

姓名 高永卓 性别 高永卓
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 机电工程学院
学位 高永卓 学历 高永卓
职称 副研究员 联系方式 【了解更多】
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基本信息 科学研究 论文发表 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 高永卓,男,汉族,1989年生,中共党员,工学博士。 哈尔滨工业大学机器人研究所,助理研究员/博士后,硕士生导师。 主要从事单孔/经自然腔道的手术机器人技术、有人/无人系统感知规划控制策略及系统集成技术、工业机器人数字化加工技术等方面的研究。 教育经历 名称 2019年,哈尔滨工业大学,机械电子工程,工学博士。 2014年,哈尔滨工业大学,机械电子工程,工程硕士。 2012年,哈尔滨工业大学,机械设计制造及其自动化,工学学士。 工作经历 名称 2022年5月-至今, 硕士生导师 2020年5月-至今, 助理研究员 2020年5月-至今, 博士后 研究领域 名称 单孔/经自然腔道手术机器人系统集成、感知技术及控制策略; 有人/无人系统感知与规划技术、控制策略及系统集成; 工业机器人数字化加工及系统集成技术; 科研项目 名称 国家自然科学基金委员会, 联合基金项目, 2022-2025,260万,在研,参与(排5); 博士后科学基金课题,2022-2023年,8万,在研,主持; 航天科技创新应用研究-"慧眼行动"课题,2022-2024年,177.07万,在研,主持; 国家自然基金青年基金,2022-2024年,30万,在研,主持; 机器人技术与系统国家重点实验室自主课题,2021-2022年,20万,在研,主持; 国家科技重大专项NC专项子课题,2017-2020年,91.35万,结题,技术骨干; 获奖情况 名称 中国机械工业科学技术奖,技术发明一等奖(省部级), 微创手术机器人关键技术及应用,2021 期刊论文 名称 25. Wang Jiaqi, Gao Yongzhuo, Wu Dongmei, Dong Wei. Probabilistic movement primitive based motion learning for a lower limb exoskeleton with black-box optimization[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2023, 24(1): 104-116.(2021:IF=0.56 ) 24. Haodong Wang, Zhijiang Du, Leyang Wang, Yuxin Zhang, Xiangrong Wang, Yongzhuo Gao*, Hongliang Ren*, Design of a Modular 3-D Force Sensor With Fiber Bragg Gratings for Continuum Surgical Robot, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023, 72: 1-11.(2021:IF=5.332 ) 23. Wang Jiaqi, Wu Dongmei, Gao Yongzhuo, Dong Wei. Interaction learning control with movement primitives for lower limb exoskeleton[J]. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2022, 16. (2021:IF=0.64 ) 22. Shi Yongjun, Dong Wei, Lin Weiqi, Gao Yongzhuo*. Soft Wearable Robots: Development Status and Technical Challenges[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(19): 7584. (2021: IF=3.847) 21. Wang Jiaqi, Gao Yongzhuo, Wu Dongmei, Dong Wei*, ProMP-based Motion Learning for a Lower Limb Exoskeleton with Black-box Optimization, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, Accepted (2021: IF=2.526) 20. Haodong Wang, Zhijiang Du, Zhiyuan Yan, and Yongzhuo Gao*, Genetic Algorithm-based Optimal Design Strategy of a Continuum Surgical Manipulator [J]. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2022, 20(10): 3312-3320. (2021:IF=2.964) 19. Wang Jiaqi, Wu Dongmei, Gao Yongzhuo, et al. Integral Real-time Locomotion Mode Recognition Based on GA-CNN for Lower Limb Exoskeleton[J]. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2022: 1-15.(2021:IF=2.559) 18. Chen Fangxin, Zhang Qianjun, Gao Yongzhuo, Dong Wei* , Design and Analysis of a Compact Piezo-Actuated Microgripper With a Large Amplification Ratio. ASME. Journal of Mechanical Design, 2022, 144(5): 054503. (2021:IF=3.441) 17. Shi Yongjun, Dong Wei, Lin Weiqi, He Long, Wang Xinrui, Li Pengjie, Gao Yongzhuo*, Human Joint Torque EstimationBased on Mechanomyography forUpper Extremity Exosuit. Electronics, 2022; 11(9):1335. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11091335 16. Gao Yongzhuo, Liu Xiaomin, Zhang Xu, Zhou Zhanfeng, Jiang Wenhe, Chen Lei, Liu Zheng, Wu Dongmei, Dong Wei. A Dual-Armed Robotic Puncture System: Design, Implementation and Preliminary Tests. Electronics. 2022; 11(5):740. (2020:IF=2.397) 15. Gao, Yongzhuo, Haibo Gao, Kunpeng Bai, Mingyang Li, and Wei Dong*, A Robotic Milling System Based on 3D Point Cloud[J]. Machines, 2021; 9(12): 355.(2020:IF=2.428) 14. Wang Haodong, Yan Zhiyuan, Gao Yongzhuo*, Wang Weidong, Du Zhijiang, Three-dimensional force sensing strategy of laryngeal continuum surgical robot based on Fiber Bragg Gratings, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 70: 1-10.(2020:IF=4.016) 13. Cai Jingnan, Chen Fangxin, Gao Yongzhuo, Dong Wei, Hybrid controller of a linear piezoelectric walking stage relying on stack/shear piezoelectric actuators, Precision Engineering, 2021, 72:272-281. (2020:IF=3.156) 12. Chen Fangxin, Gao Yongzhuo, Dong wei, Du Zhijiang, Design and Control of a Passive Compliant Piezo-Actuated Micro-Gripper With Hybrid Flexure Hinges, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021, 68(11):11168-11177.(2020:IF=8.236) 11. Li Mingyang, Du Zhijiang, Ma Xiaoxing, Dong Wei, Gao Yongzhuo*. A Robot Hand-eye Calibration Method of Line Laser Sensor based on 3D Reconstruction, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2021, 71:102136.(2020:IF=5.666) 10. Chen Fangxin, Zhang qianjun, Gao Yongzhuo, Dong wei, A Review on the Flexure-Based Displacement Amplification Mechanisms, IEEE Access, 2020; 8 :205919-205937. (2020:IF=3.367) 9. Gao Yongzhuo, Du Zhijiang, Li Mingyang, Gao Kui, Dong Wei. A practical implementation of robotic riveting cell for wedge parts of airframe[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2021;235(7):1177-1192. (2020:IF=1.762) 8. Li Mingyang, Du Zhijiang, Dong Wei, Gao Kui, Gao Yongzhuo*, Wu Dongmei. Modeling, planning, and control of robotic grinding on free-form surface using a force-controlled belt grinding tool. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 2022;236(4):2009-2028.(2020:IF=1.359) 7. Li Mingyang, Du Zhijiang, Ma Xiaoxing, Dong Wei, Wang Yongzhi, Gao Yongzhuo*, Chen Wei. A Robot Chamfering System for Special-shaped and Thin-walled Workpieces, Assembly Automation, 2021; 41(1):116-130.(2020:IF=1.582) 6. Li Mingyang, Du Zhijiang, Ma Xiaoxing, Gao Kui, Dong Wei, Di Yan, Gao Yongzhuo*. A System Design and Monitoring Method of Robot Grinding for Friction Stir Weld Seam, Applied Sciences, 2020, 10(8):2903;(2020:IF=2.217) 5. Zhou Zhanfeng, Gao Yongzhuo, Sun Lining, Dong Wei, Du Zhijiang. A bistable mechanism with linear negative stiffness and large in-plane lateral stiffness: design, modeling and case studies[J]. Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 11(1): 75-89.(2020:IF=1.052) 4. Gao Yongzhuo, Du Zhijiang, Li Mingyang, Dong Wei. An automated approach for machining allowance evaluation of casting parts[J]. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2019, 32(11): 1043-1052. (2020:IF=2.090) 3. Gao Yongzhuo, Du Zhijiang, Xu Wei, Li Mingyang, Dong Wei. HEALPix-IA: A Global Registration Algorithm for Initial Alignment[J]. Sensors, 2019, 19(2): 427.(2020:IF=3.031) 2. Gao Yongzhuo, Du Zhijiang, Gao Xueshan, Su Yanyu, Mu Yu, Sun Lining, Dong Wei. Implementation of open-architecture kinematic controller for articulated robots under ROS[J]. Industrial Robot, 2018, Vol. 45 Issue: 2, pp.244-254. (2020:IF=1.19) 1. Gao Xueshan, Mu Yu, Gao Yongzhuo. Optimal trajectory planning for robotic manipulators using improved teaching-learning-based optimization algorithm[J]. Industrial Robot, 2016, 43(3):308-316. (2020:IF=1.19) 授权专利 名称 12. 杜志江,高永卓,等. 一种基于定滑轮的模块化多丝驱动连续体镜头臂. 中国:202011402469.X, 2023-04-14. 11. 杜志江,高永卓,等. 一种单孔手术机械臂的钳头机构. 中国:202011406717.8,2022-11-01. 10. 高永卓,杜志江,等. 一种微创手术机器人用模块化柔性器械臂. 中国: 202011402446.9, 2022-04-19. 9. 高永卓,杜志江,等. 一种面向喉部手术的模块化绳驱动切口式连续体机械臂. 中国: 202011406726.7, 2022-04-19. 8. 高永卓,杜志江,等. 一种单孔手术机械臂的展开机构. 中国: 202011402446.9, 2022-04-19. 7. 高永卓,董为,杜志江,等. 一种机器人用自动化倒角工具. 中国: 201910492222.2, 2022-02-18. 6. 杜志江,高永卓,董为,等. 一种面向自由曲面零件的加工余量离线分析方法. 中国: 201810872173.0, 2021-09-07. 5. 董为,高永卓,杜志江,等. 一种大型薄壁筒状零件的定位支撑夹紧装置. 中国: 201911166926.7, 2021-09-07. 4. 杜志江,高永卓,董为,李明洋. 一种基于视觉补偿的机器人自动化插钉方法. 中国: 201810828510.6, 2021-04-20. 3. 董为,高永卓,杜志江,李明洋. 一种机器人自动打磨装置. 中国: 201910477035.7, 2021-04-02. 2. 杜志江,高永卓,董为,等. 一种基于扩展高斯图像的点云配准方法. 中国: 201811190655.4, 2020-10-02. 1. 杜志江,高永卓,董为,李明洋. 一种安装在机器人末端的砂带打磨工具. 中国: 201810542799.5, 2020-05-26.
