

姓名 王博 性别 王博
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 能源科学与工程学院
学位 王博 学历 王博
职称 副教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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个人信息 科学研究 新建主栏目 个人信息(Personal Information) 名称 王博,副教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为高温热化学中,辐射、传热传质、反应动力学多物理场耦合过程,及其在太阳能热化学制氢,储能和生物质废弃物处理等方向的应用;在 Chemical Engineering Journal, Energy Conversion and Management 等期刊发表学术论文二十余篇;担任 Applied Energy, Energy Conversion and Management 等期刊审稿人。 Dr. Bo Wang is an Associate Professor in the School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology. His primary research interests lie in the field of high-temperature thermochemistry, focusing on multi-physics processes coupling radiation, heat and mass transfer, and reaction kinetics. He specializes in applications of these processes in solar thermochemical hydrogen production, energy storage, and biomass waste treatment. Dr. Wang has authored over twenty articles in journals such as the Chemical Engineering Journal and Energy Conversion and Management. He also serves as a reviewer for journals like Applied Energy and Energy Conversion and Management. 个人学术主页(Personal Academic Profile): ORCID, Google Scholar, ResearchGate 招生信息(Admission & Recruitment): 每年招收1-2名硕/博士,欢迎具有能源、化工相关背景,对太阳能热利用感兴趣的同学加入。 We welcome international students with backgrounds in energy or chemical engineering, who are interested in solar thermochemistry, to join us. 工作经历(Work Experience) 标题 工作单位 哈尔滨工业大学 职位/职称 副教授 起讫时间 2023至今 简单介绍 太阳能热化学,合作导师:帅永 教授。Solar thermochemistry, group leader: Prof. Yong Shuai. 标题 工作单位 新加坡国立大学 (National University of Singapore) 职位/职称 研究员 (Research Fellow) 起讫时间 2021-2023 简单介绍 太阳能生物质气化,合作导师:王启华 教授。Solar biomass gasification, group leader: Prof. Chi-Hwa Wang. 教育经历(Education Background) 标题 起讫时间 2015-2021 所学专业 聚光太阳能热利用 (Concentrated Solar Thermal Technology) 学习机构 澳大利亚国立大学 (Australian National University) 学历 博士 (Doctor of Philosophy) 简单介绍 太阳能热化学能储能,导师:Wojciech Lipiński 教授。Thermochemical Energy Storage of Solar Energy, supervisor: Prof. Wojciech Lipiński. 标题 起讫时间 2012-2015 所学专业 可持续能源 (Sustainable Energy) 学习机构 埃因霍温理工大学/瑞典皇家工学院 (Eindhoven University of Technology/Royal Institute of Technology) 学历 硕士 (Master of Science) 简单介绍 太阳能射流集热器设计,导师:Bjoern Laumert 教授。Design of an impinging solar receiver, supervisor: Prof. Bjoern Laumert. 标题 起讫时间 2008-2012 所学专业 能源与环境系统工程 (Energy and Environment Systems Engineering) 学习机构 浙江大学 (Zhejiang University) 学历 学士 (Bachelor of Engineering) 简单介绍 基于微生物燃料电池的废水处理,导师:成少安 教授。Waste water treatment based on microbial fuel cell, supervisor: Prof. Shaoan Cheng. 学术兼职(Memberships & Voluntary Work) 名称 Chemical Engineering Journal, Applied Energy, Energy Conversion and Management 等国际期刊审稿人 Rare Metals 青年编委 AIChE 3rd Solar Energy System Conference 分会场主席 荣誉奖励(Honors & Awards) 名称 ANU PhD Scholarship & ANU HDR Merit Scholarship (2015) Erasmus Mundus scholarship (2012) 研究方向(Research Interests) 名称 太阳能热化学制氢及储能(Solar thermochemical hydrogen production and energy storage) 太阳能生物质化学链气化(Solar biomass chemical-looping gasification) 多相流反应器设计与优化(Design and optimization of multiphase flow reactors) 太阳能热化学制氢及储能(Solar thermochemical hydrogen production and energy storage) 名称 该研究聚焦于太阳能驱动的金属氧化物热化学氧化还原循环。这项技术可应用于水裂解、二氧化碳裂解以生产氢气和合成燃料,以及长时储能。 The primary focus of this research centers on the solar-driven thermochemical reduction-oxidation cycle of metal oxides. This technology exhibits versatile applications encompassing water splitting to generate hydrogen, carbon dioxide splitting to produce synthetic fuels, as well as its potential utility in facilitating long-term energy storage. 太阳能生物质化学链气化(Solar biomass chemical-looping gasification) 名称 该研究专注于利用聚光太阳能作为热源,以金属氧化物作为氧载体促进气化反应,对生物质原料进行热化学转化,产生高纯度氢气、合成气和其他有价值的产物。 The research is focused on the thermochemical conversion of biomass feedstock into high-purity hydrogen, synthesis gas, and other valuable products, using concentrated solar energy as the heat source and metal oxides as oxygen carriers to facilitate the gasification reactions. 多相流反应器设计与优化(Design and optimization of multiphase flow reactors) 名称 该研究探究了一种多级太阳能颗粒集热器的热学与流体力学性能,可应用于更高效的第三代太阳能热发电技术。 In this research, the thermal and hydrodynamic performance of a multi-stage solar particle receiver was explored for efficient solar thermal power generation. 论文著作(Publications) 名称 Journal Articles: Lifeng Li1, Alireza Rahbari1, Mahdiar Taheri, Roelof Pottas, Bo Wang, Morteza Hangi, Leanne Matthews, Lindsey Yue, Jose Zapata, Peter Kreider, Alicia Bayon Sandoval, Chi-Hwa Wang, Terrence Simon, Joe Coventry, Wojciech Lipinski*, Experimental evaluation of an indirectly-irradiated packed-bed solar thermochemical reactor for calcination-carbonation chemical looping, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 468: 143543. Bo Wang, Xian Li, Xuancan Zhu, Yuesen Wang, Tian Tian, Yanjun Dai, Chi-Hwa Wang*, An epitrochoidal rotary reactor for solar-driven hydrogen production based on the redox cycling of ceria: Thermodynamic analysis and geometry optimization, Energy, 2023, 270: 126833. Bo Wang*, Alireza Rahbari, Morteza Hangi, Xian Li, Chi-Hwa Wang, Wojciech Lipinski, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2022, 16(1): 1195-1210. Bo Wang, Xian Li, Yanjun Dai, Chi-Hwa Wang*, Thermodynamic analysis of an epitrochoidal rotary reactor for solar hydrogen production via a water-splitting thermochemical cycle using nonstoichiometric ceria, Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 268: 115968. Fengyuan Zhang, Xiaolin Wang*, Bo Wang, Xia Lou, Wojciech Lipinski*, Effects of silica gel nanopores and surfactants on CO2 hydrate formation kinetics —An experimental and modeling study, Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 262: 118002. Fengyuan Zhang, Suresh Bhatia, Bo Wang, Benjapon Chalermsinsuwan, Xiaolin Wang*, Experimental and numerical study on the kinetics of CO2-N2 clathrate hydrates formation in silica gel column with dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride for effective carbon capture, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 363(8): 119764. Fengyuan Zhang, Xiaolin Wang*, Bo Wang, Xia Lou*, Wojciech Lipinski*, Experimental and numerical analysis of CO2 and CH4 hydrate formation kinetics in microparticles: A comparative study based on shrinking core model, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 446(8): 137247. Song Yang, Bo Wang, P. Lund*, Jun Wang*, Optimization of inert gas feeding strategy in a fixed-bed reactor for efficient water splitting via solar-driven thermal reduction of nonstoichiometric CeO2, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 2022, 144(5): 1-33. Song Yang, Lifeng Li, Bo Wang, Sha Li, Jun Wang*, P. Lund, Wojciech Lipinski*, Thermodynamic analysis of a conceptual fixed-bed solar thermochemical cavity receiver-reactor array for water splitting via ceria redox cycling, Frontiers in Energy Research, 2021, 9:565761. Bo Wang, Lifeng Li, Florian Schaefer, Johannes Pottas, Apurv Kumar, Vincent Wheeler, Wojciech Lipinski*, Thermal reduction of iron-manganese oxide particles in a high-temperature packed-bed solar thermochemical reactor, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 412: 128255. Wojciech Lipinski*, Ehsan Abbasi, Jingjing Chen, Joe Coventry, Morteza Hangi, Siddharth Iyer, Apurv Kumar, Lifeng Li, Sha Li, John Pye, Juan Felipe Torres, Bo Wang, Ye Wang, Vincent Wheeler, Progress in heat transfer research for high-temperature solar thermal applications, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 184: 116137. Lifeng Li, Bo Wang, Roman Bader, John Pye, Wujun Wang, Wojciech Lipinski*, Optical analysis of a multi-aperture solar central receiver system for high-temperature concentrating solar applications, Optics Express, 2020, 28(25): 37654-37668. Lifeng Li, Bo Wang, John Pye, Wojciech Lipinski*, Temperature-based optical design, optimization and economics of solar polar-field central receiver systems with an optional compound parabolic concentrator, Solar Energy, 2020, 206: 1018-1032. Lifeng Li, Song Yang, Bo Wang, John Pye, Wojciech Lipinski*, Optical analysis of a solar thermochemical system with a rotating tower reflector and a receiver-reactor array, Optics Express, 2020, 28(13): 19429-19445. Bo Wang, Lifeng Li, Johannes Pottas, Roman Bader, Peter Kreider, Vincent Wheeler, Wojciech Lipinski*, Thermal model of a solar thermochemical reactor for metal oxide reduction, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 2020, 142(5): 1-38. Lifeng Li, Bo Wang, Roman Bader, Joze Zapata, Wojciech Lipinski*, Reflective optics for redirecting convergent radiative beams in concentrating solar applications, Solar Energy, 2019, 191: 707-718. Lifeng Li, Bo Wang, Johannes Pottas, Wojciech Lipinski*, Design of a compound parabolic concentrator for a multi-source high-flux solar simulator, Solar Energy, 2019, 183(4308): 805-811. Wujun Wang, Bo Wang, Lifeng Li, Bjoern Laumert*, Torsten Strand, The effect of the cooling nozzle arrangement to the thermal performance of a solar impinging receiver, Solar Energy, 2016, 131: 222-234. Books & Chapters Lifeng Li, Bo Wang, Roman Bader, Thomas Cooper, Wojciech Lipinski*, Concentrating collector systems for solar thermochemical applications, Advances in Chemical Engineering, in book: Solar Thermochemistry, 2021, 58: 1-53. Thesis Dissertations Bo Wang, Transport phenomena in high-temperature multiphase-flow solar thermochemical reactors, Doctoral Thesis, The Australian National University, 2022, 10.25911/G1G5-XK08. Bo Wang, Numerical study on optimizing impinging orifice array on a convex cylindrical surface, Master thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2015, diva2:741774.
