姓名 | 翟明 | 性别 | 翟明 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 能源科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 翟明 | 学历 | 翟明 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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个人信息 科学研究 教学招生 论文专著 团队成员 课题组活动 English Profile ... 课题组活动 English Profile 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 翟明,教授、博导,能源动力实验教学中心副主任、能源与环境工程系主任助理,曾在英国帝国理工大学化工系访学1年。主要从事燃烧诊断及控制,脉动流传热传质,生物质热化学利用,虚拟仿真实验教学平台的构建等方面的工作。致力于解决非稳态燃烧驱动机理、生物质高温熔融热解燃烧/气化、等离子体合成材料反应过程调控等问题。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目及面上项目、国家重点研发计划课题、国家部委基础项目等科研项目,主持国家/省部级教学项目2项,在能源、燃料领域国际重要期刊上发表的研究论文被SCI收录40余篇,其中JCR一区论文30余篇,第一作者出版专著1部,授权国家发明专利10余项,发表教学论文8篇。 教育经历 名称 1. 2004/9 - 2010/7,哈尔滨工业大学,工程热物理,博士(硕博连读) 2. 2000/9 - 2004/7,哈尔滨工业大学,热能与动力工程,学士 工作经历 名称 2020/12 - 至今,哈尔滨工业大学,能源学院,教授 2018/4 - 至今,哈尔滨工业大学,能源学院,博士生指导教师 2015/12 - 2020/12,哈尔滨工业大学,能源学院,副教授 2012/10 - 2016/9,哈尔滨工业大学,化工学院,博士后 2011/8 - 2012/8,Imperial College London,化学工程系,访问学者 2010/7 - 2015/12,哈尔滨工业大学,能源学院,讲师 研究方向 名称 (1)生物质高温燃烧、热解、气化 (2)脉动燃烧及微小空间燃烧特性 (3)火焰电学特性及电磁诊断方法 (4)微波化学气相沉积等离子体特性及反应过程 (5)其他(IGCC系统优化,低氮燃烧装置,污泥干燥等) 主持的科研项目 名称 1.国家重点研发计划课题,2022YFF0503602,小型化磁/深紫外探测器空间综合环境效应机理及评价技术,2022.12 -2027.11, 460万元,在研,主持 2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51976049,灰熔融对生物质焦能质气化输运与反应动力学的影响机制,2020.01-2023.12, 58万元,在研,主持 3. 国家部委基础项目,***,***研究,2020.01-2021.12, 50万元,已结题,主持 4. 中国博士后基金项目,2013M531037,脉动燃烧点火控制机理研究,2013/7-2016/7, 5万元,已结题,主持 5. 黑龙江省博士后资助经费,LBH-Z12101,脉动燃烧稳定性控制机理研究,2013/1-2016/7, 4万元,已结题,主持 6. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,51206032,基于调谐被动控制方法的脉动燃烧驱动机理研究,2013/01-2015/12, 25万元,已结题,主持 讲授课程 名称 热动机械测试技术,本科生专业基础课,大三秋季学期 先进核电技术,本科生专业课,大四秋季学期 先进核能技术,本科生专业课,大四秋季学期 热声耦合非稳态燃烧技术,本科生创新研修课,春季学期 生物质能热化学利用技术创新实验,本科生创新实验课 能源管理与节能技术,研究生专题课,春季学期 教学论文 名称 1、翟明,何玉荣,姜宝成,董芃,王丽. 能源动力类试验课程网络教学平台构建. 第三届高等教育理工类课程教学研讨会论文集,2013: 978-981. 2、翟明,王洪杰,何玉荣,张玉,姜宝成. 国内外高校两个相关专业课程设置对比分析. 高等工程教育研究,2015,增刊I: 53-55. 3、何玉荣,刘星,翟明,赵日,张玉. 高校研究生导师课题研究与人才培养关系研究. 理论探讨,2016(3) 4、翟明,何玉荣,姜宝成,黄怡珉,张玉. 能源动力大类专业实验教学体系建设. 实验室研究与探索,2017,36(11): 202-205. 5、翟明,宋彦萍,刘辉,姜宝成,邹旬. SPOC翻转课堂模式在CFD课程中的应用——以格子玻尔兹曼方法基础课程为例. 高等工程教育研究, 2019,增刊:110-112. 6、姜宝成,翟明,帅永,宋彦萍,刘彬,黄怡珉. 能源动力本研一体化多层次实验教学体系建设. 2019, 12:69-70. 7、翟明,姜宝成,宋彦萍,帅永,温风波,曾令艳. 基于虚拟仿真平台的能源动力类本、研一体化实验教学与管理实践. 实验室研究与探索,2020,39(5): 187-192. 8、帅永,翟明,王丽,姜宝成,陈绍文,张昊春.以名师工作坊引领能源动力类专业科教融合思政协同育人改革探索. Advances in Education 2022,12, 650 9、王丽,翟明,付平,尹洪涛,王帅,周德胜. 分享式“课程思政”教学模式构建与应用——以新能源及可再生能源为例. Advances in Education 2022,12, 431 10、朱悉铭, 王璐, 习薇, 宁中喜, 王旸, 翟明. 基于OBE理念的等离子体光谱诊断技术的课程体系建设[J]. 教育进展, 2023, 13(4): 1819-1827. 招生信息 名称 本科生:若干名;要求:对创新及科学研究有较大的的兴趣和热情。 硕士研究生:每年2名;要求:专业基础知识扎实,勤奋认真。 博士研究生:每年1-2名;要求:努力上进,思维开阔,有志于科研。 对本课题组有兴趣的可发邮件联系:zhaiming@hit.edu.cn 专著 名称 翟明,徐艳英,董芃 著. Helmholtz型无阀自激脉动燃烧器理论与技术. 兵器工业出版社. 2015.10 期刊论文 名称 74. X Zou, M Zhai*, G Liu, T Wang, L Guo, Y Zhang, R Liaquat. (2024). In-depth understanding of the microscopic mechanism of biochar carbonaceous structures during thermochemical conversion: Pyrolysis, combustion and gasification. Fuel, 361, 130732. 73. Zou, X., Guo, L., Liu, G., Amjed, M. A., Wang, T., Qi, H., & Zhai, M*. (2024). Advanced design, parameter optimization, and thermodynamic analysis of integrated air-blown IGCC power plants. Fuel, 357, 130016. 72. Liu, H., He, Y., Tang, T., & Zhai, M. (2023). Prediction of the non-uniform drying of wet grain in a fluidised-bed based on a modified CFD-DEM drying model. Biosystems Engineering, 236, 103-119. 71. Wu, Y., Zhang, Y., Bhattacharjee, G., He, Y., Zhai, M., & Linga, P. (2023). Seawater-based methane storage via mixed CH4/1, 3-dioxane hydrates: Insights from experimental and molecular dynamic simulations. Chemical Engineering Journal, 479, 147721. 70. Wu, Y., He, Y., Zhai, M., & Tang, T. (2023). Fast and efficient methane storage in massive fibrous hydrates produced via pre-frozen activated carbon. Chemical Engineering Journal, 472, 144929. 69. X Zou, M Zhai*, D Yang, G Liu, T Wang, L Guo, Y Zhang. (2023). New insights into the mechanism of biomass char steam gasification process by oxygen-containing functional group as aromatic carbon boundaries: Experimental and DFT study. Chemical Engineering Journal, 465, 142947. 68. Yang, D., Guo, L., Wang, B., Jin, S., Zhu, J., & Zhai, M*. (2023). Hydrogen plasma characteristics in a microwave chemical vapor deposition chamber. Materials Science and Engineering: B, 292, 116422. 67. Yao Xu, M Zhai*, Di Yang, Zhaoyang Ma, Gaurav Kumar, Peng Dong & Jiaqi Zhu. (2023). Process simulation of the fusion decoupling combustion for biomass, Environmental Technology, 44:4, 480-491, DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2021.1976281 66. Lan, B., Zhao, P., Xu, J., Zhao, B., Zhai, M., & Wang, J. (2023). The critical role of scale resolution in CFD simulation of gas-solid flows: A heat transfer study using CFD-DEM-IBM method. Chemical Engineering Science, 266, 118268. 65. Wu, Y., He, Y., Tang, T., & Zhai, M. (2023). Molecular dynamic simulations of methane hydrate formation between solid surfaces: Implications for methane storage. Energy, 262, 125511. 64. Wang, B., Yang, D., Zhu, X., Zhao, Y., Wang, S., Zhu, J., & Zhai, M*. (2022). Effect of Positive Bias and Pressure on Plasma Flow Characteristics in a Chemical Vapor Deposition Chamber. Processes, 10(12), 2665. 63. Gupta, A., Guo, H., Zhai, M., & Markides, C. N. (2022). Primary atomization of liquid-fuel jets in confined turbulent pipe-flows of air at elevated temperatures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 196, 123285. 62. Zou, X., Zhai, M*., Wang, B., Guo, L., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Molecular-scale elucidating of lignocellulose biomass char steam gasification for ultimately converting to syngas. Fuel Processing Technology, 236, 107430. 61. Zhu, X., Zhao, Y., Zhai, M., Lv, P., Zhou, W., & Huang, B. (2022). Investigation on spectral characteristics of gliding arc plasma assisted ammonia lean combustion. Processes, 10(9), 1750. 60. B Lan, P Zhao, J Xu, B Zhao, M Zhai*, J Wang*. CFD-DEM-IBM simulation of particle drying processes in gas-fluidized beds. Chemical Engineering Science 255 (2022), 117653. Impact Factor: 4.889 · DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2022.117653 59. H Liu, Y He*, T Tang, M Zhai. Cracking prediction of germinated brown rice based on intragranular drying kinetics. Powder Technology 406 (2022), 117587. Impact Factor: 5.64 · DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2022.117587 58. X Zou, L Guo, H Li, M Zhai*. Density functional theory study on N element migration during the secondary cracking of rice husk tar. Journal of the Energy Institute 102 (2022), 337-349. Impact Factor: 6.47 · DOI: 10.1016/j.joei.2022.04.005 57. L Guo, M Zhai*, S Xu, Q Shen, P Dong, XS Bai. Flame characteristics of methane/air with hydrogen addition in the micro confined combustion space. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47 (44) (2022), 19319-19337. Impact Factor: 7.139 · DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.04.091 56. M Zhai*, X Li, D Yang, Z Ma, P Dong. Ash fusion characteristics of biomass pellets during combustion. Journal of Cleaner Production 336 (2022), 130361. Impact Factor: 11.072 · DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.130361 55. Y Xu, M Zhai*, D Yang, Z Ma, G Kumar, P Dong, J Zhu. Process simulation of the fusion decoupling combustion for biomass. Environmental Technology (2021), 1-12. Impact Factor: 3.475 · DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2021.1976281 54. M Zhai, X Wang, Y Zhang, A Panahi, P Dong, YA Levendis. Ash Fusion During Combustion of Single Corn Straw Pellets. Journal of Energy Resources Technology 143 (6) (2021) Impact Factor: 3.07 · DOI: 10.1115/1.4048597 53. Y Xu, M Zhai*, Y Zhang, Q Shen, G Kumar, P Dong, AM Parvez. Effect of the ash melting behavior of a corn straw pellet on its heat and mass transfer characteristics and combustion rate. Fuel 286 (2021), 119483. Impact Factor: 8.035 · DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.119483 52. L Guo, M Zhai*, Q Shen, H Guo, P DongEffect of hydrogen addition on the ionization of partially premixed methane flame. Fuel 285 (2021), 119141. Impact Factor: 8.035 · DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.119141 51. X Wang, M Zhai*, H Guo, A Panahi, P Dong, YA Levendis. High-temperature pyrolysis of biomass pellets: The effect of ash melting on the structure of the char residue. Fuel 285 (2021), 119084. Impact Factor: 8.035 · DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.119084 50. L Guo, M Zhai*, Q Shen, H Qi, P Dong, J Zhu. Methane-air partially premixed flame behaviors in a micro plate slit. Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification 158 (2020), 108200. Impact Factor: 4.264 · DOI: 10.1016/j.cep.2020.108200 49. X Wang, A Panahi, H Qi, M Zhai, P Dong, YA Levendis. Product compositions from sequential biomass pyrolysis and gasification of its char residue. Journal of Energy Engineering 146 (5) (2020), 04020049. Impact Factor: 1.961 · DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EY.1943-7897.0000695 48. L Guo, M Zhai*, YC Zhang, P Dong. Electrical characteristics of laminar propane flame during head-on quenching. Science China Technological Sciences 63 (8) (2020), 1497-1508. Impact Factor: 3.903 · DOI: 10.1007/s11431-020-1649-3 47. Yao Xu, Ming Zhai*, Xun Zou, Yi Zheng, Peng Dong. Numerical Study on the fusion gasification characteristics for a char particle. Powder Technology 361 (2020) 719-726. Impact Factor: 3.413 · DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2019.11.050 46. Ashak Mahmud Parvez*, Tao Wu, Muhammad T. Afzal, Sannia Mareta, Tianbiao He, Ming Zhai. Conventional and microwave-assisted pyrolysis of gumwood: A comparison study using thermodynamic evaluation and hydrogen production. Fuel Processing Technology 184 (2019) 1-11. Impact Factor: 4.507 · DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2018.11.007 45. Yao Xu, Ming Zhai*, Hongkun Guo, Haoxuan Qi, Xun Zou, Shuai Jin, Peng Dong. High-Temperature Pyrolysis Characteristics for a Single Biomass Particle. Energy & Fuels 33 (2019) 11153-11162. Impact Factor: 3.021 · DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.9b02759 44. Li Guo, Ming Zhai*, Zhentong Wang, Yu Zhang, Peng Dong*. Comparison of bituminous coal and lignite during combustion: Combustion performance, coking and slagging characteristics. Journal of the Energy Institute 92 (2019) 802-812. Impact Factor: 3.774 · DOI: 10.1016/j.joei.2018.02.004 43. Yao Xu, Ming Zhai*, Shuai Jin, Xun Zou, Shubin Liu, Peng Dong. Numerical simulation of high-temperature fusion combustion characteristics for a single biomass particle. Fuel Processing Technology 183 (2019) 27-34. Impact Factor: 4.507 · DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2018.10.024 42. Li Guo, Ming Zhai*, Zhentong Wang, Yu Zhang, Peng Dong. Comprehensive coal quality index for evaluation of coal agglomeration characteristics. Fuel 231 (2018) 379-386. Impact Factor: 4.908 · DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.05.119 41. Xinyu Wang, Ming Zhai*, Zhentong Wang, Peng Dong, Wei Lv, Ruichun Liu. Carbonization and combustion characteristics of palm fiber. Fuel 227 (2018) 21-26. Impact Factor: 4.908 · DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.04.088 40. Ming Zhai*, Li Guo, Ze Wang, Yao Xu, Yu Zhang, Peng Dong*, Qingquan Li. Ignition process in a Helmholtz-type valveless self-excited pulse combustor. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 88 (2017) 187-193. Impact Factor: 3.204 · DOI: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2017.05.026 39. Ming Zhai*, Jianing Liu, Ze Wang, Li Guo, Xinyu Wang, Yu Zhang, Peng Dong*, Jiawei Sun. Gasification characteristics of sawdust char at a high-temperature steam atmosphere. Energy 128 (2017) 509-518. Impact Factor: 4.968 · DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2017.04.083 38. Ming Zhai*, Li Guo, Lin Sun, Yu Zhang, Peng Dong*, Weiqiang Shi. Desulfurization performance of fly ash and CaCO3 compound absorbent. Powder Technology 30 (2017) 553–561. Impact Factor: 3.23 ·DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2016.10.021 37. Ming Zhai*, Li Guo, Yanan Wang, Yu Zhang, Peng Dong, Huan Jin. Process Simulation of Staging Pyrolysis and Steam Gasification for Pine Sawdust. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 (2016) 21926-21935. Impact Factor: 4.229 ·DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.10.037 36. Xinyu Wang, Wei Lv*, Li Guo, Ming Zhai*, Peng Dong*, Guoli Qi. Energy and exergy analysis of rice husk high-temperature pyrolysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 (2016) 21121–21130. Impact Factor: 4.229 ·DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.09.155 35. Ming Zhai*, Yao Xu, Li Guo, Yu Zhang, Peng Dong*, Yudong Huang. Characteristics of pore structure of rice husk char during high-temperature steam gasification. Fuel 185 (2016) 622–629. Impact Factor: 4.60 ·DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2016.08.028 34. Yanying Xu*, Ming Zhai*, Li Guo, Peng Dong, Jian Chen, Zhi Wang. Characteristics of the pulsating flow and heat transfer in an elbow tailpipe of a self-excited Helmholtz pulse combustor. Applied Thermal Engineering 108 (2016) 567–580. Impact Factor: 3.36 · DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.07.114 33. Ming Zhai*, Li Guo, Yu Zhang, Peng Dong, Guoli Qi, Yudong Huang. Kinetic Parameters of Biomass Pyrolysis by TGA. Bioresources 11 (2016) 8548-8557. Impact Factor: 1.32 · DOI: 10.15376/biores.11.4.8548-8557 32. 李季,孙佳伟,郭利,翟明,董芃*. 生物质气化新技术研究进展. 热力发电 2016 (4) 1-6. 31. Ming Zhai*, Xinyu Wang, Yu Zhang, Peng Dong*, Guoli Qi, Yudong Huang. Characteristics of rice husk tar secondary thermal cracking. Energy 93 (2015) 1321-1327. Impact Factor: 4.29 · DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2015.10.029 30. Ming Zhai*, Xinyu Wang, Teizhu Ge, Yu Zhang, Peng Dong, Fei Wang, Guowei Liu, Yudong Huang. Heat transfer in valveless Helmholtz pulse combustor straight and elbow tailpipes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 91 (2015) 1018-1025. Impact Factor: 2.86 · DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2015.08.052 29. Ming Zhai*, Yu Zhang, Peng Dong, Pengbin Liu. Characteristics of rice husk char gasification with steam. Fuel 158 (2015) 42-49. Impact Factor: 3.61 · DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2015.05.019 28. Ming Zhai*, Xinyu Wang, Yu Zhang, Peng Dong, Guoli Qi. Characteristics of rice husk tar pyrolysis by external flue gas. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 40 (2015) 10780-10787. Impact Factor: 3.21 · DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.07.045 27. Ming Zhai*, Yu Zhang, Tiezhu Ge, Peng Dong, Cuijing Zhao. Simulation of a Gas-Solid Flow Field in a Two-Stage Rice Husk High-Temperature Pyrolysis and Gasification Cyclone Gasifier. Bioresources 10 (2015) 4569-4579. Impact Factor: 1.33 · DOI: 10.15376/biores.10.3.4569-4579 26. Yu Zhang, Ming Zhai*, Xinyu Wang, Jiawei Sun, Peng Dong, Pengbin Liu, Qunyi Zhu. Preparation and Characteristics of Biomass Char. Bioresources 10 (2015) 3017-3026. Impact Factor: 1.33 · DOI: 10.15376/biores.10.2.3017-3026 25. 张玉, 翟明, 张波, 董芃, 朱群益, 邹洪顺. 生物质旋风热解炉气相等温流场数值模拟. 节能技术 2015, 193 (5) 413-419 24. 徐艳英*, 翟明, 董芃, 朱群益. 弯尾管 Helmholtz 型无阀自激脉动燃烧器NOx排放特性. 热力发电 2015 (2) 18-23 23. 徐艳英*, 翟明, 董芃. 弯尾管亥姆霍茨型无阀自激脉动燃烧器传热特性. 热能动力工程 2014, 29 (6) 709-713 22. 徐艳英*, 翟明, 董芃, 朱群益. 弯尾管Helmholtz型无阀自激脉动燃烧器压力特性. 动力工程学报.2014, 34 (11) 856-861 21. 张玉, 翟明*, 董芃, 靳幻, 朱群益. 稻壳与水蒸气分段热解气化流程模拟. 中国电机工程学报 2014, 34 (17) 2817-2825 20. F.J. Weinberg, D. Dunn-Rankin*, F.B. Carleton, S. Karnani, C. Markides, M. Zhai. Electrical aspects of flame quenching. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2013, 34 (2): 3295-3301. Impact Factor: 3.83 · DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2012.07.007 19. Tinghua Zeng, Ming Zhai*, Lei Chen, Weiqiang Shi, Yu Zhang, Peng Dong. Experimental study on desulfurization of compound sulfur sorbents of CaCO3 and fly ash. World Automation Congress 2012:1-4 18. Xu Yanying, Zhai Ming*, Dong Peng, Fei Wang, Sanlong Peng, Qunyi Zhu. Frequency and Pressure Characteristics of a Helmholtz-type Valveless Self-excited Pulse Combustor. Advanced Materials Research 2012, 455-456:161-167. DOI: 10.4028/scientific5/AMR.455-456.161 17. Liao Yongjin, Zhai Ming*, Li Fangyong, Shi Weiqiang, Zhang Yu, Dong Peng. Experimental Study on Desulfurization of Fly Ash Slurry. Applied Mechanics and Materials 2012, 148-149: 487-490. DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.148-149.487 16. Y Xu, M Zhai*, P Dong, F Wang, Q Zhu. Modeling of a self-excited pulse combustor and stability analysis. Combustion Theory and Modelling 2011, 15 (5) 623-643. Impact Factor: 1.1 · DOI: 10.1080/13647830.2011.556258 15. Xu Yanying*, Dong Peng, Zhai Ming, Zhu Qunyi. Frequency Characteristics of the Helmholtz-type Valveless Self-excited Pulse Combustor. Proceedings of the CSEE 2010, 30(35) 26-31 14. Zhai Ming*, Dong Peng, Xia Xinlin. The Variation of Pulse Combustion Characteristics with Pressure in Decoupling Chamber. Proceedings of the CSEE 2010, 30(8) 39-44 13. Zhai Ming*, Dong Peng. Characteristics of the Pulsatile Flow in a Self-excited Pulse Combustor Tailpipe. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2010, 49 (5): 2485-2492. Impact Factor: 2.07 · DOI: 10.1021/ie901979a 12. Xu Yanying, Dong Peng*, Zhai Ming. Hydrodynamic Loop Analysis Method for Hot Water Boiler With Natural Circulation. Proceedings of the CSEE 2010, 30(5) 66-70 11. 翟明*, 董芃, 彭三珑, 夏新林. 去耦室压力变化对脉动燃烧器尾管传热的影响. 化工学报 2009, 60(11) 2699-2704 10. 翟明*, 董芃, 王希影, 徐艳英, 夏新林. 圆管层流脉动流动的数值模拟. 哈尔滨工业大学学报 2009, 41(11) 73-76 9. 翟明*, 董芃, 王希影, 丁伟玲, 夏新林. 圆管湍流脉动流动与换热的数值模拟. 中国电机工程学报 2009, 29(20) 85-91 8. 翟明*, 董芃, 彭三珑, 夏新林. 自激脉动燃烧器脉动频率跳变的实验研究. 中国电机工程学报 2008, 28 (23) 31-36 7. 翟明*, 王希影, 董芃. 锅炉对流受热面错列管束相对节距对其对流换热的影响分析. 工业锅炉 2008, (1) 8-10 6. 董芃*, 齐国利, 王丽, 翟明. 生物质快速热解制取生物质油. 太阳能学报 2007, 28 (2) 223-226 5. 董芃*, 李军, 翟明. 大型链条炉排热水锅炉设计原则分析与探讨. 节能技术 2007, 25 (1) 41-44 4. 董芃*, 尹水娥, 齐国利, 翟明, 王丽. 废塑料制取液体燃料试验研究. 化学工程 2007, 35 (2) 64-67 3. 齐国利*, 董芃, 翟明, 王丽. 间歇式给料的生物质快速热解制油的实验研究. 现代化工 2006, 26 (8) 37-39 2. 董芃*, 李军, 翟明, 王丽. 湿式除尘器在运行中存在问题分析. 电站系统工程 2006, 22 (6) 29-30 1. 翟明*, 董芃, 王丽. 利用冷却塔排放脱硫湿烟气技术的应用. 电站系统工程 2005, 21 (4) 27-28 会议论文 名称 1. Y Xu, M Zhai*, T Ge, P Dong. Numerical Simulation of Regeneration Process of Oxygen Carriers in Fluidized Bed. 2014 International Conference on Mechatronics, Control and Electronic Engineering. 2014, 113: 235-2382. Yao Xu, Ming Zhai*, Tiezhu Ge, Peng Dong, Yudong Huang. Simulation on Operational Characteristics of a Valveless Self-Excited Pulse Combustor of the Helmholtz-type. 2014 International Conference on Mechatronics, Control and Electronic Engineering. 2014, 113: 319-3223. Yanying Xu, Peng Dong, Ming Zhai, Qunyi Zhu. Heat Transfer in Helmholtz-Type Valveless Self-Excited Pulse Combustor Tailpipe. 2012 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference. DOI: 10.1109/APPEEC.2012.63070214. Zhang Yu, Zhai Ming*, Zhang Bo, Dong Peng, Zhu Qunyi. Numerical Simulation for the Gas-phase Isothermal Flow field of a Biomass Gasification Cyclone Burner with Different Structures. 2011 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Technology. 2011, 401-4045. Xu Yanying, Zhai Ming*, Dong Peng, Wang Fei. Experimental Research on Operational Characteristics of a Helmholtz-type Valveless Self-excited Pulse Combustor. 2011 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference. 2011, 1-4. DOI: 10.1109/APPEEC.2011.57490146. Xu Yanying*, Chen Jian, Zhai Ming. Numerical Study on Fire Smoke Control in Underground Commercial Street. 2011 International Workshop on Architecture, Civil& Environmental Engineering. DOI: 10.1109/ICETCE.2011.57761977. Qi Guoli*, Dong, Peng, Zhai Ming, Tan Heping. Research on Characteristic of Bio-oil from Cornstalk and Emulsions from Cornstalk-oils and Diesel. 2008 International Conference on Information Technology and Environment System Sciences. 2008, 4: 599-6038. Qi Guoli*, Dong, Peng, Zhai Ming, Wang Li. Experimental study on rice husk flash pyrolysis with discontinuity feed for production of bio-oil. 2007 International Conference on Power Engineering. 2007, 1-2: 135-138 发明专利授权 名称 [1]翟明,王鑫雨,刘佳宁,董芃. 一种双旋风生物质熔融热解气化炉[P]. ZL201611121332.0. [2]翟明,徐尧,刘佳宁,董芃. 一种双调风强涡旋熔融燃烧器[P]. ZL201611121604.7. [3]翟明,郭利,王泽,董芃. 一种小型旋风熔融煤粉炉[P]. ZL201611121331.6. [4]郭利,翟明,孙琳,董芃. 一种复合式生物质分级气化炉[P]. ZL201610384709.5. [5]翟明,徐尧,戈铁柱,董芃. 一种燃烧效率测量装置及方法[P]. ZL201410447268.X. [6]徐尧,翟明,戈铁柱,董芃. 对称式过滤弯曲进气的稳压器[P]. ZL201410402530.9. [7]翟明,孙思聪,董芃,李青全. 一种调谐无阀燃气脉动燃烧器[P]. ZL201310410262.0. [8]张玉,董芃,翟明,齐国利,朱群益. 两段式生物质旋风高温热解气化炉[P]. ZL201110094281.8. [9]翟明,董芃,徐艳英. 燃气脉动燃烧加热炉[P]. ZL200910071774.2. [10]翟明,董芃. 一种无阀型燃气脉动燃烧器[P]. ZL200810064957.7. 团队成员 名称 教师 董芃(教授,博导) 翟明(教授,博导)郭利(助理教授,硕导) 在读博士生 邹旬(20博) 李雪松(21博) 杨迪(22博) 王弼晟(23博) 在读硕士生 刘冠男(22硕) 王同尧(22硕) 王鹏(23硕) 已毕业硕博 博士 徐尧(15博-合肥工业大学) 王鑫雨(16博-中国矿业大学) 郭利(17博-哈尔滨工业大学) 硕士 李豪辉(21硕-比亚迪科技有限公司) 王晨阳(21硕-中国航发动力)马朝阳(20硕-北京银河航天) 张一弛(19硕-上海空间推进研究所) 申黔豪(19硕-贵州省选调生) 祁浩轩(19硕-山西省选调生) 郭洪坤(19硕-北京航空动力研究所) 金帅(18硕-核动力研究院) 王振统(17硕-慕尼黑工业大学) 刘树彬(17硕-电子工程设计院) 王泽(16硕-绵阳九院) 孙琳(16硕-中冶焦耐) 汪亚楠(16硕-中船711所) 赵明潇(15硕-哈锅) 刘佳宁(15硕-慕尼黑工业大学) 戈铁柱(14硕-北京煤科院)