

姓名 果立成 性别 果立成
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 航天学院
学位 果立成 学历 果立成
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基本信息 科学研究 教育教学及招生招聘 近期学术论文 论文专著 招生招聘 ... 招生招聘 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 果立成,男,教授,博士生导师。 入选国家级高层次人才、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,获得国家优秀青年科学基金、黑龙江省杰出青年科学基金资助和黑龙江省青年科技奖。现任哈尔滨工业大学航天科学与力学系主任,兼任中国力学学会固体力学专业委员会复合材料专业组组长、中国复合材料学会理事、黑龙江省力学学会副理事长、《固体力学学报》编委、中国航发商发-哈工大航空发动机复合材料与结构强度联合创新中心主任。主要从事航空航天复合材料及结构的破坏力学及多尺度仿真、非均匀材料断裂力学等研究。在国内外发表SCI收录论文100余篇。主讲课程入选首批国家级一流本科课程。曾获得国家自然科学二等奖、国家教学成果二等奖、教育部自然科学一等奖、黑龙江省青年科技奖等奖励。 荣誉称号及获奖 名称 科学研究方面: 入选国家级高层次人才 入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 国家自然科学二等奖 教育部自然科学一等奖 黑龙江省青年科技奖 黑龙江省自然科学二等奖 爱思唯尔中国高被引学者 教学与人才培养方面方面: 首批国家级一流本科课程负责人 国家教学成果二等奖 中国力学学会全国徐芝纶力学优秀教师奖 黑龙江省教学成果一等奖 黑龙江省普通高等学校学生工作先进个人 工作经历 名称 时间 工作经历 2004 年3 月-2005 年7 月 哈尔滨工业大学, 航天学院复合材料与结构研究所,讲师 2005 年8 月-2008 年6 月 哈尔滨工业大学, 航天学院复合材料与结构研究所,副教授 2004 年4 月-2006 年5 月 哈尔滨工业大学, 建筑设计研究院博士后工作站,博士后 2006 年6 月-2008 年6 月 日本静冈大学, 日本学术振兴会(JSPS)研究员 2008 年12 月-至今 哈尔滨工业大学, 航天学院航天科学与力学系,教授 2012 年2月-2012 年7月 日本京都大学, 高级访问学者 2014年7月-2014年8月 美国西北大学, 高级研究学者 教育经历 名称 1994年-1998年, 就读于哈尔滨工业大学, 汽车工程学院内燃机专业,本科 1998年-2000年, 就读于哈尔滨工业大学, 航天学院材料学专业,硕士 2000年-2004年, 就读于哈尔滨工业大学, 航天学院工程力学专业,博士 主要任职 名称 1.哈尔滨工业大学航天科学与力学系 主任 2.哈工大力学学科教授委员会 副主任 3. 中国力学学会固体力学专业委员会复合材料专业组 组长 4.中国复合材料学会 理事 5.黑龙江省力学学会 副理事长 6.结构冲击动力学航空科技重点实验室 学术委员会委员 7.中国力学学会电子电磁器件力学工作组成员 8.固体力学学报 编委 9.哈尔滨工业大学学报 编委 研究领域 名称 非均匀材料断裂力学 复合材料结构力学行为仿真 复合材料多尺度失效及智能仿真 复合材料破坏行为测试技术与基于人工智能的监测检测技术 纳米断裂力学 学生队伍 名称 王天舒,博士生,研究方向:功能梯度点阵结构力学 冯煜博, 博士生, 研究方向:复合材料力学 张翊东,博士生,研究方向:复合材料疲劳力学 刘刚,博士生,研究方向:复合材料损伤力学 杨永齐, 硕士生,研究方向 复合材料冲击动力学 黄山樵, 博士生,研究方向: 功能梯度材料断裂力学 沈日麟, 博士生,研究方向: 断裂力学相场法 廖峰, 博士生,研究方向: 编织复合材料疲劳寿命 李志兴, 博士生,研究方向: 编织复合材料疲劳仿真 闫佳,博士生,研究方向:基于相场法的复合材料损伤力学 赵九州, 博士生,研究方向: 复合材料冲击损伤 孙洋, 博士生,研究方向: 梯度复合材料点阵结构力学 贾鹏飞,博士生,研究方向:纳米断裂力学 李宇琨, 博士生,研究方向: 三维非均匀材料断裂力学仿真与实验 万育麟, 博士生,研究方向: 断裂力学相场法 黄金钊, 博士生,研究方向: 三维机织复合材料损伤力学 郑滔, 博士生,研究方向: 机织复合材料疲劳模型与损伤仿真 赵明慧, 博士生,研究方向: 极化材料断裂力学 石乾宇, 博士生,研究方向: 特种焊接结构断裂力学 申振, 博士生,研究方向: 断裂力学 孙锐坚, 博士生,研究方向: 复合材料界面力学 丁军峰, 博士生,研究方向: 复合材料断裂力学 唐子衡, 博士生,研究方向: 复合材料结构力学 黄琪, 博士生,研究方向: 三维编织复合材料疲劳与寿命 王晓宇, 博士生,研究方向: 复合材料鸟撞冲击行为 郝留磊 博士生,研究方向: 非均匀材料断裂力学 逯浩,硕士生 宗庆松,硕士生 刘思宇,硕士生 孙立达,硕士生 聂润炳,硕士生 陈天峥,硕士生 于尚洋,硕士生 骆扬,硕士生 陈占光,硕士生 奖项成果 奖项名称 先进梯度功能材料的断裂力学研究 获奖时间 2017 完成人 所获奖项 国家自然科学二等奖 简单介绍 科研项目 项目名称 基于原位试验的三维机织复合材料疲劳损伤演化、寿命及逆向设计研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金重点项目 开始时间 2024 结束时间 2028 项目经费 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 科研项目 项目名称 复杂工艺特征三维机织复合材料静动强度多维度表征 与性能预测课题 项目来源 国家级 开始时间 2024 结束时间 2028 项目经费 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 科研项目 项目名称 复合材料与结构力学及测试技术与装备相关项目 若干 项目来源 国家和重要工程领域相关企业 开始时间 结束时间 项目经费 担任角色 负责 项目类别 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 科研项目 项目名称 基于相场法的含界面非均匀材料断裂力学研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金面上项目 开始时间 2010 结束时间 2023 项目经费 担任角色 负责 项目类别 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 科研项目 项目名称 非均匀材料损伤与断裂力学 项目来源 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金 开始时间 2014 结束时间 2016 项目经费 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 科研项目 讲授课程 名称 主讲: 1. 断裂与疲劳(本科,国家级一流本科课程) 2. 断裂力学(硕士,省精品课程) 3. 断裂力学专题(硕士、博士) 荣誉和奖励 名称 首批国家级一流本科课程负责人 国家教学成果二等奖 中国力学学会全国徐芝纶力学优秀教师奖 黑龙江省教学成果一等奖 黑龙江省普通高等学校学生工作先进个人 招生信息 名称 团队以力学国家双一流学科和国家级重点实验室为依托平台。作为团队负责人,团队在基础研究和重大工程领域研究并重,每年在航空航天复合材料及结构力学、非均匀材料断裂力学、仿真技术与软件、测试技术与装备等领域都规划较多的博士生、硕士生招生需求。欢迎有兴趣的同学随时与本人直接联系了解团队和讨论个人发展规划。 团队每年都有招聘博士后需求,欢迎感兴趣的博士前来咨询并加入研究团队。优秀博士后将支持其申请留校工作。相关待遇可一事一议。 航天科学与力学系长期欢迎国内外优秀人才来系工作和合作,固体力学、一般力学、流体力学、计算力学等方向均有长期需求,欢迎前来咨询。 论文期刊 论文期刊 名称 [1] Xiaoyu Wang, Tao Zheng , Zhixing Li, Licheng Guo, Influence of realistic microscopic fiber misalignments on compressive damage mechanisms of 3D angle-interlock woven composites: In-situ measurements and numerical simulations, Composites Science and Technology, 2024;245:110317. [2] Hao Lu, Tao Zheng , Li Zhang, Xiaodong Liu, Jindi Zhou, Xiaojian Han, Licheng Guo. Investigation on the mechanical properties and damage mechanisms of plain-woven composites at elevated temperatures through a newly-designed testing system, Thin-Walled Structures, 197(2024)111587. [3] Tao Zheng, Jinzhao Huang , Kai Huang , Hongjun Yu , Changqing Hong , Licheng Guo, Different effects of interfacial properties on the tensile and compressive damage mechanisms of 3D woven composites: Multiscale damage model and numerical comparative study, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2024;295:109741. [4] Siyang Wu, Zhixing Li , Tao Zheng , Kai Huang, Hongjun Yu, Junfeng Ding, Licheng Guo. A progressive damage model for 3D woven composites integrating kinking-buckling competition, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 295(2024)109805. [5] Yuhang Liu, Kai Huang , Junfeng Ding, Shangyang Yu, Zhixing Li, Li Zhang, Licheng Guo , Acoustic emission-based failure load prediction for plain woven laminates under quasi-static indentation, Composites Science and Technology, Volume 245,2024,110355. [6] Zhu Shuai, Yu Hongjun, Guo Licheng. Analysis of an interfacial crack between two nonhomogeneous piezoelectric materials using a new domain-independent interaction integral. Composite Structures. 331:117873, 2024. [7] Tao Zheng, Licheng Guo , Ruijian Sun, Tongtong Wang, Changqing Hong, Rinze Benedictus, John-Alan Pascoe , Investigation on the effect of interface properties on compressive failure behavior of 3D woven composites through micromechanics-based multiscale damage model, Composite Structure 2023;320:117186. [8] Tao Zheng, Jinzhao Huang , Licheng Guo , Ruijian Sun, Tianlin Huang, Jindi Zhou, Fenghao Jia, Changqing Hong, A combined experimental and numerical approach to investigate the failure behaviors of 3D woven composites under biaxial tensile loading, Composites Science and Technology, 2023;236:109974. [9] Ruijian Sun, Tao Zheng , Yudi Yao, Danyuan Li, Huiliu Si, Licheng Guo , Experimental investigation on shear damage evolution of 3D woven composites using in situ computed tomography and multi-scale digital image correlation, Composite Structure 2023;319:117159. [10] Jinzhao Huang, Jiuzhou Zhao, Zhixing Li, Siyu Liu, Licheng Guo , Yu Tang, Li Zhang. Multi-scale finite element analysis on the soft impact behavior of twill weave laminate. Thin-Walled Structures. 190 (2023) 110952 [11] Junfeng Ding, Li Zhang, Zhixing Li , Tao Zheng , Kai Huang , Licheng Guo . A 3D objective material model for elastic-plastic damage behavior of fiber reinforced polymer composites. Composites: Part A 175 (2023) 107804 [12] Xiaodong Liu, Li Zhang, Kai Huang , Jinzhao Huang , Zhixing Li, Jindi Zhou, Erqin Dong, Licheng Guo. Experimental investigation of temperature effects on the tensile behavior of composite-aluminum four-nail bolted joints. Polymer Composites. 2023 DOI: 10.1002/pc.28058 [13] Shen Zhen, Yu Hongjun , Guo Licheng , Hao Liulei, Zhu Shuai, Huang Kai. A modified 3D G-criterion for the prediction of crack propagation under mixed mode I-III loadings. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 281:109082, 2023 [14] Guo LC , Liao F , Xu Y, Li ZX , Gao YP, Wang TT, et al. A nonlinear constant life diagram model for out-of-plane shear fatigue life prediction of 3D woven composites. International Journal of Fatigue. 2022;158. [15] Zheng Tao, Guo Licheng , Benedictus Rinze, Pascoe John-Alan . Micromechanics-based multiscale progressive failure simulation of 3D woven composites under compressive loading with minimal material parameters. Composites Science and Technology. 2022, 219:109227. [16] Zheng T, Guo LC , Wang ZX, Benedictus R, Pascoe JA. A reliable progressive fatigue damage model for life prediction of composite laminates incorporating an adaptive cyclic jump algorithm. Composites Science and Technology. 2022;227. [17] Zheng T, Guo LC , Ding JF, Li ZX. An innovative micromechanics-based multiscale damage model of 3D woven composites incorporating probabilistic fiber strength distribution. Composite Structures. 2022;287. [18] Zhu Shuai, Yu Hongjun, Zhang Yingbin, Yan Hongru, Man Shihan, Licheng Guo. Generalized dynamic domain-independent interaction integral in the transient fracture investigation of magneto-electro-elastic composites. Engineering Fracture Mechanics.292:109653, 2023 [19] Yuhang Liu, Li Zhang, Zhixing Li , Zhanguang Chen, Kai Huang , Licheng Guo, Investigation on damage evolution of open-hole plain woven composites under tensile load by acoustic emission signal analysis, Composite Structures, Volume 305, 2023, 116481 [20] Yuhang Liu, Kai Huang , Zhen-xin Wang, Zhonggang Li, Lulu Chen, Qizhen Shi, Shangyang Yu, Zhixing Li, Li Zhang , Licheng Guo, Cross-scale data-based damage identification of CFRP laminates using acoustic emission and deep learning, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 294, 2023, 109724. [21] Shuai Zhu, Hongjun Yu , Liulei Hao, Zhen Shen, Jianshan Wang, Licheng Guo. Interaction integral method for thermal fracture of nonhomogeneous magneto-electro-elastic materials. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids 98 (2023) 104871 [22] Shuai Zhu, Hongjun Yu, Liulei Hao, Biao Wang, Yuning Yang, Kai Huang, Zhixing Li, Licheng Guo. Exploring the dynamic fracture performance of epoxy/cement based piezoelectric composites with complex interfaces. Composite Structures 305 (2023) 116497. [23] Jinzhao Huang, Licheng Guo, Lulu Chen, Zhen-Xin Wang, Jibao Li. Damage evolution of 3D woven carbon/epoxy composites under the tension-compression fatigue loading based on multi damage information. International Journal of Fatigue 154 (2022) 106566 [24] Kai Huang, Jia Yan, Rilin Shen , Yulin Wan, Yukun Li, Hao Ge, Hongjun Yu, Licheng Guo . Investigation on fracture behavior of polymer-bonded explosives under compression using a viscoelastic phase-field fracture method. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 266 (2022) 108411 [25] Zhang YY, Chen ZT, Zheng T, Guo LC, Hu XF. Investigation of the thermomechanical behavior of nonhomogeneous, layered materials with mixed-mode cracks subjected to rapid thermal shock loading. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2022;121. [26] Tang ZH, Guo LC , Zheng T, Li ZX , Sun RJ, Huang K. A combined machine learning and numerical approach for evaluating the uncertainty of 3D angle-interlock woven composites. Composite Structures. 2022;294. [27] Tang ZH, Guo LC , Li ZX, Huang K , Zheng T, Sun RJ. A comparative study of void characteristics on the mechanical response of unidirectional composites. Mechanics of Materials. 2022;174. [28] Shen Zhen, Yu Hongjun , Guo Licheng , Hao LiuleiA modified G criterion considering T-stress and differentiating the separation and shear failure in crack propagation. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2022,236-237:111357. [29] Zhang Yidong, Huang Kai , Sun Rongqing; Liao Feng, Guo Licheng, Zhang Li. Effect of embedded delamination on the compression performance of carbon fiber reinforced composites. Composite Structures. 2022,281:115063. [30] Yu HJ, Hao LL, Shen RL, Guo LC, Shen Z, Li YK. A phase field model with the mixed-mode driving force of power-law relation. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2022;264. [31] Sun RJ, Li ZX , Guo LC , Yu HJ, Zhang L, Zong QS. A mesoscale in situ method for assessing fracture toughness of intra-yarn and interface in 3D woven composites. Composites Science and Technology. 2022;224. [32] Li DC, Jiang XW, Zhang W, Guo LC. Parameter determination for ice material model based on a bidirectional long short-term memory neural network. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2022;161. [33] Jia PF, Huang K , Yu HJ, Shimada T, Guo LC, Kitamura T. A novel atomic J-integral concept beyond conventional fracture mechanics. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2022;121. [34] Huang JZ, Tan V, Chew E, Chan K, Tay TE, Guo LC, Liu JL . A new partially-infused fiber reinforced thermoplastic composite for improving impact resistance. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2022;168. [35] Li, Yukun; Huang, Kai ; Yu, Hongjun ; Hao, Liulei; Guo, Licheng . Experimentally validated phase-field fracture modeling of epoxy resins. Composite Structures. 2022,279:114806. [36] Jia, Pengfei; Huang, Kai ; Sumigawa, Takashi; Shimada, Takahiro; Guo, Licheng; Kitamura, Takayuki. A unified atomic energy release rate criterion for nonlinear brittle fracture in graphene nanoribbons. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2022,234:111260. [37] Yu, Hongjun; Zhao, Minghui; Wu, Xiaorong; Guo, Licheng. Influences of crack-face electric boundary conditions on stress intensity factors of ferroelectric single crystals. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2022,101:380-405. [38] Licheng Guo , Jinzhao Huang, Li Zhang, Xinyang Sun. Damage evolution of 3D woven carbon/epoxy composites under tension-tension fatigue loading based on synchrotron radiation computed tomography (SRCT). International Journal of Fatigue. 2021, 142:105913. [39] Zhu, Shuai; Yu, Hongjun; Wu, Xiaorong; Huang, Canjie; Zhao, Minghui; Guo, Licheng. Interaction integral method for crack-tip intensity factor evaluations of magneto-electro-elastic materials with residual strain. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2021, 258:108084. [40] Sun, Ruijian; Guo, Licheng ; Li, Zhixing; Zhang, Li; Zheng, Tao. A novel approach to assessing yarn/matrix (or yarn/yarn) in situ interfacial strength in 3D woven composites. Composites Science and Technology.2021,213:108893. [41] Zhao, Jiuzhou; Guo, Licheng ; Zhang, Li; Wang, Xiaoyu; Tang, Yu; Li, Zhixing. Experimental investigations on the in-plane dynamic compressive behavior and upper limit of constant strain rate for 2D twill weave carbon fiber reinforced composite. Composites Part B-Engineering. 2021,220:108993. [42] Zheng, Tao; Guo, Licheng ; Tang, Ziheng; Wang, Tongtong; Li, Zhixing. Comparison of progressive damage simulation of 3D woven composites between voxel and conformal discretization models. Mechanics of Materials. 2021,158:103860. [43] Wang, Tianshu; Guo, Licheng . A realistic model for transverse shear stiffness prediction of composite corrugated-core sandwich structure with bonding effect. Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials. 2022,24:763-788. [44] Li, Zhixing; Wang, Yue; Sun, Xinyang; Guo, Licheng; Zhang, Li. Honeycomb-based method for generating random fiber distributions of fiber reinforced composites and transverse mechanical properties prediction. Composite Structures.2021,266:113794. [45] Zheng, Tao; Guo, Licheng ; Sun, Ruijian; Li, Zhixing; Yu, Hongjun. Investigation on the compressive damage mechanisms of 3D woven composites considering stochastic fiber initial misalignment. Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2021,143:106295. [46] Yao, Liaojun; Cui, Hao; Guo, Licheng; Sun, Yi. A novel total fatigue life model for delamination growth in composite laminates under generic loading. Composite Structures.2021,258:113402. [47] Wang, Tianshu; Zhang, Li; Guo, Licheng ; Sun, Yang. Parametric modeling method for design and bending failure analysis of graded lattice structures. Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials. 2021,23:322-344. [48] Huang, Kai; Sumigawa, Takashi; Shimada, Takahiro; Tanaka, Shuhei; Hagiwara, Youhei; Guo, Licheng; Kitamura, Takayuki. An experimental study on atomic-level unified criterion for brittle fracture. International Journal of Solids and Structures.2021,206:1-8. [49] 果立成; 廖锋; 李志兴; 黄金钊; 赵九州; 郑涛 ; 机织复合材料损伤演化研究进展, 中国科学:技术科学, 2020, 50(7): 876-896 [50] Licheng Guo , Feng Liao, Yan Xu, Tongtong Wang, Chaozhi Yang, Jingyu Yuan. Experimental method and failure mechanisms investigation for out-of-plane shear fatigue behavior of 3D woven composites. International Journal of Fatigue. 2020, 134:105501. [51] Licheng Guo , Pengfei Jia, Hongjun Yu, Takayuki Kitamura, Kai Huang. A new domain-independent interaction integral for an interface crack subjected to thermal loading. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2020, 182: 254-266. [52] Tao Zheng, Licheng Guo , Jinzhao Huang, Gang Liu. A novel mesoscopic progressive damage model for 3D angle-interlock woven composites. Composites Science and Technology. 2020, 185: 107894. [53] Shanqiao Huang, Licheng Guo , Li Zhang, Yanyan Zhang, Haizhu Pan. The interface crack problem under steady heat flux for a functionally graded coating-substrate structure with general coating properties. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2020,109:102675. [54] Xiaoming Bai, Xue Mi, Hai Xie, Kaikai Shi, Furui Xiong, Yixiong Zhang, Licheng Guo . An Image-Based Double-Smoothing Cohesive Finite Element Framework for Particle-Reinforced Materials. Mathematics. 2020,8:543. [55] Hao Ge, Licheng Guo , Hongjun Yu . Modeling method for periodic cracks in functionally graded strips with arbitrary properties. Mechanics of Materials. 2020, 148:103512. [56] Yukun Li, Hongjun Yu , Licheng Guo , Kai Huang, Xiaoming Bai. 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[74] Jiuzhou Zhao, Li Zhang, Licheng Guo , Yongqi Yang. Dynamic properties and strain rate effect of 3D angle-interlock carbon/epoxy woven composites. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 2017, 36(20):1531-1541. [75] Liaojun Yao , Yi Sun, Licheng Guo, RC Alderliesten, R Benedictus, Meiying Zhao, Liyong Jia. Fibre bridging effect on the Paris relation of mode I fatigue delamination in composite laminates with different thicknesses. International Journal of Fatigue. 2017, 103: 196-206. [76] Liaojun Yao , Hao Cui, RC Alderliesten, Yi Sun, Licheng Guo. Thickness effects on fibre-bridged fatigue delamination growth in composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2018, 110: 21-28. [77] Kai Huang , Yabin Yan, Takashi Sumigawa , Licheng Guo, Takayuki Kitamura. Crack initiation at interface edge by nanometer scale plastic stress intensity. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2017, 178: 392-400. [78] Kai Huang , Takahiro Shimada , Naoki Ozaki, Youhei Hagiwara, Takashi Sumigawa, Licheng Guo, Takayuki Kitamura. A unified and universal Griffith-based criterion for brittle fracture. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2017, 128: 67-72. [79] Kai Huang, Licheng Guo , Hongjun Yu, Pengfei Jia, Takayuki Kitamura. A domain-independent interaction integral method for evaluating the dynamic stress intensity factors of an interface crack in nonhomogeneous materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2016, 100: 547-557. [80] Kai Huang, Licheng Guo , Yabin Yan , Takayuki Kitamura. Investigation on the competitive fracture behavior in nano-multilayered structures. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2016, 92-93: 45-53. [81] Suyang Zhong, Licheng Guo , Gang Liu, Li Zhang, Shidong Pan. A random waveness model for the stiffenss and strength evaluation of 3D woven composites. Composite Structures. 2016, 152: 1024-1032. 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