

姓名 裘俊 性别 裘俊
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 能源科学与工程学院
学位 裘俊 学历 裘俊
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基本信息 科学研究 教育教学 Curriculum Vita 论文专著 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 博士生导师,副教授,哈工大航空航天热物理研究所副所长。 浙江省嵊州市人,主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、国家重点研发子课题、多个航天类项目,哈工大青年拔尖人才资助、中国博士后基金国际交流合作外派项目、第7批中国博士后特别基金资助、第56批中国博士后面上一等资助、黑龙江省博士后基金一等资助等。作为项目主要成员,参与了2011协同创新、国家自然科学基金创新群体、国家自然科学基金重点项目等多个项目。 研究生招生信息: 招收博士研究生和硕士研究生。欢迎思想活跃、踏实认真的优秀学生申报,从事太阳能储热,人工智能调控,微纳米材料热辐射等领域的前沿研究,研究组为您提供自由活跃的科研氛围、出国交流机会、一流的实验条件以及具有竞争力的待遇,欢迎你的加入! 荣誉称号 名称 2015年12月 入选哈尔滨工业大学青年拔尖人才选聘计划 2021年黑龙江省自然科学三等奖 工作经历 名称 时间 工作经历 2011.09~2012.09 Florida Institute of Technology, USA Visiting Scholar 2013.03~2015.12 哈工大能源学院 讲师 2013.09~2015.07 哈工大物理学博士后流动站 博士后 2014.01~2020.6 哈工大能源学院 硕士生导师 2015.11~2016.09 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 博士后 2015.12至今 哈工大能源学院 副教授(破格) 2016.10~2017.10 Purdue University, USA 博士后 2020.07至今 哈工大能源学院 博士生导师 教育经历 名称 2002年-2006年, 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院, 本科 2006年-2008年, 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院, 硕士 2008年-2013年, 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院, 博士 主要任职 名称 OSA member 浙江大学煤炭分级转化清洁发电协同创新中心研究员 国家自然科学基金通讯评议专家 教育部学位论文评审专家 全国节能减排大赛评审专家 《Frontiers in Thermal Engineering - Heat Transfer and Thermal Power》Review Editor 《Sustainability》Special Issue "Solar Energy for Sustainable Maritime Systems" 的Guest Editor 《Energies》Special Issue“Advances in Radiative Cooling Technologies”的Guest Editor 2023第六届传热传质青年学术论坛微纳尺度传热分会场主席 2018中国工程热物理年会传热传质分会组委会 委员 担任ASME 2016 Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference (Singapore)的Track 5分会场共同主席 下列杂志论文评阅人: Advanced Science Advanced Functional Materials Applied thermal engineering Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Applied Energy ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ASME Journal of Heat Transfer Energy Conversion and Management Journal of Energy Storage Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer Journal of the Optical Society of America A Journal of the Optical Society of America B Optics Express Applied Spectroscopy Applied Physics Letters International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Applied Optics 研究领域 名称 高效低成本智慧储能技术 月球基地冷热电智慧联供系统 多能互补及智慧能源管理系统 实际(粗糙)表面热辐射偏振特性 辐射制冷系统(Radiative Cooling System) 光学椭偏测量 红外隐身伪装涂层和薄膜 微纳米新型材料表面辐射及偏振特性 科研项目 项目名称 项目来源 起讫时间 承担角色 项目类别 纤维基础热辐射物性的理论建模与实验测量 国家自然科学基金面上项目 2021年1月~ 负责人 纵向项目 微纳米粗糙表面的光学椭偏测量技术研究 国家重点实验室开放课题 2018年~ 负责人 纵向项目 智能仿生储热系统运行调控设计 国家重点研发项目 2019年~ 子课题负责人 纵向项目 实际表面的热辐射偏振特性 国家自然科学基金青年项目 2014年1月~ 负责人 纵向项目 纳米材料的微结构光学表征 中国博士后科学基金外派项目 2015年11月~ 负责人 纵向项目 固体材料高温基础辐射物性的实验测量与理论建模 国家自然科学基金重点项目 2014年1月~ 参与 纵向项目 人工微纳米浅表层结构的热辐射偏振特性 中国博士后科学基金特别资助 2014年9月~ 负责人 纵向项目 基于光谱椭偏法的固体表面氧化层在线监测研究 中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助 2014年9月~ 负责人 纵向项目 力致柔性电磁超材料辐射特性调控 哈尔滨工业大学青年拔尖人才选聘计划 2016年1月~ 负责人 纵向项目 微结构辐射特性及其调控机理 国家自然科学基金重点项目 2009年1月~ 参与 纵向项目 固体材料表面微纳米结构的辐射偏振特性 黑龙江省博士后专项经费一等资助 2015年1月~ 负责人 纵向项目 招生信息 名称 招收博士研究生和硕士研究生。欢迎思想活跃、踏实认真的优秀学生申报,从事太阳能储热,人工智能调控,微纳米材料热辐射等领域的前沿研究,研究组为您提供自由活跃的科研氛围、出国交流机会、一流的实验条件以及具有竞争力的待遇,欢迎你的加入! 讲授课程 名称 本科生课程: 《通风工程》 《传热学》 创新研修课《仿生热科学》 《微纳米新型换热技术》 《储能技术原理》 硕士研究生课程: 《统计热力学》 《储能基础理论及应用》 博士研究生课程: 1. 《微尺度热物理》 基本信息 名称 Jun Qiu (J. Qiu), PhD Associate Professor Room 642, Dongli Building, School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, 92 West Dazhi Street, Harbin 150001, People's Republic of China Tel: 86-15124506146 Email: qiujun@hit.edu.cn, qiujun8326@163.com Personal Area and Interests High-performance and Low-cost Intelligent Energy Storage Technology Experimental and Numerical Study of Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Electromagnetic Wave scattering of Small Particles and Micro/Nano-Scale Devices Optical Properties of Metamaterials Radiative Properties of Thin Films with Surface Roughness Radiative Cooling System Academic Qualifications Year Qualification Institution 2013 Ph.D. Harbin Institute of Technology, China 2008 M.D. Harbin Institute of Technology, China 2006 B.S. Harbin Institute of Technology, China Professional Affiliations Year Title Institution 12/2015-Present Associate Professor Harbin Institute of Technology, China 10/2016-11/2017 Postdoctor Purdue University, USA 11/2015-09/2016 Postdoctor Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 09/2013- 04/2015 Postdoctor Harbin Institute of Technology, China 03/2013-12/2015 Assistant Professor Harbin Institute of Technology, China 09/2011-09/2012 Visiting Scholar Florida Institute of Technology, USA Authors without any notation are student, or research assistant/associate, or postdoctoral fellows under my supervision/co-supervision. + my collaborator Papers in Refereed Journals: Y.B. Liu, J. Qiu*, L.H. Liu*. High reflectance of artificial opals and engineering applications, J. Heat Transfer, 2017, 139: 052702. J. Qiu*, D.F. Ran, Y.B. Liu, L.H. Liu. Investigation of ellipsometric parameters of 2D microrough surfaces by FDTD, Applied Optics, 2016, 55(20): 5423-5431. Y.B. Liu, J. Ron, J. Qiu*, L.H. Liu*. Spectral Radiative Properties of a Nickel Porous Microstructure and Magnetic Polariton Resonance for Light Trapping, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 98: 833-844. J. Qiu*, D.F. Ran, L.H. Liu*, P.-f. Hsu. Mueller Matrix of Specular Reflection Using an Aluminum Grating Surface with Oxide Nanofilm, Applied Spectroscopy, 2016, 70(6): 1009-1017. R.Feng, J. Qiu*, Y.Y. Cao, L. H. Liu, W.Q. Ding*, L. X. Chen. Wide-Angle and Polarization Independent Perfect Absorber Based on One-Dimensional Fabrication-Tolerant Stacked Array, Optics Express, 2015, 23(16): 21023-21031. W.J. Zhang, J.Qiu, L.H. Liu*. Deviation Characteristics of Specular Reflectivity of Micro-Rough Surface from Fresnel?s Equation, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2015, 160: 50-62. J. Qiu, L.H. Liu*, P.-f. Hsu. Thermal Radiationin Subwavelength Aluminum Foam Structures by Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2015, 158: 101-110. J. Qiu, W. J. Zhang, L.H. Liu+, P.-f. Hsu+, L. J. Liu+. Reflective properties of random roughness surfaces under large incident angles, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 31, 1251-1258(2014). J. Qiu, P.-f. Hsu+, L.H. Liu+, Infrared radiative properties of two-dimensional square optical black holes with materials of insulators and semiconductors, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 132, 99-108(2014). R. Feng, J. Qiu, Y.Y. Cao+, L.H. Liu+, W.Q. Ding+, L.X. Chen+. Omnidirectional and polarization insensitive nearly perfect absorber in one dimensional meta-structure. Applied Physics Letters, 105, 181102(2014). R. Feng, J. Qiu, L.H. Liu+, W.Q. Ding+, L.X. Chen+, Parallel LC circuit model for multi-band absorption and preliminary design of radiative cooling, Optics Express, 22, A1713-A1724(2014). R. Feng, W.Q. Ding+, L.H. Liu+, L.X. Chen+, J. Qiu, G.Q. Chen+. Dual-band infrared perfect absorber based on asymmetric T-shaped plasmonic array. Optics Express, 22, A335-A343 (2014). J.Y. Yang, W.J. Zhang+, L.H. Liu+, J. Qiu, K.Wang+, J.Y. Tan+. Temperature-dependent infrared dielectric functions of MgO crystal: an ellipsometry and first-principles molecular dynamics study. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 141, 104703(2014). J. Qiu, Y.T. Wu, Z.-f. Huang+, P.-f. Hsu+, L.H. Liu+, H.C. Zhou+, A hybrid partial coherence and geometry optics model of radiative property on coated rough surfaces, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 135, 091503(2013). J. Qiu, L.H. Liu+, J.M. Zhao+, Infrared radiative properties of elliptic cylindrical optical black holes, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 33, 1367-1370(2012). J. Qiu, J.Y. Tan+, L.H. Liu+, P.-f. Hsu+, Infrared radiative properties of two-dimensional square optical black holes, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 112, 2584-2591(2011). J. Qiu, L.H. Liu+, P.-f. Hsu+, Radiative properties of optical board embedded with optical black holes, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 112, 832-838(2011). J. Qiu, L.H. Liu+, P.-f. Hsu+, Oxide-film effect on infrared radiative properties of grating structures of aluminum, AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 25, 80-86(2011). J. Qiu, L.H. Liu+, P.-f. Hsu+, FDTD analysis of infrared radiative properties of microscale structure aluminum surfaces, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 111, 1912-1920(2010). J. Qiu, L.H. Liu+, J.M. Zhao+, Effect of oxide film on bi-directional reflection properties of one-dimensional random rough surface of aluminum, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 31, 1717-1720(2010). Conference papers: Y.B. Liu, J. Qiu*, J. Ron, L.H. Liu*. Artificial Opals: Reflection Spectra and Distribution Laws of Energy Transfer, ASME 2016 5th International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, January 4-6, Biopolis, Singapore, (2016). J.M. Zhao, J. Qiu, L.H. Liu*. Accurate Geometry Design of Magnetic Polariton with Specified Resonance Wavelength: A Combined LC Circuit Model and Inverse Technique, ASME 2016 5th International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, January 4-6, Biopolis, Singapore, (2016). J. Qiu, L.H. Liu+, P.-f. Hsu+, L. J. Liu+. Analysis of thermal radiation in aluminum foams of subwavelength lengthscale by finite-difference time-domain method, Nanorad 2014 the Second International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation, June 5-9, Shanghai, China(2014). J. Qiu, L.H. Liu+, J.M. Zhao+. Infrared radiative properties of non-metallic and composite rectangular grating structure, Heat and Mass Transfer Conference of Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, Nov.8-10, Chongqing, China, (2013). J. Qiu, L.H. Liu+, P.-f. Hsu+, Effect of oxide film on bi-directional reflection properties of two-dimensional random rough surface of silicon, ASME 2012 3rd Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference, March 3-6, 75195(1-6), Atlanta, GA, USA(2012). J. Qiu, Y.T. Wu, Z.-f. Huang+, P.-f. Hsu+, L.H. Liu+, H.C. Zhou+, Radiative properties of coated rough surfaces-hybrid partial coherence and geometric optics method and finite-difference time-domain method, International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation, May 23-25, 100-102, Matsushima, Miyagi, Japan(2012). J. Qiu, P.-f. Hsu+, L.H. Liu+, Infrared radiative properties of two-dimensional square optical black holes with materials of insulators and semiconductors, International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation, May 23-25, 100-102, Matsushima, Miyagi, Japan(2012). J. Qiu, L.H. Liu+, J.M. Zhao+. Analysis of infrared radiative properties of elliptical optical black hole. Heat and Mass Transfer Conference of Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, Oct. 14-17, Xi’an, China, (2011). J. Qiu, L.H. Liu+, J.M. Zhao+. Effect of oxide film on bidirectional reflection characteristics of one dimensional random rough surface. Heat and Mass Transfer Conference of Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, Nov. 14-17, Qingdao, China, (2009). 主要发表文章 名称 谷歌学术:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=AkCTh8kAAAAJ&hl=en 期刊论文: 2024 Y Hou, J Qiu*, W Wang, X He, M Ayyub, Y Shuai. Development of topology-optimized structural cavities macro-encapsulating chloride salt by gel-casting for high-temperature thermal energy storage, Journal of Energy Storage, 2024, 78: 110056 Xibo He, Jun Qiu*, Wei Wang, Yicheng Hou, Yong Shuai. Efficient-thermal conductivity, storage and application of bionic tree-ring composite phase change materials based on freeze casting, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2024, 264: 112628. 2023 Guoliang Chen, Haoyang Fu, Yongchun Zou, Shuqi Wang, Yongwang Gao, Tongtong Yue, Jianyun Cao, Yaming Wang*, Jun Qiu*, Junming Zhao, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yong Shuai*, Yu Zhou. A Promising Radiation Thermal Protection Coating Based on Lamellar Porous Ca-Cr co-Doped Y3NbO7 Ceramic, Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 33: 2305650. https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202305650 (paper, IF=19.924) Yicheng Hou, Jun Qiu*, Wei Wang, Xibo He, Zhen Wang, Yong Shuai. Controllable preparation and thermal properties of SiC spherical high temperature shape-stable composite phase change materials based on gel-casting, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 960: 170966 (paper) Guoliang Chen, Benzhi Min, Haoyang Fu, Siqi Ma, Ke Li, Shuqi Wang, Yaming Wang*, Jianyun Cao*, Jun Qiu*, Yong Shuai, Shuzhou Li, Yongchun Zou, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Near unity broadband emissivity and ultralow thermal conductivity from yttrium niobate-based ceramics, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 468: 143695 (paper, IF=16.744) X He, J Qiu*, W Wang, Y Hou, M Ayyub, Y Shuai, Optimization design and performance investigation on the cascaded packed-bed thermal energy storage system with spherical capsules, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 225, 120241 (paper) X He, W Wang*, J Qiu, Y Hou, Y Shuai*, Controllable preparation method and thermal properties of composite phase change materials based on starch pore formation, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2023, 253, 112255 (paper) 2022 S Zhou, J Qiu*, C Zhang, Y Guo, Q Pan, Q Zhou, Y Shuai*, Fast design and optimization method for an ultra-wideband perfect absorber based on artificial neural network acceleration, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2022, 179, 107680(paper) X He, J Qiu*, W Wang, Y Hou, M Ayyub, Y Shuai, A review on numerical simulation, optimization design and applications of packed-bed latent thermal energy storage system with spherical capsules, Journal of Energy Storage, 2022, 51, 104555(paper) Y Hou, J Qiu*, W Wang, X He, M Ayyub, Y Shuai, Preparation and performance improvement of chlorides/MgO ceramics shape-stabilized phase change materials with expanded graphite for thermal energy storage system, Applied Energy, 2022, 316, 119116(paper, IF=11.446) W Wang, X He, Y Shuai*, J Qiu*, Y Hou, Q Pan, Experimental study on thermal performance of a novel medium-high temperature packed-bed latent heat storage system containing binary nitrate, Applied Energy, 2022, 309, 118433(paper, IF=11.446) W Wang, Y Shuai*, J Qiu*, X He, Y Hou, Effect of steady-state and unstable-state inlet boundary on the thermal performance of packed-bed latent heat storage system integrated with concentrating solar collectors, Renewable Energy, 2022, 183: 251-266.(paper) 2021 W Wang, X He, Y Hou, J Qiu, D Han, Y Shuai*, Thermal performance analysis of packed-bed thermal energy storage with radial gradient arrangement for phase change materials, Renewable Energy, 2021, 173: 768-780.(paper) G Chen, Y Wang*, J Qiu*, J Cao*, Y Zou, S Wang, D Jia, Y Zhou, A facile bioinspired strategy for accelerating water collection enabled by passive radiative cooling and wettability engineering, Materials & Design, 2021, 206: 109829.(paper) G Chen, Y Wang*, J Qiu*, J Cao*, Y Zou, S Wang, J Ouyang, D Jia, Y Zhou, A visibly transparent radiative cooling film with self-cleaning function produced by solution processing, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 90: 76-84(paper) G Chen, Y Wang*, Y Zou, H Wang, J Qiu*, J Cao*, S Wang, D Jia, Y Zhou, Hexagonal boron nitride and alumina dual-layer coating for space solar thermal shielding, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 421: 127802.(paper, IF=16.744) 2020 G Chen, Y Wang*, J Qiu*, J Cao*, Y Zou, S Wang, D Jia, Y Zhou. Robust Inorganic Daytime Radiative Cooling Coating Based on a Phosphate Geopolymer, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(49): 54963–54971.(paper, IF=10.383) X Li, J Peoples, Z Huang, Z Zhao, J Qiu, X Ruan*. Full Daytime Sub-ambient Radiative Cooling in Commercial-like Paints with High Figure of Merit, Cell Reports Physical Science, 2020, 1 (10), 100221.(paper) X Zhang, J Qiu*, J Zhao, X Li, L Liu. Complex refractive indices measurements of polymers in infrared bands, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2020, 252: 107063.(paper) X Zhang, J Qiu*, X Li, J Zhao, L Liu. Complex refractive indices measurements of polymers in visible and near-infrared bands, Applied Optics, 2020, 59(8): 2337-2344.(paper, ESI高被引) 2019 Y Liu, J Qiu*, L Liu*, B Cao*. Extracting optical constants of solid materials with micro-rough surfaces from ellipsometry without using effective medium approximation, Optics Express, 2019, 27(13): 17667-17680.(paper) J Peoples, X Li, Y Lv, J Qiu, Z Huang, X Ruan*. A strategy of hierarchical particle sizes in nanoparticle composite for enhancing solar reflection, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 131: 487-494.(paper) 2018 Y Liu, J Qiu*, L Liu*. Applicability of the effective medium approximation in the ellipsometry of randomly micro-rough solid surfaces, Optics Express, 2018, 26(13): 16560-16571.(paper) L Pan, H Xu, R Lv, J Qiu*, J Zhao*, Y Li*. Laser damage resistance of polystyrene opal photonic crystals, Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1): 4523.(paper) 2017 Y. Liu, J. Qiu*, J. Zhao, L. Liu*. General design method of ultra-broadband perfect absorbers based on magnetic polaritons, Optics Express, 2017, 25(20): A980-A989.(paper) J. Wang, Y. Li, L. Deng, N. Wei, Y. Weng, S. Dong, D. Qi, J. Qiu, X. Chen*, T. Wu. High‐Performance Photothermal Conversion of Narrow‐Bandgap Ti2O3 Nanoparticles, Advanced Materials, 2017, 29: 1603730.(paper,ESI高被引) Y.B. Liu, J. Qiu*, L.H. Liu*. High eflectance of artificial opals and engineering applications, J. Heat Transfer, 2017, 139: 052702.(paper) 2016 J. Qiu*, D.F. Ran, Y.B. Liu, L.H. Liu. Investigation of ellipsometric parameters of 2D microrough surfaces by FDTD, Applied Optics, 2016, 55: 5423-5431.(paper) Y.B. Liu, J. Ron, J. Qiu*, L.H. Liu*. Spectral Radiative Properties of a Nickel Porous Microstructure and Magnetic Polariton Resonance for Light Trapping, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 98: 833-844.(paper) J. Qiu*, D.F. Ran, L.H. Liu*, P.-f. Hsu. Mueller Matrix of Specular Reflection Using an Aluminum Grating Surface with Oxide Nanofilm, Applied Spectroscopy, 2016, 70(6): 1009-1017.(paper) 2015 R.Feng, J. Qiu*, Y.Y. Cao, L. H. Liu, W.Q. Ding*, L. X. Chen. Wide-Angle and Polarization Independent Perfect Absorber Based on One-Dimensional Fabrication-Tolerant Stacked Array, Optics Express, 2015, 23(16): 21023-21031. (paper) W.J. Zhang, J.Qiu, L.H. Liu*. Deviation Characteristics of Specular Reflectivity of Micro-Rough Surface from Fresnel?s Equation, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2015, 160: 50-62.(paper) J. Qiu, L.H. Liu*, P.-f. Hsu. Thermal Radiationin Subwavelength Aluminum Foam Structures by Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2015, 158: 101-110.(paper) 2014 J. Qiu, P.-f. Hsu*, L.H. Liu. Infrared Radiative Properties of Two-dimensional Square Optical Black Holes with Materials of Insulators and Semiconductors, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2014, 132(SI): 99-108.(paper) R.Feng, J. Qiu, L. H. Liu*, W. Q. Ding*, L. X. Chen. Parallel LC Circuit Model for Multi-Band Absorption and Preliminary Design of Radiative Cooling, Optics Express, 2014, 22(107): A1713-A1724.(paper) R. Feng, J. Qiu, Y.Y. Cao, L. H. Liu*, W. Q. Ding*, L. X. Chen. Omnidirectional and Polarization Insensitive nearly Perfect Absorber in One Dimensional Meta-Structure, Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 105 (18): 181102.(paper) R. Feng, W. Q. Ding, L. H. Liu*, L. X. Chen, J. Qiu, G. Q. Chen. Dual-band Infrared Perfect Absorber Based on Asymmetric T-shaped Plasmonic Array. Optics Express, 2014, 22(S2): A335-A343.(paper) J. Qiu, W. J. Zhang, L.H. Liu*, P.-f. Hsu, L. J. Liu. Reflective Properties of Random Roughness Surfaces under Large Incidence Angles, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2014, 31(6): 1251-1258.(paper) J. Y. Yang, W. J. Zhang, L. H. Liu, J. Qiu, K. Wang, J. Y. Tan. Temperature-Dependent Infrared Dielectric Functions of MgO Crystal: An Ellipsometry and First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Study. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2014, 141: 104703.(paper) J. Qiu, Y.T. Wu, Z.-f. Huang, P.-f. Hsu*, L.H. Liu, H.C. Zhou, A Hybrid Partial Coherence and Geometry Optics Model of Radiative Property on Coated Rough Surfaces, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 2013, 135(9): 091503(6).(paper) J. Qiu, L.H. Liu*, P.-f. Hsu, Oxide-Film Effect on Infrared Radiative Properties of Grating Structures of Aluminum, AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2011, 25(1): 80-86.(paper) J. Qiu, L.H. Liu*, P.-f. Hsu, Radiative Properties of Optical Board Embedded with Optical Black Holes, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2011, 112(5): 832-838.(paper) J. Qiu, J.Y. Tan, L.H. Liu*, P.-f. Hsu, Infrared Radiative Properties of Two-dimensional Square Optical Black Holes, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2011, 112(16): 2584-2591.(paper) J. Qiu, L.H. Liu*, P.-f. Hsu, FDTD Analysis of Infrared Radiative Properties of Microscale Structure Aluminum Surfaces, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2010, 111(12-13): 1912-1920.(paper) 会议论文: Jun Qiu. Inversion Based on Electromagnetic First Principle and Particle Swarm Optimization Optical Constants of Strontium Lanthanum Manganate with Rough Surface. The 5th International Conference on Polarimetry and Ellipsometry, PE 2022, Nov. 27-29, 2022, Shanghai, China. (Invited) 裘俊,粗糙表面材料复折射率椭偏测量及高精度反演,2020年中国工程热物理学会传热传质会议,特邀报告,广州,2020.11.28. Jun Qiu*, Yuanbin Liu, Linhua Liu*. A Novel Improved Layered Effective Medium Approximation for Ellipsometric Parameters of Microrough Surfaces, Proceedings of the 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-16, August 10-15, 2018, Beijing, China Y.B. Liu, J. Qiu*, J. Ron, L.H. Liu*. Artificial Opals: Reflection Spectra and Distribution Laws of Energy Transfer, ASME 2016 5th International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, January 4-6, Biopolis, Singapore, 2016. J.M. Zhao, J. Qiu, L.H. Liu*. Accurate Geometry Design of Magnetic Polariton With Specified Resonance Wavelength: A Combined LC Circuit Model and Inverse Technique, ASME 2016 5th International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, January 4-6, Biopolis, Singapore, 2016. J. Qiu, L.H. Liu*, P.-f. Hsu, L. J. Liu. Analysis of Thermal Radiation in Aluminum Foams of Subwavelength Lengthscale by Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method, Nanorad 2014 the Second International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation, June 5-9, Shanghai, China, 2014. J. Qiu*, L.H. Liu, P.-f. Hsu, Effect of Oxide Film on Bi-Directional Reflection Properties of Two-Dimensional Random Rough Surface of Silicon, ASME 2012 3rd Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference, March 3-6, 75195(1-6), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2012. J. Qiu, Y.T. Wu, Z.-f. Huang, P.-f. Hsu*, L.H. Liu, H.C. Zhou, Radiative Properties of Coated Rough Surfaces-Hybrid Partial Coherence and Geometric Optics Method and Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method, International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation, May 23-25, 100-102, Matsushima, Miyagi, Japan, 2012. 专利 专利名称 基于电磁第一性原理反演粗糙表面光学常数的椭偏方法 专利号 ZL201810156948.4 发明人 裘俊、刘源斌、赵军明、刘林华 申请时间 2020-08-25(授权) 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 一种利用椭偏参数测量固体材料表面粗糙度的方法 专利号 ZL201510341853.6 发明人 裘俊、冉东方、金荣、赵军明、刘林华 申请时间 2017-07-28(授权) 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 考虑光子晶体表面氧化膜分布的偏振特性数值计算方法 专利号 ZL201510030651.X 发明人 裘俊、冉东方、金荣、赵军明、刘林华 申请时间 2017-03-01(授权) 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 一种基于神经网络控制的太阳能智能储热系统及控制方法 专利号 ZL202010704435.X 发明人 裘俊;何西波;王伟;侯宜成;赵军明;帅永 申请时间 2021-10-08(授权) 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 一种反射型辐射制冷材料、薄膜、制备方法及应用 专利号 ZL201910812887.7 发明人 王亚明;陈国梁;裘俊;欧阳家虎;贾德昌;周玉 申请时间 2021-06-11(授权) 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 一种可实现多模式运行的储释热实验系统 专利号 帅永;王伟;裘俊;何西波;侯宜成 发明人 ZL202011121323.8 申请时间 2021-07-27(授权) 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 一种基于近场热辐射的热致相变热控皮肤及其在航天器中的应用 专利号 ZL201910245668.5 发明人 赵军明;徐德宇;裘俊 申请时间 2021-10-29(授权) 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 基于GPU并行加速的悬浮溶液辐射特性参数反演的方法 专利号 ZL201510069532.5 发明人 赵军明;马春阳;裘俊;刘林华 申请时间 2017-03-22(授权) 专利类别 发明 简单介绍
