姓名 | 周德开 | 性别 | 周德开 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 机电工程学院 |
学位 | 周德开 | 学历 | 周德开 |
职称 | 副教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 | 人气 | |
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基本信息 Research Publications Openings 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 周周周德开,男,1989年生,教授,博士生导师,全国博士后创新人才支撑计划获得者。先后主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划课题、黑龙江省重点研发计划、广东省重点研发计划课题等纵横向课题10余项。在Advanced Science,ACS Nano,Small,International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing等期刊发表SCI检索学术论文30余篇,封面论文3篇,ESI高被引论文1篇,被引2000余次。授权国家发明专利50余项,美国专利1项。获得中国仪器仪表学会科技进步一等奖、黑龙江省专利奖金奖、省自然科学一等奖,省技术发明一等奖,省科技进步二等奖等省部级奖励6项。担任中国微米纳米技术学会青年委员及International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing、Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering、Additive Manufacturing Frontiers、Electron、工程设计学报等多个期刊青年编委。 工作经历 名称 时间 单位 职务/职称 2024.01-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 教授 2021.04-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 博士生导师 2021.01-2023.12 哈尔滨工业大学 拔尖副教授 2020.07-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 硕士生导师 2018.10-2020.12 哈尔滨工业大学 师资博后 教育经历 名称 时间 院校 学位 导师 2013-2018 哈尔滨工业大学 博士 张广玉教授李隆球教授 2014-2016 宾夕法尼亚州立大学 联合培养博士 Thomas E. Mallouk教授(AAAS院士) 2011-2013 哈尔滨工业大学 硕士 王瑜副教授 2007-2011 哈尔滨工业大学 学士 学术兼职 名称 2023年-至今 International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing青年编委 2023年-至今 Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering青年编委 2023年-至今 Additive Manufacturing Frontiers青年编委 2023年-至今 Electron青年编委 2023年-至今 工程设计学报青年编委 2021年-至今 中国微米纳米技术学会青年委员 讲授课程 名称 纳米科学与技术 智能仿生软体机器人技术与应用 研究领域 名称 微纳机器人技术 (Micro/nano Robotics) 空间机器人技术 (Space Robotics) 软体机器人技术 (Soft Robotics) 微纳增材制造技术 (Micro/nano Additive Manufacturing) 石油、航天、航空机电一体化技术与装备 (Mechatronics Technology and Equipment) 太空增材制造技术 (Space Additive Manufacturing) Publications 名称 D. Zhou*, H. Yue, X. Chang, Y. Mo, Y. Liu, H. Chang, L. Li*, "Mimicking Motor Proteins: Wall-guided Self-navigation of Microwheels", ACS Nano (2024, SCI, IF:17.1) Z. Huang, G. Shao, D. Zhou, X. Deng, J. Qiao*, L. Li*, "3D Printing of High-Precision and Ferromagnetic Functional Devices", International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing (2023, SCI, IF:14.7) Y. Feng, D. Jia, H. Yue, J. Wang, W. Song, L. Li, A. Zhang, S. Li*, X. Chang*, D. Zhou*, "Breaking through barriers: Ultrafast microbullet based on cavitation bubble", Small, 2207565 (2023, SCI, IF:13.3) (Front Cover) Y. Zhang, J. Quan, P. Li, W. Song, G. Zhang*, L. Li, D. Zhou*, "A Flytrap‐Inspired Bistable Origami‐Based Gripper for Rapid Active Debris Removal", Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2200468 (2023, SCI, IF:7.4) (Front Cover) Z. Yu, X. Deng, J. Qiao*, D. Zhou, L. Li, "Direct Fabrication of Microcantilever Structures with High Shape Accuracy Using Projection-Based Stereolithography", 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing (2022, SCI, IF:3.1) Y. Zhang, P. Li, J. Quan, L. Li, G. Zhang*, D. Zhou*, “Progress, Challenges, and Prospects of Soft Robotics for Space Applications”, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2200071 (2022, SCI, IF:7.4). H. Yue, X. Chang, J. Liu, D. Zhou*, L. Li*, “Wheel-like Magnetic-Driven Microswarm with a Band-Aid Imitation for Patching Up Microscale Intestinal Perforation”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14,8743 (2022, SCI, IF:9.5). X. Chang, Y. Feng, Y. Mo, D. Zhou*, L. Li*, “Nature-inspired micro/nanomotors”, Nanoscale, 26, 101314 (2022, SCI, IF:6.7) R. Zhuang, D. Zhou*, X. Chang, Y. Mo, G. Zhang, L. Li*, “Alternating Current Electric Field Driven Topologically Defective Micro/nanomotors”, Applied Materials Today, 26, 101314 (2022, SCI, IF:8.3) D. Zhang, D. Zhou*, G. Zhang, G. Shao, L. Li*, “3D printing lunar architecture with a novel cable-driven printer”, Acta Astronautica, 189, 671-678 (2021, SCI, IF:3.5) P. Li, Y. Zhang, G. Zhang, D. Zhou*, L. Li*, “A Bioinspired Soft Robot Combining the Growth Adaptability of Vine Plants with a Coordinated Control System”, Research (2021, SCI, IF:11.0) Y. Mo, X. Chang, Z. Yu, D. Sun, D. Zhou, L. Li*, “Three-Dimensional Rock Core-Like Microstructure Fabricated by Additive Manufacturing for Petroleum Engineering”, 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing (2021, SCI, IF:3.1) R. Wu, P. Roberts, S. Lyu, F. Zheng, C. Soutis, C. Diver, D. Zhou, L. Li*, Z. Deng, “Lightweight Self‐Forming Super‐Elastic Mechanical Metamaterials with Adaptive Stiffness”, Advanced Functional Materials, 31 (6), 2008252 (2021, SCI, IF:19.0) Y. Wang, Y. Liu, Y. Li, D. Xu, X. Pan, Y. Chen, D. Zhou, B. Wang, H. Feng*, X. Ma*, “Magnetic nanomotor-based maneuverable SERS probe”, Research (2020, SCI, IF:11.0) D. Zhou, R. Zhuang, X. Chang, L. Li*, “Enhanced Light-Harvesting Efficiency and Adaptation: A Review on Visible-Light-Driven Micro/Nanomotors”, Research (2020, SCI, IF:11.0) D. Sun, W. Wang, K. Dong, M. Jiang, D. Zhou*, L. Li*, “Adsorption behavior and shear degradation of ultrahigh‐molecular‐weight hydrolyzed polyacrylamide in a capillary flow”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 137 (2), 48270 (2020, SCI, IF:3.0) D. Sun, D. Zhou*, Y. Gao, H. Yue, W. Wang, X. Ma, L. Li*, “Phototaxis Motion Behavior of a Self‐propelled Submarine‐like Water Droplet Robot in Oil Solvent”, ChemNanoMat, 6 (11), 1611-1616 (2020, SCI, IF:3.8) (Front Inside Cover) X. Chang, C. Chen, J. Li, X. Lu, Y. Liang, D. Zhou, H. Wang, G. Zhang, T. Li*, J. Wang*, L. Li*, “Motile Micropump Based on Synthetic Micromotors for Dynamic Micropatterning”, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 11 (31), 28507-28514 (2019, SCI, IF:9.5) D. Zhou, Y. Gao, H. Liu, G. Zhang*, L. Li*, “Light‐Induced Patterned Self‐Assembly Behavior of Isotropic Semiconductor Nanomotors”, Chemistry–An Asian Journal, 14 (14), 2445-2449 (2019, SCI, IF:4.1) D. Zhou, Y. Gao, J. Yang, Y. Li, G. Shao, G. Zhang, T. Li*, L. Li*, “Light‐Ultrasound Driven Collective “Firework” Behavior of Nanomotors”, Advanced Science, 5 (7), 1800122 (2018, SCI, IF:15.1) H. Liu, J. Xu*, D. Zhou, Q. Yang, L. Li, “Potential application of functional micro-nano structures in petroleum”, Petroleum Exploration and Development, 45 (4), 745-753 (2018, SCI, IF:7.5) F. Ji, D. Zhou, G. Zhang, L. Li*, “Numerical analysis of visible light driven gold/ferric oxide nanomotors”, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 17 (4), 692-696 (2018, SCI, IF:2.4) L. Ren, D. Zhou, Z. Mao, P. Xu, T. Huang, T. Mallouk*, “Rheotaxis of bimetallic micromotors driven by chemical–acoustic hybrid power”, ACS nano, 11 (10), 10591-10598 (2017, SCI, IF:17.1) D. Zhou, L. Ren, Y. Li, P Xu, Y. Gao, G. Zhang, W. Wang*, T. Mallouk*, L. Li*, “Visible light-driven, magnetically steerable gold/iron oxide nanomotors”, Chemical Communications, 53 (83), 11465-11468 (2017, SCI, IF:4.9) D. Zhou, Y. Li, P. Xu, L. Ren, G. Zhang, T. Mallouk*, L. Li*, “Visible-light driven Si–Au micromotors in water and organic solvents”, Nanoscale, 9 (32), 11434-11438 (2017, SCI, IF:6.7) G. Huang, J. Wang, Z. Liu, D. Zhou, Z. Tian, B. Xu, L. Li*, Y. Mei*, “Rocket-inspired tubular catalytic microjets with grating-structured walls as guiding empennages”, Nanoscale, 9 (47), 18590-18596 (2017, SCI, IF:6.7) Y. Li, D. Zhou, Z. Yan, R. Gon?alves, D. Salvatore, C. Berlinguette, T. Mallouk*, “Electrolysis of CO2 to Syngas in Bipolar Membrane-Based Electrochemical Cells”, ACS Energy Letters, 1 (6), 1149-1153 (2016, SCI, IF:22.0) D. Zhou, Y. Li, P. Xu, N. McCool, L. Li*, W. Wang, T. Mallouk*, “Visible-light controlled catalytic Cu2O–Au micromotors”, Nanoscale, 9 (1), 75-78 (2016, SCI, IF:6.7) (ESI Highly Cited Paper) 招生信息(Openings) 名称 科研要有品味,好好生活 欢迎机械、材料、光学、电子、物理、力学等相关专业的本科生、硕士生以及博士生加盟。 博士生:每年招生1人 硕士生:每年招生1人