

姓名 欧阳家虎 性别 欧阳家虎
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 材料科学与工程学院
学位 欧阳家虎 学历 欧阳家虎
职称 教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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基本信息 科学研究 教育教学 Publications English Version News & Events Links Group Activities Others ... News & Events Links Group Activities Others 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 欧阳家虎 教授 Professor Jia-Hu Ouyang Contact Information 名称 Professor Jia-Hu Ouyang Institute for Advanced Ceramics, School of Materials Science and Engineering, PO Box 433, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China; E-mail: ouyangjh@hit.edu.cn http://iac.hit.edu.cn http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/pages/ouyangjiahu ORCID:https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1764-5676 Scopus Author ID: 7102679259 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=7102679259 荣誉称号 名称 1998年6月至 1999年9月 德国洪堡基金会研究基金奖 1999年10月至2000年9月 日本通产省工业技术院研究基金奖 2006年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 2008年 第三届黑龙江省留学人员报国奖 2009年 中国机械工程学会热处理学会周志宏青年科技成就奖 2010年 第十届哈尔滨市青年科技奖 工作经历 名称 1994.11 - 1996.10 哈尔滨工业大学 材料科学与工程学院 讲师 1996.11 - 1998.5 哈尔滨工业大学 材料科学与工程学院 副教授 1998.6 - 1999.9 Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology, Germany. 德国洪堡基金会 洪堡学者 1999.10 - 2000.9 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan. 日本通产省工业技术院 研究员 2000.10 - 2002.8 Southern Methodist University, USA. 高级访问学者 2002.8 - 2005.3 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan. 日本科学技术振兴事业团 研究员 2009.1 - 2009.4 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Japan. CSC高级研究学者 2005.4 - 现在 哈尔滨工业大学材料学院 教授、博士生导师 教育经历 名称 1984.9 - 1988.7 武汉理工大学 材料科学及工程系 获工学学士学位 1988.9 - 1991.3 哈尔滨工业大学 材料科学与工程学院 获工学硕士学位 1991.9 - 1994.11 哈尔滨工业大学 材料科学与工程学院 获工学博士学位 主要任职 名称 国家自然科学奖 材料学科评委 教育部科学技术奖励 通讯评审专家 国家高技术863计划项目评审专家 国家自然科学基金项目通讯评审专家 国家重点研发计划项目评审专家 陕西省科学技术奖励 通讯评审专家 内蒙古、广西、江西、河北、四川、浙江和陕西省自然科学基金项目通讯评审专家 教育部博士点基金项目通讯评审专家 教育部博士学位论文通讯评议专家 中国博士后科学基金通讯评审专家 河北省科技计划项目通讯评审专家 江苏省科技计划项目通讯评审专家 山东省科技计划项目评审专家 广西科技计划项目通讯评审专家 哈尔滨市科技计划项目通讯评审专家 唐山市科技计划项目通讯评审专家 中国机械工程学会热处理学会 理事、常务理事 中国硅酸盐学会特种陶瓷分会 理事 黑龙江省表面工程学会 副理事长兼秘书长 黑龙江省欧美同学会 理事 美国陶瓷学会会员 中国材料研究学会会员 中国宇航学会会员 中国机械工程学会高级会员 武汉理工大学兼职教授 全国滚动轴承标准化技术委员会关节轴承分技术委员会 委员 国际杂志特约审稿: Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Nano Energy, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Surface & Coatings Technology, Wear, Materials Science and Engineering A, Materials Letters, Journal of Materials Science, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Advances in Advanced Ceramics, Experimental Mechanics, Tribology International, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Applied Physics A --Materials Science & Processing, Applied Surface Science, Vacuum, International Journal of Nanoscience, Current Nanoscience, Corrosion Science, Materials & Design, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, Solid State Ionics, Crystal Growth & Design, Journal of Power Sources, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, Journal of Inorganic Materials, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Ceramics International, Powder Technology, Journal of Advanced Ceramics, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Surface Review and Letters, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Philosophical Magazine, Philosophical Magazine Letters, Tribology Letters, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, New Journal of Chemistry, Electrochimica Acta, Materials Research Bulletin, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Infrared Physics & Technology, Physica Status Solidi A, Journal of Coordination Chemistry, Journal of Materials Research, Ionics, Journal of Nanomaterials, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, ChemSusChem, Chemical Engineering Journal, ChemElectroChem, etc. 杂志编辑部成员: Applied Surface Science (Guest editor, Elsevier) Surface & Coatings Technology (Guest editor, Elsevier) International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials (Springer, USTB) Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering (Taylor & Francis Group) Lubricants (MDPI) 金属热处理 材料热处理学报 研究领域 名称 材料学 主要研究方向 功能涂层和薄膜制备技术与可靠性研究: 开发热障涂层(TBCs)、环境障碍涂层(EBCs)、高辐射率涂层、耐高温抗氧化涂层、低摩擦耐磨损涂层、纳米复合超硬涂层等 环境适应型先进摩擦材料的设计与制备技术:金属陶瓷刀具材料、高温陶瓷基自润滑复合材料、金属基减摩抗磨材料、润滑与密封材料 稀土能源材料、中高温SOFC电解质材料、核废物固封材料 特种环境下材料的损伤行为研究、高温腐蚀、高温磨损 纳米陶瓷合成、致密化机制与晶粒生长行为 研究平台: 哈尔滨工业大学材料学院 材料科学系 哈尔滨工业大学材料学院 特种陶瓷研究所 黑龙江省头雁团队 “多功能防热陶瓷基复合材料研究”国家自然科学基金创新群体项目 “先进陶瓷复合材料与涂层”高等学校学科创新引智计划 授权专利 名称 一种制备不同晶体形貌纳米碱土金属硫酸盐粉体的方法,ZL200710144316.8 氧化铝包覆碱土金属硫酸盐复合粉体的制备方法,ZL200710144317.2 一种复合稀土锆酸盐热障涂层陶瓷材料及其制备方法,ZL200810064416.4 一种TiN/TiB2复合材料的制备方法,ZL200810209771.6 一种带有复合梯度层的镁或镁合金材料及其制备方法,ZL200810064123.6 一种在轻合金表面制备防腐隔热抗烧蚀复合涂层的方法, ZL200810064585.8 一种氧化物陶瓷/BaxSr1-xSO4陶瓷复合材料及其制备方法,ZL200910073134.5 自己潤滑性複合材料及びその製造方法,日本特許:4714922 一种金属表面抗腐蚀高辐射节能涂层的制备方法,ZL201010162580.6 稀土离子掺杂六铝酸盐高发射率材料的制备方法,ZL201210307621.5 一种六铝酸盐高发射率热防护涂层的制备方法,ZL201210307564.0 锆酸钡与氧化锆复合质子导体材料及其制备方法,ZL201310047854.0 一种微米级晶体生长形貌可控的球形铬酸锶粉体的制备方法,ZL201310475691.6 一种Ti2AlNb合金表面耐高温微弧氧化陶瓷涂层的制备方法,ZL201310626394.7 一种亚微米级晶体结构与形貌可控的球形 Alpha-Al2O3/t-ZrO2 复相粉体的制备方法,ZL201510130655.5 一种脉冲放电等离子体辅助熔凝处理制备氧化铝基二元共晶自生复合陶瓷的方法,ZL201510890832.X 一种Na3-2xZr2-xMxSi2PO12固体电解质粉体材料的制备方法,ZL201610393725.0 一种脉冲放电等离子体辅助熔凝处理制备氧化铝基三元共晶自生复合陶瓷的方法,ZL201510890849.5 一种高能氧乙炔火焰束流改性氧化铝基陶瓷大尺寸构件表面局部纳米共晶强韧化的方法,ZL201711011639.X 一种晶粒生长诱导无压烧结超细晶Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷致密化的方法, ZL202210792474.9 一种高强韧超细晶Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷及其制备方法,ZL202210792469.8 一种硬质相与添加相协同颗粒级配制备高性能混晶Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷的方法,ZL202210822086.0 课题组成员 名称 【课题组成员】 副教授:刘占国 博士生:王雨豪(硕博连读)、Ali Mohammed Ismail Elgazzar (Egypt)、周生健、张运卓、彭子健、姚钧腾 硕士生:金文良、桂聪、王梓恒、缪维剑、吴凡彬 本科生:李嘉豪 部分科研项目 名称 先进燃气轮机热障涂层材料筛选,横向项目,2022-2024. 面向高速切削Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷工具材料设计及组织性能优化,横向项目,2021-2023. 面向高温合金精加工的自增韧(Zr,W)C基固溶体陶瓷的显微组织调控及其刀具形性精准设计与评价(U22A20128),国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,2023.01-2026.12,参与 高端合金制造及钢铁冶金用关键结构陶瓷材料开发及应用,国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFB3701400),2021-2024,参与。 Al2O3-ZrO2共晶陶瓷组织结构调控与宽温域原位界面微力学行为及变形断裂机制(51972085),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020.01-2023.12 铜特异性识别膦酸配体及其修饰碳点的精准合成、螯合性能及生物效应(52061135204), 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,2021.01-2023.12,参与 纳米ZrO2-Al2O3/碱土金属铬酸盐复合材料的制备与高温自润滑机理研究(51572061),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016.01-2019.12 掺杂A2B2O7型陶瓷的有序无序转变与离子传输特性关联研究 (51272054),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2013.01-2016.12 新型中温复合掺杂稀土锆酸盐离子导体的结构调控与导电性能研究 (50972030),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2010.01-2012.12 多功能防热陶瓷基复合材料研究 (51621091),国家自然科学基金创新群体项目,2017.01-2019.12,主要成员 多功能防热陶瓷基复合材料研究 (51321061),国家自然科学基金创新群体项目,2014.01-2016.12,主要成员 多功能防热陶瓷基复合材料研究 (51021002),国家自然科学基金创新群体项目,2011.01-2013.12,主要成员 基于微弧放电的飞机结构表面绿色现场修复新工艺及特性研究 (60776803),国家自然科学基金-民航联合基金,2008.01-2010.12 环境适应型耐高温自润滑陶瓷基复合材料开发 (2006AA03Z537),国家高技术863计划项目,2006.12-2009.11 新型广域温度自润滑陶瓷基复合材料的研究 (50572020),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2006.01-2008.12 讲授课程 名称 【主讲课程】 陶瓷工艺学 (本科生专业课) 材料摩擦磨损原理与测试 (本科生专业课) Fundamentals of Ceramics Science and Engineering (For undergraduate students) 无机非金属材料制备科学基础(研究生专业课) 材料摩擦学基础(研究生专业课) Ceramic Materials (For foreign postgraduate students) Surface Physics and Chemistry of Materials (For foreign postgraduate students) Introduction to Advanced Materials (Special topics for foreign postgraduate students) 招生信息 名称 博士研究生招生 硕士研究生招生 本科生招生 【招生 / 招聘信息】 真诚 欢迎有材料科学与工程、应用物理、无机材料化学合成背景的同学来课题组攻读学位或做博士后 桃李满天 名称 【课题组已毕业学生】 博士后 吕德生 (2009) 工学博士 刘占国 (2009. 10) 李玉峰 (2009. 10) 夏校良 (2011. 07) 杨振林 (2012. 04) 梁雪松 (2012. 10) 刘虹志 (2013. 01) 相珺 (女) (2013. 10) 谷肄静 (女) (2014. 01) 王元红 (女) (2014. 07) 张秀萍 (女) (2016. 01) Abdelkhalek Henniche (Algeria) (2018.10) 王志刚 (2019.10) 马永辉 (2020.04) 靳玉俊 (2021.01) 曹桂 (2022.09) 王雨豪 (2023.09) 工学(工程)硕士 刘占国 (2005),李玉峰 (2005) 张健 (2006) 梁雪松 (2007),陈旭 (2007),王柏贺 (2007) 杨振林 (2008),崔艳芹(女) (2008),刘虹志 (2008),曾晓蕾(女) (2008) 钟继勇 (2009),王元红(女) (2009),董建建 (2009),傅国宁 (2009) 龚炼红(女) (2010),郜帅 (2010),温杰 (2010) 熊贤仲 (2011),段佳林 (2011) 张维亨 (2012),陈宏 (2012) 史程程 (2013),刘凡 (2013),朱仁贤 (2013) Yacine Hamiche (Algeria) (2014),马永辉 (2014),胡凯军 (2014),靳玉俊 (2014),Romane Mounder (Algeria) (2014) 朱澄(女) (2015),王博 (2015),许燕杰 (2015) 龚颖勇 (2016),崔皎洁(女) (2016),喻天罡 (2016) 吴振寰 (2017),袁世峰 (2017),李光宗 (2017) 曹桂 (2018),张文琦 (2018),谭祾月(女)(2018),常冰岩 (2018),王季 (2018),史美柱(2018) 甄旭扬(女)(2019),龚钰(2019),Sanju Lamichhane (女)(Nepal)(2019) 谢凌云(女)(2020),李牧之(2020),姚瑞君(2020) 井冲 (2021),李影(女)(2021) 付俊欣 (2022) 于永波 (2023) 工学学士 张毅 (2006),刘德 (2006) 钟继勇 (2007),曹凤角 (2007) 黎静(女) (2008) 熊贤仲 (2009),段佳林 (2009) 李洒(女) (2010),王学荣 (2010) 刘晓明(女) (2011),朱仁贤 (2011) 胡凯军 (2012),陈卓尔 (2012),吴相欣 (2012) 闫扶摇(女) (2013),朱澄(女) (2013),王骏遥 (2013) 崔皎洁(女) (2014),喻天罡 (2014),景琳 (2014),李小康(女) (2014) 吴振寰 (2015),袁世峰 (2015),刘宇 (2015),唐强 (2015) 陈凯 (2016),贺思博 (2016),文恒(女) (2016),曹桂 (2016) 王雨豪 (2017),张景钦 (2017),刘欣钰(女) (2017) 谢凌云(女)(2018),鞠子健 (2018),李汪槿 (2018) 石劲鹏(2019),李嘉鑫 (2019) 张运卓(2020), 朱豪先 (2020) 陈首达(2021),许枭 (2021) 方思雨(女) (2022),胡可敬(女) (2022) 王梓恒 (2023) 【黑龙江省优秀毕业生】 刘占国 (2009,工学博士) 夏校良 (2011,工学博士), 并获哈工大第四届研究生 “十佳英才” 提名奖 【哈尔滨工业大学优秀毕业生】 钟继勇 (2009,工学硕士) 刘占国 (2009,工学博士) 李玉峰 (2009,工学博士) 夏校良 (2011,工学博士) 闫扶摇 (女) (2013,工学学士) 崔皎洁 (女) (2014,工学学士) 朱澄 (女) (2015,工学硕士) 陈凯 (2016,工学学士) 贺思博 (2016,工学学士) Abdelkhalek Henniche (Algeria) (2017, 优秀留学生,工学博士) 马永辉 (2019,工学博士) 方思雨(女)(2022,工学学士) 【哈尔滨工业大学优秀学位论文】 刘占国 (2009,工学博士) 李洒 (女) (2010,工学学士) 哈尔滨工业大学百优本科毕业论文(设计) 刘晓明 (女) (2011,工学学士) 哈尔滨工业大学百优本科毕业论文(设计) 胡凯军 (2012,工学学士) 哈尔滨工业大学百优本科毕业论文(设计) 闫扶摇 (女) (2013,工学学士) 哈尔滨工业大学百优本科毕业论文(设计) 朱澄 (女) (2015,工学硕士) 喻天罡 (2016,工学硕士) 陈凯 (2016,工学学士) 哈尔滨工业大学百优本科毕业论文(设计) 石劲鹏 (2019,工学学士) 哈尔滨工业大学百优本科毕业论文(设计) 姚瑞君(2020,工学硕士) 【研究生国家奖学金获得者】 相珺 (女) (2012,博士研究生国家奖学金) 谷肄静 (女) (2013,博士研究生国家奖学金) 靳玉俊 (2013,硕士研究生国家奖学金) 吴振寰 (2015,硕士研究生国家奖学金) Abdelkhalek Henniche (Algeria) (2018, 中国政府优秀来华留学生奖学金) 姚瑞君 (2019, 硕士研究生国家奖学金) 【工业和信息化部创新创业奖学金】 王志刚 (2019,工学博士) 二等奖 【大学生科技创新活动获奖者】 闫扶摇 (女)、崔皎洁 (女) 黑龙江“西钢杯”大学生材料科学与工程创新设计大赛 一等奖 李洒 (女)、喻天罡 “丰东杯” 中国大学生材料热处理创新大赛总决赛 一等奖 闫扶摇 (女)、崔皎洁 (女) “丰东杯” 中国大学生材料热处理创新大赛总决赛 一等奖 陈凯、文恒、王雨豪 2016“法尔胜杯”中国大学生材料热处理创新创业大赛总决赛 一等奖 贺思博、曹桂 2016“法尔胜杯”中国大学生材料热处理创新创业大赛总决赛 二等奖 刘晓明、袁世峰、吴振寰 2016“法尔胜杯”中国大学生材料热处理创新创业大赛总决赛 二等奖 王志刚 (Young Author Award) Oral The 25th Congress of International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering (25th IFHTSE) 丁昭颖 (Young Author Award) Poster The 25th Congress of Internatiional Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering (25th IFHTSE) 姚钧腾 优秀报告奖,第十三次全国热处理大会《先进薄膜及涂层技术》分论坛 (2023) 【国际及地区大学交换学生】 林建智 (2007,台湾清华大学材料科学系) 苏瑀乔 (女) (2008,台湾清华大学机械工程系) 林裕真 (女) (2009,台湾清华大学材料科学系) 张几人 (女) (2009,台湾清华大学材料科学系) 蔡秉珍 (2011,台湾清华大学材料科学系) Researcher ID 链接名称 Jia-Hu Ouyang ORCID 链接地址 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1764-5676 简单介绍 链接名称 Scopus Author ID 7102679259 链接地址 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=7102679259 简单介绍 Books Chapters or Guest Editor Publications 出版物名称 High-temperature Solid Lubricating Materials, in Encyclopedia of Tribology, by Editors: Q. Jane Wang, Yip-Wah Chung 作者 Jia-Hu Ouyang, Xue-Song Liang 出版时间 2013: 1671-1681. 出版社 Springer. ISBN: 978-0-387-92897-5. 简单介绍 出版物名称 Applied Surface Science 431(2018)pp1-206. (Special issue for the 5th Asian Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, Nov. 12-14, 2016, Hangzhou, China) 作者 Guest Editors: Jiahu Ouyang, Marcel A.J. Somers, Zhoujun Shao, You Wang, Zhi Gao 出版时间 Jan. 2018 出版社 Elsevier 简单介绍 出版物名称 Surface and Coatings Technology 382(2020)125165 (2019: Virtual Special Issue 105RDF5Z04V for the 25th Congress of International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, Sept.11-14, 2018, Xi'an China.) (article collections) https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/surface-and-coatings-technology/special-issue/105RDF5Z04V 作者 Guest Editors: Jiahu Ouyang, You Wang, Yutao Pei, Hanshan Dong, David Matthews 出版时间 September 20, 2019 出版社 Elsevier 简单介绍 出版物名称 Applied Surface Science 498(2019)143746 (Virtual Special issue for the 25th Congress of International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, Sept. 11-14, 2018, Xi'an, China) 作者 Guest Editors: Jiahu Ouyang, Yutao Pei, You Wang, Hanshan Dong, Henrik Rudolph, Zhoujun Shao 出版时间 Sept. 2019 出版社 Elsevier 简单介绍 论著成果 Selected Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals or Books 名称 In Press Gui Cao, Shu-Qi Wang, Yu-Hao Wang, Zhao-Ying Ding, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ya-Ming Wang, Yu-Jin Wang. Growth kinetics of apatite layer evolved from calcia-magnesia-aluminosilicate (CMAS) hot corrosion reaction of (Y1-xYbx)2SiO5 ceramics at elevated temperatures of 1673 K and 1773 K, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 43(2023) 600-611. Shen J. Dillon, Yonghui Ma, Eric Lang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Khalid Hattar, An interface nucleation rate limited sintering kinetic model applied to in situ sintering Al2O3-SmAlO3 composites, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 43(2023) 3465-3474. Shen J. Dillon, Yonghui Ma, Jia-Hu Ouyang, D. Keith Coffman, Omar Hussein, Khalid Hattar, Fadi Abdeljawad, Interface nucleation rate limited densification during sintering, Acta Materialia, 242(2023) 118448. Shen J. Dillon, Eric Lang, Sarah C. Finkeldei, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Khalid Hattar, A nucleation rate limited model for grain boundary creep, Acta Materialia, 246(2023) 118718. Shuqi Wang, Yaming Wang, Gui Cao, Guoliang Chen, Yixing Zhu, Maria Serdechnova, Carsten Blawert, Mikhail L. Zheludkevich, Yongchun Zou, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou, Corrosion Science, 216(2023) 111076. Yuhao Wang, Chong Jing, Zhao-Ying Ding, Yun-Zhuo Zhang, Tao Wei, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Yu-Jin Wang, Ya-Ming Wang, The Structure, Property and ion irradiation effects of pyrochlores: a comprehensive review, Crystals, 13(2023) 143. Yuhao Wang, Jiahu Ouyang, Tao Wei, Gui Cao, Zhanguo Liu, Zhaoying Ding, Yujin Wang, Yaming Wang, Mechanical properties, thermal conductivity and defect formation energies of samarium immobilization in Gd2Zr2O7: First-principles study and irradiation experiment, Journal of Rare Earths, 41(2023) 422-433. Ruonan Ji, Yongchun Zou, Shuqi Wang, Guoliang Chen, Yaming Wang, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou, A controllable fabrication of flat absorber dual-layer coating with electric shielding on 6061 aluminum alloy by PEO with nanoparticles additive, Surface & Coatings Technology, 459(2023) 129382. Ali Elgazzar, Sheng-Jian Zhou, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Yu-Jin Wang, Ya-Ming Wang, A critical review of high-temperature tribology and cutting performance of cermet and ceramic tool materials, Lubricants, 11(2023) 122. Guoliang Chen, Benzhi Min, Haoyang Fu, Siqi Ma, Ke Li, Shuqi Wang, Yaming Wang, Jianyun Cao, Jun Qiu, Yong Shuai, Shuzhou Li, Yongchun Zou, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Near unity broadband emissivity and ultralow thermal conductivity from yttrium niobate-based ceramics. Chemical Engineering Journal, 468(2023) 143695. Zhao Wang, Yaming Wang, Shuqi Wang, Yongchun Zou, Guoliang Chen, Lei Wen, Guangxi Zhang, Lina Zhao, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 43(2023) 4717-4730. Chunyan Jiang, Yaming Wang, Shuqi Wang, Yongchun Zou, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Rational design of compact ceramic coating on SiCp/Al composites by tailoring soft sparking discharge of plasma electrolytic oxidation. Surface & Coatings Technology, 466(2023) 129578. Zhi-Gang Wang, Yun-Zhuo Zhang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Xi-Wen Song, Min Xie, Ya-Ming Wang, Yu-Jin Wang. Nanocrystalline alumina-zirconia-based eutectic ceramics fabricated with high-energy beams: principles, solidification techniques, microstructure and mechanical properties, Materials, 16(2023) 2985. Yongchun Zou, Shuqi Wang, Guoliang Chen, Yaming Wang, Kaiwei Zhang, Chaoren Zhang, Daqing Wei, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Optimization and mechanism of precise finishing of TC4 alloy by plasma electrolytic polishing. Surface & Coatings Technology, 467(2023) 129696. Zhi-Gang Wang, Wei-Dong Chen, Shu-Fang Yan, Xue-Kui Zhong, Wen Ma, Xi-Wen Song, Ya-Ming Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Direct fabrication and characterization of zirconia thick coatings on zirconium hydride as a hydrogen permeation barrier, Coatings, 13(2023) 884. Chunyan Jiang, Yaming Wang, Shuqi Wang, Yongchun Zou, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Effects of negative voltage on microstructure, electrical insulating, anti-corrosion, and thermal physical performance of plasma eletrolytic oxidation coating on SiCp/Al composite, Applied Surface Science, 636(2023) 157789. Shuang Yu, Yaming Wang, Shuqi Wang, Qiang Zhao, Yang Li, Dawei Ren, Guoliang Chen, Yongchun Zou, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Phase composition evolution and oxidation behavior of atmospheric plasma spraying Si and Si-HfO2 bond coats at 1300oC, Corrosion Science, 222(2023) 111439. Ruonan Ji, Shuqi Wang, Yongchun Zou, Guoliang Chen, Yaming Wang, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. In-situ construction of plasma-pretreated CNT networks endow the LPDS dual-layer coating with advanced thermal management and anti-static properties, Ceramics International, (2023) in press. Ruonan Ji, Shuqi Wang, Yongchun Zou, Guoliang Chen, Yaming Wang, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. One-step fabrication of amorphous/ITO-CNTs coating by plasma electrolytic oxidation with particle addition for excellent wear resistance, Applied Surface Science, (2023) in press. Shuang Yu, Yaming Wang, Shuqi Wang, Qiang Zhao, Yang Li, Dawei Ren, Guoliang Chen, Sijia Huo, Yongchun Zou, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Oxidation behavior and cracking evolution of atmospheric plasma spraying Si and 60Si-40HfO2 bond coats at 1400oC. Ceramics International, (2023) in press. Guoliang Chen, Haoyang Fu, Yongchun Zou, Shuqi Wang, Yongwang Gao, Tongtong Yue, Jianyun Cao, Yaming Wang, Jun Qiu, Junming Zhao, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. A promising radiation thermal protection coating based on lamellar porous Ca-Cr co-doped Y3NbO7 ceramic, Advanced Functional Materials, (2023), 2305650. Chunyan Jiang, Yaming Wang, Shuqi Wang, Yongchun Zou, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Growth characteristics and properties of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings produced in different electrolytes on SiCp/Al composite, Materials Characterization, 205(2023) 113344. 2022 Gui Cao, Yu-Hao Wang, Zhao-Ying Ding, Hua-Long Yang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ya-Ming Wang, Yu-Jin Wang. Tunable corrosion resistance of rare-earth monosilicate to molten calcia-magnesia-aluminosilicate glass by RE-doping strategy, Corrosion Science, 202(2022) 110319. Yuhao Wang, Yu-Jun Jin, Zhao-Ying Ding, Gui Cao, Zhan-Guo Liu, Tao Wei, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ya-Ming Wang, Yu-Jin Wang, Microstructure and electrical properties of new high-entropy rare-earth zirconates, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 906(2022) 164331. Yuhao Wang, Yu-Jun Jin, Tao Wei, Zhi-Gang Wang, Gui Cao, Zhao-Ying Ding, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu-Jin Wang, Ya-Ming Wang, Size disorder: A descriptor for predicting the single- or dual-phase formation in multi-component rare earth zirconates, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 918(2022) 165636. Shuqi Wang, Lei Wen, Yaming Wang, Yulin Cheng, Yingliang Cheng, Yongchun Zou, Yixing Zhu, Guoliang Chen, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou, One-step fabrication of double-layer nanocomposite coating by plasma electrolytic oxidation with particle addition,Applied Surface Science, 592(2022) 153043. Shuqi Wang, Yaming Wang, Huijuan Zhang, Yongchun Zou,Guoliang Chen, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou, Co-growing design of super-repellent dual-layer coating for multiple heat dissipation improvement, Chemical Engineering Journal, 427(2022)131701. Qingyi Kong, Sijia Huo, Lei Chen, Yujin Wang, Jiahu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Microstructure evolution, enhanced hardness and toughness in the solid-solution ceramic composite by reaction pressureless sintering of ZrB2 and TiC powders, Ceramics International, 48(2022) 17981-17986. Qingyi Kong, Sijia Huo, Lei Chen, Yujin Wang, Jiahu Ouyang, Yu Zhou,Novel (Zr,Ti)B2-(Zr,Ti)C-SiC Ceramics via reactive hot pressing, Journal of European Ceramic Society, 42(2022) 4045-4052. D. Keith Coffman, Yonghui Ma, Christopher M. Barr, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Khalid Hattar,Shen J. Dillon, Interphase boundary, grain boundary, and surface diffusion in Al2O3-GdAlO3 composites determined from bicrystal coble creep experiments, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 42(2022) 3976-3985 Wen Zhang, Lei Chen, Chenguang Xu, Xuming Lv, Yujing Wang, Jiahu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Grain growth kinetics and densification mechanism of (TiZrHfVNbTa)C high-entropy ceramic under pressureless sintering, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 110(2022) 57-64. Haipeng Zhang, Hui Jia, Yaming Wang, Yongchun Zou, Shuqi Wang, Guoliang Chen, Yufeng Zhang, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou, Microstructure, thermal conductivity, and temperature-dependent infrared emissivity of divalent transition metal ions doped alpha-cordierite ceramics, Materials Today Communications, 31(2022)103836. Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu-Feng Li, Yun-Zhuo Zhang, Ya-Ming Wang, Yu-Jin Wang. High-Temperature Solid Lubricants and Self-Lubricating Composites: A Critical Review. Lubricants, 10(2022) 177. D. Keith Coffman, Yonghui Ma, Christopher Barr, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Khalid Hattar, Shen J. Dillon, Evidence for interface-rate limited densification kinetics at Al2O3-GdAlO3 interfaces characterized by in situ ultrahigh temperature transmission electron microscopy, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 42(2022) 5904-5910. Shuqi Wang, Yaming Wang, Junchen Chen, Yongchun Zou, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou, Simple and scable synthesis of super-repellent multilayer nanocomposite coating on Mg alloy with mechanochemical robustness, high-temperature endurance and electric protection, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 10(2022) 2446-2459. Ling-Yun Xie, Zhi-Gang Wang, Yun-Zhuo Zhang, Yong-Hui Ma, Zhao-Ying Ding, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu,Yu-Jin Wang, Ya-Ming Wang, Microstructural refinement and mechanical response of Al2O3-ZrO2 eutectics fabricated by a novel pulse discharge plasma assisited melting method, Ceramics International, 48(2022) 23510-23517. Chong Jing, Sheng-Jian Zhou, Wen Zhang, Zhao-Ying Ding, Zhan-Guo Liu, Yu-Jin Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Low temperature synthesis and densification of (Ti,V,Nb,Ta,Mo)(C,N) high-entropy carbonitride ceramics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 927(2022) 167095. Chunyan Jiang, Yaming Wang, Shuqi Wang, Yufeng Li, Yongchun Zou, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Achieving high-efficiency electrically insulating ceramic layer formed on SiCp/Al composite by bipolar pulsed PEO for novel integrated strategy, Surface & Coatings Technology, 444(2022) 128692. Zhao Wang, Yaming Wang, Shuqi Wang, Yongchun Zou, Guoliang Chen, Lei Wen, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. ZrSi2/SiO2-Nb2O5/NbSi2 multi-layer coating formed on niobium alloy by HAPC combined with LPDS: Microstructure evolution and high temperature oxidation behavior. Corrosion Science, 206(2022) 110460. Zhao Wang, Yaming Wang, Shuqi Wang, Yongchun Zou, Guoliang Chen, Lei Wen, Guangxi Zhang, Lina Zhao, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Design and preparation of MoSi2/SiO2-Nb2O5/NbSi2 multilayer coating on Nb alloy: Microstructure and hot corrosion behavior, Corrosion Science, 209(2022) 110733. Gui Cao, Shu-Qi Wang, Zhao-Ying Ding, Yu-Hao Wang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ya-Ming Wang, Yu-Jin Wang. High temperature corrosion behavior and the inhibition of apatite formation evolving from corrosion of (Y1-xYbx)2SiO5 in water vapor environment, Applied Surface Science, 601(2022) 154284. 2021 Gui Cao,Jia-Hu Ouyang,Ying Li,Zhan-Guo Liu,Zhao-Ying Ding,Yu-Hao Wang,Yu-Jun Jin,Ya-Ming Wang, Yu-Jin Wang, Improved thermophysical properties of rare-earth monosilicates applied as environmental barrier coatings by adjusting structural distortion with RE-doping, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 41(2021) 7222-7232. Sijia Huo,Yujin Wang,Mianyi Yao,Zhikun Zhang,Lei Chen,Hui Gu, Jiahu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Novel TiC-based composites with enhanced mechanical properties, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 41(2021)5466-5473. Shuqi Wang,Yaming Wang,Yongchun Zou,Guoliang Chen, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou, Biologically inspired scalable-manufactured dual-layer coating with a hierarchical micropattern for highly efficient passive radiative cooling and robust superhydrophobicity, ACS Appl.Mater.Interfaces, 13(2021) 21888-21897. Abderrahmane Raouf Hamoudi,Abdelghani May,Abdelkhalek Henniche, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Alain Guillet, A comparative study of Ce and Gd doping influence on the superconducting properties of YBCO ceramics, Ceramics International,47(2021) 25314-25323. Wen Zhang,Lei Chen,Chenguang Xu,Wenyu Lu,Yujin Wang, Jiahu Ouyang,Yu Zhou, Densification,microstructure and mechanical properties of multicomponent (TiZrHfNbTaMo)C ceramic prepared by pressureless sintering, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 72(2021) 23-28. Guoliang Chen,Yaming Wang,Jun Qiu,Jianyun Cao,Yongchun Zou,Shuqi Wang, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou, A visibly transparent radiative cooling film with self-cleaning function produced by solution processing, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 90(2021) 76-84. Sijia Huo,Yujin Wang,Qianqian Chen,Mianyi Yao,Lei Chen,Hui Gu,Limeng Liu, Jiahu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Reactive hot pressing of super hard (Ti,Ta)(B,C)-(Ta,Ti)C composites, Materials Science & Engineering A, 800(2021) 140292. Mianyi Yao,Yujin Wang,Lei Chen, Jiahu Ouyang,Haixia Li, Hui Gu, Yu Zhou, Mechanical properties and microstructural evolution of pressureless sintered ceramics obtained from high-energy ball-milled TiB2-TiC powders, Materials Science & Engineering A, 819(2021) 141510. Gui Cao, Yu-Hao Wang, Zhao-Ying Ding, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yaming Wang, Yu-Jin Wang, CMAS hot corrosion behvior of rare-earth silicates for envioronmental barrier coatings applications: a comprehensive review, Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, 3(1)(2021) 9-28. Yun-Zhuo Zhang, Zhi-Gang Wang, Ling-Yun Xie, Zhao-Ying Ding, Yong-Hui Ma, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Yu-Jin Wang, Ya-Ming Wang, Laser surface nanocrystallization of oxide ceramics with eutectic composition: a comprehensive review, Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, 3(1)(2021) 37-54. 2020 Yong-Hui Ma, Zhi-Gang Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Shen J. Dillon, Abdelkhalek Henniche, Yu-Hao Wang, Yu-Jin Wang. Microstructural toughening mechanisms in nanostructured Al2O3/GdAlO3 eutectic composite studied using in situ microscale fracture experiments, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 40(2020) 3148-3157. Sijia Huo, Yujin Wang, Mianyi Yao, Lei Chen, Qingyi Kong, Jiahu Ouyang, Yudong Fu, Yu Zhou. Reactive sintering behavior and enhanced densification of (Ti,Zr)B2-(Zr,Ti)C composites, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 40(2020) 4373-4380. Kai Wang, Lei Chen, Chengguang Xu, Wen Zhang, Zhanguo Liu, Yujin Wang, Jiahu Ouyang, Xinhong Zhang, Yudong Fu, Yu Zhou. Microstructure and mechanical properties of (TiZrNbTaMo)C high-entropy ceramic. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 39(2020) 99-105. Yu-Jun Jin, Zhan-Guo Liu, Zhao-Ying Ding, Gui Cao, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Preparation, microstructure and electrical property of GdSmZr2O7-(Li0.52Na0.48)2CO3 composite electrolyte via carbonate infiltration, Ceramics International, 46(5)(2020)5689-5694. Ruijun Yao, Zhan-Guo Liu, Zhao-Ying Ding, Yu-Jun Jin, Gui Cao, Yu-Hao Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Effect of Sn or Ta doping on the microstructure and total conductivity of perovskite Li0.24La0.587TiO3 solid electrolyte, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 844(2020) 156023. Sijia Huo,Yujin Wang, Qingyi Kong, Lei Chen, Mianyi Yao, Hui Gu, Jiahu Ouyang, Yudong Fu, Yu Zhou. In situ reaction and solid solution induced hardening in (Ti,Zr)B2-(Zr,Ti)C composites, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 103(2020) 6101-6105. Shuqi Wang, Yaming Wang, Yongchun Zou, Yunfeng Wu, Guoliang Chen, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. A self-adjusting PTFE/TiO2 hydrophobic double-layer coating for corrosion resistance and electrical insulation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 402(2020) 126116. Shuqi Wang, Yaming Wang, Yongchun Zou, Guoliang Chen, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Scalable-Manufactured superhydrophobic multilayer nanocomposite coating with mechanochemical robustness and high-temperature endurance, ACS Appl.Mater.Interfaces, 12(2020) 35502-35512. Junchen Chen,Yaming Wang,Jianyun Cao, Li Liao, Yan Liu,Yu Zhou,Jia-Hu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Mingshan Wang, Xing Li, Zhenyu Li. Pulsed electrochemical fabrication of graphene/polypyrrole composite gel films for high performance and flexible supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta,361(2020)137036. 2019 Zhi-Gang Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yong-Hui Ma, Yu-Jin Wang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Ling-Yun Xie, De-Shun Sun, Ya-Ming Wang. Formation mechanism of a wrinkled and textured Al2O3-ZrO2 nanoeutectic rapidly solidified from oxy-acetylene flame remelting, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102(2019) 63-69. Zhi-Gang Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu-Jin Wang, Ling-Yun Xie, Yong-Hui Ma, Zhan-Guo Liu, Abdelkhalek Henniche, Yang Wang. Microstructural characterization of nanostructured Al2O3-ZrO2 eutectic layer by laser rapid solidification method, Applied Surface Science, 476(2019) 335-341. Yulin Ge, Yaming Wang, Yi Cui, Yongchun Zou, Lixin Guo, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Growth of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on Nb and corresponding corrosion resistance, Applied Surface Science, 491(2019)526-534. Yongchun Zou, Yaming Wang, Shaomeng Xu, Tao Jin, Daqing Wei, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Superhydrophobic double-layer coating for efficient heat dissipation and corrosion protection, Chemical Engineering Journal, 362(2019)638-649. Yu-Jun Jin, Zhan-Guo Liu, Gui Cao, Xu-Yang Zhen, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Jin-Peng Shi. Microstructure and electrical property of GdSmZr2O7 doped by rare-earth Ce, Ceramics International, 45(2019)8707-8712. Jun Xiang, Hong-Quan Chen, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jing-Yuan Yu, Fu-Fa Wu, Rong-Da Zhao, Jian Shang, Liang Liu, Stability and compatibility of lanthanum silicates electrolyte with standard cathode materials, Ceramics International, 45(2019) 6183-6189. Zhi-Gang Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yong-Hui Ma, Yu-Jin Wang, Ling-Yun Xie, Zhan-Guo Liu, Abdelkhalek, Yang Wang, Grain size dependence, mechanical properties and surface nanoeutectic modification of Al2O3-ZrO2 ceramic, Ceramics International, 45(2019)14297-14304. Zhi-Gang Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yong-Hui Ma, Yu-Jin Wang, Ling-Yun Xie, Abdelkhalek Henniche, Zhan-Guo Liu. Enhanced nucleation undercooling and surface self-nanocrystallization of Al2O3-ZrO2(Y2O3) eutectic ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 39(2019) 1707-1711. Yong-Hui Ma, Zhi-Gang Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Shen J. Dillon, Lin Feng, Yu-Jin Wang. In-situ microcantilever deflection to evaluate the interfacial fracture properties of binary Al2O3/SmAlO3 eutectic, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 39(2019)3277-3282. Yong-Hui Ma, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhi-Gang Wang, Abdelkhalek Henniche, Yu-Hao Wang, Yu-Jin Wang, Zhan-Guo Liu. Insights into intragranular precipitation and strengthening effect in Al2O3/SmAlO3 ceramic with eutectic composition, Materials Science & Engineering A, 754 (2019) 382-389. Zhao-Ying Ding, Yuan-Hong Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Ya-Ming Wang, Yu-Jin Wang. Influence of Al2O3 addition in NaAlO2 electrolyte on microstructure and high-temperature properties of plasma electrolytic oxidation ceramic coatings on Ti2AlNb alloy, Surface & Coatings Technology, 370(2019)187-195. H. Tian, K. Zhou, Y.C. Zou, H. Cai, Y.M. Wang, J.H. Ouyang, X.W. Li, Microstructure and high temperature oxidation resistance property of packing Al cementation on Ti-Al-Zr alloy, Surface & Coatings Technology, 374(2019) 1051-1058. Peng Jia, Lei Chen, Yujin Wang, Zhanguo Liu, Jiahu Ouyang, Xinghong Zhang, Yu Zhou. Insights into intragranular precipitation and toughening effect of W in (Ti, W)C solid solution with TiH2 as the inducer, Ceramics International, 45(2019) 20626-20633. Yu Gong, Zhan-Guo Liu, Yu-Jun Jin, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Lei Chen, Yu-Jin Wang. Effect of sintering process on the microstructure and ionic conductivity of Li7-xLa3Zr2-xTaxO12 ceramics, Ceramics International, 45(2019) 18439-18444. Yujin Wang, Mianyi Yao, Lei Chen, Zhan-Guo Liu, Sijia Huo, Songjie Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Two-step sintering of TiB2-40wt%TiN composites, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 84(2019) 105037. Yongchun Zou, Yaming Wang, Daqing Wei, Yulin Ge, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Facile one-step fabrication of multilayer nanocomposite coating for radiative heat dissipation, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 1(2019) 1527-1537. Yongchun Zou, Yaming Wang, Daqing Wei, Qing Du, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. In-situ SEM analysis of brittle plasma electrolytic oxidation coating bonded to plastic aluminum substrate: Microstructure and fracture behaviors, Materials Characterization, 156(2019) 109851. Yu-Jun Jin, Zhan-Guo Liu, Gui Cao, Wei Feng, Lei Chen, Yu-Jin Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Order-disorder transition and electrical performance of (Nd1-xYx)2Zr2O7 solid solutions, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 811(2019) 151974. 2018 Yuan-Hong Wang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ya-Ming Wang, Yu-Jin Wang. Dependence of the infrared emissivity on SiC content and microstructure of microarc oxidation ceramic coatings formed in Na2SiO3 electrolyte, Applied Surface Science, 431(2018) 17-23. Y.M. Wang, W. Feng, Y.R. Xing, Y.L. Ge, L.X. Guo, J.H. Ouyang, D.C. Jia, Y. Zhou. Degradation and structure evolution in corrosive LiOH solution of microarc oxidation coated Zircaloy-4 alloy in silicate and phophate electrolytes, Applied Surface Science, 431(2018) 2-12. Wei Feng, Yaming Wang, Junchen Chen, Baoqiang Li, Lixin Guo, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Metal organic framework-derived CoZn alloy/N-doped porous carbon nanocomposites: tunable surface area and electromagnetic wave absorption properties, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 6(1)(2018) 10-18. Boxin Wei, Lei Chen, Yujin Wang, Haibin Zhang, Shuming Peng, Jiahu Ouyang, Dong Wang, Yu Zhou. Densification, mechanical and thermal properties of ZrC1-x ceramics fabricated by two-step reactive hot pressing of ZrC and ZrH2 powders, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 38(2)(2018) 411-417. Yujin Wang, Mianyi Yao, Zhiyi Hu, Haixia Li, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Lei Chen, Sijia Huo, Yu Zhou. Microstructure and mechanical properties of TiB2-40 wt% TiC composites: Effects of adding a low-temperature hold prior to sintering at high temperatures, Ceramics International, 44(2018) 23297-23300. Yulin Ge, Yaming Wang, Junchen Chen, Yongchun Zou, Lixin Guo, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou, An Nb2O5-SiO2-Al2O3/NbSi2/Nb5Si3 multilayer coating on Nb-Hf alloy to improve oxidation resistance, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 745(2018) 271-281. Yulin Ge, Yaming Wang, Junchen Chen, Yongchun Zou, Lixin Guo, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Hot corrosion behavior of NbSi2/SiO2-Nb2O5 multilayer coating on Nb alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 767(2018) 7-15. Yongcun Zou, Yaming Wang, Zuodong Sun, Yi Cui, Tao Jin, Daqing Wei, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou, Plasma electrolytic oxidation induced local over-growth characteristic across substrate/coating interface: Effects and tailoring strategy of individual pulse energy, Surface & Coatings Technology, 342(2018) 198-208. Dong Wang, Yu-Jin Wang, Si-Jia Huo, Yan-Wei Zhao, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Gui-Ming Song, Yu Zhou, Microstructure and mechanical properties of W-ZrC composites synthesized by reactive melt infiltration of Zr2Cu into porous preforms from partially carburized W powders, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 27(2018) 1866-1875. Zhao-Ying Ding, Yuan-Hong Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Ya-Ming Wang, Yu-Jin Wang, Insights into structure and high temperature oxidation behavior of plasma electrolytic oxidation ceramic coatings formed in NaAlO2-Na2CrO4 electrolyte, Journal of Materials Science, 53(14)(2018) 9978-9987. Abdelkhalek Henniche, Mehdi Derradji, Jun Wang, Wen-Bin Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Aboubakr Medjahed, High-performance polymeric nanocomposites from phthalonitrile resin and silane surface-modified Ti3AlC2 MAX phase, High Performance Polymers, 30(4)(2018) 427-436. Mehdi Derradji, Abdelkhalek Henniche, Jun Wang, Abdul Qadeer Dayo, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Wen-Bin Liu, Aboubakr Medjahed, High performance nanocomposites from Ti3SiC2 MAX Phase and Phthalonitrile Resin, Polymer Composites, 39(10(2018)3705-3711. Abdelkhalek Henniche, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Yong-Hui Ma, Zhi-Gang Wang, Yu-Jin Wang, Mehdi Derradji, Effect of SiC addition on mechanical properties of hot-pressed Al2O3-GdAlO3 ceramics with eutectic composition, Ceramics International, 44(8)(2018) 9585-9592. Zhi-Gang Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yong-Hui Ma, Yu-Jin Wang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Abdelkhalek Henniche, Ling-Yun Xie, Insights into microstructural formation of pulse plasma semisolid to liquid processing of Al2O3-ZrO2 eutectic ceramics, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 101(2018)3773-3779. Zhi-Gang Wang, Yong-Hui Ma, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Yu-Jin Wang, Ye-Hong Cheng, In situ fabrication and microstructural evolution of Al2O3-ZrO2 nanoeutectic ceramics by a novel pulse discharge plasma assisted melting method, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 38(2018) 4155-4160. Yu-Jun Jin, Zhan-Guo Liu, Zhao-Ying Ding, Gui Cao, Abdelkhalek Henniche, Hai-Bin Zhang, Xu-Yang Zhen, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Preparation and characterization of GdSmZr2O7-(Li0.52Na0.48)2CO3 composite electrolyte for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells, Electrochimica Acta, 283(2018) 291-299. Zhi-Gang Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu-Jin Wang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Yong-Hui Ma, Ling-Yun Xie, Nucleation and epitaxial growth of highly textured Al2O3-ZrO2 nanoeutectic rapidly solidified from oxyacetylene flame remelting, Ceramics International, 44(2018) 22027-22031. Yonghui Ma, Lin Feng, Ching-Yen Tang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Shen J. Dillon, Effects of Commonly Evolved Solid-Electrolyte-Interphase (SEI) Reaction Product Gases on the Cycle Life of Li-Ion Full Cells, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165(13)(2018)A3084-A3094. 2017 Ching-Yen Tang, Yonghui Ma, Richard T. Haasch, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Shen J. Dillon. Insights into solid-electrolyte interphase induced Li-ion degradation from in situ auger electron spectroscopy, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 8(2017) 6226-6230. Lei Chen, Yujin Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Xiaoming Duan, Yu Zhou, Low-temperature sintering nehavior and mechanical properties of BN-ZrO2-SiC composites, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 681(2017)50-55. Fangwei Wang, Lei Chen, Yujin Wang, Mianyi Yao, Sue Hao, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhenkun Huang, Effect of deposition time on growth of ZrC/SiC composite coating synthesized by low pressure chemical vapor deposition, Ceramics International, 43(2)(2017) 2853-2858. Abdelkhalek Henniche, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yong-Hui Ma, Zhi-Gang Wang, Yu-Jin Wang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Microstructure and mechanical properties of ceramics obtained from chemically coprecipitated Al2O3-GdAlO3 nanopowders with eutectic composition, Ceramics International, 43(2017)6996-7001. Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yong-Hui Ma, Abdelkhalek Henniche, Bo Wang, Zhi-Gang Wang, Yu-Jin Wang, Synthesis, Densification and characterization of nanosized oxide ceramic powders with eutectic compositions by heating of alcohol-aqueous salt solutions, Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology, 8(1)(2017) 81-90. Abdelkhalek Henniche, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yonghui Ma, Zhigang Wang, Zhanguo Liu, Yujin Wang, Mehdi Derradji, Xinyu Liu, Microstructure, mechanical and thermo-physical properties of hot-pressed Al2O3-GdAlO3-ZrO2 ceramics with eutectic composition, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 27(2017) 491-497. Lei Chen, Li Zhen, Yujin Wang, Xiaoming Duan, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Corrosion behavior and microstructural evolution of BN-ZrO2-SiC composites in molten steel, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 14(4)(2017) 665-674. Y.L. Ge, Y.M. Wang, Y.F. Zhang, L.X. Guo, D.C. Jia, J.H. Ouyang, Y. Zhou, The improved thermal radiation property of SiC doped microarc oxidation ceramic coating formed on niobium metal for metal thermal protective system, Surface & Coatings Technology, 309(2017)880-886. Wei Feng, Yaming Wang, Junchen Chen, Lixin Guo, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Microwave absorbing property optimization of starlike ZnO/reduced graphene oxide doped by ZnO nanocrystal composite, Phys. Chem.Chem.Phys., 19(2017) 14596-14605. Junchen Chen, Yaming Wang, Jianyun Cao, Yan Liu, Yu Zhou, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Dechang Jia. A facile co-electrodeposition method for high performance supercapacitor based on reduced graphene oxide/polypyrrole composite film, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9(2017) 19831-19842. Dong Wang, Lei Chen, Yu-Jin Wang, Si-Jia Huo, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, W-ZrC composites prepared by reactive melt infiltration of Zr2Cu alloy into partially carburized W preforms, International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 67(2017) 125-128. 2016 Jiao-Jie Cui, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Hot corrosion behavior of LaMgAl11O19 ceramic coated with molten CMAS deposits at temperature of 1250oC in air, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 685(2016) 316-321. Zhan-Guo Liu, Kai-Jun Hu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu-Jun Jin, Synthesis, structure and luminescence properties of Ho-doped La2Zr2O7 nanoparticles, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 683(2016) 470-473. Yong-Hui Ma, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu-Jun Jin, Influence of TiO2 doping on thermo-optical properties of pyrochlore Sm2(Zr1-xTix)2O7 ceramics, Ceramics International, 42(13)(2016) 14749-14753. Y.M. Wang, Y.C. Zou, H. Tian, L.X. Guo, J.H. Ouyang, D.C. Jia, Y. Zhou, Microarc oxidation coated magnesium alloy radiator for light emitting diode: Microstructure, thermal radiative and dissipating property, Surface & Coatings Technology, 294(2016) 102-108. Wei Feng, Yaming Wang, Junchen Chen, Lei Wang, Lixin Guo, Jiahu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou, Reduced graphene oxide decorated with in-situ growing ZnO nanocrystals: Facile synthesis and enhanced microwave absorption properties, Carbon, 108(2016) 52-56. Yunfeng Wu, Yaming Wang, Hao Liu, Yan Liu, Lixin Guo, Dechang Jia, Jiahu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, The fabrication and hydrophobic property of micro-nano patterned surface on magnesium alloy using combined sparking sculpture and etching route, Applied Surface Science, 389(2016) 80-87. Xiao-Liang Xia, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu-Jun Jin. Effect of rare-earth ionic radius on microstructure and electrical property of rare-earth zirconate ceramics, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 45(8)(2016) 2003-2008. Guanhui Wang, Lin Xiao, Zhaosong Liu, Zhaoxiang Han, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Dongxing Zhang, Effect of supercritical CO2 on corrosion behavior and mechanism of fiber reinforced pipe, Corrosion Science, 113(2016) 180-182. 2015 Xiu-Ping Zhang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Yu-Jin Wang, Ya-Ming Wang, Crack-healing behavior and strength recovery of hot-pressed TZ3Y20A-MoSi2 ceramics, Materials Science and Engineering A, 648(2015) 299-304. Z.G. Liu, R.X. Zhu, J.H. Ouyang, Y. Zhou, Densification, microstructure and hardness of Sm2Zr2O7/SmAlO3 ceramic composites, Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, 16(4)(2015) 397-401. Xiu-Ping Zhang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu-Jin Wang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Ya-Ming Wang, Microstructure and high-temperature mechanical properties of ZrO2-Al2O3-SiC ceramics, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 24(9)(2015) 3615-3621. Zhan-Guo Liu, Kai-Jun Hu, Yu-Jun Jin, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Preparation and photoluminescence properties of Er-doped La2Zr2O7 nanocrystals, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 653(2015) 122-125. Xiu-Ping Zhang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Yu-Jin Wang, Ya-Ming Wang, Yu Zhou. Crack-healing ability and strength recovery of different hot-pressed TZ3Y20A-SiC ceramics by heat treatment in air, Materials & Design, 67 (2015) 324-329. Jun Xiang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Microstructure and electrical conductivity of apatite-type La10Si6-xWxO27-δ solid electrolytes, Journal of Power Sources, 284 (2015) 49-55. Yuan-Hong Wang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ya-Ming Wang, Yu Zhou, Influence of electrolyte compositions on structure and high-temperature oxidation resistance of microarc oxidation coatings formed on Ti2AlNb alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 647(2015) 431-437. Hong Tian, Ya-Ming Wang, Li-Xin Guo, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Dechang Jia, Yu-Feng Zhang. Oxidation resistance of AlPO4 bonded ceramic coating formed on titanium alloy for high-temperature applications, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 12(3)(2015) 614-624. Jianyun Cao, Xiaohong Li, Yaming Wang, Frank C Walsh, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Materials and fabrication of electrode scaffolds for deposition of MnO2 and their true performance in supercapacitors, Journal of Power Sources, 293(2015) 657-674. Jianyun Cao, Yaming Wang, Junchen Chen, Xiaohong Li, Frank C Walsh, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Three-dimensional graphene oxide/polypyrrole composite electrodes fabricated by one-step electrodeposition for high performance supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 14445-14457. Junchen Chen, Yaming Wang, Jianyun Cao, Yan Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Flexible and solid-state asymmetric supercapacitor based on ternary graphene/MnO2/carbon black hybrid film with high power performance, Electrochimica Acta. 182 (2015) 861-870. Jun Xiang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Guo-Chao Qi. Influence of pentavalent niobium doping on microstructure and electrical conductivity of oxy-apatite La10Si6O27 electrolytes, Electrochimica Acta. 153 (2015) 287-294. Jia-Hu Ouyang, Cheng Zhu, Zhan-Guo Liu, Zhe Ren, Lin Jing. Influence of Sm-doping on microstructure and electrical properties of ((Nd0.7Yb0.3)1-xSmx)2Zr2O7, Functional Materials Letters. 8(3)(2015) 1540012; doi:10.1142/S1793604715400123. Jia-Hu Ouyang, Cheng-Cheng Shi, Zhan-Guo Liu, Ya-Ming Wang, Yu-Jin Wang. Fabrication and high-temperature tribological properties of self-lubricating NiCr-BaMoO4 composites, Wear. 330-331(2015) 272-279. Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yuan-Hong Wang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Ya-Ming Wang, Yu-Jin Wang, Preparation and high-temperature tribological properties of microarc oxidation ceramic coatings formed on Ti2AlNb alloy, Wear. 330-331(2015) 239-249. Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yufeng Li, Yujin Wang, Xuesong Liang, Yu Zhou, Microstructure and high temperature friction and wear properties of nanostructured ZrO2(Y2O3)-Al2O3 ceramics, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 44(S1)(2015) 799-803. Zhan-Guo Liu, Wei-Heng Zhang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Novel thermal barrier coatings based on zirconate/YSZ double-ceramic-layer systems deposited by plasma spraying, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 647(2015) 438-444. 2014 Jun Xiang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Fu-Yao Yan. Influence of sintering parameters on microstructure and electrical conductivity of La10Si6O27 ceramics, Ceramics International, 40(1)(2014) 2401-2410. Fu-Yao Yan, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Mu-Fu Yan. First-principles calculations of water dissociation on the oxygen-deficient (010) surface in Fergusonite-type LaNbO4 crystal, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39(2014) 1457-1462. Jun Xiang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Fu-Yao Yan. Ionic conductivity of oxy-apatite La10Si6-xInxO27-δ solid electrolyte ceramics, Journal of Power Sources, 251(2014) 305-310. Yaming Wang, Jianyun Cao, Jiancun Rao, Xiaoxiao Lu, Ping Xiao, Yu Zhou, Dechang Jia, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Electron beam "ballooned" carbon sphere derived from graphene oxide by a hydrazine assisted hydrothermal method, RSC Advances, 4(11)(2014) 5826-5829. H. Tian, Y.M. Wang, L.X. Guo, J.H. Ouyang, Y. Zhou, D.C. Jia. Oxidation resistance of SiO2 bonded coating formed on Ti-Al-Zr alloy, Surface Engineering, 30(3)(2014) 204-211. Y. H. Wang, J.H. Ouyang, Z.G. Liu, Y.M. Wang, Y. Zhou. Enhanced infrared emissivity of MAO coatings formed on Ti2AlNb alloy, Surface Engineering, 30(7)(2014) 460-466. Zhan-Guo Liu, Wei-Heng Zhang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Novel double-ceramic layer (La0.8Eu0.2)2Zr2O7/YSZ thermal barrier coatings deposited by plasma spraying, Ceramics International, 40(7)(2014) 11277-11282. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhe Ren, Ke-Ning Sun, Yu Zhou. Influence of Fe2O3 addition on the densification and oxygen ion conductivity of the GdSmZr2O7 ceramic, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 34(2014) 3735-3740. Lei Chen, Yujin Wang, Mianyi Yao, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Yingkui Guo. Corrosion kinetics and corrosion mechanisms of BN-ZrO2-SiC composites in molten steel, Corrosion Science, 89(2014) 93-100. Yaming Wang, Junchen Chen, Jianyun Cao, Yan Liu, Yu Zhou, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Dechang Jia. Graphene/carbon black hybrid film for flexible and high rate performance supercapacitor, Journal of Power Sources, 271(2014) 269-277. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ke-Ning Sun, Yu Zhou. Effect of metal oxides on the densification and electrical conductivity of the GdSmZr2O7 ceramic, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 617(2014) 393-398. Y.M. Wang, H. Tian, L.X. Guo, J.H. Ouyang, Y. Zhou, D.C. Jia. Amorphous AlPO4 coating formed on titanium alloy for high temperature oxidation protection: oxidation kinetics and microstructure, Surface and Coatings Technology, 252(2014) 134-141. Yuan-Hong Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Ya-Ming Wang, Yu-Jin Wang. Microstructure and high temperature properties of two-step voltage-controlled MAO ceramic coatings formed on Ti2AlNb alloy, Applied Surface Science, 307(2014) 62-68. Xiaoliang Xia, Yi Zheng, Yanting Yu, Ye Li, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Short-range order phenomena in defect fluorite-type (Sm0.6Y0.4)2Zr2O7 ceramic, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 43(5)(2014) 1169-1172. Xiu-Ping Zhang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Yu-Jin Wang, Yu Zhou. Crack-healing behavior of hot-pressed TZ3Y20A-SiC ceramics, Ceramics International, 40(2014) 6611-6615. 2013 Xue-Song Liang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu. Influences of temperature and atmosphere on thermal stability of BaCrO4. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 111(1)(2013) 371-375. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ke-Ning Sun, Yu Zhou. Enhanced sinterability and electrical properties of GdSmZr2O7 by addition of nickel oxide, Journal of Power Sources, 228(2013)1-6. Xiao-Ming Liu, Yi-Jing Gu, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Fu-Yao Yan, Jun Xiang. Electrical conductivity and chemical stability of BaCe0.8-xAxGd0.2O3-δ (A=In, Zr, Ta; x=0, 0.1) ceramics, Bulletin of Materials Science, 36(3)(2013) 395-401. Jun Xiang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Fu-Yao Yan. Influence of doping with various cations on electrical conductivity of apatite-type neodymium silicates, Ceramics International, 39(5)(2013) 4847-4851. Hong-Zhi Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Ya-Ming Wang. Microstructure, thermal shock resistance and thermal emissivity of plasma sprayed LaMAl11O19 (M=Mg, Fe) coatings for metallic thermal protection systems, Applied Surface Science, 271(2013) 52-59. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Ren-Xian Zhu. Hot corrosion of V2O5-coated NdMgAl11O19 ceramics in air at 950oC, Journal of European Ceramic Society, 33(10)(2013)1975-1979. Zhen-Lin Yang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Xue-Song Liang, Yu-Jin Wang. Microstructure and tribological properties of reactive hot-pressed TiN-TiB2 composites incorporated with or without MoSi2 from room temperature to 800oC, Wear, 301(1-2)(2013) 641-647. Jia-Hu Ouyang, Xue-Song Liang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Zhen-Lin Yang, Yu-Jin Wang. Friction and wear properties of hot-pressed NiCr-BaCr2O4 high temperature self-lubricating composites, Wear, 301(1-2)(2013) 820-827. Zhen-Lin Yang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Yu-Jin Wang, W.G. Sloof. Synthesis route and mechanical properties of reactive hot-pressed TiN-TiB2 ceramics, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 41(2013) 54-59. Dong Wang, Yujin Wang, Jiancun Rao, Jiahu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Guiming Song. Influence of reactive melt infiltration parameters on microstructure and properties of low temperature derived Cf/ZrC composites, Materials Science and Engineering A, 568(2013) 25-32. Jianyun Cao, Yaming Wang, Ping Xiao, Yingchun Chen, Yu Zhou, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Dechang Jia. Hollow graphene spheres self-assembled from graphene oxide sheets by a one-step hydrothermal process, Carbon, 56(2013) 389-391. Y.M. Wang, H.Tian, X.E. Shen, L. Wen, J.H. Ouyang, Y. Zhou, D.C. Jia, L.X. Guo. An elevated temperature infrared emissivity ceramic coating formed on 2024 aluminum alloy by microarc oxidation, Ceramics International, 39(3)(2013) 2869-2875. H. Tian, Y.M. Wang, Y. Liu, L.X. Guo, J.H. Ouyang, Y. Zhou, D.C. Jia. Dependence of infrared radiation on microstructure of polymer derived ceramic coating on steel, Current Applied Physics, 13(2013)1-6. Jianyun Cao, Yaming Wang, Yu Zhou, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Lixin Guo. High voltage asymmetric supercapacitor based on MnO2 and graphene electrodes, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 689(2013) 201-206. Jia-Hu Ouyang, Xue-Song Liang. High-temperature solid lubricating materials. in Encyclopedia of Tribology, Editors: Q. Jane Wang, Yip-Wah Chung. Springer, 2013: 1671-1681. ISBN: 978-0-387-92897-5. Sa Li, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Growth of YbVO4 crystals evolved from hot corrosion reactions of Yb2Zr2O7 against V2O5 and Na2SO4%2BV2O5, Applied Surface Science, 276(2013) 653-659. Kai-Jun Hu, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jun-Yao Wang, Cheng Zhu, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Influence of calcination temperature on synthesis and photoluminescence properties of Eu3%2B-doped La2Zr2O7 particles, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 576(2013)177-180. Yi-Jing Gu, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Fu-Yao Yan, Yu Zhou. Structure and electrical conductivity of BaCe0.85Ln0.15O3-δ (Ln=Gd, Y, Yb) ceramics, Electrochimica Acta, 105(2013) 547-553. Zhan Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Sintering and electrical conductivity of GdSmZr2O7 with and without 1wt.% ZnO sintering aid. Journal of Power Sources, 243(2013) 836-840. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Ren-Xian Zhu. Hot corrosion behavior of neodymium magnesium hexaaluminate by vanadium pentoxide in air. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 578(2013) 517-521. Ren-Xian Zhu, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Preparation and characterization of LnMgAl11O19 (Ln=La,Nd,Gd) ceramic powders, Ceramics International, 39 (2013) 8841-8846. 2012 Xiao-Ming Liu, Zhan Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yi-Jing Gu, Jun Xiang, Fu-Yao Yan. Structure and electrical conductivity of BaCe0.7In0.1A0.2O3-δ (A = Gd, Y) ceramics. Electrochimica Acta. 59(2012) 464–469. Jun Xiang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Fu-Yao Yan. Synthesis, structure and electrical properties of rare-earth doped apatite-type lanthanum silicates. Electrochimica Acta. 65(2012) 251-256. Sa Li, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Hot corrosion of (Sm1–xYbx)2Zr2O7 (x = 0, 0.5, 1.0) ceramics against V2O5 molten salts in air at 800 oC. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology. 9(1)(2012) 149–158. Yu-Feng Li, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Shinya Sasaki. Tribological properties of spark plasma sintered ZrO2(Y2O3)-Al2O3-BaxSr1-xSO4 (x=0.25,0.5,0.75) composites at elevated temperature, Tribology Letters, 45(2012) 291-300. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ke-Ning Sun, Yu Zhou, Jun Xiang. Effect of CaO addition on structure and electrical conductivity of the pyrochlore-type GdSmZr2O7, Ceramics International, 38(2012) 2935-2941. Yaming Wang, Jianyun Cao, Yu Zhou, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Dechang Jia, Lixin Guo. Ball-milled graphite as an electrode material for high voltage supercapacitor in neutral aqueous electrolyte, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 159(5)(2012) A579-A583. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ke-Ning Sun, Yu Zhou. Electrical properties of the GdSmZr2O7 ceramic under different sintering conditions, Journal of Power Sources, 210(2012) 96-100. Sa Li, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Study on hot corrosion behavior of Yb2Zr2O7 ceramics against Na2SO4-V2O5 molten salts at temperatures of 900-1200oC in air. Materials and Corrosion, 63(4)(2012) 303-309. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ke-Ning Sun, Yu Zhou. Influence of magnesia doping on structure and electrical conductivity of the pyrochlore-type GdSmZr2O7, Advances in Applied Ceramics, 111(2012)214-219. Y.M.Wang, H.Tian, D.L. Quan, L.X. Guo, J.H. Ouyang, Y. Zhou, D.C. Jia. Preparation, characterization and infrared emissivity properties of polymer derived coating formed on 304 steel, Surface and Coatings Technology, 206(18)(2012) 3772-3776. Yi-Jing Gu, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Fu-Yao Yan. Synthesis, structure and electrical conductivity of BaZr1-xDyxO3-δ ceramics, Electrochimica Acta, 75(2012)332-338. Xue-Song Liang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu. Preparation of BaCrO4 particles in the presence of EDTA from aqueous solutions. Journal of Coordination Chemistry. 65(14)(2012) 2432-2441. Xue-Song Liang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Zhen-Lin Yang. Friction and wear characteristics of BaCr2O4 ceramics at elevated temperature in sliding against sintered alumina ball. Tribology Letters. 47(2)(2012) 203-209. Yuan-Hong Wang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ya-Ming Wang, Yu Zhou. Preparation and high temperature oxidation resistance of microarc oxidation ceramic coatings formed on Ti2AlNb alloy. Applied Surface Science. 258(22)(2012) 8946-8952. Xiao-Liang Xia, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yi Zheng. Influence of trivalent Gd and Dy codoping on the structure and electrical conductivity of pyrochlore-type Sm2Zr2O7. Journal of Power Sources. 217(2012) 316-321. Jun Xiang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Fu-Yao Yan. Synthesis and electrical conductivity of La10Si5.5B0.5O27-δ (B = In, Si, Sn Nb) ceramics. Solid State Ionics. 220(2012) 7-11. Jianyun Cao, Yaming Wang, Yu Zhou, Dechang Jia, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Lixin Guo. Performances of high voltage electrochemical capacitor using ball-milled graphite/Mn3O4 composite electrodes, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 682(2012)23-28. Xiao-Liang Xia, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yi Zheng. Preparation, structural characterization and enhanced electrical conductivity of pyrochlore-type (Sm1–xEux)2Zr2O7 ceramics. Fuel Cells. 12(4)(2012) 624-632. Kai-Jun Hu, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jun-Yao Wang, Tao Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of Eu-doped Gd2Zr2O7. Materials Letters. 89(2012)276-278. Hong-Zhi Liu, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ya-Ming Wang. Influences of lattice vibration and electron transition on thermal emissivity of Nd-doped LaMgAl11O19 hexaaluminates for metallic thermal protection system. Applied Physics Letters. 101 (2012) 161903; doi:10.1063/1.4759006. 2011 Xiao-Liang Xia, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Shuai Gao, Xiao-Ming Liu. Effect of Ce substitution for Zr on electrical property of fluorite-type Gd2Zr2O7. Solid State Sciences. 13(6)(2011) 1328–1333. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Jun Xiang, Xiao-Ming Liu. Preparation, structure and electrical conductivity of pyrochlore-type samarium-lanthanum zirconate ceramics. Materials & Design. 32(8–9)(2011) 4201–4206. Xiao-Liang Xia, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Order-disorder transformation and enhanced oxide-ionic conductivity of (Sm1-xDyx)2Zr2O7 ceramics,Journal of Power Sources, 196(2011) 1840-1846. Lei Wen, Yaming Wang, Yu Zhou, Lixin Guo, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Microstructure and corrosion resistance of modified 2024 Al alloy using surface mechanical attrition treatment combined with microarc oxidation process, Corrosion Science, 53(1)(2011) 473-480. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Kening Sun, Yu Zhou. Electrical conductivity of 5 mol.% Yb2O3 and 5 mol.% Gd2O3 co-doped Sm2Zr2O7, Materials Letters, 65(2011) 385-387. Lei Wen, Y.M. Wang, Yan Liu, Y. Zhou, L.X. Guo, J.H. Ouyang, D.C. Jia. EIS study of a self-repairing microarc oxidation coating, Corrosion Science, 53(2)(2011) 618-523. Lei Wen, Yaming Wang, Y. Zhou, L. X. Guo, J.H. Ouyang. Iron-rich layer introduced by SMAT and its effect on corrosion resistance and wear behavior of 2024 Al alloy, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 126(1-2)(2011) 301-309. Zhan-Guo Liu, Xian-Zhong Xiong, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Jun Xiang. The effect of co-doping with MgO and Yb2O3 on the structure and electrical conductivity of the Sm2Zr2O7 pyrochlore, Electrochimica Acta, 56(7)(2011) 2837-2841. Zhen-Lin Yang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu. Isothermal oxidation behavior of reactive hot-pressed TiN-TiB2 ceramics at elevated temperatures, Materials & Design, 32(1)(2011) 29-35. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Kening Sun, Yu Zhou. Electrical conductivity improvement of Nd2Ce2O7 ceramic co-doped with Gd2O3 and ZrO2, Fuel Cells, 11(2)(2011) 153–157. Yuan-Hong Wang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Hong-Zhi Liu, Ren-Xian Zhu. Preparation and thermo-physical properties of LaMgAl11O19-Yb3Al5O12 ceramic composites, Ceramics International, 37(7)(2011) 2489-2493. Hong-Zhi Liu, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ya-Ming Wang. Thermo-optical properties of LaMg1-xNixAl11O19 (0≤x≤1.0) hexaaluminates for metallic thermal protection system, Materials Letters, 65(2011) 2614-2617. Xian-Zhong Xiong, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Xiao-Liang Xia, Jun Xiang, Xiao-Ming Liu. Preparation, structure and electrical conductivity of the pyrochlore-type phase Sm2Zr2O7 codoped with bivalent magnesium and trivalent dysprosium cations, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509(33)(2011) 8392-8297. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ke-Ning Sun, Yu Zhou, Jun Xiang, Xiao-Ming Liu. Preparation, structure and electrical conductivity of pyrochlore-type Gd1-xEu2xSm1-xZr2O7 ceramics with a constant lattice parameter, Electrochimica Acta, 56(20)(2011) 7045-7050. Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhen-Lin Yang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Xue-Song Liang. Friction and wear properties of reactive hot-pressed TiB2-TiN composites in sliding against Al2O3 ball at elevated temepratures. Wear. 271(9–10)(2011) 1966–1973. Jia-Hu Ouyang, Xue-Song Liang, Jie Wen, Zhan-Guo Liu, Zhen-Lin Yang. Electrodeposition and tribological properties of self-lubricating Ni-BaCr2O4 composite coatings. Wear. 271(9–10)(2011) 2037–2045. Z.W.Wang, Y.M.Wang, Y.Liu, J.L.Xu, L.X.Guo, Y.Zhou, J.H.Ouyang, J.M. Dai. Microstructure and infrared emissivity property of coating containing TiO2 formed on titanium alloy by microarc oxidation. Current Applied Physics, 11(2011) 1405-1409. Sa Li, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Study on hot corrosion reactions between SmYbZr2O7 ceramic and vanadium pentoxide at temperatures of 600-1000oC in air. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 130(3)(2011) 1135-1139. Jia-Hu Ouyang, Sa Li, Zhan-Guo Liu, Yu Zhou. Hot corrosion of potential thermal barrier coating materials (Sm1-xYbx)2Zr2O7 by V2O5 and NaSO4, Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, v 32, n 3, p 109-128, 2011, Advanced Ceramic Coatings and Materials for Extreme Environments - A Collection of Papers Presented at the 35th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, ICACC,?2011 The American Ceramic Society. ISBN: 9781118059883. Hong-Zhi Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Ya-Ming Wang. Thermo-optical properties of LaMAl11O19 (M=Mg,Mn,Fe) hexaaluminates for high temperature thermal protection applications. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 94(10)(2011) 3195-3197. 2010 Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Kening Sun, Xiao-Liang Xia. Structural evolution and electrical conductivity measurement of NdYb1-xGdxZr2O7 (0≤x≤1.0) ceramics, Electrochimica Acta, 55(2010) 8466-8470. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Kening Sun, Xiao-Liang Xia. Improvement of electrical conductivity of trivalent rare-earth cation-doped neodymium zirconate by co-doping gadolinium and ytterbium, Fuel Cells, 10(6)(2010) 1050-1056. Zhan-Guo Liu, Shuai Gao, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Xiao-Liang Xia. Influence of MoO3 doping on structure and electrical conductivity of defect fluorite-type Gd2Zr2O7, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 506(2010) 868-871. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ke-Ning Sun, Xiao-Liang Xia. Effect of Gd and Yb co-doping on structure and electrical conductivity of the Sm2Zr2O7 pyrochlore, Journal of Power Sources, 195(2010) 7225-7229. Sa Li, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Hot corrosion behavior of Yb2Zr2O7 ceramic coated with V2O5 at temperatures of 600 to 800 oC in air, Corrosion Science, 52(2010) 3568-3572. Lei Wen, Yaming Wang, Yu Zhou, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Lixin Guo, Dechang Jia. Corrosion evaluation of microarc oxidation coatings formed on aluminium alloy, Corrosion Science, 52(8)(2010) 2687-2696. Zhen-Lin Yang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Xue-Song Liang. Wear mechanisms of TiN-TiB2 ceramic in sliding against alumina from room temperature to 700oC, Ceramics International, 36(2010) 2129-2135. Xiao-Liang Xia, Shuai Gao, Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Sa Li. The influence of pentavalent Nb substitution for Zr on electrical property of oxide-ion conductor Gd2Zr2O7, Electrochimica Acta, 55(2010) 5301-5306. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang. Electrical conductivity of Nd and Ce co-doped Gd2Zr2O7 ceramic, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 90(10)(2010) 753-761. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Sa Li. High-temperature hot corrosion behavior of gadolinium zirconate by vanadium pentoxide and sodium sulfate in air, Journal of the European ceramic Society, 30(2010) 2707-2713. Y.F. Li, J.H. Ouyang, Y.M. Wang, Y. Zhou, T. Murakami, S. Sasaki. Influences of SrSO4 and Ag on high temperature tribological properties of spark-plasma-sintered ZrO2(Y2O3)-Al2O3 composites, Key Engineering Materials, 434-435(2010) 138-143. Xiao-Liang Xia, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Sa Li. Effect of MgO on the Electrical Conductivity of the Pyrochlore-Type Sm2Zr2O7, Science of Advanced Materials, 2(2010) 497-502. Yu-Feng Li, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Xue-Song Liang, T. Murakami, S. Sasaki. Room temperature template-free synthesis of dumbbell-like SrSO4 nanostructures with a hierarchical architecture, Journal of Crystal Growth, 312(2010) 1886-1890. Yuan-Hong Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu. Influence of dysprosium oxide doping on thermophysical properties of LaMgAl11O19 ceramics, Materials and Design, 31(2010) 3353-3357. Xiao-Liang Xia, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu, Shuai Gao, Sa Li. Preparation and improved grain conductivity of (Sm1–xYx)2Zr2O7 ceramics, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 157(2010) B470-B476. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Xiao-Liang Xia. Electrical conductivity and thermal expansion of neodymium-ytterbium zirconate ceramics, Journal of Power Sources, 195(2010) 3261-3265. Xiao-Liang Xia, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu. Electrical properties of gadolinium- europium zirconate solid solutions, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 93(4)(2010) 1074-1080. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Xiao-Liang Xia, Yuan-Hong Wang. Electrical conductivity of defect fluorite-type (Gd1-xYbx)2Zr2O7 solid solutions, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 490(2010) 277-281. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Xiao-Liang Xia. Coprecipitation synthesis and sintering property of (YbxSm1–x)2Zr2O7 ceramic powders, Advances in Applied Ceramics, 109(1)(2010) 12-17. 2009 Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Heat capacity measurements on YbxGd2-xZr2O7 (x = 0, 1, 2) ceramics by differential scanning calorimetry, Bulletin of Materials Science, 32(6)(2009) 603-606. Yuan-Hong Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu. Preparation and thermo-physical properties of La1-xNdxMgAl11O19 (x=0,0.1,0.2) ceramics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 485(2009) 734-738. J.H. Ouyang, Y.F. Li, Y.M. Wang, Y. Zhou, T. Murakami, S. Sasaki. Microstructure and tribological properties of ZrO2(Y2O3) matrix composites doped with different solid lubricants from room temperature to 800oC, Wear, 267(2009) 1353-1360. Y.M. Wang, F.H. Wang, M.J. Xu, B. Zhao, L.X. Guo. J.H. Ouyang, Microstructure and corrosion behavior of coated AZ91 alloy by microarc oxidation for biomedical application, Applied Surface Science, 255 (2009) 9124-9131. Y.M. Wang, P.F. Zhang, L.X. Guo, J.H. Ouyang, Y. Zhou, D.C. Jia. Effect of microarc oxidation coating on fatigue performance of Ti-Al-Zr alloy, Applied Surface Science, 255 (2009) 8616-8623. Y.M. Wang, L.X. Guo, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Y. Zhou, D.C. Jia. Interface adhesion properties of functional coatings on titanium alloy formed by microarc oxidation method, Applied Surface Science, 255 (2009) 6875-6880. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Jing Li, Xiao-Liang Xia. Densification, structure and thermophysical properties of ytterbium–gadolinium zirconate ceramics, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 6(4) (2009) 485-491. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Xiao-Liang Xia. Hot corrosion behavior of V2O5-coated Gd2Zr2O7 ceramic in air at 700–850oC, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 29(11) (2009) 2423-2427. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Xiao-Liang Xia. Preparation and microstructural characterisation of (Nd1–xGdx)2(Ce1–xZrx)2O7 solid solutions, Ceramics International, 35(6) (2009) 2387-2392. Yu-Feng Li, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Xue-Song Liang, Ji-Yong Zhong. Synthesis and characterization of BaxSr1–xSO4 (x=0.25, 0.5, 0.75) nanocrystals by a simple surfactant-free aqueous solution route, Bulletin of Materials Science, 32(2) (2009) 149-153. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Xiao-Liang Xia. Effect of Ti substitution for Zr on the thermal expansion property of fluorite-type Gd2Zr2O7, Materials & Design, 30(9) (2009) 3784-3788. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou and Xiao-Liang Xia. Electrical conductivity of samarium-ytterbium zirconate ceramics, Electrochimica Acta, 54(2009) 3968-3971. Xiao-Liang Xia, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Zhan-Guo Liu. Influence of CaO on structure and electrical conductivity of pyrochlore-type Sm2Zr2O7, Journal of Power Sources, 189 (2009) 888-893. Xue-Song Liang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu-Feng Li, Ya-Ming Wang. Electrodeposition and tribological properties of Ni-SrSO4 composite coatings, Applied Surface Science, 255(2009) 4316-4321. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Qing-Chang Meng, Xiao-Liang Xia. Order–disorder transition and thermal conductivity of (YbxNd1–x)2Zr2O7 solid solutions, Philosophical Magazine, 89(6)(2009) 553–564. Y.F. Li, J.H. Ouyang, Y. Zhou, Y.M. Wang, T.Murakami, S.Sasaki. High temperature tribological properties of spark plasma sintered Al2O3-SrSO4 self-lubricating nanocomposites incorporated with and without Ag addition, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 23(6-7)(2009) 1425-1431. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Jing Li, Xiao-Liang Xia. Influence of ytterbium- and samarium-oxides codoping on structure and thermal conductivity of zirconate ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 29(2009) 647-652. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Heat capacities and derived thermodynamic functions of neodymium–gadolinium zirconates from 298.15 to 1050 K, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 475 (2009) 21-24. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Xiao-Liang Xia. Phase stability and thermal expansion property of ZrO2–NdO1.5–AlO1.5 ceramics from 50 to 1550 °C, Materials & Design, 30 (2009) 1845–1849. Hong-Zhi Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu-Feng Li, Ji-Yong Zhong. Synthesis and Growth Mechanisms of Nanoscale SrSO4 powders with different crystallographic morphologies, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 38(S2)(2009) 1010-1013. L. Wen, Y.M. Wang, Y. Zhou, C.L. Wang, L.X. Guo, J.H. Ouyang. Influence of coating microstructure on fatigue performance of microarc oxidation coated LY12 alloy specimen. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 38(S2)(2009)747-750. Y.M. Wang, F.H. Wang, J.H. Ouyang, D.C. Jia, Y. Zhou. Microstructure and corrosion properties of biocomposite coating containing Ti formed on AZ91 alloy. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 38(S2)(2009)739-742. Jia-Hu Ouyang, Shinya Sasaki, Takashi Murakami, Yu Zhou, Jian Zhang. Mechanical and Unlubricated Tribological Properties of Titanium-containing Diamond Like Carbon Coatings, Wear, 266(1-2)(2009) 96-102. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Influence of gadolinia on thermal expansion property of ZrO2-4.5 mol.% Y2O3 ceramics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 473 (1-2) (2009) L17-L19. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Structural evolution and thermophysical properties of (SmxGd1-x)2Zr2O7 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) ceramics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 472 (1-2) (2009) 319-324. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Bai-He Wang, Yu Zhou, Jing Li. Thermal expansion and thermal conductivity of SmxZr1-xO2-x/2 (0.1≤x≤0.5) ceramics, Ceramics International, 35 (2009) 791-796. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Jing Li. Effect of alumina addition on the phase evolution and thermal conductivity of ZrO2-NdO1.5 ceramics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 468 (2009) 350-355. 2008 Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Xiao-Liang Xia. Effect of Sm substitution for Gd on the ionic conductivity of fluorite-type Gd2Zr2O7 ceramics, Journal of Power Sources, 185 (2008) 876-880. Yu-Feng Li, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Xue-Song Liang, Ji-Yong Zhong. Facile fabrication of SrSO4 nanocrystals with different crystallographic morphologies via a simple surfactant-free aqueous solution route, Materials Letters, 62 (2008) 4417-4420. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Xiao-Liang Xia. Structure and thermal conductivity of Gd2(TixZr1–x)2O7 ceramics, Materials Letters, 62 (2008) 4455–4457. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Jing Li, Xiao-Liang Xia. (Ln0.9Gd0.05Yb0.05)2Zr2O7 (Ln = Sm, Nd) Ceramics with Pyrochlore Structure as Thermal Barrier Oxides, Advanced Engineering Materials,10 (2008) 754–758. Yu-Feng Li, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Novel fabrication of monodispersed peanut-type celestine particles using Sr-EDTA chelating precursors, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 111 (2008) 508–512. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Effect of gadolinia on phase structure and thermal conductivity of ZrO2-4.5mol%Y2O3 ceramics, Materials Letters, 62(2008) 3524-3526. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Preparation and thermophysical properties of (NdxGd1-x)2Zr2O7 ceramics, Journal of Materials Science, 43 (2008) 3596-3603. Desheng Lu, Jiahu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Dechang Jia, Yujin Wang. Numerical Simulation of Ablation Behavior and Thermal Stress Field of Fused Silica Composite,Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 5 (2008) 1722-1724. Jia-Hu Ouyang, T. Murakami, S. Sasaki, Yu-Feng Li, Ya-Ming Wang, K. Umeda, Yu Zhou. High temperature tribology and solid lubrication of advanced ceramics, Key Engineering Materials, 368-372(2008) 1088-1091. Zhan-Guo Liu, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Bai-He Wang, Yu Zhou, Jing Li. Preparation and thermophysical properties of NdxZr1-xO2-x/2 (x=0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5) ceramics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 466 (2008) 39-44. 2007 J.H. Ouyang, T. Murakami, S. Sasaki. High-temperature tribological properties of a cathodic arc ion-plated (V,Ti)N coatings, Wear, 263(2007) 1347-1353 J.H. Ouyang, T. Murakami, S. Sasaki, Y. Zhou. Evaluation of tribological properties of a cathodic arc ion-plated CrSiN coating under both unlubricated and boundary-lubricated conditions, Materials Science Forum, 546-549(2007) 1747-1752 T. Murakami, K. Umeda, S. Sasaki, J.H. Ouyang. High-temperature tribological properties of barite-type sulfate-coated substrates with different isoelectric points, Materials Science Forum, 539-543(2007) 1200-1205 T. Murakami, J.H. Ouyang, S. Sasaki, K. Umeda, Y. Yoneyama. High temperature tribological properties of spark-plasma-sintered Al2O3 composites containing barite-type structure sulfates, Tribology International, 40(2)(2007) 246-253 J.H. Ouyang, T. Murakami, S. Sasaki, Y. Zhou, D.C. Jia, Y.M. Wang. Spark-plasma-sintered ZrO2(Y2O3)-Al2O3-SrSO4 self-lubricating nanocomposites for high temperature tribological applications, Key Engineering Materials, 336-338(2007) 1429-1432. Y.M. Wang, T.C. Lei, D.C. Jia, Y. Zhou, J.H. Ouyang. Microstructure and dry sliding tribological behavior of microarc oxidation coating formed on Ti6Al4V against steel, Key Engineering Materials, 336-338(2007) 1734-1736. D. Lu, Y. Zhou, B. Wang, Y. Wang, J.H. Ouyang, H. Ke. Numerical simulation of the thermal stress field of arc-shaped thermal-protection component, Key Engineering Materials, 353-358(2007) 1110-1113. 2006 T. Murakami, J. H. Ouyang, K. Umeda, S. Sasaki. High-temperature friction properties of BaSO4 and SrSO4 powder films formed on Al2O3 and stainless steel substrates, Mat. Sci. Eng. A-Struct., 432(1-2)(2006) 52-58 T Murakami, K Umeda, S Sasaki, Jiahu Ouyang. High-temperature tribological properties of strontium sulfate films formed on zirconia-alumina, alumina and silicon nitride substrates, Tribology International, 39(12)(2006) 1576-1583 Jiahu Ouyang, Eswar Yarrapareddy and Radovan Kovacevic. Microstructural evolution in the friction stir welded 6061 aluminum alloy (T6-temper condition) to copper, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 172(1)(2006) 110-122 2005 T. Murakami, J.H. Ouyang, K. Umeda, S. Sasaki, Y. Yoneyama. High temperature tribological properties of Al2O3, Ni-20mass.%Cr and NiAl spark plasma sintered composites containing BaF2-CaF2 phase, Wear, 259(1-6)(2005) 626-633 J.H. Ouyang, S. Sasaki, T. Murakami, K. Umeda. Tribological properties of spark plasma sintered (SPS) ZrO2-CaF2-Ag composites at elevated temperatures, Wear, 258(9)(2005) 1444-1454 J.H. Ouyang, S. Sasaki. Friction and wear characteristics of a Ti-containing diamond-like carbon coating with a SRV tester at high contact load and elevated temperature, Surface and Coatings Technology, 195(2-3)(2005) 234-244 J.H. Ouyang, S. Sasaki, T. Murakami, K. Umeda. Spark-plasma-sintered ZrO2(Y2O3)-BaCrO4 self-lubricating composites for high temperature tribological applications, Ceramics International, 31(4)(2005) 543-553 Takashi Murakami, Jiahu Ouyang, Kazunori Umeda, Shinya Sasaki, Yuya Yoneyama. High temperature friction and wear characteristics of X-BaSO4 (X=NiAl, Al2O3) composites, Materials Transactions, 46(2) (2005) 182-185 J.H. Ouyang, S. Sasaki. Tribological characteristics of low-pressure plasma-sprayed alumina coatings from room temperature to 800oC, Tribology International, 38(1)(2005) 49-57. 2004 J.H. Ouyang, S. Sasaki, T. Murakami, K. Umeda. The synergistic effects of CaF2 and Au lubricants on tribological properties of spark-plasma-sintered ZrO2(Y2O3) matrix composites, Mat. Sci. Eng. A-Struct., 386(1-2)(2004) 234-243 Takashi Murakami, Jiahu Ouyang, Atsushi Korenaga, Kazunori Umeda, Shinya Sasaki, Yuya Yoneyama. High temperature tribological properties of Al2O3-X (X: BaCrO4, BaSO4 and CaSO4) spark-plasma-sintered composites containing sintering additives, Materials Transactions, 45(8) (2004) 2614-2617 J.H. Ouyang, S. Sasaki. Tribo-oxidation of cathodic arc ion-plated (V,Ti)N coatings sliding against a steel ball under both unlubricated and boundary lubricated conditions, Surface and Coatings Technology, 187(2-3)(2004) 343-357 J.H. Ouyang, S. Sasaki, The friction and wear characteristics of cathodic arc ion-plated (V,Ti)N coatings in sliding against alumina ball, Wear, 257 (7-8)(2004) 708-720. J.H. Ouyang, S. Sasaki, T. Murakami, K. Umeda. Evaluation of solid lubricant materials for use under extreme environmental conditions-A review (invited paper), in the 5th issue of the review series in Materials Science-Recent Research Developments in Materials Science, (5) (2004), pp85-103, edited by S. G. Pandalai, Research signpost, Dec. 2004. ISBN: 81-7736-203-8. H. Wang, W. Jiang, J.H. Ouyang, R. Kovacevic. Rapid prototyping of 4043 Al-alloy parts by VP-GTAW, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 148 (2004) 93-102 2003 J.H. Ouyang, S. Sasaki. Tribo-chemical behavior of nanocomposite coatings under sliding wear conditions (invited paper), in the 4th issue of the review series in Materials Science-Recent Research Developments in Materials Science, (4) (2003), pp433-448, edited by S. G. Pandalai, Research signpost, Sept. 2003, ISBN: 81-271-0022-6. H. Mei, J.H. Ouyang, D. Hu, R. Kovacevic. Rapid fabrication of functionally gradient material parts by laser beam, Congress Proceedings 2003, ICALEO 2003---22nd International Congress on Applications of Laser and Electro-Optics, Jacsonville, Florida, USA, Oct. 2003: 74-83. 2002 J.H. Ouyang, S. Sasaki. Microstructure and high temperature tribological characteristics of ZrO2-Y2O3 ceramic coating deposited by laser-assisted plasma hybrid spraying, Tribology International, 35 (4) (2002) 255-264. J.H. Ouyang, H. Wang, R. Kovacevic. Rapid prototyping of 5356-aluminum alloys based on variable polarity gas tungsten arc welding: process control and microstructure, Materials and Manufacturing Processes,17(1) (2002) 103-124. J.H. Ouyang, R. Kovacevic. Material flow and microstructure of the friction stir butt welds of the same and dissimilar aluminum alloys, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 11(1) (2002) 51-63. J.H. Ouyang, S. Sasaki, K. Umeda. The friction and wear characteristics of plasma-sprayed ZrO2-BaCrO4 coating at elevated temperatures, Surface and Coatings Technology, 154(2-3)(2002) 131-139. J.H. Ouyang, H. Mei, R. Kovacevic. Rapid prototyping and characterization of a WC-based cermet/tool steel functionally graded materials synthesized by laser cladding, the Proceedings of the 2002 TMS Fall Meeting-Rapid Prototyping of Materials, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), October 6-10, 2002, Columbus, Ohio, USA, pp77-93, Edited by F.D.S. Marquis and D.L.Bourell, A publication of TMS, 2002. ISBN 0-87339-530-1. J.H. Ouyang, D. Jandric, R. Kovacevic, M. Song, M. Valant. Visualization of material flow in friction stir welding of the same and dissimilar aluminum alloys, ASM Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Trends in Welding Research. April 15-19, 2002, Georgia USA, pp229-234, Editors: S.A. David, T. Debroy, J.C. Lippold, H.B. Smartt, J.M. Vitek, Materials Park, ASM international, ISBN: 0-87170-780-2. M. Song, R. Kovacevic, J.H. Ouyang, M. Valant. A detailed three-dimensional transient heat transfer model for friction stir welding, ASM Proceedings of the 6th International conference on Trends in Welding Research. April 15-19, 2002, Georgia USA, pp212-217, Editors: S.A. David, T. Debroy, J.C. Lippold, H.B. Smartt, J.M. Vitek, Materials Park, ASM International, ISBN: 0-87170-780-2. 2001 J.H. Ouyang, S. Sasaki, K. Umeda. Microstructure and tribological properties of low-pressure plasma-sprayed ZrO2-CaF2-Ag2O surface composite at elevated temperature, Wear, 249 (5-6) (2001) 440-451. J.H. Ouyang, S. Sasaki, K. Umeda. Effects of different additives on microstructure and high temperature tribological properties of plasma-sprayed Cr2O3 ceramic coatings, Wear, 249 (1-2) (2001) 56-66. J.H. Ouyang, S. Sasaki, K. Umeda. The friction and wear characteristics of plasma-sprayed ZrO2-Cr2O3-CaF2 from room temperature to 800oC, Journal of Materials Science, 36 (3) (2001) 547-555. J.H. Ouyang, S. Sasaki, K. Umeda. Low-pressure plasma-sprayed ZrO2-CaF2 composite coating for high temperature tribological applications, Surface and Coatings Technology, 137(1) (2001) 21-30. J.H. Ouyang, S. Sasaki. Unlubricated friction and wear behavior of low-pressure plasma-sprayed ZrO2 coating at elevated temperatures, Ceramics International, 27(3)(2001) 251-260. J.H. Ouyang, S. Nowotny, A. Richter, E. Beyer. Characterization of laser clad yttria partially-stabilized ZrO2 ceramic coatings on steel 16MnCr5, Surface and Coatings Technology, 137(1) (2001) 12-20. J.H. Ouyang, S. Nowotny, A. Richter, E. Beyer. Laser cladding of yttria partially stabilized ZrO2 (YPSZ) ceramic coatings on aluminum alloys, Ceramics International, 27(1)(2001) 15-24. 2000 J.H. Ouyang, X. Li. Laser remelting of plasma-sprayed yttria partially stabilized zirconia coatings, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 9 (5) (2000) 516-521. J.H. Ouyang, X. Li, T.C. Lei. Transmission electron microscopy structure study of laser clad TiC particle reinforced coating, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 9(2)(2000) 234-246. 1999 Da-wei Zhang, TC Lei, Ji-ge Zhang, Jia-hu Ouyang. The effects of heat treatment on microstructure and erosion properties of laser surface-clad Ni-base alloy, Surface and Coatings Technology, 115 (2-3) (1999) 176-183. Q. Li, T.C. Lei, J.H. Ouyang, D.Z. Yang, Y. Zhou. Microstructural characterisation of laser clad coating of nickel based alloy with dissolved SiCp, Mater. Sci. Tech.-Lond., 15(1999) 323-327. 1998 B.S. Li, J.H. Ouyang, Q.C. Li. Wear mechanism of XDTM TiB2/ZL201 alloy in-situ composites, Journal of Materials Science, 33(1998) 2195-2202. J.H. Ouyang, Y.B. Chen, T.C. Lei. Microstructure of bonding zones (BZs) in laser clad TiC-reinforced Ni-alloy coating, Chinese Journal of Lasers B, (B7)(5)(1998) 451-458. 1996 Y.T. Pei, J.H. Ouyang, T.C. Lei. Microstructure of bonding zones in laser clad Ni-alloy based composite coatings reinforced with various ceramics powders, Metall. Mater. Trans. A-Struct., 27A(1996) 391-400. Y.T. Pei, J.H. Ouyang, T.C. Lei. Laser cladding of ZrO2 (2Y) ceramic coating, Surface and Coatings Technology, 81(2-3)(1996) 131-135. T.C. Lei, J.H. Ouyang, Y.T. Pei, Y. Zhou. Microstructure and sliding wear properties of laser clad TiN reinforced composite coating, Surface Engineering, 12(1)(1996) 55-60. 1995 Y.T. Pei, J.H. Ouyang, T.C. Lei, Y. Zhou. Laser clad ZrO2-Y2O3 ceramic/Ni-base alloy composite coatings, Ceramics International, 21(1995) 131-136. Y.T. Pei, J.H. Ouyang, T.C. Lei, Y. Zhou. Microstructure of laser clad SiC/Ni-alloy composite coating, Mat. Sci. Eng. A-Struct., A194(1995) 219-224. T.C. Lei, J.H. Ouyang, Y.T. Pei, Y. Zhou. Microstructure and wear resistance of laser clad TiC-particle-reinforced coating, Mater. Sci. Tech.-Lond., 11(1995) 520-525. J.H. Ouyang, Y.T. Pei, T.C. Lei, Y. Zhou. Tribological behavior of laser clad TiC-reinforced composite coating, Wear, 185(1995) 167-172. 1994 J.H. Ouyang, Y.T. Pei, X.D. Li, T.C. Lei. Effect of tempering temperature on microstructure and sliding wear properties of laser quenched 4Cr13 steel, Wear, 177(1994) 203-208. 1993 Jiahu Ouyang, Xiaodong Li, Yutao Pei. Structure and properties of laser quenched 4Cr13 steel, Chinese Journal of Lasers B (English Edition),B2(5) (1993) 475-480. Please send email to ouyangjh@hit.edu.cn for request of reprints. Contact Information 名称 Professor Jia-Hu Ouyang, Ph. D. Institute for Advanced Ceramics School of Materials Science and Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology, PO Box 433 Harbin 150001, China; email: ouyangjh@hit.edu.cn http://iac.hit.edu.cn http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/pages/ouyangjiahu ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1764-5676 Scopus Author ID: 7102679259 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=7102679259 Biography 名称 Jia-Hu Ouyang is a full professor of materials science, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT). He received his BS in 1988 from Wuhan University of Technology, MS (1991) and PhD (1994) in materials science from HIT, China. He joined the faculty of Materials Science and Engineering at HIT in 1994. He was the recipient of an Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) research fellowship at Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology (IWS), Germany. He worked as a senior researcher at National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan, for three and a half years, and Southern Methodist University (SMU), USA, for another two years. His current research interests include advanced ceramics and composites, tribomaterials, advanced surface engineering, and rare-earth energy materials. He has authored or coauthored more than 300 peer-reviewed journal papers, and he was selected as one of World Top 2% Scientists in the field of materials. For more information, please send an email at ouyangjh@hit.edu.cn. Biography Updated on 21 Dec. 2021. Education 名称 Ph. D. Sept. 1991--- Nov. 1994, Materials Science, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China (http://www.hit.edu.cn/) M.S. Sept. 1988-- Mar 1991, Materials Science, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China (http://www.hit.edu.cn/) B.S. Sept. 1984--July 1988, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China (http://www.whut.edu.cn/) Professional Experiences 名称 April 2005-present, Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, China (http://www.hit.edu.cn/) January 2009- April 2009 CSC Senior Researcher, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Japan (http://www.aist.go.jp/) August 2002- March 2005 JST research fellow, Tribology Group, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Japan (http://www.aist.go.jp/) Oct.2000-August 2002 Senior Visiting Scholar, Research Center for Advanced Manufacturing, School of Engineering, Southern Methodist University (SMU), Dallas, USA (http://www.smu.edu/) Oct.1999-Sept.2000 AIST research fellow, Tribology Group, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Japan (http://www.aist.go.jp/) June 1998-Sept.1999 Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) research fellow, Research Group of Laser Materials Processing, Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology, Dresden, Germany (http://www.iws.fraunhofer.de/) Nov. 1996-May 1998, Associate Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China (http://www.hit.edu.cn/) Nov. 1994-Oct. 1996, Lecturer, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China (http://www.hit.edu.cn/) Awards 名称 June 1998-Sept.1999 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellowship award, Germany Oct.1999-Sept.2000 Agency of Industrial Science and Technology research fellowship award, METI, Japan 2006 Supported by Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, China Associations and Professional Activities 名称 Guest Professor, Wuhan University of Technology, China Program Reviewer, Materials and Advanced Manufacturing Division, National High-Tech 863 Program Program Reviewer, National Science and Technology Major Projects Program Reviewer, Materials and Engineering Science Division, National Natural Science Foundation of China Secretary-General, Surface Engineering Society of Heilongjiang province Paper Reviewer for international journals of Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Nano Energy, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Surface & Coatings Technology, Wear, Materials Science and Engineering A, Materials Letters, Journal of Materials Science, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Advances in Advanced Ceramics, Experimental Mechanics, Tribology International, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Applied Physics A --Materials Science & Processing, Applied Surface Science, Vacuum, International Journal of Nanoscience, Current Nanoscience, Corrosion Science, Materials & Design, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, Solid State Ionics, Crystal Growth & Design, Journal of Power Sources, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, Journal of Inorganic Materials, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Ceramics International, Powder Technology, Journal of Advanced Ceramics, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Surface Review and Letters, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Philosophical Magazine, Philosophical Magazine Letters, Tribology Letters, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, New Journal of Chemistry, Electrochimica Acta, Materials Research Bulletin, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Infrared Physics & Technology, Physica Status Solidi A, Journal of Coordination Chemistry, Journal of Materials Research, Ionics, Journal of Nanomaterials, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, ChemSusChem, Chemical Engineering Journal, ChemElectroChem, etc. Member of Editorial Board: Applied Surface Science (Guest Editor, Elsevier); Surface & Coatings Technology (Guest Editor, Elsevier) ; International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials (Springer, USTB); Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering (Taylor & Francis Group); Lubricants (MDPI) Heat Treatment of Metals; Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment Member of International Advisory Committee, International Congress on Ceramics (Italy); Member, the American Ceramics Society; Member, Chinese Materials Research Society; Member, Chinese Society of Astronautics; Senior Member, Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society; Member, Chinese Heat Treatment Society; Member, Heilongjiang Overseas Returned Scholars Association. Research Interests 名称 Synthesis, characterization and applications of nanoscale ceramic powders, functional coatings and thin films Advanced tribo-materials Rare-earth energy materials; Electrolyte materials for applications of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs); Materials for nuclear waste immobilisation Environmental damage behavior of materials under extreme conditions;high-temperature corrosion; high-temperature wear Advanced manufacturing and rapid prototyping of materials Ongoing Projects 名称 Research funds from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National High-Tech 863 program, the National Science and Technology Major Projects, the program from Heilongjiang Touyan Team, the program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, the Start-up program for high-level HIT faculty returned from abroad, and R &D programs from different types of enterprises. Courses 名称 Sintering and Processing of Advanced Ceramics (For undergraduate students) Principles and Testing Techniques on Friction and Wear of Materials (For undergraduate students) Fundamentals of Ceramics Science and Engineering (For undergraduate students) Fundamentals on Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials Fabrication Science (For postgraduate students) Fundamentals on Tribology of Materials (For postgraduate students) Ceramic Materials (For foreign postgraduate students) Surface Physics and Chemistry of Materials (For foreign postgraduate students) Introduction to Advanced Materials (Special topics for foreign postgraduate students) Team Members 名称 Associate professor: Dr. Zhan-Guo Liu PhD candidates: Mr. Yu-Hao Wang, Mr. Ali Mohammed Ismail Elgazzar (Egypt), Mr. Sheng-Jian Zhou, Mr. Yun-Zhuo Zhang, Mr. Zi-Jian Peng, Mr. Jun-Teng Yao Graduate students for Master degree: Mr. Wen-Liang Jin, Mr. Cong Gui, Mr. Zi-Heng Wang, Mr. Wei-Jian Miao, Mr. Fan-Bin Wu Undergraduate students: Mr. Jia-Hao Li Alumni 名称 【Graduated students awarded for PhD, Master or Bachelor Degree】 Postdoc: Dr. De-Sheng Lv (2009)PhD: Dr. Zhan-Guo Liu (2009. 10) Dr. Yu-Feng Li (2009. 10) Dr. Xiao-Liang Xia (2011. 07) Dr. Zhen-Lin Yang (2012. 04) Dr. Xue-Song Liang (2012. 10) Dr. Hong-Zhi Liu (2013. 01) Dr. Ms. Jun Xiang (2013. 10) Dr. Ms. Yi-Jing Gu (2014. 01) Dr. Ms. Yuan-Hong Wang (2014. 07) Dr. Ms. Xiu-Ping Zhang (2016. 01) Dr. Mr. Abdelkhalek Henniche (Algeria) (2018.10) Dr. Mr. Zhi-Gang Wang (2019.10) Dr. Mr. Yong-Hui Ma (2020.04) Dr. Mr. Yu-Jun Jin (2021.01) Dr. Mr. Gui Cao (2022.09) Dr. Mr. Yu-Hao Wang (2023.09) Master Degree: Mr. Zhan-Guo Liu (2005), Mr. Yu-Feng Li (2005) Mr. Jian Zhang (2006) Mr. Xue-Song Liang (2007), Mr. Xu Chen (2007), Mr. Bai-He Wang (2007) Mr. Zhen-Lin Yang (2008), Ms. Yan-Qin Cui (2008), Mr. Hong-Zhi Liu (2008), Ms. Xiao-Lei Zeng (2008) Mr. Ji-Yong Zhong (2009), Ms. Yuan-Hong Wang (2009), Mr. Jian-Jian Dong (2009), Mr. Guo-Ning Fu (2009) Ms. Lian-Hong Gong (2010), Mr. Shuai Gao (2010), Mr. Jie Wen (2010) Mr. Xian-Zhong Xiong (2011), Mr.Jia-Lin Duan (2011) Mr. Hong Chen (2012), Mr. Wei-Heng Zhang (2012) Mr. Cheng-Cheng Shi (2013), Mr. Fan Liu (2013), Mr. Ren-Xian Zhu (2013) Mr. Yacine Hamiche (Algeria) (2014), Mr. Kai-Jun Hu (2014), Mr. Yong-Hui Ma (2014), Mr. Yu-Jun Jin (2014), Mr. Romane Mounder (Algeria) (2014) Ms. Cheng Zhu (2015), Mr. Bo Wang (2015), Mr. Yan-Jie Xu (2015) Mr. Ying-Yong Gong (2016), Ms. Jiao-Jie Cui (2016), Mr. Tian-Gang Yu (2016) Mr. Zhen-Huan Wu (2017), Mr. Shi-Feng Yuan (2017), Mr. Guang-Zong Li (2017) Mr. Gui Cao (2018), Mr. Wen-Qi Zhang (2018), Ms. Ling-Yue Tan (2018), Mr. Bing-Yan Chang (2018), Mr. Ji Wang (2018), Mr. Mei-Zhu Shi (2018) Ms. Xu-Yang Zhen (2019), Mr. Yu Gong (2019), Ms. Sanju Lamichhane (Nepal) (2019) Ms. Ling-Yun Xie (2020),Mr. Mu-Zhi Li (2020),Mr. Rui-Jun Yao (2020) Mr. Chong Jing (2021), Mr. Ying Li (2021) Mr. Jun-Xin Fu (2022) Mr. Yong-Bo Yu (2023) Bachelor Degree: Mr. Yi Zhang (2006), Mr. De Liu (2006) Mr. Ji-Yong Zhong (2007), Mr. Feng-Jiao Cao (2007) Ms. Jing Li (2008) Mr. Xian-Zhong Xiong (2009), Mr. Jia-Lin Duan (2009) Ms. Sa Li (2010), Mr. Xue-Rong Wang (2010) Ms. Xiao-Ming Liu (2011), Mr.Ren-Xian Zhu (2011) Mr. Kai-Jun Hu (2012), Mr. Zhuo-Er Chen (2012), Mr. Xiang-Xin Wu (2012) Ms. Fu-Yao Yan (2013), Ms. Cheng Zhu (2013), Mr. Jun-Yao Wang (2013) Ms. Jiao-Jie Cui (2014), Mr. Tian-Gang Yu (2014), Mr. Lin Jing (2014), Ms. Xiao-Kang Li (2014) Mr. Zhen-Huan Wu (2015), Mr. Shi-Feng Yuan (2015), Mr. Yu Liu (2015), Mr. Qiang Tang (2015) Mr. Kai Chen (2016), Mr. Si-Bo He (2016), Ms. Heng Wen (2016), Mr. Gui Cao (2016) Mr. Yu-Hao Wang (2017), Mr. Jing-Qin Zhang (2017), Ms. Xin-Yu Liu (2017) Ms. Ling-Yun Xie (2018), Mr. Zi-Jian Ju (2018), Mr. Wang-Jin Li (2018) Mr. Jing-Peng Shi (2019), Mr. Jia-Xin Li (2019) Mr. Yun-Zhuo Zhang (2020), Mr. Hao-Xian Zhu (2020) Mr. Shou-Da Chen (2021), Mr. Xiao Xu (2021) Ms. Si-Yu Fang (2022), Ms. Ke-Jing Hu (2022) Mr. Zi-Heng Wang (2023) 【Outstanding graduated students, Heilongjiang province】 Dr. Zhan-Guo Liu (2009, Ph.D.) Dr. Xiao-Liang Xia (2011, Ph.D.) 【Outstanding graduated students, Harbin Institute of Technology】 Dr. Zhan-Guo Liu (2009, Ph.D.), Dr. Yu-Feng Li (2009, Ph.D.), Mr.Ji-Yong Zhong (2009, M.S.) Dr. Xiao-Liang Xia (2011, Ph.D.) Ms. Fu-Yao Yan (2013, B.S.) Ms. Jiao-Jie Cui (2014, B.S.) Ms. Cheng Zhu (2015, M.S.) Mr. Kai Chen (2016, B.S.) Mr. Si-Bo He (2016, B.S.) Dr. Abdelkhalek Henniche (Algeria) (2017, Outstanding foreign graduate students) Dr. Abdelkhalek Henniche (Algeria) (2018, Chinese Government Outstanding Student Scholarship, Ph. D.) Dr. Yong-Hui Ma (2019, Ph. D.) Ms. Si-Yu Fang (2022, B.S.) 【Outstanding Dissertations, Harbin Institute of Technology】 Dr. Zhan-Guo Liu (2009, Ph.D.) Ms. Sa Li (2010, B.S.) Ms. Xiao-Ming Liu (2011, B.S.) Mr. Kai-Jun Hu (2012, B.S.) Ms. Fu-Yao Yan (2013, B.S.) Ms. Cheng Zhu (2015, M.S.) Mr. Tian-Gang Yu (2016, M.S.) Mr. Kai Chen (2016, B.S.) Mr. Jing-Peng Shi (2019, B.S.) Mr. Rui-Jun Yao (2020, M.S.) 【Exchange students from National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan, China)】 Mr. Jian-Zhi Lin (2007, Dept. Materials Science) Ms. Yu-Qiao Su (2008, Dept. Mechanical Engineering) Ms. Yu-Zhen Lin (2009, Dept. Materials Science) Ms. Ji-Ren Zhang (2009, Dept. Materials Science) Mr. Bing-Zhen Cai (2011, Dept. Materials Science) Research Opportunities for Prospective Students 名称 Graduate students who are interested in PhD or postdoc positions send an email at ouyangjh@hit.edu.cn
