姓名 | 姜永远 | 性别 | 姜永远 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 物理学院 |
学位 | 姜永远 | 学历 | 姜永远 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 | 人气 | |
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基本信息 科学研究 教育教学 Publications 最新动向 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 姜永远,理学博士,物理学教授,博士生导师 黑龙江省“微光学与光子学技术“重点实验室常务副主任 工业和信息化部“微纳光电信息系统理论与技术”重点实验室副主任 研究方向:微纳光学,超材料&超表面,光声信息处理 荣誉奖励 名称 2023年,国家级教学成果奖二等奖 2012年, 黑龙江省人民政府省级领军人才梯队“光学”学科学术后备带头人 2006年,黑龙江省自然科学技术二等奖 工作经历 名称 2023.1-至今 哈尔滨工业大学物理学院, 教授 2018.10-2023.1 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)教务处处长 副校长 2012.9-2018.9 哈尔滨工业大学英才学院 副院长 院长 2006.9-至今 哈尔滨工业大学物理系, 教授 2001.9-2004.7 康涅狄格大学物理系,佐治亚大学物理系, 博士后 2000.7-2006.9 哈尔滨工业大学物理系, 副教授 1998.7-2000.7 哈尔滨工业大学应用物理系, 讲师 社会任职 名称 黑龙江省物理学会第七届、第八届理事(2008-) 山东省光学工程学会副理事长(2022-) 科研项目 项目名称 微结构热辐射调控机理 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2009-01-01 结束时间 2012-12-01 项目经费 *** 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 渔网状电磁超材料近场热辐射 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2012-01-01 结束时间 2015-12-01 项目经费 *** 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 ******** 项目来源 863 开始时间 2011-07-01 结束时间 2016-06-01 项目经费 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 研究领域 名称 主要研究方向: 光学声学超构材料、光学信息处理 团队成员 名称 博士毕业生:杨晓雨、常颖、居冬泉、白阳、赵文宇、姜欢、刘冰意、魏亚东、王莉、李明珠、刘金来、任斌 王小赛,崔赢,Kaner, N. Tolbert,唐帅 硕士毕业生:张永强、彭瑜、付彦霞、李晶、沈宗晶、黄林轶、薛恺、李刚、杜军、刘晓远、刘海光、马俊惠、高慧慧、朱江华、白阳、曹小青、张宇鹏、毛祖金、任晓楠、赵丽、胡雨彬、宋志鑫、刘守坤、冷宪东、邓蓉剑、明晨、张腾、余敏荣、吕成、姚佳宝、张佳凝 讲授课程 名称 大学物理(本科生) ,1999学年-2008学年 信息光学(本科生),2008学年-2022学年 电磁学(双语,英才班),2010 学年-2012学年 太赫兹波段电磁超介质及其应用(本科创新研修课),2013年- 光学(本科生) 光学薄膜技术(本科生) 光束传输与控制(选修课) 光学信息处理(研究生),2004学年-2018学年 (2014年度哈工大首届研究生精品课) 相位共轭光学(研究生) 2005学年 纳米光子学(研究生,“与国际高水平学者共建研究生课程”)2011学年-2016学年 光束传输与控制(博士生选修课), 2011学年-2014学年 一、信息光学: 本科生专业课 课程编号: PH33402 课程学时:56 先修课程:电磁学、光学、数学物理方法 课程简介: 信息光学是傅立叶光学与电子学中的通信理论相结合的新学科,是现代光学的核心内容之一,它应用电子学中的通信理论和系统理论以及数学上的傅里叶分析(频谱分析)方法来研究光学问题,包括光波的传播、光波的衍射、透镜的傅里叶变换性质、光学成像系统的频率响应特性、波前的记录和再现、相干空间滤波等问题。 本课程的主要内容包括傅立叶光学的数学基础和空间频率的概念,二维光学图像的傅里叶变换及其性质,光波传播的系统理论、标量衍射理论和衍射的角谱理论,薄透镜的相位调制作用以及薄透镜的傅立叶变换性质和成像性质,光学成像系统的频率响应特性,包括衍射受限的相干成像系统的频率响应及相干传递函数,衍射受限的非相干成像系统的频率响应及光学传递函数,光学全息的基本原理及其应用,傅立叶变换全息图的实现和分析,相干光学信息处理系统(三透镜4f系统)及空间频率平面的确定,空间滤波的傅里叶分析和应用等。 本课程教学的主要目的是使学生了解光学信息频谱分析的方法和光学信息处理技术及其在科研、生产中的广泛应用。通过本课程的学习,使学生理解和掌握信息光学的基本原理、概念,培养学生解决问题的能力,激发学生对本专业的浓厚兴趣。 课程内容 : 0. 绪论 (下载) 文献阅读 The Evolution of Information Optics by E. N. Leith 1. 光信息描述(下载) 文献阅读 Complex Spatial Filters for Image Deconvolution by E. N. Leith 2. 光信息分析基础(下载) 文献阅读 Optics and Communication Theory by P. Elias 文献阅读 Fourier Treatment of Optical Processes by P. Elias 3. 光信息传播分析(下载) 文献阅读 Lens Design for Optical Fourier Transform Systems by K. von Bieren 4. 光学成像系统分析(下载) 前沿文献阅读 Coherent Optical Data Processing by L. J. Cutrona 前沿文献阅读 Optical Data Processing and Filtering Systems by L. J. Cutrona 5. 光学全息基础(下载) 文献阅读 A New Microscopic Principle by D. Gabor 文献阅读 Quasi-Holographic Techniques in the Microwave Region by E. N. Leith 前沿文献阅读 Dielectric Huygens@#% Metasurface for High-efficiency Hologram by Y. Jiang 6. 光学频谱分析(下载) 文献阅读 Spatial Filtering in Optics by E. L. O@#%neill 前沿文献阅读 On the Application of Coherent Optical Processing by L. J. Cutrona 前沿文献阅读 Signal Detection By Complex Spatial Filtering by A. Vander Lugt 前沿文献阅读 Character Recognition by Incoherent Spatial Filtering by J. D. Armitage and A. W. Lohmann 二、光学信息处理:硕士生学位课 课程编号: S0611006C 课程学时:32%2B12 先修课程:信息光学 课程简介: 主要内容: 第1章傅立叶光学基础 (下载) 第2章相干光学信息处理 (下载) 第3章非相干光学信息处理(下载) 第4章光学图像识别(下载) 第5章空间光调制器(下载) 第6章光电混合处理器(下载) 第7章线性空间变光学信息处理(下载) 第8章光折变光学信息处理(下载) 参考书 Optical Information Processing by S. H. Lee 文献阅读(下载)The Evolution of Information Optics by E. N. Leith 招生信息 名称 本课题组欢迎博士后、访问学者加盟。 博士招生:纳微光子学领域,每年招收1-2人 硕士招生:每年招收2-3人 指导本科毕业设计30余人次,指导硕士毕业生32人,多人荣获国家奖学金。 指导博士研究生20余人,多人荣获国家奖学金,1人荣获中国光学学会王大珩光学奖,1人荣获研究生十佳英才称号。 近年发表期刊论文情况: 名称 2024年: 1. Yao, J., Tang, S., Wang, X., Lü, C., Jiang, Y.*, The manipulation of path state based on spatiotemporal dielectric metasurface, Applied Optics, 63(3), 604-610, 2024 2023年: 1. Tang, S., Wu, J., Lü, C., Yao, J., Pei, Y., Jiang, Y.*, Unidirectional beam splitting in acoustic metamaterial governed by double fractional stimulated Raman adiabatic passage, Applied Physics Letters, 122(21), 212201, 2023 2. Shuai Tang, Jin-Lei Wu, Cheng Lü, Jiabao Yao, Xiaosai Wang, Jie Song and Yongyuan Jiang*, One-way acoustic beam splitting in spatial four-waveguide couplers designed by adiabatic passage, New Journal of Physics, 25(3), 033032, 2023 3. Lü, C., Tang, S., Wu, J., Jiang, Y.*, Low-frequency acoustic absorption realized by ultrasparse coiling-up metasurfaces, Results in Physics, 49, 106488, 2023 4. Lü, C., Tang, S., Wu, J., Pei, Y., Jiang, Y.*, Achromatic transmitted acoustic lens arrayed by cascaded Helmholtz resonators, Applied Physics Express, 16(1), 014004, 2023 5. Wang, X., Wu, J., Wang, R., Li, L., Jiang, Y.*, Reconstructing Polarization Multiplexing Terahertz Holographic Images with Transmissive Metasurface, Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 13(4), 2528, 2023 6. Xiaosai Wang, Jinlei Wu, Bin Ren, Jiabao Yao, Shuai Tang, and Yongyuan Jiang. High-performance polarization-controlled perfect optical vortex generation via all-dielectric metasurfaces in the visible region. Physica Scripta, 98(8), 085931, 2023 7. Xiaosai Wang, Ying Cui, Yuxin Feng, and Yongyuan Jiang. Broadband achromatic metalens with high numerical aperture via hybrid all-dielectric meta-atoms in the visible region. Journal of Applied Physics, 134(3), 035306, 2023 8. Zhang, J.-N, Han, J.-X., Wu, J.-L., Song, J., Jiang, Y.-Y.*, Robust beam splitter with fast quantum state transfer through a topological interface, Frontiers of Physics, 18(5), 51303, 2023 9. K. Pang, X. Xu, R. Ku, Y. Wei, T. Ying, W. Li, J. Yang, X. Li, Y. Jiang*, Ferroelectricity and High Curie Temperature in a 2D Janus Magnet, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(7), 10133-10140, 2023 10. Pang, K., Xu, X., Wei, Y., Ying T., Gao, B., Li, W., Jiang, Y., Strain-dependent magnetic ordering switching in 2D AFM ternary V-based chalcogenide monolayers, Nanoscale, 15(32), 13420–13427, 2023 11. Ngeywo Tolbert Kaner, Yadong Wei, Boyang Fu, Tao Ying, Weiqi Li, A. Raza, Y. Jing, YongYuan Jiang, Victor Meng’wa, Jianqun Yang, Xingji Li, Unveiling the Linear Photogalvanic Effect in a Two-Dimensional Organic Tin Halide Perovskite: (CH3)2NH2SnI3, ACS Applied Energy Materials , 6(10), 5135-5143, 2023 12. Huan Jiang, Kangzhun Peng, Ying Cui, Zhenwei Xie, Hui Zhang, Yongyuan Jiang, Weiren Zhao, Xiaocong Yuan,Giant and reversible circular dichroism based on phase change materials for near-field image display, Journal of Optics (United Kingdom), 25(6), 065101, 2023 13. Yao, F., Zhang, C., Zhou, Y., Song, Z., Pei, Y., Wang, J., Hou, C., Jiang, Y., Sun, X., Control over polarization of vertically emitting random lasers based on dye doped nematic liquid crystals by applying a transverse electric field locally, Optics and Laser Technology, 161, 109215, 2023 14. Chen, Y.-J., Gao, J.-W., Han, J.-X., Yuan, Z.-H., Li, R.-B., Jiang, Y.-Y., Song, J., Orbital-angular-momentum-enhanced phase estimation using non-Gaussian states with photon loss, Physical Review A, 108(2), 022613, 2023 15. Yuan, Z.-H., Chen, Y.-J., Han, J.-X., Wu, J.-L., Li, W.-Q., Xia, Y., Jiang, Y.-Y., Song, J., Periodic photon-magnon blockade in an optomagnonic system with chiral exceptional points, Physical Review B, 108(13), 134409, 2023 2022年: 1. Ren, B., Feng, Y., Tang, S., ...Song, J., Jiang, Y.*, Ultra-thin 2-bit anisotropic Huygens coding metasurface for terahertz wave manipulation, Optics Express, 30(10), 16229–16241, 2022 2. Ren, B., Tang, S., Feng, Y., ...Song, J., Jiang, Y.*, Dynamic and complete terahertz wavefront manipulation via an anisotropic coding metasurface, Applied Optics, 61(26), 7558–7564, 2022 3. Liu, J., Liu, B., Tang, S., Song, J., Jiang, Y.*, Tunable dual-band metamaterial absorber in the infrared range based on split-ring-groove array, Applied Optics, 61(2), 471–477, 2022 4. Liu, J., Tang, S., Ren, B., Song, J., Jiang, Y.*, Tunable ultra-high quality factor graphene absorber based on semicylindrical silica array and distributed Bragg reflector structure, AIP Advances, 12(5), 055125, 2022 5. Mingzhu Li, Jie Song, and Yongyuan Jiang*, Coexistence of topological type-II Weyl and triply degenerate points in a chiral photonic metamaterial, Physical Review B, 105, 085304, 2022 6. Li, M., Han, N., Song, J., Jiang, Y.*, Unidirectional disorder-immune transmission and reconfigurable route of Fermi arcs in photonic topological Weyl metamaterials, Physical Review B,106(7), 075301, 2022 7. Cui, Y., Jiang, Y.*, Dual-band tunable and strong circular dichroism in a metal-graphene hybrid zigzag metasurface, Optics Express, 30(23), 42614–42623, 2022 8. Cui, Y., Wang, X., Ren, B., Jiang, H., Jiang, Y.*, High-efficiency and tunable circular polarization selectivity in photosensitive silicon-based zigzag array metasurface, Optics and Laser Technology, 156, 108453, 2022 9. Cui, Y., Wang, X., Jiang, H., Jiang, Y.*, High-efficiency and tunable circular dichroism in chiral graphene metasurface, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 55(13), 135102, 2022 10. Cui, Y., Wang, X., Ren, B., Jiang, Y.*, Polarization-controlled electromagnetically induced transparency analogue based on multipolar resonances, Optical Materials Express, 12(9), 3738–3748, 2022 11. Wang, X., Cui, Y., Ren, B., ...Wu, J., Jiang, Y.*, Metalens for generating multi-channel polarization-wavelength multiplexing metasurface holograms, Optics Express, 30(26), 47856–47866, 2022 12. Wang, X., Cui, Y., Liu, B., Jiang, Y.*, Efficient beam manipulation with Huygens-geometric metasurface supporting pure magnetic resonances, Journal of Applied Physics, 131(2), 025303, 2022 13. Shuai Tang, Jin-Lei Wu, Cheng Lü, Xiaosai Wang, Jie Song, and Yongyuan Jiang*, Acoustic wavelength-selected metamaterials designed by reversed fractional stimulated Raman adiabatic passage, Physical Review B, 105, 104107, 2022 14. Tang, S., Wu, J.-L., Lu, C., Song, J., Jiang, Y.*, Functional Acoustic Metamaterial Using Shortcut to Adiabatic Passage in Acoustic Waveguide Couplers, Physical Review Applied, 18(1), 014038, 2022 15. Tang, S., Lü, C., Wu, J.-L., Song, J., Jiang, Y.*, Wavelength-selected bifunctional beam shaping for transmitted acoustic waves via coding metasurface, Applied Acoustics, 194, 108786, 2022 16. Tang, S., Ren, B., Feng, Y., Song, J., Jiang, Y.*, Broadband Controllable Asymmetric Accelerating Beam via Bilayer Binary Acoustic Metasurfaces, Annalen der Physik, 534(2), 2100208, 2022 17. Kaner, N.T., Wei, Y., Raza, A., ...Jiang, Y.*, Tian, W.Q.First principles calculations of charge shift photocurrent in vdWs slide double layered 2D h-BN and β-GeS homostructures, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 169, 110887, 2022 18. Kaner, N.T., Wei, Y., Raza, A., ...Jiang, Y.*, Tian, W.Q., Colossal In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Shift Photocurrents in Single-Layer Two-Dimensional α-Antimonide Phosphorus, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14(20), 23348–23354, 2022 19. Kaner, N.T., Wei, Y., Ying, T., Li, W., Jiang, Y.*, Tian, W.Q., Giant Shift Photovoltaic Current in Group V-V Binary Nanosheets, Advanced Theory and Simulations, 5(4), 2100472, 2022 20. Pang, K., Xu, X., Wei, Y., Ying, T., Li, W., Yang, J., Li, X., Jiang, Y.*, Zhang, G., Tian, W., Integrating ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity in an iron chalcogenide monolayer: a first-principles study, Nanoscale, 14(38), 14231–14239, 2022 21. Kaijuan Pang, Xiaodong Xu, Ruiqi Ku, Yadong Wei, Tao Ying, Weiqi Li, Jianqun Yang, Xingji Li, and Yongyuan Jiang*, First-Principles Calculations for the Impact of Hydrogenation on the Electron Behavior and Stability of Borophene Nanosheets: Implications for Boron 2D Electronics, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5(1), 1419–1425, 2022 22. Ruiqi Ku, Luo Yan, Kui Xue, Jing Zhang, Kaijuan Pang, Ming Sha, Bao-Tian Wang, Yongyuan Jiang, Liujiang Zhou, and Weiqi Li, NiX2 (X = S, Se, and Te) Monolayers: Promising Anodes in Li/Na-Ion Batteries and Superconductors, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126, 16, 6925-6933, 2022 23. Wu, J.L., Tang, S., Wang, Y., Wang, X.S., Han, J.X., Lv, C., Song, J., Su, S.L., Xia, Y., Jiang, Y.Y.*, Unidirectional acoustic metamaterials based on nonadiabatic holonomic quantum transformations, Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 65(2), 220311, 2022 24. Wu, J.-L., Wang, Y., Han, J.-X., ...Song, J., Jiang, Y., Fast and Robust Multiqubit Gates on Rydberg Atoms by Periodic Pulse Engineering, Advanced Quantum Technologies, 5(10), 2200042, 2022 25. Wu, J.-L., Wang, Y., Han, J.-X., Su, S.-L., Xia, Y., Jiang, Y., Song, J., Unselective ground-state blockade of Rydberg atoms for implementing quantum gates, Frontiers of Physics, 17(2), 22501, 2022 26. Jin-Xuan Han, Jin-Lei Wu, Yan Wang, Yan Xia, Yong-Yuan Jiang, and Jie Song, Tripartite high-dimensional magnon-photon entanglement in phases with broken PT-symmetry of a non-Hermitian hybrid system, Physical Review B, 105, 064431, 2022 27. Han, J.-X., Wu, J.-L., Yuan, Z.-H., ...Jiang, Y.-Y., Song, J., Fast topological pumping for the generation of large-scale Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states in a superconducting circuit, Frontiers of Physics, 17(6), 62504, 2022 28. Yan Wang, Jin-Lei Wu, Jin-Xuan Han, Yan Xia, Yong-Yuan Jiang, and Jie Song, Enhanced Phonon Blockade in a Weakly Coupled Hybrid System via Mechanical Parametric Amplification, Physical Review Applied, 17, 024009, 2022 29. Jiang, H., Peng, K., Cui, Y., ...Jiang, Y., Zhao, W., Design and simulation of a GST-based metasurface with strong and switchable circular dichroism, Optics Letters, 47(7), 1907–1910, 2022 30. Peng, K., Huang, Y., Jiang, H., ...Jiang, Y., Zhao, W., Enhanced circular dichroism in Ge2Sb2Te5-loaded metasurface, Optics Express, 30(16), 29022–29029, 2022 31. Yu, D., Hu, Y.Y., Zhang, G., Li, W., Jiang, Y., Theoretical studies on the two-photon absorption of II–VI semiconductor nano clusters, Scientific Reports, 12(1), 110, 2022 2021年: 1. Yadong Wei, Weiqi Li, Yongyuan Jiang*, and Jinluo Cheng, Electric field induced injection and shift currents in zigzag graphene nanoribbons, Physical Review B, 104, 115402, 2021 2. Wei, Y., Wang, S., Pang, K., Xu, X., Kaner, T., Ying, T., Yang, J. Li, X., Li, W., Jiang, Y.*, Tian, W.Q., Giant and anisotropic second harmonic generation of V-V binary phosphorene derivative with permanent dipole, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 9(20), 6544–6552, 2021 3. Wang, L., Liu, J., Ren, B., Song, J., Jiang, Y.*, Tuning of mid-infrared absorption through phonon-plasmon-polariton hybridization in a graphene/hBN/graphene nanodisk array, Optics Express, 29(2), 2288–2298, 2021 4. Wang, L., Liu, J., Ren, B., Cui, Y., Song, J., Jiang, Y.*, Controlling Tamm phonons using hBN and a distributed Bragg reflector for narrowband refractive index sensing, Applied Optics, 60(16), 4986-4992, 2021 5. Ren B., Feng, Y., Tang, S., Wang L., Jiang, H., Jiang, Y.*, Dynamic control of THz polarization modulation and multi-channel beam generation using a programmable metasurface, Optics Express, 29(11), 17258–17268, 2021 6. Liu, J., Liu, B., Song, J., Jiang, Y.*, Ultra-broadband metamaterial absorber in the visible and near-infrared range based on silicon carbide hemisphere arrays, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54(35), 355102, 2021 7. Mingzhu Li, Jie Song, and Yongyuan Jiang*, Photonic topological Weyl degeneracies and ideal type-I Weyl points in the gyromagnetic metamaterials, Physical Review B, 103, 045307, 2021 8. Li, M., Song, J., Jiang, Y.*, Topological characteristic of Weyl degeneracies in a reciprocal chiral metamaterials system, New Journal of Physics, 23(9), 093036, 2021 9. Wang, X., Liu, B., Yao, J., Song, J., Jiang, Y.*, High-efficiency optical vortex generation with hybrid all-dielectric geometric-metasurface in visible frequency, Applied Physics Express, 14(1), 012008, 2021 10. Tang, S., Ren, B., Feng, Y., Song, J., Jiang, Y.*, The generation of acoustic Airy beam with selective band based on binary metasurfaces: Customized on demand, Applied Physics Letters, 119(7), 071907, 2021 11. Tang, S., Ren, B., Feng, Y., Song, J., Jiang, Y.*, Asymmetric acoustic beam shaping based on monolayer binary metasurfaces, Applied Physics Express, 14(8), 085504, 2021 12. Tang, S., Ren, B., Feng, Y., Song, J., Jiang, Y.*, Broadband acoustic focusing via binary rectangular cavity/Helmholtz resonator metasurface, Journal of Applied Physics, 129(15), 155307, 2021 13. Weiqi Li, Xiaodong Xu, Yangyang Hu, Guiling Zhang, Yongyuan Jiang, Weiquan Tian, Linhua Liu, Graphene-based monoatomic chain spintronics: contact-derived half-metallicity, sp2 vs sp, Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 126, 114486, 2021 14. S. Wang, Y. Hu, Y. Wei, W. Li, N. T. Kanera, Y. Jiang,* J. Yang, X. Li, Electronic structure and optical properties of InSe/α-AsP van der Waals heterostructure from DFT calculations, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 130, 114674, 2021 15. Wang, S., Han, C., Ye, L., Zhang, G., Hu, Y., Li, W., Jiang, Y., Electronic properties of triangle molybdenum disulfide (Mos2) clusters with different sizes and edges, Molecules, 26(4), 1157, 2021 16. Pang, K., Xu, X., Wei, Y., Li, X., Jiang, Y.*, Unveiling 2D Ferroelectricity and Ferromagnetism Interaction in vanderWaals Heterobilayers, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125(50), 27837-27843, 2021 17. Pang, K., Wei, Y., Xu, X., Ying, T., Li, W., Li, X., Yang, J., Jiang, Y.*, Tian, W.Q., Giant Out-of-Plane Second Harmonic Generation Susceptibility in Janus Group III Chalcogenide Monolayers, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125(20), 11285–11293, 2021 18. Wu, J.-L., Wang, Y., Han, J.-X., Feng, Y.-K., Su. 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Wang, Y., Wu, J.-L., Feng, Y.-K., ...Jiang, Y.-Y., Song, J., Optimal Control for Robust Photon State Transfer in Optomechanical Systems, Annalen der Physik, 533(4), 2000608, 2021 23. Wang, Y., Wu, J.-L., Han, J.-X., Jiang, Y.-Y., Xia, Y., Song, J., Resilient M?lmer-S?rensen gate with cavity QED, Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, 388, 127033, 2021 2020年: 1. Liu, B., Sain, B., Reineke, B., Zhao, R., Meier, C., Huang, L., Jiang, Y.*, Zentgraf, T., Nonlinear Wavefront Control by Geometric-Phase Dielectric Metasurfaces: Influence of Mode Field and Rotational Symmetry, Advanced Optical Materials, 8(9), 1902050, 2020 2. Cui, Y., Jiang, H., Wang, L., Liu, B., Song, J., Jiang, Y*, All-dielectric bifunctional polarization converter with high transmission efficiency in near-infrared region, Applied Optics, 59(13), 3825-3832, 2020 3. 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KaiJuan Pang, YaDong Wei, Xiaodong Xu, WeiQi Li, JianQun Yang, GuiLing Zhang, XingJi Li, Tao Ying and YongYuan Jiang*, Modulation of the electronic band structure of silicene by polar two-dimensional substrates, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(37), 21412–21420, 2020 8. Pang, K.J., Wei, Y.D., Li, W.Q., Zhou, X., Jiang Y. J., Yang J. Q., Li, X. J., Gao, L., Jiang, Y.Y.*, Highly sensitive gas sensing material for polar gas molecule based on Janus group-III chalcogenide monolayers: A first-principles investigation, Science China Technological Sciences, 63(8), 1566–1576, 2020 9. Yan Wang, Jin-Lei Wu, Jin-Xuan Han, Yong-Yuan Jiang, Yan Xia, Jie Song, Noise-resistant phase gates with amplitude modulation, Physical Review A, 102, 032601 , 2020 10. Wang, Y., Wu, J.-L., Han, J.-X., Jiang, Y.-Y., Xia, Y., Song, J., Resilient M?lmer-S?rensen gate with cavity QED, Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, 388, 127033, 2020 11. 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Wang, C., Han, J.-X., Wu, J.-L., Wang, Y., Jiang, Y., Xia, Y., Song, J., Generation of three-dimensional entanglement between two antiblockade Rydberg atoms with detuning-compensation-induced effective resonance, Laser Physics, 30(4), 045201, 2020 16. Han, J.-X., Wu, J.-L., Wang, Y., Jiang, Y.-Y., Xia, Y., Song, J., Multi-qubit phase gate on multiple resonators mediated by a superconducting bus, Optics Express, 28(2), 1754-1769, 2020 2019年: 1. Huan Jiang, Harsha Reddy, Deesha Shah, Zhaxylyk A. Kudyshev, Sajid Choudhury, Di Wang, Yongyuan Jiang* and Alexander V. Kildishev, Modulating phase by metasurfaces with gated ultra-thin TiN films, Nanoscale, 11(23), 11167-11172, 2019 2. Huan Jiang, Sajid Choudhury, Zhaxylyk A. Kudyshev, Di Wang, Ludmila J. Prokopeva, Peng Xiao, Yongyuan Jiang and Alexander V. Kildishev, Enhancing sensitivity to ambient refractive index with tunable few-layer graphene/hBN nanoribbons, Photonics Research, 7(7), 815-822, 2019 3. Wang, L., Liu, B., Song, J., Li, W., Jiang, Y.*, Controllable Dual Hybrid Tamm Plasmon Modes in Binary Gold Nanodisk Arrays and Distributed Bragg Reflector Structure, Plasmonics, 14(5), 1091-1098, 2019 4. Fengfeng Yao, Rongqu Hong, Yunpen Gao, Zhaoheng Wang, Yanbo Pei, Chunfeng Hou, Yongyuan Jiang and Xiudong Sun, Dynamic holographic liquid crystal device containing nanoscale CuPc film, Liquid Crystals, 46(7), 1108-1116, 2019 5. Wei, Y., Xu, X., Wang, S., Li, W., Jiang, Y.*, Second harmonic generation in Janus MoSSe a monolayer and stacked bulk with vertical asymmetry, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21(37), 21022-21029, 2019 6. Xiaodong Xu, Yadong Wei, Bingyi Liu, Weiqi Li, Guiling Zhang, Yongyuan Jiang, Wei Quan Tian and Linhua Liu, Chiral heteronanotubes: Arrangement-dominated chiral interface states and conductivities, Nanoscale, 11(18), 8699, 2019 7. Jiang, Y., Wei, Y., Wang, Y., Ngeywo, K.T., Hu, Y., Wang, S., Jiang, Y., Perfect Spin Filtering in Homobimetallic Ni Complex with High Tolerance to Structural Changes, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 10(24), 7842-7849, 2019 8. Jin-Lei Wu, Yan Wang, Jie Song, Yan Xia, Shi-Lei Su, Yong-Yuan Jiang, Robust and highly efficient discrimination of chiral molecules through three-mode parallel paths, Physical Review A, 100(4), 043413, 2019 9. Yan Wang, Chuang Li, Elijah M. Sampuli, Jie Song, Yongyuan Jiang, and Yan Xia, Enhancement of coherent dipole coupling between two atoms via squeezing a cavity mode, Physical Review A, 99, 023833, 2019 10. Yan Wang, Jin-Lei Wu, Jie Song, Yong-Yuan Jiang*, Zi-Jing Zhang, and Yan Xia, Squeezing-Enhanced Atom–Cavity Interaction in Coupled Cavities with High Dissipation Rates, Annalen der Physik, 531(10), 1900220, 2019 11. Pei-Geng Zhong, Chuang Li, Yan Wang, Jie Song, Shu-Tian Liu, and Yong-Yuan Jiang, Yan Xia, Quantum phase transitions triggered by a four-level atomic system in dissipative environments, Physical Review A, 99, 043829, 2019 12. Zhewen Liang, Xiaodong Xu, Yingjie Jiang, Weiqi Li, Qiang Wang, Guiling Zhang, WeiquanTian, Yongyuan Jiang*,The influence of coupling between chains on the conductivity of atomic carbon chains, Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, 383(20), 2409-2415, 2019 13. Han, J.-X., Wu, J.-L., Wang, Y., Xia, Y., Song, J., Jiang, Y.-Y., Constructing multi-target controlled phase gate in circuit QED and its applications, EPL (Europhysics Letters), 127(5), 50002, 2019 2018年: 1. Bingyi Liu, Yongyuan Jiang*, Controllable asymmetric transmission via gap-tunable acoustic metasurface, Applied Physics Letters, 112, 173503, 2018 2. 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Huan Jiang, Wenyu Zhao, and Yongyuan Jiang*, High-efficiency tunable circular asymmetric transmission using dielectric metasurface intefrated with graphene sheet, Optics Express, 25(17), 19732-19739, 2017 4. Huan Jiang, Wenyu Zhao, Yongyuan Jiang*, Frequency-tunable and functionality-switchable polarization device using silicon strip array integrated with graphene sheet, Optical Materials Express, 7, 4277-4285, 2017 5. Xu XD, Liu BY, Zhao WY, Jiang YY, Liu LH, Li WQ, Zhang GL and Tian WQ. Mechanism of mechanically induced optoelectronic and spintronic phase transitions in 1D graphene spirals: insight into the role of interlayer coupling, Nanoscale, 9, 9693-9700, 2017 6. Xu X., Tian R., Wang Q., Li W., Jiang Y., Zhou, X., ..., Tian, W.Q., Spatial manipulating spin-polarization and tunneling patterns in graphene spirals via periphery structural modification, Carbon, 113, 325-333, 2017 7. Jie Song, Chuang Li, Zi-Jing Zhang and Yong-Yuan Jiang, Implementing stabilizer codes in noisy environments, Physical Review A, 96, 032336, 2017 8. Song J., Li C., Xia Y., Zhang Z.-J., Jiang Y.-Y., Noise-induced quantum state transfer in distant cavities, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 50(17), 175502, 2017 2016年: 1. Wenyu Zhao, Bingyi Liu, Huan Jiang, Jie Song, Yanbo Pei, Yongyuan Jiang*, Full-color hologram using spatial multiplexing of dielectric metasurface, Optics Letters, 41(1), 147-150, 2016 2. Wenyu Zhao, Huan Jiang, Bingyi Liu, Jie Song, Yongyuan Jiang*, High-efficiency beam manipulation combining geometric phase with anisotropic Huygens surface, Applied Physics Letters, 108(11), 181102, 2016 3. Wenyu Zhao, Huan Jiang, Bingyi Liu, Jie Song, Yongyuan Jiang*, Chengchun Tang, Junjie Li, Dielectric Huygens' Metasurface for High-Efficiency Hologram Operating in Transmission Mode, Scientific Reports, 6, 30613, 2016 4. 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Yang Bai, Yongyuan Jiang*, Linhua Liu, Enhanced near-field radiative heat transfer between a nanosphere and a Hyperbolic metamaterial mediated by coupled surface phonon polaritons, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 158, 61-68, 2015 4. Yang Bai, Yongyuan Jiang*, Linhua Liu, Multi-band near-field radiative heat transfer between two anisotropic fishnet metamaterials, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 158, 36-42, 2015 5. Wenyu Zhao, Huan Jiang., Bingyi Liu, Yongyuan Jiang*, Fano resonance based optical modulator reaching 85% modulation depth, Applied Physics Letters, 107(17), 171109, 2015 6. Wenyu Zhao, Xiandong Leng, Yongyuan Jiang*, Fano resonance in all-dielectric binary nanodisk array realizing optical filter with efficient linewidth tuning, Optics Express, 23(5), 6858-6866, 2015 7. Wenyu Zhao, Yongyuan Jiang*, Experimental demonstration of sharp Fano resonance within binary gold nanodisk array through lattice coupling effects, Optics Letters, 40(1), 93-96, 2015 8. Wenyu Zhao, Dongquan Ju, Yongyuan Jiang*, Pulse Controlled All-Optical Logic Gate Based on Nonlinear Ring Resonator Realizing All Fundamental Logic Operations, Plasmonics, 10, 311-317, 2015 9. Wenyu Zhao, Dongquan Ju, Yongyuan Jiang*, Sharp Fano Resonance within Bi-periodic Silver Particle Array and Its Application as Plasmonic Sensor with Ultra-high Figure of Merit, Plasmonics, 10, 469-474, 2015 10. Song J., Di J.-Y., Xia Y., Sun X.-D., Jiang Y.-Y., Implementation of quantum state manipulation in a dissipative cavity, Scientific Reports, 5, 10656, 2015 11. Shen, Y., Wang, W., Zhou, Z., Jiang, Y., Hou, C., Fei, W., Two-dimensional electron gas in the KNbO3:Y ultrathin film, Journal of Materials Science, 50(1), 74-78, 2015 组内新闻 新闻标题 祝贺唐帅博士毕业! 发布时间 2023年12月 新闻标题 祝贺崔赢博士毕业!祝贺王小赛博士毕业!祝贺Kaner, N. 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