

姓名 李智超 性别 李智超
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 电气工程及自动化学院
学位 李智超 学历 李智超
职称 教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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个人信息 科学研究 论文著作 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 李智超,在哈尔滨工业大学电气工程及自动化学院获得本科、硕士、博士学位。2014年-2022年,在英国华威大学从事博士后研究工作。2022年入选国家高层次人才计划(青年项目),目前任哈尔滨工业大学电气学院教授。 研究方向:电磁超声无损检测技术,金属无损评估技术,超声流量检测技术 科研成果:作为骨干成员参加国家自然科学基金、英国自然科学基金项目等多项。发表SCI学术论文20余篇,获得华威大学物理系2019年度优秀博士后论文第二名 (第一名为Nature论文),申请国际发明专利2项,授权中国发明专利8项。 教育经历 名称 1. 2010年9月-2014年11月,哈尔滨工业大学,电力电子与电力传动学科,获工学博士学位 2. 2008年9月-2010年07月,哈尔滨工业大学,电气工程学科 ,获工学硕士学位 3. 2004年9月-2008年07月,哈尔滨工业大学,电气工程及其自动化,获工学学士学位 工作经历 名称 2022年03月-至今,哈尔滨工业大学,教授 2019年12月-2022年01月,英国华威大学,Research Fellow (Permanent) 2014年12月-2019年11月,英国华威大学,Research Fellow (Contract) 招生信息 名称 招生方向: 1. 电磁超声无损检测技术 (1) 缺陷检测与评估 (2) 应力检测与寿命预测 (3) 结构健康监测 2. 脉冲涡流检测技术 3. 超声液体流量检测技术 科研项目 名称 2022.01-2024.12,引才计划青年项目,金属材料电磁超声无损检测与健康诊断技术研究。 2022.03-2023.12,自然基金面上项目,超高温下金属材料电磁超声检测技术研究。 2021.11-2022.01,Innovate UK, SBRI Global Rail Export Innovation for Australia, Canada and India Train-based Rapid Ultrasonic Scanning of Track (TRUST)。 2019.09-2021.08,Warwick Venture企业创新项目,Clamp-on Ultrasonic Flow Measurement。 2018.12-2019.06,Rolls-Royce企业合作项目,Improvement and Optimization of Miniature Eddy Current Transducers by Warwick University。 2017-11-2018.06,EDF Energy企业合作项目,Plant Integrity Sensor Performance Failure Testing and Characterisation。 2014.12-2017.11,UK EPSRC,Magnetic Monitoring of Corrosion in Pipelines。 期刊论文 名称 Xi Li, Shujuan Wang, Zhanpeng Li, Runjie Yang and Zhichao Li. Measurement of bolt axial stress using a combination of trailing wave and shear wave ultrasound, NDT and E International, 2024, 143: 103056. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ndteint.2024.103056. Songtao Hu, Zhichao Li, Runjie Yang, Dongmei Wang, Guofu Zhai and Steve Dixon. Cut-off frequency analysis of SH-like guided waves in the three-dimensional component with variable width, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1080/10589759.2023.2299794. Chuanliu Jiang, Zhichao Li and Shujuan Wang. Enhancement of the spatial resolution using a novel Rayleigh wave EMAT based on temporal-spatial pulse compression, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023, 23(24): 30170-30178. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2023.3328854. Chuanliu Jiang, Zhichao Li and Shujuan Wang. Generation of ultrashort Rayleigh wave pulses using the combination of temporal and spatial pulse compression technique, Physica Scripta, 2023, 98: 125016. https://doi.org/10.1088/1402-4896/ad0c8f. Bao Liang, Zhichao Li, Steve Dixon, Yang Yu and Guofu Zhai. Development of a magnetostrictive Fe3O4-film electromagnetic acoustic transducer, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2023, 361: 114593. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sna.2023.114593. Chuanliu Jiang, Zhichao Li, Zeyang Zhang, and Shujuan Wang. A new design to Rayleigh wave EMAT based on spatial pulse compression, Sensors, 2023, 23(8): 3943. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23083943. Bao Liang, Zhichao Li, Guofu Zhai, Runjie Yang, Xu Zhang and Steve Dixon. Enhancing the lift-off performance of EMATs by applying an Fe3O4 coating to a test specimen, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023, 72, 9502104. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIM.2022.3223076. Zhengyang Qu, Zhichao Li, Runjie Yang, Songtao Hu and Shujuan Wang. Extending the incidence angle of shear vertical wave electromagnetic acoustic transducer with horizontal magnetization, Sensors, 2022, 22(22), 8589. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22228589. William E. Somerset, Andrew Feeney, Lei Kang, Zhichao Li and Steve Dixon. Design and dynamics of oil filled flexural ultrasonic transducers for elevated pressures, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022, 22(13): 12673-12680. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2022.3178751. Amanda To, Zhichao Li and Steve Dixon. Improved detection of surface defects at sample edges using high-frequency eddy current amplitude and phase measurements, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2022, 37(6): 795-819. https://doi.org/10.1080/10589759.2022.2063858. Luke Smith, Zhichao Li and Steve Dixon. Transducer design for clamp-on guided wave flow measurement in thin-walled pipes, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022, 22(11): 10613-10619. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2022.3169283. Lunci Xiang, Steve Dixon, Claire B. Thring, Zhichao Li, Rachel S. Edwards. Lift-off performance of electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs) for surface acoustic wave generation, NDT & E International, 2022, 126: 102576. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ndteint.2021.102576. Steve Dixon, Zhichao Li, Matt Baker, Xhorxh Bushi and Luke Smith. Clamp-on measurements of fluid flow in small-diameter metal pipes using ultrasonic guided waves, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 70: 1-3. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIM.2021.3120142. Amanda To, Zhichao Li and Steve Dixon. Improved eddy current testing sensitivity using phase information, Insight - Non-Destructive Testing and Condition, 2021, 63(10): 578-584. https://doi.org/10.1784/insi.2021.63.10.578. Zhichao Li, Luke Smith and Steve Dixon. Design of miniature clamp-on ultrasonic flow measurement transducers, IEEE Sensors Letters, 2021, 5(6): 2500604. https://doi.org/10.1109/LSENS.2021.3081760. Zhichao Li, Foz Hughes, Noel Kerr, Richard Wilson and Steve Dixon. Liquid flow measurement using silicone polymer wedge clamp-on ultrasonic transducers, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020, 69(7): 5157-5165. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIM.2019.2954235. Zhichao Li, Steve Dixon, Peter Cawley, Rollo Jarvis, Peter B, Nagy and Sandra Cabeza. Experimental studies of the magneto-mechanical memory (MMM) technique using permanently installed magnetic sensor arrays, NDT and E International, 2017, 92: 136-148. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ndteint.2017.07.019. Zhichao Li, Rollo Jarvis, Peter B. Nagy, Steve Dixon and Peter Cawley. Experimental and simulation methods to study the magnetic tomography method (MTM) for pipe defect detection, NDT and E International, 2017, 92: 59-66. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ndteint.2017.07.018. Zhichao Li and Steve Dixon. A closed-loop operation to improve GMR sensor accuracy, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2016, 16(15): 6003-6007. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2016.2580742. 王淑娟, 李智超, 李鹏展, 翟国富. 非铁磁材料表面波电磁超声换能器接收性能分析与优化设计, 中国电机工程学报, 2015, 9: 2360-2365. Shujuan Wang, Zhichao Li, Pengzhan Li, Xin Liu and Guofu Zhai. Numerical and experimental evaluation of the receiving performance of meander-line coil EMATs, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2014, 29(4): 269-282. https://doi.org/10.1080/10589759.2014.941838. Zhichao Li, Weiting Zhai, Riliang Su and Lei Kang. Coil parameter analysis of meander-line coil electromagnetic acoustic transducer-based Rayleigh waves, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2014, 36(2): 155-163. https://doi.org/10.1177/0142331213499808. Zhichao Li, Shujuan Wang, Pengzhan Li, Heng Zhang and Guofu Zhai. Coupled finite element model for the pulse-echo behavior of electromagnetic acoustic transducers, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition), 2013, 22: 90-94. Lei Kang, Shujuan Wang, Zhichao Li and Guofu Zhai. Optimal design of surface wave EMATs for enhancing their ultrasonic signal strength, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2012, 131(4): 3466. https://doi.org/10.1121/1.4709067. Shujuan Wang, Lei Kang, Zhichao Li, Guofu Zhai and Long Zhang. 3-D modeling and analysis of meander-line-coil surface wave EMATs, Mechatronics, 2012, 22(6): 653-660. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-15597-0_51. 王淑娟, 康磊, 李智超, 翟国富; 电磁超声换能器三维有限元分析及优化设计, 中国 电机工程学报, 2009, 30: 123-128. 会议论文 名称 Qi Liang, Zhichao Li, Shujuan Wang, Ce Li and Zeyang Zhang. Research on broadband electromagnetic acoustic transducer for pipe structure health monitoring, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks (ICICN 2023). Qi Liang, Ce Li, Zhichao Li and Shujuan Wang. Research on defect evaluation method of aluminum plate based on frequency-sweep SH guided wave, 2023 IEEE Far East Forum on Nondestructive Evaluation/Testing: New Technology & Application (IEEE FENDT 2023). William Somerset, Andrew Feeney, Lei Kang, Zhichao Li and Steve Dixon. Oil filled flexural ultrasonic transducers for resilience in environments of elevated pressure, 2021 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). https://doi.org/10.1109/IUS52206.2021.9593697. Lunci Xiang, Steve Dixon, David Greenshields, Claire B. Thring, Zhichao Li and Rachel S. Edwards. Generation of Rayleigh waves using a phased electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) array, 2020 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). https://doi.org/10.1109/IUS46767.2020.9251609. Zhichao Li, Steve Dixon, Peter Cawley, Rollo Jarvis and Peter B. Nagy. Study of metal magnetic memory (MMM) technique using permanently installed magnetic sensor arrays, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017, 1806(1): 110011. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4974689. Shujuan Wang, Zhichao Li, Pengzhan Li, Riliang Su and Guofu Zhai; Modeling and analysis of Rayleigh waves generated by meander-line coil EMATs, The 2013 International Congress on Ultrasonics (ICU2013). https://doi.org/10.3850/978-981-07-5938-4_P0208. Shujuan Wang, Zhichao Li, Lei Kang and Guofu Zhai. Influence of coil parameters on Rayleigh waves excited by meander line coil EMATs, ICSEE 2012, 94-103. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-37105-9_11. Shujuan Wang, Zhichao Li, Lei Kang, Xiaoguang Hu and Xiao Zhang. Modeling and comparison of three bulk wave EMATs, IECON 2011. https://doi.org/10.1109/IECON.2011.6119728. Shujuan Wang, Lei Kang, Zhichao Li, Guofu Zhai and Long Zhang. A novel method for modeling and analysis of meander-line-coil surface wave EMATs. ICSEE 2010. Zhichao Li, Lei Kang, Shujuan Wang and Guofu Zhai. Modeling and analysis of surface wave EMAT and its acoustic field, ICIEA 2010. 专利列表 名称 翟国富, 梁宝, 李智超, 李茜, 杨润杰. 高温电磁超声换能器的多物理场-电路协同模拟系统及方法, 2023-09-21, 中国, 申请号: CN202311228542.X. 李智超, 王雪松, 马林. 双向外夹式流量检测超声换能器及流量检测方法, 2023-09-08, 中国, 申请号: CN202311157589.1. 李智超, 王雪松, 马林. 收发一体双工式流量检测超声换能器, 2023-09-08, 中国, 申请号: CN202311157592.3. 王淑娟, 梁琪, 李智超, 李策. 用于金属管道缺陷成像的电磁超声复合式换能器, 2023-07-25, 中国, 申请号: CN202310918829.9. 王淑娟, 李茜, 李智超, 李展鹏, 章泽阳. 一种基于纵波与尾随波结合测量螺栓轴力的方法, 2023-07-11, 中国, ZL202211492708.4. 王淑娟, 李茜, 李智超, 毛晓刚, 李展鹏, 王德栋. 一种基于一次尾随波与横波结合的螺栓轴力测量方法. 2023-06-09, 中国, ZL202211492723.9. Steve Dixon, Andrew Feeney, Lei Kang and Zhichao Li. Fluid flow measuring apparatus, 2021-11-10. Published as GB2612778A; WO2023084211A2. Steve Dixon and Zhichao Li. Ultrasonic flow measurement, 2020-05-18. Published as EP4153950A1; GB2595224A; WO2021234350A1. Steve Dixon, Zhichao Li and Jonathan Harrington. Clamp-on ultrasonic transducer, 2018-09-13. Published as EP3850313A1; GB2577093A; US2021325218A1; WO2020053554A1. 王淑娟, 李智超, 高孝天, 苏日亮, 刘博, 许霁, 李永虔, 康磊, 翟国富. 电磁超声表面波接收换能器设计方法, 2015-08-19, 中国, ZL201310099465.2. 王淑娟, 李智超, 汪开灿, 蒋韬, 米武军, 信鹏皓, 翟国富. 一种可降低磁铁回波的电磁超声换能器, 2011-09-28, 中国, ZL200910073199.X. 王淑娟, 康磊, 李智超, 段伟亮, 许霁, 芦铭辉, 翟国富. 斜入射体波技术钢板自动检测方法及其装置, 2011-08-10, 中国, ZL200810137485.3. 王淑娟, 康磊, 李智超, 蒋韬, 苏日亮, 梁轩瑞, 翟国富. 电磁超声SH波技术钢板自动检测方法及其装置, 2011-05-25, 中国, ZL200810137488.7. 翟国富, 蒋韬, 米武军, 李智超, 苏日亮, 信鹏皓, 王淑娟. 一种列车车轮轮箍在线检测装置及方法, 2011-04-20, 中国, ZL200910073190.9. 王淑娟, 米武军, 康磊, 冯剑钊, 李智超, 苏日亮, 翟国富. 一种基于电磁超声斜入射体波的检测装置及方法, 2012-05-23, 中国, ZL200910073193.2.
