姓名 | 刘钢 | 性别 | 刘钢 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 材料科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 刘钢 | 学历 | 刘钢 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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Publications Introduction 基本信息 科学研究 招生/教学 学术活动 ... 学术活动 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 刘钢,教授、博士生导师,国家级高层次人才计划入选者。现任哈尔滨工业大学未来技术学院书记、常务副院长;流体高压成形技术研究所副所长。 曾获国家科技进步二等奖2项、国家技术发明二等奖2项,省部级一等奖4项;国家级教学成果二等奖1项、省教学成果二等奖2项;中国机械工程学会塑性工程分会银砧奖。 主要从事轻量化结构智能塑性成形技术与装备研究,在轻量化整体构件内高压成形、轻合金薄壁构件热介质成形等方向取得重要成果。发表论文200余篇,其中SCI收录100余篇;获国家发明专利30余项、国际发明专利4项。研究成果在运载工具高可靠性轻量化关键构件制造上获得广泛应用。 现任中国机械工程学会塑性工程分会副主任委员、管材成形技术论坛常设学术委员会主席。曾任第三届、第七届内高压成形国际会议(TUBEHYDRO)、第三届新成形技术国际会议(ICNFT)组委会主席,并任《塑性工程学报》、《材料科学与工艺》、《锻压技术》、《材料开发与应用》和《宇航材料工艺》编委;国际塑性加工会议ICTP 2020、国际金属成形会议 Metal Forming 学术委员会委员。 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gang-Liu-68 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7815-964X 教育经历 名称 1992年、1995年、1999年:在哈尔滨工业大学先后获得学士、硕士、博士学位 工作经历 名称 时间 工作经历 2003年 德国 斯图加特大学 访问学者 2005年 荷兰 代夫特理工大学 博士后 2007年~ 哈尔滨工业大学教授 2011年~ 2020年 哈尔滨工业大学材料工程系主任 2020年~2022年 哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院副院长 2022年~ 哈尔滨工业大学未来技术学院书记、常务副院长 研究领域 名称 轻量化结构智能塑性成形工艺与装备 1. 轻合金薄壁构件精密成形与性能控制工艺与装备 2. 塑性成形跨尺度建模与多物理场耦合仿真技术 3. 钛合金薄壁构件快速低碳成形工艺与装备 4. 轻量化整体构件内高压成形工艺与装备 荣誉称号 名称 国家级高层次人才(2017年,2016年) 科技部中青年科技创新领军人才(2013年) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2007年) 黑龙江省青年五四奖章(2008年) 科技奖励 名称 国家技术发明二等奖(2020年) 国家技术发明二等奖(2016年) 国家科技进步二等奖(2010年) 国家科技进步二等奖(2004年) 中国军民两用技术创新应用大赛金奖(2018年) 黑龙江省技术发明一等奖(2019年) 黑龙江省技术发明二等奖(2011年) 黑龙江省技术发明一等奖(2009年) 黑龙江省自然科学二等奖(2005年) 原航天部科技进步二等奖(1997年) 黑龙江省自然科学二等奖(2003年) 主要学术任职 名称 中国机械工程学会塑性工程学会副理事长、管材成形技术论坛常设学术委员会 主任 《塑性工程学报》编委 《材料科学与工艺》编委 《材料开发与应用》编委 《锻压技术》编委 《宇航材料工艺》编委 中国机械工业教育协会塑性成形分委员会委员 中国兵工学会精密成形工程专业委员会委员 TUBEHYDRO 2015 (内高压成形国际会议)组委会主席 3rd ICNFT(2012第三届新成形技术国际会议) 组委会主席 TUBEHYDRO 2007 (内高压成形国际会议)组委会主席 TUBEHYDRO 2017 (内高压成形国际会议)学术委员会委员 5th ICNFT(2018 第五届新成形技术国际会议)学术委员会委员 NUMIFORM2019 学术委员会委员 TUBEHYDRO 2019 (内高压成形国际会议)学术委员会委员 ICTP 2020 国际塑性加工会议学术委员会委员 Metal Forming 2020国际金属成形会议学术委员会委员 Metal Forming 2022国际金属成形会议学术委员会委员 TUBEHYDRO 2022 (内高压成形国际会议)学术委员会委员 研究领域 名称 轻量化结构智能成形技术与装备 1. 轻合金薄壁构件精密成形与性能控制工艺与装备 2. 塑性成形跨尺度建模与多物理场耦合仿真技术 3. 钛合金薄壁构件快速低碳成形工艺与装备 4. 轻量化整体构件内高压成形工艺与装备 Introduction 名称 Prof. Gang Liu is currently Vice Dean of School of Future Technology at Harbin Institute of Technology. He is active in professional societies, serving as a Vice-Chairman of governing council of the China Society for Technology of Plasticity (CSTP) and chair of CSTP Pipe Forming Technology Division, having served as the Chair of Organizing Committee of international conference TUBEHYDRO 2015 and ICNFT 2012. His major research interests include metal forming theory and technology, particularly in the area of tube hydroforming, warm gas forming of light alloys and shell hydroforming. His work has made contributions to understanding of defect mechanism and process optimization of hydroforming, and to presenting control methods for hydroforming precision, material microstructure and mechanical properties. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gang-Liu-68 Publications 名称 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gang-Liu-68 This new article: Effect of Electric Field on the Microstructure and Properties of NiAl Alloy Sheet Prepared by Foil Reaction Synthesis (DOI : 10.1007/s11665-023-09012-y) is free for everyone to read online at https://rdcu.be/dtKec This new article Enhanced high temperature performance of two-scale network-structured (TiB+Ti5Si3)/TA15 composites by simultaneous adjustment of matrix and nano-scaled Ti5Si3 is free for everyone to read online at https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1i7yl3HXkRslpX This new article Fabrication of NiAl alloy hollow thin-walled component through hot gas forming of Ni/Al laminated tube and conversion process is free for everyone to read online at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2238785423021798 This new article Accelerated Stress Relaxation with Simultaneously Enhanced Strength of Titanium Alloy by Phase Transformation and Stress-induced Twinning is available on ScienceDirect. This new article Damage evolution of titanium alloy laser-welded joint during hot deformation: experiment and modeling is free for everyone to read online at https://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S2238-7854(23)02148-8 1. Shupeng Chang, Kehuan Wang, Bin Wang, Mateusz Kopec, Zhe Li, Liliang Wang, Gang Liu. Effects of rapid heating on non-equilibrium microstructure evolution and strengthening mechanisms of titanium alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 880, 26 July 2023, 145337. 2. Bao Wang, Dongjun Wang, Jie Zhao, Shuai Wang, Hanwei Ning, Gang Liu*. Preparation of high-performance NiAlV composite sheets with novel layered microstructure. Materials Science & Engineering A 833 (2022) 142586. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2021.142586 3. D.J. Wang, H.W. Ning, B. Wang, G. Liu, S.J. Yuan.Fabrication of a NiAl-Cr(Mo) eutectic alloy with network microstructure for high-temperature strengthening. Materials Science and Engineering: A.2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2022.142628 4. H.W. Ning, D.J. Wang, J. Zhao, B. Wang, G. Liu.Fabrication and joining of NiAl and TiAl intermetallics by additive sintering. Materials Science and Engineering: A.2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2022.143493 5. Jie Zhao, Kehuan Wang, Liangxing Lv, Liliang Wang, Denis J. Politis and Gang Liu. Analysing the Interaction between Microscopic Deformation, Microstructure and Void Evolution of Near-α Titanium Alloys during Non-Superplastic Hot Deformation by an Integrated Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Model. Materials 2022, 15(1), 294; https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15010294 6. Bao Wang, Dongjun Wang, Jie Zhao, Shuai Wang,hanwei Ning, Gaosong Qiu, Gang Liu*. Microstructure and high-temperature properties of NiAlV sheet prepared by magnetron-sputtering and foil-reaction. Materials Letters, 2022,325:132830. 7. Bao Wang, Dongjun Wang, Hanwei Ning, Gang Liu. Study of NiAl-based alloy parts produced by metal injection moulding. Powder Metallurgy, 2022,65:52-60 8. Wang, KH ; Jiao, Y; Wu, XJ; Qu, B; Wang, XS; Liu, G. A novel composited process of solution treatment-hot gas forming and stress relaxation aging for titanium alloys. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY. 2021, v288: 116904. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2020.116904 9. Kehuan Wang, Liliang Wang, Kailun Zheng, Zhubin He, Denis J Politis, Gang Liu and Shijian Yuan. High-efficiency forming processes for complex thin-walled titanium alloys components: state-of-the-art and perspectives. Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 2 (2020) 032001 10. Dang kexin,Wang Kehuan, Liu Gang. Dynamic Softening and Hardening Behavior and the Micro-Mechanism of a TC31 High Temperature Titanium Alloy Sheet within Hot Deformation Materials. 2021; 14(21):6515 3.623 11. B. Wang, D.J. Wang, J. Zhao, H.W. Ning, G. Liu. Deformation behavior and fracture mechanism of a novel laminated Ni/Al sheets during in-situ tensile process Materials Science and Engineering A. 2021, 827: 142050 5.234 12. H.W. Ning, D.J. Wang, B. Wang, G. Liu. Investigations on the NiAl-Cr(Mo) eutectic alloy with optimized microstructure and improved room-temperature compressive properties Materials Science and Engineering A. 2021, 813: 141138 5.234 13. Shiqiang Zhu, Kehuan Wang*, Wenting Wei, Gang Liu. Local hot gas forming of long axis bellow with non-uniform temperature Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2021,50(8):2738~2744 0.506 14. Jie Zhao,Liangxing Lv,Kehuan Wang, Gang Liu. Effects of strain state and slip mode on the texture evolution of a near-α TA15 titanium alloy during hot deformation based on crystal plasticity method. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmst.2019.07.051 15. Jie Zhao, Kehuan Wang, Liangxing Lv, Gang Liu. Evolution and Distribution of Geometrically Necessary Dislocations for TA15 Titanium Alloy Sheets During the Hot Tensile Process. JOM, 2019, 71(7): 2303-2312 16. Jie Zhao, Kehuan Wang, Ke Huang, Gang Liu. Recrystallization behavior during hot tensile deformation of TA15 titanium alloy sheet with substantial prior deformed substructures. Materials Characterization, 2019,151,429 17. B.B. Kong, D.J. Wang, F.Y. Zang, K.H. Wang, G. Liu. Microstructure and mechanical properties at elevated temperature of laser-welded Ti-22Al-25Nb alloy sheets. Intermetallics. 2019, 112: 106516 18. X.Y. Jiao, D.J. Wang, J.L. Yang, Z.Q. Liu, G. Liu. Microstructure analysis on enhancing mechanical properties at 750 °C and room temperature of Ti-22Al-24Nb-0.5Mo alloy tubes fabricated by hot gas forming. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2019, 789: 639-646 19. Y. Wu, D.J. Wang, Z.Q. Liu, G. Liu. A unified internal state variable material model for Ti2AlNb-alloy and its applications in hot gas forming. Interational Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2019, 164: 105126. 20. Kailun Zheng, Jing-Hua Zheng, Zhubin He, Gang Liu, Denis J. Politis, Liliang Wang. Fundamentals, processes and equipment for hot medium pressure forming of light material tubular components. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijlmm.2019.10.003 21. Dongjun Wang, Hao Li, Xiaosong Wang, Wei Zheng, Zhangqian Lin and Gang Liu. The Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties of TiBw/TA15 Composite with Network Structure Prepared by Rapid Current Assisted Sintering. Metals. 2019, 9, 540; doi:10.3390/met9050540 22. Zejun Tang, Jian Chen, Kexin Dang, Gang Liu, Kemei Tao. Experimental Investigation into the Electropulsing Assisted Pulsating Gas Forming of CP-Ti Tubes. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2019.116492 23. Kehuan Wang, Gang Liu, Jie Zhao, Ke Huang, Liliang Wang. Experimental and modelling study of an approach to enhance gas bulging formability of TA15 titanium alloy tube based on dynamic recrystallization. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 259(2018):387-396 24. Kehuan Wang, Gang Liu, Denis J. Politisc, Liliang Wang. Correlation between softening mechanisms and deformation non-uniformity of laser-welded titanium alloy tube during gas bulging process. Materials Characterization. 2017,133, 196–205 25. Jie Zhao, Liangxing Lv, Gang Liu, Kehuan Wang. Analysis of deformation inhomogeneity and slip mode of TA15 titanium alloy sheets during the hot tensile process based on crystal plasticity model. Materials Science & Engineering A 707 (2017) 30–39 26. Beibei Kong, Gang Liu, Wang Tao, Kehuan Wang, Wenzheng Ke. Microstructure and texture evolution during the fabricating and hot gas free bulging process of a laser-welded Ti-22Al-25Nb alloy tube. Materials Characterization. 2017,131, 116–127 27. Wang K, Liu G, Huang K, Denis JP, Wang LL. Effect of recrystallization on hot deformation mechanism of TA15 titanium alloy under uniaxial tension and biaxial gas bulging conditions. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2017, 708: 149-158 28. Kehuan Wang, Gang Liu, Denis J. Politisc, Liliang Wang. Correlation between softening mechanisms and deformation non-uniformity of laser-welded titanium alloy tube during gas bulging process. Materials Characterization. 2017,133, 196–205 29. Gang Liu;Junyang Peng;Shijian Yuan;Bugang Teng; Kai Li. Analysis on critical conditions of sidewall wrinkling for hydroforming of thin-walled Tee-joint. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2015,97:42-49(SCI,IF3.037) 30. Kehuan Wang, Gang Liu, Wang Tao, Jie Zhao, Ke Huang. Study on the mixed dynamic recrystallization mechanism during the globularization process of laser-welded TA15 Ti-alloy joint under hot tensile deformation. Materials Characterization 126 (2017) 57–63 31. Xueyan Jiao, Gang Liu, Dongjun Wang, Yong Wu. Creep behavior and effects of heat treatment on creep resistance of Ti-22Al-24Nb-0.5Mo alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A 680 (2017) 182–189 32. Xueyan Jiao, Beibei Kong, Wang Tao, Gang Liu, Hanwei Ning. Effects of annealing on microstructure and deformation uniformity of Ti-22Al-24Nb-0.5Mo laser-welded joints. Materials & Design 130 (2017) 166–174. doi: 10.1016/j.matdes.2017.05.005 33. Gang Liu;Kehuan Wang;Binbin He;Mingxin Huang;Shijian Yuan. Mechanism of saturated flow stress during hot tensile deformation of a TA15 Ti alloy. Materials & Design, 2015,86:146-151 (SCI,IF 3.501) 34. Yong Wu, Gang Liu, Zhiqiang Liu, Bin Wang. Formability and microstructure of Ti22Al24.5Nb0.5Mo rolled sheet within hot gas bulging tests at constant equivalent strain rate. Materials and Design 108 (2016) 298–307(SCI,IF 3.977) 35. Beibei Kong; Gang Liu; Dongjun Wang;Kehuan Wang;Shijian Yuan. Microstructural investigations for laser welded joints of Ti–22Al–25Nb alloy sheets upon large deformation at elevated temperature. Materials & Design, 2016,90:723-732(SCI,IF 3.501) 36. Kehuan Wang, Gang Liu, Jie Zhao, Jianong Wang, Shijian Yuan. Formability and Microstructure Evolution for Hot Gas Forming of Laser-welded TA15 Titanium Alloy Tube. Materials & Design (2016) pp. 269-277) 10.1016/j.matdes.2015.11.100 (SCI,IF 3.501) 37. G. Liu, J. Zhou and J. Duszczyk. FE Analysis of Metal Flow and Weld Seam Formation in a Porthole Die during the Extrusion of a Magnesium Alloy into a Square Tube and the Effect of Ram Speed on Weld Strength. Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2008, 200: 185-198 38. Gang Liu, Shijian Yuan and Guannan Chu. FEA ON DEFORMATION BEHAVIOR OF TAILOR-WELDED TUBE IN HYDROFORMING. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2007,187-18:8287-291 39. G. Liu, J. Zhou, and J. Duszczyk. Prediction and verification of temperature evolution as a function of ram speed during the extrusion of AZ31 alloy into a rectangular section. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2007,186:191–199 40. Gang Liu, Shijian Yuan, Bugang Teng. Analysis of Thinning at Transition Corner in Tube Hydroforming. Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2006,177 (1-3) :688–691 41. G. Liu, L.B. Zhang, X.L. Hu, Z.R. Wang, R.W. Wang S.D. Huang, Q.B. Tang. Applications of numerical simulation to the analysis of bulk forming processes-case studies. Journal of Materials Processing Tech,2004, 150(1-2):56-61 42. Gang Liu, Shijian Yuan, Z.R.Wang, Decheng Zhou. Explanation of the mushroom effect in the rotary forging of a cylinder. Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2004,151(1-3):178-182 43. Gang Liu;Yong Wu;Dongjun Wang;Shijian Yuan. Effect of feeding length on deforming behavior of Ti-3Al-2.5V tubular components prepared by tube gas forming at elevated temperature. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015,81(9-12):1809-1816(SCI,IF1.458) 44. Gang Liu;Jianlong Wang;Kexin Dang;Shijian Yuan. Effects of flow stress behaviour, pressure loading path and temperature variation on high-pressure pneumatic forming of Ti-3Al-2.5V tubes. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2015. DOI10.1007/s00170-015-7977-2 45. Gang Liu;Junfeng Lin;Shijian Yuan;Qiang Liu;Guilin Gao. Mechanism of Hydrojoining and Approach to Increase Torsion Strength of Assembled Camshafts Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2015,137(5):51015-1-51015-8 46. Liu, Gang; Wang, Jianlong; Dang, Kexin; Tang, Zejun. High Pressure Pneumatic Forming of Ti-3Al-2.5V Titanium Tubes in a Square Cross-Sectional Die. MATERIALS, 2014, 7(8): 5992-6009 (WOS:000341210400038) 47. Wang ZR, Liu G, Yuan SJ, Teng BG, He ZB. Progress in shell hydroforming. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2005,167 (2-3): 230-236 48. Chen Weimin, Liu Gang, Chen Wei. Research on Ring Structure Wire-rope Isolator. Journal of Materials Processing Technology,1997, 72:24-27 49. Yuan SJ, Wang XS, Liu G. Wang, Z. R. Control and use of wrinkles in tube Hydroforming. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 182 (1-3) (2006) :6-11 50. Chu, G. N,Liu, G.,Liu, W. J.,Yuan, S. J. An approach to improve thickness uniformity within tailor-welded tube hydroforming. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY. JUN, 2012, 60(9-12): 1247-1253 51. Chu, G. N., Liu, G., Yuan, S. J.,Liu, W. J. Weld seam movement of tailor-welded tube during hydrobulging with dissimilar thickness. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY. JUN, 2012, 60(9-12): 1255-1260 52. G. Liu, J. Zhou, and J. Duszczyk. Finite element simulation of magnesium extrusion to manufacture a cross-shaped profile . JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. JUNE 2007, 129: 607-614 53. S.J. Yuan, G. Liu, X.R.Huang, X.S.Wang, W.C.Xie, Z.R.Wang. Hydroforming of Typical Hollow Components. Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2004,151:203-207 54. Gang Liu, Guannan Chu; Shijian Yuan; Xiaosong Wang. Deformation Evolution Mechanism during Hydro-bulging of Tailor-welded Tube with Dissimilar Thickness. Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 2010, 46(1-4): 111-116 55. LIU Gang, LIN Jun-feng, WANG Gang, SU Hai-bo, CHEN Xin-ping, JIANG Hao-min. Influence of tube properties on quality of hydropiercing. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 2011,21:s456-s460 56. Gang Liu,Wenda Zhang, Zhubin He, Shijian Yuan and Zhe Lin. Warm Hydroforming of Magnesium Alloy Tube with Large Expansion Ratio within Non-uniform Temperature Field. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China. 2012,22. s408-415(WOS:000314022900030) 57. Liu, G.; Zhou, J.; Duszczyk, J, Fang G. Case studies on virtual extrusion of aluminium alloys in real size. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIALS & PRODUCT TECHNOLOGY,2011,40(3-4): 186-198 58. 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Compressive formability of 7075 aluminum alloy rings under hydrostatic pressure. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2006, 16(5):1103-1109 64. Gang Liu, Stefan Jaeger, Klaus Siegert. Forming Limit and Loading Path of Mg-alloy Tube Bulging . Materials Science Forum,2005,488-489 :637-640 讲授课程 名称 弹塑性力学 材料成型设备及控制 省力与近均匀成形新方法的探索与应用(创新研修课) 计算机仿真与绿色制造(新生研讨课) 工程塑性理论(研究生) 非均质材料塑性力学(研究生) 液压成形技术与控制(研究生) 招生信息 名称 博士生:1-3名/年 研究方向:钛合金/铝合金/镁合金薄壁构件热态气压成形;轻质合金曲面薄壁构件快速高温冲压成形;塑性变形组织与性能演变的跨尺度分析;轻质耐热难变形材料成形控性一体化 硕士生:1-3名/年 研究方向:轻质合金曲面薄壁构件快速高温冲压成形;轻量化整体构件内高压成形;钛合金/铝合金/镁合金异形截面构件热态气压成形 博士后招聘:材料科学与工程博士后流动站 承办学术会议 名称 主持:全国管材成形技术论坛学术会议,大连;会议时间:2023年5月26-28日 协办:The 10th International Conference on Tube Hydroforming (TUBEHYDRO2022) (液压成形技术国际会议), 日本松江;会议时间:2022.11.14-17 共同主持:全国管材成形技术论坛暨筒体构件设计制造一体化技术会议,上海;会议时间:2021年4月23-25日 协办:The 9th International Conference on Tube Hydroforming(TUBEHYDRO2019) (液压成形技术国际会议), 中国台湾;会议时间:2019.11.18-21 协办:The 8th International Conference on Tube Hydroforming(TUBEHYDRO2017) (液压成形技术国际会议), 泰国 曼谷;会议时间:2017.11.14-17 承办:2016全国绿色成形技术暨管材成形技术学术会议。主办单位: 塑性工程学会;会议地点:哈尔滨;会议时间:2016.9.23- 25 承办:3rd International Conference on New Forming Technology (3rd ICNFT) (新成形技术国际会议),哈尔滨;会议时间:2012.8.26-28 承办:The 7th International Conference on Tube Hydroforming(TUBEHYDRO2015) (液压成形技术国际会议), 西安;会议时间:2015.9.9-11 承办:The 3rd International Conference on Tube Hydroforming(TUBEHYDRO2007) (液压成形技术国际会议), 哈尔滨;会议时间:2007.6.4-6 参加学术会议 名称 2021年: 担任“全国管材成形技术论坛暨筒体构件设计制造一体化技术会议”大会联合主席,共同主持会议。共有150多名代表和专家参会,来自32所高校、16家企业、8个研究院所,涵盖航空、航天、汽车、冶金、核动力等各个行业。上海交通大学林忠钦院士,中国机械工程学会塑性工程分会管材成形技术论坛副主任委员西北工业大学李恒教授、宝钢中央研究院韩非高级主任研究员,中国机械工程学会塑性工程分会常务理事、上海交通大学赵震教授出席本次会议。中北大学张治民教授、武汉理工大学华林教授、西北工业大学詹梅教授、中南大学湛利华教授、哈尔滨工业大学韩聪教授和上海交通大学李淑慧教授等6位专家做大会主旨报告,深入地介绍了我国管材/筒体整体塑性成形技术的发展现状与最新研究进展。 2017年: 1. 大会报告:New development in warm gas forming of Titanium alloy thin-walled parts, The 8th International Conference on Tube Hydroforming (TUBEHYDRO 2017), Bangkok, 14-17,Nov. 2017 2. 特邀报告:Fundamentals and process of warm gas forming for titanium alloy hollow components,第一届中德制造论坛(1st Sino-Germany Forum on Manufactureing),2017.5.24,南京,南京航空航天大学承办 3. 特邀报告:Progress in warm gas forming of Titanium alloy thin-walled parts with various cross sections,中国材料大会2017暨银川国际材料周,2017.7.9,银川,中国材料研究学会主办 4. Oral Presentation: Approach to enhance gas bulging formability of TA15 Ti-Alloy tube based on dynamic recrystrallization, 12th ICTP, Cambridge, 2017.9.17-22 5.特邀报告:Ti2AlNb基合金薄壁构件热态气压成形研究进展,IFAM2017 新材料国际发展趋势高层论坛(B-高性能钛合金材料及技术论坛), 2017.11.12 6.特邀报告:难变形材料复杂整体构件热态高压成形机理与关键技术,IFAM2017 新材料国际发展趋势高层论坛(N-优秀青年科学家论坛), 2017.11.10 2016年: 1. 特邀报告: Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of Ti2AlNb alloy within hot gas forming, 第一届中德研讨会“轻量化材料加工与建模的新挑战” ,2016.7.15, 上海, 同济大学承办 2. 特邀报告: 内高压成形技术与装备新进展, 2016年智能制造装备于绿色制造创新发展论坛, 2016.6.17, 潍坊, 中国机械制造工艺协会举办 3. 特邀报告: 轻质耐热材料异形构件高压气胀成形技术, 先进热加工与精密成形学术会议, 2016.7.22, 哈尔滨, 金属精密热加工国家级重点实验室承办 4. 特邀报告: 轻质耐热材料构件热态高压成形理论与技术研究进展, 第三届塑性成形前沿与创新研讨会, 2016.11.19-21, 武汉, 华中科技大学材料成形与模具技术国家重点实验室举办 5. Oral presentation: Formability, Microstructure and Properties of Ti2AlNb Alloy within Hot Gas Forming, 第十六届金属成形国际会议(16th Metal Forming), 2015.9.18, 波兰, AGH科技大学承办 2015年: 1. Oral presentation: Effect of Pressurization Path on High Pressure Gas Forming of Titanium Tubes at Elevated Temperature,第四届新成形技术国际会议(ICNFT2015),英国,The University of Strathclyde承办 2014年: 1. Keynote Speech(主题报告): Fundamentals and development of hydroforming of light alloy tubes and complex components,第十一届国际塑性加工会议(ICTP2014),日本,名古屋大学承办 团队新闻 新闻标题 发布时间