

姓名 关威 性别 关威
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 航天学院
学位 关威 学历 关威
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个人简介 科学研究 教育教学 论文专著 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 关威,男,1982年生,辽宁抚顺人, 哈尔滨工业大学 航天学院航天科学与力学系 教授/副主任 固体力学学科 博士生导师 哈工大力学学科研究生工作 负责人、力学学科教授会委员 黑龙江省一流本科课程《弹性力学》负责人 黑龙江省声学学会 理事 中国声学学会检测声学分会 委员 中国声学学会计算声学分会 委员 《力学与实践》期刊青年编委 教育部学科评估评审专家 国家自然基金项目及区域联合基金评审专家 2022年获 第十五届黑龙江省青年科技奖 主要从事声波、弹性波、声电耦合波的理论和数值模拟及其在地球科学、航空航天、材料无损检测等的应用研究。在 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America、Geophysical Journal of International等著名期刊上发表学术论文30余篇。主持包括3项国家自然基金在内的国家和省部级项目10余项,主持横向项目12项。曾获黑龙江省青年科技奖、何鸿燊奖教金、国家自然基金委优秀结题项目奖、哈尔滨工业大学教学贡献奖、哈工大正在进行优秀博士学位论文等奖项。 工作经历 名称 2019.12-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 教授 2015.05-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 博士生导师 2011.12-2019.11 哈尔滨工业大学 副教授 2015.11-2016.10 美国加州大学圣克鲁兹分校 访问学者 2008.05-2011.11 哈尔滨工业大学 讲师 教育经历 名称 1999.09-2003.07 哈尔滨工业大学 土木工程 学士 2003.09-2005.07 哈尔滨工业大学 固体力学 硕士 2005.09-2009.07 哈尔滨工业大学 固体力学 博士 招聘&新闻 名称 本人每年招收博士生2人,硕士生2人 欢迎力学以及地球科学、材料、机械、数学等相近专业的优秀学生报考, 欢迎本校大三、大四本科生参与科研项目 2024/2/24 祝贺博士生 黄海的文章《Modal displacement analyses of Lamb waves in micro/nano-plates based on the consistent couple stress theory》被声学领域JCR Q1期刊Ultrasonics录用(IF:4.2) 2024/1/7 祝贺博士生 寇兴的文章 《Interface detection of near-borehole stratified formation under different permeabilities based on seismoelectric logs: A finite-difference modeling》被JCR一区、中科院一区top期刊Geoenergy Science and Engineering录用 2023/10/29 祝贺博士生 邹晓晶 的首篇文章 《Reservoir tortuosity prediction: Coupling stochastic generation of porous media and machine learning》被top期刊Energy(影响因子9.0)录用 2023/10/2 祝贺博士生 周岩的文章 《Spontaneous imbibition behavior in porous media with various hydraulic fracture propagations: A pore-scale perspective》被JCR-Q1期刊Advances in Geo-Energy Research录用(影响因子8.2) 2023/8/31 祝贺博士生 陈达 的文章 《Near-Borehole Formation Acoustic Logging Imaging: A Full Waveform Inversion Algorithm in Cylindrical Coordinates》被GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS领域JCR Q1期刊IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing录用(影响因子8.2) 2023/8/6 祝贺博士生 苏畅 的文章 《Elastic waves in fluid-saturated porous materials with a couple-stress solid phase》被声学、力学领域JCR Q1期刊Journal of Sound and Vibration录用 2023/7/19 祝贺博士生 王魏魏 的文章 《Attenuation analysis of low-frequency surface waves in the ultra-low-frequency bandgap of embedded seismic metamaterials》被Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures录用 2023/7/8 祝贺博士生 周岩 的文章 《A computational workflow to study CO2 transport in porous media with irregular grains: Coupling a Fourier series-based approach and CFD》被ENGINEERING, ENVIRONMENTAL领域top期刊Journal of Cleaner Production(影响因子11.1)录用 2022/12/25 祝贺博士生 陈达的文章《Ultrasonic Lamb wave detection of a micro-channel in the double-casing well》被JCR Acoustics领域Q1期刊Ultrasonics录用 2022/7/15 祝贺博一学生 周岩同学的文章 《Effects of heterogeneous pore closure on the permeability of coal involving adsorption-induced swelling: A micro pore-scale simulation》被top期刊Energy(影响因子8.9)录用 2022/7/14 祝贺本科生 豆一帆的毕业设计获得第三届全国高校力学类专业优秀本科毕业设计A类 研究领域 名称 一. 波动力学及其在地球物理、航空航天、材料无损检测等领域的应用研究 1. 声波和弹性波的正反演研究、机器学习方法应用; 2. 孔隙介质中的弹性-电磁耦合波传播理论、有限差分模拟及储层参数反演; 3. 随钻声波测井、超声固井质量检测波场的有限差分、有限元模拟和反演; 4. 基于孔隙网络的油气储层、煤层的多相流正反演研究; 5. 地震超材料等基于声子晶体理论的材料隔声、隔振设计。 二. 航空航天领域中的结构、弹性动力学仿真计算 1. 针对整流罩和级间分离、场坪评估、探测器控制系统设计和着陆器落地碰撞等问题,开展动力学建模和仿真计算问题; 2. 基于Python语言对Abaqus、Ansys、Adams等商业有限元软件进行二次开发,建立了全参数化的仿真分析平台,将快速建模、仿真计算和后处理一体化。 团队成员 名称 关威 教授/博导 胡恒山 教授/博导,主页:http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/huhengshan?lang=zh 荆宇航 教授/博导,主页:http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/jingyuhang?lang=zh 王军 副教授/博导,主页:http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/wangjun?lang=zh 张超 博士后/助理研究员,主页:http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/zhangchaoo?lang=zh 在研主要项目 名称 项目名称 项目来源 担任角色 起止时间 整机运动线缆走线的力学仿真分析/北京控制工程研究所/负责人/ 2022.9-2023.5 软件集成开发研究/北京宇航系统工程研究所/负责人/ 2022.9-2023.5 新型GNC系统集成一体化设计/北京控制工程研究所/负责人/ 2022.7-2023.12 基于Adams二次开发的分离分析平台 /索为技术股份有限公司/负责人/2022.7-2023.6 非饱和岩石动电耦合波理论及井孔震电波场模拟和实验研究/国家自然基金面上项目/负责人/ 2019.1-2022.12 新型月面着陆器复杂动力学建模与验证子系统/北京控制工程研究所/负责人/2020.10-2022.6 胰腺缝合技术仿真验证/哈工大医工交叉基金/负责人/2022.1-2022.12 光学系统冲击响应谱试验仿真/中科院光电技术研究所/负责人/2021.12-2022.7 已完成主要项目 名称 项目名称 项目来源 担任角色 起止时间 贮箱箱底产品化方法研究 北京宇航系统工程研究所 负责人 2021.11-2022.5 动电测井方法与探测器(2017ZX0501906-006)/国家科技重大专项专题项目/主要参加人/2017.1-2020.12 公路及地下结构受载仿真平台研制 北京宇航系统工程研究所 负责人 2020.6-2021.7 QFP器件引脚成形可靠性仿真分析 北京控制工程研究所 负责人 2019.7-2019.12 胶结窗口设计及热力学仿真 中科院光电技术研究所 负责人 2019.6-2020.6 膨胀节有限元计算及波纹管校核江苏博格东进管道设备有限公司负责人2020.12-2021.3 利用井孔斯通利波及其诱导震电波场 国家自然基金面上项目负责人2016.1-2019.12 联合反演地层渗透率和电阻率 多自由度连杆机构运动及动力学研究 北京宇航系统工程研究所 负责人2018.7-2019.7 数字分离试验模板库 北京宇航系统工程研究所 负责人2018.1-2019.3 基于岩石震电效应的井下渗透率反演方法研究 国家自然基金青年基金负责人2013.1-2015.12 授课情况 名称 黑龙江省一流本科课程《弹性力学》负责人、主讲教师 课程其它成员:王军、荆宇航、杨志强、赵俊青、刘立武 2017-2022年,独立讲授《弹性力学》(80学时) ,连续6年学生评教均为前5%(2000余门课),包括2次秋季学期评教航天学院最高分,2021和2022年学生评教分别为前1.03%和1.02%。 2009-2015年 先后独立讲授《材料力学III》、《建筑力学II》、《变分法》等课程,多次获前5%学生评教。 2023年-至今,力学强基计划班&拔尖班,主讲固体力学基础(96学时) 学生培养 名称 在读博士生12人 陈达 研究方向:声波测井全波形反演 苏畅 研究方向:偶应力孔隙介质弹性波传播 寇兴 研究方向:孔隙介质震电效应 王魏魏 研究方向:地震超材料 周岩 研究方向:孔隙网络模拟 王洋 研究方向:探测器着陆小天体碰撞问题 邹晓晶 研究方向:孔隙网络建模&机器学习 岳胜海 研究方向:新型GNC系统结构一体化设计 黄海 研究方向:偶应力材料中的Lamb传播&无损检测 张德阳 研究方向:随钻声波测井反演算法 周子沛 研究方向:航空结构件损伤识别算法 徐博 研究方向:声波测井全波形反演 在读硕士生 3人 豆一帆 研究方向:机器学习算法 梁伟哲 研究方向: 整机运动线缆走线问题的力学分析 马冠群 研究方向: 航天器动力学仿真 已发表文章 名称 46. Huang Hai, Guan Wei, He Xiao, 2024. Modal displacement analyses of Lamb waves in micro/nano-plates based on the consistent couple stress theory. Ultrasonics, 138:107272 (SCI, JCR-Q1) 45. Liang Weizhe, Guan Wei, Ding Ying, Hang Chunjin, Zhou Yan, Zou Xiaojing, Yue Shenghai, 2024. Mechanical properties and fatigue life analysis of motion cables in sensors under cyclic loading. Sensors, 24:1109 (SCI, JCR-Q2) 44. Yin Yiguo, Guan Wei. 2024. Sound Absorption Characteristics of Unsaturated Porous Material Calculated by Modified Transfer Matrix Method. Buildings, 14:466 (SCI, JCR-Q2). 43. Zhou Yan, Guan Wei, Zhao Changming, Zou Xiaojing, He Zhennan, Zhao Hongyang. 2024. Numerical methods to simulate spontaneous imbibition in microscopic pore structures: A review. Capillarity, 11:1-21. 42. Guan Wei, Kou Xing, Wang Jun, Hu Hengshan, 2024. Interface detection of near-borehole stratified formation under different permeabilities based on seismoelectric logs: A finite-difference modeling. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 234:212633. (SCI, JCR-Q1,中科院一区TOP) 41. Zou Xiaojing, He Changyu, Guan Wei*, Zhou Yan, Zhao Hongyan, Cai Mingyu, 2023. Reservoir tortuosity prediction: Coupling stochastic generation of porous media and machine learning. Energy, 285, 129512 (SCI, JCR-Q1, IF:9.0) 40. Zhou Yan, Guan Wei*, Zhao Changming,Zou Xiaojing, He Zhennan, Zhao Hongyang, 2023. Spontaneous imbibition behavior in porous media with various hydraulic fracture propagations: A pore-scale perspective. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2023, 9(3): 185-197.(CSCI, JCI-Q1, IF: 8.2) 39. Chen Da , Zhang Chao,Guan Wei*, Wang Jun, 2023.Near-Borehole Formation Acoustic Logging Imaging: A Full Waveform Inversion Algorithm in Cylindrical Coordinates. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and remote sensing, 61, 4506414 (SCI, GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS领域 JCR-Q1期刊,IF:8.2) 38. Su Chang, Guan Wei* et al.,2023. Elastic waves in fluid-saturated porous materials with a couple-stress solid phase. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 569:117993 (SCI, 声学、力学领域JCR-Q1, IF:4.7) 37. Wang WeiWei, Guan Wei*, Dou Yifan, Zhou Yan, 2023. Attenuation analysis of low-frequency surface waves in the ultra-low-frequency bandgap of embedded seismic metamaterials. Accepted by Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (SCI, JCR-Q2, IF:2.8) 36. Zhou Yan, Guan Wei*, Zhao Changming, Hu Hengshan, He Zhennan, Zou Xiaojing, Gong Xiaowei, 2023. A computational workflow to study CO2 transport in porous media with irregular grains: Coupling a Fourier series-based approach and CFD. Journal of Cleaner Production, 418:138037 (SCI, JCR-Q1, IF:11.1) 35. Wang Jun, Gao Yongxin, Guan Wei*, Hu Hengshan, 2023. Identification of the seismoelectric field induced by a slow compressional wave at an ultrasonic frequency. Geophysics 88: MR265-MR271.(SCI, GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS-JCR-Q2, IF:3.3) 34. Chen Da, Yin Yiguo, Zhang Chao, Chen Shuhua, Guan Wei*, 2023. Ultrasonic Lamb wave detection of a micro-channel in the double-casing well. Ultrasonics(130), 106916 (SCI, JCR-Q1) 33. Zhou Yan, Guan Wei*, Cong Peichao, Sun Qiji, 2022. Effects of heterogeneous pore closure on the permeability of coal involving adsorption-induced swelling: A micro pore-scale simulation. Energy. 258, 124859 (SCI, JCR-Q1, IF:8.9) 32. Wang Jun, Nie Chengyang, Guan Wei*, Zhang Chao, 2022. Experimental measurements of monopole inner/outer collar waves and estimation of P wave velocity in acoustic LWD. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 214, 110539. (SCI, JCR-Q1) 31. Wang Jun, Zhu Zhenya, Guan Wei*, Gao Yongxin, Wu Xiaorong, 2021. Experimental studies on the mechanism of seismoelectric logging while drilling with multipole source Geophysical Journal International 225 (1), 445-455. (SCI) 30. Chen Da, Guan Wei*, Zhang Chao, Zhou Qihang, Hu Hengshan, 2020. High-resolution inversion for dispersion characteristics of acoustic logging waveforms. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 17, 439-450. (SCI) 29. Shi Peng, Guan Wei, Wang Jun, 2020. Analytical expressions of the dynamic permeability and electrokinetic coupling coefficient in Fluid-saturated rock. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese) 63(4), 1695-1704. (SCI) 28. Duan Yunda, Hu Hengshan*, Guan Wei, 2020. A study on the influence of salinity interfaces on borehole seismoelectric wavefields. Geophysics 85: D167-D180. (SCI) 27. Wang Jun, Hou Xujia, Guan Wei, Zhangchao, Hu Hengshan, 2020. Experimental study of multipole seismoelectric logging while drilling. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese) 63(8), 3205-3217. (SCI) 26. Gao Yongxin, Wang Dongdong, Yao Cheng, Guan Wei, Hu Hengshan, Wen Jian, Zhang Wei, Tong Ping, Yang Qingjie, 2019. Simulation of seismoelectric waves using finite-difference frequency-domain method: 2-D SHTE mode. Geophysical Journal International 216(1), 414-438. (SCI) 25. Wang Jun, Li Hongyi, Guan Wei, Hu Hengshan, Yang Yufeng, 2019. Experimental studies on the mechanism of monopole acoustic collar wave. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese) 62(4), 1541-1553. (SCI) 24. Guan Wei, Shi Peng, Hu Hengshan, 2018. Contributions of poroelastic-wave potentials to seismoelectromagnetic wavefields and validity of the quasi-static calculation: a view from a borehole model. Geophysical Journal International 212 (1), 458-475. (SCI) 23.Shi Peng, Guan Wei, Hu Hengshan, 2018. Dependence of dynamic electrokinetic-coupling-coefficient on the electric double layer thickness of fluid-filled porous formations. Annals of Geophysics 61 (3), SE340-SE340. (SCI) 22. Guan Wei, Yao Zexin, Hu Hengshan, 2017. Finite-difference modeling of seismoelectric logs. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese) 60 (11), 4516-4526. (SCI) 21. Yang Yufeng, Guan Wei, Hu Hengshan, M Xu Minqiang, 2017. Numerical study of the collar wave characteristics and the effects of grooves in acoustic logging while drilling. Geophysical Journal International 209 (2), 749-761. (SCI) 20. Wang Jun, Hu Hengshan, Guan Wei, Li Hui, Zhengxiaobo, Yang Yufeng, 2017. Electrokinetic measurements of formation velocities with wireline seismoelectric logging and seismoelectric logging while drilling. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese) 60(2), 862-872. (SCI) 19. Yang Yufeng, Guan Wei, Cui Naigang, Hu Hengshan, Zheng Xiaobo, 2016. FDTD simulation and analysis of the collar wave propagation in acoustic logging while drilling. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese) 59 (1), 368-380. (SCI) 18. Wang Jun, Guan Wei, Hu Hengshan, Zhu Zhenya, 2016. Electrokinetic experimental studies in borehole model II: localized and radiated seismoelectric field. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese) 59(1), 389-390. (SCI) 17. Wang Jun, Hu Hengshan, Guan Wei, Yin Chenggang, 2016. Experimental study on electrokinetic properties of porous rock samples (孔隙岩样动电特性的实验研究). Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese) 59(9), 3514-3523. (SCI) 16. Guan Wei, Yin Chenggang, Wang Jun, Cui Naingang, H Hu, Z Wang, 2015. Theoretical study on the amplitude ratio of the seismoelectric field to the Stoneley wave and the formation tortuosity estimation from seismoelectric logs. Geophysical Journal International 209(2), 749-761. (SCI) 15. Wang Jun, Hu Hengshan, Guan Wei, Li Hui, 2015. Electrokinetic experimental study on saturated rock samples: zeta potential and surface conductance. Geophysical Journal International 201(2), 869-877 (SCI) 14. Wang Jun, Hu Hengshan, Guan Wei, 2015. Experimental measurements of seismoelectric signals in borehole models. Geophysical Journal International 203, 1937-1945. (SCI) 13. Wang Jun, Li Hui, Hu Hengshan, Guan Wei, Zheng Xiaobo, 2015. Electrokinetic experimental studies in borehole model I: the evaluation of rock permeability. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese) 59(1), 389-390. (SCI) 12. Zheng Xiaobo, Hu Hengshan, Guan Wei, Wang Jun, 2015. Simulation of the borehole quasi-static electric field excited by the acoustic wave during logging while drilling due to electrokinetic effect Simulation of borehole electric field. Geophysics 80(5), D417-D427. (SCI) 11. Zheng Xiaobo, Hu Hengshan, Guan Wei, Wang Jun, 2014. Theoretical simulation of the electric field induced by acoustic waves during the seismoelectric logging while drilling. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese) 57(1), 320-330. (SCI) 10. Guan Wei, Hu Hengshan, Wang Zhi, 2013. Permeability inversion from low‐frequency seismoelectric logs in fluid‐saturated porous formations. Geophysical Prospecting 61(1), 120-133. (SCI) 9. Guan Wei, Hu Hengshan, Zheng Xiaobo, 2013. Theoretical simulation of the multipole seismoelectric logging while drilling. Geophysical Journal International 195(2), 1239-1250. (SCI) 8. Wang Zhi, Hu Hengshan, Guan Wei, He Xiao, 2012. Component wave analysis of borehole seiselectric wavefields in a porous formation. Acta Physica Sinica (in Chinese) 61(5) 054302. (SCI) 7. Guan Wei, Hu Hengshan, 2011. The parameter averaging technique in finite-difference modeling of elastic waves in combined structures with solid, fluid and porous subregions. Communications in Computational Physics 10(3), 695-715. (SCI) 6. Guan Wei, Hu Hengshan, Tang Tianzhi, Cheng X, 2011. The ratio of the acoustoelectric field to the acoustic pressure in the borehole and its dependence on permeability. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese) 54(6), 1660-1671. (SCI) 5. He Xiao, Hu Hengshan, Guan Wei, 2010. Fast and slow flexural waves in a deviated borehole in homogeneous and layered anisotropic formations. Geophysical Journal International 181 (1), 417-426. (SCI) 4. Guan Wei, Hu Hengshan, He Xiao, 2009. Finite-difference modeling of the monopole acoustic logs in a horizontally stratified porous formation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 125(4), 1942-1950. (SCI) 3. Guan Wei, Hu Hengshan, 2008. Finite-difference modeling of the electroseismic logging in a fluid-saturated porous formation. Journal of computational physics 227(11), 5633-5648. (SCI) 2. Hu Hengshan, Guan Wei, Harris JM, 2007. Theoretical simulation of electroacoustic borehole logging in a fluid-saturated porous formation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 122(1), 135-145. (SCI) 1. Guan Wei, Hu Hengshan, Chu Zhaotan, 2006. Formulation of the acoustically-induced electromagnetic field in a porous formation in terms of Hertz vectors and simulation of the borehole electromagnetic field excited by an acoustic multipole source (声诱导电磁场的赫兹矢量表示与多极声电测井模拟). Acta Physica Sinica (in Chinese) 55(1) 267-274. (SCI)
