姓名 | 杨晓彬 | 性别 | 杨晓彬 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 化工与化学学院 |
学位 | 杨晓彬 | 学历 | 杨晓彬 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 科学研究 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 杨晓彬,男,工学博士,中共党员 哈尔滨工业大学化工与化学学院高分子科学与工程系,副教授(入选青年拔尖人才选聘计划)、博士生导师,入选2021年度博士后创新人才支持计划(“博新计划”,首届会评选拔)。在水处理膜材料制备、界面功能调控、活化原子层沉积等方面取得了一些研究成果,已发表了SCI文章43篇(H-Index=35),Google学术引用3538次;其中第一作者论文16篇,包括Advanced Materials(封面论文)、Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)、Matter(Cell子刊、)、Science Bulletin、Advanced Functional Materials、Journal of Membrane Science、Materials Today、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等期刊;共同通讯作者论文7篇,包括Journal of Membrane Science等期刊。参与撰写Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA出版社出版的英文著作1章。 工作经历 标题 工作经历 工作单位 哈尔滨工业大学化工与化学学院 职位/职称 副教授 起讫时间 2024.01-至今 简单介绍 标题 工作经历 工作单位 哈尔滨工业大学化工与化学学院 职位/职称 助理教授 起讫时间 2021.07-2024.01 简单介绍 教育经历 标题 学习经历 起讫时间 2019.02-2020.07 所学专业 化学科学与工程 学习机构 Argonne National Laboratory(美国阿贡国家实验室) 学历 联合培养博士 简单介绍 标题 学习经历 起讫时间 2016.09-2021.07 所学专业 化学工程与技术 学习机构 哈尔滨工业大学 学历 博士 简单介绍 SCI论文 名称 ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0004-5431-730X SCI papers (*代表通讯作者;#代表共同一作) 2024: X. Yang, Y. Li, D. Wu, L. Yan, J. Guan, Y. Wen, Y. Bai, B.B. Mamba, S.B. Darling,* L. Shao,* Chelation-directed interface engineering of in-place self-cleaning membranes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2024, 121(11): e2319390121. Link X Yang, P Sun, Y Wen, AU Mane, JW Elam, J Ma, S Liu, SB Darling,* L Shao,* Protein-activated atomic layer deposition for robust crude-oil-repellent hierarchical nano-armored membranes, Science Bulletin, 2024, 69(2), 218-226. Link Y Li, X Yang,* L Yan, G Dang, P Sun, EN Nxumalo, BB Mamba, L Shao,* Engineering activated mineralized antifouling membranes via interface segregation tailoring. 2024, 696, 122526. Link Y Wen, X Yang,* Y Li, L Yan, P Sun, L Shao,* Hydrogel/mineral-integrated interface for synergistic antifouling membrane. 2024, 340, 126755. Link 2023: X. Yang, Y Wen, Y Li, L Yan, CY Tang, J Ma, SB Darling,* L Shao,* Engineering In Situ Catalytic Cleaning Membrane Via Prebiotic‐Chemistry‐Inspired Mineralization. Advanced Materials, 2023, 35 (49), 2306626. Link; 期刊封面论文 Link L Yan, X Yang,* Y Li, R Song, Y Lin, Q Huang, L Shao*, Acid-resistant supramolecular nanofibrous hydrogel membrane with core-shell structure for highly efficient oil/water separation, Journal of Membrane Science 2023, 679, 121705. Link Y Wen, X Yang,* Y Li, L Yan, Y Zhao, L Shao*, Progress reports of metal-phenolic network engineered membranes for water treatment, Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 124225. Link Y Zhao, X Yang, Z Cheng, CH Lau, J Ma, L Shao*, Surface manipulation for prevention of migratory viscous crude oil fouling in superhydrophilic membranes, Nature Communications 2023, 14 (1), 1-12. Link L Yan, X Yang,* H Zeng, Y Zhao, Y Li, X He, J Ma, L Shao*, Nanocomposite hydrogel engineered hierarchical membranes for efficient oil/water separation and heavy metal removal, Journal of Membrane Science 2023, 668, 121243. Link Y Li, X Yang,* Y Wen, Y Zhao, L Yan, G Han, L Shao*, Progress reports of mineralized membranes: Engineering strategies and multifunctional applications, Separation and Purification Technology 2023, 304, 122379. Link 2022: L Yan, X Yang,* Y Zhao, Y Wu, RM Moutloali, BB Mamba, P Sorokin, L Shao*, Bio-inspired mineral-hydrogel hybrid coating on hydrophobic PVDF membrane boosting oil/water emulsion separation, Separation and Purification Technology 2022, 285, 120383. Link 2021: X Yang, ABF Martinson, JW Elam, L Shao,* SB Darling,* Water treatment based on atomically engineered materials: Atomic layer deposition and beyond, Matter 2021, 4(11), 3515-3548. Link L Yan#, X Yang,# Y Zhang, Y Wu, Z Cheng, SB Darling,* L Shao,* Porous Janus materials with unique asymmetries and functionality, Materials Today 2021, 51, 626-647. Link F Ran, X Yang, X Xu, S Li, Y Liu, L Shao,* Green activation of sustainable resources to synthesize nitrogen-doped oxygen-riched porous carbon nanosheets towards high-performance supercapacitor, Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 412, 128673. Link XQ Cheng, Y Jiao, Z Sun, X Yang, Z Cheng, Q Bai, Y Zhang, K Wang, L Shao,* Constructing scalable superhydrophobic membranes for ultrafast water–oil separation, ACS Nano 2021, 15 (2), 3500-3508. Link Y Zhao, X Yang, L Yan, Y Bai, S Li, P Sorokin, L Shao,* Biomimetic nanoparticle-engineered superwettable membranes for efficient oil/water separation, Journal of Membrane Science 2021, 618, 118525. Link 2020: X Yang, P Sun, H Zhang, Z Xia, RZ Waldman, AU Mane, JW Elam, L Shao,* SB Darling,* Polyphenol‐sensitized atomic layer deposition for membrane interface hydrophilization, Advanced Functional Materials 2020, 30 (15), 1910062. Link H Zhang, AU Mane, X Yang, Z Xia, EF Barry, J Luo,* Y Wan, JW Elam, SB Darling,* Visible‐Light‐Activated Photocatalytic Films toward Self‐Cleaning Membranes, Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 2002847. Link X Yang,# L Yuan,# Y Zhao,# L Yan, Y Bai, J Ma, S Li, P Sorokin, L Shao,* Mussel-inspired structure evolution customizing membrane interface hydrophilization, Journal of Membrane Science, 2020, 118471. Link X Yang, L Yan, F Ran, Y Huang, D Pan, Y Bai, L Shao,* Mussel-/diatom-inspired silicified membrane for high-efficiency water remediation, Journal of Membrane Science 2020, 597, 117753. Link L Yan,# X Yang,# J Long, X Cheng,* D Pan, Y Huang, L Shao,* Universal unilateral electro-spinning/spraying strategy to construct water-unidirectional Janus membranes with well-tuned hierarchical micro/nanostructures, Chemical Communications, 2020. Link XQ Cheng, Z Sun, X Yang, Z Li, Y Zhang,* P Wang, H Liang, J Ma,* L Shao,* Construction of superhydrophilic hierarchical polyacrylonitrile nanofiber membranes by in situ asymmetry engineering for unprecedently ultrafast oil–water emulsion separation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8 (33), 16933-16942. Link 2019: X Yang, L Yan, J Ma, Y Bai, L Shao,* Bioadhesion-inspired surface engineering constructing robust, hydrophilic membranes for highly-efficient wastewater remediation, Journal of Membrane Science 2019, 591, 117353. Link X Yang, L Yan, Y Wu, Y Liu, L Shao,* Biomimetic hydrophilization engineering on membrane surface for highly-efficient water purification, Journal of Membrane Science 2019, 589, 117223. Link X Yang,# L Yan,# F Ran, A Pal, J Long, L Shao,* Interface-confined surface engineering constructing water-unidirectional Janus membrane, Journal of Membrane Science 2019, 576, 9-16. Link F Ran, X Yang, X Xu, Y Bai, L Shao,* Boosting the charge storage of layered double hydroxides derived from carbon nanotube-tailored metal organic frameworks, Electrochimica Acta 2019, 301, 117-125. Link X Han, X Yang, G Liu, Z Li,* L Shao,* Boosting visible light photocatalytic activity via impregnation-induced RhB-sensitized MIL-125 (Ti), Chemical Engineering Research and Design 2019, 143, 90-99. Link S Li, X Jiang, X Yang, Y Bai, L Shao,* Nanoporous framework “reservoir” maximizing low-molecular-weight enhancer impregnation into CO2-philic membranes for highly-efficient CO2 capture, Journal of membrane science 2019, 570, 278-285. Link 2018: BOOK CHAPTER: L Shao, X Yang, Z Wang, L Zhang, Mussel‐Inspired Nanocomposites: Synthesis and Promising Applications in Environmental Fields, Multifunctional Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental Applications, 2018, 2, 603-650. Link X Yang, H Sun, A Pal, Y Bai, L Shao, Biomimetic silicification on membrane surface for highly efficient treatments of both oil-in-water emulsion and protein wastewater, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10 (35), 29982-29991. Link X Yang,# Z Wang,# L Shao, Construction of oil-unidirectional membrane for integrated oil collection with lossless transportation and oil-in-water emulsion purification, Journal of Membrane Science 2018, 549, 67-74. Link X Yang, H Du, S Li, Z Wang, L Shao, Codepositing mussel-inspired nanohybrids onto one-dimensional fibers under “green” conditions for significantly enhanced surface/interfacial properties, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2018, 6 (3), 4412-4420. Link X Yang, F You, Y Zhao, Y Bai, L Shao, Confinedly Assembling Surface Nanocoating to Manipulate Nanofiltration Membranes for Highly-efficient Dye Removal, ES Energy & Environment 2018, 1, 106–113. Link H Sun, X Yang, Y Zhang, X Cheng, Y Xu, Y Bai, L Shao, Segregation-induced in situ hydrophilic modification of poly (vinylidene fluoride) ultrafiltration membranes via sticky poly (ethylene glycol) blending, Journal of Membrane Science 2018, 563, 22-30. Link F Ran, X Yang, L Shao, Recent progress in carbon-based nanoarchitectures for advanced supercapacitors, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials 2018, 1, 32-55. Link 2017: X Yang, X Jiang, Y Huang, Z Guo, L Shao, Building nanoporous metal–organic frameworks “armor” on fibers for high-performance composite materials, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9 (6), 5590-5599. Link Z Wang,# X Yang,# Z Cheng, Y Liu, L Shao, L Jiang, Simply realizing “water diode” Janus membranes for multifunctional smart applications, Materials Horizons 2017, 4 (4), 701-708. Link F You, Y Xu, X Yang, Y Zhang, L Shao, Bio-inspired Ni 2+-polyphenol hydrophilic network to achieve unconventional high-flux nanofiltration membranes for environmental remediation, Chemical communications 2017, 53 (45), 6128-6131. Link YQ Zhang, XB Yang, ZX Wang, J Long, L Shao, Designing multifunctional 3D magnetic foam for effective insoluble oil separation and rapid selective dye removal for use in wastewater remediation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017, 5 (16), 7316-7325. Link