姓名 | 曹广丽 | 性别 | 曹广丽 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 环境学院 |
学位 | 曹广丽 | 学历 | 曹广丽 |
职称 | 副教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 科学研究 教学研究 论文著作 新建主栏目 研究领域 名称 有机废物生物质的资源化与能源化理论与技术 新兴污染物去除 环境生态学 科研项目 名称 1. 黑龙江省重点研发计划项目(2023ZX02004),生物质甲烷定向生物合成甲醇同步固定二氧化碳关键技术,199万,2023/12-2026/12,主持 2.中电建生态环境集团有限公司科技项目(ST-ZB-ZC-JY-JS-2022-25),多元有机废弃物协同厌氧制气技术研究,160万,2022/10-2023/06, 主持. 3. 黑龙江省“揭榜挂帅”科技攻关子课题(2022ZXJ05C01-03-01),低温有机酸互营降解产甲烷菌系-改性生物炭耦合干发酵技术,50万,2022/10-2025/10, 主持. 4. 黑龙江省自然科学基金联合引导项目(LH2021E071),载铁生物炭强化废弃生物质甲烷转化及协同削减抗性基因的作用机制,10万,202107-202407,主持. 5. 城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室自主课题(2021TS09),纳米铁载生物炭强化秸秆生物产氢效能及机理研究,10万,202101-202306,主持. 6. 黑龙江省重点研发计划(GA21C025),秸秆生物质高效制取生物燃气关键技术研究,40万/87万,202109-202408,参与. 7. 黑龙江省寒地农业可再生资源利用技术及装备重点实验室,载铁生物炭对嗜热杆菌发酵秸秆戊糖己糖产氢 的调控作用及其机制,3万,202201-202312,主持. 8. 生物质能源开发利用国家地方联合工程研究中心科研基金(2021B006),强化秸秆甲烷转化关调控键技术及机制研究,5万,202110-202310,主持. 9.国家自然科学基金青年基金(31100095),有机酸对Clostridium cetobutylicum合成丁醇的影响规律及其机制研究,25万,201101/201412,主持. 10. 黑龙江省留学归国基金(LC2017012),嗜热厌氧菌共利用秸秆戊糖己糖产氢代谢调控及机制研究,10万,2017/10-2020/10, 主持. 11. 哈尔滨市科技创新人才研究专项资金(2017RAQXJ190),零污染排放工艺提升生物丁醇-氢气双发酵过程及联合产能,5万,2017/09-2018/12,主持. 12. 黑龙江省博士后科研启动基(LBH-Q15054),CBP策略合成异丁醇的蜡样芽孢杆菌工程菌构建及代谢调控研究,10万,201601/201812,主持. 13. 哈工大重点创新项目培育计划(HIT.KISTP.20142),通过非发酵途径改造构建利用纤维素合成异丁醇研究,10万,201405/201604,主持. 14. 城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室自主课题(2014TS07),基于嗜热菌T. thermosaccharolyticum强化木质纤维素发酵产氢模式构建及作用机制研究,201401/201606,5万,主持. 15. 十二五国家科技支撑项目,村镇生活垃圾湿法厌氧产沼技术与设备研发,2014BAJ21B02-04,201401/201612,50万/215万,参与(第一参加人). 16. 中国博士后基金(20110491053),秸秆纤维原料丁醇发酵高效复合菌系的构建及协同机理,201101/201412,3万,主持. 17. 黑龙江省博士后基金(LBH-Z11133),纤维丁醇发酵微生物代谢调控技术研究,10万,201101/201412,主持. 18. 城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室开放课题(HC201114),基于CBP发酵纤维类生物质产氢系统的构建及产氢机制研究,5万,201101/201306,主持. 科研奖励 名称 1.曹广丽. 村镇生物垃圾湿法厌氧产沼技术集成与示范, 黑龙江省科技进步二等奖, 2018 (排名第五) . 2.曹广丽.秸秆类废弃生物质及有机废水资源化利用的机制与方法, 黑龙江自然科学二等奖, 2017(排名第三). 讲授课程 名称 污染控制微生物学 普通生物化学 环境生物化学 生态毒理学 生物质能绿色低碳转化技术创新实验 自然界水现象 招生信息 名称 博士招生:招收专业为环境科学与工程、生物学、化学与化工等学科毕业硕士 硕士招生:招收专业为环境科学与工程、生物学、给水排水、化学与化工等专业本科毕业生 代表性论文 名称 1. Zhou Chun-shuang, Wu Ji-wen, Liu Bing-feng, Ma Wan-li, Yang Shan-shan, Cao Guang-li*. (Micro) nanoplastics promote the risk of antibiotic resistance gene propagation in biological phosphorus removal system.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022, 431:128547. 2. Zhou Chun-shuang, Wu Ji-wen, Ma Wan-li, Liu Bing-feng, Xing De-feng, Yang Shan-shan, Cao Guang-li*. Responses of nitrogen removal under microplastics versus nanoplastics stress in SBR: Toxicity, microbial community and functional genes.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022, 432:128715. 3. Ji-wen Wu, Shu-zhao Pei, Chun-shuang Zhou, Bing-feng Liu, Cao Guang-li*. Assessment of potential biotoxicity induced by biochar-derived dissolved organic matters to biological fermentative H2 production.Science of the Total Environment. 2022, 838:156072. 4. Liang Zhang, Guangli Cao*, He Liu, Zhenting Wu, Dianliang Gong, Xin Ru, Xiujie Gong, Qiuyue Pi, Qian Yang.Application of Aspergillus niger in Practical Biotechnology of Industrial Recovery of Potato Starch By-Products and Its Flocculation Characteristics.Microorganisms. 2022, 10:1847. 5. Sheng-Nan Zhuo, Hong-Yu Ren, Guang-Li Cao, Guo-Jun Xie, De-Feng Xing, Nan-Qi Ren, Bing-Feng Liu. Highly efficient activation of persulfate by encapsulated nano-Fe0 biochar for acetaminophen degradation: Rich electron environment and dominant effect of superoxide radical. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022, 440: 135947. 6. Zhou Chun-shuang, Wu Ji-wen, Dong Li-li, Liu Bing-feng, Xing De-feng, Yang Shan-shan, Wu Xiu-kun, Wang Qi, Fan Jia-ning, Feng Li-ping, Cao Guang-li*. Removal of antibiotic resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes in wastewater effluent by UV-activated persulfate. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 388(122070). 7. Wu Ji-wen, Wu Cong-rong, Zhou Chun-shuang, Dong Li-li, Liu Bing-feng , Xing De-feng, Yang Shan-shan, Fan Jia-ning, Feng Li-ping, Cao Guang-li*, You Shi-jie. Fate and removal of antibiotic resistance genes in heavy metals and dye co-contaminated wastewater treatment system amended with β-cyclodextrin functionalized biochar. Science of the Total Environment, 2020,723, (137991). 8. Dong Li-li, Wu Ji-wen, Zhou Chun-shuang, Xu Cheng-jia, Liu Bing-feng, Xing De-feng, Xie Guo-jun, Wu Xiu-kun, Wang Qi, Cao Guang-li*, Ren Nan-qi. Low concentration of NaOH/Urea pretreated rice straw at low temperature for enhanced hydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(3): 1578-1587. 9. Dong Li-li, Cao Guang-li*, Wu Ji-wen, Zhou Chun-shuang, Liu Bing-feng, Zhao Lei,Fan Jia-ning, Ren Nan-qi.Improvement of biogas production in plug flow reactor using biogas slurry pretreated cornstalk. Bioresource Technology Reports. 2020, 9(100378) 10. Wu Ji-wen, Dong Li-li, Liu Bing-feng, Xing De-feng, Zhou Chun-shuang, Wang Qi, Wu Xiu-kun, Feng Li-ping, Cao Guang-li*. A novel integrated process to convert cellulose and hemicellulose in rice straw to biobutanol. Environmental Research, 2020,186: 109580. 11. Dong Li-li, Wu Xiu-kun, Wang Qi, Cao Guang-li*, Wu Ji-wen, Zhou Chun-shuang, Ren Nan-qi. Evaluation of a novel pretreatment of NaOH/Urea at outdoor cold-winter conditions for enhanced enzymatic conversion and hythane production from rice straw. Science of the Total Environment. 2020,744:140900 12. Wu Ji-wen, Wu Cong-rong, Zhou Chun-shuang, Dong Li-li, Liu Bing-feng , Xing De-feng, Yang Shan-shan, Fan Jia-ning, Feng Li-ping, Cao Guang-li*, Enhanced butanol-hydrogen coproduction by Clostridium beijerinckii with biochar as cell's carrier. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 294(122141). 13. DongLi-li, Cao Guang-li*, Wu Ji-wen, Liu Bing-feng, Xing De-feng, Ren Nan-qi. High-solid pretreatment of rice straw at cold temperature using NaOH/Urea for enhanced enzymatic conversion and hydrogen production.Bioresource Technology. 2019, 287(121399) 14. DongLi-li, Cao Guang-li*, Guo Xian-zhang, Liu Tian-shu,Wu Ji-wen, Ren Nan-qi. Efficient biogas production from cattle manure in a plug flow reactor: A large scale long term study. Bioresource Technology 2019,278:450-455. 15. DongLi-li, Cao Guang-li*,Wu Ji-wen, Yang Shan-shan, Ren Nan-qi. Reflflux of acidizing flfluid for enhancing biomethane production from cattle manure in plug flflow reactor. Bioresource Technology. 2019,284:248-255 16. Wu Ji-wen, DongLi-li, Zhou Chun-shuang, Liu Bing-feng , Wu Cong-rong, Feng Li-ping, Cao Guang-li*. Developing a coculture for enhanced butanol production by Clostridium beijerinckii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Bioresource Technology Reports. 2019, 6(223-228) 17. Dong Li-li, Cao Guang-li, Zhao Lei, Liu Bing-feng, Ren Nan-qi.Alkali/urea pretreatment of rice straw at low temperature for enhanced biological hydrogen production..Bioresource Technology.2018;267:71e6(并列一作) 18. Zhen-Yu Wang#, Guang-Li Cao#, Ju Zheng, De-Feng Fu, Jin-Zhu Song, Jun-Zheng Zhang, Lei Zhao, Qian Yang*. Developing a mesophilic co-culture for direct conversion of cellulose to butanol in consolidated bioprocess. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2015, 8:84. (并列一作) 19. Guang-Li Cao, Eduardo Ximenes, Nancy N. Nichols, Sarah E. Frazer, Daehwan Kim, Michael A. Cotta, Michael Ladisch*. Bioabatement with hemicellulase supplementation to reduce enzymatic hydrolysis inhibitors. Bioresource Technology. 2015, 190: 412-415. (SCI IF=4.494) 20. Guang-Li Cao, Lei Zhao, Ai-Jie Wang, Zhen-Yu Wang and Nan-Qi Ren*. Single-step bioconversion of lignocellulose to hydrogen using novel moderately thermophilic bacteria. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2014, 7:82. 21. Lei Zhao, Guang-Li Cao*, Ai-Jie Wang, Hong-Yu Ren, Kun Zhang and Nan-Qi Ren. Consolidated bioprocessing performance of Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum M18 on fungal pretreated cornstalk for enhanced hydrogen production. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2014, 7:178. 22. Cheng-Jiao Xu, Guang-Li Cao*, Lei Zhao, Ai-Jie Wang, Lin-Na Chen, Nan-Qi Ren. A dual-chamber reactor to assess the saccharification capability of the cellulytic microflora from straw waste. RSC Advances. 4: 9617-9621, 2014. 23. Lei Zhao, Guang-Li Cao*, Ai-Jie Wang, Hong-Yu Ren, Nan-Qi Ren. An anaerobic sequential batch reactor for enhanced continuous hydrogen production from fungal pretreated cornstalk hydrolysate. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2014,39. 24. Guang-Li Cao, Xun-Feng Xia*, Zhao L, Zhen-Yu Wang, Xuan Li, Qian Yang. Development of AFEX-based consolidated bioprocessing on wheat straw for biohydrogen production using anaerobic microflora. International Journal of Hydrogen Engergy. 38: 15653-15659, 2013. 25. Guang-Li Cao, Eduardo Ximenes, Nancy Nichols, Le-Yu Zhang, Michael Ladisch*. Biological abatement of cellulase inhibitors. Bioresource Technology. 146:604–610, 2013. 26. Lei Zhao, Guang-Li Cao*, Jing Yao, Hong-Yu Ren, Cheng-Jiao Xu, Nan-Qi Ren. Enzymatic Saccharification of Cornstalk by Onsite Cellulases Produced by Trichoderma viride for Enhanced Biohydrogen Production. GCB Bioenergy. 5(5): 591-598, 2013. 27. Lei Zhao, Guang-Li Cao*, Ai-Jie Wang, Hong-Yu Ren, Nan-Qi Ren. Evaluation of continuous biohydrogen production from enzymatically treated cornstalk hydrolysate. International Journal of Hydrogen Engergy. 38: 15100-15104, 2013. 28. Guang-Li Cao, Wan-Qian Guo, Ai-Jie Wang, Lei Zhao, Cheng-Jiao Xu, Nan-Qi Ren. Enhanced cellulosic hydrogen production from lime-treated cornstalk wastes using thermophilic anaerobic microflora. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2012, 37(17):13161–13166. 29. Guang-Li Cao, Nan-Qi Ren, Ai-Jie Wang, Wan-Qian Guo, Jing Yao, Yu-Jie Feng, Qing-Liang Zhao. Statistical optimization of culture condition for enhanced hydrogen production by Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum W16. Bioresource Technology. 2010, 101(6): 2053-2058. 30. Guang-Li Cao, Nan-Qi Ren, Ai-Jie Wang. Effect of lignocellulose-derived inhibitors on growth and hydrogen production by Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum W16. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2010, 35: 13475-13480. 31. Nan-Qi Ren, Guang-Li Cao, Wan-Qian Guo, Ai-Jie Wang. Biological hydrogen production from corn stover by moderately thermophile Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum W16. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2010, 35: 2708-2712. 32. Ren Nan-qi, Cao Guang-li, Wang Ai-jie, Lee Duu-jong. Dark fermentation of xylose and glucose mix using isolated Thermoanaerobacterium ihermosaccharolyticum W16. Internation Journal of Hydrogen Engergy. 2008, 33(21): 6124-6132. 33. Cao Guang-li, Ren Nan-qi, Wang Ai-jie. Acid hydrolysis of corn stover for biohydrogen production using Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum W16. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2009, 34(17): 7182-7188. 授权专利 名称 1. 董丽丽, 曹广丽, 任南琪, 刘冰峰, 邢德峰, 武继文. 一种木质纤维素生物质的寒冷地区冬季室外碱尿溶液预处理及其酶解转化的方法(ZL.201910411841.4), 2022, 中国发明专利. 2. 董丽丽, 曹广丽, 任南琪, 刘冰峰, 邢德峰, 武继文. 一种农作物秸秆的低温高固液比碱尿预处理及其酶解转化的方法(ZL.201910315399.5), 2022, 中国发明专利. 3. 曹广丽, 圣亚春, 武继文, 赵垒.一种提高厌氧细菌产丁醇活性的方法(ZL201710744253.3), 2021,中国发明专利. 4. 曹广丽,王震宇, 杨谦, 傅德丰, 丛华.一种利用纤维素发酵生产异丁醇工程菌的构建方法(ZL201511029576.1),2019, 中国发明专利. 5. 曹广丽, 杨谦, 王振宇, 赵磊, 姜成, 郑炬,付德丰. 利用木质纤维素生物质联产丁醇和氢气的方法(ZL201410317335.6), 2016, 中国发明专利. 6. 杨谦,王震宇,曹广丽,宋金柱,赵磊,冯丽平. 一种利用混合纤维素酶粗酶液水解木质纤维素发酵制备正丁醇的方法(ZL201410289117.6), 2016, 中国发明专利. 7. 任南琪,赵磊,郭旭超,曹广丽,王爱杰,任宏宇.序批示生物制氢反应器的使用方法(ZL201410012299.2), 2015, 中国发明专利. 8. 任南琪,赵磊,曹广丽,王爱杰,任宏宇.一种生物预处理木质纤维素及同步糖化发酵产氢的方法(ZL201110278172.1), 2013, 中国发明专利. 编写论著 名称 1. 刘冰峰,谢国俊, 曹广丽,郑国臣,刘金德, 邵志国, 李聪, 赵微, 丁元芳,魏逸衡,王林瑞, 谷际岐. 松辽流域典型区水环境评价与智能预测.科学出版社. 2022年 2. Cao Guangli. Recent Advances in Bioconvertion of Lignocellulose to Biofules and Value-added Chenmical within the Biofinery Concept. Chapter 7 - Biomass coproducts utilization, 2020, pp. 153-198, Elsevier. 3.Wang Aijie, Cao Guangli. Biotechnology in China III: Biofuels and Bioenergy.2011.Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 基本信息 名称 曹广丽,女,工学博士,副教授/博导。主要从事废弃物资源化及能源化、新型污染物去除及环境微生物生态学等方向的研究。主持和参与国家自然基金项目、国家科技支撑项目、黑龙江省重点研发计划、中国博士后基金、黑龙江省自然科学基金、黑龙江省揭榜挂帅科技攻关子课题等10余项课题;获黑龙江省自然科学二等奖1项、黑龙江省科技进步二等奖1项;在国际高水平刊物Journal of Hazardous Materials、Bioresource Technology、Science of theTotal Environment等发表SCI论文80余篇,其中以第1和通讯作者发表SCI检索论文34篇,H-index 33;申请国家发明专利12项,授权8项;担任2014年国际期刊《BioMed Research International》特刊 “Bioenergy and Biomass Utilization”和2022年国际期刊《Microorganisms 》特刊 “Microbial Advances in a Sustainable Environment:Biological Waste Treatment and Bioconversion Technology”编辑;参与编写英文著作2部。 工作经历 名称 2017-12至现在, 哈尔滨工业大学, 环境学院, 副教授 2013-12至2017-11, 哈尔滨工业大学, 生命科学与技术学院, 副教授 2013-11至2014-10, 普渡大学, 生物工程系, 访问学者 2011-03至2015-3, 哈尔滨工业大学, 博士后 2010-07至2013-12, 哈尔滨工业大学, 生命科学与技术学院, 讲师 教育经历 名称 2006-09至2010-07, 哈尔滨工业大学, 环境工程, 博士 2003-09至2006-07, 东北农业大学, 微生物, 硕士 1999-09至2003-07, 东北农业大学, 微生物,学士 学术任职 名称 黑龙江省秸秆综合利用专家组成员 黑龙江省废弃物综合利用岗位体系专家