姓名 | 姜梦 | 性别 | 姜梦 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 材料科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 姜梦 | 学历 | 姜梦 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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个人信息 科学研究 期刊论文 招生与学生培养 新建主栏目 个人简介 名称 姜梦,男,1990年生,黑龙江五常人,工学博士,副教授/博导,就职于哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院/材料结构精密焊接与连接全国重点实验室。主要从事激光焊接、激光增材制造和激光制造数值模拟等方面的研究。主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划课题、中国博士后基金等项目,参与国家科技重大专项、国家部委基础科研等项目。在npj Computational Materials, Welding Journal, JMPT, MSEA等期刊发表学术论文30余篇。 工作经历 名称 2022年12月至今022年12月月哈尔滨工业大学,材料科学与工程学院,焊接系,副教授 2020年8月至2022年12月月月哈尔滨工业大学,材料科学与工程学院,焊接系,师资博士后/讲师 2020年8月至今2022年12月月 哈尔滨工业大学,航空宇航科学与技术流动站,博士后 教育经历 名称 2015年9月-2020年6月 就读哈尔滨工业大学, 材料科学与工程学院,焊接专业,获博士学位(导师:陈彦宾 教授) 2019年1月-2020年1月 宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 材料科学与工程系,联联合培养(合作导师:Prof. T. DebRoy) 2013年9月-2015年7月 就读哈尔滨工业大学, 材料科学与工程学院,焊接专业,获硕士学位 2010年9月-2013年7月 转入哈尔滨工业大学, 材料科学与工程学院,焊接专业,获学士学位 2009年9月-2010年8月 考入哈尔滨工业大学, 材料科学与工程学院,材料成型及控制工程专业 2006年9月-2009年6月 就读黑龙江省五常市高级中学 主要任职 名称 1. 中国机械工程学会焊接分会青年工作者委员会委员 2. 中国光学学会激光加工专业委员会委员 3. 焊接杂志社青年编委,材料科学与工艺青年编委,粉末冶金材料科学与工程特聘编委 4. 教学部学位中心全国博士硕士学位论文评审专家 5. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Additive Manufacturing, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Materials Research Letters, Composites Part B: Engineering, Thin-Walled Structures, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Applied Surface Science, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Ceramics International, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Journal of Materials Reseach & Technology, Optics & Laser Technology, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vacuum, Materials Science and Technology, Journal of Laser Application, Journal of Advanced Joining Processes, Materials Today Communications, Case Studies in Construction Materials, Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Heliyon, Welding International, Materials, Metal等20余个SCI期刊审稿人 研究方向 名称 真空激光焊接 激光智能焊接 激光熔丝/复合增材制造 激光焊接/增材制造数值模拟 科研项目 名称 1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金 在研 主持 2. 国家重点研发计划课题 在研 主持 3. 国家科技重大专项子课题 在研 主持 4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目 在研 主持 5. 黑龙江省博士后基金面上项目 在研 主持 6. 国家重点实验室自主课题 在研 主持 7. 中车、华为等企业横向项目 在研 主持 所在团队 名称 陈彦宾教授团队 研究基地 材料结构精密焊接与连接重点实验室、国家级科技工业焊接自动化技术创新中心、哈工大焊接集团 研究条件 (1) 高功率激光-机器人焊接试验平台 激光系统(光纤激光:锐科 20kW、IPG 10kW 2台;碟片激光器:6kW,配有点环功能;半导体激光:6kW; 单模激光器:1.5 kW); 双束激光-双机器人大型焊接系统、摆动激光-机器人焊接系统; 激光-电弧复合机器人焊接系统; 真空激光焊接系统3套; (2) 激光增材制造试验平台 激光选区熔化增材系统(EOS); 激光熔丝机器人增材系统; 激光-电弧复合热源机器人增材系统; (3) 激光清洗技术试验平台 纳秒激光清洗系统、大型复杂构件激光机器人清洗系统、飞秒/皮秒激光微清洗系统; 代表性论文 名称 1. Meng Jiang*, Tuhin Mukherjee, Yang Du, and Tarasankar DebRoy. Superior printed parts using history and augmented machine learning. npj Computational Materials 8, no. 1 (2022): 1-10. 2. Meng Jiang, Yanbin Chen, Xi Chen, Wang Tao, and Tarasankar Debroy. Enhanced penetration depth during reduced pressure keyhole-mode laser welding. Welding Journal 90 (2020): 110-123. 3. Meng Jiang*, Xi Chen, Yanbin Chen, and Wang Tao. Increasing keyhole stability of fiber laser welding under reduced ambient pressure. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 268(2020): 213-222. 2024 名称 2. Jiang, Nan, Meng Jiang*, Xi Chen, Tianyi Han, Shengchong Ma, Yuan Chen, Zhiyuan Wang et al. "Effect of beam oscillation on weld formation, microstructure and mechanical properties in vacuum laser beam welding of thick section 5083 aluminum alloy." Optics & Laser Technology 171 (2024): 110408. 1. Liu, Hongfei, Yingzhong Tian, Yuqian Lu, Jiecai Feng, Tianhong Wang, Long Li, and Meng Jiang. "A systematic framework for tackling anomalous pre-welding workpiece postures with regular butt joints based on prototype features." Journal of Manufacturing Systems 72 (2024): 323-337. 2023 名称 10. Jiang, Yumo, Meng Jiang*, Xi Chen, Ao Chen, Shengchong Ma, Nan Jiang, Shengkui Zhang, Zhiyuan Wang, Zhenglong Lei, and Yanbin Chen. "Vacuum laser beam welding of AZ31 magnesium alloy: Weld formability, microstructure and mechanical properties." Optics & Laser Technology 169 (2024): 110115. 9. Chen, Ao, Bingchen Li, Xi Chen, Meng Jiang*, Shuai Zou, Wang Tao, Zhenglong Lei, and Yanbin Chen. "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Shielding Gas Behaviors in Laser Welding of TC4 Alloy." Materials 16, no. 19 (2023): 6511. 8. Feng, Jiecai, Shulei Liu, Lijian Zhu, Ling Xia, Meng Jiang, Hongfei Liu, Yingzhong Tian, and Xingli Zou. "Laser welding for 30Cr3 ultra-high-strength steel." The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2023): 1-15. 7. Wang, Zhiyuan, Meng Jiang*, Xi Chen, Yang Du, Zhenglong Lei, Sicong Zhao, and Yanbin Chen. "Mitigating spatters in keyhole-mode laser welding by superimposing additional ring-shaped beam." Optics & Laser Technology 168 (2023): 109869. 6. Han, Tianyi, Jiaying Chen, Zongfan Wei, Nan Qu, Yong Liu, Danni Yang, Sicong Zhao, Zhonghong Lai, Meng Jiang*, and Jingchuan Zhu. "Effect of cooling rate on microstructure and mechanical properties of AlCrFe2Ni2 medium entropy alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion." Journal of Materials Research and Technology 25 (2023): 4063-4073. 5. Li, Bingwei, Zhenglong Lei, Xinrui Zhang, Yanbin Chen, Xi Chen, and Meng Jiang. "Effect of mixed powder proportion on microstructure and defects of high-nitrogen steel welded joints." Optics & Laser Technology 163 (2023): 109430. 4. Ma, Shengchong, Xi Chen, Meng Jiang*, Bingchen Li, Zhiyuan Wang, Zhenglong Lei, and Yanbin Chen. "Surface morphology, microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–Mg–Sc alloy thin wall produced by laser-arc hybrid additive manufacturing." Thin-Walled Structures 186 (2023): 110674. 3. Li, Bingchen, Xi Chen, Meng Jiang*, Shengchong Ma, Zhiyuan Wang, Zhenglong Lei, and Yanbin Chen. "Microstructure and mechanical properties of TiC nanoparticles reinforced 7075 aluminium alloy fabricated by oscillating laser-arc hybrid additive manufacturing." Science and Technology of Welding and Joining (2023): 1-11. 2. Chen, Xi, Shengkui Zhang, Meng Jiang*, Yuan Chen, Yumo Jiang, Zhiyuan Wang, Nan Jiang et al. "Microstructure and mechanical properties of laser welded hot-press-formed steel with varying thicknesses of Al–Si coatings cleaned by nanosecond pulsed laser." Journal of Materials Research and Technology 22 (2023): 2576-2588. 1. Liang, Jingwei, Shibo Wu, Bingwei Li, Zhenglong Lei, Yanbin Chen, Meng Jiang, Xinrui Zhang, and Xi Chen. "Microstructure and corrosion behavior of Y-modified ZK60 Mg alloy prepared by laser powder bed fusion." Corrosion Science 211 (2023): 110895. 2022 名称 12. Shengchong Ma, Meng Jiang*, Xi Chen, Bingchen Li, Nan Jiang, Yuan Chen, Shibo Wu et al. "Macro/micro-structure and mechanical properties of Al-6Mg-0.3 Sc alloy fabricated by oscillating laser-arc hybrid additive manufacturing." Journal of Alloys and Compounds 929 (2022): 167325. 11. Jingwei Liang, Shibo Wu, Zhenglong Lei, Yanbin Chen, Xinrui Zhang, Bingwei Li, Meng Jiang, and Yuan Chen. "In-situ aging treatment by preheating to obtain high-strength ZK60 Mg alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion." Materials Characterization 194 (2022): 112361. 10. Xi Chen, Nan Jiang, Meng Jiang*, Yang Du, Shengchong Ma, Yuan Chen, Caiwang Tan, Zhenglong Lei, Sicong Zhao, and Yanbin Chen. "Numerical investigation of asymmetric weld fusion geometry in laser welding of aluminium alloy with beam oscillation." Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 27, no. 8 (2022): 595-605. 9. Yuan Chen, Xi Chen, Meng Jiang*, Zhenglong Lei, Zhe Wang, Jingwei Liang, Shibo Wu, Shengchong Ma, Nan Jiang, and Yanbin Chen. "Coaxial laser metal wire deposition of Ti6Al4V alloy: process, microstructure and mechanical properties." Journal of Materials Research and Technology 20 (2022): 2578-2590. 8. Meng Jiang*, Bingchen Li, Xi Chen, Caiwang Tan, Zhenglong Lei, Sicong Zhao, and Yanbin Chen. "Numerical study of thermal fluid dynamics and solidification characteristics during continuous wave and pulsed wave laser welding." International Journal of Thermal Sciences 181 (2022): 107778. 7. Meng Jiang*, Tuhin Mukherjee, Yang Du, and Tarasankar DebRoy. Superior printed parts using history and augmented machine learning. npj Computational Materials 8, no. 1 (2022): 1-10. 6.Yiming Sun, Rongrong Huang, Hongyun Zhao, Xi Chen, Meng Jiang, Laijun Wu, Bo Chen, and Caiwang Tan. "Enhancement of resistance element welding of aa6061 to dp600 steel by using external magnetic field." Journal of Manufacturing Processes 80 (2022): 347-358. 5. Shibo Wu, Zhenglong Lei, Meng Jiang, Jingwei Liang, Bingwei Li, and Yanbin Chen. "Experimental investigation and discrete element modeling for particle-scale powder spreading dynamics in powder-bed-fusion-based additive manufacturing." Powder Technology 403 (2022): 117390. 4. Tianyi Han, Yong Liu, Danni Yang, Nan Qu, Mingqing Liao, Zhonghong Lai, Meng Jiang*, and Jingchuan Zhu. "Effect of annealing on microstructure and mechanical properties of AlCrFe2Ni2 medium entropy alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing." Materials Science and Engineering: A 839 (2022): 142868. 3. Jingwei Liang, Zhenglong Lei, Yanbin Chen, Shibo Wu, Xi Chen, Meng Jiang, and Shiyu Cao. "Formability, microstructure, and thermal crack characteristics of selective laser melting of ZK60 magnesium alloy." Materials Science and Engineering: A 839 (2022): 142858. 2. Bing Han, Yanbin Chen, Caiwang Tan, Meng Jiang, Jiang Bi, Jiecai Feng, Xi Chen et al. "Microstructure and wear behavior of laser clad interstitial CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy coating reinforced by carbon nanotubes." Surface and Coatings Technology 434 (2022): 128241. 1. Hengquan Zhang, Meng Jiang*, Xi Chen, Lianfeng Wei, Shizhong Wang, Yumo Jiang, Nan Jiang, Zhiyuan Wang, Zhenglong Lei, and Yanbin Chen. "Investigation of Weld Root Defects in High-Power Full-Penetration Laser Welding of High-Strength Steel." Materials 15, no. 3 (2022): 1095. Before 2021 名称 13. Meng Jiang*, Nan Jiang, Xi Chen, Shengchong Ma, Yuan Chen, Yanbin Chen, and Zhenglong Lei. "Experimental and numerical investigation of single-pass laser welding of 20 mm-thick high-strength steel under reduced ambient pressure." Journal of Materials Research and Technology 15 (2021): 2317-2331. 12. Xi Chen, Zhenglong Lei, Yanbin Chen, Meng Jiang*, Nan Jiang, Jiang Bi, and Sanbao Lin. "Enhanced wetting behavior using femtosecond laser-textured surface in laser welding-brazing of Ti/Al butt joint." Optics & Laser Technology 142 (2021): 107212. 11. Xi Chen, Meng Jiang*, Yanbin Chen, Zhenglong Lei, Sicong Zhao, and Sanbao Lin. "Laser welding-brazing under temporal and spatial power modulation for dissimilar materials AA6061 to Ti6Al4V joints." Manufacturing Letters 29 (2021): 70-73. 10. Xi Chen, Zhenglong Lei, Yanbin Chen, Yu Han, Meng Jiang, Ze Tian, Jiang Bi, and Sanbao Lin. "Microstructure and tensile properties of Ti/Al dissimilar joint by laser welding-brazing at subatmospheric pressure." Journal of Manufacturing Processes 56 (2020): 19-27. 9. M. Jiang , Y. B. Chen, X. Chen, W. Tao, and T. Debroy. "Enhanced penetration depth during reduced pressure keyhole-mode laser welding." Weld. J 90 (2020): 110-123. 8. Meng Jiang*, Xi Chen, Yanbin Chen, and Wang Tao. "Mitigation of porosity defects in fiber laser welding under low vacuum." Journal of Materials Processing Technology 276 (2020): 116385. 7. Meng Jiang*, Xi Chen, Yanbin Chen, and Wang Tao. "Increasing keyhole stability of fiber laser welding under reduced ambient pressure." Journal of Materials Processing Technology 268 (2019): 213-222. 6. Xi Chen, Zhenglong Lei, Yanbin Chen, Bing Han, Meng Jiang, Ze Tian, Jiang Bi, and Sanbao Lin. "Nano-indentation and in-situ investigations of double-sided laser beam welded 2060-T8/2099-T83 Al-Li alloys T-joints." Materials Science and Engineering: A 756 (2019): 291-301. 5. Xi Chen, Zhenglong Lei, Yanbin Chen, Yu Han, Meng Jiang, Ze Tian, Jiang Bi, Sanbao Lin, and Nan Jiang. "Effect of laser beam oscillation on laser welding–brazing of Ti/Al dissimilar metals." Materials 12, no. 24 (2019): 4165. 4. Chen, X., Lei, Z., Chen, Y., Jiang, M., Tian, Z., Bi, J. and Lin, S., 2019. Microstructure and mechanical properties of laser welded Al-Si coated hot-press-forming steel joints. Materials, 12(20), p.3294. 3. Meng Jiang, Wang Tao, Yanbin Chen, and Fukang Li. "Comparison of processing window in full penetration laser welding of thick high-strength steel under atmosphere and sub-atmosphere." Optics & Laser Technology 109 (2019): 449-455. 2. Meng Jiang, Wang Tao, and Yanbin Chen. "Laser welding under vacuum: a review." Applied Sciences 7, no. 9 (2017): 909. 1. Meng Jiang, Wang Tao, Shuliang Wang, Liqun Li, and Yanbin Chen. "Effect of ambient pressure on interaction between laser radiation and plasma plume in fiber laser welding." Vacuum 138 (2017): 70-79. 招生信息 名称 所在团队是国内最早从事激光焊接、激光增材制造和激光清洗研究的团队之一,具备国际一流的研发条件; 依托哈工大本部、郑州研究生院、苏州研究院每年招收:本科生:4-5人,硕士生:4-6人,博士生2-3人; 欢迎本科生依托团队国家重点实验室及哈工大焊接集团科研条件,开展激光焊接与增材制造(3D打印)相关各类创新创业训练项目; 期待有想法、有追求的年轻人加入! 邮箱:mengjiang@hit.edu.cn 在读学生 名称 博士生:姜楠 马生翀 陈源 姜雨默 陈奥 王智远 张晟奎 李炳尘 王喆 马金铭 王振彪 硕士生:杨李军 路致鉴 王为正 李能 王杰 郝靖宇 王锦竹 胡智泓 林沛成 和呈阳 创新创业 名称 3. 第九届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛,王智远,李炳尘,杨李军等,黑龙江省赛区金奖 2. 第二届中国研究生“双碳”创新与创意大赛,杨李军,王智远,张晟奎等,国家三等奖 1. 2021年大学生创新创业训练项目, 高铭,董姝含,吴多等,国家级项目二等奖 班主任工作 名称 1. 2023.09-至今 2023级材料学院硕士焊接2班,班主任 2. 2021.09-2023.07 2021级材料学院硕士焊接3班,班主任