

姓名 刘一 性别 刘一
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 理学院(威海)
学位 刘一 学历 刘一
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个人信息 科研项目 发表文章 专利申请 讲授课程 硕士招生 ... 硕士招生 新建主栏目 工作经历 名称 2020/12-今,哈尔滨工业大学(威海),理学院光电科学系,副教授,硕导 2018/01-2020/11,哈尔滨工业大学(威海),理学院光电科学系,讲师,硕导 2014/11-2017/12,哈尔滨工业大学(威海),理学院光电科学系,讲师 教育经历 名称 2011/09-2014/10,哈尔滨工业大学,理学院,博士 2009/09-2011/07,哈尔滨工业大学(威海),光电科学系,硕士 2005/09-2009/07,哈尔滨工业大学(威海),光电科学系,学士 研究方向 名称 光纤传感技术 飞秒激光微纳加工技术 指导学生竞赛获奖 名称 1. 2023年,大学生物理实验竞赛国家一等奖 2. 2023年,大学生物理学术竞赛国家一等奖 3. 2022年,大学生物理实验竞赛国家二等奖 4. 2022年,大学生物理学术竞赛国家二等奖 5. 2021年,大学生物理学术竞赛国家二等奖 6. 2020年,大学生物理学术竞赛国家二等奖 7. 2019年,大学生光电设计竞赛国家二等奖 招生信息 名称 课题组每年招收2~3名硕士生,欢迎对光纤传感技术及应用方向感兴趣的学生报考。 科研项目 项目名称 光纤功能器件集成式微流体芯片的飞秒激光制备及其微全分析研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金面上项目 开始时间 2019.01 结束时间 2022.12 项目经费 64万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 基于聚合物微结构的光纤传感器设计及其一体成型制备 项目来源 山东省自然科学基金面上项目 开始时间 2022.01 结束时间 2024.12 项目经费 10 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 智能光纤监测床垫研制 项目来源 企业合作 开始时间 2019.03 结束时间 2021.03 项目经费 10万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 光纤内密封液腔的高灵敏海水温度传感研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金青年基金 开始时间 2016.01 结束时间 2018.12 项目经费 26.1万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 海洋动力学环境高灵敏光纤微腔传感器的飞秒激光制备及传感特性研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金面上项目 开始时间 2016.01 结束时间 2019.12 项目经费 84.4万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 基于光纤内微腔液滴振动的声—光调制特性研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金面上项目 开始时间 2014.01 结束时间 2017.12 项目经费 87万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 海洋温盐流压多参数高灵敏监测装备研发 项目来源 山东省重点研发计划项目 开始时间 2015.04 结束时间 2017.12 项目经费 200万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 X 射线分选机成像系统及防护系统设计 研发 项目来源 企业合作 开始时间 2019.04 结束时间 2020.03 项目经费 60万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 内置悬臂式光纤微腔水下声波高灵敏传感探头的制备 项目来源 威海市大学共建项目 开始时间 2016.01 结束时间 2017.12 项目经费 8万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 基于光纤密封液体微腔的高精度温度传感研究 项目来源 哈尔滨工业大学科研创新基金 开始时间 2015.01 结束时间 2016.12 项目经费 10万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 发表SCI文章(第一作者为指导的研究生和本科生) 名称 Li Tianyi, Liu Yi*, Xu Weijiang, Sun Chongbin, and Li Yan, Light control of a movable microbubble in an ethanol-filled fiber microcavity for displacement measurement, Optics Letters, 2024, 49(4): 790-793 (中科院二区,第一作者为硕士生) Sun Chongbin, Liu Yi*, Li Yan, and Han Yanhua, Highly sensitive OPD-demodulated fiber temperature sensor based on an ultra-long liquid-core with a syringe shape, Optics Letters, 2024, 49(3): 502-505 (中科院二区,第一作者为博士生) Liangtao Hou, Yan Li*, Yi Liu*, Min Li and Shiliang Qu, High-integration optical fiber sensor with Vernier effect based on spatial beam splitting, Optics & Laser Technology, 2024, 171:110415 (JCR 1区,第一作者为博士生) Liangtao Hou, Yan Li*, Libin Sun, Chao Liu, Yichao Zheng, Yi Liu and Shiliang Qu, High-fidelity optical fiber microphone based on graphene oxide and Au nanocoating, Nanophotonics, 2023, 12(19): 3707–3719. (JCR 1区,第一作者为博士生) Liangtao Hou, Yan Li*, Yi Liu, Min Li*, Shiliang Qu, Anti-crosstalk optical fiber sensor based on polydimethyl siloxane fluid cavity and graphene oxide film, Optics and Laser Technology, 2023, 159: 108991(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Weijiang Xu, Yi Liu, Jinke Bai, Yan Li, Shiliang Qu*, Optical fiber inclinometer with dynamicallycontrollable excitation length of quantum dotsliquid-core waveguide based on a photo-controlledbubble, Optics Letters, 2023, 48(6): 1403-1406 (JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Weijiang Xu, Yi Liu, Jinke Bai, Yan Li, Shiliang Qu*, A calibration-free fiber sensor based on CdZnSe/ZnSe/ZnS quantum dots for real-time monitoring of human thermal activities, Measurement, 2023, 206: 112315(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Weijiang Xu,Yan Li, Jingyu Shang, Yuxiao Wang, Liangtao Hou, Yi Liu, Shiliang Qu*, Optical fiber sensor based on upconversionluminescence for synchronous temperature andcurvature sensing, Optics Express, 2022, 30(18): 33136-33144 (JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Jinjian Li, Yi Liu, Yan Li and Shiliang Qu, Novel fiber-tip micro flowmeter based on optofluidic microcavity filled with silver nanoparticles solutions, Nanophotonics, 2022,(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Changxu Li, Yi Liu, Changpeng Lang, Yonglai Zhang* and Shiliang Qu*, Femtosecond laser direct writing of a 3D microcantilever on the tip of an optical fiber sensor for on-chip optofluidic sensing, Lab on a Chip, 2022, DOI:10.1039/d2lc00625a(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Yulong Li, Yanhui Li, Yi Liu*, Yan Li, and Shiliang Qu, Detection limit analysis of optical fiber sensors based on interferometers with the Vernier-effect, Optics Express, 2022, 30(20): 35734-35748(JCR一区,第一作者为本科生) Jinjian Li, Yi Liu, Yan Li, Xin Li, Jinjin Liang, Shiliang Qu, Microfluidic volume optical monitoring system based on functional channels integrated by hollow cylindrical waveguide, Measurement, 2022, 193: 110951(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Jinjian Li, Yi Liu, Yan Li, Zhenrong Zhang, and Shiliang Qu*, Bovine serum albumin label-free concentration sensor based on silica corrosion quantitative monitoring system, Optics Express, 2022, 30(12): 21725-21735(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Changpeng Lang, Jiandong Zhu, Yi Liu*, Yan Li, and Shiliang Qu,Ultra-Compact Full-Angle-Range Direction-Distinguishable Tilt Sensor Based on Fiber in-Line Polymer Microcavity, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2022, 40(9):3084-3089(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Chongbin Sun,Yi Liu*, Yan Li, and Shiliang Qu, Micro-newton strain force and temperature synchronous fiber sensor with a high Q-factor based on the quartz microbubble integrated in the capillary-taper structure, Optics Express, 2022, 30(6): 8750-8761(JCR一区,第一作者为硕士生) Jinjian Li , Yi Liu, Yan Li, Xin Li, Jinjin Liang, and Shiliang Qu*, Microfluidic volume optical monitoring system based on functional channels integrated by hollow cylindrical waveguide, Measurement, 2022, 193: 110951(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Yichao Zheng, Jinjian Li, Yi Liu, Yan Li, and Shiliang Qu*, Dual-parameter demodulated torsion sensor based on the Lyot filter with a twisted polarization-maintaining fiber, Optics Express, 2022, 30(2): 2288-2298(JCR一区,第一作者为硕士生) Rui Liu, Yan Li*, Duo Deng, Yi Liu, Liangtao Hou and Yanhua Han, Chiro-optical fields with asymmetric orbital angular momentum and polarization, Optics Express, 2022,30(5), 7467-7476(JCR一区,第一作者为硕士生) Changpeng Lang, Yi Liu*, Jingfu Ye, Min Chen, Yan Li , and Shiliang Qu, An Ultra-Sensitive Fiber Sensor for Micro Newton Contact Force Detection Based on a Polymerized Hollow-Cylinder by One-Step Fabrication, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021,21(22): 25710-25715(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Changpeng Lang, Yi Liu, Yan Li, Kunjian Cao, and Shiliang Qu*, The Introduction of a Cavitation Bubble in Polymer-Capped Fiber Temperature Sensor to Increase Its Wavelength Demodulation Range, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021, 21(12): 13283-13289(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Duo Deng, Yanhao Chu, Yi Liu, Yan Li* and Yanhua Han, Measurement of multiplexed fractional vortices with integer mode interval, Results in Physics, 2021, 29: 104699(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Duo Deng, Hua Zhao, Yanhua Han, Yi Liu and Yan Li*, Extending the detection range of optical vortices by dense phase stitching algorithm, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2021, 39 (15): 4974-4979(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Duo Deng, Hua Zhao, Yan Li*, Yi Liu and Yanhua Han, Rotating structured light based on perfect vortex, Applied Physics Express, 2021, 14 (3): 032004(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Liangtao Hou, Yan Li*, Yi Liu, Lingling Ran and Jiuru Yang, High sensitivity flow velocity sensor based on all-fiber target-type structure, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2021, 39 (12): 4174-4178(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Jinjian Li , Yi Liu, and Shiliang Qu*, Research Progress on Optical Fiber Functional Devices Fabricated by Femtosecond Laser Micro-Nano Processing, Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2020, 57(11): 111402.(第一作者为博士生) Kunjian Cao, Yi Liu,Changpeng Lang, Qinfeng Xu, and Yuan Zhao, Ultracompact fiber all-optical router using a photo-controlled microbubble, Optics Letters, 2020, 45(14): 3901-3904(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Kunjian Cao, Yi Liu*, Zhongli Han, Qinfeng Xu, Yuan Zhao, Changpeng Lang, Photocontrol of a microbubble in a fiber-based hollow microstructure, Optics Express, 2020, 28(10): 15090-15100(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Changpeng Lang, Yi Liu*, Yingying Liao, Jinjian Li, Shiliang Qu, Ultra-Sensitive Fiber-Optic Temperature Sensor Consisting of Cascaded Liquid-Air Cavities Based on Vernier Effect, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020,20(10): 5286-5291(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Xiang Ji, Yi Liu*, Kunjian Cao, Liao, Yingying Liao, Yan Li, Shiliang Qu, Laser-induced suspension of a microbubble in a liquid-filled fiber microcavity for large-range tilt sensing, Optics Letters, 2020, 45(8): 2303-2306(JCR一区,第一作者为本科生) Ying Zhang, Yan Li, Yi Liu*,Zhen gong, Yingying Liao, Xinshun Wang, Qinmiao Chen, Dahai Yang, Shiliang Qu, Sensitivity amplification of bubble-based all-silica fiber liquid-pressure sensor by using femtosecond laser exposure, Optics Communications, 2020, 462: 125291(第一作者为硕士生) Qinmiao Chen, Yan Li*, Yi Liu and Yanhua Han, Polarization-multiplexed metalens via spin-independent manipulation of spin-orbit interactions, Journal of Optics, 2020, 22: 085103(第一作者为硕士生) Haoyang He, Yi Liu*, Yingying Liao, Changpeng Lang, Yan Li, Shiliang Qu, Simple fiber-optic sensor for simultaneous and sensitive measurement of high pressure and high temperature based on the silica capillary tube, Optics Express, 2019, 27(18): 25777-25788(JCR一区,第一作者为本科生) Yingying Liao, Yi Liu*, Yan Li, Changpeng Lang, Kunjian Cao, Shiliang Qu, Large-Range, Highly-Sensitive, and Fast-Responsive Optical Fiber Temperature Sensor Based on the Sealed Ethanol in Liquid State Up to its Supercritical Temperature, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2019, 11(6):1504807(第一作者为硕士生) Changpeng Lang, Yi Liu*, Kunjian Cao, Yan Li, Shiliang Qu*, Ultra-compact, fast-responsive and highly-sensitive humidity sensor based on a polymer micro-rod on the end-face of fiber core, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2019, 290:23-27(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Dahai Yang, Yan Li*, Duo Deng, Yi Liu and Jie Lin, Controllable rotation of multiplexing elliptic optical vortices, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019, 52: 495103(JCR一区,第一作者为硕士生) Yingying Liao, Yi Liu*, Changpeng Lang, Yan Li, Shiliang Qu, Highly sensitive optical fiber temperature sensor based on the thermal shift of the liquid-air interface, Optical Engineering, 2019, 58(11): 117105(第一作者为硕士生) Yi Qin, Yan Li*, Duo Deng, Yi Liu, and Mingjian Sun, Ultra-compact biosensor based on metalens with longitudinally structured vector beam, Applied Optics, 2019, 58(16): 4438-4442(第一作者为本科生) Yi Liu, Min Li, Panjuan Zhao, Xinshun Wang, Shiliang Qu*, High sensitive temperature sensor based on a polymer waveguide integrated in an optical fibre micro-cavity, Journal of Optics, 2018, 20: 015801 Ruikai Xue, Yu Mao, Yuxi Zhang, Yi Liu*, Kunjian Cao, and Shiliang Qu, Cost-Effective Optical Fiber Curvature Sensor With Ultrahigh Sensitivity Based on Two Microcollapses in Silica Capillary, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2018, 10(4): 680261(第一作者为本科生) Changpeng Lang, Yi Liu*, Kunjian Cao, Shiliang Qu, Temperature insensitive optical fiber strain sensor with ultra-low detection limit based on capillary-taper temperature compensation structure, Optics Express, 2018, 26(1): 477-487(JCR一区,第一作者为硕士生) Yu Mao, Yuxi Zhang, Ruikai Xue, Yi Liu*, Kunjian Cao, Shiliang Qu, Compact optical fiber temperature sensor with high sensitivity based on liquid-filled silica capillary tube, Applied Optics, 2018, 57(5): 1061-1066(第一作者为本科生) Junjie Lu, Yan Li*, Yanhua Han, Yi Liu and Jianmin Gao, D-shaped photonic crystal fiber plasmonic refractive index sensor based on gold grating, Applied Optics, 2018, 57(19): 5268-5272(第一作者为本科生) Yu Wang, Yi Liu*, Renxi Gao, Kunjian Cao, and Shiliang Qu, Mach–Zehnder interferometer based on a cross-type microchannel in SMS fiber structure for gas pressure sensing with high sensitivity, Optical Engineering, 2018, 57(9): 096101(第一作者为本科生) Yi Liu, Changpeng Lang, Xiaocun Wei, Shiliang Qu*, Strain force sensor with ultra-high sensitivity based on fiber inline Fabry-Perot micro-cavity plugged by cantilever taper, Optics Express, 2017, 25(7): 7797-7806 Yi Liu, Guoqiang Wu, Renxi Gao, Shiliang Qu*, High-quality Mach–Zehnder interferometer based on a microcavity in single-multi-single mode fiber structure for refractive index sensing, Applied Optics, 2017, 56(4): 847-853 Min Li, Yi Liu*, Xiuli Zhao, Renxi Gao, Yan Li, Shiliang Qu*, High sensitivity fiber acoustic sensor tip working at 1550 nm fabricated by two-photon polymerization technique, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2017, 260:29-34(第一作者为博士生) Kunjian Cao, Yi Liu, Shiliang Qu*, Compact fiber biocompatible temperature sensor based on a hermetically-sealed liquid-filling structure, Optics Express, 2017, 25(24): 29597-29604(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Kunjian Cao, Yi Liu, Shiliang Qu*, Ultrasensitive fiber tilt sensor based on a mobile inscribed microbubble along the arc-shaped inwall of the microcavity, Optics Letters, 2017, 42(21): 4418-4421(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Kunjian Cao, Yi Liu, Shiliang Qu*, Quantitative microfluidic delivery based on an optical breakdown-driven micro-pump for the fabrication of fiber functional devices, Optics Express, 2017, 25(20): 23690-23698(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Yi Liu, Min Li, Huihui Sun, Yan Li, Shiliang Qu, Ultrasensitive liquid refractometer based on a mach -Zehnder micro-cavity in optical fibre fabricated by femtosecond laser-induced water breakdown, Journal of Modern Optics, 2016, 63 (21) :2285-2290 Kunjian Cao, Yi Liu, Shiliang Qu*, Highly sensitive temperature sensor based on cascaded polymer-microbubble cavities by employing a subtraction between reciprocal thermal responses, Optics Express, 2016, 24(18): 20655-20662(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Min Li, Yi Liu, Renxi Gao, Yan Li, Xiuli Zhao, Shiliang Qu*, Ultracompact fiber sensor tip based on liquid polymer-filled Fabry-Perot cavity with high temperature sensitivity, Sensors and Actuators B:Chemical, 2016, 233: 496-501(JCR一区,第一作者为博士生) Biao Feng, Yi Liu, and Shiliang Qu, High-temperature sensor based on resonant reflection in hollow core fiber, Optical Engineering, 2016, 55(10): 106127(第一作者为硕士生) Min Li, Yi Liu, Xiuli Zhao, Shiliang Qu and Yan Li, Miniature ?-shaped polymer fiber tip for simultaneous measurement of the liquid refractive index and temperature with high sensitivities, Journal of Optics, 2015, 17: 105701(第一作者为博士生) Min Li, Yi Liu, Shiliang Qu, Yan Li, Fiber-optic sensor tip for measuring temperature and liquid refractive index, Optical Engineering, 2014, 53(11): 116110-116110-5(第一作者为博士生) Yi Liu, Shiliang Qu*, Wenge Qu, Ruyue Que, Fabry-Perot Cuboid Cavity Across the Fibre for High-sensitivity Strain Force Sensing, Journal of Optics, 2014, 16(10): 105401 Yi Liu, Shiliang Qu, H-type Microchannel Fibre Humidity Sensor by Femtosecond Laser-induced Water Breakdown, Journal of Modern Optics, 2014, 61(19): 1578-1581 Yi Liu, Shiliang Qu*, Yan Li, Optical Fiber Fabry-Perot Interferometer Cavity Fabricated by Femtosecond Laser-induced Water Breakdown for Refractive Index Sensing, Applied Optics, 2014, 53(3): 469-474 Yi Liu, Shiliang Qu*, Yan Li, Single Microchannel High-temperature Fiber Sensor by Femtosecond Laser-induced Water Breakdown, Optics Letters, 2013, 38(3): 335-337 Yi Liu, Shiliang Qu*, Yan Li, Liquid Refractive Index Sensor with Three-cascaded Microchannels in Single-mode Fiber Fabricated by Femtosecond Laser-induced Water Breakdown, Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, 2013, 110(4): 585-589 Yi Liu, Shiliang Qu*, Femtosecond Laser Pulses Induced Ultra-long-period Fiber Gratings for Simultaneous Measurement of High Temperature and Refractive Index, Optik, 2013, 124(12): 1303-1306 申请发明专利 名称 李岩、韩艳华、刘一、邓铎、刘睿,一种实现多焦点阵列与多芯光纤自动对准耦合系统和方法,中国, CN112965182B 刘一、郎昌鹏、李岩,一种基于聚合物微帽的光纤温度传感探头及其制备方法,中国, CN112665752B 曲士良、郎昌鹏、刘一、李金健,一种小体积二维矢量光纤倾角传感探头和传感装置,中国,CN112484669B 曲士良、李金健、刘一、郎昌鹏,一种基于空芯光纤光场共振结构的制作方法及镀膜方法:中国,CN112604925B 刘一、李岩、许伟将,基于荧光波长解调的免标定光纤温度传感器和传感装置,中国,CN115200739A 曲士良、李金健、刘一,一种光纤流速传感探头、流速传感器及上述探头制备方法:中国,CN114935669A 曲士良、李金健、刘一,光纤定量腐蚀基体、装置、系统及所制备的光纤探测结构: 中国,CN114894706A 曲士良、许伟将、刘一,李金健,多重金属离子浓度光纤传感器、其制备方法和传感装置:中国,CN115112607A 刘一、李岩、曹坤健、廖颖莹,一种高灵敏光纤温度传感探头及其制作方法,中国, CN109932078A 李岩、刘一、曲峰,一种紫外、可见、近红外三波段共路光学系统,中国,CN109633892A 曲士良、刘一、李敏,一种超小体积高灵敏光纤温度传感探头及其制备方法,中国,CN106052903A 刘一、曲士良、曹坤健,一种微型高灵敏光纤温度传感探针,中国,CN106338348A 曲士良、刘一、李敏、李岩, 一种光纤内制备三维微流通道与微腔的方法,中国,CN104722924A 授权软件著作权 名称 1. 干涉型光纤探头传感信号解调软件V1.0 ,中国,2020SR0630695 2. 激光直写三维移动平台控制软件V1.0,中国:2019SR0707620 光纤传感技术 名称 光电智能感知技术 名称 电动力学 名称 热力学与统计物理 名称 大学物理实验 名称 课题组每年招收2~3名硕士生,欢迎对光纤传感技术及应用方向感兴趣的学生报考 名称
