姓名 | 刘占国 | 性别 | 刘占国 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 材料科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 刘占国 | 学历 | 刘占国 |
职称 | 副教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 科学研究 教育教学 论文期刊 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 刘占国,男,满族,1978年12月生;副教授,硕士生导师;哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院,材料科学系,特种陶瓷研究所,先进结构功能一体化材料与绿色制造技术工业和信息化部重点实验室。 教育经历 名称 1999.09~2003.07 哈尔滨工业大学 无机非金属材料工程专业 获工学学士学位 2003.09~2005.07 哈尔滨工业大学 材料学学科 获工学硕士学位 2005.09~2009.10 哈尔滨工业大学 材料学学科 获工学博士学位 工作经历 名称 2008.12~2012.12 哈尔滨工业大学 材料科学与工程学院 助理研究员 2010.01~2012.12 哈尔滨工业大学 化学工程与技术学科 博士后 2011.04~ 现在 哈尔滨工业大学 材料学学科 硕士生导师 2012.12~ 现在 哈尔滨工业大学 材料科学与工程学院 副教授 2013.12~2014.12 英国曼彻斯特大学 材料科学中心 访问学者 荣誉称号 名称 2011年 哈尔滨工业大学第十三届优秀博士学位论文 2009年 黑龙江省优秀毕业生 主要任职 名称 中国材料研究学会 会员 黑龙江省表面工程学会 常务理事 期刊Journal of Power Sources、Corrosion Science、Materialia、Composites Part B、Crystal Growth & Design、Electrochimica Acta、Journal of the American Ceramic Society、Journal of the European Ceramic Society、Solid State Ionics、Materials & Design、International Journal of Hydrogen Energy、Applied Surface Science、Materials Science & Engineering A、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Materials Letters、Materials Chemistry and Physics、Surface and Coatings Technology、Wear、Ceramics International、Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids、Powder Technology和Journal of Rare Earths审稿人。 研究领域 名称 材料学 主要研究方向 陶瓷连接 先进能源材料 先进涂层材料 陶瓷复合材料 我的学生 名称 硕士生 2011级:朱仁贤 2012级:靳玉俊(2013年硕士研究生国家奖学金) 2013级:王寅峰 2014级:李光宗 2015级:袁世峰 2016级:曹 桂 2017级:龚 钰 2018级:姚瑞君(2019年硕士研究生国家奖学金,哈尔滨工业大学优秀硕士学位论文) 2019级:陈师杏(2020年硕士研究生国家奖学金,哈尔滨工业大学优秀毕业生) 2020级:杨 莹 2021级:张康康 2023级:付一博 本科生 2007级:朱仁贤 2008级:吴相欣 2009级:王骏遥 2010级:李小康 2011级:刘 宇 唐 强 2012级:曹 桂 文 恒 2013级:刘欣钰 2014级:李汪槿 2015级:李嘉鑫 2016级:朱豪先 2017级:许 枭 2018级:胡可敬 2019级:付一博 专利 名称 一种复合稀土锆酸盐热障涂层陶瓷材料及其制备方法, ZL200810064416.4. 一种TiN/TiB2复合材料的制备方法, ZL200810209771.6. 一种氧化物陶瓷/BaxSr1-xSO4陶瓷复合材料及其制备方法, ZL200910073134.5. 稀土离子掺杂六铝酸盐高发射率材料及其制备方法, ZL201210307621.5. 一种六铝酸盐高发射率热防护涂层及其制备方法, ZL201210307564.0. 锆酸钡与氧化锆复合质子导体材料及其制备方法, ZL201310047854.0. 一种微米级晶体生长形貌可控的球形铬酸锶粉体的制备方法, ZL201310475691.6. 一种Ti2AlNb合金表面耐高温微弧氧化陶瓷涂层的制备方法, ZL201310626394.7. 一种亚微米级晶体结构与形貌可控的球形α-Al2O3/t-ZrO2复相粉体的制备方法, ZL201510130655.5. 一种脉冲放电等离子体辅助熔凝处理制备氧化铝基二元共晶自生复合陶瓷的方法, ZL201510890832.X. 一种脉冲放电等离子体辅助熔凝处理制备氧化铝基三元共晶自生复合陶瓷的方法, ZL201510890949.5. 一种Na3%2B2xZr2–xMxSi2PO12固体电解质粉体材料的制备方法, ZL201610393725.0. 一种高能氧乙炔火焰束流改性氧化铝基陶瓷大尺寸构件表面局部纳米共晶强韧化的方法, ZL201711011639.X. 部分科研项目 名称 镍钴锰氢氧化物粉体微观组织分析, 企业横向, 2020.07–2022.06, 负责. Ti-Zr-B-C四元系复相陶瓷中的固溶反应耦合机理及显微组织与性能调控, 51872061, 国家自然科学基金, 2019.01–2022.12, 参加(排名第二). 多功能防热陶瓷基复合材料研究, 51621091, 51321061, 51021002, 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体, 2011.01–2019.12, 一般成员. 燃机TBC热障涂层粉体的研究, 企业横向, 2017.07–2017.12, 负责. 先进陶瓷涂层, HIT.BRETIII.201402, 哈尔滨工业大学基础研究杰出人才培育计划(III类), 2014.01–2016.12, 负责. 掺杂A2B2O7型陶瓷的有序无序转变与离子传输特性关联研究, 51272054, 国家自然科学基金, 2013.01–2016.12, 参加(排名第二). 基于高温应用的A2B2O7型氧化物陶瓷材料发射率研究, LBH-Q13064, 黑龙江省博士后科研启动金, 2014.01–2016.12, 负责. 六铝酸盐片晶增韧稀土锆酸盐热障氧化物材料的制备与热物理性能研究, 51002038, 国家自然科学基金, 2011.01–2013.12, 负责. 稀土锆酸盐复相电解质材料的制备与电学性能研究, 20100471029, 中国博士后科学基金, 2010.07–2012.12, 负责. 新型中低温复合电解质材料的制备与电学性能研究, LBH–Z10149, 黑龙江省博士后科学基金, 2011.01–2012.12, 负责. A2B2O7型陶瓷的氧空位缺陷、有序无序转变与氧离子传输特性研究, 201104419, 中国博士后科学基金特别资助, 2011.07–2012.12, 负责. 铕掺杂稀土锆酸盐纳米晶的化学合成与发光机理研究, HIT.NSRIF.201132, 哈尔滨工业大学科研创新基金, 2011.01–2012.12, 负责. 新型中温复合掺杂稀土锆酸盐离子导体的结构调控与导电性能研究, 50972030, 国家自然科学基金, 2010.01–2012.12, 参加(排名第二). 讲授课程 名称 无机非金属材料制备基础 招生信息 名称 硕士招生:每年1人本科招生:每年1-2人 论文期刊 名称 2016 夏校良, 刘占国, 欧阳家虎, 靳玉俊. 稀土离子半径对稀土锆酸盐的组织结构和电学性能的影响. 稀有金属材料与工程. 2016, 45(8): 2003-2008. Jiao-Jie Cui, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu. Hot corrosion behavior of LaMgAl11O19 ceramic coated with molten CMAS deposites at temperature of 1250oC in air. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2016, 685: 316-321. Zhan-Guo Liu, Kai-Jun Hu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu-Jun Jin. Synthesis, structure and luminescence properties of Ho3%2B-doped La2Zr2O7 nanoparticles. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2016, 683: 470-473. Yong-Hui Ma, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu-Jun Jin. Influence of TiO2 doping on thermo-optical properties of pyrochlore Sm2(Zr1-xTix)2O7 (0《x《0.15) ceramics. Ceramics International. 2016, 42(13): 14749-14753. 2015 Zhan-Guo Liu, Kai-Jun Hu, Yu-Jun Jin, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Preparation and photoluminescence properties of Er3%2B-doped La2Zr2O7 nanocrystals. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2015, 653: 122–125. Xiu-Ping Zhang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Yu-Jin Wang, Ya-Ming Wang. Crack-healing behaviour and strength recovery of hot-pressed TZ3Y20A-MoSi2 ceramics. Materials Science & Engineering A. 2015, 648: 299–304. Zhan-Guo Liu, Wei-Heng Zhang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Novel thermal barrier coatings based on rare-earth zirconates/YSZ double-ceramic-layer system deposited by plasma spraying. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2015, 647: 438–444. Yuan-Hong Wang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ya-Ming Wang, Yu Zhou. Influence of electrolyte compositions on structure and high-temperature oxidation resistance of microarc oxidation coatings formed on Ti2AlNb alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2015, 647: 431–437. Xiu-Ping Zhang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu-Jin Wang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Ya-Ming Wang. Microstructure and high-temperature mechanical properties of ZrO2-Al2O3-SiC ceramics. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2015, 24(9): 3615–3621. Zhan-Guo Liu, Ren-Xian Zhu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Densification, microstructure and hardness of Sm2Zr2O7/SmAlO3 ceramic composites. Journal of Ceramic Processing Research. 2015, 16(4): 397–401. Jun Xiang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu. Microstructure and electrical conductivity of apatite-type La10Si6–xWxO27%2Bδ electrolytes. Journal of Power Sources. 2015, 284: 49–55. Jia-Hu Ouyang, Cheng Zhu, Zhan-Guo Liu, Zhe Ren, Lin Jing. Influence of Sm3%2B doping on microstructure and electrical properties of ((Nd0.7Yb0.3)1–xSmx)2Zr2O7. Functional Materials Letters. 2015, 8(3): 1540012. Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yuan-Hong Wang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Ya-Ming Wang, Yu-Jin Wang, Preparation and high-temperature tribological properties of microarc oxidation ceramic coatings formed on Ti2AlNb alloy, Wear. 2015, 330–331: 239–249. Jia-Hu Ouyang, Cheng-Cheng Shi, Zhan-Guo Liu, Ya-Ming Wang, Yu-Jin Wang. Fabrication and high-temperature tribological properties of self-lubricating NiCr-BaMoO4 composites, Wear. 2015, 330–331: 272–279. Xiu-Ping Zhang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Yu-Jin Wang, Ya-Ming Wang, Yu Zhou. Crack-healing ability and strength recovery of different hot-pressed TZ3Y20A-SiC ceramics by heat treatment in air. Materials & Design. 2015, 67: 324–329. Jun Xiang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Guo-Chao Qi. Influence of pentavalent niobium doping on microstructure and electrical conductivity of oxy-apatite La10Si6O27 electrolytes. Electrochimica Acta. 2015, 153: 287–294. 2014 Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ke-Ning Sun, Yu Zhou. Effect of metal oxides on the densification and electrical conductivity of the GdSmZr2O7 ceramic. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2014, 617: 393–398. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhe Ren, Ke-Ning Sun, Yu Zhou. Influence of Fe2O3 addition on the densification and oxygen ion conductivity of the GdSmZr2O7 ceramic. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2014, 34(15): 3735–3740. Zhan-Guo Liu, Wei-Heng Zhang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Novel double-ceramic-layer (La0.8Eu0.2)2Zr2O7/YSZ thermal barrier coatings deposited by plasma spraying. Ceramics International. 2014, 40(7): 11277–11282. Yuan-Hong Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Ya-Ming Wang, Yu-Jin Wang. Microstructure and high temperature properties of two-step voltage-controlled MAO ceramic coatings formed on Ti2AlNb alloy. Applied Surface Science. 2014, 307: 62–68. Yuan-Hong Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Ya-Ming, Wang, Yu Zhou. Enhanced infrared emissivity of MAO coatings formed on Ti2AlNb alloy. Surface Engineering. 2014, 30(7): 460–466. Xiu-Ping Zhang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Yu-Jin Wang, Yu Zhou. Crack-healing behavior of hot-pressed TZ3Y20A-SiC ceramics. Ceramics International, 2014, 40(5): 6611–6615. Jun Xiang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Fu-Yao Yan. Ionic conductivity of oxy-apatite La10Si6–xInxO27–δ solid electrolyte ceramics. Journal of Power Sources. 2014, 251: 305–310. Fu-Yao Yan, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Mu-Fu Yan. First-principles calculations of water dissociation on the oxygen-deficient (010) surface in Fergusonite-type LaNbO4 crystal. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(3): 1457–1462. Jun Xiang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Fu-Yao Yan. Influence of sintering parameters on microstructure and electrical conductivity of La10Si6O27 ceramics. Ceramics International. 2014, 40(1): 2401–2410. 2013 Zhen-Lin Yang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Yu-Jin Wang, W.G. Sloof. Synthesis route and mechanical properties of reactive hot pressed TiN-TiB2 ceramics. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials. 2013, 41: 54–59. Ren-Xian Zhu, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Preparation and characterization of LnMgAl11O19 (Ln = La, Nd, Gd) ceramic powders. Ceramics International. 2013, 39(8): 8841–8846. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Sintering and electrical conductivity of the GdSmZr2O7 ceramic with and without ZnO sintering aid. Journal of Power Sources. 2013, 243: 836–840. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Ren-Xian Zhu. Hot corrosion behavior of neodymium magnesium hexaaluminate by vanadium pentoxide in air. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2013, 578: 517–521. Kai-Jun Hu, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jun-Yao Wang, Cheng Zhu, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Influence of calcination temperature on synthesis and photoluminescence properties of Eu3%2B-doped La2Zr2O7 particles. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2013, 576: 177–180. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Ren-Xian Zhu. Hot corrosion of V2O5-coated NdMgAl11O19 ceramic in air at 950 oC. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2013, 33(10): 1975–1979. Yi-Jing Gu, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Fu-Yao Yan, Yu Zhou. Structure and electrical conductivity of BaCe0.85Ln0.15O3–δ (Ln = Gd, Y, Yb) ceramics. Electrochimica Acta. 2013, 105: 547–553. Sa Li, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Growth of YbVO4 crystals evolved from hot corrosion reactions of Yb2Zr2O7 against V2O5 and Na2SO4%2BV2O5. Applied Surface Science. 2013, 276: 653–659. Jun Xiang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Fu-Yao Yan. Influence of doping with various cations on electrical conductivity of apatite-type neodymium silicates. Ceramics International. 2013, 39(5): 4847–4851. Xiao-Ming Liu, Yi-Jing Gu, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Fu-Yao Yan, Jun Xiang. Electrical conductivity and chemical stability of BaCe0.8–xAxGd0.2O3–δ (A = In, Zr, Ta; x = 0, 0.1) ceramics. Bulletin of Materials Science. 2013, 36(3): 395–401. Jia-Hu Ouyang, Xue-Song Liang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Zhen-Lin Yang, Yu-Jin Wang. Friction and wear properties of hot-pressed NiCr-BaCr2O4 high temperature self-lubricating composites. Wear. 2013, 301(1–2): 820–827. Zhen-Lin Yang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Xue-Song Liang, Yu-Jin Wang. Microstructure and tribological properties of reactive hot pressed TiN-TiB2 composites incorporated with or without MoSi2 from room temperature to 800 °C. Wear. 2013, 301(1–2): 641–647. Hong-Zhi Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Ya-Ming Wang. Microstructure, thermal shock resistance and thermal emissivity of plasmas sprayed LaMAl11O19 (M=Mg, Fe) coatings for metallic thermal protection systems. Applied Surface Science. 2013, 271: 52–59. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ke-Ning Sun, Yu Zhou. Enhanced sinterability and electrical properties of GdSmZr2O7 by addition of nickel oxide. Journal of Power Sources. 2013, 228: 1–6. Xue-Song Liang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu. Influences of temperature and atmosphere on thermal stability of BaCrO4. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2013, 111(1): 371–375. 2012 Hong-Zhi Liu, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ya-Ming Wang. Influences of lattice vibration and electron transition on thermal emissivity of Nd3%2B doped LaMgAl11O19 hexaaluminates for metallic thermal protection system. Applied Physics Letters. 2012, 101(16): 161903. Kai-Jun Hu, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jun-Yao Wang, Tao Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of Eu3%2B-doped Gd2Zr2O7. Materials Letters. 2012, 89: 276–278. Xiao-Liang Xia, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yi Zheng. Preparation, structural characterization and enhanced electrical conductivity of pyrochlore-type (Sm1–xEux)2Zr2O7 ceramics. Fuel Cells. 2012, 12(4): 624–632. Xiao-Liang Xia, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yi Zheng. Influence of trivalent Gd and Dy codoping on the structure and electrical conductivity of pyrochlore-type Sm2Zr2O7. Journal of Power Sources. 2012, 217: 316–321. Jun Xiang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Fu-Yao Yan. Synthesis and electrical conductivity of La10Si5.5B0.5O27%2Bδ (B = In, Si, Sn Nb) ceramics. Solid State Ionics. 2012, 220: 7–11. Xue-Song Liang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Zhen-Lin Yang. Friction and wear characteristics of BaCr2O4 ceramics at elevated temperature in sliding against sintered alumina ball. Tribology Letters. 2012, 47(2): 203–209. Xue-Song Liang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu. Preparation of BaCrO4 particles in the presence of EDTA from aqueous solutions. Journal of Coordination Chemistry. 2012, 65(14): 2432–2441. Yuan-Hong Wang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ya-Ming Wang, Yu Zhou. Preparation and high temperature oxidation resistance of microarc oxidation ceramic coatings formed on Ti2AlNb alloy. Applied Surface Science. 2012, 258(22): 8946–8952. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ke-Ning Sun, Yu Zhou. Influence of magnesia doping on structure and electrical conductivity of pyrochlore-type GdSmZr2O7. Advances in Applied Ceramics. 2012, 111(4): 214–219. Yi-Jing Gu, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Fu-Yao Yan. Synthesis, structure and electrical conductivity of BaZr1–xDyxO3–δ ceramics. Electrochimica Acta. 2012, 75: 332–338. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ke-Ning Sun, Yu Zhou. Electrical properties of the GdSmZr2O7 ceramic under different sintering conditions. Journal of Power Sources. 2012, 210: 96–100. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ke-Ning Sun, Yu Zhou. Effect of CaO addition on the structure and electrical conductivity of the pyrochlore-type GdSmZr2O7. Ceramics International. 2012, 38(4): 2935–2941. Sa Li, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Study on hot corrosion behavior of Yb2Zr2O7 ceramic against Na2SO4%2BV2O5 molten salts at temperatures of 900–1200 oC in air. Materials and Corrosion. 2012, 63(4): 303–309. Jun Xiang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Fu-Yao Yan. Synthesis, structure and electrical properties of rare-earth doped apatite-type lanthanum silicates. Electrochimica Acta. 2012, 65: 251–256. Sa Li, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Hot corrosion of (Sm1–xYbx)2Zr2O7 (x = 0, 0.5, 1.0) ceramics against V2O5 molten salts in air at 800 oC. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology. 2012, 9(1): 149–158. Xiao-Ming Liu, Zhan Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yi-Jing Gu, Jun Xiang, Fu-Yao Yan. Structure and electrical conductivity of BaCe0.7In0.1A0.2O3-δ (A = Gd, Y) ceramics. Electrochimica Acta. 2012, 59: 464–469. 2011 Hong-Zhi Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Ya-Ming Wang. Thermo-optical properties of LaMAl11O19 (M = Mg, Mn, Fe) hexaaluminates for high-temperature thermal protection applications. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2011, 94(10): 3195–3197. Sa Li, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Study on hot corrosion reactions between SmYbZr2O7 ceramic and vanadium pentoxide at temperatures of 600–1000 oC in air. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2011, 130(3): 1134–1138. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Jun Xiang, Xiao-Ming Liu. Preparation, structure and electrical conductivity of pyrochlore-type samarium-lanthanum zirconate ceramics. Materials & Design. 2011, 32(8–9): 4201–4206. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ke-Ning Sun, Yu Zhou, Jun Xiang. Preparation, structure and electrical conductivity of pyrochlore-type Gd1–xEu2xSm1–xZr2O7 ceramics with a constant lattice parameter. Electrochimica Acta. 2011, 56(20): 7045–7050. Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhen-Lin Yang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Xue-Song Liang. Friction and wear properties of reactive hot-pressed TiB2-TiN composites in sliding against Al2O3 ball at elevated temepratures. Wear. 2011, 271(9–10): 1966–1973. Jia-Hu Ouyang, Xue-Song Liang, Jie Wen, Zhan-Guo Liu, Zhen-Lin Yang. Electrodeposition and tribological properties of self-lubricating Ni-BaCr2O4 composite coatings. Wear. 2011, 271(9–10): 2037–2045. Xian-Zhong Xiong, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Xiao-Liang Xia, Jun Xiang, Xiao-Ming Liu. Preparation, structure and electrical conductivity of the pyrochlore-type phase Sm2Zr2O7 codoped with bivalent magnesium and trivalent dysprosium cations. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2011, 509(33): 8392–8397. Yuan-Hong Wang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Hong-Zhi Liu, Ren-Xian Zhu. Preparation and thermophysical properties of LaMgAl11O19-Yb3Al5O12 ceramic composites. Ceramics International. 2011, 37(7): 2489–2493. Hong-Zhi Liu, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ya-Ming Wang. Thermo-optical properties of LaMg1–xNixAl11O19 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) hexaaluminates for metallic thermal protection system. Materials Letters. 2011, 65(17–18): 2614–2617. Xiao-Liang Xia, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Shuai Gao, Xiao-Ming Liu. 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