姓名 | 许志武 | 性别 | 许志武 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 材料科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 许志武 | 学历 | 许志武 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 Research profile Awards & Honors Glimpse of life Selected Publications Teaching & Enrollment ... Teaching & Enrollment 新建主栏目 Basic Information 名称 Zhiwu Xu (许志武) Ph.D, Professor State Key Lab of Advanced Welding & Joining Harbin Institute of Technology Career & Research Experience 名称 12. 2021 – PROFESSOR Harbin Institute of Technology, China 06. 2013 – 06. 2014 VISITING SCHOLAR TU Dortmund, Germany Sponsored by CSC to work at Lehrstuhl für Werkstofftechnologie (LWT - Institute of Materials Engineering) in the field of brazing of dissimilar materials under the guidance of Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. Tillmann. 09. 2008 – 07. 2012 POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER Harbin Institute of Technology, China Supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation to conduct a project titiled “Fabrication and fracture of bonded joint of aluminum matrix composites” under the guidance of Prof. Shanyi Du. 10. 2009 – 12. 2021 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Harbin Institute of Technology, China Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (2009) to carry out a project titled “Motion and interface wetting of filler micro-fluidics in ultrasonic field”. 03. 2005 – 08. 2009 LECTURER Harbin Institute of Technology, China Took part in the project “Mechanism for rheological impact and diffusion-compound of liquid alloy to SiCp/Al under mechanical vibration”, which was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China. 10. 2004 – 02. 2005 RESEARCH ASSISTANT Harbin Institute of Technology, China Took charge of the experimental work of the project “Mechanism for ultrasonically assisted bonding of liquid eutectic alloys with ceramic particles and mechanics at the solid-liquid interfaces” supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China. Education 名称 03. 2002 – 02. 2008 DOCTOR / Materials Processing and Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China Dissertation: “Mechanisms for ultrasonic assisted wetting and bonding of aluminum based composites by liquid filler and their applications”. This work was supported by the 6th ongoing excellent PH.D thesis Project of Harbin Institute of Technology, which aims to encourage the PH.D candidate to produce much more achievements and only top ten PH.D candidates can be granted in each academic year. 09. 2000 – 03. 2002 MASTER / Materials Processing and Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China Dissertation: “Ultrasonic vibration aided interaction between Zn-Al alloy and Al2O3p/6061Al composites”. This work was approved for Direct Master to PH.D Program. 09. 1996 – 07. 2000 BACHELOR / Materials Forming and Control Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China Dissertation: “Investigation on network platform of examination system”. Associations and Professional Activities 名称 Member of Electron Microscope Society of Heilongjiang province (Jun 2007-Jun 2010) Member of the 11th Youth Federation of Heilongiang province Vice president of Youth Association for Science & Technology of Harbin Institute of Technology (Jun 2007-Jun 2014) Organization Chairman of The 1st Science and Technology Forum for Youth of High School of China (May 2010, Harbin, China) Journal Reviewing: Composites Science and Technology, Materials Science & Engineering A, Materials Letters, Materials and Design, Vacuum, Computational Materials Science, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, etc. Conference Reviewing: The 5th and 6th “International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing” (ICPNS 2007, 2010) “1st Advanced Welding & Joining Technology Conference and international Forum on recent Advances in Welding Science and Technologies” (2009) The 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2011) Research Interests (not limited to) 名称 Physical and chemical problems related with joining of advanced materials and dissimilar materials Fundamentals of ultrasonic soldering & brazing processes Design of bonding interface and evaluation of joint performance Simulation of joining process Funded Research 项目名称 Ultrasonically driven pulse spreading of metal droplet and control of liquid/solid interface wetting 项目来源 NFSC 开始时间 2016-01-01 结束时间 2019-12-12 项目经费 744,000.RMB 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 项目名称 Motion and interface wetting of filler micro-fluidics in ultrasonic field 项目来源 NSFC 开始时间 2010-01-01 结束时间 2012-12-01 项目经费 210, 000 RMB 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 Mechanism for rheological impact and diffusion-compound of liquid alloy to SiCp/Al under mechanical vibration 项目来源 NSFC 开始时间 2006-01-01 结束时间 2009-12-01 项目经费 270,000RMB 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 Ultrasonically assisted bonding of liquid eutectic alloys with ceramic particles and mechanics at the solid-liquid interfaces 项目来源 NSFC 开始时间 2004-01-01 结束时间 2006-12-01 项目经费 250,000 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 Ultrasonic assisted friction stir welding of Al/Mg alloys in semi-solid state 项目来源 NSFC 开始时间 2013-01-01 结束时间 2015-12-01 项目经费 250,000 RMB 担任角色 参与 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 Ultrasonically induced filling of liquid filler in non-wetting gap of aluminum metal matrix composites 项目来源 China Postdoctoral Science Foundation 开始时间 2010-01-01 结束时间 2012-12-01 项目经费 100,000 RMB 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 Ultrasonic soldering and electron beam welding of LF6 alloys 项目来源 CETC (Chengdu) 开始时间 2010-11-01 结束时间 2011-12-01 项目经费 200,000 RMB 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 项目名称 Low temperature joining technologies of aluminum alloys and their composites and the application fundamentals 项目来源 MST, China 开始时间 2008-09-01 结束时间 2011-08-01 项目经费 1200,000 RMB 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 In-situ observation of microstructure evolution of diffusion bonded sapphire, glass/metal interface 项目来源 SKL-AWJ 开始时间 2015-01-01 结束时间 2016-12-01 项目经费 10 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 Research team 名称 Jiuchun Yan (闫久春) Ph.D, Professor / Group head Research fields: Special joining technology and equipment Microstructure and performance of bonding interface Metallurgy of welding and joining Xuesong Leng (冷雪松) Ph.D, Professor Research fields: Vacuum hot rolling bonding technology .......... Typical research results 名称 To be renewed 荣誉称号 名称 AWS The Robert L. Peaslee Brazing Award(2021) Gold award of China International patent fair (2012) Award of Technological Invention Prize of Heilongjiang Province (Rank 4th, 2011) Award of National Science Foundation of China (2010) Award of Natural Science Prize of Heilongjiang Province (Rank 4th, 2009) Award of excellent doctoral thesis of Harbin Inst. of Tech. (2009) Award of state postdoctoral research fund of China (2009) Award of postdoctoral research fund of Heilongjiang Province (2009) Award of excellent doctoral graduate student of Heilongjiang Province (2008) Award of outstanding paper on the Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of Soldering, Brazing and Special Joining Technology, China. (2005) Award of “The Best ten students” in Harbin Inst. of Tech. (2005) Award of The Samsung Scholarship (2004) Award of second-class excellent paper on the Simulation International Conference, Harbin Inst. of Tech. (2003) Academic Activities 新闻标题 Conference & Visit 发布时间 2015-03-24 天冶集团(天津经委下属企业参观)- 06.2009 上海电气电站集团参观 - 08.2010 台湾成功大学(2011.07) 全国材料科学与工程博士后论坛(哈尔滨) - 09.2011 美国匹兹堡(Pittsburgh)- 10. 2012 中国北京-06.2014 Lisbon, Portugal-09.2014 CAUSTL2015.11-Adelaide, Australia 新闻标题 Holidays 发布时间 2014-10-29 水上漂 - 07.2008 镜泊湖 - 07.2009 丹东捡到一个孩子 - 07.2011 伊春漂流 - 07.2012 Kaiser 大帝 (Porta-Westfalica)- 08.2013 法国巴黎铁塔 - 06.2014 Out of 8 hours Book -出版物 出版物名称 Measurement and Control of Welding Process - 焊接过程传感与控制 作者 张广军,李海超,许志武 出版时间 2013-06-01 出版社 哈尔滨工业大学出版社 简单介绍 《“十二五”国家重点图书出版规划项目材料科学研究与工程技术系列:焊接过程传感与控制》是根据焊接专业新教学大纲的“焊接过程传感与控制”课程编写的教材。主要内容包括:焊接过程中的传感与控制问题概述,典型传感器原理及特性,焊缝跟踪传感,焊缝成形传感,焊接过程计算机控制系统的组成、工作原理和设计方法,焊接过程控制方法,焊接过程传感与控制实例分析等。该书的读者对象为材料加工工程、焊接、自动化等专业的高年级本科生、研究生和教师,以及相关专业的科研技术人员。 Paper-论文期刊 名称 Peer-reviewed Zhengwei Li, Zhiwu Xu, Peng He, Zhongwei Ma, Shu Chen, Jiuchun Yan. Dependence of wetting on the cavitation during the spreading of a filler droplet on the ultrasonically agitated Al substrate. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 82 (2022) 105893. Zhengwei Li, Zhiwu Xu, Boxu Ren, Jiuchun Yan. Fast low-temperature ultrasonically soldering porous Si3N4 ceramics using Sn9Zn2Al solder in the air. Ceramics International. 48 (2022) 5663–5673. Shu Chen, Zhiwu Xu, Zhengwei Li, Zhongwei Ma, Mukun Zhang, Yuansong Lu, Jiuchun Yan. Ultrasonic-assisted wetting and soldering of AlN ceramic by using a nonactive solder (Sn9Zn) in air. Ceramics International. 48(2)(2022) 1898-1907. Zhiwu Xu, Zhengwei Li, Zirong Xu, Zhongwei Ma, Shu Chen, Xuesong Liu, Jiuchun Yan. Avoiding degradation and increasing joint strength of 7075 Al alloys by rapid ultrasonic soldering at 200 °C. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 300 (2022) 117397. Zhengwei Li, Zhiwu Xu, Zhongwei Ma, Zirong Xu, Xuesong Liu, Jiuchun Yan. Dependence of the microstructure and properties of joints on acoustic intensity during the ultrasonic soldering of 7075 Al alloys. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 64 (2021) 518-529. Zhengwei Li, Zhiwu Xu, Degang Zhao, Shu Chen, Jiuchun Yan. Ultrasonic cavitation at liquid/solid interface in a thin Ga–In liquid layer with free surface. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 71(2021) 105356. Zhiwu Xu, Zhengwei Li, Lin Ma, Junlan Bo, Jiuchun Yan. Ultrasonic-driven spreading of liquid solder on non-wetting substrates. Welding Journal. 2020, 99: 163-174. AWS 2021 The Robert L. Peaslee Brazing Award Zhiwu Xu, Zhengwei Li, Ben Chai, Jiuchun Yan. Formation of TiAl3 and its reinforcing effect in TA15 alloy joint ultrasonically brazed with pure Al. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2020, 815, 152493. Zhengwei Li, Zhiwu Xu*, Degang Zhao, Xuesong Liu, Jiuchun Yan. Grain refinement caused by intensified cavitation within narrow channel and its improvement to ultrasonically soldered Al joint property. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2020, 60: 104786. Zhiwu Xu, Zhengwei Li, Degang Zhao, Xuesong Liu, Jiuchun Yan. Effects of Zn on intermetallic compounds and strength of Al/Mg joints ultrasonically soldered in air. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 2019, 271: 384-393. Zhiwu Xu, Zhengwei Li, Liming Peng, Jiuchun Yan.Ultra-rapid transient liquid phase bonding of Mg alloys within 1 second in air by ultrasonic assistance. Materials & Design. 2019, 161: 72-79. Zhiwu Xu, Zhengwei Li, Yushi Qi, Jiuchun Yan. Soldering porous ceramics through ultrasonic-induced capillary action and cavitation. Ceramics International. 2019, 45: 9293–9296. Zhiwu Xu, Zhengwei Li, Lei Xu, Jiuchun Yan. Reduction of intermetallic compounds in ultrasonic-assisted semi-solid brazing of Al/Mg alloys. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining.2019, 24(2):163-170. Zhengwei Li, Zhiwu Xu, Lin Ma, Sheng Wang, Xuesong Liu, Jiuchun Yan. Cavitation at filler metal/substrate interface during ultrasonic-assisted soldering. Part II: Cavitation erosion effect. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2019, 50: 278-288. Zhengwei Li, Zhiwu Xu, Lin Ma, Sheng Wang, Xuesong Liu, Jiuchun Yan. Cavitation at filler metal/substrate interface during ultrasonic-assisted soldering. Part I: Cavitation characteristics.Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2018, 49: 249-259. ZhiwuXu, Zhengwei Li,Shijiang Zhong,Zhipeng Ma, Jiuchun Yan. Wetting mechanism of Sn to Zr50.7Cu28Ni9Al12.3bulk metallic glass assisted by ultrasonic treatment. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2018, 48: 207-217. Zhiwu Xu, Zhengwei Li, Jiaqi Li, Zhipeng Ma, Jiuchun Yan. Control Al/Mg intermetallic compound formation during ultrasonic-assisted soldering Mg to Al. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2018, 46: 79-88. Zhengwei Li, Zhiwu Xu, Dawei Zhu, Zhipeng Ma, Jiuchun Yan. Control of Mg2Sn formation through ultrasonic-assisted transient liquid phase bonding of Mg to Al. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2018, 255:524-529. 许志武, 李政玮, 罗潇雨, 姬书得, 闫久春. 铝合金表面液态钎料声致铺展前沿氧化膜行为及其破除机制研究. 稀有金属材料与工程. 2018, 47(11): 3426-3432. Zhiwu Xu, Zhengwei Li, Shude Ji, Liguo Zhang. Refill friction stir spot welding of 5083-O aluminum alloy. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2018, 34(5): 878-885. Zhengwei Li, Zhiwu Xu, Liguo Zhang, Zhongjie Yan. Friction spot welding of dissimilar 6063/5083 aluminium alloys. Materials Science and Technology. 2017, 33(14): 1626-1634. 许志武, 李政玮, 刘建光, 姜威, 闫久春. C_f/PPS复合材料辐射预热超声焊接工艺及其接头断裂分析. 焊接学报. 2017, 38(3): 121-124. Z. W. Xu, L. Ma, J. G. Yang, J. J. Zhang, J. C. Yan. Ultrasonic induced rising and wetting of a Sn-Zn filler in an aluminum joint. Welding Journal. 2016, 95:264s-272s. 许志武, 马志鹏, 闫久春, 等. Ti/Al异种合金接头原位拉伸应变场及断裂行为的研究. 金属学报. 2016, 52(11): 1403-1412. Wolfgang Tillmann, Marco Zimpel, Nelson Filipe Lopes Dias, Jan Pfeiffer, Lukas Wojarski, Zhiwu Xu. Mechanical and microstructural analysis of ultrsonically assisted induction-brazed TiAl6V4 joints. Weld World. 2015, 59: 901-909. Zhiwu Xu, Lin Ma, Jiuchun Yan, Wei Chen, Shiqin Yang. Solidification microstructure of SiC particulate reinforced Zn–Al composites under ultrasonic exposure. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2014, 148, (3): 824–832. Lin Ma, Zhiwu Xu, Kun Zheng, Jiuchun Yan, Shiqin Yang. Vibration characteristics of aluminum surface subjected to ultrasonic waves and their effect on wetting behavior of solder droplets. Ultrasonics. 2014, 54: 929-937. Chen, XG; Yan, JC; Gao, F; Wei, JH; Xu, ZW; Fan, GH. Interaction behaviors at the interface between liquid Al-Si and solid Ti-6A1-4V in ultrasonic-assisted brazing in air. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2013, 20(1):144-154. Xu Zhiwu, Ma Xing, Ma Lin, Yan Jiuchun, Yang Shiqin, Du Shanyi. Solidified microstructure of SiCp/Al composites bonds under ultrasonic vibration and their fracture characteristics. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals. 2013, 23(1): 63-72. Zhiwu Xu, Lin Ma, Jiuchun Yan, Shiqin Yang, Shanyi Du. Wetting and oxidation during ultrasonic soldering of an alumina reinforced aluminum-copper-magnesium (2024 Al) matrix composite. Composites: Part A. 2012, 43: 407-414. (Times Cited: 2, from Web of Science) J.C. Yan, Z.W. Xu, L. Shi, X. Ma, S.Q Yang. Ultrasonic assisted fabrication of particle reinforced bonds joining aluminum metal matrix composites. Materials and Design. 2011, 32: 343-347. (Times Cited: 13) Xu Zhiwu, Yan Jiuchun, Wang Changsheng, Yang Shiqin. Propagation characteristic of ultrasonic and its effect on the wetting behavior of liquid filler. Transactions of the China Welding Institution. 2010, (12): 11-14. Xu Zhiwu, Yan Jiuchun, Zhong Li, Yang Shiqin. Filling and wetting behaviors of liquid filler metal in the process of ultrasonic soldering of aluminum alloy. Journal of Materials Engineering. 2010, (10): 1-4. Z. W. Xu, J. C. Yan, C. Wang, S. Q. Yang. Substrate oxide undermining by a Zn-Al alloy during wetting of alumina reinforced 6061 Al matrix composite. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2008, 112: 831-837. (Times Cited: 6) Z. W. Xu, J. C. Yan, W. Chen, S. Q. Yang. Effect of ultrasonic vibration on the grain refinement and SiC particle distribution in Zn-based composite filler metal. Materials Letters. 2008, 62(17-18): 2615-2618. (Times Cited: 10) Z. W. Xu, J. C. Yan, J. N. Liu, S. Q. Yang. Floating of SiC particles in a Zn-Al filler metal. Materials Science & Engineering A. 2008, 474(1-2): 157-164. (Times Cited: 2) S. X. Lv, Z. W. Xu, H. T. Wang, S. Q. Yang. Investigation on TIG cladding of copper alloy on steel plate. Science & Technology of Welding and Joining. 2008, 13(1): 10-16. (Times Cited: 3) Z. W. Xu, J. C. Yan, B. Y. Zhang, X. L. Kong, S. Q. Yang. Behaviors of oxide film at the ultrasonic aided interaction interface of Zn-Al alloy and Al2O3p/6061Al composites in air. Materials Science & Engineering A. 2006, 415(1-2): 80-86. (Times Cited: 7) Jiuchun Yan, Huibin Xu, Zhiwu Xu, Baoyou Zhang, Shiqin Yang. Interface structure changes during Vibration liquid phase bonding of SiCp/A356 composites in air. Composites: Part A. 2006, 37(9): 1458-1463. (Times Cited: 2) Jiuchun Yan, Zhiwu Xu, Zhiyuan Li, Shiqin Yang. Microstructure characteristics and performance of dissimilar welds between magnesium alloy and aluminum formed by friction stirring. Scripta Materialia. 2005, 53(5): 583-589. (Times Cited: 76) Z. W. Xu, J. C. Yan, G. H. Wu, X. L. Kong, S. Q. Yang. Interface structure and strength of ultrasonic vibration liquid phase bonded joints of Al2O3p/6061Al composites. Scripta Materialia. 2005, 53(7): 835-839. (Times Cited: 23) Z. W. Xu, J. C. Yan, G. H. Wu, X. L. Kong, S. Q. Yang. Interface structure of ultrasonic vibration aided interaction between Zn-Al alloy and Al2O3p/6061Al composites. Composites Science and Technology. 2005, 65(13): 1959-1963. (Times Cited: 11) Z. W. Xu, J. C. Yan, W. W. Zhao, H. B. Xu, S. Q. Yang. Thermal expansion behaviors of VLP diffusion-bonded joints of SiCp/A356 composites. Composites Science and Technology. 2005, 65(10): 1461-1467. (Times Cited: 1) J. C. Yan, Z. W. Xu, G. H. Wu, X. L. Kong, S. Q. Yang. The evolution of interface structure in TLP bonded joints of Al2O3p/6061Al composites with Cu/Ni/Cu interlayers. Journal of Materials Science. 2005, 40: 5307-5309. (Times Cited: 1) Zhiwu Xu, Jiuchun Yan, Xiangli Kong, Shiqin Yang. Interaction behaviors between Zn-Al alloy and Al2O3p/6061Al composite with aid of ultrasonic vibration. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China. 2005, 15: 60-65 Sp. Jiuchun Yan, Zhiwu Xu, Shiqin Yang. Microstructure and mechanical performance of friction stir welded joints of AZ31 magnesium alloy. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China. 2005, 15: 21-24 Sp. Jiuchun Yan, Huibin Xu, Zhiwu Xu, Dacheng Li, Shiqin Yang. Interface structure and formation mechanism of vacuum-free vibration liquid phase diffusion-bonded joints of SiCp/ZL101A composites. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China. 2005, 15(5): 993-996. Jiuchun Yan, Zhiwu Xu, Shiqin Yang. Microstructure characteristics of interaction layer of Zn-Al eutectic alloy with Al2O3p/6061Al composites. Journal of Material Science and Technology. 2004, 20(4): 401-404. (Times Cited: 7) Jiuchun Yan, Zhiwu Xu, Gaohui Wu, Shiqin Yang. Interface structure and mechanical performance of TLP bonded joints of Al2O3p/6061Al composites using Cu/Ni composite interlayers. Scripta Materialia. 2004, 51(2): 147-150. (Times Cited: 25) Zhiwu Xu, Jiuchun Yan, Shixiong Lv, Shiqin Yang. Microstructure of interaction interface of Al-Si and Zn-Al alloys with Al2O3p/6061Al composites. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China. 2004, 14(2): 351-356. (Times Cited: 5) Jiuchun Yan, Huibin Xu, Zhiwu Xu, Li Ma, Shiqin Yang. Modelling behavior of oxide film during vibration diffusion bonding of SiCp/A356 composite in air. Materials Science and Technology. 2004, 20: 1489-1492. (Times Cited: 6) Xu Zhiwu, Lü Shixiong, Yan Jiuchun, Yang Shiqin. Solid phase bonding of discontinuously reinforced aluminum based metal matrix composites. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 2004, 36(5): 593-598. Lü Shixiong, Yu Zhishui, Xu Zhiwu, Yang Shiqin, Wu Lin. Flux-less pressure brazing of SiCW/6061Al composites. Transactions of the China Welding Institution. 2001, (8): 73-76. Conference Presentations Z.W. Xu, J.C. Yan, S.Q Yang. Ultrasonic assisted soldering of aluminum metal matrix compoistes. Materials Science & Technology@#% 2012, Oct 7-11, 2012, Pittsburgh, USA. Z.W. Xu, J.C. Yan, S.Q Yang. Bonding and joint microstructure control of Al MMCs with ultrasonic. Cross-strait Symposium on Green Materials and Processing Technology. Jul 3-7, 2011, Taiwan, China. ---Session invited speech. Z.W. Xu, J.C. Yan, S.Q Yang. Behaviors of liquid filler metal and bond microstructure control with the aide of ultrasonic. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of Soldering, Brazing and Special Joining Technology, China. Dec 3-5, 2010, Shenzhen, China. ---Session invited speech. Z.W. Xu, J.C. Yan, L. Shi, S.Q. Yang. Ultrasonic Assisted Fabrication of Particle Reinforced Bonds Joining Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites. 2010 Joint China-Russia Symposium on Advanced Materials and Processing Technologies. May 24-28, 2010, Harbin, China. ---Session invited speech. Z.W. Xu, J.C. Yan, S.Q. Yang. Filling of liquid filler by capillary and oxide behavior under the action of ultrasonic vibration. Annual Academic Seminar on Brazing & Soldering. Aug 29-31, 2006, Shanghai, China. Z.W. Xu, J.C. Yan, S.Q. Yang. Ultrasonic vibration liquid phase bonding of Al2O3p/6061Al. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of Soldering, Brazing and Special Joining Technology, China. May 2005, Shanghai, China. ---Session invited speech. XU Zhiwu, YAN Jiuchun, YANG Shiqin. Microstructure and strength of Al2O3p/6061Al composites TLP bonded joint using Cu/Ni/Cu interlayers. International Conference on New Frontiers of Process Science and Engineering in Advanced Materials. Nov. 24-26, 2004, Kyoto, Japan. Patent-专利 名称 J.C. Yan, W.W. Zhao, H.B.Xu, D.C. Li, Z.W. Xu, Z.P. Ma. Ultrasonic Brazing of Aluminum Alloy and Aluminum Matrix Composite. Patent No.: US 7, 624, 906 B2. Date: Dec 29, 2009. 许志武, 张博, 马琳, 薄俊兰, 闫久春. 一种利用超声波空蚀加工平板表面微坑的方法. ZL201410465600.5. 授权日期:2016.9.22. Z.W. Xu, S.Y. Zhang, B.S Li, J.T. Ye, N. Wang. A kind of Ultrasonic Driving Micro-pump for mm-grade Cellular Capillary (一种毫米级蜂窝毛细管超声微泵). Patent No.:ZL 20101609684.7. Date: Nov 21, 2012. Z.W. Xu, J.C. Yan, Y. Zhang, W.W. Zhao, S.Q. Yang. Method for Homogenizing the Particles in the Bond Region during Joining of Aluminum Matrix Composites (焊接铝基复合材料使焊缝区域增强相均匀分布的方法). Patent No.: ZL 200810064574. X. Date: Jun 9, 2010. Z.W. Xu,Y. Zhang, H.B. Xu, J.N. Liu, J.C. Yan, S.Q. Yang. Equipment and Fabrication of Composite Filler used in the Joining of Particle Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites (用于颗粒增强铝基复合材料焊接的复合焊料的制法及设备). Patent No.: ZL 200610009848. 6. Date: Jul 22, 2009. Z.W. Xu, Y. Zhang, W.W. Zhao, J.C. Yan, D.C. Li, H.C. Yu, S.Q. Yang. Ultrasonic Vibration Liquid Bonding Equipment for Aluminum Alloys and their Composites (铝、铝合金及其复合材料超声振动液相焊接设备). Patent No.: ZL 200710071744. 2. Date: Jun 17, 2009. J.C. Yan, W.W. Zhao, Z.P. Ma, Z.W. Xu, S.Q Yang. Method for Fabrication of High Temperature Serving Joint with Low Melting Filler Alloys (低温钎焊合金获得高温使用性能焊接接头的方法). Patent No.: ZL 200710072536. X. Date: Jul 29, 2009. J.C. Yan, Z.W. Xu, H.B. Xu, Y. Zhang, D.C. Li, H.C. Yu, S.Q Yang. Vibration Liquid Bonding of Discontinuously Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites using Composite Filler Metal (填充复合焊料非连续增强铝基复合材料振动液相焊接方法). Patent No.: ZL 200510131355. 5. Date: Jan 23, 2008. J.C. Yan, Z.W. Xu, S.W. Lin, S.Q. Yang. Ultrasonic Capillary Joining of Aluminum Matrix Composites (铝基复合材料超声波毛细焊接方法). Patent No.: ZL 200510009644. 8. Date: Jul 18, 2007. Z.W. Xu, J.C. Yan, G.Y. Ye, S.Q. Yang. Ultrasonic-resistance Welding of Aluminum Matrix Composites (铝基复合材料超声-电阻焊接技术). Patent No.: ZL 200510009958. 8. Date: Sep 26, 2007. J.C. Yan, S.X Lü, Z.W. Xu, S.Q Yang, H.B. Xu. Vibration Liquid Joining of aluminum matrix Composites (铝基复合材料液相振动焊接方法). Patent No.: ZL 03111099.1. Date: Oct 26, 2005. Course-讲授课程 名称 Joining of Advanced materials For seniors majoring in Welding Science and Technology, Harbin Inst. of Tech. Description: Joining of advanced materials is an application-oriented course that aims to widen the specialized knowledge of the students and enables them to comprehensively utilize what have learned. Problems that occur during joining of advanced materials with special structure in various engineering fields are analyzed and the applications and principle of some typical joining methods are introduced. Joining principle and physics, chemistry and metallurgical process of ceramic, ceramic based composites, intermetallic compounds, aluminum metal matrix composites, resin based composites, C/C composites, superfine grain steel are emphasized in the course. Experiments for Welding Metallurgy & Weldability of Metal Materials For juniors majoring in Welding Science and Technology, Harbin Inst. of Tech. Description: This is an accessory course of “Welding Metallurgy & Weldability of Metal Materials”, which is a main course for the juniors. In the course, students directly observe the welding process, including the flow of molten pool, initiation and propagation of crack, and learn how to improve and evaluate the joint property. Enrollment-招生信息 名称 Undergraduate-本科招生 1-3 students each year. 王柽(2001)钟利、彭勃、郑明涛(2002)陈伟、李雪涛(2003)王贤英、陆永飞(2004)马星、齐福刚(2005)郑坤、张俊杰(2006)高源(2007)谭淇、危兆胜(2008)曹自维、韩天翼、费义鲲(2009)彭博、徐宏扬、张长安(2010)姜威、王莉、郝坤(2011)李嘉琪、罗潇雨、柴本(2012)朱大为、田卓然、何浩源(2013)王殿昭、屈家平、徐磊(2014)田淇予、刘欣然(2015)富博扬、王凯(2016)张睦坤、郑炜昊(2017)卢渊嵩、邵帅(2018)吴悠、王新淇(2019)姜天明、严陌尘、周志成(2020) Graduate-硕士招生: 1-2 students each year. 黎华栋(2011)汪生(2012)薄俊兰、张博(2013)钟诗江(2014)胡培军(2015)彭丽明、马晨曦(2016)柴本、赵德刚、冯炜(副导师)(2017)陈姝(2018)任勃旭、徐梓榕(2019)王凯(2020)张睦坤(2021)张赫(2022)吴悠(2023) Doctor candidate-博士招生: 马琳(2010)李政玮(2016)刘三湖、马钟玮(2019)陈姝(2020)徐梓榕、周长壮(2021)