姓名 | 李俊庆 | 性别 | 李俊庆 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 物理学院 |
学位 | 李俊庆 | 学历 | 李俊庆 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 教育教学 科学研究 论文专著 实用动态信息 教研成果 ... 教研成果 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 李俊庆,哈尔滨工业大学物理学院教授,博士,博士生导师 教育经历 名称 1981~1985,南开大学物理光学专业学士; 1988~1991,哈尔滨工业大学物理光学专业硕士; 1995~1999,哈尔滨工业大学物理光学专业博士。 1997~1998,俄罗斯莫斯科大学(Moscow State University), 物理学院及国际激光中心(International Laser Center, ILC )访修; 2006~2007,德国斯图加特大学( Universitaet Stuttgart), 电及光通信技术研究所(Institut für Elektrische und Optische Nachrichtentechnik,INT)高级访修。 主要任职 任职名称 美国光学学会(Optical Society of America, OSA)会员, 中国物理学会、光学学会会员,纤维光学及集成光学专业委员会委员,Pacific Science Review B (Elsevier)杂志编辑 任职时间 简单介绍 教授课程 名称 基础物理实验(专业本科课) 光纤光学(专业本科课) 大学物理实验A,B,A(英)(公共基础课) 音乐与物理(核心素质课) 音乐的物理之美(新生研讨课) 非线性光纤光学(专业研究生课) 研究领域 名称 主要研究方向: 光子学器件原理及应用功能超材料(Functional meta-surface,meta-materials),米氏共振光子学结构(Mietronic structures),手性米氏光子学(Chiral Mietronics) 光通信、光传感及光网络器件原理及系统应用新型波导(结构/介电手性波导、PhC波导、SP波导)及衍生器件 非线性光学原理及其应用手性材料的非线性光学波过程(SHG,DFG,SFG,OR,high-order wave mixing) 奖项成果 奖项名称 非线性光学新效应与光开关器件物理 获奖时间 2007 完成人 李淳飞、刘树田、宋瑛林、司金海、王玉晓、李俊庆 所获奖项 高等学校科学技术奖(国家级2等) 简单介绍 科研项目 项目名称 介电手性光子晶体光纤特性研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2010-01-01 结束时间 2010-12-01 项目经费 xxxx 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 项目来源 开始时间 结束时间 项目经费 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 项目来源 开始时间 结束时间 项目经费 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 论著成果 名称 Yingjie Zhangang,Xingguang Liu, Rui Zhao, and Junqing Li*, Unidirectional asymmetry transmission based on quasi-accidental bound states in the continuum,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2023, 25, 31869 - 31873 Xingguang Liu, Junqing Li*, Rui Zhao, Yingjie Zhang and Yongkang Dong, Enhanced chirality in dielectric metasurface without breaking symmetry, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2023, 25, 2050 - 2055 Yingjie Zhangang,Xingguang Liu, Rui Zhao, and Junqing Li*, Design of single-mode single-circulaly polarized chiral resonent fiber for the communication band, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2023, 56: 415104 Yingjie Zhangang,Junqing Li*, Rui Zhao, and Xingguang Liu, Characteristics of surface plasmonic modes in cylindrical chiral-graphene-dielectric waveguide structure,Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2023, 56: 065103 Rui Zhao, Xingguang Liu,Junqing Li*, and Yingjie Zhang, Plasmonic Characteristics of the Structure with Double Graphene Layers Immersed in Chiral Media and Applications in Detection of Chirality, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2022, 24: 28325-28332 Rui Zhao, Xingguang Liu*,Yingjie Zhang, and Junqing Li*, Propagation Characteristics of Surface Plasmon Polaritons near Anisotropic 2D Materials, Annalen der Physics, 2022, 2200321 Rui Zhao, Junqing Li*, Qiang Zhang, Xingguang Liu, and Yingjie Zhang, Behavior of SPPs in Chiral-graphene-chiral Structure, Optics Letters, 2021, 46(8): 1975-1978 Qiang Zhang, Eric Plum*, Jun-Yu Ou, Hailong Pi, Junqing Li*, Kevin F. MacDonald*, and Nikolay I. Zheludev*,Electrogyration in Metamaterials: Chirality and Polarization Rotatory Power that Depend on Applied Electric Field, Advanced Optical Materials,2020,2001826 Qiang Zhang, Junqing Li*, Rui Zhao, Xingguang Liu, and Gebeyehu Dirbeba, Theoretical study of anisotropy-induced extrinsic chirality and chiral discrimination of surface plasmon polariton,Physical Review A, 2020, 104: 043502 Xingguang Liu,Junqing Li*, Qiang Zhang, and Yixiao Wang, Dual-toroidal dipole excitation on permittivity-asymmetric dielectric metasurfaces, Optics Letters, 2020, 45(10): 2829-2829 Siqi Liu, Guoqiu Jiang, Junqing Li*, Zhe Lv, Yanyu Ren and Yu Zhang, The dancing of a coin on a frozen bottle and its evolution, Europen Journal of Physics. 2020, 41: 025105 Xingguang Liu,Junqing Li*, Qiang Zhang, and Yixiao Wang, Selective excitations of the multipole moments on a dielectric quadrumer nanostructure using vector polarized Bessel beams, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2020, 53:295104 Xingguang Liu, Junqing Li*, Qiang Zhang and Mamo Gebeyehu Dirbeba, Separation of chiral enantiomers by optical force and torque induced by tightly focused vector polarized hollow beams, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21: 15339--15345 Qiang Zhang, Junqing Li*, Xingguang Liu, Optical lateral forces and torques induced by chiral surface-plasmon-polaritons and their potential applications in recognition and separation of chiral enantiomers, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21: 1308-1314 Wenwen Zhao, Shuang Wang, Li Li, Yanyu Ren, Chunfeng Hou, Junqing Li* and Yu Zhang, Understanding the generation and evolution of ‘water stars’, Europen Journal of Physics. 2019, 40: 015804 Xingguang Liu, Junqing Li*, Qiang Zhang, and Demissie J. Gelmecha, Revolution and spin of a particle induced by an orbital-angular-momentum-carrying Laguerre-Gaussian beam in a dielectric chiral medium, Physical Review A, 2018, 98: 053847 Qiang Zhang, Junqing Li*, Xingguang Liu, Demissie J. Gelmecha, and Weigang Zhang, Optical screwdriving induced by the quantum spin Hall Effect of surface plasmons near an interface between strongly chiral material and air, Physical Review A, 2018, 97: 013822 Qiang Zhang, Junqing Li*, Xingguang Liu, and Demissie J. Gelmecha, Dispersion, propagation, and transverse spin of surface plasmon polaritons in a metal-chiral-metal waveguide, Applied Physics Letters, 2017, 110: 161114 Xu Jiang, Keda Wang, Junqing Li, Hui Zhan, Zhenan Song, Guohang Che and Guohui Lyu, Optical Sensor of Thermal Gas Flow Based on Fiber Bragg Grating, Sensors, 2017, 17:374 Guohui Lyu, Guohang Che, Junqing Li, Xu Jiang, Keda Wang, Yueqiang Han and Laixu Gao, Design of Novel FBG-Based Sensor of Differential Pressure with Magnetic Transfer, Sensors, 2017, 17:375 Qiang Zhang and Junqing Li*, Characteristics of surface plasmon polaritons in a dielectrically chiral-metal-chiral waveguiding structure, Optics Letters, 2016, 41(14): 3241-3244 Demissie Gelmecha, Jun-Qing Li* and Merhawit Teklu, Pulse Propagation with Self-Phase Modulation in Nonlinear Chiral Fiber and Its Applications, Chinese Physics Letters, 2016, 33(9): 094202 She Li and Junqing Li*, Chiral photonic crystal fibers with single mode and single polarization, Optics Communications, 2015, 356: 96-102 She Li, Junqing Li* and Yusheng Cao Guided modes in squeezed chiral microstructured fibers, Optics Communications, 2015, 341: 79-84 Yusheng Cao and Junqing Li*, Transverse electromagnetic modes in chiral negatively refractive fibers and a new type of space-division multiplexing, Optics Letters, 2014, 39(2): 255-258 Yusheng Cao and Junqing Li*, Complete band gaps in one-dimensional photonic crystals with negative refraction arising from strong chirality, Physical Review B, 2014, 89:115420 Li She, Li Jun-Qing*, and Cao Yu-Sheng, Polarization characteristics of chiral photonic crystal fibers with an elliptical hollow core, Chinese Physics Letters, 2013, 22(11):117806 Yusheng Cao and Junqing Li*,Modal bifurcation in chiral multilayered fibers,JOSA B, 2013, 30(8): 2168-2173 Yusheng Cao, Junqing Li*, and Qiyao Su,Guided modes in chiral fibers erratum,JOSA B, 2013, 30(5): 1232-1233 Yusheng Cao, Junqing Li*, and Qiyao Su, Guided modes in Chiral Fibers, JOSA B, 2011, 28(2): 319~324 Junqing Li*, Qiyao Su, and Yusheng Cao, Circularly Polarized Guided Modes in Dielectrically Chiral Photonic Crystal Fiber, Optics Letters, 2010, 35(16): 2720~2722 Lei Jin, Junqing Li*, Hongming Li, Quanfen Lin and Chunfei Li, Improving sideband of chiral photonic crystal based on PSTD approach, Optics Communications. 2007, 279(1): 43~48 Li Li, Junqing Li*, Xinlu Zhang Lixue Chen,All-optical switch with low threshold over a wide wavelength range by use of a Mach–Zehnder racetrack resonator, J.Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 2007, 9: 848~852 Junqing Li*, Lei Jin, Li Li, and Chunfei Li, Bandgap separation and optical switching in nonlinear chiral photonic crystal with layered structure, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2006,18(11): 1261~1264 Junqing Li*, Li Li, Lei Jin, and Chunfei Li All-optical switch and limiter based on nonlinear polarization rotation in MZI coupled with a PMF ring resonator, Optics Communications, 2006, 260(1):318~323 Junqing Li*, Li Li, Jiaqun Zhao, and Chunfei Li Ultrafast, low power, and highly stable all-optical switch in MZI with two-arm-sharing nonlinear ring resonator, Optics Communications, 2005,256(4~6): 319~325 Wang Xiaoou, Li Chunfei, Li Junqing*. Surface second harmonic generation of chiral molecules using three-coupled-oscillator model. Chinese Physics, 2006, 15(11): 2623 Xiaoou Wang, Junqing Li* and Chunfei Li Three-coupled-oscillator model for nonlinear optical response of chiral molecules with tripod-like structure, Chemical Physics, 2005, 320(1):37~44 Guohui Lv, Hongan Ye, Junqing Li, Xiudong Sun, Xinming Zhang, and Cheng Li. Optical bistability using fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer in tunable fiber laser, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2005, 17 (5): 1061~1065 Guohui Lv, Hongan Ye, Junqing Li, Xiudong Sun, Xinming Zhang, and Cheng Li. Optical bistability using fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer in tunable fiber laser, Chinese Optics Letters. 2005, 4(1): 18~20 Li Jun-Qing*, Li Li, Zhao Jia-Qun, and Li Chun-Fei, A novel all-optical switch in a double-loop Sagnac ring coupled with a nonlinear ring resonator. Chinese Physics Letters, 2004,21(12): 2205~220 Li Jun-Qing*, Li She, Wang Xiao-Ou, Zheng Yang-Dong, and Li Chun-Fei. “Self-induced optical rotation of solitons in a chiral fiber”. Chinese Physics Letters, 2004, 21(4): 675 Li Jun-Qing*, Alireza Bananej, Li Qiang-Hua, Chen Qiang, and Li Chun-Fei, An All-optical switch of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer type by using an active fibre ring resonator. Chinese Physics. 2004, 13(7): 1046~1049 Wang Xiao-Ou, Li Jun-Qing*, and Li Chun-Fei., Hyperpolarizabilities of chiral molecules based on the three-coupled-oscillators model. Chinese Physics Letters, 2004, 21(12): 2433~2436 Chunfei Li, Alireza Bananej, Junqing Li*, and Guangming Xu. “Finesse controllable active ring-resonator-coupled M-Z interferometer optical switches”, J. Nonlinear Opt. Phys. & Mater., 2004, 13(1): 37~42 Lü Guo-Hui, Ye Hong-An, Li Jun-Qing*, Sun Xiu-Dong, and Zhang Xin-Ming. Optical bistability by using a tunable fibre laser with fibre Fabry-Perot. Chinese Physics Letters, 2004,21(11): 2201~2204 王晓鸥,李俊庆,郑仰东,辛丽,李淳飞, “手性分子介质非线性光学研究新进展” 物理 2004,33(8), 574~578 郑仰东,李俊庆,李淳飞“双振子模型手性分子介质的二次谐波理论” 物理学报 2003, 52(2): 372~376 励强华,李俊庆,李淳飞 “应用平衡双光纤光栅动态借条技术测量应力的研究” 光学学报 2003, 23(10): 1196~1199 郑仰东,李俊庆, 李淳飞 “耦合双振子模型手性分子的微观参量对和频过程的影响” 物理学报 2002, 51(6): 1279~1281 励强华, 李淳飞,李俊庆,刘炳胜“采用PZT动态调制的光纤光栅应变力测量技术” 光学技术 2002, 28(6): 488~491 Zheng Yang-Dong, Li Jun-Qing, and Li Chun-Fei. Influence of light polarization states on the Sum-frequency generation in chiral molecular media with two-coupled-oscillator model, Chinese Physics Letters, 2002, 19(6): 791~783 Qianghua Li, Chunfei Li, Junqing Li, and Bingsheng Liu. ‘Fiber-grating sensor using PZT modulation’, Optics Communications, 2002, 211: 129~134 Li Jun-Qing, Chen Qiang, Li Qiang-Hua, and Li Chun-Fei. ‘A hybrid optical bistable device based on a fiber Bragg grating’, Chinese Physics Letters, 2002, 19(12): 1815~1818 李俊庆,辛丽,张学如,刘树田,李淳飞 “基于螺旋单电子模型的手性分子的三阶非线性极化率”光子学报 1998, 27(10): 901~904 李俊庆,李淳飞,辛丽,刘树田,塔. 米. 伊丽依诺娃,尼. 伊. 科罗迪耶夫 “非导电型各向同性手性介质中非线性旋光的宏观理论” 物理学报 1999, 48(6): 1052~1056 李俊庆,李淳飞,辛丽,刘树田,塔. 米. 伊丽依诺娃,尼. 伊. 科罗迪耶夫 “手性介质中的自诱导非线性旋光” 光学学报 2000, 20(6): 762~765 李俊庆,辛丽,张学如,刘树田,李淳飞 “用Z-扫描技术研究手性介质的圆双折射” 中国激光 2000, A 27(7): 606~610 辛丽,李俊庆,李淳飞 “手性介质的光学物理性质及其研究进展” 物理2000, 29(4):216~221 Xin Li, Li Chun-Fei, Li Jun-Qing, and Zheng Yang-Dong, Relationship between Intensity of surface SHG and molecular structure in helix molecular films. Chinese Physics. 2000, 9(12):910~913 郑仰东,李俊庆,辛丽,李淳飞“基于耦合双振子模型的手性分子的超极化率” 光子学报 2000, 29(12): 1083~1087 辛丽,李俊庆,张学如,李淳飞 “椭偏特性对强光诱导非线性旋光的影响分析” 光子学报 2001,30(1): 35~39 Xin Li, Li Chun-Fei, Li Jun-Qing, and Zheng Yang-Dong. surface SHG-CD in helix molecular films. Chinese Physics Letters, 2001,18(3): 382~385 辛丽,李俊庆,张学如,李淳飞 “手性介质中椭圆偏振光诱导非线性旋光的表征” 光学学报 2001, 21(5): 538~542 辛丽, 李淳飞, 李俊庆, 郑仰东 “手性薄膜表面二次谐波圆二向色性的研究 ” 光学学报 2001, 21(9): 995~998 研究领域的扩展与国际合作的开展 名称 欢迎参与手性光子学(Chiral Photonics)课题研究。 目前感兴趣方向:Chiral Mietronics, Chiral Plasmonics and Their Applications in Linear& Nonlinear Optics。 年可招硕士2~3名、博士1~2名,博士后1名,留学生1~2名(硕博生)。 欢迎有意接触开放性国际学术环境,具有国际视野,有志于通过开展国际合作、参与与完成国际一流工作的学生。 目前开展国际合作的有英国皇家院士N I Zheludev教授,院士Y S Kivshar教授,这两位隶属朗道门派,是近年来光物理及光子学领域国际领军人物,又是全球学术高影响因子和高被引用率的top10学者。 本组已聘请Y S Kivshar院士为我校特聘荣誉教授,向N I Zheludev教授课题组派出联合培养学生2名! 组内常年有外国留学生,为中外学生实施国际交流营造了实操基地。 Y S Kivshar院士讲座,授予荣誉教授金牌 名称 友情链接 链接名称 Y S Kivshar院士 链接地址 https://physics.anu.edu.au/contact/people/profile.php?ID=391 简单介绍 友情链接 链接名称 N I Zheludev院士 链接地址 http://www.nanophotonics.org.uk/niz/ 简单介绍 教学成果 成果名称 教研成果 哈尔滨工业大学教学成果二等奖(2022.06) “以能力培养为目标构建课程体系,居家大学物理实验凸显改革成效”(2/5) 哈尔滨工业大学2020年春季学期在线实验教学优秀案例(2020.05) “寓教于乐的学生居家'DIY物理实验'在线教学”(2/35) 哈尔滨工业大学2020年春季学期在线实验教学优秀案例(2020.05) "让学生居家实验体验音乐的物理之美"(1/7) 成果名称 本科生培养 第九届全国大学生物理实验竞赛(创新)决赛优秀指导教师(2023.11) “扣管问音——管腔发声研究与一个打击型管乐的形成”(国赛一等奖) 第八届全国大学生物理实验竞赛(创新)决赛优秀指导教师(2022.12) “用乐音描绘美丽画卷——基于克拉尼图乐音振动显示板”(国赛一等奖) “二维刚性振动板模式可视化分析实验——基于Unity的虚拟实验”(国赛一等奖) 第九届全国大学生光电设计竞赛(实物)决赛优秀指导教师(2021.08) “基于智能手机的苹果糖度无损测量”(国赛一等奖) 第七届全国大学生物理实验竞赛(创新)决赛优秀指导教师(2021.12) “'自鸣得意'的吉他”(国赛一等奖) 第十一届全国大学生光电设计(实物)竞赛东北区赛优秀指导教师(2023.08) “酒精浓度无接触测量”(一等奖) “'迷宫寻宝'智能小车”(一等奖) “酒精浓度无接触测量”(二等奖) 第十届全国大学生光电设计(创意)竞赛东北区赛优秀指导教师(2022.07) “一语点醒梦中人——可穿戴的疲劳监测器”(一等奖) “唇语识别和语音文字再现”(二等奖) “'离娄'太空望远镜"(二等奖) “智能拖车辅助系统”(二等奖) 第九届全国大学生光电设计(实物)竞赛东北区赛优秀指导教师(2021.07) “基于智能手机的苹果糖度无损测量”(一等奖) “光电智能垃圾分拣车”(一等奖) 成果名称 著作出版 《Physics Laboratory Manual》(“双一流”建设精品出版,2021.09) Junqing Li et al 《大学物理实验》(第三版)(“十一五”国家级规划教材(2020.09),黑龙江教材建设优秀教材奖(2020.12))