姓名 | 高栋 | 性别 | 高栋 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 机电工程学院 |
学位 | 高栋 | 学历 | 高栋 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 | 人气 | |
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基本信息 English Version 个人空间 学术交流 教学工作 科研工作情况 ... 科研工作情况 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 高栋 教授/博士生导师 高栋,工学博士,哈尔滨工业大学研究生院常务副院长,任中国刀协切削先进技术研究会东北区副理事长,中国机械工程学会高级会员。目前主要从事数控机床误差补偿技术、绿色制造、机器人原位加工技术等领域的研究。共发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI检索论文20余篇,曾获“国家级教学成果二等奖”1项、“黑龙江省科学技术一等奖”1项,“中国高校自然科学二等奖”1项,“国家教委科技进步三等奖”1项,“全国普通高等学校优秀教材二等奖”1项。 主要学习和工作简历 名称 1989年9月-1993年7月:哈尔滨工业大学机械工程系读本科1993年9月-1999年4月:哈尔滨工业大学机械制造及其自动化学科硕博连读1997年4月-2005年2月:香港理工大学助理研究员(1997年-1999年)副研究员(2001年-2005年)2001年8月-2007年8月:任哈尔滨工业大学机电学院、深圳研究生院副教授(2003年-2005年)2005年12月-2011年6月:任哈尔滨工业大学机械制造及自动化系副主任、机电工程学院副院长(2008年)2011年6月- 2023年5月:任哈尔滨工业大学研究生院副院长、常务副院长(2019年) 2007年8月- 目前:任哈尔滨工业大学机电学院教授、博士生导师(2008年) 发表的主要论文 名称 Zhang P, Gao D, Lu Y, et al. A novel smart toolholder with embedded force sensors for milling operations[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 175: 109130. Zhang P, Gao D, Lu Y, et al. Online chatter detection in milling process based on fast iterative VMD and energy ratio difference[J]. Measurement, 2022: 111060. Zhang P, Gao D, Lu Y, et al. Development and testing of a wireless multi-axis toolholder dynamometer for milling and drilling process[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2022: Jiang Z, Gao D, Lu Y, et al. Optimisation of cutting parameters for minimising carbon emissions and cost in the turning process[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2022, 236(4): 1973-1985. Kong L, Gao D, Lu Y, et al. Experimental investigation on machining performance during orbital drilling of CFRP[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022: 1-11. Kong L, Gao D, Lu Y. Novel tool for damage reduction in orbital drilling of CFRP composites[J]. Composite Structures, 2021, 273: 114338. Kong L, Gao D, Lu Y. Comparative analysis of the machining temperatures of an end mill and a novel tool in the orbital drilling of CFRP composites[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021, 115(11): 3713-3729. Zhendong Shang, Dong Gao, Zhipeng Jiang, YongLu. A multi-perspective analysis of sustainability of machining processes based on a new extended virtual manufacturing framework. Energy Volume 225, 15 June 2021, 120257 . Jiang Z , Gao D , Lu Y , et al. Quantitative Analysis of Carbon Emissions in Precision Turning Processes and Industrial Case Study[J]. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 2021, 8(1):205-216. Linghao Kong, Dong Gao, Yong Lu, Zhipeng Jiang. Novel orbital drilling and reaming tool for machining holes in carbon fiber–reinforced plastic (CFRP) composite laminates[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020,110(3), 977-988. Liao Z, Axinte D, Gao D. On modelling of cutting force and temperature in bone milling[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2019, 266: 627-638. Jiang Z, Gao D, Lu Y, et al. Optimization of cutting parameters for trade-off among carbon emissions, surface roughness, and processing time[J]. Chinese journal of mechanical engineering, 2019, 32(1): 1-18. Shang Z, Gao D, Jiang Z, et al. Towards less energy intensive heavy-duty machine tools: Power consumption characteristics and energy-saving strategies[J]. Energy, 2019, 178: 263-276. Zhengdong Shang, Dong Gao, Zhipeng Jiang and Yong Lu. Developing a new energy performance indicator for spindle system based on power flow analysis. Part B:Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol 233, Issue 6, 2019. Zhipeng Jiang, Dong Gao ,Yong Lu. Electrical energy consumption of CNC machine tools based on empirical modelling. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, V100, Issue 9–12, pp 2255–2267. Shang, Z., Gao, D., Jiang, Z., & Lu, Y. (2018). Developing a new energy performance indicator for the spindle system based on power flow analysis. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture Jiang, Z., Gao, D., Lu, Y., Kong, L., & Shang, Z. (2018). Electrical energy consumption of CNC machine tools based on empirical modeling. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Liao, Z., Axinte, D. A., & Gao, D. (2017). A novel cutting tool design to avoid surface damage in bone machining. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 116, 52–59. Liao, Z., Gao, D., Lu, Y., & Lv, Z. (2016). Multi-scale hybrid HMM for tool wear condition monitoring. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 84(9), 2437–2448. Gao, D., Liao, Z., Lv, Z., & Lu, Y. (2015). Multi-scale statistical signal processing of cutting force in cutting tool condition monitoring. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 80(9), 1843–1853. Lu, Y., Zhang, M., & Gao, D. (2014). Connection stiffness and dynamical docking process of flux pinned spacecraft modules. Journal of Applied Physics, 115(6), 97–112 Lu, Y., Zhang, M., & Gao, D. (2013). Lateral Force and Lateral Connection Stiffness of Flux Pinned Docking Interface. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 26(10), 3027–3036. Cui, G., Lu, Y., Li, J., Gao, D., & Yao, Y. (2012). Geometric error compensation software system for CNC machine tools based on NC program reconstructing. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 63(1), 169–180. Hao, Z., Gao, D., Fan, Y., & Han, R. (2011). New observations on tool wear mechanism in dry machining Inconel718. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 51(12), 973–979. Dong, G., Zhaopeng, H., Rongdi, H., Yanli, C., & Muguthu, J. N. (2011). Study of cutting deformation in machining nickel-based alloy Inconel 718. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 51(6), 520–527. Basic Information 名称 Name: GAO Dong Position: Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Executive Dean of Graduate School, Harbin Institute of Technology, PR China Post Address: PO BOX 118, Harbin Institute of Technology, Xi Da Zhi St. 92, Nan Gang District, Harbin, 150001, Heilongjiang Province, PR China Tel.: 86-451-86418113, E-mail: gaodong@hit.edu.cn A Brief Introduction 名称 GAO Dong is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Vice Dean of the Graduate School of Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China. He was born on October 24, 1970. He received the BSc degree in 1993 and PhD degree in 1999 in Mechanical Engineering, both from Harbin Institute of Technology. From April 1997 to April 1999, he was a Research Assistant in the Department of Manufacturing Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. From September 2001 to May 2005, he worked as a Research Associate in Prof. W.B. Lee’s Research Group in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In 2005, he re-joined the Harbin Institute of Technology, China, as an Associate Professor, and was then promoted to a Professor in 2007. Professor GAO is a Standing member and Vice director of the Northeast Branch of Chinese Society of Cutting and Advanced Manufacturing Technology and a Senior Member of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering. His current research interests include Cutting Theory of Difficult to Process Materials, Error Compensation Technology of Machine Tool and Sustainable Manufacturing. Prof. GAO has published 30 papers in international journals and conferences, and more than 30 papers in domestic journals and conferences in China. He has been granted more than 10 research projects from National Science Foundation of China, industrial enterprises, etc. Academic Degrees 名称 1999 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin (China) 1993 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin (China) Professional Experience 名称 6/2011 ~ date6/2008 ~ 6/20116/2006 ~ 5/20088/2007 ~ date8/2001 ~ 7/20079/2001 ~ 3/20054/1997 ~ 4/1999 Vice Dean, Graduate School of Harbin Institute of TechnologyVice Dean, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, HITVice-Director, Dept. of Advanced Manufacturing Engineering, HITProfessor, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,HITAssociate professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, HITResearch Associate, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, HKPolyUResearch Assistant, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, HKPolyU Professional Societies 名称 Secretary-General, Academic Degrees Committee of Harbin Institute of Technology Standing member and Vice director, Northeast Branch of Chinese Society of Cutting and Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Senior Member, Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering Honors and Awards 名称 Natural Science Prize granted by Heilongjiang Government in 2008 Prize for Excellent Books granted by China Ministry of Mechanical Industry in 2002 Natural Science Prize granted by The Education Ministry of P.R. China in 2000 Selected Research Grants 名称 “Research on assessment techniques and basic database for green manufacture of machine tools and construction machinery products” (SQ2014GX03D00726), Principal Investigator, funded by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) (2014.01-2016.12), About RMB8,000,000. (The project has passed the assessment of the HTRDC in June,2013) “Research on key technologies of heavy-duty CNC machine tools”, Principal Investigator, funded by the Education Department of Heilongjiang Province (2011.01–2013.12), RMB3,000,000. “Research on real-time synthetic error compensation for heavy-duty CNC machine tools”(2009ZX04014-025), Principal Investigator, funded by National S&T Major Project of China (2009.03–2012.12), RMB5,620,000. “Research on theories of machining ultra large-scale workpiece by a small-size reconfigurable manufacturing system in spot”(50675048), Principal Investigator, funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, (2007.01–2009.12), RMB280,000. “Ultrasonic vibration machining of titanium alloys by SPDT”, the Second Principal Investigator, funded by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (2011.1–2014.12), RMB1,260,000 “Research on prediction of carbon emission during grinding processes”, The Second Investigator, funded by Guizhou Xianfeng Machine Tool Co., Ltd, (2012.06-2013.12), RMB800,000. “Research on efficient cutting technologies for machining huge workpieces of nickel-base super alloys”(2009AA044301), The Second Investigator, funded by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) (2009.01-2011.12), RMB1,980,000. Selected Publications 名称 Zhang P, Gao D, Lu Y, et al. A novel smart toolholder with embedded force sensors for milling operations[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 175: 109130. Zhang P, Gao D, Lu Y, et al. Online chatter detection in milling process based on fast iterative VMD and energy ratio difference[J]. Measurement, 2022: 111060. Zhang P, Gao D, Lu Y, et al. Development and testing of a wireless multi-axis toolholder dynamometer for milling and drilling process[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2022: Jiang Z, Gao D, Lu Y, et al. Optimisation of cutting parameters for minimising carbon emissions and cost in the turning process[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2022, 236(4): 1973-1985. Kong L, Gao D, Lu Y, et al. Experimental investigation on machining performance during orbital drilling of CFRP[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022: 1-11. Kong L, Gao D, Lu Y. Novel tool for damage reduction in orbital drilling of CFRP composites[J]. Composite Structures, 2021, 273: 114338. Kong L, Gao D, Lu Y. Comparative analysis of the machining temperatures of an end mill and a novel tool in the orbital drilling of CFRP composites[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021, 115(11): 3713-3729. Zhendong Shang, Dong Gao, Zhipeng Jiang, YongLu. A multi-perspective analysis of sustainability of machining processes based on a new extended virtual manufacturing framework. Energy Volume 225, 15 June 2021, 120257 . Jiang Z , Gao D , Lu Y , et al. Quantitative Analysis of Carbon Emissions in Precision Turning Processes and Industrial Case Study[J]. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 2021, 8(1):205-216. Linghao Kong, Dong Gao, Yong Lu, Zhipeng Jiang. Novel orbital drilling and reaming tool for machining holes in carbon fiber–reinforced plastic (CFRP) composite laminates[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020,110(3), 977-988. Liao Z, Axinte D, Gao D. On modelling of cutting force and temperature in bone milling[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2019, 266: 627-638. Jiang Z, Gao D, Lu Y, et al. Optimization of cutting parameters for trade-off among carbon emissions, surface roughness, and processing time[J]. Chinese journal of mechanical engineering, 2019, 32(1): 1-18. Shang Z, Gao D, Jiang Z, et al. Towards less energy intensive heavy-duty machine tools: Power consumption characteristics and energy-saving strategies[J]. Energy, 2019, 178: 263-276. Zhengdong Shang, Dong Gao, Zhipeng Jiang and Yong Lu. Developing a new energy performance indicator for spindle system based on power flow analysis. Part B:Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol 233, Issue 6, 2019. Zhipeng Jiang, Dong Gao ,Yong Lu. Electrical energy consumption of CNC machine tools based on empirical modelling. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, V100, Issue 9–12, pp 2255–2267. Shang, Z., Gao, D., Jiang, Z., & Lu, Y. (2018). Developing a new energy performance indicator for the spindle system based on power flow analysis. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture Jiang, Z., Gao, D., Lu, Y., Kong, L., & Shang, Z. (2018). Electrical energy consumption of CNC machine tools based on empirical modeling. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Liao, Z., Axinte, D. A., & Gao, D. (2017). A novel cutting tool design to avoid surface damage in bone machining. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 116, 52–59. Liao, Z., Gao, D., Lu, Y., & Lv, Z. (2016). Multi-scale hybrid HMM for tool wear condition monitoring. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 84(9), 2437–2448. Gao, D., Liao, Z., Lv, Z., & Lu, Y. (2015). Multi-scale statistical signal processing of cutting force in cutting tool condition monitoring. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 80(9), 1843–1853. Lu, Y., Zhang, M., & Gao, D. (2014). Connection stiffness and dynamical docking process of flux pinned spacecraft modules. Journal of Applied Physics, 115(6), 97–112 Lu, Y., Zhang, M., & Gao, D. (2013). Lateral Force and Lateral Connection Stiffness of Flux Pinned Docking Interface. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 26(10), 3027–3036. Cui, G., Lu, Y., Li, J., Gao, D., & Yao, Y. (2012). Geometric error compensation software system for CNC machine tools based on NC program reconstructing. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 63(1), 169–180. Hao, Z., Gao, D., Fan, Y., & Han, R. (2011). New observations on tool wear mechanism in dry machining Inconel718. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 51(12), 973–979. Dong, G., Zhaopeng, H., Rongdi, H., Yanli, C., & Muguthu, J. N. (2011). Study of cutting deformation in machining nickel-based alloy Inconel 718. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 51(6), 520–527. 研究生培养情况 名称 硕士招生: 已经毕业 2005年入学:崔科;2006年入学:谭昀; 2007年入学:甄瑞 张伟;2008年入学:祝显秋 刘刚;2009年入学:常艳丽 彭效海 张明良;2010年入学:张惠萍 张学良 邓健 在读研究生 2011年入学:牛同峰 羡学磊 2012年入学:解正友 博士招生: 已毕业 崔岗卫(副导师) 在读博士生 郝兆鹏 约瑟夫(肯利亚留学生) 刘一磊 张明良 廖志荣 张辉(工程博士) 讲授课程 名称 暂无填写 教学研究情况 名称 教学成果tchach 研究领域 名称 可持续制造技术 重型数控机床误差补偿 超大构件现场可重构加工 主要研究方向:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 科研项目 名称 project