姓名 | 唐冬雁 | 性别 | 唐冬雁 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 化工与化学学院 |
学位 | 唐冬雁 | 学历 | 唐冬雁 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 科学研究 教育教学 论文专著 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 唐冬雁,女,哈尔滨工业大学化工与化学学院教授,化学工程与技术学科博士生导师。宝钢优秀教师,教育部新世纪优秀人才。 荣誉称号 名称 2007年 获宝钢教育基金优秀教师奖 2008年 入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 2010年 获评哈工大教学带头人 2014年 黑龙江省高校师德先进个人 教育经历 名称 教育经历 1991年毕业于吉林大学环境化学专业,获理学学士学位 1994年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学环境化工专业,获硕士学位 2001年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学环境工程专业,获博士学位 2006年完成在哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程博士后流动站的博士后研究工作 2009年1月~5月Iowa State University(US)访问学者 工作经历 1994~1996 哈尔滨工业大学应用化学系 助教 1996~2001 哈尔滨工业大学应用化学系 讲师 2001~2006 哈尔滨工业大学应用化学系 副教授 2006~至今 哈尔滨工业大学应用化学系 理学院化学系 化工与化学学院 教授 2007~至今 哈尔滨工业大学化学工程与技术学科 博士生导师 主要任职 名称 教育部高等学校大学化学课程教指委委员(2018-2022) 教学及科研奖 名称 教学成果奖: 1. 深化科教融合、聚焦多元培养,大学化学公共基础课程体系构建与模式研究,黑龙江省教学成果一等奖,2020年,排名第1。 2. 面向重大需求,聚焦技术创新,应用化学研究生“全链条”培养的研究与实践,中国学位与研究生教育学会研究生教育成果二等奖,2018年,排名第2。 3. 大学化学与应用化学国家级教学团队建设的研究与实践,黑龙江省教学成果一等奖,2013年,排名第5. 4. 工科院校应用化学(理科)专业建设及创新人才培养,黑龙江省教学成果一等奖,2011年,排名第1。 5. 研究生学位课“功能材料制备工艺基础及其实验”建设的实践与效果,黑龙江省教学成果二等奖,2007年,排名第1。 6.面向21世纪工科化学实验教学改革与实践,黑龙江省教学成果一等奖,1999年,排名第4。 科技进步奖: 1.雷达设施低损耗-低张力三维网络复合疏水涂料的研制,黑龙江省科技进步三等奖,2012年,排名第1。 2.新型底表面修饰漆的研制及中试研究,黑龙江省科技进步三等奖,2002,排名第2。 研究领域及科研项目 名称 研究领域 生物医用高分子材料 微纳米纤维和薄膜 科研项目 主持完成和在研包括国家自然科学基金、黑龙江省自然科学基金、黑龙江省博士后科研启动基金、哈尔滨市重点科技攻关课题、哈尔滨市优秀学科带头人基金、哈尔滨市青年基金、国家重点实验室开放基金、哈工大理学基金等纵向课题以及国有大中型企业的横向课题等20余项。发表科研论文150余篇(其中100余篇被SCI收录)。申请并获授权国家发明专利10余项。 团队成员 名称 团队中现有硕士研究生和博士研究生近10人。已毕业硕士研究生和博士研究生40余人。 每年可招收硕士研究生2名;博士研究生2名。 讲授课程 名称 “应用化学综合实验”黑龙江省精品课程负责人 “大学化学”国家一流课程负责人 创新研修课“新型精细化学品设计与制备”课程负责人 创新实验课“温度敏感型杂化微/纳米纤维的制备与表征”课程负责人 招生信息 名称 硕士招生专业:无机化学,每年招收2人。欢迎具有化学、化工、环境、材料及相关知识背景的学生报考。 博士招生专业:化学工程与技术,每年招收2人。欢迎具有化学、化工、环境、材料及相关知识背景的学生报考。 专著、论文及专利 名称 出版教材: 1.《应用化学专业英语》 主编,哈工大出版社 2.《日用化学品化学》主编,哈工大出版社 3.《化妆品配方设计与制备工艺》主编,化学工业出版社 4.《新型功能材料制备工艺》主编,化学工业出版社 5. 《工科大学化学》主编,高等教育出版社(普通高等教育国家级规划教材) 数字课程出版物: 1. 大学化学数字课程,主编 2. 工科大学化学数字课程,主编 出版专著: 1.《化妆品——原料类型、配方设计、制备工艺》编著,化学工业出版社 2. 《互穿聚合物网络:制备 · 性能 · 应用》编著,哈工大出版社(“十三五”国家重点出版物出版规划项目) 科研论文: 1. Shuyue Jia, Jovan Tan , Jia Tan, Yonghui Ren, Yuze Zhou, Yuhong Zhou, Dongyan Tang*. Stimuli-responsive swollen electrospun fiber catalyst for efficient degradation of organic pollutants. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 10:108366 1-13(SCI) 2. Qian Feng, Yonghui Ren, Zhaojie Sun, Jia Liu, Yuze Zhou, Dongyan Tang*. Porous ZnO Microspheres Grafted with Poly-(Nisopropylacrylamide) via SI-ATRP: Reversible TemperatureControlled Switching of Photocatalysis. ChemistrySelect, 2022, 7, e202103656 1-9(SCI) 3. Xu Yang,Yuhong Zhou,Zhaojie Sun,Chunhui Yang,Dongyan Tang*. Synthesis and Cr adsorption of a superhydrophilic polydopamine- functionalized electrospun polyacrylonitrile,Environmental Chemistry Letters,2021,19:743-749(SCI) 4. Yang X,Zhou YH,Sun ZJ,Yang CH,Tang DY*. Polydopamine assists the continuous growth of zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 on electrospun polyacrylonitrile fibers as efficient adsorbents for the improved removal of Cr(vi). New Journal of Chemistry, 2021, 45:15503–15513 (SCI) 5. Lv HT, Chi H, Yang X, Peng J, Wang W, Tang DY*.Polydopamine-assisted shape memory of polyurethane nanofibers with light-induced tunable responsiveness and improved cell adhesiveness. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspectes, 2021, 627:127100 1-7(SCI) 6. Jingru Gao, Shuyue Jia, Jia Liu, Zhaojie Sun, Xu Yang, Dongyan Tang*. Enhanced effect of adsorption and photocatalytics by TiO2 nanoparticles embedded porous PVDF nanofber Scafolds. Journal of Materials Research, 2021,36(7):1538-1548(SCI) 7. Ji Bian, Ling Sun, Ziqing Zhang,* Zhijun Li, Mingna Chu, Xin Li, Dongyan Tang,* and Liqiang Jing*. Au-Modulated ZScheme CuPc/BiVO4 Nanosheet Heterojunctions toward Efficient CO2 Conversion under Wide-Visible-Light Irradiation. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 2021,9:2400-2408(SCI) 8. Jia Shuyue; Tang Dongyan* ; Peng Jing; Yang Xu; Sun Zhaojie; Crosslinked electrospinning fibers with tunable swelling behaviors: A novel and effective adsorbent for Methylene Blue, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 390: 124472-124485(SCI) 9. Jia Shuyue; Tang Dongyan* ; Zhou Yuhong; Du Yunchen; Peng Jing; Sun Zhaojie; Yang Xu; Polydopamine Microsphere-Incorporated Electrospun Fibers as Novel Adsorbents for Dual-Responsive Adsorption of Methylene Blue, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12(44): 49723-49736(SCI) 10. Ji Bian, Jiannan Feng, Ziqing Zhang,* Jiawen Sun, Mingna Chu, Ling Sun, Xin Li, Dongyan Tang *, Liqiang Jing*. Graphene-modulated assembly of zinc phthalocyanine on BiVO4 nanosheets for efficient visible-light catalytic conversion of CO2, Chem Comm, 2020, 56: 4926-4929(SCI) 11. Zaiqian Yu,Jianwei Yi,Dongyan Tang*. Poly (N-Vinyl caprolactam), a thermal responsive support with tunable phase transition temperature for catalyst,Separation and Purification Technology,2020,249:116888-95(SCI) 12. Xu Yang, Yuhong Zhou, Zhaojie Sun, Chunhui Yang, Dongyan Tang*. Effective strategy to fabricate ZIF-8@ZIF-8/polyacrylonitrile nanofifibers with high loading efficiency and improved removing of Cr(VI),Colloids and Surfaces A,2020,603: 125292-300(SCI) 13. Xu Yang,Zhaojie Sun,Jingru Gao,Chunhui Yang,Dongyan Tang*. Plasmainitiated polymerization of Nisopropylacrylamide and functionalized with dopamine for the adhesion to Hela Cells,Polymer Bulletin,2020,77:963–974(SCI) 14. Haitao Lv,Dongyan Tang*,Zhaojie Sun,Jingru Gao, Xu Yang, Shuyue Jia,Jing Peng. Electrospun PCL-based polyurethane/HA microfibers as drug carrier of dexamethasone with enhanced biodegradability and shape memory performances,Colloid and Polymer Science,2020,298:103–111(SCI) 15. Xu Yang,Wenbo Li,Zhaojie Sun,Chunhui Yang,Dongyan Tang*,Electrospun P(NVCL-co-MAA) nanofibers and their pH/temperature dual-response drug release profiles,Colloid and Polymer Science, 2020, 298:629-636(SCI) 16. Shuyue Jia,Qidong Wang,Jing Peng,Jingru Gao,Dongyan Tang*. Photocatalytic property and pHresponse behavior of modifed ZnO electrospun nanofbers grafted with poly(methyl methacrylate), SN Applied Sciences, 2020, 2:353-362(SCI) 17. Jing Peng, Bo Zheng, Shuyue Jia, Jingru Gao and Dongyan Tang*. In situ thermal fabrication of copper sulfifide–polymer hybrid nanostructures for tunable plasmon resonance, Nanoscale Advances, 2020, 2:2303–2308(SCI) 18. Jia Shuyue; Tang Dong-Yan* ; Peng Jing; Sun Zhaojie; Yang Xu. Beta-Cyclo dextrin modified electrospinning fibers with good regeneration for efficient temperature-enhanced adsorption of crystal violet,Carbohydarte Polymers, 2019, 208: 486-494(SCI) 19. Jing Peng,Dongyan Tang*,Shuyue Jia, Yue Zhang, Zhaojie Sun, Xu Yang, Hongyun Zou, Haitao Lv. In situ thermal synthesis of molybdenum oxide nanocrystals in thermoresponsive microgels,Colloids and Surfaces A,2019, 563:130-140(SCI) 20. Hongyun Zou,Dongyan Tang,Ning Wang,Shuyue Jia,Zhaojie Sun,Xu Yang,Jing Peng. Polyethylene Glycol-modified Molybdenum Oxide as NIR Photothermal Agent and its Ablation Ability for HeLa Cells, Colloid and Polymer Science, 2019, 297(2):249-260(SCI) 21. Yudi Guo, Erqing Zhao, Xiaowei Guo, Dongyan Tang*. Fabrication of Self-assembled Hydrophobic Fluorinated Silica Particulate Film, Journals of Fluorine Chemistry, 2019, 218:27-35(SCI) 22. Jing Peng,Dongyan Tang*,Haitao Lv, Ning Wang, Xu Yang,Zhaojie Sun,Zaiqian Yu. Thermal phase transition of poly(N-vinyl caprolactam) -based copolymers: the distribution of hydrophilic units within polymeric chains,Colloid and Polymer Science,2019,297:1255–1264(SCI) 23. Zaiqian Yu, Haitao Lv, Dongyan Tang*. One pot synthesis of water stable ZnO quantum dots with binding ability to microbe,Materials Letters,2018, 210:28-210(SCI) 24. Ning Wang, Dongyan Tang*, Hongyun Zou, Shuyue Jia, Zhaojie Sun, Xu Yang, Jing Peng. Synthesis of Molybdenum Oxide Quantum Dots with Better Dispersity and Bio-imaging Ability by Reduction Method, Optical Materials, 2018, (83):19-27(SCI) 25. Qi Xiaofang; Peng Jing; Tang Dongyan* ; Wang Ning; Zou Hongyun. PEGMa Modified Molybdenum Oxide as a NIR Photothermal Agent for Composite Thermal/pH-responsive P(NIPAM-co-MAA) Microgels, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5(34):8788-8795(SCI) 26. Xiaofang Qi, Lu Xiong, Jing Peng, Dongyan Tang*. Near Infrared Laser-controlled Drug Release of Thermoresponsive Microgel Encapsulated with Fe3O4 Nanoparticles,RSC Advances,2017,7(32):19604-19610(SCI) 27. Qian Feng, Dongyan Tang*, Haitao Lv, Weile Zhang, Wenbo Li. Surface-initiated ATRP to modify ZnO nanoparticles with poly(N-isopropylacrylamide): Temperature-controlled switching of photocatalysis. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 691:185-194 (SCI) 28. Xiuling Lin, Dongyan Tang*, Haitao Lyu, Qingnan Zhang. Poly(N-isopropylacryl amide)/polyurethane core–sheath nanofibres bycoaxial electrospinning for drug controlled release. Micro & Nano Letters, 2016,11(5):260-263(SCI) 29. Yu Zaiqian, Tang Dongyan*. Fabrication of thermoresponsive fibrous ZnO/PNIPAM nanocomposites with switchable photocatalytic activity, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physico chemical and Engineering Aspects , 2015, 471:117–123, (SCI) 30. Feng Qian, Tang Dongyan*. Temperature-responsive zinc oxide nanorods arrays grafted with poly(N-isopropylacryl amide) via SI-ATRP, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 62024,(SCI) 31. Guo Yudi, Tang Dongyan*. Controlled synthesis of amphiphilic graft copolymer for superhydrophobic electrospun fibres with effective surface fluorine enrichment: the role of electric field and solvent, RSC Advances,2015,5, 82789, (SCI) 32. Yu Zaiqian, GuHongjuan, Tang Dongyan*. Fabrication of PVCL-co-PMMA nanofibers with tunable volume phase transition temperatures and maintainable shape for anti-cancer drug release , RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 64944, (SCI) 33. YUDI GUO, DONGYAN TANG*, FAN YANG. Transparent fluorinate acrylic polyurethane with hydrophobicity obtained by crosslinking of hydroxyl-containing fluoroacrylate copolymer with HDI trimer. Materials Science-Poland, 33(3), 2015, 451-459(SCI) 34. DONG YinMao, TANG Dong Yan & LI Chen Sha. The impact of solvent and modifier on ZnO thin-film transistors fabricated by sol-gel process. Sci China Tech Sci, 2014, 57: 2153-2160(SCI) 35. Xiuling Lin, Dongyan Tang*, Zaiqian Yu, Qian Feng. Stiumli-responsive electrospun nanofibers from poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-co-poly(acrylic aid) copolymer and polyurethane. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2014, 2,651-658(SCI) 36. Gong Zailin, Tang Dongyan*. Self-assembly of the thermoresponsive nanocomposites and their applications for sensing daunorubicin with DNA, Applied Surface Science, 2014, 316:194-201 (SCI) 37. Dong Yinmao,Tang Dongyan*. Photocatalytic oxidationof methyl orange in water phase by immobilized TiO2-carbon nanotubenanocomposites photocatalyst , Applied Surface Science,2014,296:1-7 (SCI) 38. Tang Dongyan,Dong Yinmao,Li Li,Liu Yueheng,He Congfen,Lai Jixiang. Antioxidant activity in mung bean sprouts and safety of extracts for cosmetic use, Journal of cosmetic science 2014,65(4): 207-216(SCI) 39. Dongyan Tang, Yinmao Dong, HankunRen, Li Li and Congfen He. A review of phyto chemistry, metabolite changes,and medicinal uses of the common food mung bean and its sprouts (Vigna radiata). Chemistry Central Journal ,2014,8:4(1-9)(SCI) 40. Dongyan Tang, Yinmao Dong, Na Guo, Li Li and Hankun Ren. Metabolomic analysis of the polyphenols in germinatingmung beans (Vignaradiata) seeds and sprouts. J SciFood Agric, 2014; 94: 1639–1647(SCI) 41. Lv Haitao, Wang Qidong, Ren Yonghui, Lin Xiuling, Li Xinyu, Tang Dongyan*. Fabrication of polylcaprolactone-diol polyurethane micro-nano fibers and their shape memory effect, Rare metal materials and engineering, 2015, 44(Supp1):377-380(SCI) 42. Cui WeiWei, TangDY*, Gong ZaiLin. Electrospun poly(vinylidene fluoride)/poly(methylmethacrylate) grafted TiO2 composite nanofibrous membrane as polymer electrolyte for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 223, 206~213(SCI) 43. Lin Xiuling, Tang DY*, Du Haofei. Self-assembly and controlled release behaviour of the water-insoluble drug nifedipine from electrospun PCL-based polyurethane nanofibres. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2013, 65, 673~681(SCI) 44. Guo Yudi, Tang DY*, Du Yunchen. Controlled fabrication of hexagonally close-packed langmuir-blodgett silica particulate mono layers from binary surfactant and solvent systems, Langmuir, 2013, 29, 2849~2858(SCI) 45. Xiuling Lin,Dongyan Tang*,Shou Gu,Haofei Du,Enying Jiang. Electroospun poly(N-isopropylacrylate)/poly(caprolactone)-based polyurethane nanofibers as drug carriers and temperature-controlled release, New Journal of Chemistry, DOI:10.1039/c3nj00275f(SCI) 46. Yudi Guo, DongyanTang*, Shuo Gu. Effects of substrate and experimental conditions on the fabrication of well-ordered silica particulate Langmuir-Blodgett films, Surface Review and Letters, DOI:10.1142/S0218625X1350039X (SCI) 47. Qian Feng, Dongyan Tang*, Enying Jiang. Solution growth of vertical aligned ZnO nanorod arrays on ZnO seed layers fabricated by Langmuir-Blodgett method, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2013.05.013 (SCI) 48. Guo Yudi, Tang DY*, Gong Zailin. Superhydrophobic films fabricated by electrospraying poly(methylmethacrylate)-b-poly(dodecafluoroheptyl methacrylate) diblock copolymers, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012,116, 26284~26294(SCI) 49. Cui WeiWei, Tang DY*. Electrospun poly(lithium2-acrylamido-2-methyl propanesulfonic acid) fiber-based polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012, 516, 510~518(SCI) 50. Cui WeiWei, Tang DY*, Gong Zailin. Performance enhancement induced by electrospinning of polymer electrolytes based onpoly(methyl methacrylate-co-2-acrylamido-2- methylpropane sulfonic acid lithium), Journal of Materials Science, 2012, 47, 6276~6285(SCI) 51. Gong Zailin, Tang DY*, Guo Yudi. The fabrication and self-flocculation effect of hybrid TiO2 nanoparticles grafted with poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) at ambient temperature via surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012,22, 16872~16879(SCI) 52. Tang DY, Feng Qian, Jiang Enying. Fabrication and optoelectronic properties of MgxZn1-xO ultra-thin films by Langmuir-blodgett technology, Surface Review and Letters, 2012, doi: 10.1142/S0218625X12500448(SCI) 53. Lin Xiuling, Tang DY*, Cui Weiwei. Controllable drug release of electrospun thermoresponsive poly (N- isopropylacrylamide) /poly(2-acrylamido-2-methyl propanesulfonic acid) nanofibers, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2012, 100A, 1839~1845(SCI) 54. Lin Xiuling, Tang DY*, Cheng Yan. Electrospinning process of thermo-sensitive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)/poly(2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid) nanofibers, Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A-Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2012, 49, 980~985(SCI) 55. Tang DY, Han Shuai, Li Ji. Interfacial reactions of nickel ion containing multilayers and nickelultra-thin films with an interpenetrating polymer network substrate, Surface and Interface analysis, 2012,44, 15~20(SCI) 56. Lin Xiuling, ChengYan, Tang DY*. New method of producing aligned electrospun poly (2-acrylamido-2-methyl propanesulphonicacid)/poly(N- isopropylacrylamide) nanofibres, Micro& Nano Letters, 2012, 7, 80~82(SCI) 57. Tang DY, Han Shuai, Li Ji. Interfacial reactions of nickel ion containing multilayers and nickel ultra-thin films with an interpenetrating polymer network substrate. Surface and Interface Analysis, 2011,DOI 10.1002/sia.3762(SCI) 58. Tang DY, Guo YD, Zhang XH. Interfacial reaction of silver ultra-thin film deposited on interpenetrating polymer network substrate by liquor-phase reduction. Applied Surface Science, 2010, 256, 6007~6012(SCI) 59. Tang DY, Li J, Zhang XH. Preparation of nickel ion containing Langmuir-Blodgett multilayer and nickel ultrathin film deposited on an Interpenetrating Polymer Network substrate. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2010,24, 1055~1062(SCI) 60. Tang DY, Guo YD, Zhang XH. Interfacial reactions in an interpenetrating polymer network thin film on an aluminum substrate. Surface and Interface Analysis, 2009, 41,974~980(SCI) 61. Tang DY, Li J. Preparation of nickel ultrathin film by the langmuir–blodgett technique and chemical reduction. Surface Review and Letters, 2009, 16(5): 663~668(SCI) 62. Tang DY, Zhang XH, Liu LL, Qiang LS. Simultaneous and Gradient IPN of Polyurethane/Vinyl Ester Resin: Morphology and Mechanical Properties. Journal of Nanomaterials (doi:1155/2009/514124)(SCI) 63. 唐冬雁, 李莹, 李季. 成膜条件对PZT超微粒/硬脂酸复合LB膜及PZT超薄膜的影响. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2009,38:590~592(SCI) 64. 李季, 唐冬雁*, 刘杰. PZT超细陶瓷微粒/硬脂酸复合LB膜及超细膜的制备和性能研究. 稀有金属材料与工程,,2007,36:907~910(SCI) 65. Tang Dongyan, Wu Xuelian, Qiang Lianggsheng. Polymerization Process and Morphology of polyurethane/vinyl resin interpenetrating polymer networks. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2007,23(3):423~426(SCI) 66. 刘杰, 唐冬雁*, 李季. 0-3型改性PZT/IPN压电复合材料的制备和性能研究. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2007,36:411~414(SCI) 67. Tang Dongyan, Jusheng Zhang, Derui Zhou, etal. Influence of BaTiO3 on damping and dielectric properties of filled polyurethane/unsaturated polyester resin interpenetrating polymernetworks, Journal of Materials Science,2005,40(13):3339~3345(SCI) 68. Tang Dongyan, Qiang Liangsheng, Jin Zheng, etal. Preparation, Morphology and Damping Property of PU/UP Interpenetrating Polymer Networks, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2005,21(4):585~588(SCI) 69. Tang Dongyan, Qiang Liangsheng, Jin Zheng, Zhao Liancheng. Morphology, Mechanical and Damping Properties of BaTiO3/(PU/UP-IPNs) Composites, Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2005, 21(6): 816~821(SCI) 70. Tang Dongyan, Qiang Liangsheng, Xu Zhiwei, Fu Honggang. Rapid Synthesis and FT-Raman Spectroscopic Study of Lanthanum Modified Lead Titanate Nanocrystals. Journal of Rare Earths, 2005, 23:293~297(SCI) 71. 唐冬雁,强亮生,金政等. BaTiO3/IPNs的制备及介电性能和阻尼性能的相关性, 无机化学学报,2004,20(12)1485~1488(SCI) 72. Tang Dongyan, Qin Chuanli, Cai Weimin,etal. Preparation, morphology and mechanical properties of modified-PU/UPR graft-IPN nanocomposites with BaTiO3 fiber, Materials Chemistry and Physics,2003,82: 73~77(SCI) 73. Qin Chuanli,Tang Dongyan, Cai Jun,etal. Study on polyurethane/vinyl ester resin IPNs damping materials, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2003,19:56-58(SCI) 74. Tang Dongyan, Qiang Liangsheng, Jin Zheng, etal. Preparation, morphology, and thermoelectric Properties ofBaTiO3 superfine fiber/COPU based IPNs, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2002, 84: 709~715(SCI) 75. Tang Dongyan, Liu Hong, Cai Weimin, etal. Synthesis and application studies of castor oil PU/PMMA IPNs with BaTiO3 fiber nanocomposites, Ferroelectrics, 2002,265:259~264(SCI) 76. Qiang Liangsheng,Tang Dongyan,Zhen Xihe,etal. 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