4G and eIF4A. To reveal the mechanism of this interaction, we used computational simulation-based docking studies and identified that the carboxyl tail of 15d-PGJ2 could stabilize the binding of 15d-PGJ2 to eIF4A through arginine 295 of eIF4A, which is the first suggestion that the 15d-PGJ2 tail plays a physiological role. Interestingly, the putative 15d-PGJ2 binding site on eiF4A is conserved across many species, suggesting a biological role. Our data propose that studying 15d-PGJ2 and its targets may uncover new therapeutic approaches in anti-inflammatory drug discovery. Publication 出版物名称 Proline-rich transcript in brain protein induces stress granule formation 作者 JE Kim, I Ryu, WJ Kim, OK Song, J Ryu, MY Kwon, JH Kim, SK Jang 出版时间 2008/1 出版社 Molecular and cellular biology 简单介绍 The repression of translation in environmentally stressed eukaryotic cells causes the sequestration of translation initiation factors and the 40S ribosomal subunit into discrete cytoplasmic foci called stress granules (SGs). Most components of the preinitiation complex, such as eIF3, eIF4A, eIF4E, eIF4G, and poly(A)-binding protein, congregate into SGs under stress conditions. However, the molecular basis of translation factor sequestration into SGs has not been clearly elucidated. Here, we report that proline-rich transcript in brain (PRTB) protein interacts with eIF4G and participates in SG formation. PRTB was recruited to SG under sodium arsenite and heat stress conditions. When overexpressed, PRTB inhibited global translation and formed SGs containing TIA-1, eIF4G, and eIF3. Knockdown of PRTB reduced the SG formation induced by sodium arsenite. These results suggest that PRTB not only is a component of SG formed by cellular stresses but also plays an important role in SG formation via an interaction with the scaffold protein eIF4G, which is associated with many translation factors and mRNAs. Publication 出版物名称 Anti‐inflammatory lipid mediator 15d‐PGJ2 inhibits translation through inactivation of eIF4A 作者 WJ Kim, JH Kim, SK Jang 出版时间 2007/12 出版社 The EMBO journal 简单介绍 The signaling lipid molecule 15-deoxy-delta 12,14-prostaglandin J2 (15d-PGJ2) has multiple cellular functions, including anti-inflammatory and antineoplastic activities. Here, we report that 15d-PGJ2 blocks translation through inactivation of translational initiation factor eIF4A. Binding of 15d-PGJ2 to eIF4A blocks the interaction between eIF4A and eIF4G that is essential for translation of many mRNAs. Cysteine 264 in eIF4A is the target site of 15d-PGJ2. The antineoplastic activity of 15d-PGJ2 is likely attributed to inhibition of translation. Moreover, inhibition of translation by 15d-PGJ2 results in stress granule (SG) formation, into which TRAF2 is sequestered. The sequestration of TRAF2 contributes to the anti-inflammatory activity of 15d-PGJ2. These findings reveal a novel cross-talk between translation and inflammatory response, and offer new approaches to develop anticancer and anti-inflammatory drugs that target translation factors including eIF4A. Publication 出版物名称 Sequestration of TRAF2 into stress granules interrupts tumor necrosis factor signaling under stress conditions 作者 WJ Kim, SH Back, V Kim, I Ryu, SK Jang 出版时间 2005/3 出版社 Molecular and cellular biology 简单介绍 The cellular stress response (SR) is a phylogenetically conserved protection mechanism that involves inhibition of protein synthesis through recruitment of translation factors such as eIF4G into insoluble stress granules (SGs) and blockade of proinflammatory responses by interruption of the signaling pathway from tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) to nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) activation. However, the link between these two physiological phenomena has not been clearly elucidated. Here we report that eIF4GI, which is a scaffold protein interacting with many translation factors, interacts with TRAF2, a signaling molecule that plays a key role in activation of NF-kappaB through TNF-alpha. These two proteins colocalize in SGs during cellular exposure to stress conditions. Moreover, TRAF2 is absent from TNFR1 complexes under stress conditions even after TNF-alpha treatment. This suggests that stressed cells lower their biological activities by sequestration of translation factors and TRAF2 into SGs through a protein-protein interaction. Publication 出版物名称 Translation of polioviral mRNA is inhibited by cleavage of polypyrimidine tract-binding proteins executed by polioviral 3Cpro 作者 SH Back, YK Kim, WJ Kim, S Cho, HR Oh, JE Kim, SK Jang 出版时间 2002/3 出版社 Journal of Virology 简单介绍 The translation of polioviral mRNA occurs through an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES). Several RNA-binding proteins, such as polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB) and poly(rC)-binding protein (PCBP), are required for the poliovirus IRES-dependent translation. Here we report that a poliovirus protein, 3C(pro) (and/or 3CD(pro)), cleaves PTB isoforms (PTB1, PTB2, and PTB4). Three 3C(pro) target sites (one major target site and two minor target sites) exist in PTBs. PTB fragments generated by poliovirus infection are redistributed to the cytoplasm from the nucleus, where most of the intact PTBs are localized. Moreover, these PTB fragments inhibit polioviral IRES-dependent translation in a cell-based assay system. We speculate that the proteolytic cleavage of PTBs may contribute to the molecular switching from translation to replication of polioviral RNA. Woo Jae Kim 名称 A. Personal Statement The long-term goal of my research program is to understand how groups of neurons in the brain of the animal can regulate complex behaviours. I am a new investigator in the Harbin Institute of Technology, Center for Life Science since Jan 1, 2021. I trained as a molecular virologist at POSTECH in Korea working on the relationship between inflammatory response and eukaryotic translational initiation mechanism. During that period, I firstly identified TRAF2 which is an essential adapter protein for TNF-alpha signaling interacts with eIF4GI, which is the critical scaffold protein bridging the most of translational initiation factors. An important aspect of this interaction is their context-dependency. By this interaction, cells can be prepared to be healed from the heat shock stress. I also identified 15d-PGJ2 which had been known to be anti-inflammatory prostaglandin generated by macrophages works through halt translational initiation. 15d-PGJ2 induces SG like heat shock and interact with eIF4A helicase. This interaction halts translational initiation very specifically. Thus,I identified the secret links between anti-inflammatory response and translation initiation in cell metabolism. After I received PhD degree, I made a big jump into very different filed so-called'behavioural neurogenetics' of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster in Yuh Nung Jan's lab at UCSF. Fly geneticists had been developed wonderful genetic tools to dissect neural circuits. With these fine tools, I dissect male fruit fly's sexual behaviour. Genetic networks and neural circuits that govern specific behaviour is my area of ??research. After joining Jan lab, I identified male's fascinating behaviour so-called'Longer-Mating-Duration'. When a male fly is exposed to potential rivals, they increase mating duration time compared to socially isolated ones. I identified visual stimuli alone can induce this behaviour. I also identified genes that had been known to be associated with circadian rhythm regulate this behaviour. I started the first independent position in July 2015 and spent the most of time to establish the first fly genetics lab in Ottawa region. During these two years, I developed a successful fly core lab in Faculty of Medicine located in RGN building that now can provide convenient platform who want to use fly for testing biological questions. I am the only faculty member using Drosophila melanogaster solely as a model organism in the Ottawa region. I am establishing the "Fly Core Facility" in the department. This core will develop systematic infrastructure and workflow to provide other researchers easy access to learn and use fruit fly genetics. The core will distribute regular cornmeal fly food to all member laboratories through the Core Facility and will teach basic fly husbandry and genetic dissection.This Core Facility will contribute to enhancing the strength of the University of Ottawa's neuroscience projects. By investigating the mating duration behaviour of male fruit flies, I slowly realized that the male fly's ability to estimate several minutes range of duration could provide insights in cognitive neuroscience fields that focus on studying how human can perceive time and what is the neural mechanisms of time perception. There is an abundance of research on the psychology of time because time is one of the most compelling and universal cognitive dimensions of experience. Up until now, the complete understanding of molecular machinery that regulates biological clocks using cutting-edge tools for genetic manipulation is still far from our reach except the circadian clock which shows the remarkable conservation of gene function across species. Thus, a genetic model system to investigate the molecular features underlying interval timing is urgently required. Then I set up fly genetics lab in Ottawa, the capital of Canada and established strong interdisciplinary collaborations with local engineers and computer scientists to investigate the complex behavioural traits of the fruit fly. Behaviour is the final output of the brain function. It is also a starting point for deciphering the neural circuits which perform computations and enable us to produce behaviours. Establishing a reproducible behavioural repertoire and quantifying these behaviours is difficult because they consist of rich ensembles of stereotyped activities, often in sequences that are difficult to identify. Manual measurement of complex behaviours is labour-intensive and thus inherently challenging in producing reliable and reproducible data, especially in large-scale experiments. There are few commercial platforms available, however, to study insect behavioural repertoires since the lab equipment industry is mostly interested in the commercially profitable vertebrate experiments. We have a plan to address these problems by developing computer-generated behavioural stimulation and automation platforms for the reliable and reproducible quantification process in large-scale. By using cost-effective 3D printing, laser-cutting, PCB designing, as well as machine learning technology, we will investigate the neural mechanisms modulating complex behaviours. a. Kim WJ, Kim JH, Jang SK. Anti‐inflammatory lipid mediator 15d‐PGJ2 inhibits translation through inactivation of eIF4A. EMBO J. EMBO Press; 2007;26(24):5020–32. b. Kim WJ, Jan LY, Jan YN. Contribution of visual and circadian neural circuits to memory for prolonged mating induced by rivals. Nat Neurosci. 2012/05/09. 2012 Jun;15(6):876–83. c. Kim WJ, Jan LY, Jan YN. A PDF/NPF neuropeptide signaling circuitry of male Drosophila melanogaster controls rival-induced prolonged mating. Neuron. Elsevier Inc.; 2013 Dec 4;80(5):1190–205. d. Lee SG, Schweizer J, Auge A-C, Jan LY, Jan YN, Kim WJ. Sexually experienced male Drosophila melanogaster uses gustatory-to-neuropeptide integrative circuits to reduce time investment for mating. bioRxiv. 2016 Nov 23 e. Yun, S. J., Kim, H., Jung, S.-H., Kim, J. H., Ryu, J. E., Singh, N. J., … Kim, W. J. (2018). The mechanistic insight of a specific interaction between 15d-Prostaglandin-J2 and eIF4A suggests an evolutionary conserved role across species. Biology Open, 7(11) Work experience 标题 起讫时间 职位/职称 工作单位 简单介绍 标题 起讫时间 职位/职称 工作单位 简单介绍 标题 起讫时间 职位/职称 工作单位 简单介绍 Education experience 标题 起讫时间 所学专业 学习机构 学历 简单介绍 标题 起讫时间 所学专业 学习机构 学历 简单介绍 Honorary title 称号名称 PhD at POSTECH (Molecular Virology) 获奖时间 2008 颁奖机构 Pohang, Korea 简单介绍 Relationship between Inflammatory Response and Translational Control 称号名称 Master of Science at POSTECH (Moelcular Virology) 获奖时间 2002 颁奖机构 Pohang, Korea 简单介绍 Studies on the interaction between eIF4GI and TRAF2 称号名称 获奖时间 颁奖机构 简单介绍 Contribution to Science 名称 1.I established a novel behavioural paradigm as I named it Longer-Mating-Duration (LMD), which reflect Drosophila male's response to the presence of rival males by prolonging their mating duration. Several characteristics of this LMD behaviour provide conceptually interesting platform to use this behaviour as neural circuits study. First, LMD solely depends on the visual stimuli. This feature allows us to use this behavioural readout to study visual circuits. Second, we identified very specific visual stimuli could induce LMD, which is tiny red objects in motion. We can take advantage of this feature to build model system in Drosophila to study how color and motion be represented to brain region. Third, LMD require long-term memory. Using this visually-oriented behaviour we could investigate how memory traces (engram) are working in the brain which is still mystery in neuroscience field. Fourth, LMD is plastic behaviour easily incorporated into synaptic plasticity studies. Fifth, classical circadian rhythm related genes are independently involved to modulate LMD which share the opportunities to find novel molecular pathways to separate the circadian gene's function on different biological phenomenon. Above all, these new features discovered by my publication contribute to behavioural genetics field providing novel behavioural platform to incorporate many interesting biological questions. a.Kim WJ, Jan LY, Jan YN. Contribution of visual and circadian neural circuits to memory for prolonged mating induced by rivals. Nat Neurosci. 2012/05/09. 2012 Jun;15(6):876–83. b.Bretman A, Fricke C, Chapman T. Plastic responses of male Drosophila melanogaster to the level of sperm competition increase male reproductive fitness. Proc Biol Sci. 2009 May 7;276(1662):1705–11. c.Bretman a., Fricke C, Hetherington P, Stone R, Chapman T. Exposure to rivals and plastic responses to sperm competition in Drosophila melanogaster. Behav Ecol. 2010 Jan 27;21(2):317–21. d.Bretman A, Gage MJ, Chapman T. Quick-change artists: male plastic behavioural responses to rivals. Trends Ecol Evol. 2011;26(9):467–73. 2.I contribute behavioural genetics field to provide strategic methods to map down a tiny number of neurons modulating complex behaviours. I used genetic intersectional methods and found only eight neurons among 10K neurons in each hemisphere are core processors for information of rivals. My strategic method is highlighted in Review, Esch et al., (2015) Neuromethods volume 92, 249-274 as well as Schoofs et al., (2017) Annual Review of Entomology volume 62, 35-52, and adopted many publications including Kayser et al., (2014) Science, 344(6181) papers applying this strategy to study the relationship between sleep and courtship and Inagaki et al., (2014) Neuron, 84(4), 806-820 paper applying this strategy to study neuromodulatory control of starvation. I want to emphasize that this paper is one of the few cases deeply investigated the neuropeptidergic signalling pathway through neuropeptide receptor expressing cells. Although the neuropeptidergic cells have been highlighted for decades, their target cells that is neuropeptide receptor cells are not deeply investigated. I contributed to studying the neuropeptide receptor cells with detailed intersectional methods and revealed exciting communications between two functional neuropeptidergic signalling, which are PDF/NPF system. a.Kim WJ, Jan LY, Jan YN. A PDF/NPF neuropeptide signaling circuitry of male Drosophila melanogaster controls rival-induced prolonged mating. Neuron. Elsevier Inc.; 2013 Dec 4;80(5):1190–205. b.Kayser MS, Yue Z, Sehgal A. A critical period of sleep for development of courtship circuitry and behavior in Drosophila. Science (80- ). 2014 Apr;344(6181):269–74. c.Yang CF, Shah NM. Representing sex in the brain, one module at a time. Neuron. Elsevier; 2014;82(2):261–78.?? d.Schoofs L, De Loof A, Van Hiel MB. Neuropeptides as regulators of behavior in insects. Annu Rev Entomol. Annual Reviews; 2017;62:35–52. 3.I recently established a novel interval timing behaviour, named 'Shorten-Mating-Duration (SMD)' refers to male flies who, after sexual experience, estimate a shortened mating duration. LMD and SMD use different sensory modalities to detect environmental changes (vision for LMD, taste for SMD), different subset of clock genes (PER/TIM for LMD, CLK/CYC for SMD), and different neuropeptidergic signaling (PDF/NPF for LMD, sNPF for SMD). Using this behavioural paradigm, we propose to study the microcircuits of SMD behaviour to delineate how a motivational (sexual) experience can shape interval timing via the interactions between taste circuits, CLK/CYC genes, and sNPF signaling. The SMD behaviour has several advantages for investigating the neural mechanisms of interval timing. First, taste input is simpler to manipulate than visual input and we can therefore better dissect the taste-induced microcircuit activity. Second, SMD behaviour only requires the function of CLK/CYC, not PER/TIM; since the CLK/CYC heterodimer complex is a transcription factor that modulates the expression of many genes involved in circadian timing (including TIM/PER), it is most informative for us to manipulate CLK/CYC genetic networks. Third, SMD uses sNPF signaling that is known to be an essential regulator of homeostatic behaviour such as feeding. Fourth, sNPF is a homolog of human NPY that is an essential modulator of timed homeostatic processes both in central and peripheral nervous system. Fifth, SMD can be a model to understand how motivational changes (=sexual experience in fly) can affect the interval timing in humans. Thus, we will take advantage of using SMD behaviour to investigate the neural mechanisms of interval timing. a. Hall JC. Systems approaches to biological rhythms in Drosophila. Methods Enzymol. 2005 Jan;393:61–185. b. Lee SG, Schweizer J, Auge A-C, Jan LY, Jan YN, Kim WJ. Sexually experienced male Drosophila melanogaster uses gustatory-to-neuropeptide integrative circuits to reduce time investment for mating. bioRxiv. 2016 Nov 23; c. Golombek DA, Bussi IL, Agostino P V. Minutes, days and years: molecular interactions among different scales of biological timing. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2014;369(1637):20120465. d. Agostino P V, Golombek DA, Meck WH. Unwinding the molecular basis of interval and circadian timing. Front Integr Neurosci. 2011;5(October):64. 4.My research described above (on male’s mating duration) contribute to understanding the detailed neural mechanisms how human perceive time and our brain compute temporal information. Time and consciousness are interwoven on several levels. The synchrony in neural oscillations has been highlighted in relation to both interval timing and consciousness. Thus, the understanding of the neural mechanisms of interval timing is key to unveiling the mechanisms of consciousness. It has been several decades since many neuroscientists investigated the exact mechanisms of how temporal information can be integrated into our brain. However, the principles of neural circuits in processing the temporal information, the genetic components underlying the neural substrates related to interval timing, and the model organisms to study human interval timing had not been well established. There is abundant psychological research on time perception because it is a universal cognitive dimension of experience. Despite decades of research, the genetic and neural substrates of temporal information processing have not been well established except for the molecular bases of circadian timing. Thus, a simple genetic model system to study interval timing is required. The mating duration of male fruit fly is a plastic behaviour dependent upon male's previous experiences and a process that can be easily monitored. We recently established two behavioural paradigms to study how males estimate duration (several minutes range) and decide to prolong or shorten mating when they are persistently exposed to many rivals or sexual experience. The former interval timing behavioural paradigm, 'Longer-Mating-Duration (LMD)' has successfully delineated how the visual information from rivals are integrated into subset of clock neurons and connected to memory circuits via neuropeptides signaling. The latter one, 'Shorten-Mating-Duration (SMD)' refers to male flies who, after sexual experience, estimate a shortened mating duration. As justified below, we have chosen SMD as the most appropriate model behaviour for detailed molecular and physiological analyses of time interval estimation. a.Buhusi C V, Meck WH. What makes us tick? Functional and neural mechanisms of interval timing. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2005 Oct;6(10):755–65. b.Allman MJ, Teki S, Griffiths TD, Meck WH. Properties of the Internal Clock: First- and Second-Order Principles of Subjective Time. Annu Rev Psychol. 2014;65(1):743–71. c.Merchant H, Harrington DL, Meck WH. Neural basis of the perception and estimation of time. Annu Rev Neurosci. 2013;36:313–36. d.Hinton SC, Meck WH. The “internal clocks” of circadian and interval timing. Endeavour. England; 1997;21(2):82–7. 5.I have initiated and successfully managed an interdisciplinary research team with experts from various fields including computer science, electrical engineering, industrial design, mathematics, as well as a CEO from a software company. The research team has also engaged many students with non-biology backgrounds to study interval timing using machine learning algorithms, image processing and virtual reality technology. Through this interdisciplinary collaboration, many top-notch engineers have been motivated to investigate and contribute to neuroscience. Such collaboration effort has been highly recognized through various research grants such as 'IRGFO (Interdisciplinary Research Group Funding Opportunity)' and 'Neural Dynamics Open Call Competition' provided by uOttawa. I also recently received 'BWF Collaborative Research Travel Grants', which was awarded to the solid interdisciplinary research project. I would like to emphasize the fact that this interdisciplinary collaboration involved many researchers from various fields, although I was a newly hired and the only fly geneticist in Ottawa region. 1. BIOTOWN: One of the primary goals of my research on fly behaviour is to bring modern fly neurogenetics lab into the public. To achieve this goal, merging the consumer-oriented manufacturing techniques with DIY biologist tradition is considered essential. We have engaged with Biotown which a community-run open-access lab in Ottawa. This effort helped us to initiate another interdisciplinary collaboration with engineers and computer scientists outside academia. 2. CREATRIX: The automated behavioural assay platforms we are currently developing are incredibly low-cost, thus to be readily available to the general public. It will also be effective as an educational platform to engage aspiring high school students with cutting-edge neuroscience and modern behavioural genetics. We have initiated an active discussion group with UX design company - Creatrix Design Group to formulate an action plan to bring modern fly genetics into the public and high-school curriculum, which will bring new business model within science. a. Coakley M, Hurt DE. 3D Printing in the laboratory: maximize time and funds with customized and open-source labware. J Lab Autom. SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA; 2016;21(4):489–95. b. Pearce JM. Open-source lab: how to build your own hardware and reduce research costs. Newnes; 2013. c. Maia Chagas A, Prieto-Godino LL, Arrenberg AB, Baden T. The €100 lab: A 3D-printable open-source platform for fluorescence microscopy, optogenetics, and accurate temperature control during behaviour of zebrafish, Drosophila, and Caenorhabditis elegans. PLOS Biol. Public Library of Science; 2017 Jul 18;15(7):e2002702. d. Ledford H. Biohackers gear up for genome editing. Nature. 2015;524(7566):398–9. Tianmu 名称 Study experience: Graduated from NEAU Poultry Research Group in 2015 as Master degree. Publications: 1. Comparison of DNA methylation in abdominal adipose tissue between chicken lines divergently selected for fatness [J].] Zhang Tianmu , Duan Kui, Wang Shouzhi, Yan Xiaohong, Li Hui, Wang Ning. Chinese Journal of Animal Science .2016(07) 2. Immortalization of chicken preadipocytes by retroviral transduction of chicken TERT and TR .Wei Wang, Tianmu Zhang , Chunyan Wu, Shanshan Wang, Yuxiang Wang, Hui Li, Ning Wang PLoS One.2017; 12(5): e0177348.Published online 2017May 9..doi : 10.1371/journal.pone.0177348(IF=2.776) 3. The effects of DNA methyltransferase inhibitor on the expression of adipose development-related genes in chicken [J]Song He, Zhang Tianmu , Zhang Xiaofei, Wang Guihua, Li Hui, Wang Ning. Heilongjiang Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine .2017(09 ) 4. Identification of TP53INP1 as a targets gene of chicken miR-20a [J].] Wang Ning, Duan Kui, Song He, Zhang Xiaofei, Zhang Tianmu , Zhang Wenjian, Yan Xiaohong, Wang Shouzhi, Li Hui. Journal of Northeast Agricultural University .2015(09) Responsibilities : Lab manager of Kim lab, provide tech support, help PI for the experiment and lab management. Hongyu 名称 Study experience: Graduated from NEFU Biotechnology (National Training Base for Life Science and Technology Talents) in 2021 as undergraduate degree. Publications: 1. COP1 Protein in Plant Abiotic Stress. Miao Hongyu , Wang Ruonan, Li Ju, Yan Haifang. Molecular Plant Breeding. 2020,18(09),2907-2913 2. Cloning and Expression Under Abiotic Stress of Br14-3-3 in Brassica rapa subsp.rapifera. WANG Ruonan, LI Ju, MIAO Hongyu , YAN Haifang. Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020,47(07),1301-1311 Responsibilities : Research assistant: Assist PI to conduct experiments. Xiaoli 名称 Study Experience: graduate from NEFU,2021.Major in Biological Science (National Basic Science Research and Teaching Talent Training Base) Research Experience: 2018-2020 Participated in the laboratory research project of Prof. Zhang Qingzhu of the epigenetics discipline "Williams82 Soybean SOS1 Gene Family Whole Genome Identification and Functional Analysis". Performed SOS1 gene transcription level analysis; assist in completing the bioinformatics analysis of soybean salt tolerance gene GmSOS1. Responsibilities: Research assistant: Assist PI to conduct experiments. Dongyu 名称 Study experience: Graduated from College of Life Sciences, NEAU in 2021 as Bachelor's degree degree. Research Experience: 2018-2019 Follow the Bao Shuang professors to learn genetically engineered Bacillus to carry out fermentation experiments. 2019-2021.3 Entered the Cell Biology Laboratory and followed Professor Tong Huili to study the influencing factors of muscle cell differentiation, and discovered the promoting effect of MyoC gene on the differentiation of mouse C2C12 muscle cells Responsibilities : Doctoral students in the laboratory, providing technical support and academic research to assist PI in conducting experiments and laboratory management. Yanying title Study experience: Graduated from College of Life Sciences, Heilongjiang University in 2020 as Bachelor's degree. In 2023, She graduated from the School of Biological and Medical Engineering of DHU University.And then she studies for her doctor’s degree in Harbin Institute of Technology. Research Experience: 2017-2018 Follow the Baiquan Song professor to study on the technology and mechanism of reducing application and increasing efficiency of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in beet. 2020-2023.Entered the Molecular Genetics Laboratory and followed Professor Zhiwei Huang to study on the molecular mechanism of cadmium tolerance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae,and discovered the H2S can effect of Cadmium tolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and exogenous sulfur-containing amino acid Cysteine can affect TOR pathway. Responsibilities : Doctoral students in the laboratory, providing technical support and academic research to assist PI in conducting experiments and laboratory management. Dongran 名称 Study experience: Studied Pharmaceutical Engineering in Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural Reclamation University from 2016 to 2020. Research Experience: Enter HIT Kim lab and participate in bee antibacterial peptides program in the HIT kim lab in 2021. Responsibilities: Research assistant: Assist PI to conduct experiments. Mingming 名称 Study Experience:Graduate from NJAU, 2021. Major in Crop Cultivation and Farming System (National Engineering and Technology Center for Information Agriculture) Research Experience:2019-2020 participated in the laboratory research project of Prof. Weihuo Luo of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No: 31771675), the fifth participant. Responsibility:Laboratory technician: Fruit flies breeding, maintenance, and basic experiments. Wenjie title study experience Graduated from NEAU Veterinary Medicine in 2022 as undergraduate degree. Research Experience: 2021-2022 The research on the role of AQP2- mediated ion homeostasis in lycopene antagonizing atrazine Responsibilities: Research assistant: Assist PI to conduct experiments. Xuejiao 名称 Study experience :Graduated from TIANGONG UNIVERSITY, Industrial Design in 2022 as Master degree.Publication:Analysis on the engineering materials selection in the field of industrial design Xue-jiao Yang, Chang-ge Hu.Industrial design, 2021 (03): 153-154 Responsibilities:Industrial Designer: responsible for the modeling design of products and equipment used in relevant projects of the laborator Yutong 名称 Study experience: Graduate from NEAU, 2022,major in bioengineering Candidate master student of Harbin Institute of Technology(HIT). Responsibilities: Student of PI,help PI for the experiment. Wenjing 名称 Study experience: 2018-2019 Study in NEAU, Major in Biology 2019-2021 Study in Millersville University in Pennsylvania, Major in biological science 2022 Graduate from NEAU, Major in biological science 2022 Graduate from Millersville University in Pennsylvania, Major in Biology 2022 Candidate master student of Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT). Responsibilities: Student of PI, help PI for the experiment Yanan title Study Experience: Graduated from College of Life Science and Bioengineering, Beijing University of Technology. Bachelor of Science, majored in biotechnology. Research Experience: Oct.2018-Nov.2019 A Research Based on the Interaction of BST2 Protein and VPU Protein of Ascorbate Peroxidase: Assisted the mentor Hu Qin(Lecturer) to conduct experiments such as passaging cells, escherichia coli culture, and plasmid extraction Sep.2018-Dec.2019 A Research on the Germination of Mung Bean and Hydrogen Generation in the Process of Seedling Growth: Assisted the mentor Ma Xuemei(Professor) to conduct experiments such as cultivating mung bean, clipping hypocotyl, grinding and extracting mitochondria and cell membrane, and preparing reagent Oct.2017-Jan.2018 A Research on the Organic Ingredients of Hawthorn and Cape Jasmine in China: Assisted the mentor Zhang Fang(Associate Professor) to conduct experiments such as extracting the organic matter of hawthorn and cape jasmine by rotary evaporator and finished suction filtration Jul.2017-Aug.2017 A Research on Treating Hepatic Disease by Traditional Chinese Medicine: Participated in Cao Li(Researcher) research group, observed the mice in bio clean room for animal experiment, practiced dissection, gavage, and blood sampling Responsibilities: Master student of Porf. Kim, research on relevant projects. Zekun 名称 Study experience:Studying in Harbin Institute of Technology. Major in Biotechnology.Awards during undergraduate peiod: The first price of Annual Project Competition. Responsible project was recommended as'national project'. Responsibilities: Master student of Porf. Kim, research on relevant projects. Yongwen Huang title Study experience: Studying in Harbin Institute of Technology. Major in Biotechnology. Awards during undergraduate peiod: studying Biotechnology at Harbin Institute of Technology in 2021 First year project leader and won second prize. Responsibilities: Research assistant: Assist PI to conduct experiments. DAYEON KANG title Study experience: Studying from Harbin Institute of Technology from 2019, majoring in biotechnology. Responsibilities: Research assistant: Assist PI to conduct experiments. Wenshuo title Study Experience: Northeast Agricultural University, second year undergraduate student. Biotechnology major Research Experience: Third Prize in School Mathematical Modeling Provincial Second Prize in National Mathematical Modeling Competition Responsibilities: Research assistant: Assist PI to conduct experiments. Charles Blair title Study Experience: 2012-2016 Universiry of Guyana , Bachelor of science majoring in Medical technology Currently a final year undergraduate studying Bioengineering. Research Experience: May-Aug 2016. A research on Fanconi anemia and the effect of treatment at Georgetown public hospital (Guyana). Assisted (Dr. Kurup) information gathering . Responsibilities: Research assistant: Assist PI to conduct experiments. Chen Chen(Time in lab: 2022.08 ~ 2023.11) title Study Experience: Graduated from NEFU in 2018 as Master degree.Major in state key laboratory of tree genetics and breeding Research Experience: 2015-2018 Participated in the laboratory research project of Prof. JiangJing . Publication:Growth Characteristics and Endogenous IAA Content of BpCUCt Transgenic Lines in Betula platyphylla CHEN Chen, XING Baoyue , Bian Xiuyan, Liu Guifeng ,Bulletin of Botanical Research,2018,38(4)506-517 Responsibilities: Research assistant: Assist PI to conduct experiments. Rui Yang(Time in lab: 2022.04 ~ 2023.06) title Responsibilities:Voluntary assistant of PI, equipment maintenance. Study experience:Studying in Harbin Institute of Technology(HIT).1st of Freshman Year Project in Life Science School of HIT. Mengyao Sun(Time in lab: 2023.04 ~ 2023.08) title Study experience : graduated from HUC with a master's degree in Oncology Pharmacology in 2023 Publication: 1. Jia Shaohua, Sun Mengyao, Ding Haixin, et al. Effect of matrine on autophagy and apoptosis of human breast cancer MCF-7 cells [J/OL]. Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2023 (03): 724-729 2. Jia Shaohua, Jin Shipeng, Sun Mengyao, etc Study on the inhibition of migration and invasion of human breast cancer MCF-7 cell migration and its mechanism by EMT based formononetin [J] Food and Drug, 2022, 24 (02): 101-106 Responsibilities: Laboratory technician Jiteng (Time in lab: 2021.09 ~ 2022.06) title Study experience:Studying in Harbin Institute of Technology(HIT). 1st of freshman Year Project in Life Science School of HIT. Responsibilities:Voluntary assistant of PI, equipment maintenance. Yang (Time in lab: 2021.01 ~ 2022.06) title Study experience : Graduated from NEAU Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in 2012 as Master degree. Publication: Study on apoptosis of bovine mammary gland in different development stages XIAO Yang , LI Qing-zhang , ZHANG Li. Chinese dairy industry, Vol.40 , No.9 2012 1001-2230 ( 2012 ) 09-0019-04 Expression and localization of leptin and its receptor in mammary gland of dairy cow GUO Hong-bo, LIN Ye, LI Qing-zhang,BIAN Yan-jie,XIAO Yang. Chinese dairy industry,Vol.39, No.6 2011 1001-2230 ( 2011 ) 06-0008-04 Responsibilities: Research Administrative Assistant: Responsible for the procurement and reimbursement of laboratory equipment and consumables, and the work of research assistant. Xinxin (Time in lab: 2021.06 ~ 2021.10) 名称 Study experience : Graduated from University of Florence in 2020 as Master degree. Major in Design . Publications : 1,The Host Interactive Exploration of 1. MODE Design of Artificial Intelligence Scale Urban Block Design The AT , the Smart Buildings and Smart Cities, S Ong Xinxin, 2021 (10-11) , ISSN : 2 096-1405 , the CN 10-1392 / the TU 2 , Community Smart Trash Can System Based on Green Environmental Protection Materials , Song Xinxin, Faheem.Ghazanfar , 2 021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Computers and Big Data(AICBD 2021) Qingdao,China,AICBD-521239. 3, Verbot %2B X-DI UN contenitore per Progetto La Raccolta differenziata Come contributo Alla Sviluppo sostenibile Urbano , Song Xinxin , Ji Lu , Ruan Jing , Giuseppe Lotti is. 2 020.09 · Journal of the U- niversity of Florence. Responsibilities : Experimental equipment s design Taotao (Time in lab: 2021.05 ~ 2021.11) 名称 Study Experience: Graduated from College of Life Sciences, NEAU in 2021 as Bachelor's degree. Skills:Molecular cloning, DNA/RNA extraction, plasmid construction and genotype identification. Responsibilities:Molecular biology technician