姓名 | 咸贵军 | 性别 | 咸贵军 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 土木工程学院 |
学位 | 咸贵军 | 学历 | 咸贵军 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 | 人气 | |
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Prof. Guijun XIAN People Publication Research News 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 咸贵军,教授/博士生导师,北京科技大学兼职教授。长期从事土木工程纤维复合材料 (FRP) 与结构研究,在FRP 及其增强结构耐久性机理与评价方法、绿色植物纤维 FRP 工程结构以及国产碳纤维FRP 性能提升及工程应用领域取得系列成果。主持十四五重点研发计划项目、十三五重点研发计划课题、十二五973课题、中欧地平线 2020 课题、国家自然基金面上项目以及重大工程应用项目。发表学术论文 250 余篇,SCI 收录 180余 篇。任先进土木工程材料学会副理事长、学术组织主任委员等职务 9 个,国际复合材料大会 (ICCM)、欧洲复合材料大会(ECCM)、亚太 FRP 结构大会 (APFIS) 等副主席、分会主席 18 次,SCI 与核心期刊编委 4 个。主参编 11 项国家、行业和团体标准规范;授权发明专利 35 项;获国家技术发明二等奖、教育部技术发明二等奖与黑龙江省自然科学二等奖等 4 项国家和省部级科技奖。 2022年入选国家级高层次人才,2009年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划,2021-2023年入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单。 招生信息 名称 欢迎土木工程、结构工程、力学、纤维复合材料、高分子材料等专业同学报考硕、博研究生。 2017 名称 2016 名称 2013 Graduate Students / 2013 研究生 名称 Publication 名称 Journal Papers: Bin Hong, Guijun Xian*, DURABILITY STUDY OF PULTRUDED CFRP PLATES SUBJECTED TO WATER IMMERSION, Advances in Structural Engineering, Accepted, 2017. Zhongjie Zhao, Xiaosu Yi, Guijun Xian, Fabricating structural adhesive bonds with highelectrical conductivity, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, accepted, 2016. Zike Wang, Xiao-Ling. Zhao, Guijun Xian, Gang Wu, R.K. Raman Singh, Saad Al-Saadi and Asadul Haque, Long-term Durability of Basalt- and Glass- Fibre Reinforced Polymer (BFRP/GFRP) Bars in Seawater and Sea Sand Concrete Environment, Construction & Building Materials, Accepted, 2016. Zhongyu Lu, Guijun Xian, Hui Li. Resistance of Basalt Fibers to Elevated Temperatures and Water or Alkaline Solution Immersion. Polymer Composites, accepted, 2016. Jun He,Guijun Xian,Debonding of CFRP-to-steel joints with CFRP delamination, Composite Structures, 153 (2016) 12–20 Research Interests 名称 Advanced FRP composites, including carbon fiber, basalt fiber and natural fiber reinforced FRPs Manufacturing FRP composites (pultrusion, winding, compression, etc.) Durability of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites Bonds between FRPs to steel and concrete substracts Applications of FRP in civil engineering Laboratory for Fiber Composites and Structures (LFCS) 新闻标题 Visit of Prof. Hiroyuki Hamada from Kyoto Institute of Technology 发布时间 2011-12-29 We are very plesant to notice Prof. Hiroyuki Hamada (滨田泰以) from Kyoto Institute of Technology (Japan) will visit the School of Civil Engineering (HIT) during Dec. 18 to 24. Prof. Hamada will give 5 lectures on the latest advancement of polymer composites. Some meetings on cooperative projects between us will be held during his stay. Prof. Hiroyuki Hamada was appointed Guest Professor of our school this year. Prof. Hamada is the director of Future-Applied Conventional Technology Centre in Kyoto Institute of Technology. Prof. Hamada received his doctoral degree from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Doshisya University, Japan in 1985. After that he worked at Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute for 4 years and then joined the Division of Advanced Fibro science in Kyoto Institute of Technology. He got the professor title in 1998. He has been the director of Venture Laboratory of the Graduate School and dean of the Division of Advanced Fibro Science. Currently he was selected to be the director of Future-Applied Conventional Technology Centre in Kyoto Institute of Technology. August 20, 2011, Prof. Hiroyuki was appointed Visiting Professor of HIT 新闻标题 Prof. Xiao-Su Yi was appointed Guest Professor of HIT 发布时间 2011-12-29 Dec. 27th, 2011 Prof. Xiao-Su Yi was appointed Guest Professor of Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) http://news.hit.edu.cn/articles/2011/12-28/12084256.htm http://civil.hit.edu.cn/show.php?id=2777 新闻标题 2012 Chinese New Year Holiday from January 15 to Februry 25, 2012 发布时间 2012-01-18 Best wishes to you and your families. 新闻标题 New Hot-Compression Molding Machine Arrived on Feb. 13, 2012 发布时间 2013-06-03 To manufacture FRP plates, a new compression machine was ordered in January, 2012. Today, the machine arrived and set up in the Laboratory for FRP Composites and Strcutres (LFCS). The basic parameters of the machine is listed as follows: 1) Pressure Capacity: 50 tons; 2) Plate size: 400 mm x 400 m; 3) Maximum temperature ~250 C; 4) Manual. 新闻标题 Master students graduated, July 2012 发布时间 2012-07-13 Following Baocheng, Xiaoyan Li, Zike Wang and Bin Hong were also confered their Master's degrees. Congratulation! Xiaoyan will work in Beijing, and Zike and Bin will continue studying in our group for PhD degrees. Best wishes to all of you! 新闻标题 Baocheng Yue was conferred Master@#%s Degree on Mach 2012 发布时间 2012-04-08 Congratulation. Greatly appreciate his valuable contribution to our group. 新闻标题 Welcome New Students, Sept. 2012 发布时间 2012-09-16 There are ten new students joining us this semester. Amone them, Zike Wang and Bin Hong graduated this July and continue pursuing PhD degrees. Mr. Hongguang Wang and Mr. Yunfeng Pan joint us also for PhD degrees. Chenggao Li, Miaomiao Yang, Tiebiao Jin, Ning Li and Innocent Kyofodya will pursue Master Degrees. Mr. Dimitri Horn came from Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany and will study at HIT for a half of year. Welcome and wish you all enjoy the stay. 新闻标题 Good News: Yunfeng PAN and Jun HE will join us as PhD students, March 2013 发布时间 2013-06-03 Both Yunfeng and Jun passed the evaluation of the Graduate Admission Committe of HIT, based on their excellent research background, and will join us March 2013 as new PhD students. Believe they will enjoy the study in our group and be more successful in the folllowing years. Welcome warmly! 新闻标题 1.Testing Machines 发布时间 2012-01-31 Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC);Thermal Mechanical Analysis (TMA);Microhardner;Single fiber tensile test machine;Fiber contact angle measurement machine;Viscomete;Tensile machine (10 ~ 250 tons) ...... 新闻标题 2.Durability Research Setups 发布时间 2012-01-31 Isothermal water bath, freeze thaw oven (temperature and humidity controlled), isothermal humidit chamber...... 新闻标题 Introduction of the Laboratory for Fiber Composites and Structures 发布时间 2012-02-04 The Laboratory for Fiber Composites and Structures (LFCS) was equipped with various testing machines for characterization of mechancial, thermal and chemical properties of fibers, resin and FRP composites, durability testing setups (such as freeze thaw testing oven, isothermal water bath etc.), and composite manufacturing machines (such as pultrusion machine, mixing machines etc.). News / 新闻 新闻标题 Visit of Prof. Hiroyuki Hamada from Kyoto Institute of Technology 发布时间 2011-12-29 We are very plesant to notice Prof. Hiroyuki Hamada (滨田泰以) from Kyoto Institute of Technology (Japan) will visit the School of Civil Engineering (HIT) during Dec. 18 to 24. Prof. Hamada will give 5 lectures on the latest advancement of polymer composites. Some meetings on cooperative projects between us will be held during his stay. Prof. Hiroyuki Hamada was appointed Guest Professor of our school this year. Prof. Hamada is the director of Future-Applied Conventional Technology Centre in Kyoto Institute of Technology. Prof. Hamada received his doctoral degree from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Doshisya University, Japan in 1985. After that he worked at Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute for 4 years and then joined the Division of Advanced Fibro science in Kyoto Institute of Technology. He got the professor title in 1998. He has been the director of Venture Laboratory of the Graduate School and dean of the Division of Advanced Fibro Science. Currently he was selected to be the director of Future-Applied Conventional Technology Centre in Kyoto Institute of Technology. August 20, 2011, Prof. Hiroyuki was appointed Visiting Professor of HIT 新闻标题 Prof. Xiao-Su Yi was appointed Guest Professor of HIT 发布时间 2011-12-29 Dec. 27th, 2011 Prof. Xiao-Su Yi was appointed Guest Professor of Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) http://news.hit.edu.cn/articles/2011/12-28/12084256.htm http://civil.hit.edu.cn/show.php?id=2777 新闻标题 2012 Chinese New Year Holiday from January 15 to Februry 25, 2012 发布时间 2012-01-18 Best wishes to you and your families. 新闻标题 New Hot-Compression Molding Machine Arrived on Feb. 13, 2012 发布时间 2013-06-03 To manufacture FRP plates, a new compression machine was ordered in January, 2012. Today, the machine arrived and set up in the Laboratory for FRP Composites and Strcutres (LFCS). The basic parameters of the machine is listed as follows: 1) Pressure Capacity: 50 tons; 2) Plate size: 400 mm x 400 m; 3) Maximum temperature ~250 C; 4) Manual. 新闻标题 Master students graduated, July 2012 发布时间 2012-07-13 Following Baocheng, Xiaoyan Li, Zike Wang and Bin Hong were also confered their Master's degrees. Congratulation! Xiaoyan will work in Beijing, and Zike and Bin will continue studying in our group for PhD degrees. Best wishes to all of you! 新闻标题 Baocheng Yue was conferred Master@#%s Degree on Mach 2012 发布时间 2012-04-08 Congratulation. Greatly appreciate his valuable contribution to our group. 新闻标题 Welcome New Students, Sept. 2012 发布时间 2012-09-16 There are ten new students joining us this semester. Amone them, Zike Wang and Bin Hong graduated this July and continue pursuing PhD degrees. Mr. Hongguang Wang and Mr. Yunfeng Pan joint us also for PhD degrees. Chenggao Li, Miaomiao Yang, Tiebiao Jin, Ning Li and Innocent Kyofodya will pursue Master Degrees. Mr. Dimitri Horn came from Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany and will study at HIT for a half of year. Welcome and wish you all enjoy the stay. 新闻标题 Good News: Yunfeng PAN and Jun HE will join us as PhD students, March 2013 发布时间 2013-06-03 Both Yunfeng and Jun passed the evaluation of the Graduate Admission Committe of HIT, based on their excellent research background, and will join us March 2013 as new PhD students. Believe they will enjoy the study in our group and be more successful in the folllowing years. Welcome warmly! 新闻标题 1.Testing Machines 发布时间 2012-01-31 Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC);Thermal Mechanical Analysis (TMA);Microhardner;Single fiber tensile test machine;Fiber contact angle measurement machine;Viscomete;Tensile machine (10 ~ 250 tons) ...... 新闻标题 2.Durability Research Setups 发布时间 2012-01-31 Isothermal water bath, freeze thaw oven (temperature and humidity controlled), isothermal humidit chamber...... 新闻标题 Introduction of the Laboratory for Fiber Composites and Structures 发布时间 2012-02-04 The Laboratory for Fiber Composites and Structures (LFCS) was equipped with various testing machines for characterization of mechancial, thermal and chemical properties of fibers, resin and FRP composites, durability testing setups (such as freeze thaw testing oven, isothermal water bath etc.), and composite manufacturing machines (such as pultrusion machine, mixing machines etc.).