姓名 | 王斯萌 | 性别 | 王斯萌 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 数学研究院 |
学位 | 王斯萌 | 学历 | 王斯萌 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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Home 首页 Research 新建主栏目 About me 名称 I am a faculty member at the Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics of Harbin Institute of Technology. My research field is functional analysis and operator algebras. I am particularly interested in analysis, probability and dynamics on von Neumann algebras, noncommutative Lp-spaces and quantum groups, as well as their applications in quantum information theory. Positions 名称 2021 - present: Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin (China) 2018 - 2021: Hadamard Lecturer, Université Paris-Saclay (formerly Université Paris-Sud XI), Orsay (France)Mentor: Cyril Houdayer 2016 - 2018: Postdoctoral fellow, Saarland University, Saarbruecken (Germany)Mentor: Roland Speicher Education 名称 2016 : PhD (Mathematics), Université de Franche-Comté (France) and Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)Thesis : Some problems in harmonic analysis on quantum groups Advisors : Quanhua Xu and Adam Skalski 2013 : Master (Mathematics), Université de Franche-Comté (France) Advisor: Uwe Franz 2012 : BS (Mathematics), Wuhan University (China) Grants and awards 名称 National Young Talent Program, 2021 FMJH grant for Hadamard Lecturer, 2018-2021 Marek Waclawek Award 2016 (granted by the director of IMPAN for outstanding doctoral theses once a year) Granty dla mlodych naukowców i doktorantów w IMPAN 2016 (Grants for young researchers and doctoral students at IMPAN) Links 名称 Our Analysis team is organizing a Functional Analysis Seminar in the institute; we also have constantly a few open positions. 基本信息 名称 哈尔滨工业大学数学研究院教授。 主要研究领域为泛函分析和算子代数,近年来主要关注冯诺依曼代数、非交换 Lp 空间、量子群等框架下的分析、概率及动力系统问题,以及上述内容在量子信息论中的应用。 工作经历 名称 2021至今:哈尔滨工业大学数学研究院,教授 2018-2021:巴黎萨克雷大学(原巴黎第十一大学),阿达马讲师;合作导师:Cyril Houdayer 2016-2018:萨尔大学,博士后;合作导师:Roland Speicher 学习经历 名称 2013-2016:法国弗朗什-孔泰大学、波兰科学院,数学专业,博士(联合培养)博士论文:Some problems in harmonic analysis on quantum groups指导老师:许全华、Adam Skalski 2012-2013:法国弗朗什-孔泰大学,数学专业,硕士;指导老师:Uwe Franz 2008-2012:武汉大学,数学基地班,学士 科研项目与奖励 名称 国家级青年人才,2021 法国阿达马数学基金会阿达马讲师项目,2018-2021 波兰科学院 Marek Waclawek 数学博士论文奖,2016 波兰科学院所数学研究所青年学者与博士生科研项目,2016 相关链接 名称 数学研究院泛函分析系列研讨班和常年招聘教职 Publications and preprints 名称 Preprints Manish Kumar; Simeng Wang: Fullness of q-Araki-Woods factors. Preprint, 2024. Arxiv Amaury Freslon; Frank Taipe; Simeng Wang: Classical actions of quantum permutation groups.Preprint, 2023. Arxiv Léonard Cadilhac; Simeng Wang: Noncommutative maximal ergodic inequalities for amenable groups.Preprint, 2022. Arxiv In peer reviewed journals Guixiang Hong; Simeng Wang; Xumin Wang: Pointwise convergence of noncommutative Fourier series.Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., in press. ArXiv. Guixiang Hong; Samya Kumar Ray; Simeng Wang: Maximal ergodic inequalities for some positive operators on noncommutative Lp-spaces.J. Lond. Math. Soc., 108 (2023), 362-408. DOI, ArXiv Yan Pautrat; Simeng Wang: Ke Li's lemma for quantum hypothesis testing in general von Neumann algebras.Ann. Henri Poincaré, 24 (2023), 2323-2339. DOI, ArXiv. Amaury Freslon; Frank Taipe; Simeng Wang: Tannaka-Krein reconstruction and ergodic actions of easy quantum groups.Comm. Math. Phys. 399 (2023), 105–172. DOI, ArXiv. Panchugopal Bikram; Kunal Mukherjee; Eric Ricard; Simeng Wang: On the factoriality of q-deformed Araki-Woods von Neumann algebras.Comm. Math. Phys., 398 (2023), 797–821. DOI, ArXiv. Amaury Freslon; Lucas Teyssier; Simeng Wang: Cutoff profiles for quantum Lévy processes and quantum random transpositions.Probab. Theory Related Fields, 183 (2022), no. 3-4, 1285–1327. DOI, ArXiv. Guixiang Hong; Ben Liao; Simeng Wang: Noncommutative maximal ergodic inequalities associated with doubling conditionsDuke Math. J., 170:2 (2021), 205-246. DOI, ArXiv. Simeng Wang: Singularity of the generator subalgebra in mixed q-Gaussian algebras.Colloq. Math., 158 (2019), 39-43. DOI, ArXiv. Simeng Wang: Quantum symmetries on noncommutative complex spheres with partial commutation relations.Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top., 21:4 (2018), 1850028. DOI, ArXiv. Adam Skalski; Simeng Wang: Remarks on factoriality and q-deformationsProc. Amer. Math. Soc., 146:9 (2018), 3813-3823. DOI, ArXiv. Zhengwei Liu; Jinsong Wu; Simeng Wang: Young's inequality for locally compact quantum groupsJ. Operator Theory, 77:1 (2017), 109-131. DOI, ArXiv. Simeng Wang: Lacunary Fourier series for compact quantum groups.Comm. Math. Phys., 349:3 (2017), 895-945. DOI, ArXiv. Simeng Wang: Lp-improving convolution operators on finite quantum groups.Indiana Univ. Math. J., 65:5 (2016), 1609-1637. DOI, ArXiv. Thesis Some problems in harmonic analysis on quantum groups, 2016. Fulltext, Slides of PhD Defense Presentation. Some notes, slides and videos of presentations 名称 Quantum Stein lemma for quantum hypothesis testing - A modular theoretic approach via Haagerup's noncommutative Lp spaces (video). Conference Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis and Quantum Information, Institut Mittag-Leffler, June 2023. Functional analytic aspects of quantum group theory (slides). 中国科学院华罗庚青年数学论坛, March 2022. Partitions, quantum group actions and rigidity (slides). Talk at Quantum Group Seminar (online), February 2022. On the convergences of random walks on quantum groups: cutoff phenonmenon and its limit profiles (slides). Talk at Operator algebra and operator theory seminar (online), Seoul National University, November 2020. Cutoff profiles for quantum Lévy processes and quantum random transpositions (slides). Talk at Conference Entangling Non-commutative Functional Analysis and Geometry of Banach Spaces, CIRM France, October 2020. Individual ergodic theorems on von Neumann algebras (slides). Talk at Groups, Operators, and Banach Algebras Webinar, July 2020. Pointwise convergence of noncommutative Fourier series (slides, video). Talk at Virtual Noncommutative Analysis Weekly Seminar, July 2020. Noncommutative maximal ergodic inequalities for some group actions (slides). Talk at IWOTA 2018, Shanghai, China, July 2018. Noncommutative individual ergodic theorems for groups with polynomial growth (slides). Talk at the Christmas Tree Meeting 2017 of the Noncommutative Geometry French network GDR GNC, Orsay, France, December 2017. Factoriality of some q-deformed von Neumann algebras (video). Talk at the Noncommutative Geometry Seminar, IMPAN Warsaw, Poland, February 2017. Lp-convolutions, multipliers and lacunarity for compact quantum groups (slides). Talk at the 7th ECM Satellite conference "Compact quantum groups", Greifswald, Germany, July 2016.