姓名 | 于艳玲 | 性别 | 于艳玲 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 化工与化学学院 |
学位 | 于艳玲 | 学历 | 于艳玲 |
职称 | 副教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 | 人气 | |
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基本信息 科学研究 教育教学 论文专著 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 于艳玲,女,1981年3月生,副教授、博士研究生导师。科技部创新人才推进计划重点领域创新团队“水中污染物定向转化与资源/能源回收创新团队”成员,黑龙江省秸秆利用指导专家组成员,哈尔滨市农业科技特派员。日本秋田县立大学特任助教(2015-2017),美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学(Penn State University,PSU)联合培养博士(2010-2011)。2000-2011年间在哈尔滨工业大学分别获得生物工程专业工学学士学位、微生物学专业理学硕士学位和环境科学与工程专业工学博士学位,毕业后留校任教。主要从事纤维素生物质资源化(秸秆清洁制备纸浆纤维素耦合肥料化生产技术、秸秆堆肥等)、好氧发酵热回收与利用技术(用于生物干化、牛床垫料生产、污泥减量化、发酵热供暖等方向)、生物炭制备及用于重金属和抗生素废水处理技术研究。至今,获得黑龙江省技术发明二等奖1项,主持国家自然科学基金、国家部委项目、日本高校科研基金项目等国内国际科研项目19项,作为骨干参与科技部重点研发计划1项,参与完成十二五科技支撑项目2项、科技部国际科技合作项目2项,其他省部级项目4项。目前在国内外各类杂志上发表学术论文60篇,参加国内外学术会议并做报告20余次;获得国家发明专利14项。在教学方面,获黑龙江省教育教学成果二等奖2项(2018、2022),指导学生获得节能减排大赛、全国研究生“双碳”大赛国家级一等奖2项,获得互联网%2B和挑战杯省级金奖4项,银奖1项。 主要研究方向 名称 1. 纤维素生物质资源化:生物炭制备与利用;生物质好氧发酵产热与利用;秸秆清洁制浆耦合肥料化利用技术 2. 生物炭吸附脱除抗生素和重金属工艺技术 教育经历 名称 2000年9月-2004年9月 哈尔滨工业大学 生命科学与工程学院 生物工程专业 工学学士 2004年9月-2006年9月 哈尔滨工业大学 市政学院 微生物学专业 理学硕士 2006年9月-2011年7月 哈尔滨工业大学 市政学院 环境科学与工程专业 工学博士 2010年3月-2011年3月 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学 联合培养博士 2015年4月-2016年11月 日本秋田县立大学 特任助教 工作经历 名称 2011年7月-2016年12月 哈尔滨工业大学 化工学院 能源化学工程系 讲师 2015年4月-2017年4月 秋田县立大学 系统科学学部 机械智能系统学科 特任助教 2016年5月-2021年5月 哈尔滨工业大学 化工与化学学院 能源化学工程系 副主任 2017年1月-2022年5月 哈尔滨工业大学 化工与化学学院 能源化学工程系 副教授 2022年5月-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 化工与化学学院 新能源材料与器件系 副教授、博导 科研项目 名称 1. 垃圾渗沥液高效脱氮及氨资源化技术,横向委托项目,项目执行期2023.09-2024.09. 主持 2. 生物质资源化。哈工大郑州研究院成果产业化项目。2022.8-2027.7. 主持 3. 项目“东北森林生态产品供给能力提升技术与示范”课题“物质性生态产品供给能力提升技术及示范”(2022YFF1300504)任务五“果壳资源化利用技术-生物炭吸附剂研究” (2022YFF1300504-01-05), 十四五国家重点研发计划, 2022.9-2026.8。子任务负责人 4.拓扑缺陷生物碳耦合微生物技术强化去除城市水环境抗生素污染物的过程与机制研究(2022YFSY0024),四川省省院省校科技合作重点研发项目,2022.1-2023.12。哈工大任务负责人 5.国家部委项目,总计230万元。 主持 6. 能源微藻开发与转化过程的基础研究(2016A030312007)子任务“废水培养体系中产能经 济微藻与菌相互作用机制的研究”。广东省自然科学基金项目, 2016.06.01 -2021.06.01 子课题主持 7. 高活性纤维素酶基因分离和改造及其乙醇和丁醇发酵和产氢(2015BAD15B0502), 2015.4-2019.3. 十二五科技支撑项目。骨干 8. 碳源对微藻脱除烟道气NOx的影响与调控(41405130),国家自然科学基金青年基金项,2015.1-2017.12 主持 9. 基于微藻生物柴油生产的烟道气同步脱硝固碳工艺研究(HIT.NSRIF.201634)哈尔滨工业大学校科研创新基金,2015.3-2017. 2 主持 10. 微藻技术用于炼油废水脱氮和资源回收利用基础研究(HC201528),城市水资源与水环境国家 重点实验室开放课题,2015.1-2016.12 主持 11. 离子液体预处理方法对稻草糖化的影响研究。日本秋田县立大学校长基金。2015.7.1-2016.3.31 主持 12. 利用微藻进行烟气脱硝固碳的技术研究. 辽宁东科电力有限公司横向课题,2016.06.01-2016.12.31 主持 13. 电化学辅助废水生物处理系统构建及效能研究(2014DFE90110)。科技部国际合作项目(中 国-英国)。2014.12- 2017.12,骨干 14. 利用废水生产能源微藻技术与产业示范(2011BAD14B03)。十二五科技支撑项目2011.1- 2014.11, 骨干 15. 应用于纤维素乙醇生产的同时脱毒产纤维素酶的生物脱毒菌剂开发与应用研究。黑龙江省博 士后面上基金(LBH-Z12132)。2013.1-2014.12 主持 16. 天然纤维素材料用于反硝化脱氮的缓释碳源研究(SHUES2014A02),上海市城市化生态 过程与生态恢复重点实验室开放课题,2014.1-2014.12 主持 17. 味精废水处理污泥制复合肥研究,中粮集团(COFCO)合作课题,2013.3-2014.3 主持 18. 基于能源回收的新型电辅助厌氧处理新模式及应用研究(2011DFG933602). 科技部国际合作项目(中国-加拿大).2011.1-2014.12. 骨干 19. 纤维素乙醇生产中生物去除预处理副产物的研究(HIT.ICRST201015)。哈尔滨工业大学国际 合作项目(中国-美国)。2011.1-2012.12. 骨干 20. 变频真空微波预处理玉米秸秆研究(No.51108116),2012.1.1-2014.12.31,骨干 21. 混合菌群用于木质纤维素燃料酒精的生产技术。哈尔滨市创新人才项目。2007.1-2009.12 骨干 22. 纤维素类生物质生产燃料酒精关键问题研究(NCET-05-0338)。教育部新世纪优秀人才支持 计 划。2006.1-2008.12, 骨干 代表性学术论文 名称 1. Hongru Shang,Weijie Hu,Yinxue Li,Qiuzhuo Zhang,Yujie Feng,Yanling Xu,Yanling Yu *. Biochar-supported magnesium oxide as high-efficient lead adsorbent with economical use of magnesium precursor [J]. Environmental research, 2023, 229: 115863. IF=8.3 2. Yinxue Li, Hongru Shang, Yongna Cao, Chunhui Yang, Weijie Hu, Yujie Feng, Yanling Yu*. Influence of adsorption sites of biochar on its adsorption performance for sulfamethoxazole [J]. Chemosphere, 2023, 326:138408.IF=8.8 3. Yinxue Li,Hongru Shang,Yongna Cao,Chunhui Yang,Yujie Feng,Yanling Yu*. Quantification of adsorption mechanisms distribution of sulfamethoxazole onto biochar by competition relationship in a wide pH range. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 10(6):108755 DOI:10.1016/j.jece.2022.108755 (2022年12月)IF=7.7 4. Yinxue Li, Hongru Shang, Yongna Cao, Chunhui Yang, Yujie Feng, Yanling Yu*. High performance removal of sulfamethoxazole using large specific area of biochar derived from corncob xylose residue [J]. Biochar, 2022, 4:11. IF=12.7 5. Shuai Yue, Weijie Hu, Jing Wang, Mengdi Sun, Zhiyong Huang, Mingzheng Xie*, Yanling Yu*. Dramatically promoted photocatalytic water splitting over InVO4 via extending hole diffusion length by surface polarization [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 435: 135005. IF=13.273 6. Hongru Shang , Yinxue Li a, Jingyi Liu , Yuan Wan , Yujie Feng , Yanling Yu ﹡. Preparation of nitrogen doped magnesium oxide modified biochar and its sorption efficiency of lead ions in aqueous solution [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 314:123708. IF=11.4 7. Shanshan Ma, Yanling Yu, * Hao Cui, Jiang Li, Yujie Feng. Utilization of domestic wastewater as a water source of Tetradesmus obliquus PF3 for the biological removal of nitric oxide. Environmental Pollution. 2020, 262 : 114243. IF=8.071 8. Li Jiannan, Yu Yanling*, Chen Dahong, Liu Guohong, Li Dongyi, Lee Hyung-Sool, Feng Yujie*. Hydrophilic graphene aerogel anodes enhance the performance of microbial electrochemical systems, Bioresource Technology,2020,304:122907. IF=11.4 9. Shanshan Ma, Yanling Yu*, Hao Cui, Ravi S.Yadava, Jiang Li,Yujie Feng. Unsterilized sewage treatment and carbohydrate accumulation in Tetradesmus obliquus PF3 with CO2 supplementation. Algal Research. 2020, 45:101741. IF=5.014 10. Shanshan Ma , Da Li , Yanling Yu* , Dianlin Li , Ravi S. Yadav , Yujie Feng. Application of a microalgae, Scenedesmus obliquus PF3, for the biological removal of nitric oxide (NO) and carbon dioxide. Environmental Pollution. 2019, 252:344-351. IF=8.071 11. Dandan Liang , Weihua He ? , Chao Li , Yanling Yu , Zhaohan Zhang , Nanqi Ren , Yujie Feng . Bidirectional electron transfer biofilm assisted complete bioelectrochemical denitrification process. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019, 375:121960. IF=13.273 12. Yanling Yu*,Yuan Wan, Hongru Shang, Bin Wang, Peng Zhang, Yujie Feng. Corncob‐to‐xylose residue (CCXR) derived porous biochar as an excellent adsorbent to remove organic dyes from wastewater. Surf Interface Anal. 2019,51(2): 234-245. IF=1.665 13. Xiaoyu Han , Youpeng Qu , Yue Dong , Jiayi Zhao , Liming Jia ,Yanling Yu , Peng Zhang , Da Li , Nanqi Ren , Yujie Feng. Microbial electrolysis cell powered by an aluminum-air battery for hydrogen generation,in-situ coagulant production and wastewater treatment. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2018, 43: 7767-7772. IF=5.816 14. Jiao Chen,Jianhui Qiu,BinWang,Huixia Feng,YanlingYu,EiichiSakai. Polyaniline/sugarcane bagasse derived biocarbon composites with superior performance in supercapacitors. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 2017, 801: 360-367. IF=4.464 15. Y. Dong, Y. Qu, C. Li, X. Han, J.J. Ambuchi, J. Liu, Y. Yu, Y. Feng, Simultaneous algae-polluted water treatment and electricity generation using a biocathode-coupled electrocoagulation cell (bio-ECC). Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 340: 104-112. IF=10.588 16. Baiyi Chen, Jianhui Qiu, Haodao Mo, Yanling Yu, Kazushi Ito, Eiichi Sakaia and Huixia Feng. Synthesis of mesoporous silica with different pore sizes for cellulase immobilization: pure physical adsorption. New Journal of Chemistry, 2017,41;9338-9345. IF=3.591 17. Yue Dong, Youpeng Qu, Chao Li, Xiaoyu Han, John J. Ambuchi, Junfeng Liu, Yanling Yu, Yujie Feng. Simultaneous algae-polluted water treatment and electricitygeneration using a biocathode-coupled electrocoagulation cell(bio-ECC). Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2017,340:104–112. IF=10.588 18. Lili Shan, Junfeng Liu, John J. Ambuchi, Yanling Yu, Linlin Huang, Yujie Feng. Investigation on decolorization of biologically pretreated cellulosic ethanol wastewater by electrochemical method. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 323: 455–464. IF=13.273 19. Lili Shan, Zhaohan Zhang, Yanling Yu, John Justo Ambuchi, Yujie Feng. Performance of CSTR–EGSB–SBR system for treating sulfate-rich cellulosic ethanol wastewater and microbial community analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24: 14387–14395. IF=4.223 20. Jiao Chen,Jianhui Qiu,BinWang,Huixia Feng,YanlingYu,EiichiSakai. Manganese dioxide/biocarbon composites with superior performance in supercapacitors. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 2017,791: 159-166. IF=4.464 21. Zhu L, Qiu J, Sakai E, Zang L, Yu Y, Ito K, et al. Design of a Rubbery Carboxymethyl Cellulose/Polyacrylic Acid Hydrogel via Visible-Light-Triggered Polymerization. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. 2017;302(6):1600509. IF=4.367 22. Zhao Gui-hong, Yu Yan-ling, Zhou Xiang-tong, et al. Effects of Drying Pretreatment and Particle Size Adjustment on Composting Process of Discarded Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves[J]. Waste management & research. 2017, 35(5): 534-540. IF=3.549 23. Lili Shan, Junfeng Liu, Yanling Yu**, John J. Ambuchi, Yujie Feng*. Characterization of persistent colors and decolorization of effluent from biologically treated cellulosic ethanol production wastewater. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2016, 23(10):10215-10222. IF=4.223 24. Chao Li, Yanling Yu**, Dawei Zhang, Jia Liu*, Nanqi Ren, Yujie Feng. Combined effects of carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen on lipid accumulation of Chlorella vulgaris in mixotrophic culture. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2016,91(3): 680-684. IF=3.174 25. Zimu Li, Yanling Yu*, Jiaxing Sun, Dongmei Li, Yudong Huang , Yujie Feng. Effects of extractives on digestibility of cellulose in corn stover with liquid hot water pretreatment [J]. BioResources. 2016, 11(1):54-70. IF=1.614 26. Lili Shan, Yanling Yu, Zebing Zhu, Wei Zhao, Haiman Wang, John J. Ambuchi, Yujie Feng. Microbial community analysis in a combined anaerobic and aerobic digestion system for treatment of cellulosic ethanol production wastewater. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2015, 22:17789-17798. IF=4.223 27. Dawei Zhang, Yanling Yu??, Chao Li, Chunyan Chai, Yujie Feng?. Factors affecting microalgae harvest efficiencies using electro-coagulation-flotation for lipid extraction. RSC Adv., 2015, 5 (8), 5795 – 5800. IF=3.84 28. Chunyan Chai, Dawei Zhang, Yanling Yu, Yujie Feng , and Man Sing Wong. Carbon Footprint Analyses of Mainstream Wastewater Treatment Technologies under Different Sludge Treatment Scenarios in China. Water, 2015, 7(3), 918-938. IF=3.103 29. Yanling Yu, Yujie Feng, Chen Xu, Jia Liu, Dongmei Li. Onsite bio-detoxification of steam-exploded corn stover for cellulosic ethanol production [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102(8):5123-5128. IF=9.642 30. Yujie Feng , Yanling Yu, Xin Wang, Youpeng Qu, Dongmei Li, Weihua He, Byung Hong Kim. Degradation of raw corn stover powder (RCSP) by an enriched microbial consortium and its community structure [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102(2):742-747. IF=9.642 31.冯玉杰*,张照韩,于艳玲,何伟华,刘佳,曲有鹏. 基于资源和能源回收的城市污水可持续处理技术研究进展. 化学工业与工程,2015,05:20-28. 32.李梓木,于艳玲**,孙嘉星,李冬梅,冯玉杰*.水热预处理工艺参数对玉米秸秆组分与酶解效率的影响. 化工学报,2015, 66:1529-1536 33.李梓木,于艳玲*,赵桂红,孙嘉星,李冬梅,黄玉东,冯玉杰. 水热-乙醇提取处理玉米秸秆促进酶解效率[J].农业环境科学学报. 2015, 34(06)1210-1216. 34.赵桂红,李梓木,于艳玲,李冬梅,冯玉杰.通风速率对烟草废料堆肥腐熟及元素变化影响. 环境工程学报. 2015,9(10):5031-5036. 35.赵桂红,冯玉杰,李梓木,于艳玲.通风速率对烟草废弃物好氧堆肥理化性质及种子发芽率的影响. 科学技术与工程. 2014,14(35):188-191. 36.张大伟,柴春燕,于艳玲,冯玉杰. 基于污水/废气同步处理的混养系统构建及能源微藻Chlorella vulgaris培养研究. 中国酿造,2013, S1: 42-45, 37.于艳玲,冯玉杰,高霏,于丽新,徐琛. 纤维素厌氧降解菌混合菌群筛选及功能分析. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2011, 43 (2): 30-34. 已授权专利 名称 [1] 冯玉杰,于艳玲,李贺,于丽新。一种纤维素乙醇生产中氢氧化钙过量解毒的改进方法。专利号:ZL200910308860.0. 授权日期:2011年9月7日。 [2] 冯玉杰,于艳玲,刘嘉,李冬梅,徐琛。一种用于纤维素燃料乙醇生产的微生物复合菌剂及其制作方法。专利号:ZL200910072967.X. 授权日期:2011年6月15日。 [3] 冯玉杰,王赫名,于艳玲,王鑫。微生物燃料电池及利用秸秆发电的方法。专利号:ZL 2007 10144804.9。授权日期:2010年2月3日。 [4] 冯玉杰,李冬梅,于艳玲,徐琛,李梓木。一株对蒸汽爆破秸秆具有解毒作用的构巢裸胞壳。申请日:2011.10.31中国。ZL201110337522.7 授权日期:2013.02.27 [5] 于艳玲,冯玉杰,李姗姗,张大伟. 一株同步处理市政污水和实现油脂积累的小球藻. 2013.10, 中国. 专利号:ZL2013104757800. 授权时间:2015年1月14日 [6] 于艳玲,冯玉杰,张大伟, 仪超。一株同步处理市政污水和实现油脂积累的斜生栅藻. 2013.10, 中国. 专利号:ZL201310475694X. 授权时间:2015年1月14日 [7] 冯玉杰,赵桂红,于艳玲,李冬梅,李梓木. 利用发酵酵素快速制备寒区烟草废弃物有机肥的方法,专利号:201510726846.8,申请日期:2015年10月30日;授权日期:2016年8月24日 [8]于艳玲,万圆,冯玉杰. 一种以工业废料为原料的高效去除有机染料及可循环利用吸附剂的制备方法. 专利申请号:201710266966.3专利申请日:2017.04.21;授权日期:2019年8月2日;授权公告号:CN106964314B [9] 冯玉杰,于艳玲,马珊珊,李典霖. 利用生活污水作为水源和营养源的微藻烟道气固碳脱硝装置及其用于烟道气固碳脱硝的方法. 专利申请号:201710317597.6. 专利公开日:2017.05.08授权日期:2019年8月2日;授权公告号:CN106994300B [10] 于艳玲,孙嘉星,冯玉杰,李梓木.一种降低纤维素结晶度的方法. 申请号:201510193981.0 专利公开日:2015年7月15日,授权日期:2020年5月18日。授权公告号: CN104774878A [11] 秦江,于艳玲,孙大汉,王聪。一种昼夜互补式土壤供暖系统. 专利号:ZL2020 1 1096220.0。专利申请日:2020年10月14日。授权日期:2022年9月6日 [12] 于艳玲,秦江,孙大汉,王聪。一种以发酵池为互补热源的昼夜土壤供暖系统。专利号:ZL2020 1 1097107.4。专利申请日:2020年10月14日。授权日期:2022年11月15日。 科研项目 项目名称 垃圾渗沥液高效脱氮及氨资源化技术 项目来源 郑州公用集团研发项目 开始时间 2023.09 结束时间 2024.09 项目经费 151万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 项目名称 生物质资源化——哈工大郑州研究院成果产业化项目 项目来源 哈工大郑州研究院成果产业化项目 开始时间 2022.8 结束时间 2027.7 项目经费 1000万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 项目名称 果壳资源化利用技术-生物炭吸附剂研究 项目来源 十四五国家重点研发计划 开始时间 2022.9 结束时间 2026.8 项目经费 67.5万 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 项目名称 拓扑缺陷生物碳耦合微生物技术强化去除城市水环境抗生素污染物的过程与机制研究 项目来源 四川省省院省校科技合作重点研发项目 开始时间 2022.1 结束时间 2023.12 项目经费 40万 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 项目名称 多孔碳负载氧化镁铅镉吸附剂的制备 项目来源 上海市城市化生态过程与生态恢复重点实验室开放课题 开始时间 2021.5 结束时间 2022.12 项目经费 2.5万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 碳源对微藻脱除烟道气NOx的影响与调控 项目来源 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 开始时间 2015-01-01 结束时间 2017-12-01 项目经费 25.0万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 应用于纤维素乙醇生产的同时脱毒产纤维素酶的生物脱毒菌剂开发与应用研究 项目来源 黑龙江省博士后面上基金 开始时间 2013-01-01 结束时间 2014-12-01 项目经费 1.0万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 天然纤维素材料用于反硝化脱氮的缓释碳源研究 项目来源 上海市城市化生态过程与生态恢复重点实验室开放课题 开始时间 2014-01-01 结束时间 2014-12-01 项目经费 2.0万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 味精废水处理污泥制复合肥研究 项目来源 中粮集团(COFCO)合作课题 开始时间 2013-03-01 结束时间 2014-03-01 项目经费 7.5万元 担任角色 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 微藻技术用于炼油废水脱氮和资源回收利用基础研究 项目来源 城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室开放课题 开始时间 2015-01-01 结束时间 2016-12-01 项目经费 5.0万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 基于微藻生物柴油生产的烟道气同步脱硝固碳工艺研究 项目来源 哈尔滨工业大学校科研创新基金 开始时间 2015-03-01 结束时间 2017-02-01 项目经费 10万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 离子液体预处理方法对稻草糖化的影响研究 项目来源 日本秋田县立大学校长基金 开始时间 2015-05-01 结束时间 2016-04-01 项目经费 75万日元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 高活性纤维素酶基因分离和改造及其乙醇和丁醇发酵和产氢 项目来源 十二五科技支撑项目 开始时间 2015-04-01 结束时间 2017-03-01 项目经费 90万元 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 利用废水生产能源微藻技术与产业示范 项目来源 十二五科技支撑项目 开始时间 2011-01-01 结束时间 2014-11-01 项目经费 140万元 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 电化学辅助废水生物处理系统构建及效能研究 项目来源 科技部国际合作项目 开始时间 2014-12-01 结束时间 2017-12-01 项目经费 131万元 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 基于能源回收的新型电辅助厌氧处理新模式及应用研究 项目来源 科技部国际合作项目 开始时间 2011-01-01 结束时间 2014-12-01 项目经费 420万元 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 纤维素乙醇生产中生物去除预处理副产物的研究 项目来源 哈尔滨工业大学国际合作项目(中国-美国) 开始时间 2011-01-01 结束时间 2012-12-01 项目经费 10万元 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 变频真空微波预处理玉米秸秆研究 项目来源 自然科学基金 开始时间 2012-01-01 结束时间 2014-12-01 项目经费 25万元 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 混合菌群用于木质纤维素燃料酒精的生产技术 项目来源 哈尔滨市创新人才项目 开始时间 2007-01-01 结束时间 2009-12-01 项目经费 4.07万 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 纤维素类生物质生产燃料酒精关键问题研究 项目来源 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 开始时间 2006-01-01 结束时间 2008-12-01 项目经费 50万元 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 团队成员 名称 指导学生创新创业竞赛成果 奖项名称 第九届“互联网%2B”大学生创新创业大赛, 国家级 铜奖 获奖时间 2023年12月 完成人 于艳玲(指导教师);贺巍,曹永娜,尚宏儒,李崯雪,程泽斌,周宁,许磊,刘净伊,许天丽,王红秀 所获奖项 国家级 铜奖 简单介绍 奖项名称 第二届中国研究生“双碳”创新与创意大赛一等奖 获奖时间 2023年10月 完成人 于艳玲(指导教师);贺巍, 曹永娜, 尚宏儒,周宁, 程泽斌 所获奖项 国家级 一等奖 简单介绍 奖项名称 中国研究生乡村振兴科技强农%2B创新大赛三等奖 获奖时间 2023年10月 完成人 于艳玲(指导教师);贺巍, 曹永娜, 尚宏儒, 周宁, 程泽斌. 所获奖项 国家级 三等奖 简单介绍 奖项名称 “建行杯”第八届黑龙江“互联网%2B”大学生创新创业大赛金奖 获奖时间 2022年8月30日 完成人 曹永娜,王红秀,许天丽,尚宏儒,李崯雪,贺巍,许磊 所获奖项 省部级 金奖 简单介绍 奖项名称 第十七届工银融e联“挑战杯”黑龙江省课外学术科技作品 一等奖 获奖时间 2021 完成人 曹永娜,刘净伊,李成杰,哈婵,贺巍。 所获奖项 省部级 一等奖 简单介绍 奖项名称 “建行杯”第七届黑龙江“互联网%2B”大学生创新创业大赛银奖 获奖时间 2021.08 完成人 王聪、曹永娜、徐静、刘净伊、许磊、孙大汉、贺巍、刘泽宽、王智慧、王世伟、尚宏儒、李崯雪、卢鑫、党朝磊、哈婵。 所获奖项 省部级 银奖 简单介绍 奖项名称 建行杯第六届黑龙江省“互联网%2B”创新创业大赛 金奖 获奖时间 2020 完成人 何伟华,李超等 所获奖项 省部级 金奖 简单介绍 奖项名称 第九届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛,国家级一等奖。 获奖时间 2016 完成人 胡彦孜,璀璨,王聪,佟磊,王妍,王昱瑛,刘涛 所获奖项 国家级 一等奖 简单介绍 讲授课程 名称 (1)《生物质能源》,32学时,化工与化学学院能源化学工程系专业核心课;(2013-2020) (2)《能源化工与环境创新方法》, 16学时,创新创业课程; (3) 《生物质技术与前沿进展》, 32学时,化工与化学学院 新能源材料与器件专业选修课。 (4)《学术写作与规范》,32学时,化工与化学学院研究生学位课。 招生信息 名称 研究方向: 1. 纤维素生物质资源化:生物炭制备与利用;生物质好氧发酵产热与利用;木质素材料化利用 2. 生物炭吸附脱除抗生素和重金属 每年招收1~3名硕士研究生; 每年招收1~3名博士研究生; 论文期刊 论文标题 Biochar-supported magnesium oxide as high-efficient lead adsorbent with economical use of magnesium precursor 作者 Hongru Shang,Weijie Hu,Yinxue Li,Qiuzhuo Zhang,Yujie Feng,Yanling Xu,Yanling Yu * 发表时间 2023 期刊名称 Environmental research 期卷 229: 115863 简单介绍 论文标题 Influence of adsorption sites of biochar on its adsorption performance for sulfamethoxazole 作者 Yinxue Li, Hongru Shang, Yongna Cao, Chunhui Yang, Weijie Hu, Yujie Feng, Yanling Yu* 发表时间 2023 期刊名称 Chemosphere 期卷 326:138408 简单介绍 论文标题 Quantification of adsorption mechanisms distribution of sulfamethoxazole onto biochar by competition relationship in a wide pH range. 作者 Yinxue Li,Hongru Shang,Yongna Cao,Chunhui Yang,Yujie Feng,Yanling Yu*. 发表时间 2022年12月 期刊名称 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 期卷 10(6):108755 简单介绍 论文标题 High performance removal of sulfamethoxazole using large specific area of biochar derived from corncob xylose residue 作者 李崯雪 尚宏儒 曹永娜 杨春晖 冯玉杰 于艳玲 发表时间 期刊名称 Biochar (IF=9.532) 期卷 4(1): 1-11 简单介绍 关键词:木糖渣 生物炭 磺胺甲恶唑 吸附性能研究 吸附机理研究 To remove antibiotics from waste water, an alkali active porous biochar, 850BC, was prepared from corncob xylose residue. In preparation, NaOH dipping was used for silicon removal and KOH activation was operated at 850 degrees C. Further characterization containing BET, SEM, and FTIR were confirmed. 850BC possessed a huge specific surface area of 3043 m(2).g(-1), developed pore structure and abundant oxygen functional groups. The adsorption performance of sulfamethoxazole on 850BC was quick and efficient, and the adsorption capacity reached 1429 mg.g(-1), which was significantly higher than other adsorbents reported previously. While pseudo-second-order kinetic model and Langmuir model could better describe the adsorption, chemisorption dominated the SMX adsorption onto 850BC. In virtue of pore-filling and pi-pi interaction as major mechanism, a large surface area and rich oxygen-containing functional groups led to an excellent adsorption performance. Thus, this preparation method provided a biochar-based adsorbent with enhanced specific surface for efficient removal of antibiotic pollutants. 论文标题 Dramatically promoted photocatalytic water splitting over InVO4 via extending hole diffusion length by surface polarization 作者 Shuai Yue(1), Weijie Hu(a), Jing Wang, Mengdi Sun, Zhiyong Huang, Mingzheng Xie(通讯),Yanling Yu(通讯) 发表时间 期刊名称 Chemical Engineering Journal (IF=13.273) 期卷 435:135005 简单介绍 关键词:表面极化 铟钒酸盐 水裂解 光生空穴 扩散距离 Indium vanadate (InVO4) is considered to be a promising photocatalyst due to its strong absorption in the visible light region and potential to overall split water. However, it is hardly used for water splitting on account of its short diffusion length of holes. In this work, surface polarization based on inorganic acid modification was adopted to deal with above issue. The results show that the modified acid with hydroxyl groups would ionize in water, making InVO4 carry more negative charges. Such a surface polarization remarkably enhanced the activities, of which up to 21.74 μmol·g?1·h?1 for hydrogen generation and 13.18 μmol·g?1·h?1 for oxygen generation, respectively. The enhanced activities are mainly attributed to the induction of surface-carried negative electrostatic field, by which the holes were driven to the surface and its diffusion length was extended from ~ 10 nm to ~ 50 nm, while the electron tend to be transport to the inner. Thus, the charge carrier recombination was inhibited and more holes could arrive at the surface to generate oxygen, which is the rate-determining step of water splitting. 论文标题 Preparation of nitrogen doped magnesium oxide modified biochar and its sorption efficiency of lead ions in aqueous solution 作者 尚宏儒 李崯雪 刘净伊 万圆 冯玉杰 于艳玲 发表时间 期刊名称 Bioresource Technology (IF=9.642) 期卷 314:123708 简单介绍 关键词:氧化镁 生物炭 吸附 铅离子 碱式碳酸铅 二氧化碳 A N-doped couping MgO-modified biochar (MgO-N-BC) was synthesized from corncob-to-xylose residue by two-step slow pyrolysis method. The biochar exhibited a remarkable Pb(II) sorption capacity (maximum 1429 mg.g(-1)) in aqueous solution. The sorption of Pb(II) onto MgO-N-BC best fitted Freundlich model and pseudo-second-order equation. Further analysis demonstrated the final product of Pb were mainly hexagonal crystal hydrocerussite flakes. The combine of ion-exchange and precipitation process play key role in the sorption of Pb(II), while interactions between Pb(II) and functional groups work, too. The sorption capacity decreased by 63.5% with CO2 free, however over supply of CO2 effects little on the sorption capacity while that can shorten equilibrium time from near 360 min to about 30 min. Only few co-existing ions such as Ba2%2B and Fe3%2B can decrease the sorption partly, and NH4%2B block the sorption obviously, while Mg2%2B had an enhancement effect. 论文标题 Utilization of domestic wastewater as a water source of Tetradesmus obliquus PF3 for the biological removal of nitric oxide 作者 马珊珊 于艳玲 崔浩 李江 冯玉杰 发表时间 期刊名称 Environmental Pollution (IF=8.071) 期卷 262:114243 简单介绍 关键词: 生活污水 微藻 水源 还原 斜生栅藻 氮氧化物 The reduction of nitrogen oxide (DeNOx) from flue gas by microalgae is a promising technology that has attracted increasing attention. Because the water source is a major limitation of microalgae application in the DeNOx from flue gas, we investigated the feasibility of using domestic wastewater (WW) as a water source. As a result, a biomass accumulation rate of 0.27 %2B/- 0.01 mg L-1 d(-1) was achieved by Tetradesmus obliquus PF3 cultivated in WW for 8 d, and 30 mg L-1 of nitrate nitrogen was added to the WW to fulfill the nutrient requirements of the microalgae cells. The ammonium (NH4%2B) nitrogen present in WW exerted inhibitory effects on the removal of nitric oxide (NO), thereby leading to 8% decrease removal efficiency in comparison with that using clean water and nutrients (BG11 medium). However, these inhibitory effects disappeared following the exhaustion of NH4%2B by T. obliquus PF3 after 1 d. To overcome the inhibition of NH4%2B and to achieve a high NO removal efficiency, a strategy of connecting two reactors in series was presented. The removal efficiency of NO by the two series reactors reached up to 71.2 %2B/- 2.9%, which was significantly higher than that obtained by a single reactor (43.1 %2B/- 3.6%). In addition, 70.9 %2B/- 4.8% of the supplied NO was fixed into microalgae cells in the two reactors, which was 1.75 times higher than that in the single reactor (40.6 %2B/- 5.1%), thereby suggesting that connecting two reactors in series rendered effective recovery of NO from flue gas using WW as a water source. In this study, we provided an economically viable water source for the application of microalgae in the biological DeNOx from flue gases. 论文标题 Hydrophilic graphene aerogel anodes enhance the performance of microbial electrochemical systems 作者 李健楠 于艳玲 陈大宏 刘国宏 李东一 Lee Hyung-Sool 冯玉杰 发表时间 期刊名称 Bioresource Technology (IF=9.642) 期卷 304:122907 简单介绍 关键词:微生物燃料电池 石墨烯气凝胶 亲水电极 三维电极 微生物群落 The hydrophilic three-dimensional (3D) structure of graphene materials was produced with reducing agent-ethylene glycol through hydrothermal reduction. Numerous microorganisms with diverse community structure were established in anode surface, as the hydrophilicity of the graphene anode increased; more populations of Proteobacteria and Firmicutes families were identified in a higher hydrophilic anode. In addition, the start-up time of a microbial fuel cell (MFC) equipped with hydrophilic 3D graphene anode was only 43 h, which is much shorter than traditional 3D graphene-based anode systems. The most hydrophilic anode exhibited the maximal power density of 583.8 W m(-3), 5 times larger than the least hydrophilic one. The content of oxygen in graphene materials improving hydrophilicity would play an important role in enhancing power density. This study proves that hydrophilic 3D graphene materials as the anode can improve MFC performance and start-up time. 论文标题 Application of a microalga, Scenedesmus obliquus PF3, for the biological removal of nitric oxide (NO) and carbon dioxide 作者 马珊珊 李达 于艳玲 李典霖 Yadav, Ravi S. 冯玉杰 发表时间 期刊名称 Environmental Pollution (IF=8.071) 期卷 252(A): 344-351 简单介绍 关键词:烟道气 脱硝 固碳 斜生栅藻Nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from flue gas lead to a series of environmental problems. Biological removal of Nitrogen oxide (NOx) from flue gas by microalgae is a potential approach for reducing the problems caused by these emissions. However, few microalgal strains are reported to remove NOx from flue gas. Here, a microalga strain PF3 (identified as Scenedesmus obliquus), which can remove NOx and fix CO2 from flue gas is isolated. The tolerance of Scenedesmus obliquus PF3 to CO2, NO, SO2 and its adapt abilities to environmental factors (pH and temperature), and its performance in the removal of NO and CO2 are investigated. Scenedesmus obliquus PF3 showed biomass accumulation when sparged with 15% CO2 or 500 ppm NO or 50 ppm SO2, and bisulfite less than 2 mM showed no toxicity to Scenedesmus obliquus PF3. Additionally, PF3 grew well in a wide range of pH and temperatures from 4.5 to 10.5 and 15 degrees C-30 degrees C, respectively. When sparged with simulated flue gas (100 ppm NO, 10% CO2, (N-2 as balance gas)), the microalgae culture system removed NO and CO2 at a rate of 2.86 %2B/- 0.23 mg L-1 d(-1) and 1.48 %2B/- 0.12 g L-1 d(-1), respectively, where up to 96.9 %2B/- 0.03% (2.77 %2B/- 0.08 mg L-1 d(-1)) and 87.7 %2B/- 6.22% (1.29 %2B/- 0.01 mg L-1 d(-1)) of the removed NO and CO2, respectively, were assimilated in algal biomass. These results suggest that Scenedesmus obliquus PF3 is a promising candidate for NOx removal and carbon fixation of flue gas 论文标题 Combined effects of carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen on lipid accumulation of Chlorella vulgaris in mixotrophic culture 作者 Chao Li, Yanling Yu**, Dawei Zhang, Jia Liu, Nanqi Ren, Yujie Feng* 发表时间 期刊名称 《Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology》 期卷 2016,91(3) 简单介绍 Microalgae biodiesel has attracted considerable attention, however, low lipid content has significantly restricted its development. Many research studies have demonstrated that nutrient deficiency is an important factor stimulating lipid accumulation in algal cells. This present study investigated the combined effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon on algal lipid accumulation by Chlorella vulgaris in mixotrophic culture. 论文标题 Effects of extractives on digestibility of cellulose in corn stover with liquid hot water pretreatment 作者 Zimu Li, Yanling Yu*, Jiaxing Sun, Dongmei Li, Yudong Huang , Yujie Feng 发表时间 期刊名称 BIORESOURCES 期卷 2016, 11(1 简单介绍 Many herbaceous lignocelluloses suitable for ethanol production have high extractives contents, such as some straws and corn stover. The high extractives content might affect pretreatment or enzymatic hydrolysis. In this study, extractives were removed from corn stover, and then extractives-free corn stover and ordinary corn stover were respectively pretreated using a liquid hot water (LHW) method and hydrolyzed to evaluate the effect of extractives on cellulose digestibility. Extractives-free corn stover presented higher cellulose digestibility than ordinary corn stover after the same pretreatment conditions. A total of 87.3% of cellulose was digested in extractives-free corn stover, compared to 71.0% in ordinary corn stover, after pretreatment at 200 degrees C for 20 min. It is speculated that some water-soluble extractives could buffer H%2B ions from water and acetic acid during LHW pretreatment process, reducing xylan removal. Another reason for these results might be that some extractives could condense on corn stover after LHW pretreatment, which hinders cellulose hydrolysis. 论文标题 Microbial community analysis in a combined anaerobic and aerobic digestion system for treatment of cellulosic ethanol production 作者 Lili Shan, Yanling Yu, Zebing Zhu, Wei Zhao, Haiman Wang, John J. Ambuchi, Yujie Feng 发表时间 期刊名称 Environmental Science and Pollution Research 期卷 2015, 22:1 简单介绍 This study investigated the microbial diversity established in a combined system composed of a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR), expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor, and sequencing batch reactor (SBR) for treatment of cellulosic ethanol production wastewater. Excellent wastewater treatment performance was obtained in the combined system, which showed a high chemical oxygen demand removal efficiency of 95.8 % and completely eliminated most complex organics revealed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis revealed differences in the microbial community structures of the three reactors. Further identification of the microbial populations suggested that the presence of Lactobacillus and Prevotella in CSTR played an active role in the production of volatile fatty acids (VFAs). The most diverse microorganisms with analogous distribution patterns of different layers were observed in the EGSB reactor, and bacteria affiliated with Firmicutes, Synergistetes, and Thermotogae were associated with production of acetate and carbon dioxide/hydrogen, while all acetoclastic methanogens identified belonged to Methanosaetaceae. Overall, microorganisms associated with the ability to degrade cellulose, hemicellulose, and other biomass-derived organic carbons were observed in the combined system. The results presented herein will facilitate the development of an improved cellulosic ethanol production wastewater treatment system. 论文标题 Factors affecting microalgae harvest efficiencies using electro-coagulation-flotation for lipid extraction 作者 Dawei Zhang, Yanling Yu, Chao Li Chunyan Chai, Yujie Feng 发表时间 期刊名称 Rsc Advances 期卷 2015, 5 (8 简单介绍 Microalgae harvesting is a relatively costly process in microalgae biodiesel production. In this study, electrocoagulation-flotation (ECF) was employed to harvest microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris). Higher current density achieved higher collection efficiency, but also resulted in higher energy consumption and increased levels of dissolved aluminium. At the same ratio of current density to initial cell density, collection efficiency decreased from 99.0% of 0.24 g L611 to 30.5% of 1.17 g L611 when the electrolysis time was 20 min. For stirring and aeration, the highest collection efficiency was 98.4%, obtained by stirring at 50 rpm for 20 min. This efficiency was nearly equal to the highest collection efficiency for aeration: 98.3% for 50 mL min611 aeration at 30 min. Acidic and neutral culture conditions were beneficial due to the positively charged aluminium species in the culture; higher collection efficiencies (more than 98%) occurred with pH levels of 5–7 after 20 min. The lowest energy consumption of 0.61 kW h kg611 was achieved at pH 5. In this research, ECF exhibited higher collection efficiency (99.4%) as compared to the 93.5% collection efficiency of chemical flocculation (Al2(SO4)3). 论文标题 Winter crop and residue biomass potential in China 作者 Ryan Baxter, Gary Feyereisen, Yanling Yu, Tom L Richard 发表时间 期刊名称 Biofuels 期卷 2011, 2(5) 简单介绍 Background: To estimate the scale of bioenergy winter crops and summer crop residue opportunities inChina, winter rye (Secale cereal) yields were predicted using RyeGro, while straw production from corn,wheat and rice was calculated using a global agricultural database. Results: Potential winter rye biomassyields ranged from 11,099,000 to 23,745,700 Mg, while summer crop residues totaled 365,600,000 Mg afterdiscounting for losses and alternative uses. Conclusion: Widespread existing double-cropping systems, aswell as low winter precipitation and temperatures in China’s northern regions, limit the potential to directly increase biomass production using winter crops. However, winter crop synergies can increase sustainable harvests of summer crop residues, allowing China to provide a significant fraction of its energy needs from integrated food and biomass production systems. 论文标题 Onsite bio-detoxification of steam-exploded corn stover for cellulosic ethanol production 作者 Yanling Yu, Yujie Feng, Chen Xu, Jia Liu, Dongmei Li. 发表时间 期刊名称 Bioresource Technology 期卷 Volume 10 简单介绍 In the process of ethanol production from steam-exploded corn stover (SECS), a cellulose-degradationstrain of Aspergillus nidulans (FLZ10) was investigated whether it could remove the inhibitors releasedfrom steam exploded pretreatment , and thereby be used for biological detoxification on Saccharomycescerevisiae. The results showed that FLZ10 removed 75.2% formic acid, 53.6% acetic acid, and 100%hydroxymethyl furfural (5-HMF) and furfural from the hydrolysate washed from SECS after 72 h cultivation.A cellulase activity of 0.49 IU/ml was simultaneously produced while the biological detoxificationoccurred. An ethanol yield of 0.45 g/g on glucose was obtained in the hydrolysate biodetoxified byFLZ10. The glucose consumption rate of FLZ10 was much lower than that of S. cerevisiae, thereby ithad little competition with S. cerevisiae on glucose consumption. Based on SECS to ethanol mass balanceanalysis, with the onsite bio-detoxification, fermentation using S. cerevisiae effectively converted monomericglucose with 94.4% ethanol yield. 论文标题 Degradation of raw corn stover powder (RCSP) by an enriched microbial consortium and its community structure 作者 Yujie Feng , Yanling Yu, Xin Wang, Youpeng Qu, Dongmei Li, Weihua He, Byung Hong Kim 发表时间 期刊名称 Bioresource Technology 期卷 Volume 102 简单介绍 A microbial consortium with a high cellulolytic activity was enriched to degrade raw corn stover powder (RCSP). This consortium degraded more than 51% of non-sterilized RCSP or 81% of non-sterilized filter paper within 8 days at 40 °C under facultative anoxic conditions. Cellulosome-like structures were observed in scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of RCSP degradation residue. The high cellulolytic activity was maintained during 40 subcultures in a medium containing cellulosic substrate. Small ribosomal gene sequence analyses showed the consortium contains uncultured and cultured bacteria with or without cellulolytic activities. Among these bacteria, some are anaerobic others aerobic. Analyses of the culture filtrate showed a typical anoxic polysaccharide fermentation during the culturing process. Reducing sugar concentration increased at early stage followed by various fermentation products that were consumed at the late stage. 论文标题 降解未处理纤维素厌氧混合菌群的筛选及功能 作者 于艳玲,冯玉杰,高霏,于丽新,徐琛 发表时间 期刊名称 哈尔滨工业大学学报 期卷 43 (2) 简单介绍 为获得高效稳定的原木质纤维素降解微生物,利用限制性培养手段,从瘤胃残渣中筛选出了可以体外培养、分解能力强且性能稳定的纤维素厌氧降解菌群FYG - 2. 该菌群在38. 5 ℃,pH6. 4 ~ 6. 8 条件下,5 d内可以使1. 00 g 滤纸完全崩解. 转接30 代,其降解性能仍保持稳定,且纤维素底物的灭菌与否均不影响其分解. 以底物失重率、纤维素酶活和葡萄糖质量浓度为参数,考查了FYG - 2 对纤维素的分解特性: 同预处理后的木质纤维素相比,FYG - 2 更易于降解天然木质纤维素. 在初始接菌量为15%,培养3 d 时,FYG - 2 的酶活最高( 159. 7 IU) . 从FYG - 2 中分离出7 株纯菌,但其纤维素酶活均低于FYG - 2. 纯菌回接实验表明,混合菌群中的协同作用很可能存在于纤维素降解菌与非纤维素降解菌之间或存在于可培养微生物与不可培养微生物间. 论文标题 纤维素燃料乙醇废水水质分析及预处理技术 作者 于丽新,于艳玲,冯玉杰. 发表时间 期刊名称 哈尔滨工业大学学报 期卷 42(6) 简单介绍 对中粮集团( COFCO) 纤维素乙醇厂醪液废水进行了水质分析,废水中悬浮物含量达123 868 mg /L、CODCr为127 667 mg /L. 利用GC - MS 技术对废水中有机物成分进行了定性分析,检测出该废水中可定性的有机物52 种,挥发酸中乙酸含量达29 188 mg /L. 以固液分离的液体得率、CODCr去除率、处理速率、能耗等为指标,比较了自然沉降、离心分离、板框压滤3 种物理预处理方法对该废水的处理效果. 研究表明: 板框压滤是一种较好醪液预处理方法,在0. 6 h /L 的处理速率下,液体得率为66. 44%、CODCr去除率为64. 75%,耗能为0. 22( kW·h) /L,大部分常规水质指标和离子浓度随着固液分离的进行均明显降低. 论文标题 Characterization of persistent colors and decolorization of effluent from biologically treated cellulosic ethanol production was 作者 Lili Shan, Junfeng Liu, Yanling Yu**, John J. Ambuchi, Yujie Feng* 发表时间 期刊名称 《Environmental Science & Pollution Research》 期卷 2016:1-8 简单介绍 The high chroma of cellulosic ethanol production wastewater poses a serious environmental concern; however, color-causing compounds are still not fully clear. The characteristics of the color compounds and decolorization of biologically treated effluent by electro-catalytic oxidation were investigated in this study. Excitation-emission matrix (EEM), fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR), UV-Vis spectra, and ultrafiltration (UF) fractionation were used to analyze color compounds. High chroma of wastewater largely comes from humic materials, which exhibited great fluorescence proportion (67.1 %) in the biologically treated effluent. Additionally, the color compounds were mainly distributed in the molecular weight fractions with 3–10 and 10–30 kDa, which contributed 53.5 and 34.6 % of the wastewater color, respectively. Further decolorization of biologically treated effluent by electro-catalytic oxidation was investigated, and 98.3 % of color removal accompanied with 97.3 % reduction of humic acid-like matter was achieved after 180 min. The results presented herein will facilitate the development of a well decolorization for cellulosic ethanol production wastewater and better understanding of the biological fermentation. 论文标题 Carbon Footprint Analyses of Mainstream Wastewater Treatment Technologies under Different Sludge Treatment Scenarios in China 作者 Chunyan Chai, Dawei Zhang, Yanling Yu, Yujie Feng , and Man Sing Wong 发表时间 期刊名称 Water 期卷 2015, 7(3) 简单介绍 With rapid urbanization and infrastructure investment, wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Chinese cities are putting increased pressure on energy consumption and exacerbating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. A carbon footprint is provided as a tool to quantify the life cycle GHG emissions and identify opportunities to reduce climate change impacts. This study examined three mainstream wastewater treatment technologies: Anaerobic-Anoxic-Oxic (A-A-O), Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) and Oxygen Ditch, considering four different sludge treatment alternatives for small-to-medium-sized WWTPs. Following the life cycle approach, process design data and emission factors were used by the model to calculate the carbon footprint. Results found that direct emissions of CO2 and N2O, and indirect emissions of electricity use, are significant contributors to the carbon footprint. Although sludge anaerobic digestion and biogas recovery could significantly contribute to emission reduction, it was less beneficial for Oxygen Ditch than the other two treatment technologies due to its low sludge production. The influence of choosing "high risk" or "low risk" N2O emission factors on the carbon footprint was also investigated in this study. Oxygen Ditch was assessed as "low risk" of N2O emissions while SBR was "high risk". The carbon footprint of A-A-O with sludge anaerobic digestion and energy recovery was more resilient to changes of N2O emission factors and control of N2O emissions, though process design parameters (i.e., effluent total nitrogen (TN) concentration, mixed-liquor recycle (MLR) rates and solids retention time (SRT)) and operation conditions (i.e., nitrite concentration) are critical for reducing carbon footprint of SBR. Analyses of carbon footprints suggested that aerobic treatment of sludge not only favors the generation of large amounts of CO2, but also the emissions of N2O, so the rationale of reducing aerobic treatment and maximizing anaerobic treatment applies to both wastewater and sludge treatment for reducing the carbon footprint, i.e., the annamox process for wastewater nutrient removal and the anaerobic digestion for sludge treatment. 论文标题 Adsorption behavior of EE2 (17α-ethinylestradiol) onto the inactivated sewage sludge: Kinetics, thermodynamics and influence fac 作者 Yujie Feng, Zhaohan Zhang, Peng Gao, Hui Su, Yanling Yu, Nanqi Ren 发表时间 期刊名称 Journal of Hazardous Materials 期卷 2010, 175: 简单介绍 The adsorption behavior of 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) onto inactivated sludge was investigated to assess the function of adsorption on EE2 removal in activated sludge system. The adsorption equilibrium of EE2 can be achieved in 5.0 h at the research temperature and the adsorption process could be well described by pseudo-second-order model. The equilibrium data at different temperatures were fitted by a linear regression. The thermodynamics analysis revealed that EE2 adsorption onto inactivated sludge was spontaneous (ΔG = ?15.18 to ?16.35 kJ/mol), enthalpy-driven (ΔH = ?27.2 kJ/mol), entropy-retarded (ΔS = ?39.18 J/(mol K)), and mainly physical adsorption. Effects of pH, ionic strength and coexisting organic matters (methanol and bisphenol A) on EE2 adsorption onto inactivated sludge were also examined. The amounts of EE2 equilibrium adsorption ability were unchanged as the pH values increasing from 2.0 to 6.0, but decreased from 2.14 to 1.43 mg/g MLSS when the initial EE2 concentration was 5.0 mg/L as pH above 6.0. The adsorption capacities were first increased from 2.19 to 2.50 mg/g MLSS, then sharply decreased and stabilized at 1.12 mg/g MLSS during the ionic strength was adjusted from 0 to 1 mol/L. Methanol (0.4–5%, v/v) and bisphenol A (0–200 mg/L) in the mixed liquor can decrease the adsorption capacity of EE2 from 2.19 to 1.39 and 0.75 mg/g MLSS, respectively. 论文标题 Bioaugmentation for Electricity Generation from Corn Stover Biomass Using Microbial Fuel Cells 作者 Xin Wang, Yujie Feng, Heming Wang , Youpeng Qu , Yanling Yu , Nanqi Ren , Nan Li , Elle Wang, He Lee , and Bruce E . Logan 发表时间 期刊名称 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 期卷 2009, 43 ( 简单介绍 Corn stover is usually treated by an energy-intensive or expensive process to extract sugars for bioenergy production. However, it is possible to directly generate electricity from corn stover in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) through the addition of microbial consortia specifically acclimated for biomass breakdown. A mixed culture that was developed to have a high saccharification rate with corn stover was added to single-chamber, air-cathode MFCs acclimated for power production using glucose. The MFC produced a maximum power of 331 mW/m2 with the bioaugmented mixed culture and corn stover, compared to 510 mW/m2 using glucose. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) showed the communities continued to evolve on both the anode and corn stover biomass over 60 days, with several bacteria identified including Rhodopseudomonas palustris. The use of residual solids from the steam exploded corn stover produced 8% more power (406 mW/m2) than the raw corn stover. These results show that it is possible to directly generate electricity from waste corn stover in MFCs through bioaugmentation using naturally occurring bacteria. 论文标题 水热预处理工艺参数对玉米秸秆组分与酶解效率的影响 作者 李梓木,于艳玲**,孙嘉星,李冬梅,冯玉杰* 发表时间 期刊名称 化工学报 期卷 2015, 66:1 简单介绍 采用间歇式水热预处理方法,考察了不同水热预处理温度和处理时间对玉米秸秆主要成分变化的影响以及水热预处理后的纤维素酶解效率。在180~220℃,10~25 min范围内,随温度升高和时间延长预处理后半纤维素移除率和纤维素损失率也随之增大,但木质素质量并未减少反而有所增加。在210℃,25 min时得到最大半纤维素移除率为86.0%。以半纤维素移除率、木质素移除率和纤维素损失率为因变量,处理温度和处理时间为自变量通过多元线性回归分析或二次方程(多元线性回归方程拟合度不佳时)拟合分别获得回归模型。模型显示处理温度和处理时间对三者均具有显著影响。分析敏感性显示处理温度对三种因变量的影响均大于处理时间。经210℃,20 min处理后,纤维素酶解率最高为76.2%,继续提高处理温度和延长处理时间半纤维素移除率提高,但纤维素酶解率下降。 论文标题 水热-乙醇提取处理玉米秸秆促进酶解效率 作者 李梓木,于艳玲*,赵桂红,孙嘉星,李冬梅,黄玉东,冯玉杰 发表时间 期刊名称 农业环境科学学报 期卷 2015, 34(0 简单介绍 针对水热预处理不能明显移除木质素、木质素在较高温条件下从细胞壁中分解游离并重新聚合的特点,采用水热-乙醇提取处理玉米秸秆,与水热预处理的效果进行了对比,并对乙醇过程进行了优化。结果表明:水热-乙醇提取能够移除部分木质素,提高预处理后固体中纤维素含量以及纤维素的酶解效率,水热-乙醇提取后秸秆的木质素移除率随水热预处理温度的增加而增大。乙醇提取的较优工艺条件是液固比25、室温、120 r·min-1,提取10 h。经210℃、20 min预处理的秸秆再经乙醇提取后,酸不溶木质素含量由30.5%下降为18.2%,纤维素含量由62.2%提高到73.6%,酶解率为93.2%(15 FPU·g-1纤维素),酶解时间由48 h缩短至24 h。 论文标题 通风速率对烟草废料堆肥腐熟及元素变化影响 作者 赵桂红,李梓木,于艳玲,李冬梅,冯玉杰 发表时间 期刊名称 环境工程学报 期卷 2015,9(10 简单介绍 以烟草废料为原料堆肥,设置不同的通风速率,通过对堆肥中温度、营养元素和腐殖质等指标变化的研究,揭示了通风速率对堆肥腐熟和主要元素变化的影响。结果表明,通风速率为0.1和0.2 m3/(h·m3)的处理的高温期持续时间在5 d以上,满足堆肥无害化卫生标准要求,堆肥积温以0.2 m3/(h·m3)的处理最高;堆肥结束时,通风速率为0.2和0.3 m3/(h·m3)处理的总碳含量降低率、总氮含量增加率及NO-3-N含量增幅均强于0.1和0.4 m3/(h·m3)的通风处理,且两处理的NH%2B4-N含量至堆肥结束时降至400 mg/kg阈值以下;通风速率为0.2 m3/(h·m3)的处理的终产品的腐殖化质数为1.91,达到腐熟阈值1.90。综合以上结果表明,0.2 m3/(h·m3)的通风速率较适于烟草废料堆肥腐熟和营养转化。 论文标题 通风速率对烟草废弃物好氧堆肥理化性质及种子发芽率的影响 作者 赵桂红,冯玉杰,李梓木,于艳玲 发表时间 期刊名称 科学技术与工程 期卷 2014,14(35 简单介绍 旨在研究强制通风系统中不同通风速率0.1、0.2、0.3和0.4 m3·h-1·m-3堆体(处理A、B、C和D)对烟草废弃物好氧堆肥理化性质及种子发芽率的影响。A、B、C三处理堆肥温度超过55℃连续三天以上,D处理堆肥温度超过55℃只维持了一天。B处理的电导率(EC)在堆肥结束时均低于其他三个处理,而p H值则最高。四个处理的阳离子交换量(CEC)均呈持续增大趋势,至堆肥结束时分别为115.3、150.5、125.4和95.2 cmol·kg-1。堆肥结束时处理A、B、C和D的发芽指数(GI)分别为77.5%、113.2%、92.2%和62.5%。结果表明,处理B最适于烟草废弃物堆肥。 论文标题 基于污水/废气同步处理的混养系统构建及能源微藻Chlorella vulgaris培养研究 作者 张大伟,柴春燕,于艳玲,冯玉杰 发表时间 期刊名称 中国酿造 期卷 2013, S1: 简单介绍 微藻生物能源因其污染小、藻细胞生长快、不与农产品争地等优点而受到广泛关注,但是其高昂的培养成本一直限制了其应用。本研究以小球藻Chlorella vulgaris为培养对象,利用模拟烟道气和生活污水进行微藻培养,考察了该过程对污染物的去除效率以及影响微藻生长和油脂积累的工艺因素。结果表明:Chorella vulgaris可以在模拟烟道气和污水条件下生长并完成油脂积累。在细胞密度0.60g/L条件下,此系统可使污水中COD、总氮和总磷分别从400mg/L、15mg/L、5mg/L下降到65mg/L、7.9mg/L和3.9mg/L,可以达标排放,同时NO含量从400mL/m下降到150mL/m,对烟道气减排和联合处理也具有重要价值。 论文标题 纤维素厌氧降解菌混合菌群筛选及功能分析 作者 于艳玲,冯玉杰,高霏,于丽新,徐琛 发表时间 期刊名称 哈尔滨工业大学学报 期卷 2011, 43 ( 简单介绍 为获得高效稳定的原木质纤维素降解微生物,利用限制性培养手段,从瘤胃残渣中筛选出了可以体外培养、分解能力强且性能稳定的纤维素厌氧降解菌群FYG-2.该菌群在38.5℃,pH6.4~6.8条件下,5 d内可以使1.00 g滤纸完全崩解.转接30代,其降解性能仍保持稳定,且纤维素底物的灭菌与否均不影响其分解.以底物失重率、纤维素酶活和葡萄糖质量浓度为参数,考查了FYG-2对纤维素的分解特性:同预处理后的木质纤维素相比,FYG-2更易于降解天然木质纤维素.在初始接菌量为15%,培养3 d时,FYG-2的酶活最高(159.7 IU).从FYG-2中分离出7株纯菌,但其纤维素酶活均低于FYG-2.纯菌回接实验表明,混合菌群中的协同作用很可能存在于纤维素降解菌与非纤维素降解菌之间或存在于可培养微生物与不可培养微生物间. 论文标题 酸处理秸秆生产乙醇过程中解毒方法的比较 作者 于艳玲,冯玉杰,刘佳,高霏 发表时间 期刊名称 化工进展 期卷 2008:108-1 简单介绍 以糖浓度、乙醇浓度和乙醇产率为指标,比较了水洗、 ca(OH)2过量、加大酿酒酵母接种量三种方法在以酸处理秸秆为原料发酵生产乙醇过程中的解毒效果.结果表明,水洗法和Ca(OH)2法都可以解除抑制 物对纤维素酶和酵母的抑制作用,但是这两种方法的最大乙醇产率仅分别是理论产率的57.5%和74.2%,这是因为在解毒过程中,这两种解毒方法造成了原 料损失.加大酵母接种量法(10 g/L)既能通过细胞的代谢作用解除抑制物对纤维素酶的抑制,又保留了部分细胞的活性,在SSF(simultaneus saccharification and fermentation)工艺中,发酵16 h,乙醇产率达到理论产率的95.8%. 论文标题 Hydrophilic graphene aerogel anodes enhance the performance of microbial electrochemical systems 作者 李健楠 于艳玲 陈大宏 刘国宏 李东一 Lee Hyung-Sool 冯玉杰 发表时间 期刊名称 Bioresource Technology (IF=9.642) 期卷 304:122907 简单介绍 论文标题 以玉米秸秆为底物的纤维素降解菌与产电菌联合产电的可行性 作者 冯玉杰,王鑫,王赫名,于艳玲,李冬梅 发表时间 期刊名称 环境科学学报 期卷 2009,29( 1 简单介绍 利用单室空气阴极微生物燃料电池(MFC)反应器,以玉米秸秆为底物,以本实验室筛选和保存的纤维素降解菌Chaetomium sp.和Bacillus sp.,以及纤维素降解混合菌PCS-S和H-C为秸秆降解的生物催化剂,探讨了以汽爆秸秆固体为底物进行微生物产电的可行性.结果表明,在MFC系统内,纤维素降解纯菌和混合菌均能使纤维素降解,但产生的电压很低(<90mV,1000Ω),升高温度(30~38.5℃)对电压输出无明显影响.单独以生活污水作为菌源不能直接降解秸秆产电.只有将H-C和生活污水(产电菌源)混合作为接种体,MFC才能获得较高的电压输出.此时得到的以汽爆秸秆固体作为底物时的最大功率密度为406mW.m-2,仅比葡萄糖作为底物时所得到的最大功率密度510mW.m-2低20%. 论文标题 Corncob-to-xylose residue (CCXR) derived porous biochar as an excellent adsorbent to remove organic dyes from wastewater 作者 于艳玲 万圆 尚宏儒 王滨 张鹏 冯玉杰 发表时间 期刊名称 Surface and Interface Analysis 期卷 51(2): 234-245 简单介绍 Biochar was prepared from corncob-to-xylose residue (CCXR) by KOH activation and anaerobic pyrolysis method. The effect of activation temperature on the microstructure of the biochar was studied. Results showed that the biochar prepared at 850 degrees C (850NBC) possessed high specific surface area and exhibited excellent adsorption property. The maximum adsorption capacity of 2249 mg g(-1) was obtained when 850NBC was used for treating methylene blue (MB) solution. Adsorption isotherm fittings revealed that Langmuir and Freundlich models were applicable to 850NBC adsorption process, and the adsorption process was limited by adsorption site and the biochar surface functional groups. Furthermore, 850NBC showed good adsorption property when it was used to treat the other organic dyes of Congo red (751 mg g(-1)), Orange II (735 mg g(-1)), Indigo carmine (662 mg g(-1)) and Methyl Orange (465 mg g(-1)). Biochar 850NBC also possessed an acceptable recyclability which maintained 68.7% absorption capacity after 6 cycles when it was used to treat MB solution. These results proposed that 850NBC is expected to be a promising potential adsorbent for treating organic dyes waste water. 论文标题 Unsterilized sewage treatment and carbohydrate accumulation in Tetradesmus obliquus PF3 with CO2 supplementation 作者 马珊珊 于艳玲 崔浩 Yadav, Ravi S. 李江 冯玉杰 发表时间 期刊名称 Algal Research 期卷 45: 1017041 简单介绍 A mixed gas with 10% CO2 was supplemented in unsterilized sewage to promote Tetradesmus obliquus PF3 for sewage treatment and nutrient recovery. The sewage was purified with higher removal efficiency of COD (90 %2B/- 3%), TN (93 %2B/- 3%) and TP (99 %2B/- 0%) in the unsterilized condition with 10% CO2 supplementation than that with 0.038% CO2 (air) supplementation (COD: 65 %2B/- 2%; TN: 81 %2B/- 1%; TP: 95 %2B/- 0%). The coexistence of bacteria and microalgae in unsterilized sewage had a significant effect on COD removal, while microalgae played a dominant role in nutrients (N and P) removal. Quality of effluent water complied with the class I-A criteria specified in Chinese Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. Supplementation with 10% CO2 promoted the recovery of nitrogen (84 %2B/- 10%) and phosphorus (90 %2B/- 9%) from sewage compared to that of 0.038% CO2 (air) supplementation (N: 58 %2B/- 3%, P: 59 %2B/- 4%), which is due to the improved carbon supply and more favorable pH of 6.8-7.8 adjusted by high CO2 concentration. In addition, the CO2 fixation rate reached up to 551 %2B/- 1 mg L-1 d(-1) by Tetradesmus obliquus PF3 and the carbohydrate content in the obtained biomass was as high as 60 %2B/- 2%. This study indicates that the supplementation with 10% CO2 in unsterilized sewage water has remarkable promotion effects on wastewater treatment and nutrient recovery. Therefore, waste gas containing high concentration of CO2, such as flue gas was suggested as carbon supplementation in the algal wastewater treatment.