姓名 | 袁远 | 性别 | 袁远 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 能源科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 袁远 | 学历 | 袁远 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 科学研究 教育教学 论文著作 团队成员 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 袁远,男,汉族,1983年生。教授,哈尔滨工业大学能源学院教师。 主要研究方向:热辐射传输与耦合换热、大气辐射传输及气溶胶辐射特性、辐射传输反问题及智能优化算法、太阳能高效热利用、光催化材料光谱辐射能量吸收机理等。 作为负责人获得以下基金资助:国家自然科学青年基金、面上基金、专项项目、国家博士后特别资助基金、国家博士后面上基金、国家自然科学基金重大仪器专项子课题;作为主要参加者参与国家自然科学基金面上项目等多项科研工作,以第一作者/通讯作者身份发表SCI论文71篇,被引用1300余次,其中SCI他引740余次。 荣誉称号 名称 2014年12月入选“哈工大青年拔尖人才选聘计划”,被聘为副教授。 2020年12月被聘为准聘教授。 工作经历 名称 时间 工作经历 2012.07-2014.12 哈尔滨工业大学能源学院,讲师 2014.12-2020.12 哈尔滨工业大学能源学院,副教授 2020-12至今 哈尔滨工业大学能源学院,教授 教育经历 名称 2001年-2005年, 就读于哈尔滨工业大学,热能与动力工程系,学士 2005年-2012年, 就读于哈尔滨工业大学,工程热物理专业,博士 主要任职 名称 《应用光学》杂志首届青年编委 《中南大学学报(英文版)》杂志首届青年编委 《节能技术》杂志编委 科研项目 项目名称 各向异性介质二维微阵列成像机理及四维光辐射信息重构 项目来源 国家自然科学基金青年项目 开始时间 2015-01-01 结束时间 2017-12-01 项目经费 28万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 基于光场成像理论的高温发光火焰三维流场、温度场在线检测系统研制 项目来源 国家自然科学基金重大仪器设备研制专项 开始时间 2014-01-01 结束时间 2018-12-01 项目经费 800万 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 中国北方地区气溶胶粒子种类的光谱辐射特性信息识别 项目来源 博士后基金面上项目 开始时间 2014-05-01 结束时间 2016-05-01 项目经费 5万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 四维光场成像机理及仿真研究 项目来源 国家博士后特别资助 开始时间 2015.01 结束时间 2017.12 项目经费 15万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 项目名称 基于偏振光场成像理论的含非规则粒子火焰温度场重建 项目来源 自然科学基金面上项目 开始时间 2018.01 结束时间 2021.12 项目经费 61 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 研究领域 名称 大气辐射传输与气溶胶辐射特性 太阳能热利用 多尺度目标探测 参与性介质光场信息成像 团队成员 名称 张传新:2015级博士研究生,研究方向:大气多光谱辐射及多级散射特性研究 陈奇祥:2017级博士研究生,研究方向:大气气溶胶辐射特性关系与PM2.5理化光学特性研究 李天骄:2016级博士研究生(直博),研究方向:光场相机微透镜结构分析 李苏宁:2016级博士研究生(直博),研究方向:微透镜阵列误差对光场成像降质特性作用机理及补偿方法研究 阮朝辉:2018级博士研究生(硕博),研究方向:光催化材料微结构仿真与反演算法研究 高 鹏:2018级博士研究生(硕博),研究方向:复杂大气新探测机制研究 朱艳龙:2017级硕士研究生,研究方向:高温熔盐辐射传输机理 黄春林:2017级硕士研究生,研究方向:大气气溶胶的卫星遥感数据获取 沈思远:2018级硕士研究生,研究方向:偏振光场成像机理 申文祥:2018级硕士研究生,研究方向:大气气溶胶地面实验测量 高子益:2018级硕士研究生,研究方向:复杂大气条件下高速飞行器辐射特性 高 腾:2015级本科生 王得鑫:2016级本科生 章林琪:2017级本科生 讲授课程 名称 简介:机电学院大三年级春季、秋季学期开设 传热学C 招生信息 名称 招生方向:大气辐射传输与气溶胶环境特性; 光场相机成像仿真; 目标与背景辐射特性仿真分析。 每年招收硕士研究生2-3人,博士研究生1-2人 论文期刊 名称 2024年度 104.Zhu Yan-Long, Fan Jian-Hua, Kong Wei-Qiang, Yuan Yuan*. Numerical investigation on the radiative heat transfer characteristics of a direct absorption solar collector based on the MC-FVM method. Science China Technological Sciences, accepted. (IF = 4.6) 103.Gao Xiu-Yan, Liu Jie-Mei, Yuan Yuan*, Tan He-Ping. Global horizontal irradiance prediction model considering the effect of aerosol optical depth based on the Informer model. Renewable Energy, 2024,220: 119671. (IF = 8.7) 102.Zhu Yan-Long, Englmair Gerald*, Huang Hao-Tian, Dragsted Janne, Yuan Yuan, Fan Jian-Hua, Furbo Simon. Numerical investigations of a latent thermal energy storage for data center cooling. Applied thermal engineering, 2024, 236: 121598. (IF = 6.4) 101.Zhu Yan-Long, Kong Wei-Qiang, Fan Jian-Hua, Englmair Gerald, Yuan Yuan*. Numerical investigation on the radiative heat loss of a direct absorption solar collector based on discrete ordinates method. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 236: 121560. (IF = 6.4) 2023年度 100. Huang Chun-Lin, Shi Hong-Rong, Yang Da-zhi, Gao Ling, Zhang Peng, Fu Di-Song, Xia Xiang-Ao*, Chen Qi-Xiang*, Yuan Yuan. Retrieval of sub-kilometer resolution solar irradiance from Fengyun-4A satellite using a region-adapted Heliosat-2 method. Solar energy, 2023, 264(1): 112038. (IF=6.7) 99. Zhang Yuan-yuan, Zhang Zhen-huan, Zhang Yue, Li Yue, Yuan, Yuan*. Shape-dependent synthesis and photocatalytic degradation by Cu2O nanocrystals: Kinetics and photocatalytic mechanism. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2023, 651:117-127.(IF = 9.9) 98. Zhang Yuan-yuan, Li Yue, Yuan, Yuan*. Enhanced sulfamethoxazole photodegradation by N-SrTiO3/NH4V4O10 S-scheme photocatalyst: DFT calculation and photocatalytic mechanism insight. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science.2023, 645: 860-869.(IF = 9.9) 97. Gao, Peng, Tao Dong-xing, Yuan, Yuan*, Dong, Shi-kui. A low-time complexity semi-analytic Monte Carlo radiative transfer model: Application to optical characteristics of complex spatial targets. Journal of Computational Science. 2023, 68: 101983.(IF = 3.3) 96. Gao, Xiu-Yan, Yang Fan, Zhang, Chuan-Xin, Chen Qi-Xiang, Yuan Yuan*. Numerical Simulation of Soot Formation in Ethylene Laminar Diffusion Flame. Fire. 2023; 6(8):316.(IF = 3.2) 95. Shen Si-Yuan, Li Su-Ning, Yuan Yuan*, Tan He-Ping. High-efficiency broadband achromatic metalenses for visible full-stokes polarization imaging. Optics Express, 2023, 31(17): 28611-28623.(IF = 3.8) 94. Liu Jie-mei, Ruan Zhao-Hui, Gao Xiu-Yan, Yuan Yuan*, Dong Shi-kui, Li Xia, Liu Xing-run. Investigating the cumulative lag effects of environmental exposure under urban differences on COVID-19. Journal of Infection and Public Health, 2023, Accepted. (IF=6.7) 93. Zhang Zhen-Huan, Gao Xiu-Yan, Chen Qi-Xiang, Yuan Yuan*. A novel interpolation-MLP coupled reconstruction method for turbulent natural convection thermal environment reconstruction of MW-class offshore wind turbine nacelles. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2023, Accepted. (IF=4.8) 92. Zhang Zhen-Huan, Zhang Lin-Qi, Yuan Yuan*. Numerical simulation of turbulent natural convection heat transfer in an MW-class offshore wind turbine nacelle based on a multi-feature acquisition meshing technique.Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2023, Accepted. (IF=8.0) 2022年度 91. Zhang Yuan-yuan, Li Yue, Yuan Yuan*, Lin Kaifeng. C-dots decorated SrTiO3/NH4V4O10 Z-scheme heterojunction for sustainable antibiotics removal: Reaction kinetics, DFT calculation and mechanism insight. Separation and Purification Technology. 2022, 295: 121268.(IF=8.6) 90. Zhang Yuan-yuan, Li Yue, Yuan Yuan*. Carbon Quantum Dot-Decorated BiOBr/Bi2WO6 Photocatalytic Micromotor for Environmental Remediation and DFT Calculation. Acs Catalysis. 2022, 12: 13897-13909.(IF=12.9) 89. Zhang Yuan-yuan, Li Yue, Ruan Zhao-hui, YuanYuan*, Lin Kaifeng. Extensive solar light utilizing by ternary C-dots/Cu2O/SrTiO3: Highly enhanced photocatalytic degradation of antibiotics and inactivation of E. coli. Chemosphere.2022, 290: 133340.(IF=8.8) 88. Gao, Xiu-yan, Ruan Zhao-hui, Liu Jie-mei, Chen Qi-xiang, Yuan Yuan*. Analysis of Atmospheric Pollutants and Meteorological Factors on PM2.5 Concentration and Temporal Variations in Harbin. Atmosphere. 2022; 13(9): 1426. (IF=2.9) 87. Shen Si-Yuan, Ruan Zhao-Hui, Yuan Yuan*, Tan He-Ping. Conditions for establishing the “generalized Snell’s law of refraction” in all-dielectric metasurfaces: theoretical bases for design of high-efficiency beam deflection metasurfaces. Nanophotonics, 2022, 11(1): 21-32.(IF = 7.5) 86. Liu Jie-mei, Ruan Zhao-Hui, Gao Xiu-Yan, Yuan Yuan*, Dong Shi-kui. Quantifying contribution of weather patterns to PM2.5 concentrations based on spatial effects and health risk assessment. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2022,83: 103980. (IF=11.7) 85. Liu Jie-mei, Gao Xiu-Yan, Ruan Zhao-Hui, Yuan Yuan*, Dong Shi-kui. Analysis of spatial and temporal distribution and influencing factors of fine particles in Heilongjiang Province. Urban Climate, 2022, 41: 101070. (IF=6.4) 84. Zhu Yan-Long, Li Peng-Yan, Ruan Zhao-Hui, Yuan Yuan*. A model and thermal loss evaluation of a direct-absorption solar collector under the influence of radiation. Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 251: 114933. (IF = 10.4) 83. Huang Chun-Lin, Shi Hong-Rong, Gao Ling, Liu Meng-Qi, Chen Qi-Xiang, Fu Di-Song, Wang Shu, Yuan Yuan*, Xia Xiang-Ao*. Fengyun-4 geostationary satellite based solar energy nowcasting system and its application in North China. Advances in atmospheric sciences, 2022, 39(8): 1316-1328. (IF=5.8) 2021年度 82. Gao, Peng, Li, Tian-jiao, Yuan, Yuan*, Dong, Shi-kui. Numerical approaches and analysis of optical measurements of laser radar cross-sections affected by aero-optical transmission. Infrared Physics & Technology.2022, 121:104011.(IF = 3.3) 81. Shen Si-Yuan, Ruan Zhao-Hui, Li Su-Ning, Yuan Yuan*, Tan He-Ping. The influence of periodicity on the optical response of cube silicon metasurfaces. Results in Physics, 2021, 23: 104057.(IF = 5.3) 80. Liu Jie-mei, Shen Wenxiang, Yuan Yuan*, Dong Shi-kui. Optical Characteristics and Radiative Properties of Aerosols in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province during 2017. Atmosphere, 2021, 12(4), 463.(IF=2.9) 79. Ruan Zhao-Hui, Gao Xiu-Yan, Yuan Yuan*, Tan He-Ping. Theoretical insight into the effect of Br, Na co-doping on electronic structure, photocatalytic and optical characteristics of g-C3N4 using first-principles and optical simulations. Journal of Materials Science, 2021,56(17): 10382-10392. (IF = 4.5) 78. Ruan Zhao-Hui, Gao Peng, Yuan Yuan*, Tan He-Ping. Theoretical estimation of temperature-dependent radiation properties of molten solar salt using molecular dynamics and first principles. Energy, 2022,246: 123379. (IF = 9) 77. Ruan Zhao-Hui, Gao Xiu-Yan, Yuan Yuan*, Tan He-Ping. Determining the heat transfer coefficient during the continuous casting process using stochastic particle swarm optimization[J]. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2021,28: 101439. (IF = 6.8) 76. Li Su-ning, Yuan Yuan*, Tan He-ping. Effects of microlens array orientation errors on plenoptic imaging of flame radiative properties and uncertainty analysis. Science China Technological Sciences, 2021,64(10): 2119-2141. (IF = 4.6) 75. Zhu Yan-Long, Wang De-Din, Li Peng-Yan, Yuan Yuan* and Tan He-Ping. Optimization of exergy efficiency of a cascaded packed bed containing variable diameter particles. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 188(6): 116680. (IF = 6.4) 2020年度 74. Huang Chun-Lin, Li Jun-Zhang, Sun Wei-Wei, Mao Qian-Jun, Chen Qi-Xiang, Yuan-Yuan*. Long-term variation assessment of aerosol load and dominant types over Asia using multi-sources aerosol datasets. Remote sensing, 2021, 13(16): 3116. (IF=5.0) 73. Zhu Yan-Long, Lu Jie, Yuan Yuan*, Wang Fu-Qiang and Tan He-Ping. Effect of radiation on the effective thermal conductivity of encapsulated capsules containing high-temperature phase change materials. Renewable Energy, 2020, 160: 676–685. (IF = 8.7) 72. Chen Qi-Xiang,Huang Chun-Lin,Yuan Yuan*,Tan He-Ping.Influence of COVID-19 event on air quality and their association in mainland China.Aerosol and Air Quality Research,2020,20 (IF=2.735) 71. Li Tian-Jiao,Zhang Chuan-Xin,Yuan Yuan*,Shuai Yong,Tan He-Ping.Effects of image positions on temperature reconstruction using light field camera.Results in Physics,2020,2020,17: 103146. (IF=3.042) 70. Zhang Chuan-Xin,Shi Xu-Hang,Li Tian-Jiao,Yuan Yuan*,Wang Fu-Qiang,Tan He-Ping.Determining the effects of droplets attached to glass on light transmission by using Monte Carlo ray tracing method in target optical detection.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer,2020,245: 106856. (IF=2.955) 69. Zhang Chuan-Xin,Li Tian-Jiao,Yuan Yuan*,Wang Fu-Qiang,Tan He-Ping.Effects of droplets in the air on light transmission in target optical detection.Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2020,128: 106044. (IF= 4.059) 68. Zhang Lin-Qi,Chen Zhi-Gang,Hao Zi-Zhuo,Chen Qi-Xiang,Yuan Yuan*.On the characteristics of solar radiative transfer and participating media in Harbin, China.Journal of Photonics for Energy,2020,10(02):1. (IF=2.277) 67. Yuan Yuan,Lin Xiao-Jie,Cheng Zi-Ming,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Shuai Yong,Tan He-Ping.Experimental investigation of thermal performance enhancement of cavity receiver with bottom bulging.Applied Thermal Engineering,2020,168:114847. (IF=4.026) 66. Shen Si-Yuan,Ruan Zhao-Hui,Li Su-Ning,Yuan Yuan*,Tan He-Ping.Analysis of polarization-dependent continuous 2π phase control mechanism for trapezoidal nano-antennas through multipole expansion method.Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,2020,53(9). (IF=2.829) 2019年度 65. Chen Qi-Xiang,Huang Chun-Lin,Xiao Ting,Yuan Yuan*,Mao Qian-Jun,Tan He-Ping.Characterization of atmospheric aerosols and source apportionment analyses in urban Harbin, northeast China.Infrared Physics and Technology,2019,accepted. (IF= 2.313) 64. Mao Qian-Jun*,Huang Chun-Lin,Chen Qi-Xiang,Zhang Heng-Xing,Yuan Yuan*.Satellite-based identification of aerosol particle species using a 2D-space aerosol classification model.Atmospheric Environment,2019,219:117057(IF=4.012) 63. Li Su-Ning,Yuan Yuan*,Gao Zi-Yi,Tan He-Ping.High-Accuracy Correction of Microlens Array for Plenoptic Imaging Sensors.Sensors,2019,19(18):3922. (IF=3.031) 62. Mao Qian-Jun*,Zhang Heng-Xing,Chen Qi-Xiang,Huang Chun-Lin,Yuan Yuan*.Satellite-based assessment of direct aerosol radiative forcing using a Look-up table established through AERONET observations.Infrared Physics and Technology,2019,102:103017. (IF=2.313) 61. Li Tian-Jiao,Yuan Yuan*,Zhang Biao,Sun Jun,Xu Chuan-Long,Shuai Yong,Tan He-Ping.Experimental Verification of Three-Dimensional Temperature Field Reconstruction Method Based on Lucy-Richardson and Nearest Neighbor Filtering Joint Deconvolution Algorithm for Flame Light Field Imaging.Applied Thermal Engineering,2019,162:114235. (IF=4.026) 60. Chen Qi-Xiang,Huang Chun-Lin,Yuan Yuan*,Mao Qian-Jun,Tan He-Ping.Assessment of aerosol types on improving the estimation of surface PM2.5 concentration by using ground-based aerosol optical depth dataset.Atmospheric Pollution Research,2019,10(6):1843-1851. (IF=2.918) 59. Ruan Zhao-Hui,Li Yu-Dong,Yuan Yuan*,Lin Kai-Feng*,He-Ping Tan.Energy-Absorption-Based Explanation of the Photocatalytic Activity Enhancement Mechanism of TiO2 Nanofibers.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2019,44(39):21569-21576(IF=4.084) 58. Li Su-Ning,Yuan Yuan*,Shen Si-Yuan,Tan He-Ping.Identification and Correction of Microlens Array Rotation Error in Plenoptic Imaging Systems.Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2019,121C:156-168.(IF=4.059) 57. Chen Qi-Xiang,Shen Wen-Xiang,Yuan Yuan*,Xie Ming,Tan He-Ping.Inferring Fine-Mode and Coarse-Mode Aerosol Complex Refractive Indices from AERONET Inversion Products over China.Atmosphere,2019,10(3):158.(IF=2.046) 56. Zhu Yan-Long,Yuan Yuan*,Zhang Chuan-Xin,Xie Ming, Tan He-Ping.Numerical study on heat transfer enhancement of thermal energy storage systems considering radiation of molten salt.Solar Energy,2019,183:337-344 (IF=4.674) 55. Li Tian-Jiao,Zhang Chuan-Xin,Yuan Yuan*,Shuai Yong,Heping Tan*.Effect of nonuniform radiation properties on flame temperature reconstruction based on light field imaging.International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer,2019,104:136-146 (IF=4.127) 54. Mao Qian-Jun*,Huang Chun-Lin,Zhang Heng-Xing,Chen Qi-Xiang,Yuan Yuan*.Performance of MODIS aerosol products at various timescales and in different pollution conditions over China.SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences,2019,accept(IF=2.180) 53. Wu Wan-Bao,Ruan Zhao-Hui,Li Jun-Zhuo,Li Yu-Dong,Jiang Yan-Qiu*,Xu Xian-Zhu,Li De-Feng,Yuan Yuan*,Lin Kai-Feng*. In Situ Preparation and Analysis of Bimetal Codoped Mesoporous Graphitic Carbon Nitride with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity.Nano-Micro Letters,2019,11(1):10 (IF=9.043) 52. Li Tian-Jiao,Yuan Yuan*,Shuai Yong,Tan He-Ping.Joint method for reconstructing three-dimensional temperature of flame using LucyRichardson and Nearest Neighbor Filtering using light-field imaging.SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences,2019,62(7):1232-1243(IF=2.180) 51. Xie Ming,Zhu Yan-Long,Liu Yi,Yuan Yuan*,Tan He-Ping.Measurement of Spectral Radiative Characteristics of Molten Salt at High Temperature Using Emission Method.Applied Thermal Engineering,2019,149:151-164 (IF=4.026) 50. Shen Si-Yuan,Yuan Yuan*,Ruan Zhao-Hui,Tan He-Ping.Optimizing the design of an embedded grating polarizer for infrared polarization light field imaging.Results in Physics,2019,12:21-31 (IF=3.042) 49. Chen Qi-Xiang,Shen Wen-Xiang,Yuan Yuan*,Tan He-Ping.Verification of aerosol classification methods through satellite and ground-based measurements over Harbin, Northeast China.Atmospheric Research,2019,216:167-175 (IF=4.114) 48. Li Yu-Dong,Ruan Zhao-Hui,He Yan-Zhen,Li Jun-Zhuo,Li Kun-Qiao,Yang Yu-Lin,Xia De-Bin,Lin Kai-Feng*,Yuan Yuan*.Enhanced photocatalytic H2 evolution and phenol degradation over sulfur doped meso/macroporous g-C3N4 spheres with continuous channels.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2019,44(2):707-719(IF=4.084) 2018年度 47. Zhang Chuan-Xin,Yuan Yuan*,Yu Zhao-Yang,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Tan He-Ping.Inversion of stellar spectral radiative properties based on multiple star catalogues.Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics,2018,09:026(IF= 5.524) 46. Li Tian-Jiao,Zhang Chuan-Xin,Yuan Yuan*,Shuai Yong,Tan He-Ping.Flame temperature estimation from light field image processing.Applied Optics,2018,57(25):7259-7265 (IF=1.973) 45. Li Su-Ning,Zhu Yan-Long,Zhang Chuan-Xin,Yuan Yuan*,Tan He-Ping.Rectification of Images Distorted by Microlens Array Errors in Plenoptic Cameras.Sensors,2018,18(7):2019 (IF=3.031) 44. Yuan Yuan,Li Tian-Jiao,Zhu Yan-Long,Shuai Yong,Tan He-Ping*.Influence analysis of radiative properties and flame temperature reconstruction based on optical tomography.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2018,126PB:342-352,(IF=4.346) 43. Li Yu-Dong,Ruan Zhao-Hui,He Yan-Zhen,Li Jun-Zhuo,Li Kun-Qiao,Jiang Yan-Qiu,Xu Xian-Zhu,Yuan Yuan*,Lin Kai-Feng*.In situ fabrication of hierarchically porous g-C3N4 and understanding on its enhanced photocatalytic activity based on energy absorption.Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2018,236:64-75.(IF=14.229) 42. Li Su-Ning,Yuan Yuan*,Liu Bin,Wang Fu-Qiang,Tan He-Ping.Local error and its identification for microlens array in plenoptic camera.Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2018,108:41-53. (IF=4.059) 41. Li Tian-Jiao,Sun Jun,Yuan Yuan*,Xu Chuan-Long*,Shuai Yong,Tan He-Ping.Simulation of calibration process in flame measurement by plenoptic camera.Applied Thermal Engineering,2018,135:179-187. (IF=4.026) 40. Chen Qi-Xiang,Yuan Yuan*,Huang Xing,He Zhi-Hong,Tan He-Ping Tan.Assessment of column aerosol optical properties using ground-based sun-photometer at urban Harbin, Northeast China.Journal of Environmental Sciences,2018,74:50-57. (IF=3.556) 39. Mao Qian-Jun*,Huang Chun-Lin,Zhang Heng-Xing,Chen Qi-Xiang,Yuan Yuan*.Aerosol optical properties and radiative effect under different weather conditions in Harbin, China.Infrared Physics and Technology,2018,89:304-314,(IF=2.313) 38. Wu Wan-Bao,Li Xu,Ruan Zhao-Hui,Li Yu-Dong,Xu Xian-Zhu,Yuan Yuan*,Lin Kai-Feng*.Fabrication of TiO2 trapped meso/macroporous g-C3N4 heterojunction photocatalyst and understanding for its enhanced photocatalytic activity based on the optical simulation analysis.Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,2018,5(2):481-489,(IF=5.934) 37. Li Tiao-Jiao,Li Su-Ning,Yuan Yuan*,Wang Fu-Qiang,Tan He-Ping*.Light field imaging analysis of flame radiative properties based on Monte Carlo method.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2018,119:303-311,(IF=4.346) 36. Li Su-Ning,Yuan Yuan*,Liu Bin,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Tan He-Ping.Influence of microlens array manufacturing errors on light-field imaging.Optics Communications,2018,410:40-52,(IF=1.961) 2017年度 35. Li Yu-Dong,Jiang Yan-Qiu,Ruan Zhao-Hui,Lin Kai-Feng*,Yu Zhuo-Bin,Zheng Zhan-Feng,Xu Xian-Zhu,Yuan Yuan*.Simulation-guided Synthesis of Graphitic Carbon Nitride Beads with 3D Interconnected and Continuous Meso/ macropore Channels for Enhanced Light Absorption and Photo-catalytic Performance.Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2017,5,21300-21312,(IF=10.556) 34. Wang Fu-Qiang,Cheng Zi-Ming,Tan Jian-Yu*,Yuan Yuan*,Shuai Yong,Liu Lin-Hua.Progress in concentrated solar power technology with parabolic trough collector system:A comprehensive review.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2017,79:1314-1328,(IF=10.733) 33. Zhang Chuan-Xin,Zhang Xu-Sheng,Yuan Yuan*,Ai Qing*,Tan He-Ping.Wavelength selection of bidirectional laser transmission based on Monte Carlo method.Infrared Physics and Technology,2017,83:243-251,(IF=2.313) 32. Huang Xing,Ruan Zhao-Hui,Zhang Hui-Yuan,Yuan Yuan*,Shuai Yong*.Heat transfer analysis of thermal disassociation of ZnO for solar hydrogen production.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2017,42(29):18223-18231,(IF=4.084) 31. Yuan Yuan,Zhang Chuan-Xin,Li Li-Xu,Dong Shi-Kui*,Tan He-Ping*.Multiple scattering analytical method for apparent characteristics in multilayer media.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2017,111C:551-558,(IF=4.346) 30. Li Tian-Jiao,Li Sai,Yuan Yuan*,Liu Yu-Dong,Xu Chuan-Long,Shuai Yong,Tan He-Ping*.Multi-focused microlens array optimization and light field imaging study based on Monte Carlo method.Optics Express,2017,25 (7):8274-8287,(IF=3.561) 29. Chen Qi-Xiang,Yuan Yuan*,Huang Xing,Jiang Yan-Qiu*,Tan He-Ping.Estimation of surface-level PM2.5 concentration using aerosol optical thickness through Aerosol Type Analysis Method.Atmospheric Environment,2017,159:26-33,(IF=4.012) 28. Huang Xing,Hong Jia-Rong,Zhang Ya-Ning,Shuai Yong*,Yuan Yuan*,Li Bing-Xi,Tan He-Ping.Exergy distribution characteristics of solar-thermal dissociation of NiFe2O4 in a solar reactor.Energy,2017,123:131-138,(IF=5.537) 27. Yuan Yuan,Ruan Zhao-Hui,Huang Xing*,Jiang Yan-Qiu*,Tan He-Ping.Energy-Absorption-Based Explanation of the TiO2/C Photocatalytic Activity Enhancement Mechanism.Journal of Catalysis,2017,348C:246-255,(IF=7.723) 2016年度 26. Liu Bin,Yuan Yuan*,Yu Zhao-Yang,Huang Xing,Tan He-Ping*.Numerical Investigation of Measurement Error of the Integrating Sphere Based on the Monte-Carlo Method.Infrared Physics and Technology,2016,79:121-127,(IF=2.313) 25. Li Tian-Jiao,Li Su-Ning,Li Sai,Yuan Yuan*,Tan He-Ping*.Correction model for microlens array assembly error in light field camera.Optics Express,2016,24(21):24524-24543,(IF=3.561) 24. Ruan Zhao-Hui,Yuan Yuan*,Chen Qi-Xiang,Zhang Chuan-Xin,Shuai Yong,Tan He-Ping*.A New Multi-Function Global Particle Swarm Optimization.Applied Soft Computing,2016,49:279-291,(IF=4.873) 23. Yuan Yuan,Liu Bin*,Li Sai,Tan He-Ping*.Light-field-camera imaging simulation of participatory media using Monte Carlo method.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2016,102:518-527,(IF=4.346) 22. Mao Qian-Jun*,Yuan Yuan*,Zhang Chuan-Xin,Zhang Li-Ya,Wu Hong-Jun.Calculation of aerosol optical depth in solar radiation for different meteorological conditions.Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy,2016,35(6):1801-1808,(IF=1.596) 21. Zhang Chuan-Xin,Yuan Yuan*,Li Tian-Jiao,Dong Shi-Kui,Tan He-Ping*.Analytical method to study multiple scattering characteristics in participating media.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2016,101:1053-1062,(IF=4.346) 20. Zhang Chuan-Xin,Zhou Hong-He,Chen Xiang,Yuan Yuan*,Shuai Yong,Tan He-Ping*.Three-dimensional imaging simulation of active laser detection based on DLOS method.Infrared Physics and Technology,2016,77:73-81,(IF=2.313) 19. Zhang Chuan-Xin,Yuan Yuan*,Zhang Hao-Wei,Shuai Yong*,Tan He-Ping.Estimating stellar effective temperatures and detected angular parameters using stochastic particle swarm optimization.Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics,2016,16(9):140,(IF=1.254) 18. Li Sai,Yuan Yuan*,Zhang Hao-Wei,Liu Bin,Tan He-Ping.Microlens assembly error analysis for light field camera based on Monte Carlo method.Optics Communications,2016,372C:22-36,(IF=1.961) 17. Chen Qi-Xiang,Yuan Yuan*,Shuai Yong,Tan He-Ping.Graphical Aerosol Classification Method using Aerosol Relative Optical Depth.Atmospheric Environment,2016,135:84-91,(IF=4.012) 16. Li Xiao-Wei,Yuan Yuan*,Huang Xing,Lin Kai-Feng.Visible-infrared optical properties measurement of the mesoporous TiO2/Carbon materials.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2016,41(35):15638-15645,(IF=4.084) 15. Ruan Zhao-Hui,Yuan Yuan*,Zhang Xiao-Xian,Shuai Yong,Tan He-Ping.Determination of optical properties and thickness of optical thin film using stochastic particle swarm optimization.Solar Energy,2016,127C:147-158(IF=4.674) 2015年度 14. Huang Xing,Chen Xiang,Shuai Yong*,Yuan Yuan*,Zhang Tong,Li Bing-Xi,Tan He-Ping.Heat transfer analysis of solar-thermal dissociation of NiFe2O4 by coupling MCRTM and FVM method.Energy Conversion and Management,2015,106:676-686,(IF=7.181) 13. Liu Bin,Yuan Yuan*,Li Sai,Shuai Yong,Tan He-Ping*.Simulation of light-field camera imaging based on ray splitting Monte Carlo method.Optics Communications,2015,355:15-26(IF=1.961) 12. Huang Xing,Yuan Yuan*,Shuai Yong*,Li Bing-Xi,Tan He-Ping.Development of a multi-layer and multi-dish model for the multi-dish solar energy concentrator system.Solar Energy,2014,107:617-627,(IF=4.674) 11. Liu Bin,Yuan Yuan*,Yi Hong-Liang,Dong Shi-Kui,Tan He-Ping.Radiative Heat Transfer in a Multilayer Semitransparent Scattering Medium using the Pn-Approximation Method.Heat Transfer Research,2012,43(7):591-614,(IF=0.398) 10. Mao Qian-Jun*,Yuan Yuan*,Shuai Yong.Effects of atmospheric aerosol on the direct normal irradiance on the earth’s surface.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2014,39(12):6364-6370,(IF=4.084) 9. Yuan Yuan,Huang Xing,Shuai Yong,Mao Qian-Jun.Study on the Influence of Aerosol Radiation Balance in One-Dimensional Atmospheric Medium Using Pn - Approximation Method.Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2014,Article ID 767231,(IF=1.179) 8. Yuan Yuan,Shuai Yong*,Li Xiao-Wei,Liu Bin,Tan He-Ping*.Using a new aerosol relative optical thickness concept to identify aerosol particle species.Atmospheric Research,2014,150:1-11,(IF=4.114) 7. 袁远,谢放,易红亮,董士奎,谈和平*.非线性各向异性散射介质红外传输特性的PN方法.红外与毫米波学报,2011,30 (5):439-444,(IF=0.384) 6. Yuan Yuan,Yi Hong-Liang*,Shuai Yong,Wang Fu-Qiang,Tan He-Ping*.Inverse Problem for Particle Size Distributions of Atmospheric Aerosols using Stochastic Particle Swarm Optimization.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2010,111(14):2106-2114,(IF=2.955) 5. Yuan Yuan,Yi Hong-Liang*,Shuai Yong,Liu Bin, Tan He-Ping*.Inverse Problem for Aerosol Particle Size Distribution using SPSO Associated with Multi-Lognormal Distribution Model.Atmospheric Environment,2011,45(28):4892-4897,(IF=4.012) 4. Huang Xing,Yuan Yuan,Zhang Hui-Yuan,Shuai Yong*,Li Bing-Xi,Tan He-Ping.Solar Thermochemical Hydrogen Production using Metallic Oxides.Energy Sources,Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects,2017,39:257-263,(IF=0.894) 3. Mao Qian-Jun*,Shuai Yong*,Yuan Yuan.Study on radiation flux of the receiver with a parabolic solar concentrator system.Energy Conversion and Management,2014,84:1-6(IF=7.181) 2. Wang Fu-Qiang,Shuai Yong,Yuan Yuan,Yang Guo,Tan He-Ping.Thermal stress analysis of eccentric tube receiver using concentrated solar radiation.Solar Energy,2010,84 (10):1809-1815(IF=4.674) 1. Wang Fu-Qiang,Shuai Yong*,Yuan Yuan,Liu Bin.Effects of material selection on the thermal stresses of tube receiver under concentrated solar irradiation.Materials & Design,2012,33:284-291,(IF=5.770) . 团队合影 / Group Photoes 名称 ※ 团队合影 成员简介 / Team Member 名称 ※ 博士研究生 / PH.D STUDENTS 张传新 / Zhang Chuan-Xin 李天骄 / Li Tian-Jiao 李苏宁 / Li Su-Ning 陈奇祥 / Chen Qi-Xiang 高鹏 / Gao Peng 阮朝辉 / Ruan Zhao-Hui ※ 硕士研究生 / MASTER STUDENTS 申文祥 / Shen Wen-Xiang 朱艳龙 / Zhu Yan-Long 高子益 / Gao Zi-Yi 沈思远 / Shen Si-Yuan ※ 已毕业学生 / FORMER STUDENTS 于朝阳 / Yu Zhao-Yang 李立旭 / Li Li-Xu 2017届硕士 2017届硕士 李赛 / Li Sai 张筱娴 / Zhang Xiao-Xian 周洪贺 / Zhou Hong-He 2016届硕士 2016届硕士 2015届硕士