

姓名 杨鹏亮 性别 杨鹏亮
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 数学学院
学位 杨鹏亮 学历 杨鹏亮
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Home 新建主栏目 Pengliang Yang (杨鹏亮) 名称 Associate Professor E-mail: pengliang.yang@hit.edu.cn; ypl.2100@gmail.com Address: Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China 个人主页链接:https://yangpl.wordpress.com 招生信息:每年招收1名博士、1名硕士,优先考虑有良好编程技能、擅长计算数学、英语技能出众的学生。如您感兴趣我的研究方向,欢迎email联系! Research Interest (研究方向) 名称 Inverse problems(nonlinear optimization algorithms and their applications) Computational geophysics (full waveform inversion for seismic and electromagnetics) Partial differential equations (elastic wave equation and Maxwell equation) Numerical modeling (finite difference, finite element, spectral element) Signal processing (sparse representation) 反问题(非线性优化算法与应用)、计算物理学(弹性波偏移成像、地震波全波形反演、海洋电磁学反演)、偏微分方程数值模拟(有限差分,有限体积、有限元,谱元法)、信号处理(稀疏表示) Funding (基金项目) title NSFC 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 主持,56万元,2023.01-2026.12 基于地震数据分解的时间域联合波场重建反演方法研究 Students (学生培养) title - PhD student: Xiaoji Song, Thesis: Numerical solutions of MHD equations Zhengyu Ji, Thesis: Numerical analysis of poroelasticity towards modelling and inversion Guangyu Gao (co-supervised with Prof. Han), Thesis: Regularization theory for inverse problems - Master students: Xinyue Zhang, Thesis: Darcy-Stokes equation Chuanfeng Zeng, Thesis: Efficient reflection waveform inversion - Graduated student: Xuejiao Fu, MSc, Thesis: 3D Electromagnetic modelling by multigrid method Professional experience (学术经历) 名称 2018.12-2020.09 Scientist, Electromagnetic Geoservices ASA, Norway 2015.06-2018.10 Postdoctoral researcher, University Grenoble Alpes, France 2015.03-2015.04 Visiting PhD student, KAUST, Saudi Arabia 2013.09-2014.09 Visiting PhD student, University of Texas at Austin, United States Education (教育背景) 名称 2009.09--2015.03 M.S.-Ph.D. Xi'an Jiaotong University, China 2005.09-2009.06 Undergraduate student Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Publications (论文发表) 名称 Pengliang Yang and Wei Zhou, Algorithmic analysis towards extended waveform inversion, under review Pengliang Yang, SMIwiz: An integrated toolbox for multidimensional seismic modelling and imaging, Computer Physics Communications, 2023, vol 295, 109011 Pengliang Yang, 3D fictitious wave domain CSEM inversion by adjoint source estimation, 2023, Computers and Geosciences, vol. 180, 105441 Pengliang Yang, libEMM: A fictious wave domain 3D CSEM modelling library bridging sequential and parallel GPU implementation, Computer Physics Communications, 2023, vol 288, 108745 Pengliang Yang and Rune Mittet, Controlled-source electromagnetic modelling using high order finite-difference time-domain method on a nonuniform grid, Geophysics, 2023, 88(2) :E53–E67 Nishant Kamath, Romain Brossier, Ludovic Metivier, Arnaud Pladys, and Pengliang Yang. Multiparameterfull-waveform inversion of 3d obc data from the valhall field.Geophysics, 86(1):1–122, 2020 Pengliang Yang, Romain Brossier, Ludovic Metivier, Jean Virieux, and Wei Zhou. A Time-Domain Precondi-tioned Truncated Newton Approach to Visco-acoustic Multiparameter Full Waveform Inversion.SIAM Journalon Scientific Computing, 40(4):B1101–B1130, 2018 Wei Zhou, Romain Brossier, Stephane Operto, Jean Virieux, and Pengliang Yang. Velocity model buildingby waveform inversion of early arrivals and reflections: A 2D case study with gas-cloud effects. Geophysics,83(2):R141–R157, 2018 Pengliang Yang, Romain Brossier, Ludovic Metivier, and Jean Virieux. A review on the systematic formulationof 3D multiparameter full waveform inversion in viscoelastic medium.Geophysical Journal International,207(1):129–149, 2016 Pengliang Yang, Romain Brossier, Ludovic Metivier, and Jean Virieux. Wavefield reconstruction in attenuatingmedia: A checkpointing-assisted reverse-forward simulation method.Geophysics, 81(6):R349–R362, 2016 Pengliang Yang, Romain Brossier, and Jean Virieux. Wavefield reconstruction from significantly decimatedboundaries.Geophysics, 80(5):T197–T209, 2016 Pengliang Yang, Jinghuai Gao, and Baoli Wang. A graphics processing unit implementation of time-domainfull-waveform inversion.Geophysics, 80(3):F31–F39, 2015 Pengliang Yang and Jinghuai Gao. Enhanced irregular seismic interpolation using approximate shrinkage oper-ator and fourier redundancy.Journal of Applied Geophysics, 116:43–50, 2015 Pengliang Yang and Sergey Fomel. Seislet-based morphological component analysis using scale-dependentexponential shrinkage.Journal of Applied Geophysics, 118:66–74, 2015 Pengliang Yang, Jinghuai Gao, and Baoli Wang. RTM using effective boundary saving: A staggered grid GPUimplementation.Computers & Geosciences, 68:64–72, 2014 Pengliang Yang, Jinghuai Gao, and Wenchao Chen. On analysis-based two-step interpolation methods forrandomly sampled seismic data.Computers & Geosciences, 51:449–461, 2013 Pengliang Yang, Jinghuai Gao, and Wenchao Chen. Curvelet-based POCS interpolation of nonuniformly sam-pled seismic records.Journal of Applied Geophysics, 79:90–99, 2012
