

姓名 韦常柱 性别 韦常柱
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 航天学院
学位 韦常柱 学历 韦常柱
职称 教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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基本信息 科学研究 教育教学 论文专著 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 男,汉族,1982年出生,哈尔滨工业大学航天学院,教授/博士生导师。国家高层次青年人才。 研究方向为飞行器控制、人工智能理论及应用、先进制导与弹道优化等。共发表学术论文90余篇,其中SCI论文42篇(JCRⅠ区20篇)、EI论文38篇,主编工信部规划教材《导弹制导控制系统设计》(科学出版社),副主编国家规划教材各1部。获授权国家发明专利51项(第一发明人40项),获部委技术发明二等奖1项(排1)、科技进步三等奖2项(排1、排3)。 主持国家自然基金、国家预研、部委预研、创新基金、省市基金等30余项纵向项目,及来自国家、部委科研院所60余项横向课题,在飞行器观测补偿抗扰控制、自适应制导与轨迹优化、飞行器智能控制等领域具有研究专长。 奖项与荣誉情况 名称 部委技术发明二等奖(排1) 部委科技进步三等奖(排1) 部委科技进步三等奖(排3) 2013-2014年度五四表彰“学生活动优秀指导教师” 2014年指导学生获“飞航杯”第二届全国未来飞行器设计大赛一等奖 2018年度“优秀思想政治工作者” 2019年度“优秀思想政治工作者” 2019年“第17届全国非线性振动暨第14届全国非线性动力学和运动稳定性学术会议”优秀论文奖 2021年度《宇航学报》“有突出贡献审稿专家” 2022年度《宇航学报》“有突出贡献审稿专家” 2022年度《战术导弹技术》优秀青年编委专家 2023年度《宇航学报》优秀青年编委专家 工作经历 名称 2021.12 - 至今 哈尔滨工业大学 教 授 2015.12 - 2021.11 哈尔滨工业大学 副教授 2013.06 - 2015.11 哈尔滨工业大学 讲师 2010.12 - 2012.12 韩国延世大学 博士后 教育经历 名称 2001.09-2005.07 哈尔滨工业大学 飞行器设计与工程 工学学士 2005.09-2010.07 哈尔滨工业大学 飞行器设计 工学博士(本博连读) 主要任职 名称 中国科协科技人才奖项评审专家 中国航天科技创新研究院科技委专家 重大工程关键技术领域高级专家组专家 兵器工业集团控制仿真与智能技术部专家 某航空制导型号副总师 哈尔滨工业大学未来技术学院(问天书院)书院导师 哈尔滨工业大学人工智能研究院,副研究员 中国空间科学学会空间机电与空间光学专业委员会委员 中国指挥与控制学会青工委常务委员 中国临近空间与空天飞行器控制会议青工委委员 中国宇航学会高级会员 中国自动化学会高级会员 中国人工智能学会会员 《航空学报》青年编委 《宇航学报》青年编委 《战术导弹技术》青年编委 《航空兵器》青年编委 《空天技术》青年编委 研究领域 名称 飞行器控制 人工智能理论及应用 先进制导与弹道优化 科研项目 名称 紧密结合国家航空航天发展需求,以国家纵向项目和科研院所横向课题为依托,对精确制导武器、再入飞行器、垂直起降可重复使用运载器、类X37B重复使用飞行器、重型运载火箭等导弹、火箭的飞行器控制、先进制导与弹道优化、人工智能理论及应用问题进行了深入研究,共负责科研项目百余项,年均科研经费2200余万元。 合作对象: 国家、部委下属20余家科研院所。 合作领域: 飞行器控制:垂直起降重复使用运载器、重型运载火箭、CZ-××子级、类X37B重复使用飞行器、导弹、无人机、制导弹药等 先进制导与弹道优化:专项工程项目、CZ-××子级、可重复使用运载器、天地往返运输系统、高超声速飞行器等 人工智能理论及应用:国家、部委预研项目、飞行器智能控制、智能弹道规划、智能气动参数辨识、智能飞行能力预示等 系统平台开发与半实物仿真:可重复使用运载器半实物仿真系统、小型固体火箭制导控制地面验证平台、新一代运载火箭设计平台、制导控制综合优化设计评估系统、舵机加载系统等 空间飞行器动力学与控制:上面级、空间机械臂、天梯等 讲授课程 名称 本科生课程: 《飞行器智能控制基础》 《火箭控制系统设计》 《人工智能及在航天中的应用》 研究生课程: 硕士核心课:《飞行器现代控制方法》 硕士选修课:《高超声速飞行器飞发一体化建模与控制》 硕士选修课:《控制系统半实物仿真实验》 博士核心课:《大气层内弹性飞行器动力学与控制》 学生培养 名称 组内每年计划招收硕士研究生12名、博士研究生6名。 已培养博士生: 韩业鹏 琚啸哲 王铭泽 已培养硕士生: 宁鑫 张静波 王勇 何飞毅 徐振宇 李方元 鲁柱峰 何成峰 张泽 丁文浩 栾文杰 周雨轩 论文专著 名称 SCI源: [1] Zhu, G., Du, X., Liu, W., Cao, Q., Lu, K., Guo, Y., Wei Changzhu, & Pu, J. (2024). A novel method to solve the existed paradox of low-frequency vibration isolation and displacement attenuation in a nonlinear floating-slab on the wheel-rail loads. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 208, 110985. (SCI 检索) [2] Shihao, X. U., Wei Changzhu, ZHANG, L., & Rongjun, M. U. (2023). Neural network based adaptive nonsingular practical predefined-time fault-tolerant control for hypersonic morphing aircraft. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. (SCI 检索) [3] Xu, S., Guan, Y., Bai, Y., Wei Changzhu, (2023). Practical predefined-time barrier function-based adaptive sliding mode control for reusable launch vehicle. Acta Astronautica, 204, 376-388. (SCI 检索) [4] Zhang, R., Zihan, X. I. E., Wei Changzhu, & Naigang, C. U. I. (2023). An enlarged polygon method without binary variables for obstacle avoidance trajectory optimization. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 36(8), 284-297. (SCI 检索) [5] Xie,Z., Pu, J., Wei Changzhu, & Guan, Y. (2023). Cubature Kalman Filters Model Predictive Static Programming Guidance Method with Impact Time and Angle Constraints Considering Modeling Errors. Mathematics, 11(13), 2990. (SCI 检索) [6] LIU, Z., JIA, S., ZHANG, M., PU, J., Wei Changzhu, (2022). Reentry Trajectory Optimization Based on Constrained Model Predictive Static Convex Programming. Journal of Astronautics, 43(12), 1638. (SCI 检索) [7] DIAO, Y., WANG, Y., LU, B., Wei Changzhu, (2022). Rapid Analysis Method of Carrying Capability for the Demonstration of Launch Vehicle Configuration. Journal of Astronautics, 43(6), 723. (SCI 检索) [8] Zhang, R., Sun, Z., Wei Changzhu, (2022, October). Trajectory Optimization with Polygonal No-Fly Zone Constraints for Hypersonic Glide Vehicle. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems (ICUS) (pp. 1491-1496). IEEE. (SCI 检索) [9] Xu, S., Guan, Y., Wei Changzhu, Li, Y., & Xu, L. (2022). Reinforcement-learning-based tracking control with fixed-time prescribed performance for reusable launch vehicle under input constraints. Applied Sciences, 12(15), 7436. (SCI 检索) [10] Wei Changzhu, Mingze, W. A. N. G., Baogang, L. U., & Jialun, P. U. (2022). Accelerated Landweber iteration based control allocation for fault tolerant control of reusable launch vehicle. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 35(2), 175-184. (SCI 检索) [11] Wang, M., Wei Changzhu, Pu, J., & Cui, N. (2022). Predefined-time nonsingular attitude control for vertical-takeoff horizontal-landing reusable launch vehicle. Applied Sciences, 12(19), 10153. (SCI 检索) [12] Ju, X., Wei Changzhu, Zhang, L., & Cui, N. (2022). Semi-globally smooth control for VTVL reusable launch vehicle under actuator faults and attitude constraints. Acta Astronautica, 191, 528-546. (SCI 检索) [13] Ju, X., Wei Changzhu, Xu, H., & Wang, F. (2022). Fractional-order sliding mode control with a predefined-time observer for VTVL reusable launch vehicles under actuator faults and saturation constraints. ISA transactions, 129, 55-72. (SCI 检索) [14] Ju Xiaozhe, Wei Changzhu, Zhang Liang, et al. Semi-globally smooth control for VTVL reusable launch vehicle under actuator faults and attitude constraints[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2021. progress,2021. (SCI 检索) [15] Wei Changzhu,Wang Ruiming,Zheng Wei,Pu Jialun. Equivalent dynamic modeling of flexible morphing aircraft.[J]. Science progress,2021,104(2). (SCI 检索) [16] Zhang Chenxin,Zhang Yankun,Wei Changzhu,Pecora Rosario. Onboard Trajectory Generation of Hypersonic Morphing Aircraft[J]. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering,2021,2021. (SCI 检索) [17] Li Yuan,Wei Changzhu,He Yanfeng,Hu Renyi. A convex approach to trajectory optimization for boost back of vertical take-off/vertical landing reusable launch vehicles[J]. Journal of the Franklin Institute,2021,358(7). (SCI 检索) [18] Jing Liang,Wei Changzhu,Zhang Liang,Cui Naigang,Ben Makhlouf Abdellatif. Cooperative Guidance Law with Predefined-Time Convergence for Multimissile Systems[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2021,2021. (SCI 检索) [19] Chenxin Zhang, Yankun Zhang, Changzhu Wei, et al. Onboard Rocket Landing Guidance Using Convex Optimization and Model Predictive Control.[J]. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering,Volume 2021. (SCI 检索) [20] Wei Chang Zhu,Zhang Ze,Li Yuan,Li Yongyuan. Multi-Process Integrated Planning and Guidance for Return of Reusable Aircraft Under Time Constraint[J]. IEEE ACCESS,2020,8: [21] Yuan Li ,Baojun Pang , Changzhu Wei, et al. Online trajectory optimization for power system fault of launch vehicles via convex programming [J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 98: 105682, 2020. (SCI 检索) [22] Yuan Li ,Wei Changzhu,Baogang Lu , et al.Improved guidance algorithm considering terminal attitude constraints for spacecrafts via optimal control theory [J]. Optimal Control Applications & Methods, 2020. (SCI 检索) [23] Huibing Shao ,Yepeng Han ,Changzhu Wei , et al.A Novel Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network-Based Estimation Method for Switching Guidance Law [J]. Ieee Access, 10159-10168,2020. (SCI 检索) [24] Chenhao Zhu ,Wei Chang zhu, Guodong Xu , et al.Impact-Time-Control Guidance Law for Hypersonic Missiles in Terminal Phase [J]. Ieee Access, 8, 44611-44621,2020. (SCI 检索) [25] Changzhu Wei ,Ju Xiaozhe, Rong Wu , et al. Geometry and time updaters-based arbitrary-yaw iterative explicit guidance for fixed-thrust boost back of vertical take-off/vertical landing reusable launch vehicles [J].Aerospace Science and Technology, 95: 105433, 2019. (SCI 检索) [26] Liang Zhang , Changzhu Wei ,Rong Wu ,et al. Adaptive fault-tolerant control for a VTVL reusable launch vehicle [J]. Engineering Aerospace, AEROSPACE, 159: 362-370, 2019. (SCI 检索) [27] Liang Zhang, Changzhu Wei, Rong Wu , et al. Fixed-time adaptive model reference sliding mode control for an air-to-ground missile [J]. Chinese Journal Of Aeronautic, 32(5): 1268-1280, 2019. (SCI 检索) [28] Jinbo Wang ,Naigang Cui , Changzhu Wei, et al. Optimal Rocket Landing Guidance Using Convex Optimization and Model Predictive Control [J]. Chinese Journal Of Aeronautic, 42(5): 1078-1092, 2019. (SCI 检索) [29] Jinbo Wang , Naigang Cui , Changzhu Wei ,et al. Optimal Rocket Landing Guidance Using Convex Optimization and Model Predictive Control[J]. Journal of Mathematics,2019.(SCI检索) [30] JinboWang ,Naigang Cui , Changzhu Wei, et al. Rapid trajectory optimization for hypersonic entry using a pseudospectral-convex algorithm [J]. Proceeding Of The Institution Of Mechanicak Engineers Part G-Journal Of Aerospace Engineering, 233(14): 5227-5238, 2019. (SCI 检索) [31] Yuan Li, Yingzi Guan , Wei Changzhu, et al.Optimal Control of Ascent Trajectory for Launch Vehicles: A Convex Approach [J]. Ieee Access, 7: 186491-186498, 2019. (SCI 检索) [32] Liang Zhang, Changzhu Wei, Yin Diao ,et al.On-line orbit planning and guidance for advanced upper stage [J]. Aircraft Engineering And Aerospace Technology, 91(4): 634-647, 2019. (SCI 检索) [33] Jinbo Wang ,Naigang Cui ,Changzhu Wei, et al.Rapid trajectory optimization for hypersonic entry using convex optimization and pseudospectral method [J]. Aircraft Engineering And Aerospace Technology, 91(4): 669-679, 2019. (SCI 检索) [34] Changzhu Wei, Yepeng Hanet al. Fifth-Degree Cubature Kalman Filter Estimation of Seeker Line-of-Sight Rate Using Augmented-, Naigang Cui, Dimensional Model [J]. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 40(9): 2355-2362, 2017. (SCI 检索) [35] Changzhu Wei, Sang-Young Park. Dynamic optimal output feedback control of satellite formation reconfiguration based on an LMI approach[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 63: 214-231, 2017. (SCI 检索) [36] Liang Zhang, Changzhu Wei, Liang Jing, et al. Fixed-time sliding mode attitude tracking control for a submarine-launched missile with multiple disturbances[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 93(4): 2543-2563, 2018. (SCI 检索) [37] Liang Zhang, Changzhu Wei, Rong Wu, et al. Fixed-Time Extended State Observer Based Non-Singular Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Control for a VTVL reusable launch vehicle[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 82-83: 70-79, 2018. (SCI 检索) [38] Rong Wu, Changzhu Wei, Feng Yang, et al. FxTDO-based non-singular terminal sliding mode control for second-order uncertain systems[J]. IET Control Theory and Applications, 12(18): 2459-2467, 2018. (SCI检索) [39] Feng Yang, Changzhu Wei, Rong Wu, et al. Non-recursive fixed-time convergence observer and extended state observer[J]. IEEE Access, 6: 62339-62351, 2018. (SCI检索) [40] Panxing Huang, Changzhu Wei, Yuanbei Gu, et al. Hybrid optimization approach for rapid endo-atmospheric ascent trajectory planning[J]. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 88(4): 473-479, 2016. (SCI 检索) [41] Naiming Qi, Yong Yang, Changzhu Wei, et al. Two-Dimensional Dynamics of a New Configuration of Continuous Cislunar Payloads Transfer System[J]. Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 59(2): 71-80, 2016. (SCI 检索) [42] Changzhu Wei, Jifeng Guo, Sang-Young Park, et al. IFF Optimal Control for Missile Formation Reconfiguration in Cooperative Engagement[J]. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 28(3): 04014087, 2015. (SCI 检索) [43] Changzhu Wei, Sang-Young Park, Chandoek Park. Optimal H-infinity Robust Output Feedback Control for Satellite Formation in Arbitrary Elliptical Reference Orbits[J]. Advanced in Space Research, 54(6), 969-989, 2014. (SCI 检索) [44] Changzhu Wei, Sang-Young Park, Chandeok Park. Linearized Dynamics Model for Relative Motion under a J(2)-Perturbed Elliptical Reference Orbit[J]. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 55: 55-69, 2013. (SCI 检索) [45] Changzhu Wei, Yi Shen, Xiaoxiao Ma, et al. Optimal formation keeping control in missile cooperative Engagement[J]. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 84(6): 376-390, 2012. (SCI 检索) [46] Naigang Cui, Changzhu Wei, Jifeng Guo, Biao Zhao. Study on Missile Formation Reconfiguration Optimized Trajectory Generation and Control[J]. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 77(5):144-153,2010. (SCI 检索) EI源及其他: [1] Xie, Z., Li, Y., Guan, Y.,Changzhu Wei, C. (2022, July). Multi-UAV Sliding Mode Formation Control Based on Reinforcement Learning. In Proceedings of 2021 5th Chinese Conference on Swarm Intelligence and Cooperative Control (pp. 1628-1639). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore. (EI 检索) [2] Naigang Cui, Rong Wu, Changzhu Wei, et al. Double-order power finxed-time convergence sliding mode control method for launch vehicle vertical returning[C].Harbin Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2020: 15-24. (EI 检索) [3] Changzhu Wei, Xiaozhe Ju, Dafu Xu, et al. Guidance and control for return process of vertical takeoff vertical landing reusable launching vehicle [C].Hangkong Xuebao/Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, 2019: 322782. (EI 检索) [4] Changzhu Wei, Xiaozhe Ju, Rong Wu, et al. Geometry and time updaters-based arbitrary-yawiterative explicit guidance for fixed-thrust boost back of vertical take-off/vertical landing reusable launch vehicles [C]Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019: 105433. (EI 检索) [5] Liang Zhang ,Changzhu Wei, Rong Wu, et al. Adaptive fault-tolerant control for a VTVL reusable launch vehicle [C]Acta Astronautica, 2019: 362-370. (EI 检索) [6] Hao Lee ,Changzhu Wei, et al. A trajectory design method for RLV via artificialmemory-principle optimization [C]MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018: 10019. (EI 检索) [7] Ruisong Huang ,Hao Lee ,Changzhu Wei, et al. Integrated optimization method of trajectory/system parameters for sub-orbital reusable launch vehicles [C] Zhongguo Guanxing Jishu Xuebao/Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology, 2018: 261-267. (EI 检索) [8] Jinbo Wang ,Naigang Cui ,Changzhu Wei, et al. A Two-stage Rapid Trajectory Optimization Algorithm for Hypersonic Entry [C] IEEE CSAA Guidance, 2018: 9018689. (EI 检索) [9] Cheng Chen ,Changzhu Wei, Xiaozhe Ju, et al.Robust dynamic inversion control for quad-rotors unmanned vehicle based on sliding mode disturbance observation and compensation [C] Xi Tong Gong Cheng Yu Dian Zi Ji Shu/Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2018: 119-126. (EI 检索) [10] Hao Lee, Naigang Cui, Changzhu Wei, et al. Integrated Guidance and Control for Reusable Launch Vehicles with Actuator Failures[C]. 21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, 2017: 2407. (EI 检索) [11] Changzhu Wei, Xiaozhe Ju, Feiyi He, et al. Research on Non-stationary Control of Advanced Hypersonic Morphing Vehicles[C]. 21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, 2017: 2405. (EI 检索) [12] Liang Zhang, Rong Wu, Changzhu Wei, et al. Quaternion-Based Reusable Launch Vehicle Composite Attitude Control via Active Disturbance Rejection Control and Sliding Mode Approach[C]. 21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, 2017: 2320. (EI 检索) [13] Liang Zhang, Changzhu Wei, Liang Jing, Naigang Cui. Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle Technology of Adaptive Augmented Fault Tolerant Control[C]. Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Chinese Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference (CGNCC), 2016: 1587-1593 (EI 检索) [14] Rong Wu, Yingzi Guan, Changzhu Wei, et al. Fixed-Time Disturbance Observer Based Nonsingular Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Guidance with Impact Angle Constraint [C]. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE/CSAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Xiamen, China, 2018: 1908-1913. (EI 检索) [15] Feng Yang, Changzhu Wei, Naigang Cui, Jiangtao Xu. Adaptive generalized super-twisting algorithm based guidance law design. 14th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems (VSS), 47-52, 2016. (EI 检索) [16] Chao Cheng, Changzhu Wei, Naigang Cui, Zhiyong She. A measurement method of nonlinear strength for dynamical model of SRLV. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 24(2): 89-99, 2015. (EI 检索) [17] Panxing Huang, Changzhu Wei, Yuanbei Gu, Naigang Cui. A symplectic optimisation method for rapid endo-atmospheric ascent trajectory planning. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 24(3): 196-205, 2015. (EI 检索) [18] Changzhu Wei, Jifeng Guo, Libin Zhang, Yi Shen, and Naigang Cui. Adaptive Control for Missile Formation Keeping under Leader Information Unavailability. The 10th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, Hangzhou, China, 12-14 June 2013: 902-907. (EI 检索) [19] Naigang Cui, Changzhu Wei, Jifeng Guo and Biao Zhao. Research on Missile Formation Control System. Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, August 9 – 12. pp: 4197-4202. Changchun, China, 2009. (EI 检索) [20] Panxing Huang, Yuanbei Gu, Changzhu Wei, Naigang Cui. Reconfigurable Control System Design Based on Control Allocation or HLV. 27th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 3584-3590, 2015. [21] Naigang Cui, Feng Yang, Changzhu Wei. Three-Dimensional Hit-to-Kill Guidance Law for Direct Thrust Controlled Interceptor. 27th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 4494-4499, 2015. [22] Changzhu Wei, Naigang Cui, Jifeng Guo. Missiles formation Reconfiguration Optimized trajectory generation and control. The 25th International Symposium on Ballistics, Beijing, China, 2010. No. ISB’10 02-002. [23] 刘哲,贾生伟,张鸣,韦常柱等.再入轨迹多约束模型预测静态凸规划方法[J].宇航学报,2022,43(12):1638-1651. 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[2] 韦常柱,崔乃刚,刘延芳 ,单永志《导弹制导控制系统设计》“工业与信息化部十四五规划教材”、“教育出版社十四五普通高等教育本科规划教材”、“航空宇航科学与技术教材出版工程” [3] 关英姿,韦常柱 《火箭发动机教程》
