姓名 | 吴英杰 | 性别 | 吴英杰 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 医学与健康学院 |
学位 | 吴英杰 | 学历 | 吴英杰 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 Research/科学研究 Teaching/学生培养 Publications/论文著作 新建主栏目 Personal Information / 基本信息 名称 吴英杰 博士,准聘教授,博士生导师,哈工大青年拔尖人才,黑龙江省优青 哈尔滨工业大学,医学与健康学院,微系统与微结构制造教育部重点实验室 Education Background / 教育经历 2011.09--2015.07 哈尔滨工业大学 化学工程与技术 博士 2013.08--2014.08 德国马普胶体与界面研究所 联合培养 Working Experience / 工作经历 2015.09--2016.05 黑龙江中医药大学 药学院 讲师 2016.05--2017.11 新加坡南洋理工大学 Research Fellow 2017.11--2021.11 哈尔滨工业大学 化工与化学学院 准聘副教授 2017.11--2024.02 哈尔滨工业大学 医学与健康学院 准聘副教授 2024.02--至今 哈尔滨工业大学 医学与健康学院 准聘教授 友情链接 链接名称 贺强教授研究组 链接地址 http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/heqiang 简单介绍 Research Areas/ 研究领域 名称 主要研究方向: 超分子胶体马达;医用游动纳米机器人 Foundation/科研项目 项目名称 仿生自驱动多腔室胶体马达的构筑及其运动机理研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金青年项目 开始时间 2019.01-2021.12 结束时间 项目经费 担任角色 负责 项目类别 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 葡萄糖驱动聚合物胶囊马达的可控组装及其趋化性研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金面上项目 开始时间 2022.01-2025.12 结束时间 项目经费 担任角色 负责 项目类别 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 Positions/招生信息 名称 硕士招生: 每年3人,博士招生:每年2人 欢迎有化学、食品科学、材料、生物等学科背景的同学加入 请发简历至:wuyingjie@hit.edu.cn. 欢迎加入我们的研究团队(http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/heqiang)! Courses / 讲授课程 名称 本科生公共基础课:大学化学/32学时 研究生学位核心课:食品胶体化学/32学时 Group Members/团队成员 名称 团队现有在读博士研究生7人,在读硕士研究生4人: 2019级博士 李 月 2020级博士 杨婷新 2020级博士 阮琴琴 2021级博士 张琪涵 2022级博士 陈 莹 2023级博士 李继红 2023级博士 高 原 2024级博士 郑 勇 2022级硕士 康 盛 2022级硕士 陶蕾名 2023级硕士 姚浩然 2023级硕士 黄杨瑶 已毕业学生: 2019级博士 刘 君 2018级硕士 王佳帆 2018级硕士 ANDUALEM ESHETU BEZE 2019级硕士 张琪涵 2019级硕士 王 贺 2020级硕士 李海超 2020级硕士 闫宇微 2021级硕士 张 潇 2021级硕士 李文博 学生获奖情况: Published papers/期刊论文 名称 35. Yue Li, Jun Liu, Yingjie Wu*, Qiang He*, Rotary FoF1-ATP Synthase-Driven Flasklike Pentosan Colloidal Motors with ATP Synthesis and Storage, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2024, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.4c00334. 34. Siqi Li, Ziwang Kan, He Wang, Jiaxiao Bai, Yunyi Liu, Song Liu*, Yingjie Wu*, Single-Atom Photocatalysts: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications, Nano Materials Science 2023, DOI: 10.1016/J.NANOMS. 33. Lei Shi#, Qihan Zhang#, Shucheng Yang, Peidong Ren, Yingjie Wu*, Song Liu*, Optimizing the Activation Energy of Reactive Intermediates on Single-atom Electrocatalysts: Challenges and Opportunities, Small Methods 2024, 2301219. 32. Wei Wu, Hang Chi, Qianyang Zhang, Ce Zheng, Narisu Hu*, Yingjie Wu*, Jiaxin Liu*, Self-propelled Bioglass Janus Nanomotors for Dentin Hypersensitivity Treatment, Nanoscale 2023, 15, 19681-19690. 31. Xiankun Lin, Yingjie Wu, Qiang He*, Colloidal motor, Science China Chemistry 2023, 53, 1034-1050. 30. Jun Liu, Yingjie Wu*, Yue Li, Ling Yang, Hao Wu*, Qiang He*, Rotary Biomolecular Motor-powered Supramolecular Colloidal Motor, Science Advances 2023, 9, eabg3015. 29. Qihan Zhang, Yuwei Yan, JunLiu, Yingjie Wu*, Qiang He*, Supramolecular Colloidal Motors via Chemical Self-assembly, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 2022, 62, 101642. 28. Chang Zhou, Ling Yang, Yingjie Wu*, Mingcheng Yang, and Qiang He*, Chemotactic Colloidal Motor, Chemistry - A European Journal 2022, 28, e202202319. 27. Xiao Zhang, Tingxin Yang, Yingjie Wu*, Qiang He, Research Progress in the Application of Colloidal Motors for Precision Medicine, Nanoscale 2022, 14, 12547–12559. 26. Qihan Zhang, Jun Liu, Yingjie Wu*, Enzyme Cascade Reaction Propelled Multicompartmental Colloidal Motors, Chem. Asian J. 2022, 17, e202200560. 25. Haichao Li#, Yue Li#, Jun Liu,Qiang He, Yingjie Wu*, Asymmetry colloidal motors: from dissymmetry nanoarchitectural fabrication to efficient propulsion strategy, Nanoscale 2022, 14, 7444-7459. 24. Chang Zhou, ChangyongGao, Yingjie Wu*, Tieyan Si, Mingcheng Yang*, Qiang He*, Torque-driven Reorientation Motion of Chemotactic Flasklike Colloidal Motors, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202116013. 23. Ziqiang Cao#, SongLiu#, Keyi Xu, Yuanxin Mao, Yingjie Wu, Qing Mao*, Predictable interfacial mass transfer intensification of Sn-N doped multichannel hollow carbon nanofibers for the CO2 electro-reduction reaction, Sustain. Energy Fuels 2021, 5, 3097-3101. 22. Fan Lin, Yong Shao, Yingjie Wu, Yuanqing Zhang*, NIR Light-Propelled Janus-Based Nanoplatform for Cytosolic-Fueled microRNA Imaging, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 3, 3713–3721. 21. Yingjie Wu#, Qihan Zhang#, He Wang, Mingfeng Wang*, Multiscale engineering of functional organic polymer interfaces for neuronal stimulation and recording, Mater. Chem. Front. 2020, 12, 3444-3471. 20. Yuxing Ji, Xiankun Lin, Zhi Guang Wu, Yingjie Wu, Wei Gao*, Qiang He*, Macroscale Chemotaxis from a Swarm of Bacteria-Mimicking Nanoswimmers, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 12200-12205. (Highlighted by ChemistryViews.) 19. Yuxing Ji, Xiankun Lin, Hongyue Zhang, Yingjie Wu*, Junbai Li, Qiang He*, Thermoresponsive Polymer Brush Modulation on the Direction of Motion of Phoretically Driven Janus Micromotors, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 4184–4188. (Selected as Hot Paper, Highlighted by Wiley, Sciencedaily, Phys.Org, Chemistryviews, Nanowerk, Eurek) 18. Yingjie Wu, Yanfen Peng, Hassan Bohra, Jianping Zou, Ranjan Vivek Damodar, Yilei Zhang, Qing Zhang, and Mingfeng Wang*, Photoconductive micro/nano-scale interfaces of a semiconducting polymer for wireless stimulation of neuron-like cells, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2019, 11, 4833-4841. 17. Kai Wang, Hassan Bohra, Rui A. Goncalves, Harshangda Bhatnagar, Yingjie Wu, Xiaochen Wang, Zheng Wang, Xin Wei, Yeng Ming Lam, Mingfeng Wang*, Multiscale Self-Assembly of a Phenyl-Flanked Diketopyrrolopyrrole Derivative: A Solution-Processable Building Block for pi-Conjugated Supramolecular Polymers, Langmuir 2019, 35, 16, 5626–5634. 16. Yuxing Ji, Xiankun Lin*, Daolin Wang, Chang Zhou, Yingjie Wu, Qiang He*, Continuously Variable Regulation of the Speed of Bubble‐Propelled Janus Microcapsule Motors Based on Salt‐Responsive Polyelectrolyte Brushes, Chem. Asian J. 2019, 14, 2460–2464. (Selected as Very Important Paper, Highlighted by ChemistryViews.) 15. Yingjie Wu, Tieyan Si*, Changyong Gao, Mingcheng Yang, Qiang He*, Bubble-Pair Propelled Colloidal Kayaker, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 11902-11905. (封面文章) 14. Xuelong Chen#, Yingjie Wu#, Vivek Damodar Ranjan, Yilei Zhang*, Three-dimensional electrical conductive scaffold from biomaterial-based carbon microfiber sponge with bioinspired coating for cell proliferation and differentiation, Carbon 2018, 134, 174-182. 13. Yingjie Wu, Vivek Damodar Ranjan, Yilei Zhang*, A Living 3D In Vitro Neuronal Network Cultured inside Hollow Electrospun Microfibers. Adv. Biosys. 2018, 1700218. 12. Yingjie Wu, Kai Wang, Shuo Huang, Cangjie Yang, Mingfeng Wang*, Near-Infrared Light-Responsive Semiconductor Polymer Composite Hydrogels: Spatial/Temporal-Controlled Release via a Photothermal “Sponge” Effect. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2017, 9, 13602-13610. 11. Xiankun Lin, Zhiguang Wu, Yingjie Wu, Mingjun Xuan, Qiang. He*, Self-Propelled Micro-/Nanomotors Based on Controlled Assembled Architectures. Adv. Mater. 2016, 28, 1060–1072. 10. Yingjie Wu, Tieyan Si, Jingxin Shao, Qiang He*, Near-infrared Light-driven Janus Capsule Motors: Fabrication, Propulsion and Simulation, Nano Research 2016, 9, 3747–3756. 9. Yingjie Wu, Tieyan Si, Xiankun Lin, and Qiang He, Near Infrared-modulated Propulsion of Catalytic Janus Polymer Multilayer Capsule Motors, Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 511–514. 8. Yingjie Wu, Johannes Frueh, Tieyan Si, Helmuth Moehwald, and Qiang He*, Laser-induced Fast Fusion of Gold Nanoparticle-modified Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2015, 17, 3281–3286. 7. Yingjie Wu, Xiankun Lin, Zhiguang Wu, Helmuth Moehwald, and Qiang He*, Self-Propelled Polymer Multilayer Janus Capsules for Effective Drug Delivery and Light-Triggered Release, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2014, 6, 10476–10481. 6. Zhiguang Wu, Xiankun Lin, Yingjie Wu, Tieyan. Si, Jianmin. Sun, Qiang He*, Near-Infrared Light-Triggered “On/Off” Motion of Polymer Multilayer Rockets. ACS Nano 2014, 8, 6097-6105. 5. Zhiguang Wu, Yingjie Wu, Wenping. He, Xiankun Lin, Jianmin. Sun, Qiang He*, Self-Propelled Polymer-Based Multilayer Nanorockets for Transportation and Drug Release. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 7000-7003. 4. Yun Wang, Jinzhu Song, Yingjie Wu, M.Odeph, Eplt4 Proteinaceous Elicitor Produced in Pichia pastoris Has a Protective Effect Against Cercosporidium sofinum Infections of Soybean Leaves. Appl. Biochem. Biotech. 2013,169, 722–737. 3. Lin He, Caiqiu Gao, Yucheng Wang, Yingjie Wu, Zhihua Liu, A Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Gene from Poplar is Regulated by a Basic Leucine-Zipper Protein and is Involved in the ABA-Dependent Signaling Pathway, Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. 2013,31, 344–351. 2. Yingjie Wu, Zhiguang Wu, Xiankun Lin, Qiang He*, Junbai. Li*, Autonomous Movement of Controllable Assembled Janus Capsule Motors, ACS Nano 2012, 6, 10910–10916. 1. Yucheng Wang, Guanzheng Qu, Hongyan Li, Yingjie Wu, Chuanping Yang, Enhanced salt tolerance of transgenic poplar plants expressing a manganese superoxide dismutase from Tamarix androssowii Mol. Biol. Rep. 2010, 37, 1119–1124.