

姓名 张俊杰 性别 张俊杰
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 机电工程学院
学位 张俊杰 学历 张俊杰
职称 教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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简介 教学 科研 Publications News English Album ... English Album 新建主栏目 硕博招生信息 名称 课题组目前2024年入学硕士名额已满。 课题组目前2024年入学博士名额已满。 基本信息 名称 张俊杰博士,男,汉族,1982年5月出生于湖北省孝感市。现任哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院教授、博士生导师、哈尔滨工业大学青年拔尖人才。研究方向为精密与超精密加工机理与技术、激光微加工技术、陶瓷球体超精密加工技术等。先后主持国家自然科学基金4项、基础科研1项在内的20余项科研项目,并参与国家自然科学基金3项。以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文60余篇,H因子为27,出版Springer高影响英文专著1本、授权一作发明专利10项,荣获2016年教育部自然科学二等奖、第二届“上银优秀机械博士论文奖”佳作奖。现为Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C副编辑、International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing编委、Nanomanufacturing and Metrology编委、60余个国际SCI期刊审稿人。担任中国机械工程学会高级会员、中国机械工程学会微纳制造技术分会第二届委员、中国机械工程学会极端制造分会第一届委员、中国机械工程学会生产工程分会精密工程与微纳技术专业委员会委员、精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室客座研究员、黑龙江生物医学工程学会理事。 教育经历 名称 2008年9月-2009年8月 德国Ruhr-University Bochum 国家公派博士联合培养 2005年9月-2011年7月 哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院 硕博连读 2001年9月-2005年7月 哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院 本科 工作经历 名称 2017年04月-至今 哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院 博士生导师 2017年01月-至今 哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院 教授 2014年05月-2017年4月 哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院 硕士生导师 2013年12月-2016年12月 哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院 副教授 2012年01月-2013年01月 德国Ruhr-University Bochum 博士后 2011年08月-2013年12月 哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院 讲师 荣誉称号 名称 2018年 中日超精密加工国际会议青年学者奖 2017年 亚洲精密工程和纳米技术学会优秀青年科学家奖 2016年 教育部自然科学奖二等奖(第二) 2016年 哈尔滨工业大学青年拔尖人才选聘计划 教授 2013年 哈尔滨工业大学青年拔尖人才选聘计划 副教授 2012年 第二届“上银优秀机械博士论文奖” 佳作奖 2011年 黑龙江省优秀毕业生、哈尔滨工业大学优秀毕业生 2010年 哈尔滨工业大学第四届研究生十佳英才提名奖 2009年 哈尔滨工业大学第十四批正在进行的优秀博士学位论文 2009年 宝钢优秀学生奖学金 学术兼职 名称 2012.12 中国机械工程学会高级会员 2014.07 精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室客座研究人员 2016.12 AIMS Materials Science编委 2017.09 The Journal of Engineering编委 2017.07 国际纳米制造学会(The International Society of Nanomanufacturing)会员 2018.12 中国机械工程学会微纳制造技术分会第二届委员 2020.07 中国机械工程学会极端制造分会第一届委员 2020.09 Proc IMechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science副编辑 2020.09 Nanomanufacturing and Metrology编委 2022.01 International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing编委 2022.03 黑龙江生物医学工程学会理事 期刊审稿人:AIP Advances, Applied Physics A, Applied Surface Science, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Chinese Physics B, Chinese Science Bulletin, Chinese Physics Letters, Current Nanoscience, Computational Materials Science, Engineering, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, Fibers and Polymers, Industrial Lubrication, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, International Journal of Mechanical Science, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Materials & Design, Materials Letters, Materials Research Express, Materials Science & Engineering B, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Molecular Simulation, Multiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures, Nanoscale Research Letters, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, Nanotechnology, Optics Express, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Philosophical Magazine, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, RSC Advances, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, Science China Technological Sciences, Semiconductor Science and Technology, Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, Surface and Interface Analysis, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, Thin Solid Films, Tribology International, Tribology Letters, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology、摩擦学学报、中国机械工程、含能材料 讲授课程 名称 本科生课程:面向材料的超精密加工模拟技术(创新研修课16学时)、功能表面微结构超精密加工技术(新生研讨课16学时) 留学生硕士课程:The Fundamentals of Micro and Nanomanufacturing(留学生研究生课16学时) 硕士课程:科技写作(研究生必修课12学时) 招生信息 名称 热烈欢迎博、硕研究生加入,具有良好的英语读写能力和机械工程、材料科学知识背景的优先考虑。我们将为您提供完备的科研环境和细致的指导,共同携手向前! 招生数量:博士每年1名;硕士每年2-3名。 研究领域:超精密加工机理与工艺;激光微加工技术;机电一体化装备开发。 团队成员 名称 在读学生 毕业学生 研究领域 名称 面向材料的超精密加工机理与工艺 结合数值仿真与实验手段,开发适用于不同材料属性的本构方程子程序,揭示金属材料(多晶Cu、Ce、TC4、纯钛)、硬脆材料(Si、3C-SiC)、复合材料(SiCp/Al、RB-SiC、CFRP)、聚合物(PEEK)等材料的机械加工机理,重点关注工件微观组织结构对材料加工变形的影响规律,据此开展工艺创新,实现不同材料超光滑加工表面制备。 多晶金属金刚石切削加工 SiCp/Al金刚石切削加工 3C-SiC金刚石切削加工 激光-超声能场辅助微切削加工 CFRP/Ti叠层金刚石切削界面控制 激光精密微加工机理与工艺 采用数值仿真研究激光-材料相互作用机制,搭建光-机-电耦合多轴激光微加工平台,实现不同用途的多种材料表面功能微结构(减摩擦不锈钢织构、减反射单晶硅织构、光电金刚石织构、生物相容性纯钛微结构)的高精度激光微加工。 多脉冲激光烧蚀加工的有限元仿真 铜合金薄板贯穿微结构的紫外激光加工 减反射黑硅的红外纳秒激光加工 PEEK润湿微结构的紫外纳秒激光加工 纯钛表面微结构增强生物相容性 单晶金刚石紫外纳秒激光加工的高密度石墨化 机电一体化精密加工装置研制 面向硬脆、黑色金属等难加工材料,根据其材料加工去除特性,搭建激光/振动辅助精密铣削与钻削加工机电一体化装置,并结合工艺研究实现难加工材料的高精度加工。 纵弯复合超声振动辅助铣削装置 多轴联动激光微铣削机床 光-机耦合7轴7联动激光微加工机床 六自由度并联激光微加工机床 五轴五联动车磨复合精密机床 陶瓷球专用粗磨、精磨装置 原位激光辅助金刚石切削刀架 大尺寸陶瓷球精密研磨制造 面向重载、酸性、极冷与极热等极端复杂环境的超硬材料球体部件加工制备,球体成球理论、工艺与装备整套完备体系,实现大尺寸超硬球体的高精度高效低成本制造。 氮化硅大尺寸陶瓷球:直径42mm,球度低于0.15微米,粗糙度低于6nm 碳化硅大尺寸陶瓷球:直径43mm,球度低于0.2微米,粗糙度低于50nm 非标测试装置研制 针对精密电镀过程中的技术难题,采用流体力学计算来探明刻蚀、镀膜过程中的流体分布特性,据此指导电镀装置优化设计与电镀参数优化。 非接触激光球度测量 非接触光谱共焦球度测量 摩擦磨损仪 工业设计软件二次开发 针对精密电镀过程中的技术难题,采用流体力学计算来探明刻蚀、镀膜过程中的流体分布特性,据此指导电镀装置优化设计与电镀参数优化。 刻蚀过程 电镀过程 气-液两相搅拌过程 针对工业生产中零部件的高效设计与制造,基于CAE二次开发的参数化建模软件系统开发 代表性科研项目 项目名称 铜零件微切削加工机理与工艺 项目来源 基础科研 开始时间 2018.01 结束时间 2021.12 项目经费 200 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 碳化硅金刚石切削加工脆塑转变和材料去除机理研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金中德国际合作基金 开始时间 2018.01 结束时间 2020.12 项目经费 180 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 多晶铈金刚石刀具加工表层与亚表面损伤层形成机理研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目 开始时间 2016-01-01 结束时间 2018-12-01 项目经费 63 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 各向异性纳米晶铜的超光滑加工表面形成机理的仿真与实验研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 开始时间 2015-01-01 结束时间 2017-12-01 项目经费 25 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 纳米孪晶铜纳米磨损极值的分子动力学仿真研究 项目来源 中国博士后科学基金第6批特别资助 开始时间 2014-01-01 结束时间 2016-12-01 项目经费 15 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 单晶硅片纳米刻划的初始塑性机制的仿真和实验研究 项目来源 2013年度高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助 开始时间 2014-01-01 结束时间 2016-12-01 项目经费 4 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 纳米孪晶铜机械加工表层形成机理的分子动力学仿真研究 项目来源 精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室(天津大学)2014 年度开放基金资助 开始时间 2014-06-01 结束时间 2016-06-01 项目经费 8 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 仪器与设备 名称 目前实验室具有的主要仪器如下: 一、自研的加工与检测设备 1> 串联五轴五联动精密车削加工机床 2> 串联五轴五联动精密铣削加工机床 3> 串联五轴五联动精密激光加工机床 4> 串联五轴-振镜两轴光机耦合七轴七联动激光精密加工机床 5> 并联六轴-振镜两轴光机耦合八轴八联动激光精密加工机床 6> 陶瓷球体毛胚磨削机床 7> 陶瓷球体精密研磨机床 8> 激光辅助切削加工刀架 9> 超声振动辅助切削加工刀架 10> 往复式摩擦磨损机 二、激光器 1> 红外纳秒脉冲激光器 2> 红外皮秒脉冲激光器 3> 红外连续激光器 4> 紫外纳秒脉冲激光器 5> 红外飞秒脉冲激光器 6> 二氧化碳激光器 三、制样与检测装置 1> 精密研磨/抛光机 2> 金刚石线切割机 3> 金相显微镜 4> 精球圆度仪 5> 粗球万分表 6> 电子天平 7> 便携式粗糙度仪 8> 激光位移传感器 9> 测力仪 10> 数码显微镜超眼 11> 对刀显微镜 12> 多目视觉扫描仪 出版物 出版物名称 Simulation and experiments of material-oriented ultra-precision machining 作者 Junjie Zhang, Bing Guo, Jianguo Zhang 出版时间 2019年1月 出版社 Springer 简单介绍 出版物名称 基于原子力显微镜的纳米机械加工与检测技术 作者 董申 孙涛 闫永达 出版时间 2012-12-01 出版社 哈尔滨工业大学出版社 简单介绍 参编,编写6万字。国家出版基金资助项目;“十二五”国家重点图书。 期刊论文 名称 Wangjie Hu, Zengqiang Li, Xuesen Zhao, Tao Sun, Junjie Zhang*. Precision tailoring of laser beam propagation in single crystalline diamond tool for in-situ laser-assisted diamond turning. Applied Optics 63 (2024) 93-103. Shijin Lu, Zengqiang Li*, Shanyi Ma, Jianguo Zhang*, Junjie Zhang*. Compensating varying size effect in diamond cutting of SiCp/Al by ultrasonic elliptical vibration. Precision Engineering 85 (2024) 143-153. Shijin Lu, Zengqiang Li*, Junjie Zhang*, Tao Sun. Revealing cutting mode transition in diamond cutting of SiCp/Al based on specific cutting energy model. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 129 (2023) 909-922. Pengfei Du, Weishan Chen, Shijing Zhang, Wangjie Hu, He Li, Jie Deng*, Junjie Zhang*, Yingxiang Liu*. Design of a compact 3-D vibration-assisted turning device with large amplitude and high frequency for diversified microstructure sculpturing. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 71 (2023) 2842-2852. Haijun Zhang, Fei Chen, Zengqiang Li, Wangjie Hu, Tao Sun, Junjie Zhang*. Investigation of Laser-Assisted Micro-Milling Process of Inconel 718. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 7 (2023) 149. Yujie Han, Junjie Zhang*, Xiaohui Wang*, Tao Sun. Parametric optimization of hole taper control in ultraviolet nanosecond laser micro-drilling of copper foil. Optics and Laser Technology 167 (2023) 109706 Pengfei Du, Weishan Chen,Shijing Zhang, Wangjie Hu, He Li, Jie Deng, Junjie Zhang*, Yingxiang Liu*. Design of a compact 3D vibration-assisted turning device with large-amplitude and high-frequency for diversified microstructure sculpturing. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (2023) 1-10 La Han, Junjie Zhang*, Hao Wang*. Mediating compositional machining difference of UD-CFRP in orthogonal cutting by epoxy coating. Composites Part B 258 (2023) 110706 Liang Zhao, Junjie Zhang*, Jianguo Zhang, Houfu Dai, Alexander Hartmaier, Tao Sun. Numerical simulation of materials-oriented ultra-precision diamond cutting: review and outlook. International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing 5 (2023) 022001 Yujie Han, Junjie Zhang*, Yuan Liu, Min Sheng, Xiaohui Wang*, Tao Sun. Investigation of through micropatterns fabrication on C194 copper foil by ultraviolet nanosecond pulsed laser microdrilling. Optics and Laser Technology 160 (2023) 109092 张俊杰,刘英想,胡王杰,杜鹏飞,韩腊,邓杰,邱旭,赵学森,胡振江,孙涛. TC4 钛合金纵弯超声振动铣削装置及其加工性能研究[J]. 航空制造技术, 2022, 65(8): 14-21. Jianguo Zhang*, Huixin Yuan, Liqiang Feng, Junjie Zhang*, Xiao Chen, Junfeng Xiao, Jianfeng Xu*. Enhanced machinability of Ni-based single crystal superalloy by vibration-assisted diamond cutting. Precision Engineering 79 (2023) 300-309 Haijun Zhang, Shijin Lu, Chunyu Zhang*, Guo Li, Fei Teng, Junjie Zhang*, Tao Sun . Finite element analysis and experimental investigation of tool chatter in ultra-precision diamond micro-milling process. Applied Sciences 12 (2022) 11968 Haoyu Li, Xi Zhang, Junjie Zhang*, Jianguo Zhang, Igor Rostotskyi, Haiying Liu, Denys Savchenko, Dmytro Iefrosinin, Tao Sun. Experimental and finite element investigation of precision grinding of pure titanium. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B (2022) Online Wangjie Hu, Pengfei Du, Xu Qiu, Xuesen Zhao, Zhenjiang Hu, Junjie Zhang*, Yingxiang Liu*. Enhanced dry machinability of TC4 titanium alloy by longitudinal-bending hybrid ultrasonic vibration-assisted milling. Journal of Cleaner Production 379 (2022) 134866 Liang Zhao, Jianguo Zhang*, Yufan Fu, Junjie Zhang*, Alexander Hartmaier, Tao Sun. Thermal softening-suppressed inter-granular embrittlement of polycrystalline 3C-SiC under diamond cutting. Materials & Design 223 (2022) 111250 Shi Qiu, Chunyu Zhang, Liang Zhao, Shijin Lu, Guo Li*, Junjie Zhang*, Chengwei Song, Haijun Zhang. Finite element simulation and experimental investigation of crystallographic orientation-dependent residual stress in diamond cutting of polycrystalline aluminum. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (2022) Online He Li, Junjie Zhang*, Wenqi Ma, Yuan Liu, Xuesen Zhao, Zhenjiang Hu, Xiaohui Wang*, Min Sheng, Tao Sun. Controlled continuous patterning of spherical stainless steel by multi-axis linkage laser milling. Micromachines 13 (2022) 1338. Liang Zhao, Jianguo Zhang*, Junjie Zhang*, Alexander Hartmaier, Tao Sun. Formation of high density stacking faults in polycrystalline 3C-SiC by vibration-assisted diamond cutting. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 42 (2022) 5448-5457. La Han, Junjie Zhang*, Tao Sun. Tailoring fiber arrangement in subsurface damage layer of unidirectional CFRP composites by reverse multi-pass cutting. Composites Science and Technology 227 (2022) 109571. Zhanfeng Wang, Junjie Zhang, Jinzhong Lu*. Effects of crystallographic orientations and grain boundaries on nanoscratching behaviour of unique bi-crystal Cu. Wear 498–499 (2022) 204313. Zhanfeng Wang, Junjie Zhang, Jinzhong Lu*. Atomic-scale study of dislocation-grain boundary interactions in Cu bicrystal by Berkovich nanoindentation. Materials Science & Engineering A 840 (2022) 143012 张俊杰*,张建国,闫永达,孙涛. 面向材料的超精密金刚石切削加工机理. 中国科学: 技术科学 (2022) Online Shijin Lu, Zengqiang Li, Junjie Zhang*, Chunyu Zhang, Guo Li, Haijun Zhang, Tao Sun. Coupled effect of tool geometry and tool-particle position on diamond cutting of SiCp/Al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 303 (2022) 117510 Pengfei Du, La Han, Xu Qiu, Weishan Chen, Jie Deng, Yingxiang Liu*, Junjie Zhang*. Development of a high-precision piezoelectric ultrasonic milling tool using longitudinal-bending hybrid transducer. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 222 (2022) 107239 Haoyu Li, Xin Wang, Junjie Zhang*, Binyu Wang, Marina Breisch, Alexander Hartmaier, Igor Rostotskyi, Vyacheslav Voznyy, Yu Liu*. Experimental investigation of laser surface texturing and related biocompatibility of pure titanium. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 119 (2022) 5993-6005 Shijin Lu, Xiaohui Wang*, Lichen Teng, Junjie Zhang*, Zhen Tong, Zhenggan Zhou*, Haiyan Shao, Xiuhua Men. Finite element analysis and experimental investigation of ultrasonic testing of internal defects in SiCp/Al composite. Ceramics International 48 (2022) 5972-5982 Liang Zhao, Chengwei Song*, Junjie Zhang*, Yandi Huang, Chunyu Zhang, Yuan Liu*, Bing Dong, Zongwei Xu, Guo Li, Tao Sun. Growth of highly oriented graphite by ultraviolet nanosecond pulsed laser ablation of monocrystalline diamond. Applied Surface Science 578 (2022) 151995. La Han, Junjie Zhang*, Yuan Liu*, Qiumei Gu, Zengqiang Li. Finite element investigation on pretreatment temperature-dependent orthogonal cutting of unidirectional CFRP. Composite Structures 278 (2021) 114678 Shiquan Liu, Haijun Zhang, Guo Li*, Chunyu Zhang, Junjie Zhang*, Tao Sun. Coupled thermo-mechanical sticking-sliding friction model along tool-chip interface in diamond cutting of copper. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 70 (2021) 578-592 La Han, Junjie Zhang*, Yuan Liu*, Tao Sun. Effect of fiber orientation on depth sensing intra-laminar failure of unidirectional CFRP under nano-scratching. Composites Part B: Engineering 224 (2021) 109211. Dongyu Tian, Zongwei Xu*, Lei Liu, Zhanqi Zhou, Junjie Zhang*, Xuesen Zhao, Alexander Hartmaier, Bing Liu, Le Song, Xichun Luo. In situ investigation of nanometric cutting of 3C-SiC using scanning electron microscope. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 115 (2021) 7-8:1-14. Liang Zhao, Qiang Zhang, Junjie Zhang*, Jianguo Zhang, Tao Sun. Atomistic origin of brittle-to-ductile transition behavior of polycrystalline 3C-SiC in diamond cutting. Ceramics International (2021) In Press Xuesen Zhao, Dongxu Zhao, Wangjie Hu, Junjie Zhang*, Xiaohui Wang, Jianguo Zhang, Tao Sun. Manufacturing of high-precision surface micro-structures on stainless steel by ultrasonic impact peening. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2021) In Press Jianguo Zhang, Andreas Rosenkranz*, Junjie Zhang*, Jiang Guo, Xiaoqing Li, Xiao Chen, Junfeng Xiao, Jianfeng Xu*. Modified wettability of micro-structured steel surfaces fabricated by elliptical vibration diamond cutting. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology (2021) In Press Shijin Lu, Zengqiang Li, Junjie Zhang*, Jianguo Zhang, Xiaohui Wang, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun. Finite Element Investigation of the Influence of SiC Particle Distribution on Diamond Cutting of SiCp/Al Composites. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology 3 (2020) 251-259. Liang Zhao, Junjie Zhang*, Janine Pfetzing, Masud Alam, Alexander Hartmaier. Depth-sensing ductile and brittle deformation in 3C-SiC under Berkovich nanoindentation. Materials & Design 197 (2020) 109223. 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Amorphization-governed elasto-plastic deformation under nanoindentation in cubic (3C) silicon carbide. Ceramics International 46 (2020) 12470-12479. Zhanfeng Wang, Junjie Zhang*, Zongwei Xu, Jianguo Zhang, Guo Li, Haijun Zhang, Zengqiang Li, Hamad ul Hassan, Fengzhou Fang, Yongda Yan, Alexander Hartmaier. Crystal anisotropy-dependent shear angle variation in orthogonal cutting of single crystalline copper. Precision Engineering 41 (2020) 41-48. Xiaohui Wang, Wentao Li, Yang Li, Zhenggan Zhou, Jun-Jie Zhang, Fengjin Zhu, Zhen Miao. Phased array ultrasonic testing of micro-flaws in additive manufactured titanium block. Materials Research Express 7 (2020) 016572. Jiaohu Huang, Shijin Lu, Fengying Xie, Wei Liu, Caiwei Xiao*, Junjie Zhang*, Tao Sun. Finite element analysis of synergetic deformation in precision cutting of polymer bonded explosive. Materials & Design 188 (2020) 108471. Zhanfeng Wang, Tao Sun, Haijun Zhang, Guo Li, Zengqiang Li, Junjie Zhang*, Yongda Yan, Alexander Hartmaier. The interaction between grain boundary and tool geometry in nanocutting of a bi-crystal copper. International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing 1 (2019) 045001. Zhanfeng Wang, Junjie Zhang*, Jianguo Zhang, Guo Li, Haijun Zhang, Hamad ul Hassan, Alexander Hartmaier, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun. Towards an understanding of grain boundary step in diamond cutting of polycrystalline copper. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 276 (2020) 116400. Junjie Zhang*, La Han, Jianguo Zhang, Haiying Liu, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun. Brittle-to-ductile transition in elliptical vibration-assisted diamond cutting of reaction-bonded silicon carbide. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 45 (2019) 670-681. Jianguo Zhang, Junjie Zhang, Andreas Rosenkranz, Norikazu Suzuki, Eiji Shamoto. Frictional properties of surface textures fabricated on hardened steel by elliptical vibration cutting. 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Zhanfeng Wang, Haijun Zhang, Zengqiang Li, Guo Li, Junjie Zhang*, Hamad ul Hassan, Yongda Yan, Alexander Hartmaier, Tao Sun, Crystal plasticity finite element simulation and experiment investigation of nanoscratching of single crystalline copper. Wear 430-431 (2019) 100-107. Zhanfeng Wang, Junjie Zhang*, Zongwei Xu, Jianguo Zhang, Hamad ul Hassan, Guo Li, Haijun Zhang, Alexander Hartmaier, Fengzhou Fang, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun. Crystal plasticity finite element modeling and simulation of diamond cutting of polycrystalline copper. Journal of Manufacturing Process 38 (2019) 187-195. Junjie Zhang*, Dinghuai Yang, Andreas Rosenkranz, Jianguo Zhang, Chengwei Song, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun. Laser surface texturing of stainless steel – Effect of pulse duration on texture’s morphology and frictional response. Advanced Engineering Materials (2018) 1801016. Yuan Liu, Yanfeng Duan, Junjie Zhang*. 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Applied Surface Science (2008) 254: 4774-4779. 期刊审稿人 名称 Additive Manufacturing AIP Advances Applied Physics A Applied Surface Science ACS Applied Electronic Materials Chinese Journal of Aeronautics Chinese Physics B Chinese Science Bulletin Chinese Physics Letters Current Nanoscience Computational Materials Science Engineering Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Industrial Lubrication Industrial Lubrication and Tribology International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture International Journal of Mechanical Science International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing Journal of Alloys and Compounds Journal of Applied Polymer Science Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing Journal of Manufacturing Processes Journal of Materials Processing Technology Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids ASME Journal of Tribology Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B Materials Chemistry and physics Materials & Design Materials Chemistry and Physics Materials Research Express Materials Science & Engineering B Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Molecular Simulation Multiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures Nanoscale Research Letters Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters Nanotechnology Optics Express Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science Philosophical Magazine Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics RSC Advances SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy Science China Technological Sciences Semiconductor Science and Technology Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical Surface and Interface Analysis Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties Thin Solid Films Tribology International Tribology Letters The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 专利 专利名称 一种高刚度高分辨率精密升降装置 专利号 201310536636.3 发明人 张俊杰,李增强,赵明辉,赵佩杰,孙涛 申请时间 2015.9.9 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 基于3D打印和金刚石切削加工的SiC光学反射镜的制造工艺 专利号 201711398620.5 发明人 张俊杰,刘海鹰,孙涛 申请时间 2020.4.24 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 一种基于链传动的生物组织脱水装置及其脱水方法 专利号 201711233122.5 发明人 张俊杰,沈浩元,赵梁,胡振江,温韬雪,闫永达,孙涛 申请时间 2020.5.15 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 面向超声冲击加工的光路辅助显微视觉检测系统和方法 专利号 201910258728.7 发明人 张俊杰,胡王杰,张建国,赵东旭,许剑锋,闫永达,孙涛 申请时间 2020.12.29 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 一种用于超精密机床高速相机安装的专用夹具 专利号 202110330207.5 发明人 张俊杰,刘士荃,张海军,张春雨,卢仕进,宋成伟,赵梁,李国,孙涛 申请时间 2021.10.01 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 一种用于超声冲击加工的高精度动态对刀系统及对刀方法 专利号 202010982895.9 发明人 张俊杰,赵东旭,张建国,许剑锋 申请时间 2022.2.21 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 一种用于大尺寸陶瓷球表面抛光的多驱动装置 专利号 202110913406.9 发明人 张俊杰,马文启,王晓慧,孙涛 申请时间 2022.4.26 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 一种自动定位与功率可控的原位激光辅助金刚石切削装置 专利号 202210811540.2 发明人 张俊杰,胡王杰,赵学森,胡振江,孙涛 申请时间 2022.10.21 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 一种制备高精度纯钛球体部件的精密加工工艺 专利号 202110303343.5 发明人 张俊杰,罗斯托特斯基·依戈,李浩宇,马欣楠,孙涛,邓晓威,陈涛,姜晶 申请时间 2021.3.22 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 一种曲面工件表面微织构激光烧蚀加工装置及方法 专利号 202110826742.X 发明人 张俊杰,李鹤,王晓慧,孙涛 申请时间 2021.7.21 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 最新动态 新闻标题 张俊杰教授担任Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science期刊副编辑Associate Editor 发布时间 2020-09-08 张俊杰教授日前受邀担任机械领域SCI期刊Proc IMechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science的副编辑Associate Editor。目前为JCR 3区期刊,最新影响因子1.386。 新闻标题 张俊杰教授担任Nanomanufacturing and Metrology期刊编辑Editor 发布时间 2020-09-06 张俊杰教授日前受邀担任机械领域新刊Nanomanufacturing and Metrology编辑Editor。Nanomanufacturing and Metrology 是纳米制造与计量领域最早的国际性学术期刊之一,由国际纳米制造学会、天津大学和 Springer 合作出版。曾入选由中国科协等六部委联合实施的“中国科技期刊国际影响力提升计划D类项目”。期刊主要发表高水平的原创论文、快讯、评论文章、技术报告等,范围包括但不限于:微米、纳米和原子级的制造与计量;微米、纳米和原子制造和计量学中相关的物理、化学和材料学问题;纳米制造和纳米计量学的工具和工艺。 新闻标题 张俊杰教授在IMCC做邀请报告 发布时间 2019-10-11 2019年9-11日,第十八届国际制造会议(The 18th International Manufacturing Conference, IMCC 2019)在沈阳举行。张俊杰教授受邀参会,并在面向皮米的精密工程与制造高端论坛中做了题为“Grain boundary-associated ultra-smooth surface formation in diamond cutting of polycrystalline copper”邀请报告,介绍了课题组在采用金刚石切削加工方法制备多晶铜超光滑表面方面的最新进展。同时,张俊杰教授还被极端制造杂志International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing授予优秀审稿人称号。 新闻标题 2017级硕士毕业生取得佳绩! 发布时间 2019-07-03 2017级硕士生韩腊完成的《反应烧结碳化硅振动辅助切削加工工艺研究》、赵梁完成的《功能表面微结构纳秒脉冲激光微加工的仿真与实验研究》、杨丁槐完成的《微沟槽特性对不锈钢织构化表面摩擦特性影响研究》顺利通过硕士学文论文答辩,获得工学硕士学位。其中,韩腊获得金牌、赵梁获得银牌,均荣获哈尔滨工业大学优秀硕士毕业生。 新闻标题 张俊杰获批一项2019年华中科技大学数字制造国重开放课题 发布时间 2019-01-26 张俊杰申请的开放课题《基于超声冲击的不锈钢表面微织构制备技术》,经华中科技大学数字制造装备与技术国家重点实验室学术委员会专家评审决定予以立项,经费批复金额8万,课题起止时间为:2019年1月至2020年12月。 新闻标题 张俊杰参加第十三届全国激光加工学术会议 发布时间 2018-11-10 第十三届全国激光加工学术会议暨第二届激光复合制造协同创新国际论坛于2018年11月7-9日在杭州召开。张俊杰教授在激光微纳制造分会场做了题为“黑硅纳秒脉冲激光烧蚀加工机理及工艺研究”的邀请报告,并担任分会场共主席。 新闻标题 张俊杰教授在中科院长光所授课 发布时间 2018-10-30 2018年10月30日,张俊杰教授受邀参加中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所举行的“机械设计精品培训班”,为学员讲授“面向材料的超精密加工机理”课程,并开展交流活动。 新闻标题 张俊杰教授荣获精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室优秀开放课题 发布时间 2018-10-15 天津大学精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室开放课题学术交流会于2018年10月13日在天津大学举行,在近十年批准的开放课题中遴选了5项优秀开放课题,张俊杰教授承担的开放课题“纳米孪晶铜机械加工表层形成机理的分子动力学仿真研究”获此殊荣。 新闻标题 张俊杰参加第六届亚洲摩擦学国际会议 发布时间 2018-09-25 2018年9月16日-20日,张俊杰教授在马来西亚古晋参加了摩擦学领域的著名学术会议2018年第六届亚洲摩擦学国际会议(6th Asia International Conference on Tribology,简称ASIATRIB2018)。在会议期间,张俊杰在表面工程分会场做了题为Effect of pulse duration on tribological behavior of textured stainless steel by laser surface texturing的口头报告,并与各位学者开展了讨论。 新闻标题 张俊杰教授荣获第14届中日超精密加工国际会议青年学者奖 发布时间 2018-09-15 第十四届中日超精密加工国际会议14th China-Japan International Conference on Ultra-Precision Machining Process (CJUMP2018)于2018年9月13-15日在哈尔滨召开。张俊杰教授作为组委会主席全程组织了会议顺利召开,得到了中外参会学者的高度认可。张俊杰教授获得了青年学者奖Young Research Award,张俊杰教授指导的硕士生赵梁获得了最佳论文奖Best Paper Award。 新闻标题 张俊杰教授主持召开第二届“面向材料的微纳制造:模拟、实验与应用”中德双边研讨会 发布时间 2018-09-03 由中德科学中心资助、德国波鸿鲁尔大学和哈尔滨工业大学联合承办的第二届 “面向材料的微纳制造:模拟、实验与应用” 中德双边研讨会于2018年8月26日至31日在德国波鸿举行。会议德方主席为德国材料学会主席、鲁尔大学教授Alexander Hartmaier,中方主席为哈尔滨工业大学张俊杰教授。本次研讨会共邀请了来自波鸿鲁尔大学、亥姆霍兹材料力学研究所、亚琛工业大学、凯撒斯劳滕大学、卡斯鲁尔理工学院、弗劳恩霍夫材料和光束技术研究所、弗劳恩霍夫材料力学研究所、多特蒙德大学等高校和研究机构的12位德国代表、来自智利、日本和英国的3位第3方代表和来自清华大学、上海交通大学、哈尔滨工业大学、西安交通大学、华中科技大学、西北工业大学、中国科学技术大学、西南交通大学、大连理工大学、天津大学、北京理工大学、湖南大学、中国工程物理研究院等高校和研究所的13位中国代表,他们就微纳制造技术及关键部件、过程分析与表征、建模与仿真、表面工程、精密加工与磨损的协同研究等议题开展了深入交流和讨论。张俊杰教授与Alexander Hartmaier教授共同主持了研讨会开幕式。会后中德代表参观了波鸿鲁尔大学机械与材料相关实验室,并商讨了第三届研讨会举办事宜。本研讨会为来自工程和材料领域的中国和德国学者开展合作研究提供一个重要的交流平台,为两国学者之间建立长期的多学科合作提供了积极作用。 新闻标题 张俊杰教授获批承担一项基础科研项目 发布时间 2018-09-03 张俊杰教授获批一项基础科研核科学挑战专题“铜零件微切削加工机理与工艺“,经费200万元,研究期限2018.01-2021.12。 新闻标题 张俊杰教授赴英国参加纳米制造国际会议nanoMan2018 发布时间 2018-07-18 2018年7月3日-8日,张俊杰教授在英国伦敦参加了2018年第六届纳米制造国际会议(6thInternational Conference on Nanomanufacturing,简称nanoMan2018)。该会议为纳米制造领域的著名学术会议,由国际纳米制造学会发起,本次会议由英国布鲁奈尔大学承办,张俊杰教授为国际纳米制造学会活跃会员。在会议期间,张俊杰教授与来自美国、澳大利亚、日本、新加坡、中国的相关方向的学者进行了技术探讨,对该领域国内外发展现状有了更清楚的了解,为后续的研究提供了新思想。同时,张俊杰教授在Ultraprecision and micro/nano machining分会场做了题为Crystalplasticity finite element modeling and simulation of diamond cutting ofpolycrystalline copper的口头报告,并与各位学者开展了讨论。 新闻标题 张俊杰教授获批2017年度NSFC-DFG中德国际合作基金 发布时间 2017-12-18 日前,国家自然科学基金委网站发布消息(http://www.nsfc.gov.cn/publish/portal0/tab434/info72422.htm):根据国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)与德国科学基金会(DFG)双边合作协议,2017年双方在广泛领域共同征集和资助中德合作研究项目。经过公开征集,共受理申请563项。根据中德双方评审结果并经双方机构共同协商,将对131个项目予以资助,项目执行期为2018年1月至2020年12月(3年)。 张俊杰教授与德国Ruhr-University Bochum的Prof. Alexander Hartmaier共同申报的《碳化硅金刚石切削加工脆塑转变和材料去除机理研究》获批,直接经费180万元。合作单位还包括日本名古屋大学张建国博士和天津大学徐宗伟副教授。 新闻标题 张俊杰教授荣获ASPEN优秀青年科学家奖 发布时间 2017-11-21 张俊杰教授于2017年11月13日-18日赴韩国首尔参加了第七届亚洲精密工程和纳米技术国际会议(7th Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology)。 本次会议有来自中国、日本、韩国、新加坡、澳大利亚等国家和地区的200多名学者参加。 张俊杰教授做了分会场口头报告,并担任分会场High Speed and Precision Machining 1的主席。 会议结束后,张俊杰教授荣获ASPEN优秀青年科学家奖,本次共有日本、韩国、中国大陆和中国台湾的7名优秀青年学者获此殊荣。 新闻标题 张俊杰教授在首届中德双边研讨会上做报告 发布时间 2017-09-05 由中德科学中心全额资助、德国鲁尔大学和哈尔滨工业大学联合承办的首届中德“面向材料的微纳制造模拟与实验”双边研讨会于2017年9月3日至8日在哈尔滨举行。会议德方主席为德国材料学会主席、鲁尔大学教授Alexander Hartmaier,中方主席为机电学院孙涛教授和闫永达教授。张俊杰教授担任中方秘书。 本次研讨会共邀请了12位德国代表、1位美国代表和19位中国代表。他们就微纳制造技术及关键部件、过程分析与表征、建模与仿真、表面工程、精密加工与磨损的协同研究等议题开展了深入交流和讨论。张俊杰教授在会上做了题为“Influence of texture thickness on tribological properties of textured stainless steel”的口头报告,并与中德学者开展了深入交流。 会后中德代表参观了我校博物馆和精密工程研究所,并商讨了第二届研讨会举办事宜。本研讨会为来自工程和材料领域的中国和德国学者开展合作研究提供一个重要的交流平台,为两国学者之间建立长期的多学科合作提供了积极作用。 新闻标题 张俊杰教授担任The Journal of Engineering副编辑 发布时间 2017-09-11 近日,张俊杰教授应邀加入Journal of Engineering担任副编辑。 新闻标题 张俊杰教授入选国际纳米制造学会活跃会员 发布时间 2017-07-28 近日,张俊杰教授被国际纳米制造学会授予活跃会员称号。 新闻标题 张俊杰教授通过哈尔滨工业大学2017年度博士生指导教师遴选 发布时间 2017-04-28 根据《哈尔滨工业大学关于进行2017年度博士生指导教师遴选工作的通知》(研院发〔2017〕16号),经各院(系)博导遴选评审组织初选及第161次校学位委员会评议,张俊杰教授通过博士生指导教师遴选,列入哈尔滨工业大学2018年博士研究生招生简章,从2018年起招收指导博士研究生,欢迎大家报考! 新闻标题 祝贺张俊杰入选2016年哈尔滨工业大学“青年拔尖人才选聘计划”,破格晋升教授! 发布时间 2017-03-18 经本人申请、学校评审通过,张俊杰入选2016年度“哈尔滨工业大学青年拔尖人才选聘计划”,破格晋升为教授。 张俊杰教授的研究方向为超精密加工基础理论与工艺,功能微纳结构制备。一方面通过基础研究积极探索微观尺度下机械加工中的科学问题,另一方面通过创新性的基础研究来实现应用研究中的工艺创新、解决关键技术问题。作为负责人承担15项科研项目,包括2项国家自然科学基金。共发表SCI论文30余篇,他引150余次。担任国家自然科学基金函评专家、3个国际期刊编委、16个国际SCI期刊审稿人。荣获2016年度教育部自然科学二等奖1项(排名第2),目前担任中国机械工程学会高级会员、精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室客座研究人员. 新闻标题 德国Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum Prof. Alexander Hartmaier讲学 发布时间 2013-06-09 受学校国际合作与交流基金资助,应我校机电工程学院孙涛教授、闫永达教授邀请,德国Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum Prof. Alexander Hartmaier来我校交流访问。访问期间将为我校师生带来两次学术报告,讲学时间和地点具体安排如下,欢迎相关专业感兴趣的老师和同学参加。 讲学报告一: 题目:Higher education at Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum, Germany 时间:2013年6月14日(周五)上午8:00~10:00 地点:诚意楼22 Abstract: The educational system in Germany has undergone dramatic changes in recent years. Due to the homogenization of higher education throughout Europe the traditional German “Diplom” has been replaced by Bachelor and Master degrees. The Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum has been amongst the first universities in Germany to fully adapt its engineering courses to the new system. In this lecture an overview will be given on the basic elements of education in Germany, from high-school over Bachelor and Master to the doctorate degree. Generally, it can be said that the level of self-dependent learning is increasing steadily during an educational career. Furthermore, early individual research experience is fostered during the Bachelor phase. The level of individual research is increasing significantly during the Master phase and the PhD program, finally, is almost exclusively devoted to research on a high level. At the end of the lecture a short introduction on the international Master courses in engineering and natural sciences offered at Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum is given to provide a basis for discussions on possibilities of student exchange programs on all levels of education. 讲学报告二: 题目:Microstructure and mechanical properties of metals 时间:2013年6月14日(周五)下午14:00~16:00 地点:新技术楼210会议室 Abstract: In this lecture the basic elements of microstructure of metallic materials are introduced and the correlation between microstructure and mechanical properties of metals are discussed. This leads to a physical description of microstructural mechanisms leading to plastic deformation and failure. A special focus of this lecture is laid on dislocations and their properties. Different experimental and modelling methods are introduced by which the properties of dislocations can be determined. Since plastic deformation of metals is caused by the motion of dislocations, all hardening mechanisms are effectively obstructing dislocation motion. The different hardening mechanisms and their effectiveness for material strengthening and their implication for material failure are discussed in the lecture. Finally the concept of micromechanical modelling is introduced by which a direct link between microstructure and mechanical properties can be established within the framework of scalebridging materials modelling. 专家简介: Alexander Hartmaier received his Diplom-Physiker from University of Kaiserslautern of Germany in 1995, and his Dr. rer. Nat from University of Stuttgart of Germany in 2000. He served as group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Metals Research of Germany between 2002 and 2005, and as Professor at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg of Germany between 2005 and 2008. He is now a Professor of Materials Science and Director of the department “Micromechanical modeling of macroscopic material behavior” at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS), Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany. His current research focuses on mechanical and functional properties of heterogeneous materials, micromechanical modelling and micro- and nanometrological experiments. 新闻标题 Summer Compact Course—Introduction to the Finite Element Method 发布时间 2014-06-23 Welcome to the summer compact course "Introduction to the Finite Element Method" given by Prof. Dr. Bernhard Eidel at Centre for Computational Mechanics, University of Siegen, Germany. Below please find the detailed information about the course: Title of Course: Introduction to the Finite Element Method Session of Course: 16 Teaching Schedule: Class 5-8 (13:45-17:30) from Monday (14 July) to Thursday (17 July) in the fourth week of summer semester, Room 213 in ZhengXin Building(正心楼) 新闻标题 Summer Compact Course—Advanced Chapters in Mechanics of Materials 发布时间 2014-06-23 Welcome to the summer compact course "Advanced Chapters in Mechanics of Materials" given by Prof. Dr. Alexander Hartmaier at Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany. Below please find the detailed information about the course: Title of Course: Advanced Chapters in Mechanics of Materials Session of Course: 16 Teaching Schedule: Part1: class 9-10 (18:30-20:15) from Wednesday (25 June) to Saturday (28 June) in the first week of summer semester, Room 109 in ZhengXin Building(正心楼) Part2: class 1-4 (08:00-11:45) from Monday (30 June) to Tuesday (1 July) in the second week of summer semester, Room 111 in ZhengXin Building(正心楼) Prof. Dr. Junjie Zhang 名称 Office: No.206, New Tech. BuildingPhone: %2B86-451-86412934Fax: %2B86-451-86415244Email: zhjj505@gmail.com; junjie.zhang@hit.edu.cnMailing Address: P.O. Box 413, Harbin Institute of Technology, 150001 Harbin, China Brief Biography 名称 Junjie Zhang received his B.S., M.S., and Ph. D. degrees from Harbin Institute of Technology of China in 2005, 2008, and 2011, respectively. He acted as a visiting student and a postdoctoral researcher in Prof. Alexander Hartmaier@#%s research group in the Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS), Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum in 2009 and 2012, respectively. From December 2013 to December 2016 he was an Associate Professor in Center for Precision Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China. Currently he is a full-position Professor in Center for Precision Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China. Dr. Junjie Zhang has a background in mechanical engineering and computational materials science. His current research interests are focused on fundamental of ultra-precision machining, design and fabrication of funcational micro/nanostructures, nanoscale friction and wear of nanomaterials, computational materials science, etc. Research 名称 Fundamental of Material-Oriented Ultra-Precision Machining Elucidating microscopic mechanisms of metallic, ceramic and polymeric materials and their correlation with surface formation in ultra-precision machining. Design and fabrication of functional micro/nanostructures Surface textures on metallic, ceramic and semiconductor materials for friction reduction and antireflection Computational Materials Science Microscopic properties of 1D and 2D materials revealed by molecular dynamics simulations. Selected Publications 名称 Book and chapters Junjie Zhang*, Bing Guo, Jianguo Zhang. Simulation and Experiments of Material-Oriented Ultra-Precision Machining. Springer: Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering (2019) Journal papers Wangjie Hu, Zengqiang Li, Xuesen Zhao, Tao Sun, Junjie Zhang*. Precision tailoring of laser beam propagation in single crystalline diamond tool for in-situ laser-assisted diamond turning. Applied Optics 63 (2024) 93-103. Shijin Lu, Zengqiang Li*, Shanyi Ma, Jianguo Zhang*, Junjie Zhang*. Compensating varying size effect in diamond cutting of SiCp/Al by ultrasonic elliptical vibration. Precision Engineering 85 (2024) 143-153. Shijin Lu, Zengqiang Li*, Junjie Zhang*, Tao Sun. Revealing cutting mode transition in diamond cutting of SiCp/Al based on specific cutting energy model. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 129 (2023) 909-922. Pengfei Du, Weishan Chen, Shijing Zhang, Wangjie Hu, He Li, Jie Deng*, Junjie Zhang*, Yingxiang Liu*. Design of a compact 3-D vibration-assisted turning device with large amplitude and high frequency for diversified microstructure sculpturing. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 71 (2023) 2842-2852. Haijun Zhang, Fei Chen, Zengqiang Li, Wangjie Hu, Tao Sun, Junjie Zhang*. Investigation of Laser-Assisted Micro-Milling Process of Inconel 718. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 7 (2023) 149. Yujie Han, Junjie Zhang*, Xiaohui Wang*, Tao Sun. Parametric optimization of hole taper control in ultraviolet nanosecond laser micro-drilling of copper foil. Optics and Laser Technology 167 (2023) 109706 Pengfei Du, Weishan Chen,Shijing Zhang, Wangjie Hu, He Li, Jie Deng, Junjie Zhang*, Yingxiang Liu*. Design of a compact 3D vibration-assisted turning device with large-amplitude and high-frequency for diversified microstructure sculpturing. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (2023) 1-10 La Han, Junjie Zhang*, Hao Wang*. Mediating compositional machining difference of UD-CFRP in orthogonal cutting by epoxy coating. Composites Part B 258 (2023) 110706 Liang Zhao, Junjie Zhang*, Jianguo Zhang, Houfu Dai, Alexander Hartmaier, Tao Sun. Numerical simulation of materials-oriented ultra-precision diamond cutting: review and outlook. International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing 5 (2023) 022001 Yujie Han, Junjie Zhang*, Yuan Liu, Min Sheng, Xiaohui Wang*, Tao Sun. Investigation of through micropatterns fabrication on C194 copper foil by ultraviolet nanosecond pulsed laser microdrilling. Optics and Laser Technology 160 (2023) 109092 张俊杰,刘英想,胡王杰,杜鹏飞,韩腊,邓杰,邱旭,赵学森,胡振江,孙涛. TC4 钛合金纵弯超声振动铣削装置及其加工性能研究[J]. 航空制造技术, 2022, 65(8): 14-21. Jianguo Zhang*, Huixin Yuan, Liqiang Feng, Junjie Zhang*, Xiao Chen, Junfeng Xiao, Jianfeng Xu*. Enhanced machinability of Ni-based single crystal superalloy by vibration-assisted diamond cutting. Precision Engineering 79 (2023) 300-309 Haijun Zhang, Shijin Lu, Chunyu Zhang*, Guo Li, Fei Teng, Junjie Zhang*, Tao Sun . Finite element analysis and experimental investigation of tool chatter in ultra-precision diamond micro-milling process. Applied Sciences 12 (2022) 11968 Haoyu Li, Xi Zhang, Junjie Zhang*, Jianguo Zhang, Igor Rostotskyi, Haiying Liu, Denys Savchenko, Dmytro Iefrosinin, Tao Sun. Experimental and finite element investigation of precision grinding of pure titanium. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B (2022) Online Wangjie Hu, Pengfei Du, Xu Qiu, Xuesen Zhao, Zhenjiang Hu, Junjie Zhang*, Yingxiang Liu*. Enhanced dry machinability of TC4 titanium alloy by longitudinal-bending hybrid ultrasonic vibration-assisted milling. Journal of Cleaner Production 379 (2022) 134866 Liang Zhao, Jianguo Zhang*, Yufan Fu, Junjie Zhang*, Alexander Hartmaier, Tao Sun. Thermal softening-suppressed inter-granular embrittlement of polycrystalline 3C-SiC under diamond cutting. Materials & Design 223 (2022) 111250 Shi Qiu, Chunyu Zhang, Liang Zhao, Shijin Lu, Guo Li*, Junjie Zhang*, Chengwei Song, Haijun Zhang. Finite element simulation and experimental investigation of crystallographic orientation-dependent residual stress in diamond cutting of polycrystalline aluminum. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (2022) Online He Li, Junjie Zhang*, Wenqi Ma, Yuan Liu, Xuesen Zhao, Zhenjiang Hu, Xiaohui Wang*, Min Sheng, Tao Sun. Controlled continuous patterning of spherical stainless steel by multi-axis linkage laser milling. Micromachines 13 (2022) 1338. Liang Zhao, Jianguo Zhang*, Junjie Zhang*, Alexander Hartmaier, Tao Sun. Formation of high density stacking faults in polycrystalline 3C-SiC by vibration-assisted diamond cutting. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 42 (2022) 5448-5457. La Han, Junjie Zhang*, Tao Sun. Tailoring fiber arrangement in subsurface damage layer of unidirectional CFRP composites by reverse multi-pass cutting. Composites Science and Technology 227 (2022) 109571. Zhanfeng Wang, Junjie Zhang, Jinzhong Lu*. Effects of crystallographic orientations and grain boundaries on nanoscratching behaviour of unique bi-crystal Cu. Wear 498–499 (2022) 204313. Zhanfeng Wang, Junjie Zhang, Jinzhong Lu*. Atomic-scale study of dislocation-grain boundary interactions in Cu bicrystal by Berkovich nanoindentation. Materials Science & Engineering A 840 (2022) 143012 张俊杰*,张建国,闫永达,孙涛. 面向材料的超精密金刚石切削加工机理. 中国科学: 技术科学 (2022) Online Shijin Lu, Zengqiang Li, Junjie Zhang*, Chunyu Zhang, Guo Li, Haijun Zhang, Tao Sun. Coupled effect of tool geometry and tool-particle position on diamond cutting of SiCp/Al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 303 (2022) 117510 Pengfei Du, La Han, Xu Qiu, Weishan Chen, Jie Deng, Yingxiang Liu*, Junjie Zhang*. Development of a high-precision piezoelectric ultrasonic milling tool using longitudinal-bending hybrid transducer. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 222 (2022) 107239 Haoyu Li, Xin Wang, Junjie Zhang*, Binyu Wang, Marina Breisch, Alexander Hartmaier, Igor Rostotskyi, Vyacheslav Voznyy, Yu Liu*. Experimental investigation of laser surface texturing and related biocompatibility of pure titanium. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 119 (2022) 5993-6005 Shijin Lu, Xiaohui Wang*, Lichen Teng, Junjie Zhang*, Zhen Tong, Zhenggan Zhou*, Haiyan Shao, Xiuhua Men. Finite element analysis and experimental investigation of ultrasonic testing of internal defects in SiCp/Al composite. Ceramics International 48 (2022) 5972-5982 Liang Zhao, Chengwei Song*, Junjie Zhang*, Yandi Huang, Chunyu Zhang, Yuan Liu*, Bing Dong, Zongwei Xu, Guo Li, Tao Sun. Growth of highly oriented graphite by ultraviolet nanosecond pulsed laser ablation of monocrystalline diamond. Applied Surface Science 578 (2022) 151995. La Han, Junjie Zhang*, Yuan Liu*, Qiumei Gu, Zengqiang Li. Finite element investigation on pretreatment temperature-dependent orthogonal cutting of unidirectional CFRP. Composite Structures 278 (2021) 114678 Shiquan Liu, Haijun Zhang, Guo Li*, Chunyu Zhang, Junjie Zhang*, Tao Sun. Coupled thermo-mechanical sticking-sliding friction model along tool-chip interface in diamond cutting of copper. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 70 (2021) 578-592 La Han, Junjie Zhang*, Yuan Liu*, Tao Sun. Effect of fiber orientation on depth sensing intra-laminar failure of unidirectional CFRP under nano-scratching. Composites Part B: Engineering 224 (2021) 109211. Dongyu Tian, Zongwei Xu*, Lei Liu, Zhanqi Zhou, Junjie Zhang*, Xuesen Zhao, Alexander Hartmaier, Bing Liu, Le Song, Xichun Luo. In situ investigation of nanometric cutting of 3C-SiC using scanning electron microscope. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 115 (2021) 7-8:1-14. Liang Zhao, Qiang Zhang, Junjie Zhang*, Jianguo Zhang, Tao Sun. Atomistic origin of brittle-to-ductile transition behavior of polycrystalline 3C-SiC in diamond cutting. Ceramics International (2021) In Press Xuesen Zhao, Dongxu Zhao, Wangjie Hu, Junjie Zhang*, Xiaohui Wang, Jianguo Zhang, Tao Sun. Manufacturing of high-precision surface micro-structures on stainless steel by ultrasonic impact peening. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2021) In Press Jianguo Zhang, Andreas Rosenkranz*, Junjie Zhang*, Jiang Guo, Xiaoqing Li, Xiao Chen, Junfeng Xiao, Jianfeng Xu*. Modified wettability of micro-structured steel surfaces fabricated by elliptical vibration diamond cutting. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology (2021) In Press Shijin Lu, Zengqiang Li, Junjie Zhang*, Jianguo Zhang, Xiaohui Wang, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun. Finite Element Investigation of the Influence of SiC Particle Distribution on Diamond Cutting of SiCp/Al Composites. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology 3 (2020) 251-259. Liang Zhao, Junjie Zhang*, Janine Pfetzing, Masud Alam, Alexander Hartmaier. Depth-sensing ductile and brittle deformation in 3C-SiC under Berkovich nanoindentation. Materials & Design 197 (2020) 109223. Liang Zhao, Junjie Zhang*, Jianguo Zhang*, Alexander Hartmaier. Atomistic investigation of machinability of monocrystalline 3C-SiC in elliptical vibration-assisted diamond cutting. Ceramics International (2020), In press. Shijin Lu, Junjie Zhang*, Zengqiang Li, Jianguo Zhang, Xiaohui Wang, Alexander Hartmaier, Jianfeng Xu, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun. Cutting path-dependent machinability of SiCp/Al composite under multistep ultra-precision diamond cutting. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, In press (2020) Jianguo Zhang, Junjie Zhang*, Changlin Liu, Xiao Chen, Junfeng Xiao, Jianfeng Xu*. Machinability of single crystal calcium fluoride by applying elliptical vibration diamond cutting. Precision Engineering 66 (2020) 306-314. Zhanfeng Wang, Junjie Zhang*, Guo Li, Zongwei Xu, Haijun Zhang, Jianguo Zhang, Alexander Hartmaier, Fengzhou Fang, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun. Anisotropy-related machining characteristics in ultra-precision diamond cutting of crystalline copper. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology 3 (2020) 123-132. Zhanfeng Wang, Junjie Zhang*, Anxin Ma, Alexander Hartmaier, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun. On the crystallographic anisotropy of plastic zone size in single crystalline copper under Berkovich nanoindentation. Materials Today Communications 25 (2020) 101314. La Han, Junjie Zhang*, Jianchao Chen, Jianguo Zhang*, Haiying Liu, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun. Influence of vibration parameters on ultrasonic elliptical vibration cutting of reaction-bonded silicon carbide. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 108 (2020) 427-437. Shijin Lu, Xiaohui Wang*, Junjie Zhang*, Zhenggan Zhou, Fengjin Zhu, Zhen Tong, Haiyan Shao, Zhen Miao. Finite element investigation on the wave-particle interactions in ultrasonic inspection of SiCp/Al composites. Materials Research Express 7 (2020) 036534. Liang Zhao, MasudAlam, Junjie Zhang*, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier. Amorphization-governed elasto-plastic deformation under nanoindentation in cubic (3C) silicon carbide. Ceramics International 46 (2020) 12470-12479. Zhanfeng Wang, Junjie Zhang*, Zongwei Xu, Jianguo Zhang, Guo Li, Haijun Zhang, Zengqiang Li, Hamad ul Hassan, Fengzhou Fang, Yongda Yan, Alexander Hartmaier. Crystal anisotropy-dependent shear angle variation in orthogonal cutting of single crystalline copper. Precision Engineering 41 (2020) 41-48. Xiaohui Wang, Wentao Li, Yang Li, Zhenggan Zhou, Jun-Jie Zhang, Fengjin Zhu, Zhen Miao. Phased array ultrasonic testing of micro-flaws in additive manufactured titanium block. Materials Research Express 7 (2020) 016572. Jiaohu Huang, Shijin Lu, Fengying Xie, Wei Liu, Caiwei Xiao*, Junjie Zhang*, Tao Sun. Finite element analysis of synergetic deformation in precision cutting of polymer bonded explosive. Materials & Design 188 (2020) 108471. Zhanfeng Wang, Tao Sun, Haijun Zhang, Guo Li, Zengqiang Li, Junjie Zhang*, Yongda Yan, Alexander Hartmaier. The interaction between grain boundary and tool geometry in nanocutting of a bi-crystal copper. International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing 1 (2019) 045001. Zhanfeng Wang, Junjie Zhang*, Jianguo Zhang, Guo Li, Haijun Zhang, Hamad ul Hassan, Alexander Hartmaier, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun. Towards an understanding of grain boundary step in diamond cutting of polycrystalline copper. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 276 (2020) 116400. Junjie Zhang*, La Han, Jianguo Zhang, Haiying Liu, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun. Brittle-to-ductile transition in elliptical vibration-assisted diamond cutting of reaction-bonded silicon carbide. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 45 (2019) 670-681. Jianguo Zhang, Junjie Zhang, Andreas Rosenkranz, Norikazu Suzuki, Eiji Shamoto. Frictional properties of surface textures fabricated on hardened steel by elliptical vibration cutting. Precision Engineering 59 (2019) 66-72. Junjie Zhang*, La Han, Jianguo Zhang*, Guo Li, Jianfeng Xu, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun. Finite element analysis of the effect of tool rake angle on brittle-to-ductile transition in diamond cutting of silicon. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 104 (2019) 881-891. Junjie Zhang*, Liang Zhao, Andreas Rosenkranz*, Chengwei Song, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun. Nanosecond pulsed laser ablation on stainless steel – Combining finite element modeling and experimental work. Advanced Engineering Materials (2019) 1900193. Junjie Zhang*, Liang Zhao, Andreas Rosenkranz, Chengwei Song, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun. Nanosecond Pulsed Laser Ablation of Silicon – Finite Element Simulation and Experimental Validation. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 29 (2019) 075009. Zhanfeng Wang, Haijun Zhang, Zengqiang Li, Guo Li, Junjie Zhang*, Hamad ul Hassan, Yongda Yan, Alexander Hartmaier, Tao Sun, Crystal plasticity finite element simulation and experiment investigation of nanoscratching of single crystalline copper. Wear 430-431 (2019) 100-107. Zhanfeng Wang, Junjie Zhang*, Zongwei Xu, Jianguo Zhang, Hamad ul Hassan, Guo Li, Haijun Zhang, Alexander Hartmaier, Fengzhou Fang, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun. Crystal plasticity finite element modeling and simulation of diamond cutting of polycrystalline copper. Journal of Manufacturing Process 38 (2019) 187-195. Junjie Zhang*, Dinghuai Yang, Andreas Rosenkranz, Jianguo Zhang, Chengwei Song, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun. Laser surface texturing of stainless steel – Effect of pulse duration on texture’s morphology and frictional response. Advanced Engineering Materials (2018) 1801016. Yuan Liu, Yanfeng Duan, Junjie Zhang*. Atomistic investigation of anisotropic nanoindentation behavior of nanotwinned aluminum containing inclined twin boundaries. Nanomaterials 8 (2018) 695. Zhanfeng Wang, Junjie Zhang*, Hamad ul Hassan, Jianguo Zhang, Yongda Yan, Alexander Hartmaier, Tao Sun. Coupled effect of crystallographic orientation and indenter geometry on nanoindentation of single crystalline copper. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 148 (2018) 531–539. Yuan Liu, Yanfeng Duan, Junjie Zhang*. Atomistic investigation of anisotropic nanoindentation behavior of nanotwinned aluminum containing inclined twin boundaries. Nanomaterials 8 (2018) 695. Yao Li, Maobing Shuai*, Junjie Zhang* , Haibing Zheng, Tao Sun, Yang Yang. Molecular dynamics investigation of residual stress and surface roughness of cerium under diamond cutting. Micromachines 9 (2018) 386. C.L. He, W.J. Zong*, J.J. Zhang*. Influencing factors and theoretical modeling methods of surface roughness in turning process: State-of-the-art. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 129 (2018) 15-26. Junjie Zhang*, Jianguo Zhang, Andreas Rosekranz, Xiaoli Zhao, Yelin Song. Surface textures fabricated by laser surface texturing and diamond cutting - Influence of texture depth on friction and wear. Advanced Engineering Materials (2018) 1700995. Junjie Zhang*, Maobing Shuai, Haibing Zheng, Yao Li, Ming Jin, Tao Sun. Atomistic and experimental investigation of the effect of depth of cut on diamond cutting of cerium. Micromachines 9 (2018) 26. Jianguo Zhang*, Junjie Zhang*, Tao Cui, Zhiwei Hao, Ahmed Al Zahrani. Sculpturing of single crystal silicon microstructures by elliptical vibration cutting. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 29 (2017) 389-398. Juniie Zhang*, Haibing Zheng, Maobing Shuai, Yao Li, Yang Yang, Tao Sun. Molecular dynamics modeling and simulation of diamond cutting of cerium. Nanoscale Research Letters 12 (2017) 464. Junjie Zhang*, Yongda Yan, Wenjun Zong, Aowen Li, Zhen Qiao, Tao Sun. Chemisorption of hydrogen on graphene: insights from atomistic simulations. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29 (2017) 195001. Junjie Zhang*, Jianguo Zhang, Zhanfeng Wang, Alexander Hartmaier, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun. Interaction between phase transformations and dislocations at incipient plasticity of monocrystalline silicon under nanoindentation. Computational Materials Science 131 (2017) 55-61. JJ Zhang*, ZF Wang, T Sun, YD Yan. Concise Review: Recent Advances Influence of stacking fault energy on friction of nanotwinned metals. Materials Research Express 3 (2016) 125018. Junjie Zhang*, Zhanfeng Wang, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun. Concise Review: Recent Advances in Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nanomachining of Metals. Current Nanoscience 12 (2016) 653-665. J.J. Zhang*, Z.F. Wang, Y.D. Yan, T. Sun. Interface-dependent nanoscale friction of copper bicrystals: tilt versus twist. RSC Advances 6 (2016) 59206. W.J. Zong*, X. Cheng, J.J. Zhang*. Atomistic origins of material removal rate anisotropy in mechanical polishing of diamond crystal. Carbon 99 (2016) 186-194. Yanquan Geng, Junjie Zhang*, Yongda Yan*, Bowen Yu, Lin Geng, Tao Sun. Experimental and theoretical investigation of crystallographic orientation dependence of nanoscratching of single crystalline copper. Plos One (2015) 0131886. Junjie Zhang*, Christoph Begau, Lin Geng, Alexander Hartmaier. Atomistic investigation of wear mechanisms of a copper bi-crystal. Wear 332-333 (2015) 941-948. Ying Yuan, Junjie Zhang*, Tao Sun, Cong Liu, Yanquan Geng, Yongda Yan and Peng Jin. Crystallographic orientation-dependent pattern replication in direct imprint of aluminum nanostructures. Nanoscale Research Letters10 (2015) 96. HUANG YanHua, SONG ChengWei, ZHANG JunJie*, SUN Tao. Atomistic investigation of ablation of amorphous polystyrene under femtosecond laser pulse. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 58 (2015) 037002. Wenjun Zong*, Junjie Zhang*, Yue Liu, Tao Sun. Achieving ultra-hard surface of mechanically polished diamond crystal by thermo-chemical refinement. Applied Surface Science 316 (2014) 617-624. JJ Zhang*, YD Yan*, X Liu, T Sun, YC Liang. Influence of coherent twin boundary on three-point bending of gold nanowires. Journal of physics D: Applied Physics 47 (2014) 195301. Zengqiang Li, Yanhua Huang, Junjie Zhang*, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun. Atomistic insight into the minimum wear depth of Cu(111) surface. Nanoscale Research Letters 8 (2013) 514. Junjie Zhang*, Alexander Hartmaier, Yujie Wei, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun. Mechanisms of anisotropic friction in nanotwinned Cu revealed by atomistic simulations. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 21 (2013) 065001. Junjie Zhang, Yongzhi Cao, Qiang Gao, Chao Wu, Fuli Yu, Yingchun Liang. Template-assisted nanostructure fabrication by glancing angle deposition: a molecular dynamics study. Nanoscale Research Letters 8 (2013) 312. Kai Du, Yongjian Tang, Junjie Zhang*, Fangda Xu, Yongda Yan and Tao Sun. Velocity-dependent Nanoscratching of Amorphous Polystyrene. Current Nanoscience 9 (2013) 153-158. Junjie Zhang*, Fanda Xu, Yongda Yan and Tao Sun. Detwinning-induced reduction in ductility of twinned copper nanowires. Chinese Science Bulletin 58 (2013) 684-688. Junjie Zhang, Tao Sun, Yongda Yan, Shen Dong and Xiaodong Li. Atomistic investigation of scratching-induced deformation twinning in nanocrystalline Cu. Journal of Applied Physics (2012) 112: 073526. Junjie Zhang, Tao Sun, Alexander Hartmaier and Yongda Yan. Atomistic simulation of the influence of nanomachining-induced deformation on subsequent nanoindentation. Computational Materials Science (2012) 59:14-21. Junjie Zhang, Yujie Wei, Tao Sun, Alexander Hartmaier, Yongda Yan and Xiaodong Li. Twin boundary spacing-dependent friction in nanotwinned copper. Physical Review B (2012) 85: 054109. Junjie Zhang, Tao Sun, Yongda Yan, Yusong He, Yingchun Liang and Shen Dong. Atomistic investigation of probe-based nanomachining on Cu twin boundaries. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience (2011) 8: 2344-2349. Yongzhi Cao, Junjie Zhang, Tao Sun, Yongda Yan and Fuli Yu. Atomistic study of deposition process of Al thin film on Cu substrate. Applied Surface Science (2010) 256: 5993-5997. Junjie Zhang, Tao Sun, Yongda Yan and Yingchun Liang. Molecular dynamics study of scratching velocity dependency in AFM-based nanometric scratching process. Materials Science and Engineering A (2009) 505:65-69. Yongda Yan, Junjie Zhang, Tao Sun, Weidong Fei, Yingchun Liang and Shen Dong. Nanobending of nanowires: A molecular dynamics study. Applied Physics Letters (2008) 93: 241901 Junjie Zhang*, Tao Sun, Yongda Yan, Yingchun Liang and Shen Dong. Molecular dynamics simulation of subsurface deformed layers in AFM-based nanometric cutting process. Applied Surface Science (2008) 254: 4774-4779. Reviewer 名称 Additive Manufacturing AIP Advances Applied Physics A Applied Surface Science ACS Applied Electronic Materials Chinese Journal of Aeronautics Chinese Physics B Chinese Science Bulletin Chinese Physics Letters Current Nanoscience Computational Materials Science Engineering Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Industrial Lubrication Industrial Lubrication and Tribology International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture International Journal of Mechanical Science International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing Journal of Alloys and Compounds Journal of Applied Polymer Science Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing Journal of Manufacturing Processes Journal of Materials Processing Technology Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids ASME Journal of Tribology Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B Materials Chemistry and physics Materials & Design Materials Chemistry and Physics Materials Research Express Materials Science & Engineering B Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Molecular Simulation Multiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures Nanoscale Research Letters Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters Nanotechnology Optics Express Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science Philosophical Magazine Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics RSC Advances SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy Science China Technological Sciences Semiconductor Science and Technology Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical Surface and Interface Analysis Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties Thin Solid Films Tribology International Tribology Letters The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 过往时光 名称 2023年12月28日课题组聚餐 2023年6月5日课题组爬金龙山 2020年12月30日课题组茶话会 2020年9月30日课题组聚餐 2019年12月12日课题组聚餐 2019年7月2017级硕士毕业生合影 2019年6月金龙山团建 2018年10月Alexander Hartmaier来访 2018年8月在德国波鸿鲁尔大学第二届中德双边论坛 2017年12月聚餐 2017年9月哈尔滨第一届中德双边研讨会 2017年6月毕业季在太阳岛 2016年7月毕业合影。
