

姓名 彭高亮 性别 彭高亮
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 机电工程学院
学位 彭高亮 学历 彭高亮
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基本信息 科学研究 教育教学 学术论文 招生信息 课题组新闻 实验设备 ... 课题组新闻 实验设备 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 彭高亮,男,汉族,1979年生,教授/博士生导师,国家级高层次人才,哈尔滨工业大学机电控制及自动化系主任。 主要从事特种机器人和特种车辆装备技术研究,研究方向包括机器人技术、新型机构及控制技术、智能控制与驱动技术、智能传感与监测技术、边缘计算与深度学习技术等。主持国家自然科学基金4项、国家863计划和国家04专项各1项,承担了30余项国家部委的预研课题和型号研制。共发表学术论文90多篇,其中SCI来源期刊60余篇,共计引用4300多次,单篇最高引用1185次,ESI高被引论文4篇(入选2018年中国百篇最具影响力国际学术论文1篇),申请发明专利56项,授权42项,获部级技术发明一等奖(排1),黑龙江省自然科学二等奖(排1)和科技进步二等奖(排5)各1项。 工作经历 名称 时间 工作经历 2007年8月—至今 哈工大 机电工程学院机电控制及自动化系 教师 2011年10月—2013年5月 哈工大 机电工程学院机电控制及自动化系 副主任 2013年5月—2015年8月 哈工大 机电工程学院 院长助理 2013年4月—至今 哈工大机械电子工程学科 博士生导师 2014年12月—至今 哈工大 机电工程学院机电控制及自动化系 主 任 教育经历 名称 1997年9月— 2001年7月 哈尔滨工业大学 机械制造及其自动化专业 本科 2001年9月— 2003年9月 哈尔滨工业大学 机械电子工程专业 硕士 2003年9月— 2007年3月 哈尔滨工业大学 航空宇航制造工程专业 博士 2007年9月— 2012年7月 哈尔滨工业大学 生物计算研究中心 博士后 主要任职 名称 IEEE会员 中国宇航协会会员 团队成员 名称 金天国: 副教授, 研究方向: 数字化设计与制造技术 张旭堂: 副教授, 研究方向: 逆向工程技术 白相林: 讲师,研究方向:机器人技术 研究领域 名称 在机械电子工程学科招收硕士研究生和博士研究生。 主要研究方向: (1) 数字化设计与制造技术 (2) 机器人伺服控制技术 (3) 特种装备新型机构及控制技术 (4) 特种装备智能监测与状态评估技术 承担科研项目 名称 作为第一负责人主持项目如下: 国家自然科学基金面上项目,大型雷达低速重载轴承早期故障在线智能诊断技术研究,2023/01-2026/12,54万元。 国家自然科学基金面上项目,面向复杂服役环境的大型雷达天线自动对接方法与关键技术研究,2019/01-2022/12,60万元。 国家自然科学基金面上项目,深井极端工况下机械密封磨损过程的多尺度模拟仿真与预测,2013/01-2016/12,80万元。 国家 "863"计划,面向野外环境的四足仿生机器人实用技术研发,2015/01-2017/12,83万元。 “高档数控机床与基础制造装备”专项,大型金属壳段快速研制生产线,2016/01-2018/12 ,209.98万元。 讲授课程 名称 一、本科生专业基础课《机电系统控制基础》 课程编码:SC08100400 课程名称:机电系统控制基础 课程英文名称: The Control Theory for Electromechanical Systems 总学时:58 讲课学时:46 实验学时:12 学分:3.5 授课对象:机械设计制造及其自动化专业、飞行器制造工程专业本科生 开课学期:大三秋季学期 先修课程: 电工学、自动控制元件、复变函数和线性代数 教材:自编 主要参考书: 1. 杨叔子.机械工程控制基础. 华中科技大学出版社.2011(第六版). 2. 董景新. 控制工程基础. 清华大学出版社. 2009 (第三版) 课程简介: 本课程主要讲授控制理论的基本原理与基本知识及其在机械工程中的应用,以典型机电系统角位置伺服系统为例,贯彻控制系统建模、分析及设计的始终,主要介绍机电系统的数学模型的建立方法、传递函数及结构图;典型一阶、二阶及高阶系统的时域分析;典型环节的频率特性极坐标图、对数坐标图及频率特性的性能指标分析;控制系统的稳定性判据及相对稳定性分析、稳态误差的计算;机电系统的校正方法和装置设计;计算机控制系统的组成、PID离散化方法及改进。 二、本科生创新研修课《多机器人协作探索技术》 课程编码:IR08003100 中文名称:多机器人协作探索技术 英文名称:Multi-robot cooperation and control technology 学 时:20 学 分:2 授课对象:全校机械类和电控类专业的本科生 开课时间:春秋 课程简介: 多移动机器人系统具有广泛的应用前景, 已成为机器人学的研究热点之一。探索未知环境并建立环境地图,在完成任务中具有准确的定位能力是对高性能多机器人系统的要求,成为近年来多机器人系统研究的重点。这些问题的研究具有许多潜在的应用前景,如危险环境探索、侦察、清扫核废料等。本课程从多机器人的特点与基本原理出发,介绍多机器人技术的研究现状与发展趋势,并重点讲授未知环境下多移动机器人的协作探索实现技术,包括:体系结构、通信与协调机制、路径规划和同时定位与地图构建(SLAM)技术等。在讲授基本理论方法的基础上,开展基于仿真软件平台和实物样机实验系统相结合的实践教学,包括简单结构化未知环境下路径规划与避障算法和快速SLAM算法的编制与测试实践。通过本创新研修课的学习,可使学生对多机器人技术形成系统的认识,掌握多机器人协作探索关键技术,开拓学生的学术视野和创新思维,培养学生跨学科领域思考问题和解决问题的能力。 发表论文 名称 A.学术论文: 2023年: · Liu S, Peng G, Li Z, et al. Low-frequency vibration isolation via an elastic origami-inspired structure[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023: 108622.【TOP】 · Mengyu Ji, Gaoliang Peng, Sijue Li,Wentao Huang,Weihua Li and Zhixiong Li, Iterative-AMC: a novel model compression and structure optimization method in mechanical system safety monitoring. Structural Health Monitoring. [Accept]【TOP】 · Liu S, Peng G, Li Z, et al. Nonlinear stiffness analysis and programming of a composite origami metamaterial with embedded joint-type metastructures[J]. Composite Structures, 2023: 116761.【TOP】 · Liu S, Peng G, Li Z, et al. Design and experimental study of an origami-inspired constant-force mechanism[J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2023, 179: 105117.【TOP】 2022年: · Li S, Liu F, Peng G, et al. A Lightweight SHM Framework Based on Adaptive Multisensor Fusion Network and Multigeneration Knowledge Distillation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.2022, 71, 1-19. · Jiang Y, Huang W, Wang W, Peng G. A complete dynamics model of defective bearings considering the three-dimensional defect area and the spherical cage pocket[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023, 185: 109743.【TOP】 · Ji M, Peng G, Li S, et al. A neural network compression method based on knowledge-distillation and parameter quantization for the bearing fault diagnosis[J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2022: 109331.【TOP】 · Liu S, Peng G, Li Z, et al. Analytical jump-avoidance criteria of Duffing-type vibration isolation systems under base and force excitations based on concave-convex property[J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2022: 10775463221110653. ·Wang Z, Huang W, Yi C, et al. Multisource cross-domain fault diagnosis of rolling bearing based on subdomain adaptation network[J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2022. ·Zhang Z, Peng G, Wang W, et al. Prediction-Based Human-Robot Collaboration in Assembly Tasks Using a Learning from Demonstration Model[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(11): 4279. ·Cheng F, Liang Z, Peng G, et al. An Anti-UAV Long-Term Tracking Method with Hybrid Attention Mechanism and Hierarchical Discriminator[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(10): 3701. ·Y Sun, G Peng, K Jin, S Liu, P Gardoni, Z Li. Force/motion transmissibility analysis and parameters optimization of hybrid mechanisms with prescribed workspace. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2022,139: 264-277 ·Liu S, Sun Y, Peng G, et al. Development of a novel 6-DOF hybrid serial-parallel mechanism for pose adjustment of large-volume components[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2022, 236(5): 2099-2114. · Li S, Peng G, Ji M, et al. Impact identification of composite cylinder based on improved deep metric learning model and weighted fusion Tikhonov regularized total least squares[J]. Composite Structures, 2022, 283: 115144.【TOP】 · Liu S, Peng G, Jin K. Towards accurate modeling of the Tachi-Miura origami in vibration isolation platform with geometric nonlinear stiffness and damping[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022.【TOP】 · 2021年: · Liu S, Peng G, Jin K. Design and characteristics of a novel QZS vibration isolation system with origami-inspired corrector[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021: 1-23.【TOP】 · Li S, Peng G, Mao D, et al. Intelligent Fault Diagnosis Using Limited Data Under Different Working Conditions Based on SEflow Model and Data Augmentation[M]//Advances in Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing. Springer, Singapore, 2021: 475-484. · G Peng, M Ji, Y Xue, Y Sun. Development of a novel integrated automated assembly system for large volume components in outdoor environment[J]. Measurement 168, 108294 · Z Zhu, L Wang, G Peng, S Li.WDA: An Improved Wasserstein Distance-Based Transfer Learning Fault Diagnosis Method[J].Sensors 21 (13), 4394 ·Ji M, Peng G, He J, et al. A Two-Stage, Intelligent Bearing-Fault-Diagnosis Method Using Order-Tracking and a One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network with Variable Speeds[J]. Sensors, 2021, 21(3): 675. 2020年: ·Peng G, Ji M, Xue Y, Sun Y, Development of a novel integrated automated assembly system for large volume components in outdoor environment, Measurement,2020,108294, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2020.108294. ·Chen Y, Peng G, Zhu Z, et al. A novel deep learning method based on attention mechanism for bearing remaining useful life prediction[J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2020, 86: 105919. 【ESI高被引论文】 · Fengyu Xu, Fanchang Meng, Quansheng Jiang, Gaoliang Peng,Grappling claws for a robot to climb rough wall surfaces: Mechanical design, grasping algorithm, and experiments,Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2020, 128:103501. 2019年: · He J, Peng G L, Yu L T, et al. Establishment and application of heat flow coupling model[J]. Thermal Science, 2019, 23(1): 207-218. ·Zhang Z, Wang W, Chen Y, et al. Prediction of Human Actions in Assembly Process by a Spatial-Temporal End-to-End Learning Model[R]. SAE Technical Paper, 2019. · Zhang L, Shan X, Liu Y, et al. Reducing the drag of underwater vehicle in the shape of a small boat by using piezoelectric transducers[C]//IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Publishing, 2019, 531(1): 012090. ·Zhang C, Shan X, Peng G, et al. Modeling and simulation of the structural and electrical characteristics for a polarized piezoelectric sensor actuator[C]//IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Publishing, 2019, 531(1): 012053. · Wen S, Qi H, Niu Z, et al. Online estimation of boundary heat flux of participating media by an extented Kalman filtering technique[C]//Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Radiative Transfer, RAD-19. Begel House Inc., 2019. · Liu S, Peng G, Gao H. Dynamic modeling and terminal sliding mode control of a 3-DOF redundantly actuated parallel platform[J]. Mechatronics, 2019, 60: 26-33. ·Zhu Z, Peng G, Chen Y, et al. A convolutional neural network based on a capsule network with strong generalization for bearing fault diagnosis[J]. Neurocomputing, 2019, 323: 62-75. 【ESI高被引论文】 2018年: ·Peng G, Sun Y, Xu S. Development of an Integrated Laser Sensors Based Measurement System for Large-Scale Components Automated Assembly Application[J]. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 45646-45654. · Zhang W, Li C, Peng G, et al. A deep convolutional neural network with new training methods for bearing fault diagnosis under noisy environment and different working load[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018, 100: 439-453.【ESI热点论文】 · Chen Y, Peng G, Xie C, et al. ACDIN: Bridging the gap between artificial and real bearing damages for bearing fault diagnosis[J]. Neurocomputing, 2018, 294: 61-71. 2017年: ·Zhang W, Peng G, Li C, et al. A New Deep Learning Model for Fault Diagnosis with Good Anti-Noise and Domain Adaptation Ability on Raw Vibration Signals[J]. Sensors, 2017, 17(2): 425. 【ESI高被引论文】 · Li C, Zhang W, Peng G, et al. Bearing Fault Diagnosis Using Fully-Connected Winner-Take-All Autoencoder[J]. IEEE Access, 2017.[SCI] · Zhang W, Peng G, Li C. Bearings fault diagnosis based on convolutional neural networks with 2-D representation of vibration signals as input[C]//MATEC Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences, 2017, 95: 13001. ·Zhang W, Peng G, Li C. Rolling element bearings fault intelligent diagnosis based on convolutional neural networks using raw sensing signal[M]//Advances in Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing. Springer, Cham, 2017: 77-84. 2016年: · Gaoliang Peng, Yu Sun, Rui Han, Chuanhao Li, Shaohui Liu. A measuring method for large antenna assembly using laser and vision guiding technology. Measurement, Volume 92, October 2016, pp. 400-412 ·Gaoliang Peng, Zhujun Zhang, Weiquan Li. Computer vision algorithm for measurement and inspection of O-rings. Measurement, Volume 94, December 2016,pp. 828-836 · Gaoliang Peng Yu Sun Rui Han Chuanhao Li, (2016),"An automated assembly technology for large mobile radar antenna", Assembly Automation, Vol.36 Iss 4 pp. 429-438 2016年以前: ·Peng Gaoliang, Wang Gongdong, Liu Wenjian, Yu Haiquan. A desktop virtual reality-based interactive modular fixture configuration design system. Computer-Aided Design. 2010, 42(5): 432-444. · Peng Gaoliang Chen Guangfeng, Wu Chong, Xin Hou,Jiang Yang. Applying CBR and RBR to develop a VR based integrated system for machining fixture design, Expert Systems with Applications. 2011, 38 (1): 26-38. ·Peng Gaoliang, Xin Hou, Chong Wu, et al. Fast collision detection approach to facilitate interactive modular fixture assembly design in a virtual environment. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2010, 46:315-328. · Peng Gaoliang, Chen Guangfeng, Liu Xinhua. Using CBR to develop a VR based integrated system for machining fixture design, Assembly Automation. 2010 ,30 (3): 228-239 · Peng Gaoliang, Yu Haiquan, Liu Xinhua. A desktop virtual reality-based integrated system for complex product maintainability design and verification, Assembly Automation. 2010, 30(4):333–344 ·Peng Gaoliang, Gao Jun, He Xu, Towards the development of a desktop virtual reality-based system for modular fixture configuration design, Assembly Automation. Vol.29, No.1, 2009:19–31. · Peng Gaoliang, He Xu, Yu Haiquan, Precise manipulation approach to facilitate interactive modular fixture assembly design in VE, Assembly Automation. Vol.28, No.3, 2008: 216-224 · Gaoliang Peng, Xin Hou, Jun Gao and Debin Cheng, A visualization system for integrating maintainability design and evaluation at product design stage. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2012, 61(1-4), pp 269-284 ·Gaoliang Peng, Yang Jiang, Jie Xu, Xin Li. A collaborative manufacturing execution platform for space product development enterprise. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2012, 62(5-8): 443-455 · Peng Gaoliang, He Jun, Yang Shaopeng, Application of the fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing for monitoring the liquid level of producing oil wells, Measurement, 2014,58:130-137 · Li Xin, and Peng Gaoliang. Research on leakage prediction calculation method for static seal ring in underground equipments. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2016, 30 (6): 2635-2641 · Li Xin, Peng Gaoliang, Li Zhe,Prediction of seal wear with thermal-structural coupled finite element method, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2014,83: 10-21 ·Zhang Xutang, Peng Gaoliang, Zhuang Ting, Hou Xin, knowledge reuse-based computer-aided fixture design framework, Assembly Automation, 2014 34(2):169-181 · Xinhua Liu, Gaoliang Peng, Xiumei Liu and Youfu Hou. Disassembly sequence planning approach for product virtual maintenance based on improved max–min ant system. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 59(5-8), pp 829-839, 2012 · Xinhua Liu, Gaoliang Peng, Xiumei Liu. Development of a collaborative virtual maintenance environment with agent technology. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 29(4), pp 173-181, 2010/10 ·Jiang Yang, Peng Gaoliang, Liu Wenjian. Research on ontology-based integration of product knowledge for collaborative manufacturing. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2010, 49 (9-12): 1209-1221 · Yu Haiquan, Peng Gaoliang, Liu Wenjian. A practical method for measuring product maintainability in a virtual environment. Assembly Automation, 31(1), pp 53-61, 2011 · Xu He, Gao Xiaozhi, Peng Gaoliang. Optimization of Reconfigurable Mobile Robots Based on Modified Harmony Search Method. Bio-inspired Computing: Theory and Applications special issue for Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. · Bi Feng-Yang, Jin Tian-Guo, Peng Gaoliang, Liu Wen-Jian. A rapid design and design knowledge management system for mould of autoclave forming resin matrix composite components. 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