姓名 | 段小明 | 性别 | 段小明 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 航天学院 |
学位 | 段小明 | 学历 | 段小明 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 科学研究 教学与研究生招生 论文著作 English 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 段小明,教授,博士生导师,可调谐激光技术国家级重点实验室。 主要从事中红外激光产生、调控及应用方面的研究工作,先后主持国家自然科学基金2项、教育部博士学科点专项科研基金1项,中国博士后科学基金2项,哈尔滨工业大学科研创新基金1项,主要参与其他重要科研课题10余项。获得省部级一等奖1项,省部级二等奖2项、省部级三等奖2项。曾获得“2008年中国光学重要成果”,“2012年王大珩光学奖”,“哈尔滨工业大学优秀博士学位论文”等荣誉。在固体激光技术方面的国内外重要期刊上发表高水平论文100余篇,授权发明专利7项。 工作经历 名称 起止时间 工作单位 职务/职称 2022.12-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 教 授 2020.07-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 博士生导师 2017.11-2018.11 CREOL, University of Central Florida 访问学者 2013.12-2022.12 哈尔滨工业大学 副教授 2012.04-2013.12 哈尔滨工业大学 讲 师 教育经历 名称 2007年-2012年, 哈尔滨工业大学物理电子学专业,工学博士 2005年-2007年, 哈尔滨工业大学物理电子学专业,,工学硕士 2000年-2004年, 长春理工大学光信息科学与技术专业,理学学士 主要任职 名称 国家自然科学基金通讯评议专家,教育部学位中心通讯评议专家。 Frontiers in Physics, associate editor Crystals 编委, section board member 以下国际顶级/高水平/知名期刊的特邀审稿人:Nano Energy, Photonics Research, Optics Letters, Optics Express, Optics and Laser Technology, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Optical Materials Express, Applied Physics B, Infrared Physics and Technology, Laser Physics Letters, Applied Optics, Optics Communications, Review of Scientific Instruments, Laser Physics, Optical Engineering, Chinese Optics Letters, Acta Physica Sinica, Chinese Physics B, Chinese Physics Letters, 中国激光, 中国光学, 光学学报, 光学精密工程, 发光学报, 红外与激光工程, 激光与光电子学进展, 激光与红外等。 研究领域 名称 专注于中红外固体激光的产生、调控及应用研究。 科研项目 名称 国家部委重要项目 国家自然科学基金 教育部博士点基金 中国博士后科学基金 哈尔滨工业大学科研创新基金 讲授课程 名称 1. 写作与沟通,16学时,本科生学位课,秋季学期 2. 学术规范与论文写作,8/16学时,研究生学位课,春季学期 3. 半导体激光器及应用,16/32学时,专业选修,秋季学期 4. 光电子信息技术,20/24学时,专业选修,秋季学期 5. 中红外固体激光前沿及应用,16学时,创新研修,春/夏/秋 研究生招生 名称 每年招收博士研究生1名,硕士研究生1~2名。 发表论文 名称 [1] Dong Yan, Yunpeng Wang, Yue Yuan, Xiaoming Duan, Jiawei Fan, Jiaze Wu, Youlun Ju, Sining Li, Tongyu Dai, and Guangchao Ye, “Injection-seeded, Q-switched Ho:YAG laser based on alignment-insensitive corner cone reflectors,” Optics and Laser Technology 166: 109584 (2023). [2] Ke Yang, Baoquan Yao, Chunxiao Li, Jiyong Yao, Shuyi Mi, Jinwen Tang, Disheng Wei, Junhui Li, Xiao Xiao Hua, Xiaoming Duan, and Tongyu Dai, “High efficiency non-critical phase-matching 9.3–10.6 μm optical parametric oscillator in BaGa4Se7 crystal,” Optics and Laser Technology 160: 109082 (2023). [3] Xiaoming Duan, Jiaze Wu, Yu Ding, Xiaotao Yang, Tongyu Dai. “Electro-optically Q-switching of dual-diode-pumped Ho-doped lutetium vanadate laser,” Optics and Laser Technology 158: 108929 (2023). [4] Jiaze Wu, Youlun Ju, Xiaoming Duan, Renpeng Yan, Yu Ding, Dong Yan, Yuechu Wu, Tongyu Dai, Jiawei Fan, “Electro-optically Q-switching performance of diode-pumped Ho:GdVO4 laser at 2.05 μm,” Optics and Laser Technology 158: 108845 (2023). [5] Jiawei Fan, Jiaze Wu, Chenchen Jiang, Dong Yan, Yuechu Wu, Xingbang Yang, Xiaoming Duan, Youlun Ju, and Tongyu Dai, “A single-longitudinal-mode Er:YAG laser and MOPA system based on the Faraday effect,” Infrared Physics and Technology 133: 104789 (2023) [6] Jiawei Fan, Jiaze Wu, Youlun Ju, Baoquan Yao, Xiaoming Duan, and Tongyu Dai, “Pulsed Er:YAG single corner cube ring cavity with variable output ratio,” Optical Engineering 62(1): 016105 (2023). [7] Junhui Li, Disheng Wei, Baoquan Yao, Shuyi Mi, Ke Yang, Jinwen Tang, Tongyu Dai, Xiaoming Duan, and Youlun Ju, “43 W, 7 ns constant pulse duration, high-repetition-rate langasite cavity-dumped Ho:YAG laser and its appilcation in mid-infrared ZGP OPOs,” Optics and Laser Technology 157: 108631 (2023). [8] Jiaze Wu, Youlun Ju, Xiaoming Duan, Yu Ding, Jiawei Fan, Ying Chen, Tianwen Gao, and Tongyu Dai, “Continuous-wave and acousto-optically Q-switched Ho:GdVO4 laser dual-end-pumped by the laser diodes,” Infrared Physics and Technology 127: 104478 (2022) [9] Mengze Pei, Jiaze Wu, Yu Ding, and Xiaoming Duan, “Efficient Continuous-Wave Ho : LSO Laser Dual-End-Pumped by a Laser Diode at 1.94 μm,” Journal of Russian Laser Research 43(6): 607-611 (2022). [10] Shuyi Mi, Jinwen Tang, Disheng Wei, Baoquan Yao, Junhui Li, Ke Yang, Tongyu Dai, and Xiaoming Duan, “Thermal-birefringence-induced depolarization in a 450 W Ho:YAG MOPA system,” Optics Express 30(12): 21501-21511 (2022). [11] Shuyi Mi, Disheng Wei, Jinwen Tang, Junhui Li, Baoquan Yao, Ke Yang, Tongyu Dai, and Xiaoming Duan, “113?W Ho:YLF oscillator with good beam quality efficiently pumped by a Tm:YAP laser,” Applied Optics 61(19): 5755-5759 (2022). [12] D. Yan, S. N. Li, Y. L. Ju, T. Y. Dai, and X. M. Duan, “100 Hz, 39.6 mJ compact linear polarization Q-switched Ho:YLF oscillator,” Applied Physics B 128: 70 (2022). [13] Shuyi Mi, Disheng Wei, Jinwen Tang, Baoquan Yao, Junhui Li, Ke Yang, Xiaoming Duan, and Tongyu Dai, “1 kHz, 1.5 MW peak power pulse generation from an acousto-optically Q-switched Ho:GdVO4 oscillator,” Optics and Laser Technology 152: 108114 (2022). [14] Shuyi Mi, Disheng Wei, Jinwen Tang, Baoquan Yao, Ke Yang, Junhui Li, Tongyu Dai, and Xiaoming Duan, “An efficient, compact Ho:YLF MOPA system pumped by a linearly polarized Tm:YAP laser,” Optics and Laser Technology 150: 107977 (2022). [15] Yan Zhang, Zhen Gong, Xiaoming Duan, Junping Yuan, Jiayue Xu, Yunfeng Ma, and Yingje Shen, “Growth, spectra and continuous-wave 2.1 μm laser operation of a Ho3+-doped bismuth silicate crystal,” CrystEngComm 24: 1590-1597 (2022). [16] Shuangcheng Li, Linjun Li, Tianqi Qi, Zhengyang Wu, Xiaoming Duan, Xining Yang, and Yingjie Shen, “Passively Q-switched Tm:YAP laser with a lead zirconate titanate saturable absorber,” Applied Optics 60(26): 8097-8102 (2021). [17] Yan Zhang, Liwu Huang, Xiaoming Duan, Zheng Gong, Tian Tian, Yunfeng Ma, and And Jiayue Xu, “Tm3+: Bi4Si3O12 crystal as a promising laser material near 2 μm: growth, spectroscopic properties and laser performance,” Optics Express 29(18):29138-29148 (2021). [18] Xiaoming Duan, Jiaze Wu, Renqin Dou, Qingli Zhang, Tongyu Dai, and Xiaotao Yang, “High-power actively Q-switched Ho-doped gadolinium tantalate laser,” Optics Express 29(8): 12471-12477 (2021) [19] Shuyi Mi, Junhui Li, Disheng Wei, Ke Yang, Chao Yang, Baoquan Yao, Xiaoming Duan, and Tongyu Dai, “105 W continuous-wave diode-pumped Tm:YAP slab laser with high beam quality,” Optics and Laser Technology 138: 106847 (2021). [20] Long Zhou, Xiaoming Duan, Wenqiang Xie, Tianqi Qi, Yuqiang Yang, Wenlong Yang, Jie Yuan, Yingjie Shen, Hong Liang, and Linjun Li, “Optical and laser performances of a layered ReSe2 saturable absorber for a 2-μm solid laser,” Optics and Laser Technology 135:106685 (2021). [21] Gaoyou Liu, Shuyi Mi, Ke Yang, Disheng Wei, Junhui Li, Baoquan Yao, Chao Yang, Tongyu Dai, Xiaoming Duan, Lixin Tian, and Youlun Ju, “161?W middle infrared ZnGeP2 MOPA system pumped by 300?W-class Ho:YAG MOPA system,” Optics Letters 46(1): 82-85 (2021). [22] Yunpeng Wang, Youlun Ju, Tongyu Dai, Dong Yan, Ying Chen, Xinyu Fang, Xiaoming Duan, and Baoquan Yao, “Continuously tunable high-power single-longitudinal-mode Ho:YLF laser around the P12 CO2 absorption line,” Optics Letters 45(24): 6691-6694 (2020). [23] Ke Yang, Gaoyou Liu, Chunxiao Li, Baoquan Yao, Jiyong Yao, Yi Chen, Shuyi Mi, Xiaoming Duan, and Tongyu Dai, “Research on performance improvement technology of a BaGa4Se7 mid-infrared optical parametric oscillator,” Optics Letters 45(23): 6418-6421 (2020). [24] Hongbo Zhu, Xiaoming Duan, Shengli Fan, Hao Wu, Xingchen Lin, Yongqiang Ning, and Lijun Wang, “Scalable structure of coherent polarization beam combining based on tapered diode laser amplifiers,” Optics and Laser Technology 132: 106470 (2020). [25] Chao Yang, Baoquan Yao, Yi Chen, Gaoyou Liu, Shuyi Mi, Ke Yang, Tongyu Dai, and Xiaoming Duan, “570MHz harmonic mode-locking in an all polarization-maintaining Ho-doped fiber laser,” Optics Express 28(22): 33028-33034 (2020). [26] Tongyu Dai, Yunpeng Wang, Shuangxing Guo, Youlun Ju, Xiaoming Duan, and Baoquan Yao, “Tunable twisted-mode Ho:YAG laser at continuous-wave and pulsed operation,” Optics Express 28(21): 31775-31780 (2020). [27] Shuyi Mi, Yi Chen, Gaoyou Liu, Ke Yang, Baoquan Yao, Dai Tongyu, and Xiaoming Duan, “Measurement of optical homogeneity of ZnGeP2 crystal using a 2.02 μm single-longitudinal-mode Tm:LuAG ring laser,” Applied Optics 59(19): 5864-5869 (2020). [28] Gaoyou Liu, Yi Chen, Zhuang Li, Ke Yang, Baoquan Yao, Jiyong Yao, Ruixue Wang, Chao Yang, Shuyi Mi, Tongyu Dai, and Xiaoming Duan, “High-beam-quality 2.1?μm pumped mid-infrared type-II phase-matching BaGa4Se7 optical parametric oscillator with a ZnGeP2 amplifier,” Optics Letters 45(13): 3805-3808 (2020). [29] Yi Chen, Baoquan Yao, Haixin Wu, Youbao Ni, Gaoyou Liu, Tongyu Dai, Xiaoming Duan, and Youlun Ju, “Broadband second-harmonic and sum-frequency generation with a long-wave infrared laser in AgGaGe5Se12,” Applied Optics 59(17): 5247-5251 (2020). [30] Yi Chen, Chao Yang, Gaoyou Liu, Baoquan Yao, Ruixue Wang, Ke Yang, Shuyi Mi, Tongyu Dai, Xiaoming Duan, and Youlun Ju, “11 μm, high beam quality idler-resonant CdSe optical parametric oscillator with continuous-wave injection-seeded at 2.58 μm,” Optics Express 28(11): 17056-17063 (2020). [31] Linjun Li, Wenchao Cui, Xining Yang, Long Zhou, Yuqiang Yang, Wenqiang Xie, Xiaoming Duan, Yingjie Shen, and Jing Han, “A high-beam-quality passively Q-switched 2 μm solid-state laser with a WSe2 saturable absorber,” Optics and Laser Technology 125: 105960 (2020). [32] Gao-You Liu, Yi Chen, Bao-Quan Yao, Rui-xue Wang, Ke Yang, Chao Yang, Shu-yi Mi, Tong-Yu Dai, and Xiao-Ming Duan, “3.5?W long-wave infrared ZnGeP2 optical parametric oscillator at 9.8?μm,” Optics Letters 45(8): 2347-2350 (2020). [33] Yi Chen, Gaoyou Liu, Chao Yang, Baoquan Yao, Ruixue Wang, Shuyi Mi, Ke Yang, Tongyu Dai, Xiaoming Duan, and Youlun Ju, “1?W, 10.1?μm, CdSe optical parametric oscillator with continuous-wave seed injection,” Optics Letters 45(7): 2119-2122 (2020). [34] Linjun Li, Long Zhou, Tianxin Li, Xining Yang, Wenqiang Xie, Xiaoming Duan, Yingjie Shen, Yuqiang Yang, Wenlong Yang, and Han Zhang, “Passive mode-locking operation of a diode-pumped Tm:YAG laser with a MoS2 saturable absorber,” Optics and Laser Technology 124: 105986 (2020). [35] Yingjie Shen, Linjun Li, Xiaoming Duan, Shasha Li, Long Zhou, Wenqiang Xie, Yuqiang Yang, Ruijun Lan, and Baitao Zhang, “High power passively Q-switched Tmc+:(LuxGd1-x)3Ga5O12 laser based on boron nitride,” Optics and Laser Technology 123: 105795 (2020). [36] Yingjie Shen, Chuanpeng Qian, Xiaoming Duan, and Ruijun Lan, “High-power long-wave infrared laser based on polarization beam coupling technique,” High Power Laser Science and Engineering 8: e12 (2020). [37] Xiaoming Duan, Yingjie Shen, Zhen Zhang, Liangbi Su, and Tongyu Dai, “A passively Q-switching of diode-pumped 2.08-μm Ho:CaF2 laser,” Infrared Physics and Technology 103: 103071 (2019). [38] Ruixue Wang, Baoquan Yao, Benrui Zhao, Yi Chen, Gaoyou Liu, Tongyu Dai, and Xiaoming Duan, “Single-longitudinal-mode Ho:YVO4 MOPA system with a passively Q-switched unidirectional ring oscillator,” Optics Express 27(24): 34618-34625 (2019). [39] Tongyu Dai, Shuangxing Guo, Xiaoming Duan, Renqin Dou, and Qingli Zhang, “High efficiency single-longitudinal-mode resonantly-pumped Ho:GdTaO4 laser at 2068nm,” Optics Express 27(23): 34204-34210 (2019). [40] Tongyu Dai, Chunfa Guo, Yingyi Li, Youlun Ju, Baoquan Yao, and Xiaoming Duan, “A room temperature operation mid-IR Fe:ZnSe laser pumped by Ho,Pr:LiLuF4 laser at 2.9-μm,” Optics and Laser Technology 118: 179-182 (2019). [41] Ye Zhang, Gaoyou Liu, Yi Chen, Chuanpeng Qian, Benrui Zhao, Baoquan Yao, Tongyu Dai, and Xiaoming Duan, “High-repetition-rate laser ultrasonic generation in carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics excited by a 3.2-3.4??μm ZGP master oscillator power amplifier system,” Applied Optics 58(27): 7655-7660 (2019). [42] Yi Chen, Gaoyou Liu, Baoquan Yao, Ruixue Wang, Chao Yang, Xiaoming Duan, Tongyu Dai, and Yuezhu Wang, “Comparison of mid-infrared ZnGeP2 rectangle ring optical parametric oscillators of three types of resonant regimes,” Applied Optics 58(15): 4163-4169 (2019). [43] Xiaoming Duan, Guangpeng Chen, Chuanpeng Qian, Yingjie Shen, Renqin Dou, Qingli Zhang, Linjun Li, and Tongyu Dai, “Resonantly pumped high efficiency Ho:GdTaO4 laser,” Optics Express 27(13): 18273-18281 (2019). [44] Xiaoming Duan, Yingjie Shen, Jing Gao, Hongbo Zhu, Chuanpeng Qian, Liangbi Su, Lihe Zheng, Linjun Li, Baoquan Yao, and Tongyu Dai, “Active Q-switching operation of slab Ho:SYSO laser wing-pumped by fiber coupled laser diodes,” Optics Express 27(8): 11455-11461 (2019). [45] Xiaoming Duan, Chuanpeng Qian, Yingjie Shen, Liangbi Su, Lihe Zheng, Linjun Li, Baoquan Yao, and Tongyu Dai, “Efficient Ho:(Sc0.5Y0.5)2SiO5 laser at 2.1 μm in-band pumped by Tm fiber laser,” Optics Express 27(4): 4522-4527 (2019). [46] Linjun Li, Long Zhou, Xining Yang, Wenqiang Xie, Yingjie Shen, Minghua Chen, Yuqiang Yang, Wenlong Yang, Xiaoming Duan, and Mingquan Li, “A 2.22-W Passively Q-switched Tm3+-doped laser with a TiC2 saturable absorber,” IEEE Photonics Journal 11(2): 1501807 (2019). [47] Yingjie Shen, Linjun Li, Xiaoming Duan, Ruijun Lan, Long Zhou, Wenqiang Xie, and Xining Yang, “High-beam-quality operation of a 2?μm passively Q-switched solid-state laser based on a boron nitride saturable absorber,” Applied Optics 58(10): 2546-2550 (2019). [48] Chuanpeng Qian, Baoquan Yao, Youlun Ju, Xiaoming Duan, Benrui Zhao, Tongyu Dai, and Yuezhu Wang, “110.4??mJ, 1??kHz repetition rate, Ho:YAG master oscillator power amplifier,” Applied Optics 58(4): 879-882 (2019). [49] Chuan-Peng Qian, Bao-Quan Yao, Ben-Rui Zhao, Gao-You Liu, Xiao-Ming Duan, Tong-Yu Dai, You-Lun Ju, and Yue-Zhu Wang, “High repetition rate 102?W middle infrared ZnGeP2 master oscillator power amplifier system with thermal lens compensation,” Optics Letters 44(3): 715-718 (2019). [50] Ben-Rui Zhao, Bao-Quan Yao, Chuan-Peng Qian, Gao-You Liu, Yi Chen, Rui-Xue Wang, Tong-Yu Dai, and Xiao-Ming Duan, “231??W dual-end-pumped Ho:YAG MOPA system and its application to a mid-infrared ZGP OPO,” Optics Letters 43(24): 5989-5992 (2018). [51] Chuanpeng Qian, Xiaoming Duan, Baoquan Yao, Yingjie Shen, Ye Zhang, Benrui Zhao, Jinhe Yuan, Tongyu Dai, Youlun Ju, and Yuezhu Wang, “11.4 W long-wave infrared source based on ZnGeP2 optical parametric amplifier,” Optics Express 26(23):30195-30201 (2018). [52] Benrui Zhao, Yi Chen, Baoquan Yao, Jiyong Yao, Yangwu Guo, Ruixue Wang, Tongyu Dai, and Xiaoming Duan, “High-efficiency, tunable 8-9 μm BaGa4Se7 optical parametric oscillator pumped at 2.1 μm,” Optics Material Express 8(11): 3332-3337 (2018). [53] Xiaoming Duan, Linjun Li, Lihe Zheng, Baoquan Yao, Zhengting Zou, Dapeng Jiang, and Liangbi Su, “Efficient intracavity-pumped Ho:SSO laser with cascaded in-band pumping scheme,” Infrared Physics and Technology 94: 7-10 (2018). [54] Xiaoming Duan, Linjun Li, Xinsheng Guo, Yu Ding, Baoquan Yao, Lihe Zheng, Liangbi Su, and Yuezhu Wang, “Wavelength-locked continuous-wave and Q-switched Ho:CaF2 laser at 2100.5 nm,” Optics Express 26(11): 26916-26924 (2018). [55] Xiaoming Duan, Linjun Li, Yingjie Shen, Baoquan Yao, and Yuezhu Wang, “Efficient middle-infrared ZGP-OPO pumped by a Q-switched Ho:LuAG laser with the orthogonally polarized pump recycling scheme,” Applied Optics 57(27): 8102-8107 (2018). [56] Xiaoming Duan, Linjun Li, Yingjie Shen , and Baoquan Yao, “Efficient Ho:YAP laser dual end-pumped by a laser diode at 1.91 μm in a wing-pumping scheme,” Applied Physics B 124: 179 (2018). [57] X. M. Duan, X. S. Guo, B. Q. Yao, L. H. Zheng, and L. B. Su, “Efficient Ho:CaF2 laser intracavity-pumped by a Tm:LuAG laser in-band pumped at 1.6 μm,” Laser Physics Letters 15(9): 095802 (2018). [58] Jinhe Yuan, Yi Chen, Xiaoming Duan, Baoquan Yao, Tongyu Dai, and Youlun Ju, “CdSe optical parametric oscillator operating at 12.07 μm with 170 mW output,” Optics and Laser Technology 92: 1-4 (2017). [59] Xiaoming Duan, Peng Zhang, Zheng Cui, Baoquan Yao, and Yuezhu Wang, “Actively mode-locked Ho:LuVO4 laser at 2073.8 nm,” Optical Engineering 55(12): 126104 (2016). [60] J. H. Yuan, X. M. Duan, B. Q. Yao, Z. Cui, Y. Y. Li, T. Y. Dai, Y. J. Shen, and Y. L. Ju, “Tunable 10- to 11-μm CdSe optical parametric oscillator pumped by a 2.1-μm Ho:YAG laser,” Applied Physics B 122: 202 (2016). [61] X. M. Duan, W. M. Lin, Z. Cui, B. Q. Yao, H. Li, and T. Y. Dai, “Resonantly pumped continuous-wave mode-locked Ho:YAP laser,” Applied Physics B 122: 88 (2016). [62] Jin-He Yuan, Chao Li, Bao-Quan Yao, Ji-Yong Yao, Xiao-Ming Duan, Ying-Yi Li, Ying-Jie Shen, Yi-Cheng Wu, Zheng Cui, and Tong-Yu Dai, “High power, tunable mid-infrared BaGa4Se7 optical parametric oscillator pumped by a 2.1 μm Ho:YAG laser,” Optics Express 24(6): 6083-6087 (2016). [63] Xiaoming Duan, Jinhe Yuan, Zheng Cui, Baoquan Yao, Tongyu Dai, Jiang Li, and Yubai Pan, “Resonantly pumped actively mode-locked Ho:YAG ceramic laser at 2122.1??nm,” Applied Optics 55(8): 1953-1956 (2016). [64] X. M. Duan, W. M. Lin, Y. Ding, B. Q. Yao, T. Y. Dai, J. Li, Y. B. Pan, and L. J. Li, “High-power resonantly pumped passively Q-switched Ho:GdVO4 laser,” Applied Physics B 122: 22 (2016). [65] Z. Cui, X. M. Duan, B. Q. Yao, H. Y. Yang, J. Li, J. H. Yuan, T. Y. Dai, C. Y. Li, and Y. B. Pan, “Doubly Q-switched Ho:LuAG laser with acoustic-optic modulator and Cr2+:ZnS saturable absorber,” Applied Optics 54(34): 10272-10276 (2015). [66] Z. Cui, X. M. Duan, B. Q. Yao, H. Y. Yang, J. H. Yuan, C. L. Zhang, and T. Y. Dai, “Actively mode-locked Ho:LuAG laser at 2.1 μm,” Applied Physics B 121: 421-424 (2015). [67] Xiaoming Duan, Zheng Cui, Baoquan Yao, Xiaolei Li, Jinhe Yuan, Ye Zhang, Tongyu Dai, Youlun Ju, Yuezhu Wang, “Experimental study on the actively Q-switched performance of Ho:LuVO4 laser,” Optical Engineering 54(9): 096102 (2015). [68] Z. Cui, B. Q. Yao, X. M. Duan, S. Xu, Y. Q. Du, J. H. Yuan, T. Y. Dai, and Y. L. Ju, “Output characteristics of actively Q-switched Ho:LuVO4 laser at room temperature,” Optics Express 23(10): 13482-13487 (2015). [69] Liu Han, Baoquan Yao, Xiaoming Duan, Shang Li, Tongyu Dai, Youlun Ju & Yuezhu Wang, “High power slab Tm:YAP laser dual-end-pumped by fiber coupled laser diodes,” Optical and Quantum Electronics 47:1055–1061 (2015). [70] J. H. Yuan, X. M. Duan, B. Q. Yao, J. Li, Z. Cui, Y. J. Shen, T. Y. Dai, Y. L. Ju, C. Y. Li, H. M. Kou, and Y. B. Pan, “Dual-end-pumped high-power Cr2+:ZnS passively Q-switched Ho:YAG ceramic laser,” Applied Physics B 119: 381-385 (2015). [71] Yingjie Shen, Xiaoming Duan, Jinhe Yuan, Tongyu Dai, Baoquan Yao, and Yuezhu Wang, “Investigation of high-power diode-end-pumped Tm:YLF laser in slab geometry,” Applied Optics 54(8): 1958-1962 (2015). [72] B. Q. Yao, Z. Cui, X. M. Duan, Y. Z. Yang, Y. Q. Du, J. H. Yuan & Y. J. Shen, “Passively Q-switched Ho:LuAG laser with near-diffraction-limited beam quality,” Applied Physics B, 118: 235-239 (2015). [73] Baoquan Yao, Jinhe Yuan, Jiang Li, Tongyu Dai, Xiaoming Duan, Yingjie Shen, Zheng Cui, and Yubai Pan, “High-power Cr2+:ZnS saturable absorber passively Q-switched Ho:YAG ceramic laser and its application to pumping of a mid-IR OPO,” Optics Letters 40(3): 348-351 (2015). [74] Zheng Cui, Baoquan Yao, Xiaoming Duan, Yanqiu Du, Sai Xu, Yuezhu Wang, “Stable passively Q-switched Ho:LuAG laser with graphene as a saturable absorber,” Optical Engineering 53(12): 126112 (2014). [75] X. M. Duan, Y. X. Cai, Y. Ding, T. Y. Dai, and K. Zhao, “High power slab Tm: YLF laser wavelength-selected by volume Bragg grating and etalon,” Optical and Quantum Electronics 46: 1589-1594 (2014). [76] Bao-Quan Yao, Ying-Jie Shen, Xiao-Ming Duan, Tong-Yu Dai, You-Lun Ju, and Yue-Zhu Wang, “A 41-W ZnGeP2 optical parametric oscillator pumped by a Q-switched Ho:YAG laser,” Optics Letters 39(23): 6589-6592 (2014) [77] B. Q. Yao, Z. Cui, X. M. Duan, Y. Q. Du, L. Han, and Y. J. Shen, “Resonantly pumped room temperature Ho:LuVO4 laser,” Optics Letters 39(21): 6328-6330 (2014). [78] B. Q. Yao, Y. Ding, X. M. Duan, T. Y. Dai, Y. L. Ju, L. J. Li, and W. J. He, “Efficient Q-switched Ho:GdVO4 laser resonantly pumped at 1942??nm,” Optics Letters 39(16): 4755-4757 (2014). [79] Guoqing Cai, Youlun Ju, Baoquan Yao, Wei Liu, Xiaoming Duan, and Tongyu Dai, “Acousto-optically cavity dumped Tm:YAG laser with 54 ns pulses at 200 kHz repetition rate,” Optics Express 22(8): 9942-9947 (2014). [80] Yanqiu Du, Baoquan Yao, Xiaoming Duan, Zheng Cui, Yu Ding, Youlun Ju, and Zuochun Shen, “Cr:ZnS saturable absorber passively Q-switched Tm,Ho:GdVO4 laser,” Optics Express 21(22): 26506-26512 (2013). [81] B. Q. Yao, X. Yu, X. L. Liu, X. M. Duan, Y. L. Ju, and Y. Z. Wang, “Room temperature single longitudinal mode laser output at 1645 nm from a laser-diode pumped Er:YAG nonplanar ring oscillator,” Optics Express 21(7): 8916-8921 (2013). [82] T. Y. Dai, Y. L. Ju, X. M. Duan, W. Liu, B. Q. Yao & Y. Z. Wang, “Single-frequency, injection-seeded Q-switched operation of a resonantly pumped Ho:YAlO3 laser at 2,118 nm,” Applied Physics B 111: 89-92 (2013). [83] Ying-Jie Shen, Bao-Quan Yao, Xiao-Ming Duan, Tong-Yu Dai, You-Lun Ju, and Yue-Zhu Wang, “Resonantly pumped high efficiency Ho:YAG laser,” Applied Optics 51(33): 7887-7890 (2012). [84] Ying-Jie Shen, Bao-Quan Yao, Xiao-Ming Duan, Guo-Li Zhu, Wei Wang, You-Lun Ju, and Yue-Zhu Wang, “103 W in-band dual-end-pumped Ho:YAG laser,” Optics Letters 37(17): 3558-3560 (2012). [85] B. Q. Yao, F. Chen, C. H. Zhang, Q. Wang, C. T. Wu, and X. M. Duan, “Room temperature single-frequency output from a diode-pumped Tm,Ho:YAP laser,” Optics Letters 36(9): 1554-1556 (2011). [86] G. Li, B. Q.Yao, P. B. Meng, X. M. Duan, Y. L. Ju, and Y. Z. Wang, “Diode-pumped efficient laser operation and spectroscopy of Tm,Ho:YVO4,” Optical Materials 33(6): 937-941 (2011). [87] G. Li, B. Q. Yao, X. M. Duan, C. H. Zhang, and Y. Z. Wang, “Thermal analysis and laser performance modelling of a dual-end-pumped c-cut CW Tm:YAP laser,” Journal of Physics B 43: 205401 (2010). [88] X. M. Duan, B. Q. Yao, G. Li, T. H. Wang, Y. L. Ju, and Y. Z. Wang, “Stable output, high power diode-pumped Tm:YLF laser with a volume Bragg grating,” Applied Physics B 99: 465-468 (2010). [89] B. Q. Yao, X. M. Duan, L. Ke, Y. L. Ju, Y. Z. Wang, and G. J. Zhao, “Q-switched operation of an in-band-pumped Ho:LuAG laser with kilohertz pulse repetition frequency,” Applied Physics B 98: 311-315 (2010). [90] X. M. Duan, B. Q. Yao, Y. L. Ju, Y. Z. Wang, and G. J. Zhao, “8.5 W room temperature continuous wave operation of a Ho:LuAG laser,” Laser Physics Letters 6(12):847-849 (2009). [91] Xiaoming Duan, Baoquan Yao, Gang Li, Youlun Ju, Yuezhu Wang, and Guangjun Zhao, “High efficient actively Q-switched Ho:LuAG laser,” Optics Express 17(24): 21691-21697 (2009). [92] X. M. Duan, B. Q. Yao, L. Ke, Y. L. Ju, and Y. Z. Wang, “3.5 W continuous wave Ho:LSO laser at room temperature,” Laser Physics Letters 6(10): 715-717 (2009). [93] X. M. Duan, B. Q. Yao, X. T. Yang, T. H. Wang, Y. L. Ju, and Y. Z. Wang, “Room temperature efficient continuous wave and Q-switched operation of a Ho:YAP laser,” Applied Physics B 96: 379-383 (2009). [94] Bao-Quan Yao, Zheng-Ping Yu, Xiao-Ming Duan, Zhi-Min Jiang, Yun-Jun Zhang, Yue-zhu Wang, and Guang-Jun Zhao, “Continuous-wave laser action around 2-μm in Ho3+:Lu2SiO5,” Optics Express 17(15): 12582-12587 (2009). [95] X. M. Duan, B. Q. Yao, G. Li, T. H. Wang, X. T. Yang, Y. Z. Wang, G. J. Zhao, and Q. Dong, “High efficient continuous wave operation of a Ho:YAP laser at room temperature,” Laser Physics Letters 6(4): 279-281 (2009) [96] Xiao-Ming Duan, Bao-Quan Yao, Xiao-Tao Yang, Lin-Jun Li, Tian-Heng Wang, You-Lun Ju, Yue-Zhu Wang, Guang-Jun Zhao, and Qin Dong, “Room temperature efficient actively Q-switched Ho:YAP laser,” Optics Express 17(6): 4427-4432 (2009). [97] X. M. Duan, B. Q. Yao, C. W. Song, J. Gao, and Y. Z. Wang. “Room temperature efficient continuous wave and Q-switched Ho:YAG laser double-pass pumped by a diode-pumped Tm:YLF laser,” Laser Physics Letters 5(11): 800-803 (2008). [98] Bao-Quan Yao, Xiao-Ming Duan, Liang-Liang Zheng, You-Lun Ju, Yue-zhu Wang, Guang-Jun Zhao, and Qin Dong, “Continuous-wave and Q-switched operation of a resonantly pumped Ho:YAlO3 laser,” Optics Express 16(19): 14668-14674 (2008). [99] Bao-Quan Yao, Xiao-Ming Duan, Dan Fang, Yun-Jun Zhang, Liang Ke, You-Lun Ju, Yue-zhu Wang, and Guang-Jun Zhao, “7.3 W of single-frequency output power at 2.09 μm from an Ho:YAG monolithic nonplanar ring laser,” Optics Letters 33(18): 2161-2163 (2008). [100] Xiaoming Duan, Baoquan Yao, Yunjun Zhang, Chengwei Song, Youlun Ju, and Yuezhu Wang, “Diode-pumped high-efficiency Tm:YLF laser at room temperature,” Chinese Optics Letters 6(8): 591-593 (2008). [101] X. M. Duan, B. Q. Yao, Y. J. Zhang, C. W. Song, L. L. Zheng, Y. L. Ju, and Y. Z. Wang, “Diode-pumped high efficient Tm:YLF laser output at 1908 nm with near-diffraction limited beam quality,” Laser Physics Letters 5(5): 347-349 (2008). Curriculum Vitae 名称 Dr. Xiaoming Duan Full Professor in Opto-electronics National Key Laboratory of Tunable Laser Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology Room 324, building 2A, No.2 Yikuang St., Harbin 150080 Email: xmduan@hit.edu.cn EDUCATION 2007 - 2012: Ph.D, Department of Opto-electronics Information Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China 2005 - 2007: Master’s Degree, Department of Opto-electronics Information Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China 2000 - 2004: B. Sc. in Physics, Department of Optics Information Science and Technology, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, China. EMPLOYMENT 2022 - present: Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China. 2014 - 2022: Associate Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China. 2012 - 2013: Assistant Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China 2017 - 2018: Visiting Scientist, CEROL in UCF, Orlando, USA 2020 - present: Ph.D Supervisor, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China AWARDS and HONORS l Chinese Institute of Electronics Science and Technology Award, 2022 l Heilongjiang Provincial Science and Technology Award, 2021 l Heilongjiang Provincial Science and Technology Award, 2014 l Heilongjiang Provincial Science and Technology Award, 2013 l Wang Daheng Optics Award, 2012 l Prize for Important Achievements of Chinese Optics, 2008 AREAS of RESEARCH AND INTEREST l All solid-state lasers l Laser physics and engineering l Novel laser sources l Mid-IR and long-wave IR nonlinear frequency conversion ACADEMIC ACTIVITY l Associate Editor, Frontiers in Physics l Section Board Member, Crystals, l Leader editor, Special issue on Advances in Middle Infrared Laser Crystals and Its Applications, Crystals l Optica member l IEEE member l Reviewer for tens peer-reviewed journals Nano Energy, Optics and Laser Technology, Optics Letters, Optics Express, Optik, Infrared Physics and Technology, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Applied Physics B, Laser Physics Letters, Applied Optics, Optics Communications, Review of Scientific Instruments, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Laser Physics, Optical Engineering, Chinese Optics Letters, Acta Physica Sinica, Chinese Physics B, Chinese Physics Letters, Chinese Optics etc. SELECTED PUBLICATOINS [1] Dong Yan, Yunpeng Wang, Yue Yuan, Xiaoming Duan, Jiawei Fan, Jiaze Wu, Youlun Ju, Sining Li, Tongyu Dai, and Guangchao Ye, “Injection-seeded, Q-switched Ho:YAG laser based on alignment-insensitive corner cone reflectors,” Optics and Laser Technology 166: 109584 (2023). [2] Ke Yang, Baoquan Yao, Chunxiao Li, Jiyong Yao, Shuyi Mi, Jinwen Tang, Disheng Wei, Junhui Li, Xiao Xiao Hua, Xiaoming Duan, and Tongyu Dai, “High efficiency non-critical phase-matching 9.3–10.6 μm optical parametric oscillator in BaGa4Se7 crystal,” Optics and Laser Technology 160: 109082 (2023). [3] Xiaoming Duan, Jiaze Wu, Yu Ding, Xiaotao Yang, Tongyu Dai. “Electro-optically Q-switching of dual-diode-pumped Ho-doped lutetium vanadate laser,” Optics and Laser Technology 158: 108929 (2023). [4] Jiaze Wu, Youlun Ju, Xiaoming Duan, Renpeng Yan, Yu Ding, Dong Yan, Yuechu Wu, Tongyu Dai, Jiawei Fan, “Electro-optically Q-switching performance of diode-pumped Ho:GdVO4 laser at 2.05 μm,” Optics and Laser Technology 158: 108845 (2023). [5] Jiawei Fan, Jiaze Wu, Chenchen Jiang, Dong Yan, Yuechu Wu, Xingbang Yang, Xiaoming Duan, Youlun Ju, and Tongyu Dai, “A single-longitudinal-mode Er:YAG laser and MOPA system based on the Faraday effect,” Infrared Physics and Technology 133: 104789 (2023) [6] Jiawei Fan, Jiaze Wu, Youlun Ju, Baoquan Yao, Xiaoming Duan, and Tongyu Dai, “Pulsed Er:YAG single corner cube ring cavity with variable output ratio,” Optical Engineering 62(1): 016105 (2023). [7] Junhui Li, Disheng Wei, Baoquan Yao, Shuyi Mi, Ke Yang, Jinwen Tang, Tongyu Dai, Xiaoming Duan, and Youlun Ju, “43 W, 7 ns constant pulse duration, high-repetition-rate langasite cavity-dumped Ho:YAG laser and its appilcation in mid-infrared ZGP OPOs,” Optics and Laser Technology 157: 108631 (2023). [8] Jiaze Wu, Youlun Ju, Xiaoming Duan, Yu Ding, Jiawei Fan, Ying Chen, Tianwen Gao, and Tongyu Dai, “Continuous-wave and acousto-optically Q-switched Ho:GdVO4 laser dual-end-pumped by the laser diodes,” Infrared Physics and Technology 127: 104478 (2022) [9] Mengze Pei, Jiaze Wu, Yu Ding, and Xiaoming Duan, “Efficient Continuous-Wave Ho : LSO Laser Dual-End-Pumped by a Laser Diode at 1.94 μm,” Journal of Russian Laser Research 43(6): 607-611 (2022). [10] Shuyi Mi, Jinwen Tang, Disheng Wei, Baoquan Yao, Junhui Li, Ke Yang, Tongyu Dai, and Xiaoming Duan, “Thermal-birefringence-induced depolarization in a 450 W Ho:YAG MOPA system,” Optics Express 30(12): 21501-21511 (2022). [11] Shuyi Mi, Disheng Wei, Jinwen Tang, Junhui Li, Baoquan Yao, Ke Yang, Tongyu Dai, and Xiaoming Duan, “113?W Ho:YLF oscillator with good beam quality efficiently pumped by a Tm:YAP laser,” Applied Optics 61(19): 5755-5759 (2022). [12] D. Yan, S. N. Li, Y. L. Ju, T. Y. Dai, and X. M. Duan, “100 Hz, 39.6 mJ compact linear polarization Q-switched Ho:YLF oscillator,” Applied Physics B 128: 70 (2022). [13] Shuyi Mi, Disheng Wei, Jinwen Tang, Baoquan Yao, Junhui Li, Ke Yang, Xiaoming Duan, and Tongyu Dai, “1 kHz, 1.5 MW peak power pulse generation from an acousto-optically Q-switched Ho:GdVO4 oscillator,” Optics and Laser Technology 152: 108114 (2022). [14] Shuyi Mi, Disheng Wei, Jinwen Tang, Baoquan Yao, Ke Yang, Junhui Li, Tongyu Dai, and Xiaoming Duan, “An efficient, compact Ho:YLF MOPA system pumped by a linearly polarized Tm:YAP laser,” Optics and Laser Technology 150: 107977 (2022). [15] Yan Zhang, Zhen Gong, Xiaoming Duan, Junping Yuan, Jiayue Xu, Yunfeng Ma, and Yingje Shen, “Growth, spectra and continuous-wave 2.1 μm laser operation of a Ho3+-doped bismuth silicate crystal,” CrystEngComm 24: 1590-1597 (2022). [16] Shuangcheng Li, Linjun Li, Tianqi Qi, Zhengyang Wu, Xiaoming Duan, Xining Yang, and Yingjie Shen, “Passively Q-switched Tm:YAP laser with a lead zirconate titanate saturable absorber,” Applied Optics 60(26): 8097-8102 (2021). [17] Yan Zhang, Liwu Huang, Xiaoming Duan, Zheng Gong, Tian Tian, Yunfeng Ma, and And Jiayue Xu, “Tm3+: Bi4Si3O12 crystal as a promising laser material near 2 μm: growth, spectroscopic properties and laser performance,” Optics Express 29(18):29138-29148 (2021). [18] Xiaoming Duan, Jiaze Wu, Renqin Dou, Qingli Zhang, Tongyu Dai, and Xiaotao Yang, “High-power actively Q-switched Ho-doped gadolinium tantalate laser,” Optics Express 29(8): 12471-12477 (2021) [19] Shuyi Mi, Junhui Li, Disheng Wei, Ke Yang, Chao Yang, Baoquan Yao, Xiaoming Duan, and Tongyu Dai, “105 W continuous-wave diode-pumped Tm:YAP slab laser with high beam quality,” Optics and Laser Technology 138: 106847 (2021). [20] Long Zhou, Xiaoming Duan, Wenqiang Xie, Tianqi Qi, Yuqiang Yang, Wenlong Yang, Jie Yuan, Yingjie Shen, Hong Liang, and Linjun Li, “Optical and laser performances of a layered ReSe2 saturable absorber for a 2-μm solid laser,” Optics and Laser Technology 135:106685 (2021). [21] Gaoyou Liu, Shuyi Mi, Ke Yang, Disheng Wei, Junhui Li, Baoquan Yao, Chao Yang, Tongyu Dai, Xiaoming Duan, Lixin Tian, and Youlun Ju, “161?W middle infrared ZnGeP2 MOPA system pumped by 300?W-class Ho:YAG MOPA system,” Optics Letters 46(1): 82-85 (2021). [22] Yunpeng Wang, Youlun Ju, Tongyu Dai, Dong Yan, Ying Chen, Xinyu Fang, Xiaoming Duan, and Baoquan Yao, “Continuously tunable high-power single-longitudinal-mode Ho:YLF laser around the P12 CO2 absorption line,” Optics Letters 45(24): 6691-6694 (2020). [23] Ke Yang, Gaoyou Liu, Chunxiao Li, Baoquan Yao, Jiyong Yao, Yi Chen, Shuyi Mi, Xiaoming Duan, and Tongyu Dai, “Research on performance improvement technology of a BaGa4Se7 mid-infrared optical parametric oscillator,” Optics Letters 45(23): 6418-6421 (2020). [24] Hongbo Zhu, Xiaoming Duan, Shengli Fan, Hao Wu, Xingchen Lin, Yongqiang Ning, and Lijun Wang, “Scalable structure of coherent polarization beam combining based on tapered diode laser amplifiers,” Optics and Laser Technology 132: 106470 (2020). [25] Chao Yang, Baoquan Yao, Yi Chen, Gaoyou Liu, Shuyi Mi, Ke Yang, Tongyu Dai, and Xiaoming Duan, “570MHz harmonic mode-locking in an all polarization-maintaining Ho-doped fiber laser,” Optics Express 28(22): 33028-33034 (2020). [26] Tongyu Dai, Yunpeng Wang, Shuangxing Guo, Youlun Ju, Xiaoming Duan, and Baoquan Yao, “Tunable twisted-mode Ho:YAG laser at continuous-wave and pulsed operation,” Optics Express 28(21): 31775-31780 (2020). [27] Shuyi Mi, Yi Chen, Gaoyou Liu, Ke Yang, Baoquan Yao, Dai Tongyu, and Xiaoming Duan, “Measurement of optical homogeneity of ZnGeP2 crystal using a 2.02 μm single-longitudinal-mode Tm:LuAG ring laser,” Applied Optics 59(19): 5864-5869 (2020). [28] Gaoyou Liu, Yi Chen, Zhuang Li, Ke Yang, Baoquan Yao, Jiyong Yao, Ruixue Wang, Chao Yang, Shuyi Mi, Tongyu Dai, and Xiaoming Duan, “High-beam-quality 2.1?μm pumped mid-infrared type-II phase-matching BaGa4Se7 optical parametric oscillator with a ZnGeP2 amplifier,” Optics Letters 45(13): 3805-3808 (2020). [29] Yi Chen, Baoquan Yao, Haixin Wu, Youbao Ni, Gaoyou Liu, Tongyu Dai, Xiaoming Duan, and Youlun Ju, “Broadband second-harmonic and sum-frequency generation with a long-wave infrared laser in AgGaGe5Se12,” Applied Optics 59(17): 5247-5251 (2020). [30] Yi Chen, Chao Yang, Gaoyou Liu, Baoquan Yao, Ruixue Wang, Ke Yang, Shuyi Mi, Tongyu Dai, Xiaoming Duan, and Youlun Ju, “11 μm, high beam quality idler-resonant CdSe optical parametric oscillator with continuous-wave injection-seeded at 2.58 μm,” Optics Express 28(11): 17056-17063 (2020). [31] Linjun Li, Wenchao Cui, Xining Yang, Long Zhou, Yuqiang Yang, Wenqiang Xie, Xiaoming Duan, Yingjie Shen, and Jing Han, “A high-beam-quality passively Q-switched 2 μm solid-state laser with a WSe2 saturable absorber,” Optics and Laser Technology 125: 105960 (2020). [32] Gao-You Liu, Yi Chen, Bao-Quan Yao, Rui-xue Wang, Ke Yang, Chao Yang, Shu-yi Mi, Tong-Yu Dai, and Xiao-Ming Duan, “3.5?W long-wave infrared ZnGeP2 optical parametric oscillator at 9.8?μm,” Optics Letters 45(8): 2347-2350 (2020). [33] Yi Chen, Gaoyou Liu, Chao Yang, Baoquan Yao, Ruixue Wang, Shuyi Mi, Ke Yang, Tongyu Dai, Xiaoming Duan, and Youlun Ju, “1?W, 10.1?μm, CdSe optical parametric oscillator with continuous-wave seed injection,” Optics Letters 45(7): 2119-2122 (2020). [34] Linjun Li, Long Zhou, Tianxin Li, Xining Yang, Wenqiang Xie, Xiaoming Duan, Yingjie Shen, Yuqiang Yang, Wenlong Yang, and Han Zhang, “Passive mode-locking operation of a diode-pumped Tm:YAG laser with a MoS2 saturable absorber,” Optics and Laser Technology 124: 105986 (2020). [35] Yingjie Shen, Linjun Li, Xiaoming Duan, Shasha Li, Long Zhou, Wenqiang Xie, Yuqiang Yang, Ruijun Lan, and Baitao Zhang, “High power passively Q-switched Tmc+:(LuxGd1-x)3Ga5O12 laser based on boron nitride,” Optics and Laser Technology 123: 105795 (2020). [36] Yingjie Shen, Chuanpeng Qian, Xiaoming Duan, and Ruijun Lan, “High-power long-wave infrared laser based on polarization beam coupling technique,” High Power Laser Science and Engineering 8: e12 (2020). [37] Xiaoming Duan, Yingjie Shen, Zhen Zhang, Liangbi Su, and Tongyu Dai, “A passively Q-switching of diode-pumped 2.08-μm Ho:CaF2 laser,” Infrared Physics and Technology 103: 103071 (2019). [38] Ruixue Wang, Baoquan Yao, Benrui Zhao, Yi Chen, Gaoyou Liu, Tongyu Dai, and Xiaoming Duan, “Single-longitudinal-mode Ho:YVO4 MOPA system with a passively Q-switched unidirectional ring oscillator,” Optics Express 27(24): 34618-34625 (2019). [39] Tongyu Dai, Shuangxing Guo, Xiaoming Duan, Renqin Dou, and Qingli Zhang, “High efficiency single-longitudinal-mode resonantly-pumped Ho:GdTaO4 laser at 2068nm,” Optics Express 27(23): 34204-34210 (2019). [40] Tongyu Dai, Chunfa Guo, Yingyi Li, Youlun Ju, Baoquan Yao, and Xiaoming Duan, “A room temperature operation mid-IR Fe:ZnSe laser pumped by Ho,Pr:LiLuF4 laser at 2.9-μm,” Optics and Laser Technology 118: 179-182 (2019). [41] Ye Zhang, Gaoyou Liu, Yi Chen, Chuanpeng Qian, Benrui Zhao, Baoquan Yao, Tongyu Dai, and Xiaoming Duan, “High-repetition-rate laser ultrasonic generation in carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics excited by a 3.2-3.4??μm ZGP master oscillator power amplifier system,” Applied Optics 58(27): 7655-7660 (2019). [42] Yi Chen, Gaoyou Liu, Baoquan Yao, Ruixue Wang, Chao Yang, Xiaoming Duan, Tongyu Dai, and Yuezhu Wang, “Comparison of mid-infrared ZnGeP2 rectangle ring optical parametric oscillators of three types of resonant regimes,” Applied Optics 58(15): 4163-4169 (2019). [43] Xiaoming Duan, Guangpeng Chen, Chuanpeng Qian, Yingjie Shen, Renqin Dou, Qingli Zhang, Linjun Li, and Tongyu Dai, “Resonantly pumped high efficiency Ho:GdTaO4 laser,” Optics Express 27(13): 18273-18281 (2019). [44] Xiaoming Duan, Yingjie Shen, Jing Gao, Hongbo Zhu, Chuanpeng Qian, Liangbi Su, Lihe Zheng, Linjun Li, Baoquan Yao, and Tongyu Dai, “Active Q-switching operation of slab Ho:SYSO laser wing-pumped by fiber coupled laser diodes,” Optics Express 27(8): 11455-11461 (2019). [45] Xiaoming Duan, Chuanpeng Qian, Yingjie Shen, Liangbi Su, Lihe Zheng, Linjun Li, Baoquan Yao, and Tongyu Dai, “Efficient Ho:(Sc0.5Y0.5)2SiO5 laser at 2.1 μm in-band pumped by Tm fiber laser,” Optics Express 27(4): 4522-4527 (2019). [46] Linjun Li, Long Zhou, Xining Yang, Wenqiang Xie, Yingjie Shen, Minghua Chen, Yuqiang Yang, Wenlong Yang, Xiaoming Duan, and Mingquan Li, “A 2.22-W Passively Q-switched Tm3+-doped laser with a TiC2 saturable absorber,” IEEE Photonics Journal 11(2): 1501807 (2019). [47] Yingjie Shen, Linjun Li, Xiaoming Duan, Ruijun Lan, Long Zhou, Wenqiang Xie, and Xining Yang, “High-beam-quality operation of a 2?μm passively Q-switched solid-state laser based on a boron nitride saturable absorber,” Applied Optics 58(10): 2546-2550 (2019). [48] Chuanpeng Qian, Baoquan Yao, Youlun Ju, Xiaoming Duan, Benrui Zhao, Tongyu Dai, and Yuezhu Wang, “110.4??mJ, 1??kHz repetition rate, Ho:YAG master oscillator power amplifier,” Applied Optics 58(4): 879-882 (2019). [49] Chuan-Peng Qian, Bao-Quan Yao, Ben-Rui Zhao, Gao-You Liu, Xiao-Ming Duan, Tong-Yu Dai, You-Lun Ju, and Yue-Zhu Wang, “High repetition rate 102?W middle infrared ZnGeP2 master oscillator power amplifier system with thermal lens compensation,” Optics Letters 44(3): 715-718 (2019). [50] Ben-Rui Zhao, Bao-Quan Yao, Chuan-Peng Qian, Gao-You Liu, Yi Chen, Rui-Xue Wang, Tong-Yu Dai, and Xiao-Ming Duan, “231??W dual-end-pumped Ho:YAG MOPA system and its application to a mid-infrared ZGP OPO,” Optics Letters 43(24): 5989-5992 (2018). [51] Chuanpeng Qian, Xiaoming Duan, Baoquan Yao, Yingjie Shen, Ye Zhang, Benrui Zhao, Jinhe Yuan, Tongyu Dai, Youlun Ju, and Yuezhu Wang, “11.4 W long-wave infrared source based on ZnGeP2 optical parametric amplifier,” Optics Express 26(23):30195-30201 (2018). [52] Benrui Zhao, Yi Chen, Baoquan Yao, Jiyong Yao, Yangwu Guo, Ruixue Wang, Tongyu Dai, and Xiaoming Duan, “High-efficiency, tunable 8-9 μm BaGa4Se7 optical parametric oscillator pumped at 2.1 μm,” Optics Material Express 8(11): 3332-3337 (2018). [53] Xiaoming Duan, Linjun Li, Lihe Zheng, Baoquan Yao, Zhengting Zou, Dapeng Jiang, and Liangbi Su, “Efficient intracavity-pumped Ho:SSO laser with cascaded in-band pumping scheme,” Infrared Physics & Technology 94: 7-10 (2018). [54] Xiaoming Duan, Linjun Li, Xinsheng Guo, Yu Ding, Baoquan Yao, Lihe Zheng, Liangbi Su, and Yuezhu Wang, “Wavelength-locked continuous-wave and Q-switched Ho:CaF2 laser at 2100.5 nm,” Optics Express 26(11): 26916-26924 (2018). [55] Xiaoming Duan, Linjun Li, Yingjie Shen, Baoquan Yao, and Yuezhu Wang, “Efficient middle-infrared ZGP-OPO pumped by a Q-switched Ho:LuAG laser with the orthogonally polarized pump recycling scheme,” Applied Optics 57(27): 8102-8107 (2018). [56] Xiaoming Duan, Linjun Li, Yingjie Shen , and Baoquan Yao, “Efficient Ho:YAP laser dual end-pumped by a laser diode at 1.91 μm in a wing-pumping scheme,” Applied Physics B 124: 179 (2018). [57] X. M. Duan, X. S. Guo, B. Q. Yao, L. H. Zheng, and L. B. Su, “Efficient Ho:CaF2 laser intracavity-pumped by a Tm:LuAG laser in-band pumped at 1.6 μm,” Laser Physics Letters 15(9): 095802 (2018). [58] Jinhe Yuan, Yi Chen, Xiaoming Duan, Baoquan Yao, Tongyu Dai, and Youlun Ju, “CdSe optical parametric oscillator operating at 12.07 μm with 170 mW output,” Optics & Laser Technology 92: 1-4 (2017). [59] Xiaoming Duan, Peng Zhang, Zheng Cui, Baoquan Yao, and Yuezhu Wang, “Actively mode-locked Ho:LuVO4 laser at 2073.8 nm,” Optical Engineering 55(12): 126104 (2016). [60] J. H. Yuan, X. M. Duan, B. Q. Yao, Z. Cui, Y. Y. Li, T. Y. Dai, Y. J. Shen, and Y. L. Ju, “Tunable 10- to 11-μm CdSe optical parametric oscillator pumped by a 2.1-μm Ho:YAG laser,” Applied Physics B 122: 202 (2016). [61] X. M. Duan, W. M. Lin, Z. Cui, B. Q. Yao, H. Li, and T. Y. Dai, “Resonantly pumped continuous-wave mode-locked Ho:YAP laser,” Applied Physics B 122: 88 (2016). 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