姓名 | 丁亮 | 性别 | 丁亮 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 机电工程学院 |
学位 | 丁亮 | 学历 | 丁亮 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 科学研究 教育教学 论文专著 English 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 丁亮(1980-),男,汉族。哈尔滨工业大学机器人技术与系统全国重点实验室/机电工程学院教授、博导,国家优青基金获得者。 主要研究方向:星球探测车、野外足式机器人、地面力学、系统设计与仿真、智能控制与感知。作为负责人主持国家重点研发计划项目、国家高质量专项项目、火星探测国家重大专项课题等40余项,作为科研骨干参与探月工程二期/三期重大专项课题等。成果应用于“玉兔”系列月球车、“祝融”号火星车等星球移动探测机器人以及野外重载足式移动机器人。在Science/Nature 子刊、IJRR、IEEE TRO/SMCA/TCyber/TIE、MMT 等发表学术论文230余篇,其中SCI 论文140余篇,最高影响因子25;Google Scholar 引用4000 余次。作为一作/通讯作者发表Science Robotics、National Science Review等杂志封面论文5篇、ESI热点/高被引论文3篇,4篇论文获得学术会议/期刊最佳论文奖。合作出版《月球车移动系统设计》、《ROS2源代码分析与工程应用》等5部著作。获授权和受理发明专利104项(美国专利6项)。获黑龙江省自然科学一等奖1项(排1),作为骨干参与获得国家技术发明二等奖(2011) 、省部级技术发明一等奖4项(2009/2013/2015/2020);获得ISTVS Sohne-Hata-Jurecka Award(全球平均每3年评1人,首位华人获奖者,2017);获熊有伦智湖优秀青年学者奖(2019),中国科协“科学中国人”杰出青年科学家奖(2018),首届“上银”优秀博士论文佳作奖等。入选中国博士后30周年成果萃要,哈工大基础研究杰出人才培育计划、青年拔尖人才选聘计划(破格评为教授)、"跃升计划"等,校青年科学家工作室负责人。学术兼职包括:ISTVS 2022国际大会主席,ICRA副主编,CJME、JBE等杂志编委,8个国内外学术会议专委会副主任委员、委员等。指导和协助指导的博士/硕士研究生10余人获得国家奖学金,与国外高校联合培养博士生9人(CMU、ETH等),8人获得校金/银牌硕士论文。 荣誉称号 名称 黑龙江省自然科学一等奖(2021) 国家技术发明二等奖(2011) 中国机械工程学会上银优秀机械博士论文奖(佳作奖,2011) 黑龙江省技术发明一等奖(2009) IEEE ICIA国际会议Best paper in Information(2012) 黑龙江高等教育学会优秀教育科研论文一等奖(2012) 黑龙江省技术发明一等奖(2013) 黑龙江省技术发明一等奖(2015) IEEE ARM国际会议最佳论文奖(2016) 国家开发银行科技创新奖教金(2016) ISTVS Sohne-Hata-Jurecka Award(2017,国际地面车辆系统学青年科学家奖,全球每3年评选1人;首位华人获奖者) 中国科协科学中国人年度人物“杰出青年科学家奖”(2018) 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金(2018) 熊有伦智湖优秀青年学者奖(2019) Science China-Technological Sciences优秀审稿人(2019) 工作经历 名称 时间 工作经历 2009.11至2010.1 哈工大,助教(国家公派留学预留师资) 2010.2至2013.11 哈工大,讲师 2013.12-2014.11 哈工大,副教授 2012.12至2013.6 加拿大Ryerson大学,访问学者 2014.4至今 哈工大,博导 2014.12至今 哈工大,教授(青年拔尖人才) 教育经历 名称 1999.09-2006.02,哈尔滨理工大学,机械设计制造及其自动化,本科/硕士 2006.03-2009.12,哈尔滨工业大学,机械工程,博士 2008.10-2009.10,日本东北大学(Tohoku Univ.)CSC联合培养博士生 2010.05-2016.04,哈尔滨工业大学控制理论与控制工程,博士后 主要任职 名称 2022.09 General Chair Asia-Pacific Conference of ISTVS 2019.07 IEEE Access Associate Editor 2014.06 The Scientific World Journal Editorial Board Member 2018.12 IEEE(美国电气电子工程师学会) 高级会员(Senior Member) 2016.07 IEEE SMC-B2S(仿生机电与机器人系统) 委员会 委员 2019.09 ISTVS国际地面车辆系统学会 理事会成员 2019.11 中国农业机械学会地面机器系统分会 副主任委员 2019.08 中国自动化学会机器人专业委员会 委员 2020.07 中国自动化学会共融机器人专业委员会 委员 2021.07 中国自动化学会制造技术专业委员会 委员 2021.12 中国自动化学会机器人智能专业委员会 委员 2017.11 中国机械工程学会 高级会员 2021.09 中国机械工程学会机械工业自动化分会委员会 委员 2012.01 中国宇航学会 会员 2022.01 《制造业自动化》第一届青年编辑委员会 委员 2023.03 中国机械工程学会机械设计分会青年委员 我的链接 链接名称 Google Scholar Citation 链接地址 https://xue.glgoo.org/citations?user=N_jCW-UAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN&oi=sra 简单介绍 谷歌学术镜像网站。Google网址:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=N_jCW-UAAAAJ News and others 名称 1. 丁亮教授获国际地面车辆学会青年科学家奖. http://www.miit.gov.cn/n1146290/n1146402/n1146445/c5948284/content.html http://news.hit.edu.cn/e3/60/c1510a189280/page.psp 2. 4人获国家杰出青年基金 8人获优秀青年基金. http://news.hit.edu.cn/2018/0930/c1510a215666/page.htm 3. 3位哈工大人荣获科学中国人(2017)年度人物特别奖“杰出青年科学家”奖. http://www.sohu.com/a/246103058_734953 4. 月球车移动系统关键技术获得国家技术发明二等奖. (国家技术发明奖获奖项目目录) http://www.most.gov.cn/ztzl/gjkxjsjldh/jldh2011/jldh11jlgg/201202/t20120210_92344.htm 5. 第一届上银优秀机械博士论文奖获奖名单. http://hdda.cmes.org/app/common/publish/view/259d200c4c9b4240ab7d6bb86dd4bc19?type=5&projectCode=welcome 6. 指导的研究生龚肇沛同学获得宝钢优秀学生奖. http://www.yuloo.com/mbgx/1512/1388284.shtml?from=singlemessage 7. 指导的本科生李柠汐同学获得哈尔滨工业大学春晖创新成果奖一等奖. http://sme.hit.edu.cn/b7/ca/c6502a178122/page.psp 8. Science Robotics封面论文:A 2-year locomotive exploration and scientific investigation of the lunar farside by the Yutu-2 rover (“玉兔”二号月球车2周年的月球背面移动与科学探索). https://www.science.org/stoken/author-tokens/ST-287/full 9. Nature Geoscience论文:Surface characteristics of the Zhurong Mars rover traverse at Utopia Planitia (祝融号火星车穿越乌托邦平原的表面特征). https://rdcu.be/cIvGR 10. Science China-Technological Sciences封面论文:Three-layer intelligence of planetary exploration wheeled mobile robots: Robint, virtint, and humint (星球探测轮式移动机器人的三层智能:机器人智能、虚拟智能与人类智能). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11431-015-5853-9 11. 机械工程学报封面论文《星球车车轮原地转向沉陷试验及模型研究》. http://www.sohu.com/a/148271353_652791 12. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems封面论文: Low Impact Force and Energy Consumption Motion Planning for Hexapod Robot with Passive Compliant Ankles. https://link.springer.com/journal/10846/94/2 13. 《月球车移动系统设计》,高等教育出版社,2015.05. https://www.hep.com.cn/book/show/f78f1624-426d-41c5-98a4-0191bb404595 14.《ROS2源代码分析与工程应用》,清华大学出版社,2019.06. http://www.tup.tsinghua.edu.cn/booksCenter/book_08081301.html 研究领域 名称 研究方向: 1. 星球探测机器人 2. 野外足式机器人 专业特长: 1. 系统设计与仿真 2. 机器人力学(地面动力学、软体机器人力学) 3. 智能控制(运动控制、感知决策、图像处理、机器学习) 项目来源: 1. 探月工程国家重大专项 2. 火星探测工程国家重大专项 3.国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金 4. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目 5. 智能机器人国家重点研发计划 团队归属 名称 机器人技术与系统国家重点实验室 宇航空间机构及控制研究中心 邓宗全院士:http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/dengzongquang 高海波教授(院长):http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/gaohaibo 奖项成果 奖项名称 月球车移动系统关键技术 获奖时间 2011 完成人 所获奖项 国家技术发明二等奖 简单介绍 奖项名称 复杂环境移动机器人力学行为及操作控制方法 获奖时间 2021 完成人 所获奖项 黑龙江省自然科学一等奖 简单介绍 奖项名称 火星车复合式移动系统设计及运动性能模拟验证关键技术 获奖时间 2020 完成人 所获奖项 中国机械工业科学技术发 明一等奖 简单介绍 奖项名称 Terramechanics-based High-Fidelity Dynamics Simulation for Wheeled Mobile Root on Deformable Rough Terrain 获奖时间 2011 完成人 丁亮,高海波,邓宗全 所获奖项 第十二届黑龙江省自然科学技术学术成果奖三等奖 简单介绍 奖项名称 月/星球车轮地相互作用地面力学及其应用研究 获奖时间 2011 完成人 丁亮 所获奖项 中国机械工程学会上银优秀机械博士论文佳作奖 简单介绍 月/星球车轮地相互作用地面力学及其应用研究 奖项名称 空间折展与锁解机构关键技术 获奖时间 2013 完成人 所获奖项 黑龙江省科学技术奖一等奖(发明类) 简单介绍 科研项目 项目名称 高性能双足/四足/六足机器人系统创成及试验验证 项目来源 国家重点研发计划课题 开始时间 2019-12-20 结束时间 2022-12-20 项目经费 530 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 研制高性能双足、四足、六足机器人系统,并开展实验验证,该课题由位于国内双足、四足、六足机器人方面领先地位的单位联合完成。作为项目负责人,重点在六足机器人集成设计、地面力学、系统仿真、智能控制、感知决策等方面开展系统性研究工作,积累的先进理论与技术成果可进一步应用于双足、四足机器人系统创成设计。 项目名称 机器人地面力学及应用方法 项目来源 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金 开始时间 2019-01-01 结束时间 2021-12-31 项目经费 130 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 星球探测机器人理论与技术 项目来源 哈尔滨工业大学青年科学家工作室项目 开始时间 2021-09-01 结束时间 2024-08-31 项目经费 100 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 项目名称 松软崎岖地形中基于多物理模型的非完整轮式星球车移动控制研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2014-01-01 结束时间 2017-12-01 项目经费 82 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 星球车轮转向与侧向滑移地面力学机理、预测模型及其应用研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金青年 开始时间 2011-01-01 结束时间 2013-12-01 项目经费 20 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 星球车先进移动控制方法研究 项目来源 中国博士后基金特别资 开始时间 2011-07-01 结束时间 2013-04-01 项目经费 10 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 核事故救灾任务灵巧作业 项目来源 科技部973课题 开始时间 2013-01-01 结束时间 2017-01-01 项目经费 476 担任角色 参与 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 讲授课程 名称 机器人技术 学位课 授课班级:机电学院硕士研究生 机器人技术及空间应用 学位课 授课班级:航空宇航系本科生 轮步式行星探测车移动系统结构与控制研究 创新研修课 招生信息 名称 欢迎机械、宇航、力学、自动化、计算机、数学等专业背景的同学报考研究生。 每年招收博士生2-3名; 每年招收硕士生2-3名,读博士同学优先考虑。 出版物 出版物名称 ROS2源码解析 作者 丁亮等 出版时间 2019年 出版社 清华大学出版社 简单介绍 出版物 出版物名称 Chapter 18, Mobile Robots - Current Trends 作者 Liang Ding, Haibo Gao, Zongquan Deng, Weihua Li 出版时间 2011-10-01 出版社 Intech 简单介绍 This book consists of 18 chapters divided in four sections: Robots for Educational Purposes, Health-Care and Medical Robots, Hardware - State of the Art, and Localization and Navigation. In the first section, there are four chapters covering autonomous mobile robot Emmy III, KCLBOT - mobile nonholonomic robot, and general overview of educational mobile robots. In the second section, the following themes are covered: walking support robots, control system for wheelchairs, leg-wheel mechanism as a mobile platform, micro mobile robot for abdominal use, and the influence of the robot size in the psychological treatment. In the third section, there are chapters about I2C bus system, vertical displacement service robots, quadruped robots - kinematics and dynamics model and Epi.q (hybrid) robots. Finally, in the last section, the following topics are covered: skid-steered vehicles, robotic exploration (new place recognition), omnidirectional mobile robots, ball-wheel mobile robots, and planetary wheeled mobile robots. 出版物名称 月球车移动系统设计 作者 邓宗全,高海波,丁亮 出版时间 2015-06-01 出版社 高等教育出版社 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Experimental study and analysis on driving wheels@#% performance for planetary exploration rovers moving in deformable soil 作者 Liang Ding, Haibo Gao*, Zongquan Deng, Keiji Nagatani, Kazuya Yoshida 发表时间 期刊名称 Journal of Terramechanics 期卷 简单介绍 论文标题 Adaptive Sliding Mode Control of Mobile Manipulators with Markovian Switching Joints 作者 Liang Ding, Haibo Gao, Kerui Xia, Zhen Liu, Jianguo Tao, and Yiqun Liu 发表时间 期刊名称 Journal of Applied Mathematics 期卷 简单介绍 论文标题 Wheel Slip-sinkage and Its Prediction Model of Lunar Rover 作者 DING Liang, GAO Hai-bo, DENG Zong-quan, TAO Jian-guo 发表时间 期刊名称 Journal of Central South University of Technology 期卷 简单介绍 论文标题 Planetary rovers’ Wheel-Soil Interaction Mechanics: New Challenges and Applications for Wheeled Mobile Robots 作者 Liang Ding, Zongquan Deng, Haibo Gao, Keiji Nagatani, Kazuya Yoshida 发表时间 期刊名称 Journal of Intelligent Service Robotics 期卷 简单介绍 论文标题 Foot–terrain interaction mechanics for legged robots: Modeling and experimental validation 作者 L Ding, H Gao, Z Deng, J Song, Y Liu, G Liu, K Iagnemma 发表时间 期刊名称 The International Journal of Robotics Research 期卷 32 (13) 简单介绍 Contact mechanics plays an important role in the design, performance analysis, simulation, and control of legged robots. The Hunt–Crossley model and the Coulomb friction model are often used as black-box models with limited consideration of the properties of the terrain and the feet. This paper analyzes the foot–terrain interaction based on the knowledge of terramechanics and reveals the relationship between the parameters of the conventional models and the terramechanics models. The proposed models are derived in three categories: deformable foot on hard terrain, hard foot on deformable terrain, and deformable foot on deformable terrain. A novel model of tangential forces as the function of displacement is proposed on the basis of an in-depth understanding of the terrain properties. Methods for identifying the model parameters are also developed. Extensive foot–soil interaction experiments have been carried out, and the experimental results validate the high fidelity of the derived models. 论文标题 Experimental study and analysis of the wheels’ steering mechanics for planetary exploration wheeled mobile robots moving on defo 作者 Liang Ding, Zongquan Deng, Haibo Gao, Junlong Guo, Dapeng Zhang, K. Iagnemma 发表时间 期刊名称 The International Journal of Robotics Research 期卷 32(6) 简单介绍 论文标题 New perspective on characterizing pressure-sinkage relationship of terrains for estimating interaction mechanics 作者 Liang Ding, Haibo Gao, Zongquan Deng, Yuankai Li, Guangjun Liu 发表时间 期刊名称 Journal of Terramechanics 期卷 52 简单介绍 Conventional pressure–sinkage models of characterizing bearing properties of terrains for vehicles are semi-empirical with poor adaptability and extrapolation ability; definitions of parameters are nonintuitive. The purpose of this paper is to provide more general and high-fidelity models for terrain characterization to satisfy the high requirements of autonomous wheeled vehicles, which should “understand” terramechanics in an accurate way on off-road terrains. Based on the analysis of conventional models and experimental results, new perspective and related equations on characterizing bearing performance are proposed. The stiffness modulus which is an intrinsic terrain parameter with determined unit of Pa/m has dominant role in governing the bearing performance. The sinkage exponent is variable as the function of various influential factors. Numerical analysis verifies that the new model with two meaningful parameters has high goodness of fit with Bekker’s model. Experimental results verifies that the new model using constant stiffness modulus and variable sinkage exponent reflects key factors such as dynamic sinkage, dimension effect, payload effect, and lug effect with high fidelity, which are not considered by the conventional models. This concept could be applied to various terrains and conventional vehicles. 论文标题 Path-following Control of Wheeled Planetary Exploration Robots Moving on Deformable Rough Terrain 作者 Liang Ding, Hai-bo Gao, Zong-quan Deng, Zhijun Li, Ke-rui Xia, Guang-ren Duan 发表时间 期刊名称 The Scientific World Journal 期卷 简单介绍 论文标题 Interaction Mechanics Model for Rigid Driving Wheels of Planetary Rovers Moving on Sandy Terrain with Consideration of Multiple 作者 Liang Ding, Zongquan Deng, Haibo Gao, Jianguo Tao, Karl D. Iagnemma and Guangjun Liu 发表时间 期刊名称 Journal of Field Robotics 期卷 DOI: 10.10 简单介绍 33 pages 论文标题 Kinematic Bilateral Tele-Driving of Wheeled Mobile Robots Coupled with Slippage 作者 Weihua Li; Liang Ding*; Zhen Liu; Weidong Wang; Haibo Gao, Mahdi Tavakoli 发表时间 期刊名称 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 期卷 简单介绍 论文标题 Gait Generation with Smooth Transition Using CPG-based Locomotion Control for Hexapod Walking Robot 作者 Haitao Yu, Haibo Gao*, Liang Ding*, Mantian Li, Zongquan Deng, Guangjun Liu 发表时间 期刊名称 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 期卷 63 (9) 简单介绍 论文标题 Kinematic Bilateral Teleoperation of Wheeled Mobile Robots Subject to Longitudinal Slippage 作者 Weihua Li, Liang Ding*, Haibo Gao and Mahdi Tavakoli 发表时间 期刊名称 IET Control Theory and Application 期卷 10(2) 简单介绍 With the widespread use of wheeled mobile robots (WMRs) in various applications, new challenges have arisen in terms of designing its control system. One of such challenges is caused by wheel slippage. This study proposes a new method for haptic teleoperation control of a WMR with longitudinal slippage (not including sliding). In this teleoperation system, the mobile robot@#%s linear velocity follows the master haptic interface@#%s position. The proposed teleoperation controller also includes an acceleration-level control law for the mobile robot such that the velocity loss caused by slippage is compensated for. Information about the magnitude and timing of slippage is displayed to the human operator through haptic (force) feedback. Despite the functional benefits of displaying slippage information as haptic feedback to the user, there are system stability related concerns that have been addressed using the proposed controller. Experiments of the proposed controller demonstrate that it results in stable bilateral teleoperation with a satisfactory tracking performance 论文标题 Enhancement of tensile strength of embedded parts in carbon fiber-reinforced plastic/aluminum honeycomb sandwich structures for vehicle 作者 Jiangfeng Wang, Haibo Gao*, Liang Ding*, Yajing Xie, Baoyu Song, Jiachen Ma, Mingjin Lin, Renjie Sun 发表时间 期刊名称 Composite Structures 期卷 简单介绍 论文标题 Locally Supervised Neural Networks for Approximating Terramechanics Models 作者 Xingguo Song, Haibo Gao*, Liang Ding*, Pol. D Spanos, Zongquan Deng, Zhijun Li 发表时间 期刊名称 Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 期卷 简单介绍 论文标题 A real-time, high fidelity dynamic simulation platform for hexapod robots on soft terrain 作者 Haibo Gao, Ma Jin, Liang Ding?, Yiqun Liu, Weihua Li, Xinyi Yu, Zongquan Deng, Zhen Liu 发表时间 期刊名称 Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 期卷 简单介绍 论文标题 Bond strength between carbon fiber–reinforced plastic tubes and aluminum joints for racing car suspension 作者 JianfengWang, Haibo Gao*, Liang Ding*, Yuzhou Hao, BaomingWang, Tianyao Sun and Yuhan Liang 发表时间 期刊名称 Advances in Mechanical Engineering 期卷 8 (10) 简单介绍 According to previous studies, the bond strength between the carbon fiber–reinforced plastics and metals mainly depends on the bond layer between the carbon fiber–reinforced plastic composites and the metal. This article presents the results of the experiments conducted on the tensile bond strength between the carbon fiber–reinforced plastic tubes and aluminum joints. The parameters examined in these experiments include adhesive type, surface roughness of the bonded area, and thickness and length of the bond layer. The results show that the 3M DP-460NS Off-White adhesive was suitable for our experiment. The bonded surfaces of the specimens were smoothened with a P600 sandpaper to achieve higher bond strengths with the adhesive. For the six bond thicknesses tested, a thickness of 0.2?mm was optimal for the tensile experiments. The ultimate tensile force was approximately directly proportional to the bond length. 论文标题 Robust Stabilization of A Wheeled Mobile Robot Using Model Predictive Control Based on Neuro-Dynamics Optimization 作者 Hanzhen Xiao, Zhijun Li, Chenguang Yang, Lixian Zhang, Peijiang Yuan, Liang Ding, Tianmiao Wang 发表时间 期刊名称 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 期卷 64(1) 简单介绍 In this paper, a robust model predictive control (MPC) scheme using neural network-based optimization has been developed to stabilize a physically constrained mobile robot. By applying a state-scaling transformation, the intrinsic controllability of the mobile robot can be regained by incorporation into the control input u1 an additional exponential decaying term. An MPC-based control method is then designed for the robot in the presence of external disturbances. The MPC optimization can be formulated as a convex nonlinear minimization problem and a primal- dual neural network is adopted to solve this optimization problem over a finite receding horizon. The computational efficiency of MPC has been improved by the proposed neurodynamic approach. Experimental studies under various dynamic conditions have been performed to demonstrate the performance of the proposed approach. 论文标题 Trajectory tracking control of wheeled mobile manipulator based on fuzzy neural network and extended Kalman filtering 作者 Kerui Xia, Haibo Gao, Liang Ding, Guangjun Liu, Zongquan Deng, Zhen Liu, Changyou Ma 发表时间 期刊名称 Neural Comput & Applic 期卷 DOI: 10.10 简单介绍 论文标题 Robust Adaptive Control of Door Opening by a Mobile Rescue Manipulator Based on Unknown Force-related Constraints Estimation. Robotica 作者 Liang Ding , Kerui Xia , Haibo Gao , Guangjun Liu , Zongquan Deng 发表时间 期刊名称 期卷 简单介绍 论文标题 Linear normal stress under a wheel in skid for wheeled mobile robots running on sandy terrain 作者 Junlong Guo, Haibo Gao*, Liang Ding*, Tianyou Guo, Zongquan Deng 发表时间 期刊名称 Journal of Terramechanics 期卷 简单介绍 论文标题 Adaptive Neural Network-Based Tracking Control for Full-State Constrained Wheeled Mobile Robotic System 作者 Ding, L., Li, S., Liu, Y. J., Gao, H., Chen, C., & Deng, Z 发表时间 期刊名称 IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 期卷 DOI: 10.11 简单介绍 In this paper, an adaptive neural network (NN)-based tracking control algorithm is proposed for the wheeled mobile robotic (WMR) system with full state constraints. It is the first time to design an adaptive NN-based control algorithm for the dynamic WMR system with full state constraints. The constraints come from the limitations of the wheels@#% forward speed and steering angular velocity, which depends on the motors@#% driving performance. By employing adaptive NNs and a barrier Lyapunov function with error variables, then, the unknown functions in the systems are estimated, and the constraints are not violated. Based on the assumptions and lemmas given in this paper and the references, while the design and the system parameters chose properly, our proposed scheme can guarantee the uniform ultimate boundedness for all signals in the WMR system, and the tracking error converge to a bounded compact set to zero. The numerical experiment of a WMR system is presented to illustrate the good performance of the proposed control algorithm. 论文标题 A 2-year locomotive exploration and scientific investigation of the lunar farside by the Yutu-2 rover 作者 L. Ding, R. Zhou, Y. Yuan, H. Yang, J. Li, T. Yu, C. Liu, J. Wang, S. Li, H. Gao, Z. Deng, N. Li, Z. Wang, Z. Gong, G. Liu, J. Xie, S. Wang, Z. Rong, D. Deng, X. Wang, S. Han, W. Wan, L. Richter, L. Huang, S. Gou, Z. Liu, H. Yu, Y. Jia, B. Chen, Z. Dang, K. Zhang, L. Li, X. He, S. Liu, K. Di 发表时间 2022.1.19 期刊名称 Science Robotics 期卷 7(62), abj6660 简单介绍 The lunar nearside has been investigated by many uncrewed and crewed missions, but the farside of the Moon remains poorly known. Lunar farside exploration is challenging because maneuvering rovers with efficient locomotion in harsh extraterrestrial environment is necessary to explore geological characteristics of scientific interest. Chang’E-4 mission successfully targeted the Moon’s farside and deployed a teleoperated rover (Yutu-2) to explore inside the Von Kármán crater, conveying rich information regarding regolith, craters, and rocks. Here, we report mobile exploration on the lunar farside with Yutu-2 over the initial 2 years. During its journey, Yutu-2 has experienced varying degrees of mild slip and skid, indicating that the terrain is relatively flat at large scales but scattered with local gentle slopes. Cloddy soil sticking on its wheels implies a greater cohesion of the lunar soil than encountered at other lunar landing sites. Further identification results indicate that the regolith resembles dry sand and sandy loam on Earth in bearing properties, demonstrating greater bearing strength than that identified during the Apollo missions. In sharp contrast to the sparsity of rocks along the traverse route, small fresh craters with unilateral moldable ejecta are abundant, and some of them contain high-reflectance materials at the bottom, suggestive of secondary impact events. These findings hint at notable differences in the surface geology between the lunar farside and nearside. Experience gained with Yutu-2 improves the understanding of the farside of the Moon, which, in return, may lead to locomotion with improved efficiency and larger range.Free-access referral link to this paper: https://www.science.org/stoken/author-tokens/ST-287/full 论文标题 Surface characteristics of the Zhurong Mars rover traverse at Utopia Planitia 作者 L. Ding, R. Zhou, T. Yu, H. Gao, H. Yang?, J. Li, Y. Yuan, C. Liu, J. Wang, Y.-Y. S. Zhao, Z. Wang, Xiyu Wang, G. Bao, Z. Deng, L. Huang, N. Li, X. Cui, X. He, Y. Jia, B. Yuan, G. Liu, H. Zhang, R. Zhao, Z. Zhang, Z. Cheng, F. Wu, Q. Xu, H. Lu, L. Richter, Z. Liu, F. Niu, H. Qi, S. Li, W. Feng, C. Yang, B. Chen, Z. Dang, M. Zhang, L. Li, Xiaoxue Wang, Z. Huang, J. Zhang, H. Xing, G. Wang, L. Niu, P. Xu, W. Wan and K. D 发表时间 2022.3.7 期刊名称 Nature Geoscience 期卷 DOI: 10.1038/s41561-022-00905-6 简单介绍 China’s Mars rover, Zhurong, touched down on Utopia Planitia in the northern lowlands of Mars (109.925°?E, 25.066°?N) in May 2021, and has been conducting in situ investigations of the landing area in conjunction with the Tianwen-1 orbiter. Here we present surface properties derived from the Zhurong rover’s traverse during the first 60 sols of rover operations. Our analysis of the rover’s position from locomotion data and camera imagery over that time shows that the rover traversed 450.9?m southwards over a flat surface with mild wheel slippage. Soil parameters determined by terramechanics, which observes wheel–terrain interactions, indicate that the topsoil has high bearing strength and cohesion. The soil’s equivalent stiffness is estimated to range from 1,390 to 5,872?kPa per mN, and the internal friction angle ranges from 21° to 34° under a cohesion of 1.5 to 6?kPa. Aeolian bedforms in the area are primarily transverse aeolian ridges, indicating northeastern local wind directions. Surface rocks imaged by the rover cameras show evidence of physical weathering processes, such as wind erosion, and potential chemical weathering processes. Joint investigations utilizing the scientific payloads of the rover and the orbiter can provide insights into local aeolian and aqueous history, and the habitability evolution of the northern lowlands on Mars.Full-text access to a view-only version of the paper: https://rdcu.be/cIvGR Overview 名称 Liang Ding received the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering in January 2010, from Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, where he is currently a full Professor with the State Key Laboratory of Robotics and Systems. He visited the Space Robotics Laboratory, Tohoku University, Japan, for one year in 2008-2009; and he visited the Ryerson University for half a year in 2013. His current research interests include mechanics (in particular terramechanics), intelligent control, design and simulation of robotic systems, in particular for planetary exploration rovers and multi-legged robots. He has been teaching robotics for under- and post-graduates. Prof. Ding was a recipient of the 2018 Outstanding Youth Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2017 ISTVS S?hne-Hata-Jurecka Award, 2011 National Award for Technological Invention of China and the 2009/2013/2015 Award for Technological Invention of Heilongjiang Province. He received the Hiwin Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, the Best Conference Paper Award of IEEE ARM, and the Best Paper in Information Award of the 2012 IEEE ICIA Conference. He has authored or co-authored over 140 papers in journals and conference proceedings; he has been more than 40 patent of invention of China. Contact 名称 Email: liangding@hit.edu.cn Address: Room 404, Building 2F, Yikuang St. 2, Science and Technology Park, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150080, Heilongjian Province, China Links 链接名称 My ResearchGate 链接地址 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/L_Ding2 简单介绍 My research results and publications (including the files that can download) 链接名称 Google Scholar Citation 链接地址 https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=N_jCW-UAAAAJ 简单介绍 In China: https://xue.glgoo.org/citations?user=N_jCW-UAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN&oi=sra 链接名称 Research paper published in Science Robotics:A 2-year locomotive exploration and scientific investigation of the lunar farside by the Yutu-2 rover 链接地址 https://www.science.org/stoken/author-tokens/ST-287/full 简单介绍 Ding, L. et al. A 2-year locomotive exploration and scientifc investigation of the lunar farside by the Yutu-2 rover. Sci. Robot. 7, abj6660 (2022). 链接名称 Research paper published in Nature Geoscience:Surface characteristics of the Zhurong Mars rover traverse at Utopia Planitia 链接地址 https://rdcu.be/cIvGR 简单介绍 Ding, L. et al. Surface characteristics of the Zhurong Mars rover traverse at Utopia Planitia. Nat. Geosci. 15, 171-176, 2022.