

学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 化工与化学学院
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PERSONAL INFORMATION 基本信息 TEACHING & RESEARCH 教学与科研 PUBLICATIONS 论文著作 新页签 新建主栏目 个人简介 名称 于2005年和2011年毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学材料与工程学院,获学士和博士学位。自2013以来主持科研项目9项,累计受资助科研经费约约人民币2000万。2018年入职哈尔滨工业大学,现于化工与化学学院任职, 教授,博导。 主要从事多功能高分子,复合材料,耐高温及多孔材料等研发与应用。 WORKING EXPERIENCE 工作经历 名称 教授/博导 May 2019 - 哈尔滨工业大学,化工与化学学院 Senior Research Scientist Aug 2015 – Apr 2019 Temasek Laboratories @NTU, Singapore Research Scientist Aug 2011 – Jul 2015 Temasek Laboratories @NTU, Singapore Research Associate Jul 2008 – Jul 2011 Temasek Laboratories @NTU, Singapore EDUCATION 教育经历 名称 Doctor of Philosophy (Materials Science and Engineering) Jul 2005 – Jul 2011 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (Materials Science and Engineering) Jul 2001 – Jul 2005 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore RESEARCH INTEREST 名称 Light weight/ultra-light weight porous systems Develop ultralight weight, multi-functional systems with superior mechanical strength as alternative structural materials for weight reduction and protection against electromagnetic wave interference. High performance polymers and composites Develop high temperature resistant polymers and their composites for structural applications. Near infra-red(NIR) -active polymers and composites Design and synthesis functional materials with unique optical properties in near infra-red(NIR) region and explore their applications, particularly in energy conversion and environment protection such as minimizing “urban heat island” effects to facilitate sustainable urban design. 高分子流变学 名称 课程简介:《高分子流变学》是为高分子材料与工程专业本科生开设的一门专业必修课,为培养高分子材料与工程专业的高级工程技术人才服务,主要应用于高分子复合材料的配方设计、高分子加工设备的设计、制造及高分子成型加工工艺的改进等领域。通过《高分子流变学》课程的学习,使学生正确理解和掌握高分子流变学的基本概念、高分子流变行为及其数学模型、高分子流变行为与环境参数的关系、高分子的结构对高分子流变性能的影响、高分子流变性能的表征方法、高分子流变学的实际应用等,要求学生在系统地掌握高分子流变学基础理论的同时,对流变性能测定原理、步骤、结果评价和实际应用有一个全面的了解。此课程的学习对学生专业知识的培养和提高有着举足轻重的作用,为其今后就业提供基础技术支撑。 Course Description:Polymer rheology is one of the main courses for the students majoring in the polymer material and engineering, which service for training the advanced engineering and technology talents who will work in fields such as designing polymer matrix composites formulation, designing and manufacturing the polymer molding equipments, and improving the polymer molding process. The knowledge and abilities which the students should grasp through the learning of this course are as follows: the student should understand and master the basic concept of polymer rheology, the behavior and mathematical model of polymer rheology, the relationship between polymer rheology behavior and environment parameter, the effect of polymer structure on polymer rheology behavior, the determination and characterization on polymer rheology behavior and the application of polymer rheology, and while mastering the basic theory of polymer rheology, the students should overall understand the principle, the process and the result evaluation and the application of the rheology. So this course is important for culturing and improving the professional knowledge of the students. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS 名称 W Kong, J Sun , M Gao , T Li , M Liu*, Y Song* High-performance boron-containing phthalonitrile resins,Polymer Chemistry, 14,19, 2317-2325(2023) S Yang, Y Cai, S Tang, Y Song, Bing Li,D Tang*, M Liu*Self-Cleaning Red-Toned Perylene Poly(aryl ether) Film with Superior NIR Reflectance for Passive Radiative Cooling, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 11, 37, 13668–13677 (2023) M Gao, T Li, W Kong, X Sun, L Liu, B Li, Y Song*, M Liu*, Novel liquid phthalonitrile monomers towards high performance resin, European Polymer Journal, 191, 13, 112027 (2023) Z Zhou, X Zhou, X Yuan, B Li*, Y Song*, M Liu*, Solventless 3D printed high-temperature resistant cyclosiloxane-containing resin for low-shrinkage ceramization and nano-functional composite development, Materials & Design, 27, 2023, 111740(2023)X Yuan, Y Cai*, J Jiang, Z Zhou, C Wang, J Hu, L Liu, B Li*, M Liu*,Membrane-free osmoticdesalination at near-room temperatures enabled by thermally responsive polyionic liquid hydrogels, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 10, 24453-24461 (2022) J Sun, T Li, W Kong, X Wang, K Chen, X Hu, L He, M Liu, Y Song*, Thermal-oxidation Resistant Poly(Carborane-silane) For Protective Coatings Under Harsh Environment, ACS Appl Polym Mater, 1(5): 1014-1021(2022) YSong*, Z Zhang, K Chen, T Li, X Sun, M Liu*, X Hu, L He, Q Huang, Z Huang, Pseudo low-temperature sintering effect and microstructure evolution of SiBCO ceramics, Ceram. Int., 2021, 47: 8888-8894. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2020.11.248. Jianning Zhang, Ke Chen, Xun Sun, Ming Liu, Xiao Hu, Liu He, Zhengren Huang, Zhifang Chai, Xueshan Xiao, Yujie Song*, and Qing Huang*, MAX Phase Ceramics/Composites with Complex Shapes, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2021, 13,4: 5645-5651. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.0c22289. Y Song, X Chen, YN Liang, L Zhang, M Liu,* X Hu,Bio-inspired reinforcement of cyclosiloxane hybrid polymer via ‘molecular stitching’,Chemical Engineering Journal 368, 573-576(2019) Y Song, W Chen, XM Lim, X Hu, M Liu, * Q Zhang,* Electronic configuration in outset orbitals of doping elements plays as a key factor in tuning near infrared reflection of YMn0.9M0.1O3 (M= Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Al, Ga and In),Journal of Solid State Chemistry 273, 81-84 (2019) W Chen, X Li, G Long, W Gao,Y Li, R Ganguly,N Aratani, M Liu*, Q Zhang*,Pyrene‐Contained Twistacene: Twelve Benzene Rings Fused in One Row, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 57(4), 13555-13559, (2018) W Chen, Y Song, L Zhang, M Liu,* X Hu,*Q Zhang,* Thiophene-fused-heteroaromatic Diones as Promising NIR Reflectors for Radiative Cooling, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 130 (21), 6397-6401, (2018) J Xie, W Chen, G Long, W Gao, ZJ Xu, M Liu*, Q Zhang*,Boosting the performance of organic cathodes through structure tuning, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (27), 12985-12991(2018) EJR Phua, M Liu, B Cho, Q Liu, S Amini, X Hu CL Gan,* Novel high temperature polymeric encapsulation material for extreme environment electronics packaging, Materials and Design, 141, 202-209 (2018) Y Song, M Liu,* L Zhang, C Mu, X Hu,* Mechanistic Interpretation of the Curing Kinetics of Tetra-functional Cyclosiloxanes, Chemical Engineering Journal, 328, 274-279 (2017) S Bi, L Zhang, C Mu, M Liu,* X Hu,* Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Properties and Mechanisms of Chemically Reduced Graphene Aerogels, Applied Surface Science, 412, 529-536 (2017) J Xie, W Chen, Z Wang, K C W Jie, M Liu,* Q Zhang,* Synthesis and Exploration of LadderStructured Large Aromatic Dianhydrides as Organic Cathodes for Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries, Chemistry – An Asian Journal, 12 (8), 868-876, (2017) S Bi, L Zhang, C Mu, HY Lee, JW Cheah, EK Chua, KY See, M Liu,* X Hu,* A Comparative Study on Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Behaviours of Chemically Reduced and Thermally Reduced Graphene Aerogels, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 492, 112-118, (2016) L Zhang, M Liu,* S Roy, EK Chu, KY See, X Hu,* Phthalonitrile-based carbon foam with high specific mechanical strength and superior electromagnetic interference shielding performance, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (11), 7422-7430, (2016) L Zhang, S Roy, Y Chen, EK Chua, KY See, X Hu,* M Liu,* Mussel-inspired polydopamine coated hollow carbon microspheres, a novel versatile filler for fabrication of high performance syntactic foams,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6 (21), 18644-18652, (2014)
