姓名 | 张莉 | 性别 | 张莉 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 化工与化学学院 |
学位 | 张莉 | 学历 | 张莉 |
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基本信息 论文著作 新页签 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 研究方向为锌离子电池、全固态电池。 主持国家自然基金青年基金、中国博士后基金、中央直属高校基本科研、黑龙江博士后科研启动经费各一项;参与国家自然科学基金面上项目5项。科研工作包括Journal of Materials Chemistry, Nano-Micro Letters,Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical等SCI杂志上共发表论文30余篇。 讲授课程 名称 所讲的主要课程: 本科生:无机及分析化学、现代分析与表征技术 研究生:生物医用材料 招生信息 名称 每年招化学硕士一名 工作经历 标题 起讫时间 2009-至今 职位/职称 工作单位 哈尔滨工业大学 简单介绍 论文著作 名称 代表性SCI论文(时间倒序,非第一作者但为通讯作者的文章加星号标注): 1. Liu, C.; Zhao, G.; Zhang, L.*; Yu, X.; Huang, H.; Sun, K., Zhang, N., A hybrid Mg2%2B/Li%2B battery based on high-capacity conversion-type cobalt disulfide cathodes with ultralong cycle life and high energy density. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 405, 126726. 中科院一区,IF=10.652, 第二通讯 2. Zhang, L.; Ma, X.; Liang, H.; Lin, H.; Zhao, G., A non-enzymatic glucose sensor with enhanced anti-interference ability based on MIL-53(NiFe) metal-organic framework. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C9TB01832H. 中科院二区,IF=5.334 3. Zhang, L.; Liang H.; Ma X.; Ye C.; Zhao, G., A vertically aligned CuO nanosheet flm prepared by electrochemical conversion on Cu-based metal-organic framework for non-enzymatic glucose sensors. Microchemical Journal 2019, 146 (5), 479-485. 中科院三区,IF=3.594 4. Zhang, L.; Ye, C.; Li, X.; Ding, Y.; Liang, H.; Zhao, G.; Wang, Y., A CuNi/C Nanosheet Array Based on a Metal-Organic Framework Derivate as a Supersensitive Non-Enzymatic Glucose Sensor. Nano-Micro Letters 2018, 10, 28. 中科院一区,IF=12.264 5. Zhao, G.; Tang, L.; Zhang, L.*; Chen, X.; Mao, Y.; Sun, K., Well-developed capacitive-capacity of metal-organic framework derived Co3O4 films in Li ion battery anodes. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2018, 746, 277-284. 中科院二区,IF=4.65,第一通讯 6. Zhao, G.; Sun, X.; Zhang, L.*; Chen, X.; Mao, Y.; Sun, K., A self-supported metal-organic framework derived Co3O4 film prepared by an in-situ electrochemically assistant process as Li ion battery anodes. Journal of Power Sources 2018, 389, 8-12. 中科院一区,IF=8.247,第一通讯 7. Zhang, L.; Ding, Y.; Li, R.; Ye, C.; Zhao, G.; Wang, Y., Ni-Based metal–organic framework derived Ni@C nanosheets on a Ni foam substrate as a supersensitive non-enzymatic glucose sensor. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2017, 5, 5549-5555. 中科院二区,IF=5.334 8. Zhang, L.; Ding, Y.; Li, R.; Ye, C.; Zhao, G.; Wang, Y., Electrodeposition of ultra-long copper nanowireson a titanium foil electrode for nonenzymatic voltammetric sensing of glucose. Microchimica Acta 2017, 184, 2837–2843. 中科院二区,IF=6.232 9. Zhang, L.; Yang, C.; Zhao, G.; Mu, J.; Wang, Y., Self-supported porous CoOOH nanosheet arrays as a non-enzymaticglucose sensor with good reproducibility. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2015, 210, 190-196. 中科院一区,IF=7.1 10. Zhang, L.; Zhang, J.; Yang, C.; Zhao, G.; Mu J.; Wang, Y., Freestanding Cu nanowire arrays on Ti/Cr/Si substrate as tough nonenzymatic glucose sensors. RSC advances 2015, 5, 82998-83003. 中科院三区,IF=3.049 11. Zhang, L.; Zhao, G.; Wang, Y., Polyaniline nanowire electrodes with high capacitance synthesized by a simple approach. Materials Science and Engineering: C 2013, 33, 209-212. 中科院二区,IF=5.88 12. Zhang, L.; Si, H.; Zhang, H., Highly ordered fluorescent rings by "breath figures'' on patterned substrates using polymer-free CdSe quantum dots. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2008, 18, 2660-2665. 中科院一区,封面文章,IF=6.626 附录: 全部SCI论文列表(时间倒序;非第一作者但为通讯作者的文章加星号标注): 1. Liu, C.; Zhao, G.; Zhang, L.*; Yu, X.; Huang, H.; Sun, K., Zhang, N., A hybrid Mg2%2B/Li%2B battery based on high-capacity conversion-type cobalt disulfide cathodes with ultralong cycle life and high energy density. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 405, 126726. 2. Zhang, L.; Ma, X.; Liang, H.; Lin, H.; Zhao, G., A non-enzymatic glucose sensor with enhanced anti-interference ability based on MIL-53(NiFe) metal-organic framework. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C9TB01832H. 3. Zhao G.; Liu Y.; Tang L.; Zhang, L.*; Sun K., Capacitive Behavior Based on the Ultrafast Mass Transport in a Self-Supported Lithium Oxygen Battery Cathode. ACS Applied Energy Materials 2019, 2 (3), 2113-2121. 4. Zhang, L.; Liang H.; Ma X.; Ye C.; Zhao G.*, A vertically aligned CuO nanosheet flm prepared by electrochemical conversion on Cu-based metal-organic framework for non-enzymatic glucose sensors, Microchemical Journal 2019, 146 (5), 479-485. 5. Zhao G.; Tang, L.; Zhang, L.*; Chen, X.; Mao, Y.; Sun, K., Well-developed capacitive-capacity of metal-organic framework derived Co3O4 films in Li ion battery anodes. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2018, 746, 277-284. 6. Zhao G.; Sun, X.; Zhang, L.*; Chen, X.; Mao, Y.; Sun, K., A self-supported metal-organic framework derived Co3O4 film prepared by an in-situ electrochemically assistant process as Li ion battery anodes. Journal of Power Sources 2018, 389, 8-12. 7. Zhang, L.; Ye, C.; Li, X.; Ding, Y.; Liang, H.; Zhao G.; Wang, Y., A CuNi/C Nanosheet Array Based on a Metal-Organic Framework Derivate as a Supersensitive Non-Enzymatic Glucose Sensor. Nano-Micro Letters 2018, 10 (2). 8. Zhao G.; Zhang, L.; Niu, Y.; Sun, K., A molten Mg corrosion method for preparing porous Ti foam as self-supported Li-O-2 battery cathodes. Electrochimica Acta 2017, 224, 64-70. 9. Zhao G.; Zhang, L.; Li, C.; Huang, H.; Sun, X.; Sun, K., A practical Li ion battery anode material with high gravimetric/volumetric capacities based on T-Nb2O5/graphite composite. Chemical Engineering Journal 2017, 328, 844-852. 10. Zhao G.; Ye, C.; Zhang, L.; Li, C.; Sun, K., T-Nb2O5 quantum dots prepared by electrodeposition for fast Li ion intercalation/deintercalation. Nanotechnology 2017, 28 (21). 11. Zhang, L.; Ding, Y.; Li, R.; Ye, C.; Zhao G.; Wang, Y., Ni-Based metal-organic framework derived Ni@C nanosheets on a Ni foam substrate as a supersensitive non-enzymatic glucose sensor. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2017, 5 (28), 5549-5555. 12. Zhang, L.; Ding, Y.; Li, R.; Ye, C.; Zhao G.; Wang, Y., Electrodeposition of ultra-long copper nanowires on a titanium foil electrode for nonenzymatic voltammetric sensing of glucose. Microchimica Acta 2017, 184 (8), 2837-2843. 13. Zhao G.; Zhang, L.; Niu, Y.; Sun, K.; Rooney, D., Enhanced durability of Li-O-2 batteries employing vertically standing Ti nanowire array supported cathodes. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2016, 4 (11), 4009-4014. 14. Zhao G.; Zhang, L.; Lv, J.; Li, C.; Sun, K., Vertically aligned graphitic carbon nanosheet arrays fabricated from graphene oxides for supercapacitors and Li-O-2 batteries. Chemical Communications 2016, 52 (38), 6403-6406. 15. Zhao G.; Zhang, L.; Lv, J.; Li, C.; Sun, K., A graphitic foam framework with hierarchical pore structure as self-supported electrodes of Li-O-2 batteries and Li ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2016, 4 (4), 1399-1407. 16. Zhao G.; Zhang, D.; Zhang, L.; Sun, K., Ti@delta-MnO2 core-shell nanowire arrays as self-supported electrodes of supercapacitors and Li ion batteries. Electrochimica Acta 2016, 202, 8-13. 17. Zhao G.; Zhang, L.; Wang, B.; Sun, K., Cuprous oxide as Cathode Catalysts of Lithium Oxygen Batteries. Electrochimica Acta 2015, 184, 117-123. 18. Zhao G.; Li, C.; Zhang, L.; Lv, J.; Niu, Y.; Du, Y.; Sun, K., "Sea cucumber"-like Ti@MoO3 nanorod arrays as self-supported lithium ion battery anodes with enhanced rate capability and durability. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 3 (45), 22547-22551. 19. Zhang, L.; Zhang, J.; Yang, C.; Zhao G.; Mu, J.; Wang, Y., Freestanding Cu nanowire arrays on Ti/Cr/Si substrate as tough nonenzymatic glucose sensors. Rsc Advances 2015, 5 (101), 82998-83003. 20. Zhang, L.; Yang, C.; Zhao G.; Mu, J.; Wang, Y., Self-supported porous CoOOH nanosheet arrays as a non-enzymatic glucose sensor with good reproducibility. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2015, 210, 190-196. 21. Zhao G.; Zhang, L.; Sun, K.; Li, H., Free-standing Pt@RuO2 center dot xH(2)O nanorod arrays on Si wafers as electrodes for methanol electro-oxidation. Journal of Power Sources 2014, 245, 892-897. 22. Zhao G.; Niu, Y.; Zhang, L.; Sun, K., Ruthenium oxide modified titanium dioxide nanotube arrays as carbon and binder free lithium air battery cathode catalyst. Journal of Power Sources 2014, 270, 386-390. 23. Zhao G.; Mo, R.; Wang, B.; Zhang, L.; Sun, K., Enhanced Cyclability of Li-O-2 Batteries Based on TiO2 Supported Cathodes with No Carbon or Binder. Chemistry of Materials 2014, 26 (8), 2551-2556. 24. Zhao G.; Lv, J.; Xu, Z.; Zhang, L.; Sun, K., Carbon and binder free rechargeable Li-O-2 battery cathode with Pt/Co3O4 flake arrays as catalyst. Journal of Power Sources 2014, 248, 1270-1274. 25. Mu, J.; Zhang, L.; Zhao G.; Wang, Y., The crystal plane effect on the peroxidase-like catalytic properties of Co3O4 nanomaterials. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014, 16 (29), 15709-15716. 26. Mu, J.; Zhang, L.; Zhao, M.; Wang, Y., Catalase Mimic Property of Co3O4 Nanomaterials with Different Morphology and Its Application as a Calcium Sensor. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2014, 6, 7090-7098. 27. Mu, J.; Zhang, L.; Zhao, M.; Wang, Y., Co3O4 nanoparticles as an efficient catalase mimic: Properties, mechanism and its electrocatalytic sensing application for hydrogen peroxide, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 2013, 378, 30-37. 28. Zhao G.; Zhang, L.; Sun, K., Capacitive contribution to lithium storage capacity in porous MoO3 films. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2013, 694, 61-67. 29. Zhao G.; Zhang, L.; Pan, T.; Sun, K., Preparation of NiO/multiwalled carbon nanotube nanocomposite for use as the oxygen cathode catalyst in rechargeable Li-O-2 batteries. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 2013, 17 (6), 1759-1764. 30. Zhao G.; Zhang, L.; Meng, Y.; Zhang, N.; Sun, K., High storage performance of core-shell Si@C nanoparticles as lithium ion battery anode material. Materials Letters 2013, 96, 170-173. 31. Zhao G.; Zhang, L.; Meng, Y.; Zhang, N.; Sun, K., Decoration of graphene with silicon nanoparticles by covalent immobilization for use as anodes in high stability lithium ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 2013, 240, 212-218. 32. Zhao G.; Xu, Z.; Zhang, L.; Sun, K., Hierarchical porous Co3O4 films with size-adjustable pores as Li ion battery anodes with excellent rate performances. Electrochimica Acta 2013, 114, 251-258. 33. Zhang, L.; Zhao G.; Wang, Y., Polyaniline nanowire electrodes with high capacitance synthesized by a simple approach. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications 2013, 33 (1), 209-212. 34. Chang, M.; Ai, Y.; Zhang, L.; Gao, F.; Zhang, H., Hierarchical patterning of organic molecules for self-referenced vapor sensing. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2012, 22, 7704-7707. 35. Mu, J.; Wang, Y.; Zhao, M.; Zhang, L., Intrinsic peroxidase-like activity and catalase-like activity of Co3O4 nanoparticles. Chemical Communications 2016, 52 (38), 6403-6406. 36. Zhang, L.; Si, H.; Zhang, H., Highly ordered fluorescent rings by "breath figures'' on patterned substrates using polymer-free CdSe quantum dots. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2008, 18, 2660-2665. 名称