

姓名 王广通 性别 王广通
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 医学与健康学院
学位 王广通 学历 王广通
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王广通Guangtong Wang 科学研究 Research & Projects 论文出版物 Publications 承担课程 Courses 学生Students 新建主栏目 基本信息 Personal Information 名称 王广通,博士,硕士生导师. 哈尔滨工业大学医学与健康学院,副教授。 地址:黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区一匡街2号哈工大科技园科创大厦,邮编:150080。 电子邮箱:wgt@hit.edu.cn Assoc. Prof. Dr. Guangtong Wang School of Medicine and Health, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150080, China. E-mail: wgt@hit.edu.cn ORCID: 0000-0002-4541-5440 工作经历 Work Experience 名称 2021- 哈尔滨工业大学,医学与健康学院,副教授。Associate Professor, School of Medicine and Health, Harbin Institute of Technology. 2019-2021 哈尔滨工业大学,交叉科学研究中心,副教授。Associate Professor Research Center of Interdisciplinary Science, Harbin Institute of Technology. 2017-2018 北陆先端科学技术研究院大学,访问学者,合作导师:江东林教授,Yuki Nagao准教授。Postdoctoral Researcher, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Supervisor: Prof. Donglin Jiang, Assoc. Prof. Yuki Nagao 2015-2018 哈尔滨工业大学,基础与交叉科学研究院,讲师。Assistant Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology. 教育经历 Education Background 名称 2010-2015 清华大学,化学系,博士。导师:张希 院士Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University. Supervisor: Prof. Xi Zhang 2006-2010 吉林大学,化学学院。本科School of Chemistry, Jilin University. 学术兼职 Part-time Work 名称 2021-2023 SmartMat青年编委Member of Youth Editorial Board of SmartMat. 获奖情况 Honor & Award 名称 2023 哈尔滨工业大学“立德树人”先进个人 2023 哈尔滨工业大学2022-2023年度“优秀思想政治工作者” 2023 哈尔滨工业大学2022-2023年度五四表彰学生活动优秀指导教师 2023 哈尔滨工业大学2022年度安全生产先进个人 研究领域 名称 1. 介孔材料用于生物医学检测 有机共价框架材料(COFs)和金属有机框架材料(MOFs)等介孔材料具有尺寸,形状,内环境均一,可预设计的优点,可用于无机、有机分子、多肽、蛋白、核酸等的选择性富集,因此,利用COFs和MOFs的选择性吸附功能,可以实现生物样品中微量待测分子的高灵敏检测。 2. 纳米材料用于农业药物、疫苗的递送 纳米材料不仅可以用于人类疾病,如肿瘤、炎症等药物、疫苗的缓释和靶向递送,也可以用于农业动植物药物、疫苗的缓释和靶向递送。针对农业动植物自身生理结构的特点和所处环境的特性,可以设计各种无机/有机纳米材料,用于农药靶向递送、兽/鱼用药物、疫苗的靶向递送。 期刊论文 Publications 名称 24. Guangtong Wang#, Yu Feng#, Xingyao Ye, Zhongping Li, Shanshan Tao, Donglin Jiang, Light-gating crystalline porous covalent organic frameworks, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2024, 146, ASAP (IF = 15.0) link 23. Caiyun Wang#, Rui Yang#, Guangtong Wang*, Shaoqin Liu*, Electrochemical biosensor for Staphylococcus aureus detection based on a multilevel surface 3D micro/nanostructure, Analyst, 2024, Advance Article. (IF = 4.2) link 22. Yu Feng#, Guangtong Wang#, Ruoyang Liu#, Xingyao Ye, Shanshan Tao, Matthew A. Addicoat, Zhongping Li, Qiuhong Jiang, Donglin Jiang*, Photoresponsive covalent organic frameworks: visible-light controlled conversion of porous structures and its impacts, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2024, 63, e202400009 (IF = 16.6) link (HOT PAPER) 21. Yajie Yang, Cheng Zhang, Doudou Cao, Yingbo Song, Shusen Chen, Yan Song, Fengju Wang, Guangtong Wang*, Ye Yuan*, Design and preparation of fluorescent covalent organic frameworks for biological sensing, Chemical Communication, 2024, 60, 2605–2612 (IF = 4.9) link 20. Mengmeng Nan, Kangle Guo, Tao Jia,* Guangtong Wang,* Shaoqin Liu*, Novel acid-driven bioinspired self-resettable bilayer hydrogel actuator mimicking natural muscles, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024, 16, 9224–9230. (IF = 9.5) link 19. Hao Sun, Guangtong Wang*, Qingying Feng, Shaoqin Liu*, Polymer-based self-assembled drug delivery systems for glaucoma treatment: design strategies and recent advances, Polymers, 2023, 15, 4466-4479. (IF = 5.0) link 18. Guangtong Wang*#, Mengmeng Nan#, Kangle Guo, Tao Jia*,Shaoqin Liu*, Recent progress of fuel-driven temporary materials, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2023, 41, 3358-3372. (IF = 5.4) link 17. Shiji Zhang, Danqing Liu*, Guangtong Wang*, Covalent organic frameworks for chemical and biological sensing, Molecules, 2022, 27, 2586-2630. (IF = 4.6) link 16. Xuewei Li, Guangtong Wang*, Qianqian Zhang, Yang Liu*, Tiedong Sun*, Shaoqin Liu*, Dissipative self-assembly of a dual-responsive block copolymer driven by a chemical oscillator, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 615, 732–739. (IF = 9.9) link 15. Juan Du#, Yangyang Li#, Jiuchun Wang, Caiyun Wang, Danqing Liu. Guangtong Wang* and Shaoqin Liu*, Mechanically robust, self-healing, polymer blends and polymer/small molecule blend materials with high antibacterial activity, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 26966–26972. (IF = 9.5) link 14. Guangtong Wang* and Shaoqin Liu*, Strategies to construct a chemical-fuel-driven self-assembly, ChemSystemsChem 2020, 2, e1900046. (IF = 3.5) link 13. Yuki Nagao*, Teppei Tanaka, Yutaro Ono, Kota Suetsugu, Mitsuo Hara, Guangtong Wang, Shusaku Nagano and Takashi Abe, Introducing planar hydrophobic groups into an alkyl-sulfonated rigid polyimide and how this affects morphology and proton conductivity, Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 300, 333-340. (IF = 6.6) link 12. Guangtong Wang*#, Jinzhi Sun#, Li An, Shaoqin Liu*, Fuel-driven Dissipative Self-assembly of a Supra-amphiphile in Batch Reactor, Biomacromolecules, 2018, 19, 2542–2548. (IF = 6.2) link 11. Li An, Guangtong Wang*, Yu Han, Tianchan Li, Peng Jin*, Shaoqin Liu*, Electrochemical Biosensor for Cancer Cell Detection Based on a Surface 3D Micro-array, Lab on a chip, 2018, 18, 335-342. (IF = 6.1) link 10. Guangtong Wang*, Yang Liu, Yang Liu, Ning Xia, Wenxiu Zhou, Qingyu Gao, Shaoqin Liu*, The Non-Equilibrium Self-assembly of Amphiphilic Block Copolymers Driven by a pH Oscillator, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2017, 529, 808-814. (IF = 5.2) link 9. Yang Jiao, Wan-Lu Li, Jiang-Fei Xu, Guangtong Wang, Jun Li, Zhiqiang Wang and Xi Zhang*, A Supramolecularly Activated Radical Cation for Accelerated Catalytic Oxidation, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2016, 55, 8933-8937. (IF = 16.6) link 8. Yuetong Kang, Zhengguo Cai, Xiaoyan Tang, Kai Liu, Guangtong Wang and Xi Zhang*, An Amylase-Responsive Bolaform Supra-amphiphile, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8, 4927-4933. (IF = 9.5) link 7. Guangtong Wang, Bohan Tang, Yang Liu, Qingyu Gao, Zhiqiang Wang and Xi Zhang*, The Fabrication of a Supra-amphiphile for Dissipative Self-assembly, Chemical Science, 2016, 7, 1151-1155. (IF = 8.4) link 6. Yang Jiao, Kai Liu, Guangtong Wang, Yapei Wang and Xi Zhang*, Supramolecular Free Radicals: Near-Infrared Organic Materials with Enhanced Photothermal Conversion, Chemical Science, 2015, 6, 3975-3980. (IF = 8.4) link 5. Guangtong Wang, Yuetong Kang, Bohan Tang and Xi Zhang*, Tuning the Surface Activity of Gemini Amphiphile by the Host-Guest Interaction of Cucurbit[7]uril, Langmuir, 2015, 31, 120-124. (IF = 3.9) link 4. Guangtong Wang, Guanglu Wu, Zhiqiang Wang and Xi Zhang*, Asymmetric and Symmetric Bolaform Supra-amphiphiles: Formation of Imine Bond Influenced by Aggregation, Langmuir, 2014, 30, 1531-1535. (IF = 3.8) link 3. Guangtong Wang, Chao Wang, Zhiqiang Wang and Xi Zhang*, H-Shaped Supra-amphiphiles Based on a Dynamic Covalent Bond, Langmuir, 2012, 28, 14567-14572. (IF = 3.8) link 2. Guangtong Wang, Chao Wang, Zhiqiang Wang and Xi Zhang*, Bolaform Superamphiphile Based on a Dynamic Covalent Bond and Its Self-assembly in Water, Langmuir, 2011, 27, 12375–12380. (IF = 3.8) link 1. Chao Wang, Guangtong Wang, Zhiqiang Wang and Xi Zhang*, A pH-Responsive Superamphiphile Based on Dynamic Covalent Bonds, Chemistry-A European Journal, 2011, 17, 3322-3325. (IF = 4.3) link 书籍专著 Book Chapter 名称 1. Guangtong Wang, Jiang-Fei Xu and Xi Zhang*, Supramolecular Amphiphiles, Chapter 2: Supra-Amphiphiles Based on Host–Guest Interactions, 2017, 23-26. 讲授课程 Courses 名称 课程名称 课程性质 授课对象 学时数 纳米医学材料与技术 必修 医学与健康学院博士生 48 生物化学与分子生物学实验 必修 医学与健康学院二年级本科生 16 纳米医学 选修 生命科学与技术学院三年级本科生 24 纳米医学 选修 医学与健康学院二年级本科生 32 招生情况 名称 每年招收硕士生若干名。 在读学生Members 名称 张世纪 2021级硕士 哈尔滨理工大学 南萌萌 2021级硕士 东北林业大学 潘雅琪 2022级硕士 哈尔滨工业大学 (荣获2023年黑龙江省普通高等学校“三好学生”) 赵一泽 2022级硕士 东北林业大学 郭康乐 2022级硕士 东北林业大学 杨睿 2020级本科 哈尔滨工业大学 (荣获第33届中国科幻银河奖) 苏正璋 2023级硕士 哈尔滨工业大学 邢益腾 2023级硕士 东北林业大学 已毕业学生Alumni 名称 年级 姓名 毕业去向 2017年硕士毕业2018年硕士毕业2019年硕士毕业2020年硕士毕业2021年硕士毕业2021年硕士毕业2022年硕士毕业2023年硕士毕业 安黎倪津远李洋洋王久淳王彩云王文强张骞骞宋咪雪 中科院苏州生物医学工程技术研究所博源润生医药(杭州)有限公司华为技术有限公司亚布力滑雪旅游度假区管理委员会烟台南山学院 辅导员深信服科技股份有限公司华大基因大农检测服务有限公司
