

姓名 王聪 性别 王聪
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 航天学院
学位 王聪 学历 王聪
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基本信息 教学与研究生培养 科学研究 学术交流 论文专著 English ... English 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院教授、博士生导师。主要研究方向:航天大型柔性结构动力学、振动与控制,跨介质运动体多相流动力学,水下发射技术等。主持或承担国家省部级科研项目多项、获得科技进步二等奖两项,三等奖两项,发表学术论文200余篇,参编专著一部,获授权专利30余项。 主要任职 名称 复杂环境动力学与控制研究中心主任;哈尔滨工业大学力学学科教授委员会委员;《兵工学报》、《哈尔滨工业大学学报》、《数字海洋与水下攻防》、《振动与冲击》、《水下无人系统学报》《现代防御技术》编委。 教育经历 名称 2002年 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院 博士学位 1993年 东北林业大学机电工程学院 硕士学位 1989年 东北林业大学机电工程学院 学士学位 工作经历 名称 时间 工作经历 1993.06-现在 哈尔滨工业大学 航天学院 1998.10-1999.02 俄罗斯萨玛拉航空航天大学访问Samara State-maintained Aerospace University, Russia 我的新闻 新闻标题 复杂环境动力学与控制研究中心 发布时间 2014-12-31 http://sa.hit.edu.cn/2015/0522/c6641a158628/page.htm 新闻标题 团队情况 发布时间 2015-07-23 研究团队现有教师8人,教授3人,在读博士及硕士研究生40余人,主要从事航天大型柔性结构动力学与振动控制,结构模态分析与振动测试,水下高速运动体多相流体动力与弹道特性,多运动体水下连续发射技术,高速跨介质过程多相流动特性方面的理论与试验研究。近年来承担了包括国家省部级科研项目、国家自然科学基金项目、航天科技创新基金项目等科研项目。已毕业博士、硕士研究生100余人,就业单位包括航天科技集团、航天科工集团、工程物理研究院,航空工业集团,船舶重工集团以及高校等。团队拥有先进的大型结构动态特性测试与分析系统、国内首座通气超空化水洞、高速水下射弹试验设备、LDV、PIV,高速数字相机以及IBM、曙光高性能计算条件等众多大型仪器设备条件,具有良好的研究生培养条件。团队理念:和谐,踏实,严谨,高效。 新闻标题 团队活动 发布时间 2016-01-12 研究生培养 名称 研究生学位课: 1. 近代力学实验方法(II) 2. 结构动力学 3. 结构振动控制 研究生招生: 1. 博士研究生每年3-5名 2. 硕士研究生每年8-10名 在校研究生 名称 博士研究生 丁言义 多相流动噪声响应特性 李文朋 复杂结构跨域多相流动力学 包 健 近水面环境多场耦合及载荷控制 沈迎咏 航天柔性结构动力学与振动控制 刘飞虎 航天器半主动振动控制 王文俊 复杂环境多孔射流融合特性 檀世昱 航天柔性天线系统动力学与控制 张德华 复杂流场环境运动体相互作用机制 余德磊 多体通气空泡复杂流动特性 侯东伯 水下自主航行器运动规划与控制 章文辉 主动通气空泡多相流动力学 李宜果 跨介质运动建模与运动控制 王子路 软物质生长力学行为与调控 季树彬 超材料非线性力学行为及应用 杨 乾 水下高速气体射流多相流动特性 夏胜生 空腔结构跨介质多相流动特性 王桂林 水下发射跨域多相流动力学与运动特性 沙杨扬 多相流场智能重构方法 王宇航 基于机器学习的高速流场流动预示 高敬翔 空间多刚柔体动力学模化 王玉琳 运动体连续发射干扰机制 胡新宇 介质跨越过程多相流动 王嘉瑞 4D超材料力学特性 徐雨航 基于机器学习的复杂流场预示 温咏昊 跨介质多相流动力学 ...... 硕士研究生 李万宁 郭子乾 阴佳文 王福琛 白桂智 张彤运 邵晨龙 程闯 杨柳 唐梓峻 刘宇 许奎奎 刘恩民 王伟翔 ...... 本科生 梅譁程 刘振乾 丁宇辰 陶焕羽 ...... 已毕业研究生 新闻标题 已毕业博士研究生(部分) 发布时间 黄海龙 航天科技尤天庆 航天科技赵 静 航天科技集团何春涛 航天科工马相孚 航天科工马庆鹏 中国工程物理研究院刘相秋 中国航空工业014董 磊 中国船舶703所付英杰 中国船舶718所何乾坤 航天科工闵景新 哈尔滨工程大学王威远 哈尔滨工程大学隗喜斌 哈尔滨理工大学邢彦江 哈尔滨商业大学金大桥 黑龙江工程学院张学伟 哈尔滨工程大学刘海军 河北大学David Wafula Wekesa,Multimedia University of Kenya陈超倩 中国兵器陈 晨 航天科工杜严锋 航天科工 李嫒嫒 航天科技李佳川 中国船舶707所付英杰 中国船舶718所路中磊 航天科工宋武超 航天科工商 超 中国船舶吕 瑞 中国船舶705所孙铁志 大连理工大学孙 钊 上海航天803所王 威 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)许 畅 Texas A&M University张孝石 航天科工赵成功 航天科工李聪慧 中国工程物理研究院张成举 航天科技王金强 航天科工毕殿方 航天科技夏维学 海军工程大学李聪慧 中国工程物理研究院卢佳兴 哈尔滨工程大学杨柳 河北工业大学...... 新闻标题 已毕业硕士研究生 发布时间 2020-7-1 报到中...... 新闻标题 人才培养 发布时间 2016-03-07 新闻标题 发布时间 研究领域 名称 主要研究方向: 航天大型柔性结构动力学、振动与控制 运动体多相流动力学、水下发射技术 团队情况 名称 团队成员: 魏英杰:教 授,博导,研究方向:多相流动力学 王 超:教授,博士,研究方向:复合材料力学 高晶波:副教授,博士,研究方向:复杂结构系统动力学,实验模态分析 曹 伟:副教授,博士,研究方向:结构动力学,多相流动力学 许海雨 助理教授 博士 ,研究方向:多相流动力学 赵予顺 助理教授 博士 ,研究方向:碳基纤维跨尺度结构设计及其力学特性 俞建阳:助理教授,研究方向: 等离子体流动控制技术 科研项目 名称 科研项目: 内部... 科学研究 新闻标题 基础与条件 发布时间 2015-08-13 研究基础与技术积累: <内部>大型复杂多刚柔体系统动力学与振动控制跨水空介质运动体动力学分析与试验水下运动体连续发射复杂流场计算与试验空化与超空化流动计算与试验流固耦合动力学研究条件:HT01通气超空化水洞多射弹连续发射试验系统跨介质入水试验装置小型垂直发射试验系统PIV,LDV高速数字相机高性能计算机及大型工程软件LMS测试与分析系统系列电动振动台...... 新闻标题 外场试验 发布时间 2015-07-22 新闻标题 科学研究 发布时间 2016-03-07 新闻标题 研究条件 发布时间 2016-03-07 学术交流 名称 学术交流 友情链接 链接名称 哈尔滨工业大学 链接地址 http://www.hit.edu.cn/ 简单介绍 链接名称 航天学院 链接地址 http://sa.hit.edu.cn/ 简单介绍 链接名称 团队已毕业博士及硕士研究生 链接地址 http://暂时 简单介绍 链接名称 复杂环境动力学与控制研究中心 链接地址 http://sa.hit.edu.cn/news/Show.asp?id=5062 简单介绍 链接名称 飞行器动力学与控制研究所 链接地址 http://sa.hit.edu.cn/news/Show.asp?id=4431 简单介绍 学术论文 名称 Xu, YH; Sha, YY; Wang, C; Wei, YJ. Enhancing hydrofoil velocity estimation through residual learning. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 36(2). FEB 2024 Wang, WJ; Cao, W; Wang, C ; Lu, JX ; Wei, YJ. Experimental study on discharge coefficient of a cylindrical hole with gas jets in liquid crossflow. OCEAN ENGINEERING 294. FEB 15 2024 Sha, Y ; Xu, Y ; Wei, Y; Wang, C. Prediction of pressure fields on cavitation hydrofoil based on improved compressed sensing technology. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 36(1). JAN 2024 Zhang, DH ; Wang, C; Shen, YY ; Wei, YJ; Xu, HY. Dynamic modeling and motion prediction of two projectiles launched successively underwater. OCEAN ENGINEERING. 292. JAN 15 2024 Hu, XY ; Wei, YJ ; Wang, C; Wang, L. Study on the mechanism of water entry under the effect of floating ice based on a penalty function-based fluid-structure interaction method. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 35(12).DEC 2023 Liu, FH; Yu, DY ; Wang, C ; Wang, GY. Theoretical and Experimental Study on an Active-Passive Integrated Variable Stiffness Vibration Isolator. International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences. DEC 2023 Sha, Yangyang ; Xu, Yuhang; Wei, Yingjie; Xia, Weixue; Wang, Cong. Reconstruction of incomplete flow fields based on unsupervised learning. OCEAN ENGINEERING. 288. NOV 15 2023 Hu, XY; Wei, YJ; Wang, C Study on water entry characteristics of the projectile colliding with the floating ice based on fluid-structure interaction method: Dynamic response and energy conversion . ENERGY . 283 NOV 15 2023 Sha, YY ; Xu, YH ; Wei, YJ ; Wang, C .Adaptive restoration and reconstruction of incomplete flow fields based on unsupervised learning. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 35(10). OCT 2023 Xia, Shengsheng ; Wei, Yingjie ; Wang, Cong. The influence of thin-wall slope on thehigh-speed water entry of a semi-sealed cylindrical shell. APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH. 141. DEC 2023 Xia, SS (Xia, Shengsheng) [1] ; Wei, YJ (Wei, Yingjie) [1] ; Wang, C (Wang, Cong) [1]. Analysis of high-speed water entry in semi-sealed cylindrical shells: Cavity formation and self-disturbance characteristics. OCEAN ENGINEERING. 288. NOV 15 2023 Xu, Yuhang; Sha, Yangyang; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie . Estimation of cavitation velocity fields based on limited pressure data through improved U-shaped neural network . PHYSICS OF FLUIDS . 35 AUG 2023 Wang, Zilu; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie . Differential-Growth-Induced Center Wave Buckling . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS . JUL 2023 Xia, Weixue; Song, Wuchao; Wang, Cong; Yi, Wenbin; Meng, Qingchang; Deng, Hui . Microbubbles drag reduction characteristics of underwater vehicle during pitching movement . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 285 OCT 1 2023 Li, Yiguo; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Cao, Wei; Lu, Jiaxing; Xia, Shengsheng; Xu, Haiyu . On water-entry cavity evolution models and maneuvering motion of supercavitating vehicle . PHYSICS OF FLUIDS . 35 JUL 2023 Wang, Qiang; Cao, Wei; Zhang, Tongyun; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie . Research on cavity collapse characteristics during high-speed water-exit of the supercavitating projectile . PHYSICS OF FLUIDS . 35 JUL 2023 Xu, Yuhang; Wei, Yingjie; Sha, Yangyang; Wang, Cong . A novel model with an improved loss function to predict the velocity field from the pressure on the surface of the hydrofoil . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 283 SEP 1 2023 Xia, Shengsheng; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong; Cao, Wei . Asymmetric flow action on hydrodynamics and structural dynamics for high-speed oblique water entry of the semi-sealed cylindrical shell . APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH . 138 SEP 2023 Yang, Qian; Wang, Yulin; Wei, Yinjie; Wang, Cong; Cheng, Shaohua . Experimental study on tail cavity structure and pressure characteristics of underwater vehicle with tail jet . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 281 AUG 1 2023 Hu, Xinyu; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong; Wang, Jiarui; Yu, Delei; Yang, Qian; Wang, Yulin . Analysis of influencing factors of the projectile entering the water through the ice hole . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 280 JUL 15 2023 Xia, Shengsheng; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong . Cavitation dynamics of the semi-sealed cylindrical shell during high-speed water entry . PHYSICS OF FLUIDS . 35 MAY 2023 Hu, Xinyu; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong . Dynamic characteristics of water entry under the effect of floating ice and an independent distance model of floating ice . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES . 253 SEP 1 2023 Li, Wanning; Zhang, Zhiyang; Lu, Jiaxing; Li, Zhisheng; Wang, Cong . Investigations on the flow characteristics and the structural response of the launch tube during the underwater launching process . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 279 JUL 1 2023 Shen, Yingyong; Gao, Jingbo; Wang, Cong; Tan, Shiyu; Zhang, Dehua; Li, Yuanyuan . Dynamic Analysis of Bidirectional Solar Arrays with Flexible Panels and Clearance Joints . JOURNAL OF SPACECRAFT AND ROCKETS . APR 2023 Hu, Xinyu; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong . Hydrodynamics of the projectile entering the water under the ice hole constraint environment . PHYSICS OF FLUIDS . 35 APR 2023 Xia, Shengsheng; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong; Cao, Wei . Experimental study on high-speed vertical water entry of the semi-sealed cylindrical shell . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 277 JUN 1 2023 Zhang, Dehua; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Yang, Liu . Analysis of motion interference characteristics of underwater vehicles salvo based on the RBF Neural Network . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 277 JUN 1 2023 Xu, Haiyu; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Cao, Wei; Wang, Wei . On the evolution of supercavity geometry and unsteady behavior of supercavitation flow during the development of a twin-vortex supercavity . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 276 MAY 15 2023 Hu, Xinyu; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong; Wang, Guilin; Wang, Yulin . Cavity dynamics of the projectile passing through the ice hole . JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS . 133 MAR 21 2023 Sha, Yangyang; Wang, Cong; Xu, Yuhang; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Guilin; Wang, Yulin . Mode decomposition and sparse reconstruction of the pressure field of the cylinder entering water . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 276 MAY 15 2023 Ji, Shubin; Wang, Fuchen; Wang, Jiarui; Wang, Zilu; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie . Dynamic Responses and Energy Absorption of Mechanical Metamaterials Composed of Buckling Beams . JOURNAL OF VIBRATION ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGIES . MAR 2023 Li, Yiguo; Wang, Cong; Cao, Wei; Hou, Dongbo; Zhang, Chengju . Motion characteristics simulations of supercavitating vehicle based on a three-dimensional cavity topology algorithm . APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING . 115 MAR 2023 Xia, Shengsheng; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong; Cao, Wei; Hu, Xinyu . Numerical investigation of the high-speed vertical water entry of a cylindrical shell . PHYSICS OF FLUIDS . 35 MAR 2023 Hou, Dongbo; Cao, Wei; Wang, Wenjun; Li, Yiguo; Wang, Cong . Position tracking of an autonomous underwater glider based on adaptive filtered backstepping control . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 273 APR 1 2023 Yang, Liu; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong; Xia, Guangqing . Viscoelasticity dependence on hydrodynamic responses during water entry . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 272 MAR 15 2023 Ji, Shubin; Wang, Cong; Meng, XiangJian; Wei, Yingjie . An elastic-induced buckling column with enhanced dissipation capacity for vibration suppression of jacket platforms . ENGINEERING STRUCTURES . 277 FEB 15 2023 Xu, Yuhang; Sha, Yangyang; Wang, Cong; Cao, Wei; Wei, Yingjie . Comparative studies of predictive models for unsteady flow fields based on deep learning and proper orthogonal decomposition . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 272 MAR 15 2023 Ji, Shubin; Wang, Jiarui; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong . All-metal enhanced members with extreme dissipation capacity for vibration suppression of grille structures . MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES . JAN 2023 Hu, Xinyu; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong . Study on high-speed water entry of the projectile passing through an ice hole in a low-temperature environment based on a modified thermodynamic cavitation model . PHYSICS OF FLUIDS . 35 JAN 2023 Tan, Shiyu; Gao, Jingbo; Wang, Cong; Shen, Yingyong . Sensitivity analysis of antenna gain loss to the disturbance of control moment gyroscope . 13TH ASIA CONFERENCE ON MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, ACMAE 2022 . 2472 2023 Zhang, Dehua; Wang, Cong; Li, Zhisheng; Wei, Yingjie . Prediction of the hydrodynamic disturbance characteristics for two projectiles launched successively underwater based on the radial basis function neural network . PHYSICS OF FLUIDS . 35 JAN 2023 Xu, Haiyu; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Cao, Wei . On the nonlinear hydrodynamic characteristic of a ventilated supercavitating vehicle with high Froude number . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 268 JAN 15 2023 Hu, Xinyu; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong; Yang, Liu; Lu, Jiaxing . Analysis of the cavity evolution law of the projectile passing through the underwater ice-hole . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 266 DEC 15 2022 Yang, Qian; Xu, Hao; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Ma, Luchuang; Sha, Yangyang. Experimental investigation on flow structure and pressure characteristics of submerged high-speed gaseous jets under co-flow conditions. OCEAN ENGINEERING.266. DEC 15 2022 Qian Yang , Cong Wang , Yingjie Wei , Yulin Wang, Dehua Zhang,and Xinyu Hu. Experimental study on the collapse of tail cavityinduced by underwater ventilation. Physics of Fluids. 34. NOV 2022 Yu, Delei; Wei, YingJie; Wang, Cong; Xia, WeiXue; Lu, JiaXing; Zhang, WenHui. Experimental investigation on interaction modes and geometric features of two ventilated cavities. OCEAN ENGINEERING. 264.NOV 15 2022 Cheng, Shaohua; Quan, Xiaobo; Sha, Yangyang; Yang, Qian; Wang, Cong; Xu, Yuhang. Experimental investigation of the underwater ventilated tail cavity at different angles of attack. OCEAN ENGINEERING. 261.OCT 1 2022 Yu, DeLei; Wei, YingJie; Wang, Cong; Lu, JiaXing; Li, YiGuo; Zhang, WenHui. Experimental investigation of two ventilated cavities with effect of Froude number and gas entrainment. OCEAN ENGINEERING. 261.OCT 1 2022 Sha, Yangyang; Xu, Yuhang; Yang, Qian; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong. Research on pressure reconstruction of cavitation hydrofoil surface based on compressed sensing. OCEAN ENGINEERING.260. SEP 15 2022 Ji, Shubin; Wang, Zilu; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong. Energy dissipation of mechanical metamaterials composed of multilayer buckling elements. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES. AUG 2022 Wang, Yulin; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong; Yang, Qian; Hu, Xinyu; Wang, Guilin. Theoretical and numerical simulation study on aerodynamics of V configuration high-pressure capture wing (HCW-V).PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 34(8).AUG 2022 Li, Cong-Hui; Wang, Cong; Wei, Ying-Jie. Numerical and theoretical investigation on three-dimensional trajectory characteristics of skipping stones. ACTA MECHANICA SINICA. 38(7).JUL 2022 Lu, JiaXing; Wang, Cong; Wei, YingJie; Sun, TieZhi; Liu, Fang; Xu, Hao. Experimental and theoretical investigation of the cavity dynamics of underwater launched projectiles. OCEAN ENGINEERING. 254. JUN 15 2022 Lu, Jiaxing; Bi, Dianfang; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Wenjun; Zhang, Dehua. Research on the interference characteristics of successively launched underwater projectiles. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 34(6).JUN 2022 Liu, Feihu; Yu, Dengyun; Wang, Cong; Wang, Guangyuan.Advances in Variable Stiffness Vibration Isolator and its Application in Spacecraft. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL STABILITY AND DYNAMICS. 22(13).APR 2022 Lu, JiaXing; Wang, Cong; Song, WuChao; Wei, YingJie; Yu, DeLei; Li, YiGuo.Experimental investigation on interference characteristics of projectiles launched successively underwater.OCEAN ENGINEERING. 250.APR 15 2022 Ji, Shubin; Wang, Cong; Fang, Hui. Metal members stiffened by bistable components for the protection of naval architectures under periodic loading. SHIPS AND OFFSHORE STRUCTURES. . 10.1080/17445302.2022.2035567. MAR 2022. Yang, Qian; Xu, Hao; Li, Yiguo; Zhang, Wenhui; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong.Topology and cavitation number characteristics of the gaseous jet-induced tail cavity under co-flow. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 34(1)JAN 2022 Li, Conghui; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Xia, Weixue; Zhang, Chengju. Hydrodynamic force and attitude angle characteristics of a spinning stone impacting a free surface. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 33. 12. 123309. 10.1063/5.0068968. DEC 2021 Yang, Liu; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong; Xia, Weixue; Li, Yuanyuan. A numerical study on nested cavities during the water entry of deformable elastic spheres. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW. 144. 103773. 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2021.103773. AUG 2021. NOV 2021 Yang, Liu; Sun, Tie-zhi; Wei, Ying-jie; Wang, Cong; Xia, Wei-xue; Wang, Zi-lu. Hydroelastic analysis of water entry of deformable spheres. JOURNAL OF HYDRODYNAMICS. 33. 4. 821. 832. 10.1007/s42241-021-0065-1. AUG 2021. AUG 2021 Yang, Liu; Wei, Yingjie; Li, Jiachuan; Wang, Cong; Xia, Weixue. Experimental study on splash behaviors and cavity shape of elastic spheres during water entry. APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH. 113. 102754. 10.1016/j.apor.2021.102754. JUN 2021. AUG 2021 Wang, Jinqiang; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Zhang, Chengju. Observer-Based Neural Formation Control of Leader-Follower AUVs With Input Saturation. IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL. 15. 2. 2553. 2561. 10.1109/JSYST.2020.2993568. 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Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), 2016,23(1): 17-22. 孙铁志,魏英杰,王聪.液氢和液氮绕水翼空化流动特性分析[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报,2016,(08):141-146. 张孝石,王聪,魏英杰,孙铁志.水下航行体通气空泡溃灭特性研究[J].兵工学报,2016,(12):2324-2330. 宋武超,王聪,魏英杰,许昊.回转体倾斜入水空泡及弹道特性实验[J].北京航空航天大学学报,2016,(11):2386-2394. 路中磊,魏英杰,王聪,陈晨.正浮力开放腔体圆柱壳垂直入水数值研究[J].振动与冲击,2016,(16):79-85. 路中磊,魏英杰,王聪,孙铁志.开放空腔壳体入水流场结构及流体动力特征研究[J].北京航空航天大学学报,2016,(11):2403-2412. 路中磊,魏英杰,王聪,孙钊.基于高速摄像实验的开放腔体圆柱壳入水空泡流动研究[J].物理学报,2016,(01):309-323. 赵成功,王聪,孙铁志,张孝石.初始扰动对射弹尾拍运动及弹道特性影响分析[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报,2016,(10):71-76. 方城林,魏英杰,王聪,夏维学.不同头型高速射弹垂直入水数值模拟[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报,2016,(10):77-82. 陈超倩,曹伟,王聪,魏英杰.超空泡航行体最优控制建模与仿真[J].北京理工大学学报,2016,(10):1031-1036. 李佳川,魏英杰,王聪,邓环宇.加热球体入水空泡实验研究[J].物理学报,2016,(20):161-168. 陈超倩,曹伟,王聪,魏英杰.超空泡航行体加速段控制设计[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报,2016,(08):147-153. 孙钊,曹伟,王聪,魏英杰.表面润湿性对球体入水空泡形态的影响研究[J].兵工学报,2016,(04):670-676. Zhang Xiaoshi, Wang Cong. Research on Underwater Vehicle Based on Multiphase Flow Control, MATEC Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences, 2015, 25. 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Renewabal Energy. 2015,76. 648-661 Yang Zhao,Wang Cong,Gao Jingbo.3-D Structural Vibration Measurement using Digital Photogrammery. International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Informatics (AMEII). 2015,15. 1581-1586 Chenggong Zhao, Cong Wang, Yingjie Wei, Xiaoshi Zhang. An experimental study on characteristics of cavitation and ballistic of axisymmetric slender body underwater movement. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2015.656 Tiezhi Sun, Yingjie Wei, Cong Wang. Prediction of cryogenic cavitation around hydrofoil by an extensional Schnerr-Sauer cavitation model. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2015.656 赵成功, 王聪, 魏英杰, 马庆鹏. 质心位置对超空泡射弹尾拍运动影响分析. 北京航空航天大学学报. 2014年12月, 第40卷 第12期 SUN Tie-zhi, WEI Ying-jie, WANG Cong, ZHAO Cheng-gong. Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation of Cryogenic Cavitating Flows of Liquid Nitrogen Around Hydrofoil. Journal of Ship Mechanics. Vol.18 No.12, Dec. 2014 Wekesa W. David., Wang C., Wei Y., Kamau J.N., Danao L.A.M.A Numerical Analysis of Unsteady Inflow Wind for Site Specific Vertical Axis Wind Turbine. Renewable Energy Journal.2014.11 许畅,王聪,高晶波,张春芳. 基于摄像测量法的在轨柔性结构模态参数辨识. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 第46卷 第11期, 2014年11月 马庆鹏,魏英杰,王聪,赵成功. 不同头型运动体高速入水空泡数值模拟. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 第46卷 第11期. 2014年11月 Wekesa W. David., Wang C., Wei Y., Danao L.A.M. Influence of Operating Conditions on Unsteady Wind Performance of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines Operating within a Fluctuating Free-stream: A numerical Study. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics.2014.10 陈超倩,曹伟,王聪,任怀勋等. 考虑空化作用的潜射航行体弹道仿真. 工程力学. 第31卷 第10期 2014年10月 路中磊; 魏英杰; 王聪; 孙铁志. 开放腔体圆柱壳垂向入水试验研究. 第八届全国流体力学学术会议(兰州). 2014年9月 王聪; 张孝石; 曹伟; 孙铁志. 航行体水下发射气幕形态特性研究. 第八届全国流体力学学术会议(兰州). 2014年9月 马庆鹏,魏英杰,王聪,曹伟等. 锥头圆柱体高速入水空泡深闭合数值模拟研究. 兵工学报. 第35卷 第9期 2014年9月 何乾坤, 王聪, 魏英杰. 超空泡射弹尾拍运动流固耦合动力学响应研究. 动力学与控制学报.第12卷 第3期2014年9月 马庆鹏,何春涛,王聪,魏英杰等. 球体垂直入水空泡实验研究. 爆炸与冲击. 第34卷 第2期, 2014年3月 马庆鹏, 魏英杰, 王聪, 曹伟. 锥头圆柱体高速入水空泡数值模拟. 北京航空航天大学学报. 2014年2月, 第40卷 第2期 David WEKESA, Cong WANG, Joseph KAMAU. Wind resource data logging measuring system. 2014 International Conference on Energy, Environment and Materials Engineering(EEME2014). February, 2014, Shenzhen, China. 21-26 David Wafula Wekesa_z, Cong Wang_, Yingjie Wei_ and Joseph N. Kamauz. Wind Resource Assessment and Numerical Simulation for Wind Turbine Airfoils. 15th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM), Elgouna, Egypt, IEEE. 2014.9 专著编写 名称 编写专著: 《--水下发射技术》,中国宇航出版社,北京,2013.1 专利申请 名称 专利申请: 一种用于发射次口径弹丸可气动分离的内外双层嵌套弹托. CN202010054551.1 一种水陆两用车轮及动力系统. CN202110574317.6 一种航行体入水实验发射装置及其实现连续释放的方法,201911021162 一种空泡气膜全包裹式水下多级通气航行体实验模型,202122281180.3 一种可调节艇速与发射相对位置的重复装填水下齐射装置,CN110906790B 一种压力测量装置及压力测量方法,CN202110687005.6 一种小型回转体旋转释放装置,202110461244 一种带有弹性尾缘的超空泡航行体试验模型,201910678478 一种实现多弹体间距连续可调的并联入水轻气炮发射装置,CN209246803U 水下圆柱运动体弹身表面压力传感器放置机构,CN 201420771241 一种体长和尾翼可调的运动体试验模型,CN201420778584.0 一种可连续调节炮筒距离的多弹齐射装置,CN201822063997.1 一种可移动漂浮式海洋能发电装置. ZL201711159935.4 一种两用途水洞系统. ZL201720911797.X 一种绕头部俯仰摆动的超空泡航行体水洞实验装置. ZL201710094019.0 一种电磁肌肉仿生腔体膜水母机器人. ZL201710094994.1 一种锚定式全维度波浪能俘获装置. ZL201710068229.2 一种开架式全方位海参捕捞机器人. ZL201711192467.0 碟形水下滑翔机器人. ZL201611041435.6 一种碟形内波发电平台 . ZL201611041434.1 一种通过炮口切割器实现气动分离的弹托. ZL201521054437.X. 2015.12 轻气炮射弹快速填充装置. ZL201521054421.9, 2015.12 一种可调距串联弹托. ZL201521018920.2 一种通气超空泡水洞除气装置. ZL201521047159.5 一种用于水洞实验中的自旋空化器装置. ZL201521054425.7 射弹入水驻点压力测量装置. ZL201521054401.1 一种基于动量定理的弹托分离系统. ZL201510945757.2 一种水下超空泡航行体缩比模型试验用通气装置. ZL 201420137743.9, 2014.6 一种基于惯性原理的充气启动装置. ZL201420693930.5. 2015.2 水下圆柱体运动体表面压力传感器放置机构. ZL201420771241.1. 2015.6 一种长度和尾翼可调的运动体实验模型. ZL201420778584.0. 2015.3 一种水下气幕垂直发射实验装置. ZL201410680860.4, 2014.11 一种水洞实验通气航行体自旋装置. ZL201410697229.5, 2014.11 一种水下齿啮合弹性分离弹托. Zl201420693928.8 大型柔性结构振动位移的双目摄影测量方法. ZL201410191705.6 一种可转动的轻气炮装置. ZL201410765306. 6 一种水下发射运动体尾翼同步展开装置. ZL201120205168.8, 2011.6 Personal Information 名称 Dr Alan Wang Professor of Dynamics and Control Director of Research Center for Dynamics and Control in Complex Environments School of Astronautics Harbin Institute of Technology PO Box 137, Harbin150001, PR China Tel.: +86 (0)451-86413453 Fax.: +86 (0)451-86413510 E-mail: alanwang@hit.edu.cn Education 名称 PhD, Dynamics, Vibration and Control. Harbin Institute of Technology, 2002. MS, Mechanical Engineering,.NortheastForestryUniversity, 1993. BS, Mechanical Engineering,.NortheastForestryUniversity, 1989 Employment Histroy 名称 Jun. 1993 to Present Date:Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor, Dynamics and Control, Division of Aircraft Dynamics and Control, School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, PR China Oct. 1998 - Feb. 1999:Research Associate, Department of Structure and Design of Aircraft, Samara State-maintained Aerospace University, Russia Research Interests 名称 Dynamics and Vibration Control of Flexible Large Space Structures Multiphase Fluid Dynamic of Underwater Vehicle, Underwater launching technology Courses Taught at HIT 名称 Structural Dynamics Vibration Control Modern mechanics experiment method (For Graduate Students) Scientific Research Team 名称 新闻标题 Research Center for Dynamics and Control in Complex Environments 发表时间 2014-12-31 http://sa.hit.edu.cn/news/Show.asp?id=5062 Academic Exchange 新闻标题 Scientific research 发布时间 2016-03-07 新闻标题 Postgraduate training 发布时间 2016-03-07 新闻标题 Academic Exchange 发布时间 2013-02-14 新闻标题 Academic Aactivities 发布时间 2013-01-10 Academic Aactivities 新闻标题 Academic Reprot 发布时间 2013-01-10 新闻标题 Study Visits 发布时间 2013-02-13 Selected Publications 名称 Xu, YH; Sha, YY; Wang, C; Wei, YJ. Enhancing hydrofoil velocity estimation through residual learning. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 36(2). FEB 2024 Wang, WJ; Cao, W; Wang, C ; Lu, JX ; Wei, YJ. Experimental study on discharge coefficient of a cylindrical hole with gas jets in liquid crossflow. OCEAN ENGINEERING 294. FEB 15 2024 Sha, Y ; Xu, Y ; Wei, Y; Wang, C. Prediction of pressure fields on cavitation hydrofoil based on improved compressed sensing technology. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 36(1). JAN 2024 Zhang, DH ; Wang, C; Shen, YY ; Wei, YJ; Xu, HY. Dynamic modeling and motion prediction of two projectiles launched successively underwater. OCEAN ENGINEERING. 292. JAN 15 2024 Hu, XY ; Wei, YJ ; Wang, C; Wang, L. Study on the mechanism of water entry under the effect of floating ice based on a penalty function-based fluid-structure interaction method. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 35(12).DEC 2023 Xia, Shengsheng ; Wei, Yingjie ; Wang, Cong. The influence of thin-wall slope on the high-speed water entry of a semi-sealed cylindrical shell. APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH. 141. DEC 2023 Liu, FH; Yu, DY ; Wang, C ; Wang, GY. Theoretical and Experimental Study on an Active-Passive Integrated Variable Stiffness Vibration Isolator. International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences. DEC 2023 Sha, Yangyang ; Xu, Yuhang; Wei, Yingjie; Xia, Weixue; Wang, Cong. Reconstruction of incomplete flow fields based on unsupervised learning. OCEAN ENGINEERING. 288. NOV 15 2023 Sha, YY ; Xu, YH ; Wei, YJ ; Wang, C .Adaptive restoration and reconstruction of incomplete flow fields based on unsupervised learning. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 35(10). OCT 2023 Hu, XY; Wei, YJ; Wang, C Study on water entry characteristics of the projectile colliding with the floating ice based on fluid-structure interaction method: Dynamic response and energy conversion . ENERGY . 283 NOV 15 2023 Xia, SS (Xia, Shengsheng) [1] ; Wei, YJ (Wei, Yingjie) [1] ; Wang, C (Wang, Cong) [1]. Analysis of high-speed water entry in semi-sealed cylindrical shells: Cavity formation and self-disturbance characteristics. OCEAN ENGINEERING. 288. NOV 15 2023 Xu, Yuhang; Sha, Yangyang; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie . Estimation of cavitation velocity fields based on limited pressure data through improved U-shaped neural network . PHYSICS OF FLUIDS . 35 AUG 2023 Wang, Zilu; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie . Differential-Growth-Induced Center Wave Buckling . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS . JUL 2023 Xia, Weixue; Song, Wuchao; Wang, Cong; Yi, Wenbin; Meng, Qingchang; Deng, Hui . Microbubbles drag reduction characteristics of underwater vehicle during pitching movement . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 285 OCT 1 2023 Li, Yiguo; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Cao, Wei; Lu, Jiaxing; Xia, Shengsheng; Xu, Haiyu . On water-entry cavity evolution models and maneuvering motion of supercavitating vehicle . PHYSICS OF FLUIDS . 35 JUL 2023 Wang, Qiang; Cao, Wei; Zhang, Tongyun; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie . Research on cavity collapse characteristics during high-speed water-exit of the supercavitating projectile . PHYSICS OF FLUIDS . 35 JUL 2023 Xu, Yuhang; Wei, Yingjie; Sha, Yangyang; Wang, Cong . A novel model with an improved loss function to predict the velocity field from the pressure on the surface of the hydrofoil . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 283 SEP 1 2023 Xia, Shengsheng; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong; Cao, Wei . Asymmetric flow action on hydrodynamics and structural dynamics for high-speed oblique water entry of the semi-sealed cylindrical shell . APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH . 138 SEP 2023 Yang, Qian; Wang, Yulin; Wei, Yinjie; Wang, Cong; Cheng, Shaohua . Experimental study on tail cavity structure and pressure characteristics of underwater vehicle with tail jet . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 281 AUG 1 2023 Hu, Xinyu; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong; Wang, Jiarui; Yu, Delei; Yang, Qian; Wang, Yulin . Analysis of influencing factors of the projectile entering the water through the ice hole . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 280 JUL 15 2023 Xia, Shengsheng; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong . Cavitation dynamics of the semi-sealed cylindrical shell during high-speed water entry . PHYSICS OF FLUIDS . 35 MAY 2023 Hu, Xinyu; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong . Dynamic characteristics of water entry under the effect of floating ice and an independent distance model of floating ice . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES . 253 SEP 1 2023 Li, Wanning; Zhang, Zhiyang; Lu, Jiaxing; Li, Zhisheng; Wang, Cong . Investigations on the flow characteristics and the structural response of the launch tube during the underwater launching process . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 279 JUL 1 2023 Shen, Yingyong; Gao, Jingbo; Wang, Cong; Tan, Shiyu; Zhang, Dehua; Li, Yuanyuan . Dynamic Analysis of Bidirectional Solar Arrays with Flexible Panels and Clearance Joints . JOURNAL OF SPACECRAFT AND ROCKETS . APR 2023 Hu, Xinyu; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong . Hydrodynamics of the projectile entering the water under the ice hole constraint environment . PHYSICS OF FLUIDS . 35 APR 2023 Xia, Shengsheng; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong; Cao, Wei . Experimental study on high-speed vertical water entry of the semi-sealed cylindrical shell . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 277 JUN 1 2023 Zhang, Dehua; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Yang, Liu . Analysis of motion interference characteristics of underwater vehicles salvo based on the RBF Neural Network . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 277 JUN 1 2023 Xu, Haiyu; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Cao, Wei; Wang, Wei . On the evolution of supercavity geometry and unsteady behavior of supercavitation flow during the development of a twin-vortex supercavity . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 276 MAY 15 2023 Hu, Xinyu; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong; Wang, Guilin; Wang, Yulin . Cavity dynamics of the projectile passing through the ice hole . JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS . 133 MAR 21 2023 Sha, Yangyang; Wang, Cong; Xu, Yuhang; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Guilin; Wang, Yulin . Mode decomposition and sparse reconstruction of the pressure field of the cylinder entering water . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 276 MAY 15 2023 Ji, Shubin; Wang, Fuchen; Wang, Jiarui; Wang, Zilu; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie . Dynamic Responses and Energy Absorption of Mechanical Metamaterials Composed of Buckling Beams . JOURNAL OF VIBRATION ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGIES . MAR 2023 Li, Yiguo; Wang, Cong; Cao, Wei; Hou, Dongbo; Zhang, Chengju . Motion characteristics simulations of supercavitating vehicle based on a three-dimensional cavity topology algorithm . APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING . 115 MAR 2023 Xia, Shengsheng; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong; Cao, Wei; Hu, Xinyu . Numerical investigation of the high-speed vertical water entry of a cylindrical shell . PHYSICS OF FLUIDS . 35 MAR 2023 Hou, Dongbo; Cao, Wei; Wang, Wenjun; Li, Yiguo; Wang, Cong . Position tracking of an autonomous underwater glider based on adaptive filtered backstepping control . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 273 APR 1 2023 Yang, Liu; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong; Xia, Guangqing . Viscoelasticity dependence on hydrodynamic responses during water entry . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 272 MAR 15 2023 Ji, Shubin; Wang, Cong; Meng, XiangJian; Wei, Yingjie . An elastic-induced buckling column with enhanced dissipation capacity for vibration suppression of jacket platforms . ENGINEERING STRUCTURES . 277 FEB 15 2023 Xu, Yuhang; Sha, Yangyang; Wang, Cong; Cao, Wei; Wei, Yingjie . Comparative studies of predictive models for unsteady flow fields based on deep learning and proper orthogonal decomposition . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 272 MAR 15 2023 Ji, Shubin; Wang, Jiarui; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong . All-metal enhanced members with extreme dissipation capacity for vibration suppression of grille structures . MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES . JAN 2023 Hu, Xinyu; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong . Study on high-speed water entry of the projectile passing through an ice hole in a low-temperature environment based on a modified thermodynamic cavitation model . PHYSICS OF FLUIDS . 35 JAN 2023 Tan, Shiyu; Gao, Jingbo; Wang, Cong; Shen, Yingyong . Sensitivity analysis of antenna gain loss to the disturbance of control moment gyroscope . 13TH ASIA CONFERENCE ON MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, ACMAE 2022 . 2472 2023 Zhang, Dehua; Wang, Cong; Li, Zhisheng; Wei, Yingjie . Prediction of the hydrodynamic disturbance characteristics for two projectiles launched successively underwater based on the radial basis function neural network . PHYSICS OF FLUIDS . 35 JAN 2023 Xu, Haiyu; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Cao, Wei . On the nonlinear hydrodynamic characteristic of a ventilated supercavitating vehicle with high Froude number . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 268 JAN 15 2023 Hu, Xinyu; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong; Yang, Liu; Lu, Jiaxing . Analysis of the cavity evolution law of the projectile passing through the underwater ice-hole . OCEAN ENGINEERING . 266 DEC 15 2022 Yang, Qian; Xu, Hao; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Ma, Luchuang; Sha, Yangyang. Experimental investigation on flow structure and pressure characteristics of submerged high-speed gaseous jets under co-flow conditions. OCEAN ENGINEERING.266. DEC 15 2022 Qian Yang , Cong Wang , Yingjie Wei , Yulin Wang, Dehua Zhang,and Xinyu Hu. Experimental study on the collapse of tail cavityinduced by underwater ventilation. Physics of Fluids. 34. NOV 2022 Yu, Delei; Wei, YingJie; Wang, Cong; Xia, WeiXue; Lu, JiaXing; Zhang, WenHui. Experimental investigation on interaction modes and geometric features of two ventilated cavities. OCEAN ENGINEERING. 264.NOV 15 2022 Cheng, Shaohua; Quan, Xiaobo; Sha, Yangyang; Yang, Qian; Wang, Cong; Xu, Yuhang. Experimental investigation of the underwater ventilated tail cavity at different angles of attack. OCEAN ENGINEERING. 261.OCT 1 2022 Yu, DeLei; Wei, YingJie; Wang, Cong; Lu, JiaXing; Li, YiGuo; Zhang, WenHui. Experimental investigation of two ventilated cavities with effect of Froude number and gas entrainment. OCEAN ENGINEERING. 261.OCT 1 2022 Sha, Yangyang; Xu, Yuhang; Yang, Qian; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong. Research on pressure reconstruction of cavitation hydrofoil surface based on compressed sensing. OCEAN ENGINEERING.260. SEP 15 2022 Ji, Shubin; Wang, Zilu; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong. Energy dissipation of mechanical metamaterials composed of multilayer buckling elements. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES. AUG 2022 Wang, Yulin; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong; Yang, Qian; Hu, Xinyu; Wang, Guilin. Theoretical and numerical simulation study on aerodynamics of V configuration high-pressure capture wing (HCW-V).PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 34(8).AUG 2022 Li, Cong-Hui; Wang, Cong; Wei, Ying-Jie. Numerical and theoretical investigation on three-dimensional trajectory characteristics of skipping stones. ACTA MECHANICA SINICA. 38(7).JUL 2022 Lu, JiaXing; Wang, Cong; Wei, YingJie; Sun, TieZhi; Liu, Fang; Xu, Hao. Experimental and theoretical investigation of the cavity dynamics of underwater launched projectiles. OCEAN ENGINEERING. 254. JUN 15 2022 Lu, Jiaxing; Bi, Dianfang; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Wenjun; Zhang, Dehua. Research on the interference characteristics of successively launched underwater projectiles. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 34(6).JUN 2022 Liu, Feihu; Yu, Dengyun; Wang, Cong; Wang, Guangyuan.Advances in Variable Stiffness Vibration Isolator and its Application in Spacecraft. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL STABILITY AND DYNAMICS. 22(13).APR 2022 Lu, JiaXing; Wang, Cong; Song, WuChao; Wei, YingJie; Yu, DeLei; Li, YiGuo.Experimental investigation on interference characteristics of projectiles launched successively underwater.OCEAN ENGINEERING. 250.APR 15 2022 Ji, Shubin; Wang, Cong; Fang, Hui. Metal members stiffened by bistable components for the protection of naval architectures under periodic loading. SHIPS AND OFFSHORE STRUCTURES. . 10.1080/17445302.2022.2035567. MAR 2022. Li, Conghui; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Xia, Weixue; Zhang, Chengju. Hydrodynamic force and attitude angle characteristics of a spinning stone impacting a free surface. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 33. 12. 123309. 10.1063/5.0068968. DEC 2021 Yang, Liu; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong; Xia, Weixue; Li, Yuanyuan. A numerical study on nested cavities during the water entry of deformable elastic spheres. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW. 144. 103773. 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2021.103773. 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WANG Cong, HE Chaojie, Numerical simulation of cavitation and motion characteristics of revolution bodies entering water in parallel. JOURNAL OF HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 53 No. 12. Dec 2021 WANG Cong, HE Chaojie, YU Delei. Prediction of the state of revolution bodies entering water in parallel. JOURNAL OF HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 53 No. 6. June 2021 XIA Weixue, WANGCong, LIJiachuan, HOUDongbo. Experimental Investigation on Motion Hydrodynamics of Water Entry for Inclined Cylinders. JOURNAL OF SHANGHAI JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY. Vol.55 No.1 Jan. 2021 Yang Liu Sun Tie-Zhi Wei Ying-Jie Wang Cong Li Jia-Chuan Xia Wei-Xue. Experimental study of cavity evolution and deformation during water entering into hyperelastic sphere. Acta Physica Sinica, 70, 084701 (2021) DOI: 10.7498/aps.70.20201738 Zhang, Chengju; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Robust trajectory tracking control for underactuated autonomous surface vessels with uncertainty dynamics and unavailable velocities, OCEAN ENGINEERING, 218,DEC 15 2020 HUANG Hailong, WANG Cong, YU Delei, ZHANG He, LU Jiaxing. Experimental study on cavitation evolution of high - speed projectile water entry in parallel. JOURNAL OF HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 52 No. 12. Dec. 2020 Zhang, Chengju; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie, Observer-based adaptive tracking control of underactuated autonomous marine vehicle with uncertainty dynamic, APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH, 104, NOV 2020 Yang, Liu; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong, Numerical study on the deformation behaviors of elastic spheres during water entry, JOURNAL OF FLUIDS AND STRUCTURES, 99, NOV 2020 Wang, Jinqiang; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie, Neuroadaptive Sliding Mode Formation Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles With Uncertain Dynamics, IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL,SEPT 2020,V4(3) Du, Yanfeng; Wang, Cong, Dynamic Coupling and Control of Flexible Space Robots, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL STABILITY AND DYNAMICS, 202008 Li, Conghui; Wang, Cong; Wei, YingJie, Three-dimensional numerical simulation of cavity dynamics of a stone with different spinning velocities, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW. 202008 Du, Yanfeng; Wang, Cong; Zhou, Yan; Vibration Control for Flexible Spacecraft using Multi Impulse Robust Input Shaper and Optimal Control Method. ADVANCES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS. VOL:12:3:797-814. JUN 2020 Wang, Jinqiang; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie;Bounded neural adaptive formation control of multiple underactuated AUVs under uncertain dynamics. ISA transactions. 2020-Jun-05 (Epub 2020 Jun 05) Zhang, Chengju; Wang, Cong; Wang, Jinqiang; Neuro-adaptive trajectory tracking control of underactuated autonomous surface vehicles with high-gain observer. APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH. VOL:97 :102051. APR 2020 Wang, Jinqiang; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Filter-backstepping based neural adaptive formation control of leader-following multiple AUVs in three dimensional space. OCEAN ENGINEERING. VOL:201 :107150. APR 1 2020 Yang, Liu; Wei, Yingjie; Wang, Cong; Numerical investigations on the deformation styles and stress distributions of hyperelastic/viscoelastic spheres during water entry. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. VOL:127:6 :064901. FEB 14 2020 Xia, Weixue; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Position detection method and hydrodynamic characteristics of the water entry of a cylinder with multidegree motion. EXPERIMENTS IN FLUIDS. VOL:61:2 :57. FEB 6 2020 Zhang, Chengju; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Neural network adaptive position tracking control of underactuated autonomous surface vehicle. JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. VOL:34:2:855-865. FEB 2020 Zhang, Chengju; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Neural-Based Command Filtered Backstepping Control for Trajectory Tracking of Underactuated Autonomous Surface Vehicles.IEEE ACCESS. VOL:8:42481-42490. 2020 Wang, Jinqiang; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; Sliding mode based neural adaptive formation control of underactuated AUVs with leader-follower strategy. APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH .VOL:? 94 :101971. JAN 2020 Xia, Weixue; Wang, Cong; Wei, YingJie; Experimental study on water entry of inclined circular cylinders with horizontal velocities. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW. 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JUN 2019 Wang, Jinqiang,Wang, Cong,Wei, Yingjie,Zhang, Chengju,Command filter based adaptive neural trajectory tracking control of an underactuated underwater vehicle in three-dimensional space,OCEAN ENGINEERING,VL 180,175-186,MAY 15 2019 Li, Yuanyuan,Wang, Cong,Huang, Wenhu,Rigid-flexible-thermal analysis of planar composite solar array with clearance joint considering torsional spring, latch mechanism and attitude controller, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS,VL 96,2031-2053,MAY 2019 Yu, Jianyang,Wang, Zhao,Chen, Fu,Yu, Jianing,Wang, Cong,Kriging surrogate model applied in the mechanism study of tip leakage flow control in turbine cascade by multiple DBD plasma actuators, AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,VL 85,216-228,FEB 2019 Li, Yuanyuan; Wang, Cong; Huang, Wenhu, Dynamics analysis of planar rigid-flexible coupling deployable solar array system with multiple revolute clearance joints, MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, Vol. 117: 188-209: FEB 15 2019 Du, Yanfeng; Wang, Cong; Lu, Juncheng; Vibration suppression using multi-impulse robust shaping method of zero vibration and derivative, JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION, Vol. 440: 277-290 : FEB 3 2019 Chen, Chen,Sun, Tiezhi,Wei, Yingjie,Wang, Cong,Computational analysis of compressibility effects on cavity dynamics in high-speed water-entry,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND OCEAN ENGINEERING,VL 11,JAN 2019 Yu, Jianyang,Yu, Jianing,Chen, Fu,Wang, Cong,Numerical study of tip leakage flow control in turbine cascades using,the DBD plasma model improved by the parameter identification method,AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,VL 84,JAN 2019 LI Conghui,WANG Cong,WANG Wei,ZHANG Chengju. The shape and pressure characteristics of ventilated supercavity in longitudinal plane rotation motion. JOURNAL OF HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 51 No. 10 Oct.2019 WANG Wei,WANG Cong,LI Conghui,DU Yanfeng. Effects of periodic gust flow on supercavitation morphology and hydrodynamic characteristics of a ventilated vehicle. JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND SHOCK. Vol.38 No.13 2019 LU Jiaxing,WANG Cong,WEI Yingjie,XU Hao,SONG Wuchao. Experimental Research on Cavity Evolution Pattern and Trajectory Characteristics in the Water-exit Process of Salvoed Revolving Bodies. ACTA ARMAMENTARII. Vol.40 No.6. Jun.2019 SONG Wuchao,WANG Cong,WEI Yingjie,XIA Weixue. Experimental Study of Microbubble Flow and Drag Reduction Characteristics of Underwater Vehicle in Pitching Movement. ACTA ARMAMENTARII. Vol.40 No.6. Jun.2019 ZHANG Chengju,WANG Cong,CAO Wei,WANG Jinqiang. Optimal Control of Supercavitating Vehicles Based on Unscented Kalman Filter. ACTA ARMAMENTARII. Vol.40 No.6. Jun.2019 Du, Yanfeng; Wang, Cong; Zhou, Yan, A study on supercavitation in axisymmetric subsonic liquid flow past slender conical body, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS B-FLUIDS, Vol. 72: 264-274: NOV-DEC 2018 Li, Jia-Chuan; Wei, Ying-Jie; Wang, Cong; Cavity formation during water entry of heated spheres, CHINESE PHYSICS B, Vol. 27 No. 9: 094703 SEP 2018 Song, Wuchao; Wang, Cong; Wei, Yingjie; The characteristics and mechanism of microbubble drag reduction on the axisymmetric body, MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B Vol. 32 No. 18 : 1850206 : JUN 30 2018 Wang, Wei; Wang, Cong; Wei,Yingjie; A study on the wake structure of the double vortex tubes in a ventilated supercavity, JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 32, No. 4: 1601-1611,APR 2018. Xu Hao; Wang Cong; Lu Hong-Zhi; Experimental study on submerged supersonic gaseous jet induced tail cavity, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.: 67 No. 1: 014703: JAN 5 2018. 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