

姓名 丁子敬 性别 丁子敬
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 能源科学与工程学院
学位 丁子敬 学历 丁子敬
职称 教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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个人信息 Personal information 研究兴趣 Research Interests 论文节选 Selected Publication 新闻 News 团队成员 Group Members 程序 Numerical Code ...en 程序 Numerical Code 新建主栏目 总结(Summary) 名称 研究范围:课题组主要研究流体动力学,致力于把流体力学中的前沿理论、实验方法应用到新物理问题中,并发展前沿理论。研究方向主要包括:流动稳定性基础理论、围绕流动稳定性理论的优化问题、流体界面现象、微重力流体力学(中国空间站在轨实验)、飞行器流体力学、流动噪声以及Navier-Stokes方程等。欢迎有志于航天(空间站微重力实验)、航空(高速流动)、航海(水下声学)方向的同学加入团队。 教学:高等流体力学、Advanced Applied Mathematics & Mechanics 荣誉:哈工大拔尖人才(2019)、国家级青年人才(2020)、哈工大青年科学家工作室(2021) 国际交流:课题组长期与剑桥大学,帝国理工大学,南洋理工大学,谢菲尔德大学等著名学府的课题组保持常年合作关系,课题组学生有机会于在读期间前往交流,并有一定的机会攻读博士学位,或前去从事博士后研究。 国内合作:课题组是西门子公司指定的哈工大高校联系人,负责推荐优秀本科生、硕士生、博士生前往西门子公司实习、合作、工作。课题组也长期与成都创新流体研究中心、国防科技大学、西安交大、中科院力学所、清华大学等国内著名科研单位保持合作关系。 招生&奖学金:课题组每年招收,本科生若干名,硕士生2-3名,博士生1-2名。如果你认为自己热爱科学研究,并且为人坦率正直,再联系我。否则,请不要浪费时间。优秀硕士生、博士生奖学金丰厚。 流体力学大讲堂:Please find all the past seminars: http://power.hit.edu.cn/ltlxdjt/list.htm Education & Career 名称 2005-2009, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Mechanics, Bachelor 2009-2012, Institute of Mechanics, The University of CAS, Fluid Mechanics, Master 2012-2016, Nanyang Technological University, Fluid Mechanics, PhD 2016.09-12, Mechanical Engineering, University of Hongkong,Postdoc Assistant 2017.04-10, Mathematics, University of Bristol, Postdoc Associate (EPSRC-funded) 2017-2020, DAMTP, University of Cambridge, Postdoc Associate (EPSRC-funded) 2020-now, SESE, Harbin Institute of Technology, Professor Academic activities 名称 1: 中国科学院力学研究所,客座研究员(兼职教授) 2: 中国空间科学学会,青年委员 3: Advances in Aerodynamics, 编委(受邀) 4: Reviewer for JFM, PRL, PRE/F et al. Collaboration 名称 Prof. R.R. Kerswell @ DAMTP, University of Cambridge (G.I. Taylor Professor of Fluid Mechanics) Prof. D. Papageorgiou @ Mathematics, Imperial College London (Chair) Prof. C. Yang @ MAE, Nanyang Technological University Prof. K. Li @ IMECH, CAS (Director of Lab of National Microgravity Science) Assoc Prof. Wong @ MAE, Nanyang Technological University Dr. A.P. Willis @ Mathematics, University of Sheffield (Senior Lecturer) Dr. E. Marensi @ Engineering, University of Sheffield, (Lecturer) Dr. B. Wen @ Mathematics, University of Michigan Dr. R. Liu @ MEE, Guilin University of Electronic technology (Previously at IMech, CAS) Associate Director: Y. Chen @ Chengdu Fluid Innovative Center Students Recruitment 名称 Master Students: 2-3/year PhD Student: 1-2/year Full Scholarship for Study will be provided. Requirements: mathematical, physical or mechanical engineering background Fluid simulation in Film Industry 名称 Turbulence Simulations 名称 We Study Fluids. 名称 Everything, Even A Cat,Can Be Fluid. 1. Nonlinear Dynamics 名称 A Liquid Film Flowing Down a Vertical Fibre: Theory vs Experiments 2. Extracting Scaling Laws in Turbulence Using Optimisation Approach 名称 The upper bound on heat transfer in Rayleigh-Benard convection 3. Turbulent Drag Reduction using Optimisation Approach 名称 Stabilising turbulent flows in pipe using a designed baffle 4. Flow Instability in Multi-Field 名称 Two unstable modes in an electric conductivity stratified flow Review Articles 名称 1: Penetrative turbulence: history and perspectives, Advances in Atomsphere Sciences, Zijing Ding, Ruiqi Huang & Zhen Ouyang, invited review, 2024. Articles in Journal of Fluid Mechanics (* Corresponding Author) 名称 Z. Ding* & Z. Ouyang, Penetrative convection: heat transport with marginal stability assumption, 2023, Vol960, A26. Z. Ding* & J. Wu, Coherent heat transport in 2D penetrative Rayleigh-Bénard convection, Vol920, 2021. R. Liu & Z. Ding*, Coating flows down a vertical fibre: the full Navier-Stokes problem, invited by Prof Paul Linden for G.K. Batchelor's 100 anniversary, Vol914, 2021. Z. Ding*, E. Marensi, A.P. Willis, R.R. Kerswell, Stabilising pipe flow by a baffle designed using energy stability, Vol902, 2020 E. Marensi*, Z. Ding, A.P. Willis, R.R. Kerswell, Designing a minimal baffle to destabilise turbulence in pipe flows, Vol900, 2020 R. Liu & Z. Ding*, Instabilities and bifurcations of liquid films flowing down a rotating fibre, Vol 899, 2020 Z. Ding* & R.R. Kerswell*, Exhausting the background approach for bounding the heat transport in Rayleigh-Benard convection, Vol 889, 2020 Z. Ding* & A.P. Willis, Relative periodic soutions in conducting liquid films flowing ddown vertical fibres, Vol 873, 2019 Z. Ding* & T.N. Wong*, Electrohydrodynamic instability of miscible core-annular flows with electrical conductivity stratification, Vol 764, 2015 Z. Ding*, J. Xie, T.N. Wong*, R. Liu, Dynamics of liquid films on vertical fibers in a radial electric field, Vol 752, 2014 Articles in Physical Review E/F (* Corresponding Author) 名称 8. Y. Zhang* & Z. Ding, Capillary nanowaves on surfactant-laden liquid films with surface viscosity and elasticity, PRF, 2023. 7. W. Jiang & Z. Ding, Thin liquid films down a vertical micro-fiber: Effect of curvature elasticity, PRE, 2022. 6. Z. Ding* & E. Marensi, Upper bound on angular momentum transport in Taylor-Couette flow, PRE, Vol 100, 2019 5. Y. Chao & Z. Ding*, Thermocapillary thin-film flows on a compliant substrate, PRE, Vol 99, 2019 4. R. Liu, X. Chen & Z. Ding*, Absolute and convective instabilities of a film flow down a vertical fiber subjected to a radial electric field, PRE, Vol 97, 2018 3. R. Liu* & Z. Ding*, Stability of viscous film flow coating the interior of a vertical tube with a porous wall, PRE, Vol 95, 2017 2. Z. Ding* & T.N. Wong*, Electrohydrodynamic instability in an annular liquid layer with radial conductivity gradients, PRE, Vol 89, 2014 1. Z. Ding & Q. Liu*, Stability of liquid films on a porous vertical cylinder, PRE, Vol 84, 2011 Articles in Physics of Fluids (* Corresponding Author) 名称 Z. Ding & R. Liu*, Comment on “Stability analysis of the rimming flow inside a uniformly heated rotating horizontal cylinder” [Phys. Fluids 29, 032102 (2017)], Vol 29, 2017 Z. Ding, R. Liu, Z. Liu*, Interfacial instabilities in two immiscible flows in an annular duct: Shear-thinning fluids surrounded with Newtonian fluids, Vol 29, 2017 Z. Ding* & T.N. Wong, Three-dimensional dynamics of thin liquid films on vertical cylinders with Marangoni effect, Vol 29, 2017 Z. Ding, T.N. Wong*, R. Liu, Q. Liu, Viscous liquid films on a porous vertical cylinder: dynamics and stability, Vol 25, 2013 Z. Ding, T.N. Wong*, H. Li, Stability of two immiscible leaky-dielectric liquids subjected to a radial electric field in an annulus duct, Vol 25, 2013 个人新闻 新闻标题 2023毕业生 发布时间 2023/05/30 恭喜欧阳臻(获优秀硕士论文)、冯琦完成硕士学习!顺利通过硕士答辩。 欧阳臻继续在本组读博,冯琦去比亚迪工作。 个人新闻 新闻标题 Invited talk: 湍流中的临界稳定性假设 发布时间 2023/04/15 全国湍流与流动稳定性研讨会。 个人新闻 新闻标题 Invited talk: 穿透对流研究 发布时间 2023/04/12 中科院力学所微重力国家实验室邀请报告。 因病推迟。 Invited talk: 4° 水 名称 庆祝北京科技大学建校70周年。 西安交通大学航天航空学院流体力学进展报告 名称 Thin liquid film flowing down a vertical fiber -- Invited by Prof. Jie Zhang 西北工业大学航空学院青年学者论坛 名称 Zijing was invited to talk on drag reduction in turbulent flows -- invited by Prof. Hengdong Xi 面向2050的空天创新技术青年科学家论坛 -- 成都 2021.Oct.11 名称 Zijing was invited to speak on turbulent drag reduction in pipe flows using an optimization approach. The second HIT Fluid Mechanics Webinars -- Summer School Program has been successfully closed! -- July 30, 2021 名称 All recorded videos can be found here: https://space.bilibili.com/582884953/ Z Ding's talk on GKB 100 (see the link below), May-07-2021 名称 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3-5lKSvsZg The first HIT Fluid Mechanics Webinars led by Ding et al was open! (see the link below) 名称 http://power.hit.edu.cn/2021/0520/c13197a254489/page.htm Postdoc positions 名称 Two 2-year postdoc positions are open (will be closed until filled). The total annual salary will be at least 250,000rmb. The applicant should have a very good publication record. Excellent candidate will be recommended to apply for the assistant professor position in our department. The annual salary of AP will be no less than 300,000rmb. PhD and Master Study Positions are open now! 名称 If you are interested to work with me on Flow Instablity, Optimization Method, Dynamical Systems Theory, Low Dimensional Modelling, etc. Please Consider to Apply! Requirements: the applicant should have an excellent study record in math & fluid mechanics, and she/he has to demonstrate her/his English. Z Ding was invited to speak on G. K. Batchelor 100 anniversary (2021-03) 名称 The talk will also appear in JFM. Z. Ding was invited by Prof. D.D. He @ the Chinese University of Hongkong to talk on liquid film flows (2020-06) 名称 Z Ding was invited to talk in Math Institute of HIT on Oct 21, 2020 名称 The talk is on upper bound on heat transfer in RB convection. Asso Prof Tiantian Kong @ Shenzhen University gave us an online talk on microfluidic systems, Aug-26, 2020 名称 Our friend Prof Y Chen visited us during Oct 16-18, 2020 名称 Measurement of flow rates using acoustic method. Z Ding was invited to talk on the 7th Fluid Salon of Young Scientists 名称 The talk is on invariant solutions in film flows. Dr. Baole Wen @ Michigan gave us an online talk on storage of Carbon Dioxide, Dec-24, 2020 名称 Students 2023 名称 PhD student 欧阳臻(Zheng Ouyang) (Bachelor: HIT(哈工大),Master: HIT (哈工大)). Research Focus -- Turbulent convection Master students Weng Haocheng (哈尔滨工业大学本科) Research Focus -- Transition in compressible flow (cosupervisor Qiang Yang) SWE LE HAN (International student) Research Focus -- Students 2022 名称 PhD student: 黄睿绮 (Ruiqi Huang) (Bachelor: Warwick University UK (英国华威大学), Master: Imperial College UK(帝国理工学院)); Research Focus -- Transition and Turbulence in penetrative convection. Master students: 钟文远 (Wenyuan Zhong)(华北电力大学本) Research Focus -- Viscoelastic droplets impinging on elastic membranes 王帅(Shuai Wang) (大连海事大学本) Research Focus -- Penetrative convection in fluid-porous systems 江志俊 (Zhijun Jiang) (大连海事大学) Research Focus -- Multi-component droplets impinging on cold surfaces Students 2021 名称 PhD student 郑淙仁 (Congren Zheng) (Bachelor: HIT(哈工大), Master: ECN (南特中央理工), France) Research Focus -- Stability of non-ideal fluid pipe flows (cosupervisor: Yong Chen) Students 2020 名称 PhD students 宋志伟(Zhiwei Song) (Bachelor: HEU (哈工程), Master: HIT(哈工大)) Research Focus -- Non-Newtonian fluid flows on slippery surfaces 姜伟杨(Weiyang Jiang) (Bachelor: DMU(大连海事大学), Master:HIT(哈工大)) Research Focus -- Influences of wall roughness on flow instabilities in complex fluid flows Master student 欧阳臻(Zheng Ouyang) (Bachelor: HIT(哈工大)) Research Focus -- Boundary condition influences on penetrative convection (graduated) 毕业生 名称 1:姜伟杨 2022 硕 去向:哈工大继续读博 2:冯琦 2023 硕 去向:比亚迪(深圳) 3:欧阳臻 2023 硕 去向:哈工大继续读博
