姓名 | 胡胜鹏 | 性别 | 胡胜鹏 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 材料科学与工程学院(威海) |
学位 | 胡胜鹏 | 学历 | 胡胜鹏 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 研究方向 论文专利 科研项目 新建主栏目 名称 胡胜鹏,1987年生,工学博士,高级工程师。主要从事先进材料及异种材料钎焊基础及应用基础研究,包括钎料润湿行为研究、钎焊及扩散焊连接基础理论和应用研究等。在《Carbon》、《Applied Surface Science》、《Electrochimica Acta》、《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》、《Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A》、《Journal of Materials Science》、《Materials and Design》、《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》、《Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Science and Technology》等发表SCI论文20余篇。申请国家发明专利7项,授权3项。主持国家自然科学基金、山东省自然基金等项目;参与国家自然科学基金、国家科技重大专项(04专项)子课题、航天先进制造技术研究联合重点基金子课题、山东省重点研发计划等多项研究。 Email: sp_hu@hit.edu.cn;husp@hitwh.edu.cn 通讯地址:山东省威海市高区文化西路2号探学楼211室 研究领域 名称 异种材料钎焊/扩散连接基础及应用基础研究。主要包括:(1) 基于异种材料钎焊连接的钎料开发及其润湿行为研究(2) 基于表/界面行为的异种材料钎焊连接基础研究(3) 钎焊/扩散连接应用基础研究 材料分析测试应用。主要包括扫描电子显微分析、EBSD分析等 科研团队 名称 团队负责人: 宋晓国 教授/博导 http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/songxg 2024年 名称 Please send email to sp_hu@hit.edu.cn for request of reprint. 1. Zhou, W.L., Hu, S.P.*, Song, X.G., Luo, Y., Cao, J., Long, W.M., and Hu, D.J., Evolution of microstructure and properties in reactive air brazing of 3YSZ ceramic and aluminized Crofer22h stainless steel using Pd-modified Ag–CuO filler. Journal of Materials Science, 2024. 2. Yang, M., Zhao, J., Hu, S.P.*, Zhou, W., Zhou, W., Fu, W., and Song, X., Effect of TiO2 addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al2O3 ceramic joints brazed with Ag‐CuO fillers. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2024. 3. Liu, Y.Z., Shi, Z.L., Zhang, Y.B., Qin, M., Hu, S.P.*., Song, X.G.*, Fu, W., and Lee, B.J.*, Effect of temperature on the mechanical properties of Ni-based superalloys via molecular dynamics and crystal plasticity. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2024. 专利 名称 1. 宋晓国; 罗云; 胡胜鹏; 刘亚洲; 付伟; 杨敏旋,多孔结构的强化工艺及其制品,ZL202111132046.5 2. 宋晓国; 罗云; 李子寒; 李函霖; 周文龙; 胡胜鹏,异种金属材料蜂窝夹层结构及其制备方法,ZL202110253131.0 3. 宋晓国; 罗云; 李子寒; 李函霖; 周文龙; 胡胜鹏,C/C复合材料及合金形成的蜂窝夹层结构及其制备方法,ZL202110253127.4 2017年-2023年 论文 名称 Song, X.G., Liang, Z.H., Wang, H.J., Hu, S.P., Fu, W., Xu, X.R., and Tan, C.W., Fabrication of functional surfaces of aluminum alloy with a transition from superhydrophilic to superhydrophobic by nanosecond laser irradiation. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, 2023. 20(6): 1897-1912. Luo, Y., Hu, S.P., Liu, Y.Z., Wang, Y.X., Song, X.G., and Cao, J., Fabrication and mechanical properties of three-dimensional enhanced TiAl/GH3536 hetero-honeycomb sandwich structure. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023. 26: 7490-7501. Song, X.G., Zhou, W.L., Hu, S.P., Lin, D.Y., Fu, W., Song, Y.Y., and Long, W.M., Direct diffusion bonding of 1060Al processed by surface activation with various doses of Ar ion bombardment. Surfaces and Interfaces, 2023. 41: 103285. Luo, Y., Li, Z.H., Liu, Y.Z., Song, X.G., Hu, S.P., Fu, W., and Cao, J., Vacuum brazing effect on the interlayer failure behavior of TiAl/GH3536 hetero-thin-walled structure with BNi-2 interlayer. Thin-Walled Structures, 2023. 184: 110492. Cai, J.J., Hu, S.P., Liu, H.B., Lin, D.Y., Fu, W., and Song, X.G., Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Ti2AlNb/GH99 Superalloy Brazed Joints Using TiZrCuNi Amorphous Filler Alloy. Aerospace, 2023. 10(1): 73. Song, X.G., Sun, J., Wang, Z.H., Hu, S.P., Lin, D.Y., Chen, N.B., Liu, D., and Long, W.M., Brazing of SiC ceramic to Al0.3CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy by graphene nanoplates reinforced AgCuTi composite fillers. Ceramics International, 2023. 49(11): 19216-19226. Liu, Y.Z., Sun, J., Li, H.L., Song, Y.Y., Hu, S.P., Song, X.G., Guo, N., and Long, W.M., Molecular dynamics simulations for nanoindentation response of metastable high entropy alloy. Journal of Materials Research, 2023. 38(10): 2838-2851. Luo, Y., Li, Z.H., Liu, Y.Z., Song, X.G., Hu, S.P., Fu, W., and Cao, J., Vacuum brazing effect on the interlayer failure behavior of TiAl/GH3536 hetero-thin-walled structure with BNi-2 interlayer. Thin-Walled Structures, 2023. 184: 110492. Luo, Y., Hu, S.P., Song, X.G., Aprilia, A., Yang, Y.J., and Zhou, W., A novel method for improving interfacial joining strength of vacuum brazed TiAl/GH3536 thin-walled structure by Au coating. Thin-Walled Structures, 2023. 190: 110915. 罗云, 胡胜鹏, 李子寒, 刘亚洲, 宋晓国, 曹健, 面向航空航天的金属多孔夹层结构钎焊研究现状及发展趋势. 航空制造技术, 2022. 65(21): 62-70. Sun, J., Lei, Y., Fu, W., Lin, D.Y., Hu, S.P., Song, X.G., Cao, J., and Yang, M.X., Brazing SiC ceramic to Al0.3CoCrFeNi high‐entropy alloy using Ag–Cu filler metal. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2022. 105(11): 6570-6580. Luo, Y., Song, X.G., Hu, S.P., Fu, W., Chen, X., and Cao, J., Evaluation of mechanical properties and vacuum brazing for TiAl/GH3536 hetero-honeycomb sandwich ultrathin-walled structure. Welding in the World, 2022. 66(10): 1999-2015. Zhou, W.L., Liu, D., Fu, W., Wang, H.J., Song, X.G., Hu, S.P., and Niu, H.W., Insight into the wetting behavior of AgCu‐xTi on ZrO2: Spreading and microstructural evolution. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2022. 105(10): 6076-6085. 付伟,范振兴,宋晓国,卞红,胡胜鹏,雷玉珍. 钎料合金/陶瓷体系润湿行为研究进展. 航空学报,2022, 43(4): 525001. (综述) Niu, C.N., Zhou, W.L., Song, X.G., Hu, S.P., Cao, J., Yang, M.X., and Long, W.M., Surface modification of pure aluminum via Ar ion bombardment for Al/Al solid-state diffusion bonding. Materials Characterization, 2022: 111886. HU, S. P.; LEI, Y.; SUN, J.; FU, W.; LIN, D. Y.; SONG, X. G.; CAO, J. Application progress of high-entropy alloys in brazing field: A short review. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Science and Technology 2022, 2, 2022008. Zhou, W.L., Hu, S.P., Yang, M.J., Luo, Y., Fu, W., and Song, X.G., Reactive air brazing of 3YSZ ceramic to aluminized Crofer22H stainless steel using Ag–CuO fillers. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2022. 19: 2367-2378. 胡胜鹏; 李文强; 付伟; 宋晓国; 曹健. BNi-2非晶钎料钎焊高铌TiAl合金与GH3536合金接头组织与性能. 航空学报 2021, 42, 12-25. Zhou, W. L.; Liu, Y. Z.; Wang, B. Y.; Song, Y. Y.; Niu, C. N.; Hu, S. P. Molecular dynamics calculations of stability and phase transformation of TiV alloy under uniaxial tensile test. Materials Research Express 2021, 8, 066525. Zhang, R.; Hu, S. P.; Wang, B. H.; Wang, D.; Huang, X. X.; Wen, G. W. Controllable synthesis of nanosheet-induced 3D hierarchical Zn2(OH)3VO3 with gradually enhanced electrochemical performance. Electrochim. Acta 2021, 394, 139109. Niu, C. N.; Han, J. Y.; Hu, S. P.; Song, X. G.; Long, W. M.; Liu, D.; Wang, G. D. Surface modification and structure evolution of aluminum under argon ion bombardment. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2021, 536, 147819. Niu, C. N.; Han, J. Y.; Hu, S. P.; Chao, D. Y.; Song, X. G.; Howlader, M. M. R.; Cao, J. Fast and environmentally friendly fabrication of superhydrophilic-superhydrophobic patterned aluminum surfaces. Surfaces and Interfaces 2021, 22, 100830. Luo, Y.; Song, X. G.; Hu, S. P.; Xu, Z. Q.; Li, Z. H.; Lei, Y. Reactive air brazing of Al2O3 ceramic with Ag-CuO-Pt composite fillers: Microstructure and joint properties. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 2021, 41, 1407. Lei, Y.; Sun, J.; Hu, S. P.; Song, X. G.; Yang, T. L.; Yin, J.; Wang, G. D. Investigation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy joint bonded with BNi2 interlayer. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 2021, 294, 117144. Lei, Y.; Hu, S. P.; Song, X. G.; Luo, Y.; Li, P. X.; Cao, J.; Wang, G. D. Transient liquid phase bonding of cast Al0.3CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy using Ni/Zr/Ni laminated foils. J. Alloys Compd. 2021, 871, 159504. Song, X. G.; Chen, Z. B.; Hu, S. P.; Duan, X. K.; Lei, Y. Z.; Niu, C. N.; Feng, J. C. Wetting behavior and brazing of titanium-coated SiC ceramics using Sn0.3Ag0.7Cu filler. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 2020, 103, 912. Li, W. Q.; Hu, S. P.; Lei, Y. Z.; Lei, Y.; Song, X. G.; Feng, J. C. Interfacial microstructure and mechanical properties of GH99 superalloy and Nb brazed joint using Cu75Pt25 filler. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 2020, 30, 2724. Chen, Z. B.; Hu, S. P.; Song, X. G.; Lei, Y.; Wang, X. Y.; Long, W. M.; Feng, J. C. Brazing of SiC ceramics pre‐treated by chromium coating using inactive AgCu filler metal. Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol. 2020, 17, 2591. Chen, Z. B.; Hu, S. P.; Duan, X. K.; Dan, M.; Song, X. G.; Long, W. M.; Feng, J. C. Study of ion bombardment of SiC ceramics: Surface and interfacial reaction modification. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 2020, 40, 1005. Niu, C. N.; Song, X. G.; Hu, S. P.; Lu, G. Z.; Chen, Z. B.; Wang, G. D. Effects of brazing temperature and post weld heat treatment on 7075 alloy brazed joints. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 2019, 266, 363-372. Hu, S. P.; Lei, Y.; Song, X. G.; Fu, W.; Luo, Y.; Lei, Y. Z. Vacuum brazing of TC4 alloy to AlMgB14–TiB2 ceramic using AgCu filler. J. Mater. Res. 2019, 34, 1. Hu, S. P.; Feng, D. D.; Xia, L.; Wang, K.; Liu, R. W.; Xia, Z. T.; Niu, H. W.; Song, X. G. Joints of continuous carbon fiber reinforced lithium aluminosilicate glass ceramics matrix composites to Ti60 alloy brazed using Ti-Zr-Ni-Cu active alloy. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 2019, 32, 715. Hu, S. P.; Chen, Z. B.; Lei, Y. Z.; Song, X. G.; Kang, J. R.; Cao, J.; Tang, D. Y. Wettability of TiZrNiCu-B/Ti60 system and its brazing with TiBw-TC4 composite. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 2019, 48, 0701. Bian, H.; Zhou, Y. X.; Song, X. G.; Hu, S. P.; Shi, B.; Kang, J. R.; Feng, J. C. Reactive wetting and interfacial characterization of ZrO2 by SnAgCu-Ti alloy. Ceram. Int. 2019, 45, 6730. Song, X. G.; Zhao, Y. X.; Hu, S. P.; Cao, J.; Fu, W.; Feng, J. C. Wetting of AgCu-Ti filler on porous Si3N4 ceramic and brazing of the ceramic to TiAl alloy. Ceram. Int. 2018, 44, 4622. Hu, S. P.; Niu, C. N.; Bian, H.; Song, X. G.; Cao, J.; Tang, D. Y. Surface-activation assisted brazing of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy: improvement in microstructure and mechanical properties. Mater. Lett. 2018, 281, 86. Hu, S. P.; Lei, Y. Z.; Song, X. G.; Kang, J. R.; Zhao, Y. X.; Cao, J.; Tang, D. Y. Wettability of SnAgCu–Cr alloys on graphite with different Cr contents. J. Mater. Sci. 2018, 53, 6864. Hu, S. P.; Hu, T. Y.; Lei, Y. Z.; Song, X. G.; Liu, D.; Cao, J.; Tang, D. Y. Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of vacuum brazed Ti2AlNb alloy and Ti60 alloy with Cu75Pt filler metal. Vacuum 2018, 152, 340. Song, X. G.; Ben, B. Y.; Hu, S. P.; Feng, J. C.; Tang, D. Y. Vacuum brazing high Nb-containing TiAl alloy to Ti60 alloy using Ti-28Ni eutectic brazing alloy. J. Alloys Compd. 2017, 692, 485. 科研项目 名称 国家自然科学基金青年基金 2020.01-2022.12 / 主持 / 结题 山东省自然科学基金博士基金 2019.07-2022.06 / 主持 / 结题 北京动力机械研究所 2019年 (横向) / 主持 国家自然科学基金面上项目 / 参与